NOGALES INTERNATIONAL-Nogales’ Home Newspaper— NOGALES, ARIZ., FRIDAY, AUG. 13,1943 Mrs. Abbott At Coast Convention For having written a certain peri- centage of insurance during the year ending June 1. Mrs. A. J. Abbott, local New York Life Insurance Company representative, is being given a trip to a convention of New York Life agents at the Arrowhead Springs Hotel in California. She left yesterday for the convention. Following the convention she will visit her mother and sister. Mrs. Fannie Slcan, in Los Angeles. She was accompanied to the coast by her little grandson. Bill Moery. who will visit his other grandmother, Mrs. Amelia Moery, in Long Beach. LEGAL NOTICE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ. In the Matter of the Estate of Cosme M. Solano, sometimes known as Cosma Solano and Cosmo Solano, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given by the undersigned Executor of the last ¦will and testament of Cosme M. Solano, sometimes known as Cosma Solano, and Cosmo Solano, deceas- ed to the creditors of and all per- sons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of this notice to the said Executor at the law offices of James V. Robins, 212 Trust Building, Nogales, Arizona, the same being the place for the transaction of the business of said estate in said Santa Cruz County. Dated July 27, 1943. JOSE ESCALADA, Executor of the last will and testament of Cosme M. Sol- ano, sometimes, known as Cosma Solano and Cosmo Solano, deceased. (Pub. July 30, Aug. 6, 13, 20, 1943) IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ In the Matter of the Estate of HENRY H. RUSSELL, Deceased. NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Claudia Russell has filed in this Court a certain document pur- porting to be the last will and tes- tament of Henry H. Russell, and 1 * her petition praying that said docu- 1 ment be admitted to probate as the last will and testament of Henry H. Russell, and that letters testa- ; mentary thereon be issued to said : Claudia Russell, and that I have < set said petition for hearing by the ] above named Superior Court in the : Court Room thereof in the Court , House in the City of Nogales, Santa ] Cruz County, %tate of Arizona, at ] the hour of ten (10:00) o’clock A. M. on Saturday, the 14th day of August, 1943, at which time and place any person interested may appear and contest the said will. j ¦ DATED July 26, 1943. | ( DOROTHY TITCOMB, . Clerk of said Superior Court ' (SEAL) ! ¦ (Pub. July 30, Aug. 6, 13, 1943) NOTICE INVITING BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF REAL ESTATE FROM THE CITY OF NOGALES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Mayor and Board of Aider- men of the City of Nogales will at I or after 8:00 o’clock P. M. on Sep- ! tember 2, 1943, receive sealed, writ- j ten bids at the office of the City j. Clerk, in the City Hall in the City j of Nogales, Santa Cruz County, { ( Arizona, for the purchase from said j City of the following described land ; and real estate situated in the City of Nogales, Santa Cruz County, State of Arizona, to-wit: Lots 9 and 10. Block 4, Nogales Townsite; Lot 26, Block 3, Nogales Town- 1 site; i Lots 35 and 36, Cumming and , and Mclntyre Subdivision of ( Lot 35, Block 1, Nogales Town- ¦ site; Lots 12 and 14, Block A, Sub- ( division of Lot 14, Block 16; Lots 187 and 188 of the Wes- tern Subdivision. Bids for the purchase of said ' property or any thereof will be re- ceived, opened and considered by said Mayor and Board of Aldermen at, or at any time after, the hour and date above named until such property has been sold to the suc- cessful bidder, to whom the City of Nogales will convey such property only by quit-claim deed. Bids may be submitted for the purchase of any of said property upon credit with the note of the purchaser given for the purchase price or part thereof secured by a mortgage on the property; but the Mayor and | > Board of Aldermen reserve