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Computer-mediated communication preferences predict ... · Computer-mediated communication preferences predict biobehavioral measures of social-emotional functioning Sarah Babkirka,b,

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Page 1: Computer-mediated communication preferences predict ... · Computer-mediated communication preferences predict biobehavioral measures of social-emotional functioning Sarah Babkirka,b,

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Social Neuroscience

ISSN: 1747-0919 (Print) 1747-0927 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/psns20

Computer-mediated communication preferencespredict biobehavioral measures of social-emotional functioning

Sarah Babkirk, Peter Luehring-Jones & Tracy A. Dennis-Tiwary

To cite this article: Sarah Babkirk, Peter Luehring-Jones & Tracy A. Dennis-Tiwary (2015):Computer-mediated communication preferences predict biobehavioral measures of social-emotional functioning, Social Neuroscience, DOI: 10.1080/17470919.2015.1123181

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17470919.2015.1123181

Accepted author version posted online: 27Nov 2015.Published online: 18 Dec 2015.

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Page 2: Computer-mediated communication preferences predict ... · Computer-mediated communication preferences predict biobehavioral measures of social-emotional functioning Sarah Babkirka,b,

Computer-mediated communication preferences predict biobehavioralmeasures of social-emotional functioningSarah Babkirka,b, Peter Luehring-Jonesc and Tracy A. Dennis-Tiwaryb,a

aDepartment of Psychology, The Graduate Center, The City University of New York, New York, NY, USA; bDepartment of Psychology, HunterCollege, The City University of New York, New York, NY, USA; cDepartment of Psychology, The City College of New York, The City Universityof New York, New York, NY, USA

ABSTRACTThe use of computer-mediated communication (CMC) as a form of social interaction hasbecome increasingly prevalent, yet few studies examine individual differences that may shedlight on implications of CMC for adjustment. The current study examined neurocognitiveindividual differences associated with preferences to use technology in relation to social–emotional outcomes. In Study 1 (N = 91), a self-report measure, the Social MediaCommunication Questionnaire (SMCQ), was evaluated as an assessment of preferences forcommunicating positive and negative emotions on a scale ranging from purely via CMC topurely face-to-face. In Study 2, SMCQ preferences were examined in relation to event-relatedpotentials (ERPs) associated with early emotional attention capture and reactivity (the frontalN1) and later sustained emotional processing and regulation (the late positive potential(LPP)). Electroencephalography (EEG) was recorded while 22 participants passively viewedemotional and neutral pictures and completed an emotion regulation task with instructionsto increase, decrease, or maintain their emotional responses. A greater preference for CMCwas associated with reduced size of and satisfaction with social support, greater early (N1)attention capture by emotional stimuli, and reduced LPP amplitudes to unpleasant stimuli inthe increase emotion regulatory task. These findings are discussed in the context of possibleemotion- and social-regulatory functions of CMC.

ARTICLE HISTORYReceived 24 February 2015Accepted 17 November 2015Published online 21December 2015

KEYWORDSComputer-mediatedcommunication; event-relatedpotentials; emotion

The immense popularity of computer-mediated com-munication (CMC) tools such as texting and social net-working sites like Facebook have transformed thenature of our social interactions. Using CMC, we canaccomplish many key social–emotional goals, such asexpressing one’s emotions, seeking or giving support,building and maintaining relationships, and alleviatingloneliness (Fox, Warber, & Makstaller, 2013). Yet,research concerning the psychological and interperso-nal impact of CMC is scarce and often contradictory. Atthe beginning of the new millennium, a wave ofresearch on CMC emphasized its potential to detractfrom our psychosocial health, such as increasing lone-liness and depression (e.g., Kraut et al., 1998). Onehypothesis was that people who are more psychoso-cially distressed and socially -isolated prefer CMC(Caplan, 2003), in part because it is perceived as a lessemotionally risky alternative to face-to-face interactions(Bargh & McKenna, 2004; Madell & Muncer, 2007;McKenna & Bargh, 1999, 2000). Previous research hassuggested that this preference may serve to reinforce

psychosocial distress and maladaptive patterns of socialinteraction (e.g., Caplan, 2003; Walther, 1996, 2007)such as increases in depression and loneliness (e.g.,Stepanikova, Nie, & He, 2010) and neglect of existingclose relationships (Kraut et al., 1998; Nie, 2001).

In contrast, following this early wave of research,empirical evidence documenting an array of benefitsassociated with CMC has emerged (e.g., Kraut et al.,2002). For example, greater use of CMC has been cor-related with more time spent face-to-face with familyand friends (Kraut et al., 2002), greater involvement inoff-line activities (Kirschner & Karpinski, 2010), andgreater extraversion (Ross et al., 2009). Thus, particularlywith the increasing accessibility and pervasiveness ofCMC in our daily lives (e.g., Caplan, 2003), CMC mayreflect normative ways of communicating and meetingsocial–emotional needs (Kraut et al., 2002; McKenna &Bargh, 2000; Shaw & Gant, 2002) and support adaptiveefforts to increase positive social interactions and formmeaningful interpersonal relationships (McKenna,Green, & Gleason, 2002).

CONTACT Tracy A. Dennis-Tiwary [email protected]

SOCIAL NEUROSCIENCE, 2015http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17470919.2015.1123181

© 2015 Taylor & Francis




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Yet, several methodological issues complicate theinterpretation of previous studies. First, previous studiesrelied upon broad self-report measures of CMC (e.g.,hours of CMC use/week) instead of measures thatreflect preferences and goals of CMC use, which mayhave more direct relevance for social–emotional func-tioning (Carpenter, 2012; DeAndrea & Walther, 2011)and can be used to characterize individual differencesin specific patterns of CMC use. Second, while it iscrucially important to examine links between CMC useor preferences and individual differences in social–emo-tional communication, understanding the nature ofthese associations requires assessment of related affec-tive–cognitive mechanisms.

To address these methodological issues, Study 1assessed a measure of preference for communicatingemotions either face-to-face versus via CMC. First, par-ticipants were asked about the time they spend enga-ging in CMC or face-to-face interactions, as well as theirpreferences for communicating various positive andnegative emotions or affective experiences on a spec-trum ranging from purely face-to-face contexts (i.e.,talking in person in real time, video chats) to purelyCMC context (i.e., text messages, Facebook statusupdates). Thus, CMC versus face-to-face preferenceswere quantified in specific social–emotional communi-cation contexts. Specifically, the Social MediaCommunication Questionnaire (SMCQ) is intended toidentify key individual differences in patterns of prefer-ences for communication via CMC versus face-to-faceinteractions. We further examined associations betweenthis self-report measure and patterns of CMC use (aFacebook Browsing Task) to provide converging evi-dence that the questionnaire captures individual differ-ences that vary with specific patterns of CMC use.

