Subphylum Vertebrata Superclass Agnatha Comparative anatomy of Chordates Lect. 5 Asst.lec. Sawsan S. Hameed Biology Department Tishk international University 2021-2022

Comparative anatomy of Chordates Lect. 5 Subphylum

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Page 1: Comparative anatomy of Chordates Lect. 5 Subphylum

Subphylum Vertebrata

Superclass Agnatha

Comparative anatomy of Chordates

Lect. 5

Asst.lec. Sawsan S. Hameed

Biology Department

Tishk international University


Page 2: Comparative anatomy of Chordates Lect. 5 Subphylum


- Understand the general characteristics of


- Differentiate between classes of Gnathostomata

- Describe and classify different species of


- Know the 3 orders of Chondichthyes, their

classification with examples of each

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Class Placodermi







jawless vert.


jaw Vert.

Super class Super class

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Superclass Gnathostomata (jaw vert)

General Characteristic

➢ Vertebrates with jaws with teeth . ex; Human, fish, dogs,

cows, goats, cats

➢ paired nasal sacs.

➢ paired appendages (paired pectoral and pelvic fins)

supported by an internal skeleton

➢ Divided into 3 classes;

➢ Class Placodermi (extinct)

➢ Class Chondrichthyes (Cartilaginous fish)

➢ Class Osteichthyes (Bony fish)

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C l a s s

O s t e i c h t h y e s


or pleurutremata

Rajiformes or











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• Gr., Chondros= cartilage, ichthys =fish

• General characters

➢ Large, about 2m long, body fusiform.

➢ Most of the members are marine and are predators.

➢ Skin is covered by placoid scales.

➢ Endoskeleton is entirely cartilaginous, notochord

persistent but reduced,

➢ vertebrae complete and separate.

placoid scales

Class Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fish)

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➢ Mouth is subterminal in position, two olfactory sacs that

do not connect to the mouth cavity.

➢ Jaws are with sharp teeth.

➢ True operculum is absent, instead, gill slits are present.

➢ paired pectoral and pelvic fins are present in addition to

the dorsal fins.

Class Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fish)

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➢ Possess a variety of sensory systems, including senses

of smell, vision, hearing & sensory lateral line that

allows them to detect sound, vibration, and pressure


➢ Unisexual fishes, fertilization Internal

➢ males having claspers for reproduction.

➢ Clasper is a modified copulation organ from pelvic fin

➢ Gonads paired, reproductive ducts open into cloaca

Class Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fish)

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Gr., Selakhe= a shark.

➢ Body typically spindle shaped.

➢ Gill slits 5 to 7, laterally located.

➢ Pectoral fin moderate, constricted at base.

➢ Caudal fin is heterocercal.

Scientific classification

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

subphylum Vertebrate

Class: Chondrichthyes

Order: Selachi

Order 1: Selachi (Squaliformes)

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➢ General features.

➢ Mouth is subterminal in position with hard

jaws are & numerous sharp teeth.

➢ Brain is developed & Powerful sensory

system helps in detection of food.

➢ Swim with high speed. The eggs are large & Gestation periods

for two years the longest period of any known living vertebrata

gill slits


Order 1: Selachi (Squaliformes)

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Whale shark Rhinocodon White shark Carcharodon

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Basking shark Cetorhinus maximus Zebra shark Stegostoma

Hammer headed shark Dogfish Chiloscyllium

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Dogfish Scolidon Dogfish Mustelus

Spiny dogfish Squalus Sawshark Peristiophorus

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(Gr., hypo=below , trema= opening).

➢ Body flattened, Spiracles large highly functional.

➢ Gill slits 5 pairs located ventrally so named Hypotremata.

➢ Pectoral fins enlarged like wings, fused with the head and body and used in swimming.

➢ The tail has changed to a whip-like organ of defense.

➢ They spend much time on the bottom

of the sea

➢ In giant mantas or devil fishes

(Manta, Mobula) many have

pectoral fin spread of 6 meters and

weight nearly half ton.

Scientific classification

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

subphylum Vertebrate

Class: Chondrichthyes

Subclass: Elasmobranchi

Order: Hypotremata

Order 2: Rajiformes or Hypotremata

Eagle ray Myliobti

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Pectoral fin

Sawfish Pristis

Guitar fishElectric ray Torpedo

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Those are remnants of a line diverged from the shark lineage

General features

➢ Body is somewhat compressed, and the skin is naked in adults.

➢ Endoskeleton is cartilaginous.

➢ Persistent notochord and poorly developed vertebrae.

➢ Bony plates are on the jaws instead of teeth used in crushing molluscan shells.


Scientific classification

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

subphylum Vertebrate

Class: Chondrichthyes

Order: Chimaeriformes

Order: Chimaeriformes

EX; ratfish, rabbitfish, spookfish and ghostfish,

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➢ Upper jaw is completely fused to the cranium, most unusual feature in fishes.

➢ Untrue fleshy operculum hides the 4 gill slits.

➢ Pectoral fin broad and leaf-shaped.

➢ Males possess pelvic clasper on the head.

➢ Cloaca absent, anus and urinogenital aperture separate.

➢ Tail slender and whip-like.

➢ Feed mainly on benthic invertebrates

➢ Most species inhabit the deep

sea. Examples: Ratfish

Chimaera, and Harriotta

Order: Chimaeriform

Ratfish Chimaera

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Longnosed spookfish

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For further reading please see:

Charles K. Weichert (2017). Elements of chordate anatomy. 3rd edition.

The McGraw−Hill Companies, New york.

Comparative anatomy | Definition, Examples, & Facts |

Britannicahttps://www.britannica.com › science › comparative-anatomy

Kardong, Kenneth V. (2019). Vertebrates: comparative anatomy, function,

evolution (8th edition). New York.

De Iuliis, G., & Pulerà, D. (2019). The dissection of vertebrates. 3rd

edition. Academic press. Elsevier, London.

Kenneth, S. S. (2017). The unity of form and function. 8th edition. The

McGraw−Hill Companies,. New york.

Comparative Anatomy. wwww.health.zone/