the j right to accept the highest cash! bid or to reject any or all bids. DATED July 27th, 1943. ALEX L. DURAZO, City Clesk, City of Nogales, Arizona. (Pub. July 30, Aug. 6, 13, 20, 27, ’43) W. E. Powles In Navy Seabees Wll : ? pillF .i . <- ** W. E. POWLES (above) who enlisted in July in the Seabees, the Navy’s construction unit for foreign service, is now at Wil- liamsburg, Va. After two months training he will be sent overseas. He is former assistant manager of the Citizens Utilities Company in this city. In the navy he is a chief petty officer, having qualified on the basis of many years of experience as an electrician, for the Seabee rating of chief electrician’s mate. Powles, who has spent practic- ally his entire life in Arizona, was born in Pierce, near Willcox and resided in Douglas for many years before moving to Nogales in 1937. He volunteered for enlistment in the Seabees for patriotic reasons although, because he is past 38 years of age, he was under no compulsion to enter military ser- vice. Mr. Powles and wife were re- siding at 334 Hudgin street at the time he enlisted. Waul Ads FOR SALE: Home made tractor, good condition, $75 cash. Phone 259-J. FOR RENT: Four room furnished house, also a furnished trailer and one large room, all in Patagonia. Bee Mrs. Bud Baldwin at Patagonia. PERMANENT WAVE, 59c! Do your own Permanent with Charm- Kurl Kit. Complete equipment, in- cluding 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy to do, absolutely harmless. Praised by thousands including June Lang, glamorous movie star. Money refunded if not satisfied. MISSION DRUG COMPANY. (Pub. 7/30 lOt) OPPORTUNITY for young lady to earn room and board while tak- ing business training. Work expect- ed extremely light; will not inter- fere with attendance at school. Write for additional information. LAMSON BUSINESS COLLEGE, 134 N. Central Ave., Phoenix. WANTED: Samples of Mica No. 2 smoky. Box 1193, Nogales, Arizona. LEGAL NOTICE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ In the Matter of the Estate of COSME M. SOLANO, sometimes known as Cosma Solano and Cosmo Solano, Deceased. ORDER TO APPEAR AND SHOW CAUSE Jose Escalada, as executor under the last will and testament of Cosme M. Solano, sometimes known as Cosma Solano and Cosmo Solano, deceased, having filed in this Court his petition praying for an order for the sale of all of the real prop- erty of said estate, IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, that all persons interested in said estate are directed to appear before the above named Superior Court ir the Court House in the City c Nogales, Santa Cruz County, State of Arizona, at the hour of 10:0'' o’clock A. M. on Monday, the 30tl day of August, 1943. then and then to show cause why an order shoulc not be granted to said executor t: sell so much of the real propertj of said decedent as is necessary. ORDERED, FURTHER, that this order shall be published four (4) successive weeks in the Nogales In- ternational, a weekly newspaper and ;of general circulation in Santa Cruz . County, State of Arizona, in the issues of said newspaper appearing on July 30, 1943 and August 6, 13 and 20, 1943. DATED July 29th, 1943. GORDON FARLEY, Judge of said Superior Court (Pub. July 30, Aug. 6, 13, 20, 1943) jfe!? NEWS OF OUR MENwWOMEN P,.!?!?- IN UNIFORM RETURNING TO BROOKS FIELD Staff Sgt. Benjamin Matiella, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jose Matiella, 215 Nelson street, is leaving: tomorrow for Brooks Field, San Antonio, Texas, following a furlough here. He is in the army air corps and has been stationed at Brooks Field ever since he enlisted July 15, 1941. IN NEBRASKA Jewell Trask, Jr., only son of Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Trask of Lochiel, who became 18 on July 4. is now in training at an army air corps me- chanics’ school in Nebraska. He enlisted while he was 17. HOFFMAN ENLISTS Charles Hoffman, mining man. has enlisted in