In Study 2, neurocognitive indices of emotionalattention capture and regulation were measured, inparticular those that have been targeted as mechan-isms underlying social–emotional well-being (e.g.,DeCicco, Solomon, & Dennis, 2012; Groen, Wijers,Tucha, & Althaus, 2013; MacNamara & Hajcak, 2009).We leveraged the use of scalp-recorded event-relatedpotentials (ERPs) because of their excellent temporalresolution, allowing for examination of both relativelyearly and automatic emotional attention capture andreactivity, and later emerging, more effortful regulationof emotional responses. Thus, the sensitivity and speci-ficity of ERPs allow for the precise measurement of thetime course of emotional processing associated withCMC preferences. The current study examined twoERPs: the N1 and the late positive potential (LPP).

The frontal N1 is an early, rapid, negative ERP that ismaximal at approximately 100–150 ms post-stimulus

onset at frontal and central recording sites (Lithariet al., 2010). This early negativity is thought to reflectautomatic attentional capture of emotional comparedto neutral images (Cuthbert, Schupp, Bradley, McManis,& Lang, 1998; Keil et al., 2001, 2002; Lithari et al., 2010;Olofsson, Nordin, Sequeira, & Polich, 2008), and is dis-tinct from later cognitive components associated withemotional processing. N1 amplitudes are also greater inresponse to highly arousing emotional images com-pared to less-arousing emotional images (Keil et al.,2001; Lithari et al., 2010). The N1 (N110) also has beenspecifically associated with social–emotional processesrelated to subjective emotional reactivity. For example,recent research has indicated that N1 amplitudes aremore positive when participants view images depictingothers in pain versus nonpainful stimuli (Decety, Yang,& Cheng, 2010; Fan & Han, 2008; Mella, Studer, Gilet, &Labouvie-Vief, 2012; Meng et al., 2012) and N1 ampli-tudes are correlated with subjective experiences ofunpleasantness and magnitude of perceived pain (Fan& Han, 2008). Based on this body of research, thecurrent study targeted the N1 to examine rapid atten-tional capture by emotional information, suggestive ofgreater subjective reactivity, in relation to patterns ofCMC preferences.

The LPP is a slow-going positive waveform thatemerges around 200–300 ms following the presenta-tion of a stimulus and is sustained throughout and evenfollowing stimulus presentation (Hajcak & Olvet, 2008).The LPP is thought to reflect sustained attention anddetailed processing of motivationally salient and emo-tionally evocative stimuli (Cuthbert, Schupp, Bradley,Birbaumer, & Lang, 2000). LPP amplitudes are of greatermagnitude to arousing pleasant and unpleasant stimulias compared to neutral stimuli (e.g., Cuthbert et al.,2000; Foti & Hajcak, 2008; Hajcak & Nieuwenhuis,2006), and subjective reports of greater emotional arou-sal are associated with greater LPP amplitudes(Cuthbert et al., 2000). Furthermore, when individualsare asked to flexibly modulate their emotionalresponses to stimuli, LPP amplitudes reflect thesechanges. For example, when participants are asked toengage in cognitive reappraisal (CR) by re-interpretingthe meaning of an unpleasant image in a more positiveway, LPP amplitudes are reduced in adults (Foti &Hajcak, 2008; MacNamara, Ochsner, & Hajcak, 2011)and children (DeCicco, O’Toole, & Dennis, 2014; Dennis& Hajcak, 2009; Hajcak & Dennis, 2009; Moser, Hajcak,Bukay, & Simons, 2006), suggesting that the LPP mayhave utility as a neural indicator of emotion regulationcapacity (Babkirk, Rios, & Dennis, 2014). Furthermore,the LPP also reflects emotional flexibility when partici-pants are asked to increase their emotional responses





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to unpleasant stimuli (Moser, Most, & Simons, 2010), ordecrease their responses to pleasant stimuli (Hajcak,Moser, & Simons, 2006). In addition, the LPP is sensitiveto individual differences in well-being, specifically anxi-ety and depression. For example, children with greateranxious-depressed symptoms show reduced ability toflexibly modulate emotional responses during a direc-ted reappraisal task, as indicated by the LPP (DeCiccoet al., 2012, 2014; Dennis & Hajcak, 2009). In bothchildren and adults, greater LPP amplitudes to unplea-sant compared to neutral stimuli is associated withgreater anxiety (DeCicco et al., 2012, 2014; MacNamara& Hajcak, 2009). Thus, the current study targets the LPPas a neural indicator of individual differences in sus-tained reactivity to arousing emotional stimuli (in con-trast to the N1, which reflects relatively early and briefemotional attention and reactivity), and as an indicatorof regulatory flexibility.

In Study 1, we examined whether the SMCQ hasinternally consistent subscales reflecting CMC prefer-ences for a range of social–communication goals.Next, Study 2 took as a starting point the assumptionthat if CMC functions as a method through whichsocial–emotional communication is facilitated whenface-to-face communication is perceived as challen-ging or when social support satisfaction is low, thenthe following associations would be expected toemerge: Greater preference for CMC versus face-to-face communication will be associated with: (a)decreased quality and satisfaction with social supportnetworks (b) greater amplitude N1 and LPP during apassive viewing (PV) task, indicating increased atten-tion capture by emotional images; and (c) bluntedability to intentionally increase or decrease emotionalresponses to emotional stimuli as measured via theLPP in a CR task, suggesting reduced regulatory flex-ibility. Study 2 included an assessment of social mediabehavior (a Facebook Browsing Task) in order toassess whether the CMC questionnaire captured indi-vidual differences associated with specific patterns ofCMC use.

Study 1


ParticipantsNinety-one adults (66 females, 25 males), aged 18–32 years (M = 19.1, SD = 2.5), participated in Study 1.Participants were recruited through the psychology par-ticipant research pool at Hunter College, the CityUniversity of New York. Self-reported race/ethnicitywas: 7 (7.7%) African-American, 13 (14.3%) Hispanic,

25 (27.5%) Caucasian, 32 (35.2%) Asian, 2 (2.2%)Pacific Islander, and 12 (13.2%) other.

