Wartime Propaganda

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Wartime Propaganda. Committee of Public Information (George Creel). Purposes – Unite public behind war effort Attract men to enlist in army Influence citizens to actively support war effort (buy bonds, conserve, etc) and put pressure on others to refrain from anything considered anti-war. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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WartimePropagandaCommittee of Public Information (George Creel)Purposes Unite public behind war effortAttract men to enlist in armyInfluence citizens to actively support war effort (buy bonds, conserve, etc) and put pressure on others to refrain from anything considered anti-war

PropagandaMedia that uses carefully-crafted messages to manipulate peoples actions and beliefsIt has one purpose, and one purpose only: to persuade you.They use biased, or one-sided, messages and are designed to appeal to peoples emotions instead of their judgment and reasoning.Propaganda TechniquesTestimonialsBandwagonName-CallingGlittering GeneralitiesCard StackingPlain FolksTransferTestimonialsTestimonials usually involve celebrities or other respected people endorsing, or officially supporting, a product or idea.The person giving the testimonial could be famous, knowledgeable about the product (such as a doctor talking about medicine), or just an ordinary person who claims the product has worked for them.Beware, though, because people are usually paid to give endorsements. Ask yourself: Who is quoted in the testimonial? Is this person actually an expert about this product or idea? Does the product or idea have value without the testimony or endorsement?

BandwagonJumping on the bandwagon describes people choosing to go along with the rest of the crowd.Bandwagon propaganda creates the impression that there is widespread support for a thing or idea.Peer Pressure

Name-CallingName-calling is exactly what it sounds like: using negative words and bad names to create fear and dislike for people, ideas, or institutions.Can be verbal or visual (shows a person or thing in an unflattering way).

Glittering GeneralitiesGlittering generalities use simple, clever slogans that appeal to peoples emotions. This technique always shows the subject of the message in a positive light, but provides little or no information.Easy to remember, but hard to verify.

Card StackingCard stacking uses facts and figures to show one side as positive and the other side as negative.This technique is designed to make you think you are hearing both sides. In reality, you are actually hearing only one perspective.

Plain FolksThe plain folks technique is designed to send the message that a product or person is just like you. Politicians have their picture taken visiting coffee shops, riding on tractors, and doing other things that everyday people do.

TransferThe transfer technique uses your feelings about one thing to get you to feel the same way about something else.Transfer can use a positive image to persuade you to like something or a negative image to persuade you to dislike something.Ex: The US flag to seem patriotic, baby penguin to seem loveable, diseased skin in anti-smoking campaign, etc.Remember Belgium

The Menace of the Seas

Beat Back the Hun

Propaganda AnalysisGroup Activity7 groupsiPadsGo to hintonhistory.weebly.comUnit 7War PropogandaAttacks onCivil LibertiesGovernment Excess & Threats to the Civil Liberties of AmericansEspionage Act 1917Forbade actions that obstructed recruitment or efforts to promote insubordination in the military.

Ordered the Postmaster General to remove Leftist materials from the mail.

Fines of up to $10,000 and/or up to 20 years in prison.Government Excess & Threats to the Civil Liberties of Americans 2. Sedition Act 1918 - it was a crime to speak against the purchase of war bonds or willfully utter, print, write or publish any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about this form of US Govt., the US Constitution, or the US armed forces or to willfully urge, incite, or advocate any curtailment of production of things necessary or essential to the prosecution of the warwith intent of such curtailment to cripple or hinder, the US in the prosecution of the war.New Social/EconomicOpportunities1. WomenYWCA The Blue Triangle

Munitions Work

The Girls They Left Behind Do Their Bit!

Women Used In Recruitment

Hello, Big Boy!Even Grandma Buys Liberty Bonds

The Red Cross - Greatest Mother in the World

The Red Cross Nurse

National League for Womans Service

2. African-AmericansOpportunities for African-Americans in WW1War industries workGreat Migration. 1916 1919 NORTH

Enlistment in segregated units.True Sons of Freedom

For Colored Men in Service

African-Americans on a Troop Ship Headed for France

3. New AmericanImmigrantsThe Flag of Liberty Represents All of Us!

We are ALL Americans!