the army engineer- ing corps and gone to Fort MacAr- thur, Calif, WOODROW DALTON ! HOME ON FURLOUGH Woodrow Dalton, U. S. Army, j arrived on Wednesday of last week j from Las Vegas, Nevada, to spend a ten day furlough with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Dalton. HOME FROM PANAMA Corporal Vicente Gonzalez is home from Panama on a 20-day furlough. ;He left here with the National Guard three years ago next month. | Lt. William Underwood of the U. S. Army Air Forces, was here Sunday from Davis-Monthan Field, Tucson, visiting his mother, Mrs. Ellen Underwood. Lieut. Ray Fortner left Sunday for Florida after visiting his wife (Josephine Deliman) and baby. Gets Legion 01 Merit | ¦¦¦; % §1 " * * t , w* | The Legion of Merit was pre- j sented LT. RODOLFO L. TEYE- { CHEA of Nogales at a large review - staged a week ago yesterday at j Headquarters Panama Canal De- > partment. Lt. Teyechea, 27 years j of age, is a son of Mr. and Mrs. I 5 Staff Sergeants Here On Furlough Five staff sergeants—Eddie Ed- wards, who recently got back from New Guinea; Raul Eames, San Francisco; Woodrow Dalton, Las Vegas, Nevada; Gilbert Gonzalez, Camp Barkeley, Texas; and Benja- min Matiella, San Antonio, Texas—- are home on furlough at the present time. I ' J. B. Teyechea, 158 Perkins street, i He left here with the National Guard three years ago next ! month. i BUY WAR BONDS THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF NOGALES Nogales, Arizona ALVAREZ ROTARY CHAIRMAN TODAY Ed Alvarez will be program chair- man at today’s meeting of the Ro- tary Club. Charles J. Alden, Rotary- district governor, will pay his offi- cial visit to the club a week from today. Pacific Brokerage Company, S. A. Customs House and Commission Brokers j —Quick Service— A message from the United States Treasury about YOUR WARTIME TAX DOLLARS THE American people have accepted the highest tax bill in the history of the country with splendid patriotism and cheerful- ness. The Treasury Department of the United States feels that an explanation is due them in turn —feels that they deserve to be told why, when and how their tax dollars are vital to winning this war and the peace that will follow. As a taxpayer, consider these facts: Our government is-currently spending 240 million dollars each day, almost all of it on war, and this figure will increase materially as the war continues. About a third of that amount is being raised' through taxes. Those tax dollars are as necessary for weapons with which to defeat our enemies as are dollars raised through the sale of WAR BONDS. Hence, when you pay taxes today you are definitely and directly contributing to victory. And, at the same time, your taxes actually help to maintain your own purchasing power now —and prevent disaster to your country after the war. Here’s how:- Billions of Dangerous Dollars Every time your cost of living advances, you are paying a tax on your income. If your cost of living should double, you would pay | a tax of 50% on your salary, wages or other income. But it would be a tax that wouldn’t benefit our fighting forces, our govern- ment or anyone else—except Hitler and Hirohito. Now—to prevent such a concealed tax on your income from taking place isn’t it good sense as well as sound patriotism to pay your government taxes of 20% on part of your total income —or more, if necessary? And your taxes do help prevent just such a price rise! How? By taking part of the billions of dangerous dollars which otherwise threaten your living standard and putting them to useful work, win- ning the war. Those billions of dangerous dollars, you know, represent the difference between the income the American people will receive this year and the amount of civilian goods that will be made in the same twelve months. If taxes were lower, prices would tend to rise, and your real income would he reduced hy just that much.. Keeping the America He Knew There’s another reason why your