Materials and procedureSocial Media and Communication Questionnaire.After giving informed consent, participants completedthe SMCQ as part of a larger study. The SMCQ is a newlydeveloped research tool that assesses participants’ pre-ferences in accomplishing specific active social commu-nication goals via CMC (e.g., Facebook updates, textmessages, blogging) relative to real-time face-to facecommunication (a category that includes dual-partici-pant video chat but excludes voice-only phone calls). Ina pencil-and-paper questionnaire, participants wereasked to recall their communication preferences overthe past 6 months for 27 different categories of com-munication (e.g., sharing anger or boredom, feelingscared, asking for information, etc.) and to reportthose preferences on a Likert-like scale for each com-munication category (1 = only CMC and never face-to-face communication, 7 = never CMC and only face to-face communication). These data revealed a richlydetailed portrait of the individual communication pre-ferences of each participant. The data captured by theSMCQ were then analyzed by means of a principalcomponent analysis (PCA) (varimax rotation withKaiser normalization) in order to group communicationcategories with highly correlated CMC or face-to-facepreferences into relevant subscales for furtherinvestigation.

Beck Depression Inventory. The Beck DepressionInventory (BDI; Beck, Steer, & Brown, 1996) was usedto assess symptoms of depression in study participantson a 0–63 point scale. Scores below 17 indicated a lackof clinical depression, while scores between 17 and 20indicated borderline clinical depression, and scores over20 indicated clinical depression of increasing severity.BDI scores were correlated with SMCQ scores (discussedbelow) to determine whether a relationship betweenthe two scores existed in the participant data.

Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale. TheDifficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS; Gratz &Roemer, 2004) is a 36-item self-report questionnairedesigned to assess aspects of emotion dysregulation onsix subscales, including nonacceptance of emotionalresponses, difficulties engaging in goal-directed behavior,impulse control difficulties, lack of emotional awareness,limited access to emotion regulation strategies, and lackof emotional clarity. Participants responded to each of 36statements about their personal regulation of emotion ona 1 (almost-never) to 5 (almost-always) scale. In this study,





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data from the questionnaire were compared againstSMCQ results to determine if certain aspects of emotionaldysregulation were common to participants’ reportedCMC preferences.


Principal component analysis of the SMCQPrior to conducting a PCA, the data were examined fortheir suitability for the technique. Bartlett’s test of spheri-city yielded a significant result [χ2 (351) = 1065.873,p < .001], as did the Kaiser–Meyer–Olin measure of sam-pling adequacy (KMO = .773), indicating that the degreeof response overlap and the size of the sample wereboth sufficiently large to support the use of PCA.Criteria used for the identification of individual compo-nents were (1) eigenvalues greater than 1, and (2) factorloadings higher than .500. An initial exploratory factoranalysis (EFA) was conducted using half of the sample,selected by random (n = 48).1 The EFA yielded sevenpossible components, but of those seven, only threecomponents were conceptually meaningful. A confirma-tory factor analysis (CFA) was then run on those threecomponents, using the remaining randomly selected halfof the participants (n = 49).2 SMCQ subscales identifiedby the confirmatory PCA were as follows: (1) positivesocial communication (e.g., chat with friends, get toknow people, keep in touch with people) (α = .78), (2)expressing distress (e.g., communicate worry, seek emo-tional support, have a disagreement) (α = .87), and (3)casual communication (e.g., offer advice, communicateinterest, communicate boredom) (α = .70). The appendixincludes a list of the SMCQ factors that were included ineach of the three subscales.

The SMCQ and emotional adjustment measuresTwo of the CMC preference scales were significantly cor-related with depressive symptoms: A CMC versus face-to-face preference for expressing distress, [r(91) = −.296,p = .004] and casual communication [r(91) = −.234,p = .03] were associated with greater levels of depressivesymptoms. In addition, SMCQ scores were related to diffi-culties in emotion regulation. Specifically, a CMC prefer-ence for casual communication was associated withgreater difficulties engaging in goal-directed behavior [r(91) = −.246, p = .02], greater nonacceptance of emotionalresponses [r(91) = −.202, p = .05], and greater lack ofemotional clarity [r(91) = −284, p = .01]. A CMC preferencefor expressing distress was also associated with a greaterlack of emotional clarity [r(91) = −.243, p = .02]. A CMCpreference for positive social communication was notsignificantly correlated with emotional adjustmentmeasures.


The PCAs revealed three distinct and internally consis-tent subscales: positive social communication, expres-sing distress, and casual communication. Thesedomains likely capture distinct and meaningful aspectsof CMC communication preferences. Specifically, a cru-cial question left unanswered by these previous studiesis whether all types of active CMC are associated withadaptive social–emotional functioning or if this associa-tion depends upon individual differences in patterns ofCMC use. An emerging model of interpersonal commu-nication and well-being argues that the social sharingof positive events, termed capitalization (Gable & Reis,2010), has psychosocial benefits, such as increased posi-tive emotion, greater satisfaction with social support,and decreased loneliness, when others respond in anactive and constructive manner. In addition, it is possi-ble that using CMC to express negative experiences andemotions may reap psychological benefits similar tothat found for expressive writing, such as reducedmood problems (Lepore, 1997; Sloan & Marx, 2004),and greater satisfaction with social support (Baker &Moore, 2008). The findings of the current study suggestthat preferences to use CMC for all types of emotionsmeasured are associated with greater depressive symp-toms, and a CMC preference for casual communicationand expressing distress are related to greater difficultieswith emotion regulation. One possible interpretation ofthese findings is that CMC use may serve as a toolthrough which certain individuals can manage negativeemotional experiences when other strategies are notsufficient. This is consistent with the idea that expres-sing negative emotions via CMC may also enhanceopportunities for the social regulation of emotion byeliciting support and engagement from others, througha constantly accessible medium, and reducing the det-rimental impact of expressing negative emotions dur-ing face-to-face interactions (Lakey, Tardiff, & Drew,1994).

In contrast, using CMC to share positive experiencesor achieve positive communication goals (like staying intouch) may elicit little social support for emotion reg-ulation because social–emotional feedback may lackimmediacy and be relatively “impoverished” (i.e., nofacial or vocal cues for positive social responses)(McKenna & Bargh, 2000; Seltzer, Prososki, Ziegler, &Pollak, 2012). Moreover, using CMC to share positiveexperiences may reduce opportunities for positiveface-to-face social exchanges (Caplan, 2003) or may beused more frequently when an individual has persis-tently unsatisfying face-to-face interactions. Takingthese findings into account provides an alternative





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explanation for the associations between CMC prefer-ences and greater depression and difficulties with emo-tion regulation. That is, some individuals mayexperience greater social isolation in conjunction withCMC use, which may follow from, or exacerbate symp-toms of, depression. In sum, Study 1 identified sub-scales in CMC communication preferences, which maybe uniquely associated with individual differences inresponses to emotion and to social–emotionalfunctioning.