high taxes help your country in wartime—and really a much more important one to you. Your tax money is helping to win the war now—but it’s equally essential to winning the peace and keeping the America that boy knew before he went into the armed forces. All the industrial power, all the inventive genius and productive capacity of this country would not bring back a busy, prosperous . America that we know if a drastic deflation followed victory. And, as surely as the sun that rises in the morning will set at night, a deflation would follow an inflation brought about by failure to tax ourselves realistically now. So, next time that tax burden seems heavy to you—think of these facts. Remember that your tax dollars are helping to pay for victory now—that they are in there fighting for your living standard now—and that they are working to keep our j country’s financial structure sound for thatJ>oy now in the , armed service, for all your family, and for you in the years ofj peace to come. < j ; SOME QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT YOUR TAX BILL * Q. How much of my federal tax payments is being spent on war wouW P ut ***? g«^ er siding power in the hand* of the people j and how much on so-called “normal" expenditures? —thus creating a basis for inflation. A. About 96% of your tax payments are currently going to pay for direct war * - ! expenditures. Only one dollar in every twenty-two you pay, therefore, goes Q. Is there any Other advantage in financing 35 large 3 Share for all other federal expenses, most of which are indirectly to aid the war effort. of the war bill as possible through taxes? + 'i Q. How much of th« total war bill is bang paid currently out of a. Yo-«nd . very real one to you, the AS Ox MU sot tb. CM >. . K A taxes? of the war must be paid sooner or later through taxation, but if paid cur- K *.<s * 1 rently, from taxes, there will be no interest charge to mount over the yew A. A little over one-third, / md provide an extra burden for you to carry. Q. Is this proportion higher or lowerthan in England and Canada? - - , t A. Lower. Both Canada and Great Britain are paying approximately half of So far, SO good. But don't yOU think taxation Is unfair in tho their war expenses through taxation. way it distributes the burden for all this? Q. Is there any way other than taxes and war bonds by which K ? Q lhe contfa ?’ d wc be,ievc yoa * m k i (l. nmurnninni rnnlJ c n, nf. f that taxes are the fairest, most equitable way to pay for the war. That s | the government could finance our share Os the war. because Federal Income taxes are levied on ability to fay for something thar | A. There is. Hie government could borrow from the commercial banks, a n c f need and must have—-victory now, a sound America later. This Page Sponsored by the'Following Patriotic Firms and Individuals in the Interest of Urgent War Activities HARRY WOLF MEXICAN VEGETABLES Car lot Distributor Nogales, Arizona R. T. FLEISCMEr”& CO. MEXICAN WINTER VEGETABLES Nogales, Arizona FIRST NATIONAL BANK ESTABLISHED IN 1903 Nogales, Arizona V CITIZENS UTILITIES CO. LIGHT POWER GAS Nogalea, Arizona MONTE CARLO DAIRY SIMON MASTICK, Manager LOUIE’S CAFE Citizen’s Stage Building CLAGETT’S MR. AND MRS. H. M. CLAGETT Fountain Service 207 Morley Avenue SALDAMANDO DRUG STORE WALGREEN SYSTEM Phone 37 Nogales, Arizona EVERYBODY’S PLACE GOOD LIQUORS BOTTLED GOODS BAR R. J. BIRD, Prop. Nogales, Arizona AGENCIA JOFFROY, S. A. ALEX JOFFROY, JR. Custom House Agents Nogales, Sonora, Mexico V NANKING GROCERY FRANK WONG, Prop. 708 Grand Avenue V THE PROGRESSIVE GROCER GONZALO PUCHI & SONS, Props. 227 Grand Avenue Nogales, Arizona 1 RANCHQ V GRANDE DANCING EACH SATURDAY NIGHT Cocktails Good Meals Good Bar Fair Prices V WHITE FRONT GARAGE “CHAPO” HERNANDEZ, Prop. Taxi Service - Phone 111 V EL PASO STORE CLOTHES FOR EVERYBODY Nogales, Arizona V NOGALES CHESHIRE MOTORS EXPERT MECHANICS 257 Grand Avenue Phone 99 PAGE THREE