Study 2


ParticipantsTwenty-two adults (11 females, 11 males), aged18–47 years (M = 22.95, SD = 6.65), participated inStudy 2. Participants were recruited through the psy-chology participant research pool at Hunter College,the City University of New York, as well as via campusadvertisements. Self-reported race/ethnicity was: 1(4.5%) African-American, 4 (18.2%) Hispanic, 6 (27.3 %)Caucasian, 10 (45.5 %) Asian, and 1 (4.5 %) reportedother.

Materials and procedureParticipation in this study lasted approximately 3 hours.Following informed consent procedures, participantscompleted the questionnaires described below.Participants then completed PV and CR tasks duringwhich electroencephalography (EEG) data wererecorded continuously. Participants sat approximately65 cm away from a 17 IBM computer monitor onwhich stimuli were displayed in color using E-Primeversion 2.0 (Psychological Software Tools; Pittsburgh,PA). At three points over the course of the lab visit,participants were asked to browse their Facebook pagefor 5 minutes and then categorize how they allocatedthat time (the Facebook Browsing Task). Participantswere compensated with either course credit or $20cash.

Big Five InventoryThe Neuroticism Scale from the 44-item version ofthe Big Five Inventory (John & Srivastava, 1999) wasused to measure emotional instability, moodiness,irritability, anxiety, and sadness. This study specificallyexamined neuroticism as a covariate to account forindividual differences in personality-based generalnegativity.

State-Trait Anxiety InventoryThe 20-item State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (Spielberger,1983) assessed current anxiety by asking participants toevaluate their agreement with statements that describecommon feelings on a four-point Likert scale, from 1(not identifying with the statement at all) to 4 (identify-ing with the statement very much). State anxiety wasexamined as a covariate to account for individual differ-ences in situation-based anxiety.

Social Support ScaleParticipants completed the 12-item Social Support Scale(Sarason, Sarason, Shearin, & Pierce, 1987) to gatherdata about the quality and quantity of social supportin their lives. Social support was operationalized as theaverage number of individuals available to provide sup-port to the participants during periods of stress orpressure, or to offer consolation when needed, etc.Participants also reported the degree to which theywere satisfied with the support received from thesepeople on a scale from 0 (very dissatisfied) to 6 (verysatisfied).

Emotion Regulation QuestionnaireParticipants completed the 10-item Emotion RegulationQuestionnaire (Gross & John, 2003) by indicating on aseven-point Likert scale the degree to which theyagreed or disagreed with statements concerning theiremotional experiences and emotional expressions. Thequestionnaire is designed to elicit information abouttechniques used to regulate emotions.

Facebook Browsing TaskThe Facebook Browsing Task was used to assess pat-terns of CMC behavior and whether they related toCMC preferences measured via the SMCQ. On threeoccasions over the course of the three-hour lab visitparticipants were asked to browse their Facebook pagefor 5 minutes. They were instructed to interact withFacebook as they normally would, albeit with thecaveat that they could not leave the website. Aftereach 5-minute period, participants recorded howmuch time they spent on different Facebook-relatedactivities by completing a checklist based on researchconducted by Wise, Alhabash, and Park (2010). Eachactivity fit into one of four categories: communicationswith friends (e.g., writing on a friend’s Facebook wall,engaging in chat), social browsing (e.g., passively look-ing at profiles), impression management (e.g., writingand posting status updates), and other (e.g., usingapps and listening to music). If participants did nothave a Facebook account (n = 2), the task was not





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conducted. Averages for time spent browsing in each ofthe four categories were calculated across the threebrowsing sessions.

Passive viewing taskParticipants passively viewed 75 unpleasant, 75 plea-sant, and 100 neutral images from the InternationalAffective Picture System (IAPS; Lang, Bradley, &Cuthbert, 2008). Stimuli were presented for 2000 mswith a 1000 ms interstimulus interval and were ran-domly presented. Unpleasant (f = 75) and pleasant(f = 75) stimuli were further divided into subcategories.Unpleasant categories included: threat (f = 35), mutila-tion (f = 22), and mortality (f = 18). Pleasant categoriesincluded: affiliative (f = 42), erotic (f = 27), andother (f = 6).

Cognitive reappraisal taskThe CR task was similar to those used in severalprevious ERP studies (e.g., Krompinger, Moser, &Simons, 2008; Moser et al., 2010). Participants viewedthe same 250 IAPS images from the PV task duringthe CR task. They were instructed to either maintain,increase, or decrease their emotional reaction to eachimage. At the beginning of the task, a research assis-tant explained real life examples of each type ofemotion modulation (e.g., for decrease—“For exam-ple, think of how a doctor enters an emergency room.The doctor knows that he/she will be entering anegative environment and prepares him/herself todeal with that by decreasing the negative emotionshe/she might feel when he/she enters the room.”).Participants then completed a practice block of 12trials (six increase, six decrease) to familiarize themwith the emotion modulation prompts. Images werepresented in two blocks of 25 and four blocks of 50images, with block order and image selection rando-mized between participants but subject to the follow-ing rules: The 50-image blocks paired either 25pleasant or 25 unpleasant images with 25 neutralimages and within each block instructions weregiven to (1) either only increase or only decreaseemotional reactions to the pleasant or unpleasantimages, and (2) maintain emotional reactions to theneutral images. In the two blocks of 25 images, whichcontained either only pleasant or only unpleasantimages, instructions were given to maintain emotionalreactions to the images. Short breaks followed everysecond block. This protocol allowed for the collectionof EEG data related to emotional regulation in sevendifferent categories of CR: INCREASE (pleasant andunpleasant images), DECREASE (pleasant and

unpleasant images), and MAINTAIN (neutral, pleasant,and unpleasant images).

At the beginning of each trial, either the wordincrease, decrease, or maintain appeared on the screen(2000 ms) to instruct the participants how to modulatetheir emotions. Each instruction was followed by animage (2000 ms) and then two questions that requiredparticipant response via keyboard entry. The first ques-tion asked the participant to rate the emotional valenceof the image as either neutral (Maccuracy = 0.72,SDaccuracy = 0.15), pleasant (Maccuracy = 0.54,SDaccuracy = 0.25), or unpleasant (Maccuracy = 0.79,SDaccuracy = 0.19), and the second asked the participantto rate the intensity of the image on a Likert-like scalebetween 1 and 4, with 1 being “mild” and 4 being “veryintense.” As expected, a repeated measures ANOVArevealed a significant main effect of condition on arou-sal ratings, F(1, 21) = 113.08, p < .001. Neutral stimuli(M = 1.46, SD = 0.42) were rated as significantly lessarousing than both pleasant [M = 1.98, SD = 0.62; t(21) = −5.239, p < .001] and unpleasant [M = 2.80,SD = 0.71; t(21) = −10.634, p < .001]. Furthermore,pleasant images were rated as less arousing thanunpleasant images, t(21) = −7.718, p < .001. In addition,a repeated measures ANOVA showed a significant maineffect of emotion subtype (threat, mutilation, mortality,affiliative, and erotic) on arousal ratings, F(4,84) = 44.87, p < .001. Pairwise comparisons revealedthat arousal ratings for each emotion subtype weresignificantly different (p’s < .01), with the followingpattern of arousal magnitude from least to most arous-ing: affiliative (M = 1.86, SE = .13), erotic (M = 2.19,SE = .16), threat (M = 2.57, SE = .16), mortality(M = 2.84, SE = .15), and mutilation (M = 3.12,SE = .15). Following arousal and valance ratings, parti-cipants waited 2500 ms (an interstimulus “relaxationperiod”) for the next image to appear.

EEG recording and data reductionA BioSemi system (BioSemi; Amsterdam, NL), was used torecord EEG activity continuously via 64 Ag/AgCl scalpelectrodes placed in an elasticized nylon cap accordingto the international 10/20 placement system. Eye move-ments were monitored by electro-oculogram (EOG) sig-nals from electrodes placed 1 cmabove and below the lefteye (tomeasure vertical eye movements) and 1 cm on theouter edge of each eye (to measure horizontal eye move-ments). The EEG signal was pre-amplified at each elec-trode to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. During dataacquisition, EEG was recorded at a sampling rate of512 Hz. The voltage from each of the 64 electrodes fromwhich data was collected was referenced online withrespect to the common mode sense active electrode, a





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procedure that produces a monopolar (nondifferential)channel. Brain Vision Analyzer (Version 2.2, BrainProducts GmbH; Munich, DE) was used to prepare thedata. Offline, all data were re-referenced to the averageof the right and left mastoid electrodes and filtered with ahigh-pass frequency of .1 Hz and a low-pass frequency of30 Hz. Stimulus-locked data were segmented into epochsfrom 200 ms before stimulus presentation to 2000 msafter stimulus onset, with a 200 ms baseline correction.These criteria are consistent with previous LPP studiesusing a minimum of 200 ms baseline correction (e.g.,DeCicco et al., 2012; Kujawa, Hajcak, Torpey, Kim, &Klein, 2012; Kujawa, Klein, & Hajcak, 2012).

Artifacts in the EEG data were identified by ocularcorrection (Gratton, Coles, & Donchin, 1983) andremoved from analysis in accordance with the followingcriteria: data with voltage steps greater than 50 µV,changes within a given segment greater than 300 µV,and activity lower than .5 µV per 100 ms. Trials werealso visually inspected and any further artifacts andwere removed on a trial-by-trial-basis.

The N1 was quantified as the mean amplitude from90 to 120 ms over Fz during the PV task3 (Figure 1),separately for pleasant and unpleasant emotion condi-tions, and subsequently for individual emotion subca-tegories (affiliative, erotic, threat, mutilation, andmortality4). Difference scores were calculated to quan-tify early attention capture and reactivity to emotionalversus neutral stimuli. For all N1 conditions, amplitudesto neutral images were subtracted from amplitudes toemotional images to yield difference scores. Larger(more negative) differences indicate greater attentioncapture and reactivity to the emotional versus neutralimages.

The LPP was quantified as the mean amplitude from200 to 800 ms over P3/P5/PO3/PO7 and P4/P6/PO4/P08during the CR task5 (Figure 2). Difference scores werecalculated to quantify the degree to which CR resulted inincreased or decreased LPPs, suggesting modulation ofthe LPP via reappraisal, and thus regulation. These dif-ference scores were calculated by subtracting baselineLPP amplitude (the average LPP amplitude found duringthe neutral—maintain trials in that condition block) fromthe average LPP amplitude found in each of the six CRconditions examined in this study: INCREASE (pleasantand unpleasant images), DECREASE (pleasant andunpleasant images), and MAINTAIN (pleasant andunpleasant images). Larger difference scores indicatedregulation in the predicted direction.

The LPP was also quantified as the mean amplitudefrom 200 to 800ms over P3/P5/PO3/PO7 and P4/P6/PO4/P08 during the PV task. Difference scores were calculated(unpleasant or pleasant—neutral) to quantify the degreeto which the magnitude of the LPP to emotional stimulidiffered from that of neutral stimuli. For PV conditions(affiliative, erotic, threat, mutilation, and mortality),amplitudes to the neutral condition were subtractedfrom amplitudes to emotional conditions. Larger ampli-tude difference scores indicate larger LPPs to emotionalstimuli and suggest facilitated processing relative toneutral stimuli.


Descriptive statisticsDescriptive statistics for the SMCQ subscales and theFacebook Browsing Task are presented in Tables 1 and 2,respectively. Pearson correlations were conducted to test


90 – 120 ms

Unpleasant–1 µV 0 µV 1 µV

Figure 1. Waveforms by condition depicting the N1 at Fz between 90 and 120 ms. The headshots illustrate the grand averagedifference scores for the N1 across the pleasant (minus neutral) and unpleasant (minus neutral) conditions.





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the prediction that greater CMC versus face-to-face com-munication preferences would be associated with reducedquality and satisfaction with participants’ social supportnetworks.

In Study 1, CMC versus face-to-face preferenceswere correlated to self-reported depression symptoms(BDI; Beck et al., 1996) and emotion regulation difficul-ties (DERS; Gratz & Roemer, 2004). No significant cor-relations were found between any of the SMCQ

subscales and depressive symptoms (p’s > .05) in theStudy 2 sample.

As predicted, individuals who preferred to use CMCrather than face-to-face communication overallreported lower numbers of people available to themfor social support. Similarly, a CMC preference forexpressing distress was also associated with fewer peo-ple available for social support. Furthermore, those whopreferred to use CMC for positive communication

–6 µV 0 µV 6 µV

PleasantIncrease 200 – 800 ms







Figure 2. (a) LPP waveforms for pleasant-increase, pleasant-maintain, pleasant-decrease, and neutral-maintain conditions. Theneutral-maintain waveform is averaged across pleasant blocks (increase and decrease). (b) The headshots illustrate the grandaverage difference scores for the pleasant-increase (minus neutral maintain), pleasant-decrease (minus neutral maintain), unplea-sant-increase (minus neutral maintain) and unpleasant-decrease (minus neutral maintain) conditions. (c) LPP waveforms forunpleasant-increase, unpleasant-maintain, unpleasant-decrease, and neutral-maintain conditions. The neutral-maintain waveformis averaged across unpleasant blocks (increase and decrease).