Company YOUR WARTIME TAX DOLLARS · 2019. 12. 18. · Cosmo Solano, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given by the undersigned Executor of the last ¦will and testament

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  • NOGALES INTERNATIONAL-Nogales’ Home Newspaper— NOGALES, ARIZ., FRIDAY, AUG. 13,1943

    Mrs. Abbott AtCoast Convention

    For having written a certain peri-centage of insurance during the year

    ending June 1. Mrs. A. J. Abbott,

    local New York Life InsuranceCompany representative, is beinggiven a trip to a convention of NewYork Life agents at the ArrowheadSprings Hotel in California. Sheleft yesterday for the convention.

    Following the convention she will

    visit her mother and sister. Mrs.

    Fannie Slcan, in Los Angeles. Shewas accompanied to the coast byher little grandson. Bill Moery. who

    will visit his other grandmother,Mrs. Amelia Moery, in Long Beach.



    OF SANTA CRUZ.In the Matter of the Estate ofCosme M. Solano, sometimesknown as Cosma Solano andCosmo Solano, deceased.

    NOTICE TO CREDITORSNotice is hereby given by the

    undersigned Executor of the last

    ¦will and testament of Cosme M.Solano, sometimes known as CosmaSolano, and Cosmo Solano, deceas-

    ed to the creditors of and all per-sons having claims against the saiddeceased, to exhibit them, with thenecessary vouchers, within fourmonths after the first publicationof this notice to the said Executorat the law offices of James V.Robins, 212 Trust Building, Nogales,Arizona, the same being the placefor the transaction of the businessof said estate in said Santa CruzCounty.

    Dated July 27, 1943.JOSE ESCALADA,

    Executor of the last will andtestament of Cosme M. Sol-ano, sometimes, known asCosma Solano and CosmoSolano, deceased.

    (Pub. July 30, Aug. 6, 13, 20, 1943)


    OF SANTA CRUZIn the Matter of the Estate





    that Claudia Russell has filed in

    this Court a certain document pur-porting to be the last will and tes-tament of Henry H. Russell, and 1

    * her petition praying that said docu- 1ment be admitted to probate as thelast will and testament of Henry

    H. Russell, and that letters testa- ;mentary thereon be issued to said :Claudia Russell, and that I have <set said petition for hearing by the ]above named Superior Court in the :Court Room thereof in the Court ,House in the City of Nogales, Santa ]Cruz County, %tate of Arizona, at ]the hour of ten (10:00) o’clock A.M. on Saturday, the 14th day ofAugust, 1943, at which time andplace any person interested mayappear and contest the said will. j ¦

    DATED July 26, 1943. | (DOROTHY TITCOMB, .

    Clerk of said Superior Court '(SEAL) ! ¦

    (Pub. July 30, Aug. 6, 13, 1943)



    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,that the Mayor and Board of Aider-men of the City of Nogales will at Ior after 8:00 o’clock P. M. on Sep- !tember 2, 1943, receive sealed, writ- jten bids at the office of the City j.Clerk, in the City Hall in the City jof Nogales, Santa Cruz County, { (Arizona, for the purchase from said jCity of the following described land ;and real estate situated in the Cityof Nogales, Santa Cruz County,State of Arizona, to-wit:

    Lots 9 and 10. Block 4, NogalesTownsite;

    Lot 26, Block 3, Nogales Town- 1site; i

    Lots 35 and 36, Cumming and ,

    and Mclntyre Subdivision of (Lot 35, Block 1, Nogales Town- ¦site;

    Lots 12 and 14, Block A, Sub- (division of Lot 14, Block 16;

    Lots 187 and 188 of the Wes-tern Subdivision.Bids for the purchase of said '

    property or any thereof will be re-ceived, opened and considered bysaid Mayor and Board of Aldermenat, or at any time after, the hourand date above named until suchproperty has been sold to the suc-

    cessful bidder, to whom the City of

    Nogales will convey such propertyonly by quit-claim deed. Bids may

    be submitted for the purchase ofany of said property upon creditwith the note of the purchaser given

    for the purchase price or part

    thereof secured by a mortgage onthe property; but the Mayor and |

    > Board of Aldermen reserve the jright to accept the highest cash!bid or to reject any or all bids.

    DATED July 27th, 1943.ALEX L. DURAZO,City Clesk,City of Nogales, Arizona.

    (Pub. July 30, Aug. 6, 13, 20, 27, ’43)

    W. E. PowlesIn Navy Seabees

    Wll :

    ? pillF.i