Table 1. Descriptive statistics for the SMCQ scale.SMCQ scale Minimum score Maximum score M (SD)

Positive social communication scale 1.00 5.40 3.63 (1.13)Expressing distress scale 2.14 6.44 4.79 (1.12)Casual communication scale 1.75 6.00 4.21 (1.00)Average communication preference scale 2.31 5.84 4.26 (0.92)





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reported decreased satisfaction with their social sup-port. In summary, a CMC preference was associatedwith reduced quality and satisfaction with social sup-port networks (Table 3).

Pearson bivariate correlations were conducted toidentify covariates to account for the potential contri-bution of personality-based general negativity andsituation-based anxiety to CMC versus face-to-facecommunication preferences, as well as ERPs duringthe PV and CR tasks. No significant correlationsemerged between CMC preferences and state anxietyor neuroticism (p’s > .10). However, three significantcorrelations emerged with ERPs during the PV task:Greater state anxiety was associated with reduced N1sto erotic versus neutral stimuli (r = .443, p < .05), as wellas all pleasant stimuli overall versus neutral stimuli(r = .440, p < .05), whereas greater neuroticism wasassociated with decreased LPPs to affiliative versus neu-tral stimuli (r = −.456, p < .05). Taken together, thispattern suggests that individuals’ state anxiety andneuroticism are associated with decreased early andlater reactivity, respectively, to pleasant stimuli. Basedon these associations, neuroticism and state anxietywere used as covariates in subsequent analyses exam-ining the association between CMC and ERPs.

Facebook Browsing Task and the SMCQPearson bivariate correlations were conducted to exam-ine relationships between patterns of use during theFacebook Browsing Task and CMC versus face-to-facecommunication preferences. A greater overall CMC pre-ference was associated with a greater percentage oftime spent on impression management (r = −.498,p < .05). Examining subtypes of preferences showedthat it was specifically a greater CMC preference forexpressing distress that was significantly associatedwith a greater percentage of time spent on impressionmanagement (r = −.513, p < .05).

CMC preferences and ERP responsesA series of regressions were conducted to test thepredictions that greater CMC versus face-to-face com-munication preferences will be associated with greatermagnitude ERPs (N1 and the LPP) during the PV task,and blunted ability to regulate emotional responses(reflected via LPP amplitudes) during the CR task. Self-reported neuroticism and state anxiety scores wereentered as a covariates (neuroticism: 1st step, stateanxiety: 2nd step) for all regressions. SMCQ scores (posi-tive social communication, expressing distress, andcasual communication) were entered in the 3rd stepand each ERP condition difference score6 was thenentered separately as the dependent variable, for atotal of 20 regressions. For the PV task, regressionswere first conducted with pleasant and unpleasantaggregate scores as the dependent variables, andthen regressions were conducted with emotion subca-tegories (affiliative, erotic, threat, mutilation, and mor-tality) as dependent variables to evaluate theunderlying, more-specific pattern of results.

Passive viewing taskLPP. CMC preferences did not predict LPP amplitudesto overall pleasant or unpleasant images (p’s > .05).However, when emotion subtypes were examinedseparately, a CMC versus face-to-face preference forcasual communication predicted reduced LPP ampli-tudes to affiliative images [β = 1.107, t(21) = 2.74,p = .01, f2 = .42].

N1. A CMC preference, averaged across all domains ofcommunication, predicted greater amplitude N1 topleasant images overall [β = 0.925, t(21) = 3.03,p = .007, f2 = .51; Figure 3]. Individual CMC subscaleswere also related to N1 amplitudes to pleasant stimuli.A greater CMC versus face-to-face preference forexpressing distress [β = 0.587, t(21) = 2.12, p = .048,

Table 2. Descriptive statistics for the Facebook Browsing Task.Facebook activity type Minimum percentage Maximum percentage M (SD)

Communications with friends 0.00 85.00 30.92 (25.46)Social browsing 0.00 100.00 33.81 (25.82)Impression management 0.00 40.00 5.69 (11.41)Other 3.33 98.33 44.03 (29.04)

Table 3. Correlations between the SMCQ and social support scale.Average number of people available for social support Average satisfaction with level of social support

SMCQ positive social communication .395 .443*SMCQ expressing distress .455* .076SMCQ casual communication .412 .299SMCQ average communication reference .507* .276

N = 22 for all correlations; * p < .05, two-tailed; SMCQ scales – lower scores indicate greater CMC preference.





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f2 = .25] and positive social communication [β = 0.808, t(21) = 3.446, p = .003, f2 = .66] both predicted greaterN1 amplitudes to pleasant stimuli. CMC preferenceswere not related to N1 amplitudes to unpleasant stimulioverall.

CMC subscales were also associated with N1 ampli-tudes to individual emotion stimulus types. An overallCMC preference predicted greater amplitude N1 toaffiliative [β = 0.951, t(21) = 2.34, p = .03, f2 = .31] andmutilation [β = 1.44, t(21) = 2.71, p = .01, f2 = .41]images. A CMC preference for expressing distress pre-dicted greater amplitude N1 to mutilation [β = 1.18, t(21) = 2.71, p = .01, f2 = .41]. A CMC preference forcasual communication [β = 0.808, t(21) = 2.11, p = .049,f2 = .25] significantly predicted greater amplitude N1 toaffiliative images. Finally, a CMC preference for positivesocial communication significantly predicted greateramplitude N1 to erotic images [β = 1.00, t(21) = 2.12,p = .048, f2 = .25].

In summary, a CMC preference, versus a face-to-facecommunication preference, was associated with greatercapture of attention by and reactivity to both pleasantand unpleasant stimuli. However, a CMC preference forcasual communication and positive social communica-tion predicted greater attention capture by distinctpositively valenced images (affiliative and erotic,respectively), while a CMC preference for expressingdistress was uniquely associated with greater attentioncapture by mutilation images. This suggests that sub-

types of CMC preference may be linked to uniqueaspects of affective attention capture and reactivity.

Cognitive reappraisal taskLPP. A CMC preference for casual communication pre-dicted reduced LPP amplitudes when participants wereasked to increase their emotional response to unplea-sant stimuli [β = 1.38, t(21) = 2.60, p = .02, f2 = .37]. Noother associations with the LPP during the CR taskreached significance.


Results of the current study were consistent with theidea that a preference for CMC versus face-to-face inter-actions may be more pronounced in those who showincreased attention capture by emotional images.Indeed, CMC may be perceived as less emotionallyevocative or taxing method of communication, particu-larly among individuals who have a smaller social sup-port network or perceive a low level of social support.Due to the correlational nature of these data, causalinferences about direct links between CMC and social–emotional functioning cannot be drawn. Findings are,however, a crucial first step in a future program ofresearch that capitalizes on the sensitivity of neurocog-nitive measures to elucidate the emotional significanceof CMC in the day-to-day lives of users.

First, communication preferences measured via theSMCQ were associated with actual patterns of socialmedia use, measured via the Facebook Browsing Task.A greater preference for CMC was associated with agreater percentage of time spent on impression man-agement, which includes writing and posting statusupdates which can serve as platform for emotionalexpression. This provides preliminary evidence thatthe SMCQ captures preferences that meaningfully relateto actual social media behavior. The Facebook BrowsingTask does, however, have some limitations. Since parti-cipants were directed to browse Facebook at specifictimes, as opposed to at their leisure, their pattern of usemay not precisely reflect how they would use Facebookto communicate in real life. In addition, participantswere asked to estimate the percentages of time theyspent on various activities. While this estimation waslikely not overly demanding given the brief time spanof the browsing task, the precision of the measurementcould be improved by tracking use in real time. Despitethese limitations, findings provide initial external valid-ity for the SMCQ in that it can capture individual differ-ences directly relevant to patterns of social media use.

A preference for CMC versus face-to-face interactionswas associated with low social support, indicating that

Figure 3. A greater overall preference for CMC was associatedwith greater (more negative) amplitude N1 to pleasant versusneutral stimuli.Note. The x-axis represents the sample distribution of SMCQscores taking neuroticism and anxiety into account, rangingfrom −2.00 SD (CMC preference) to +2.00 SD (face-to-facepreference).





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on average, individuals who either have a low amountof social support or are dissatisfied with that socialsupport prefer to communicate emotions via CMC.This is consistent with the findings of Morahan-Martinand Schumacher (2003) indicating that lonely peopleused CMC more often to communicate negative emo-tions and elicit support from others, and were alsomore likely to report satisfaction with online interac-tions, compared to nonlonely individuals. Futureresearch should examine how patterns of actual CMCuse may facilitate social interactions for individuals withunsatisfactory face-to-face social networks.

Preferences for CMC versus face-to-face interactionswere also associated with greater emotional attentioncapture and reactivity to both pleasant and unpleasantstimuli, as measured via greater N1 amplitudes duringthe PV task. However, each subscale appeared to haveunique associations with greater attention capture bydistinct types of emotional images: A CMC preferencefor casual communication with affiliative images, a CMCpreference for positive social communication with ero-tic, and a CMC preference for expressing distress withmutilation images. These patterns highlight the impor-tance of characterizing the nature of social communica-tion goals when examining CMC in relation toneurocognitive and affective individual differences. Forexample, in future studies of actual CMC behaviorrather than preferences, it will be crucial to carefullydelineate the goals and motivations behind CMC use.

In contrast to findings for early attention capturemeasured via the N1, a CMC preference was related toa decrease in later elaborative processing (LPP) in the PVtask. This finding suggests that CMC preferences maybe associated with an emotional profile in which veryearly and relatively automatic attentional biases towardarousing emotional material are exaggerated, but later,more elaborated processing of positive emotional sti-muli is blunted. These findings underscore the impor-tance of using temporally sensitive measures like ERPsto examine individual differences in social–emotionalprocessing and CMC preferences, and highlight a pat-tern of early attention capture by emotion, and reducedin-depth processing of positive emotional information.Consistent with this neurocognitive profile, the currentstudy provides preliminary evidence that individualswith a preference for CMC interactions may also showreduced affective flexibility as demonstrated by the LPP.That is, they showed reduced ability to increase theiremotional responding to unpleasant pictures duringthe CR task.

These ERP findings, when interpreted together, sug-gest that there may be a type of individual for whomsocial media may be used as a tool to regulate

emotions. That is, social media use may be an adaptiveresponse for individuals with low perceived social sup-port, a tendency to be emotionally reactive, andreduced flexibility when trying to control their emo-tional responses. The current study does not suggest,however, that these patterns of CMC preferences areassociated with maladaptive emotional adjustment out-comes, which may be due to the limited powerafforded by the relatively small sample size. Futureresearch should examine how CMC use can be usedto support emotion regulation and whether certainemotional and/or neurocognitive profiles characterizeindividuals who prefer CMC versus face-to-face interac-tions to meet some social–emotional goals.

General discussion

The current studies constitute crucial first steps towarddeveloping an understanding of the relationshipsbetween how individuals choose to use CMC and theirassociated patterns of neural processing and regulationof emotions. Study 1 showed that the SMCQ yieldsstatistically and theoretically distinct subscales thatcan be used to identify individual differences in coreaspects of social media use. These subscales (positivesocial communication, expressing distress, and casualcommunication) may be employed to measure patternsof CMC use that distinguish individuals with varyingdegrees of social–emotional adjustment. Study 2showed that preferences to use CMC for various typesof emotional communication were related to satisfac-tion with social support and with specific patterns ofemotional attention capture and regulation as revealedby ERPs.

In particular, Study 2 demonstrated that ERPs canserve as an important tool for examining individualdifferences in the time course of processing emotionalcontent. By targeting both an early (N1) and late (LPP)component, we were able to distinguish between rapidattentional emotional processing and slower, more ela-borative processing and regulation of emotions. In par-ticular, previous research suggests that greater N1amplitudes to emotional versus neutral stimuli indicatea greater degree of attentional capture by these emo-tionally arousing images (e.g., Cuthbert et al., 2000; Keilet al., 2001). In the current study, for example, indivi-duals with a CMC preference showed greater N1 ampli-tudes to pleasant (affiliative and erotic) stimuli. Overall,N1 amplitudes were greater in response to positiveemotional images of humans compared to nonhumanscenes (Groen et al., 2013), suggesting greater reactivityto social stimuli among those preferring CMC.Furthermore, Ruz, Madrid, and Tudela (2012) showed





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that N1 amplitudes were increased when participantssaw an untrustworthy face in a social game, indicatingenhanced attentional allocation to social–emotionallyrelevant information.

In the Study 2, individuals who preferred CMC versusface-to-face communication also showed greater N1amplitudes in the mutilation condition, but not tounpleasant stimuli overall. One possible explanationfor this lack of generalization to all unpleasant stimuliis that mutilation images are more socially oriented,and thus potentially more directly related to specificCMC preferences (in the present findings, that forexpressing distress). For example, unlike the threatimages which consist of unpleasant imagery focusedon the self (e.g., gun pointed at viewer), the mutilationstimuli consisted of graphic images depicting injuredpeople. Moreover, the mutilation pictures were rated asmore arousing on average than the threat and mortalityimages, and thus might have triggered more intenseaffective reactions. Because greater N1 amplitudes tonegative stimuli are associated with increased beha-vioral inhibition (Harmon-Jones, Gable, & Peterson,2010), another possible interpretation of the currentfindings is that behaviorally inhibited individuals showgreater attention capture by negative stimuli and alsohave a preference to communicate distress via CMCbecause social media interactions are less intimidatingthan face-to-face interactions, particularly when emo-tions are involved. More research is needed to deter-mine the relationships among individual differences inbehavioral inhibition, early attention capture by emo-tional stimuli, and CMC use.

The use of temporally sensitive ERPs in the currentstudy also allowed for the targeted examination of later,elaborative emotional processes and regulatory flexibil-ity via measurement of the LPP. A CMC preference wasassociated with decreased LPP amplitudes to affiliativestimuli, suggesting decreased sustained processing ofthis positive emotional image. Alternatively, the affilia-tive stimuli may have been interpreted as less motiva-tionally salient among those who prefer CMC versusface-to-face communication. In addition, a CMC prefer-ence was associated with decreased ability to flexiblymodulate emotional responses to unpleasant stimuli.This regulatory capacity has been linked to positiveadjustment, while an inability to flexibly modulate emo-tions is related to negative adjustment outcomes (e.g.,Gross & John, 2003; Moore, Zoellner, & Mollenholt,2008). This finding may indicate that individuals withrelatively poor regulatory capacity may use CMC as atool to enhance attempts at emotion regulation.However, the only type of modulation impairedamong those preferring CMC was increasing emotional

responses to unpleasant stimuli, a condition that maynot mirror any real life contexts where regulatory flex-ibility is essential for positive adjustment. Furthermore,the SMCQ subscale associated with this blunted regula-tion was casual communication, which reflects lessemotionally salient topics like offering advice and com-municating boredom. However, even taking thesecaveats into account, the current findings provide pre-liminary evidence for an association between CMC pre-ferences and emotion regulation processes.

Despite these promising findings, several limitationsmust be addressed. First, the sample sizes of the currentstudies were relatively small, prohibiting the distinctcategorization of participants into those who preferredCMC and those who preferred face-to-face communica-tion. However, examination of participants on a spec-trum from pure CMC preference to pure face-to-facepreference may be more reflective of how individualsconceptualize their own preferences. An additional lim-itation is that the current studies included only norma-tive samples. Several studies have indicated a linkbetween high anxiety and CMC (e.g., Pierce, 2009;Rauch, Strobel, Bella, Odachowski, & Bloom, 2014). Forexample, Caplan (2006) found that social anxiety pre-dicted a CMC preference, which in turn predicted nega-tive outcomes including missing social activities and job/school obligations due to online engagement. Also,Rauch et al. (2014) found that when individuals withsocial anxiety were exposed to a stranger’s Facebookprofile, they showed greater skin conductance whenthey subsequently interacted with that person face-to-face, suggesting that Facebook use may lead to increaseanxiety in later interactions in person.

Based on this pattern of findings, future researchshould target recruitment of individuals with high anxi-ety to determine if the pattern of results is consistentwith those of the normative sample in the currentstudy. Furthermore, the interpretation of the results islimited to associations among variables and no causalinferences can be drawn. For instance, it is unclearwhether a CMC preference is the result of a pre-existingpattern of attention capture by emotional stimuli, or ifindividuals with heightened emotional attention cap-ture turn to CMC to communicate emotions. To beginto answer this question, future research could examinethe longitudinal impact of CMC to communicate andregulate emotions, particularly across childhood andadolescence, periods of both drastic emotional changesand increasingly frequent social media engagement.

Taken together, the current findings provide a crucialinitial step towards understanding the associationsbetween CMC use, neurocognitive processes, and social–emotional adjustment. The current findings suggest a





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profile of a type of emotionally reactive individual whomayuse social media adaptively to compensate for low per-ceived social support and reduced regulatory capacity.


1. For this split-half subsample, Bartlett’s test of sphericityyielded a significant result [χ2 (351) = 667.173, p < .001],as did the Kaiser–Meyer–Olin measure of sampling ade-quacy (KMO = .607).

2. For this split-half subsample, Bartlett’s test of sphericityyielded a significant result [χ2 (190) = 467.359, p < .001],as did the Kaiser–Meyer–Olin measure of sampling ade-quacy (KMO = .760).

3. The average trial count for PV (N1 and LPP) was 76.38(SD = 13.65), with a lower limit of 50.00 trials.

4. The “other” pleasant category was not included in sub-sequent analysis of emotion subcategories due to thelow trial count of that condition (f = 6).

5. The average trial count for the LPP during the CR taskwas 23.38 (SD = 1.05), with a lower limit of 21.38 trials.

6. N1 during PV task: All pleasant-neutral, all unpleasant-neutral, affiliative – neutral, erotic – neutral, threat –neutral, mutilation – neutral, mortality – neutral; LPPduring PV task: All pleasant-neutral, all unpleasant-neu-tral, affiliative – neutral, erotic – neutral, threat – neu-tral, mutilation – neutral, mortality – neutral; LPP duringCR task: pleasant decrease – neutral maintain, pleasantincrease – neutral maintain, pleasant maintain – neutralmaintain, unpleasant decrease – neutral maintain,unpleasant increase – neutral maintain, unpleasantmaintain – neutral maintain.

7. Chronbach alpha based on standardized items forStudy 1 sample (N = 91).

8. Chronbach alpha based on standardized items forStudy 2 sample (N = 22).

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


This work was supported by the National Center for ResearchResources (NCRR), a component of the National Institutes ofHealth (NIH) [RR03037].


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Principle components of the SMCQ

SMCQ factorFactorloading α7 α8

Component 1: Positive social communication subscale .78 .77Chat with friends .53Keep in touch with people .82See what friends have been doing .86Get to know people .82Talk to someone I don’t know well .66

Component 2: Expressing distress subscale .87 .72Communicate worry .84Communicate anger .62Have a disagreement .58Feeling scared .78Seek emotional support .75Seek advice .51Share upset .65Communicate sadness .60Communicate disgust .58

Component 3: Casual communication subscale .70 .70Learn more about someone .63Offer advice .77Communicate interest .57Communicate surprise .77Communicate boredom .61





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