+ The Key to Resonant Relationships By: Nicole Stone, Michael Rebello, Chris Gagnon, Matilda Okyere, Thomas Gammell, & Adam Burley

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The Key to Resonant RelationshipsBy: Nicole Stone, Michael Rebello, Chris Gagnon, Matilda

Okyere, Thomas Gammell, & Adam Burley

+How Do Humans Communicate?

“Humans use language, not just to signal emotional states or territorial claims, but to

shape each other’s minds.”

- Michael Corballis

Communication: the act of conveying a message from one person or group to another person or


+How Humans Communicate

Verbal and sign language

Written language

Denotation & connotation

Body language


The literal or dictionary meaning of a word.


Refers to the associations, feelings, and judgments that accompany words.

Why is it important to understand connotation? -Communication extends beyond simple definitions to include personal,

(Social & cultural aspects that cannot be found in dictionary definitions.)


Any gesture, expression, physical action, vocal intonation, pitch, or volume that

Communicates a message either intentionally or unintentionally.

Learning how to decode others’ nonverbal behavior and manage your own might be

Learning to manage your own nonverbal signals involves emotional self-awareness

Self-management, two other important competencies for leaders.

The most important communication

skills you can learn.


We respond to people’s body language with nonverbal feedback of our own.

[ or any other physical gesture that can convey meaning.]


Good communicators use all aspects of LANGUAGE well,

including verbal and/or sign as well as


+10 Examples of Body Language. Which do you use?

Gesture Meaning (Connotation)

Standing with hands on hips Readiness, aggression

Brisk, erect walk Confidence

Sitting, legs apart Open, relaxed

Arms crossed on chest Defensiveness

Walking with hands in pockets, shoulders hunched


Touching, slightly rubbing nose Rejection, doubt, lying

Rubbing the eye Doubt, disbelief

Sitting with legs crossed, foot kicking slightly


Tapping or drumming fingers Impatience

Stroking chin Trying to make a decision

+Why is Communication Central to Effective Relationships at work? Success at Work

Ability to Share Information Ability to Influence Others

+Why Is Communication Central to Effective Relationships at Work? Good Leaders and Successful Employees

Know What They Communicate Know How They Share Information

Resonant relationships are vibrant and supportive

relationships that foster respect, inclusion, and

open and honest dialogue.

+Importance of what and how we communicate

Back up words through action

Actions speak LOUDER than words

Success in part, depends on our ability to speak and act accordingly


Life teaches us how to communicate Who you are What you need What you think and feel

+What is the interpersonal communication process?

The exchange of information between two or more people. The communication process

has four parts:





Feedback receiver indicates to the sender through words or nonverbal signals that a message has been received, or that more communication is desired.


Sender: A person who encodes and sends a message.

Message: Information sent through a communication channel to a receiver.

Receiver: A person who receives and decodes a message.

Channel: The medium through which a message is transmitted from a sender to a receiver.

What Is the Interpersonal Communication Process?

Communication Affected by Skills, Attitudes, Culture…

The Berlo Model of Communication


What Is the Interpersonal Communication Process?

Effective and Efficient Communication




+Effective and Efficient Communication

Effective Communication: The result of information conveyed accurately by the sender and understood fully by the receiver.

Efficient Communication: Sharing information using the fewest possible resources. (time, money, and effort)

+8 Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills


+Communication and Culture

Many aspects of culture affect communication in

diverse workforce. Of these, nonverbal

communication, group identity and issues related

to gender and age are especially important.

+Nonverbal behavior in cross-

cultural communication

A failure to recognize differences in nonverbal signal in cross-cultural

communication can produce unfortunate misunderstanding.

Nonverbal behavior has obvious links to culture and needs to be attended

to and managed in cross-cultural settings.

+Communication in high-context

and low-context cultures

High-context culture has a strong group identity and a relatively closed

boundary. Difficult for outsiders to understand.

In a Low-context culture, it is easier for outsiders to communicate with

insiders because there is less emphasis on shared history and



Did you know that men and women

communicate differently?


+Way in which men and woman communicate differently

Distinct sets of values and intentions.

Men - assert independence

Men - use communication to define their status relative to others

Women - tend to seek connections

+Communication and the age factor

Like other cultural barriers, differences related to age and

membership in different generations has the potential to interfere with communication in the workplace.

A young worker who assumes that an older worker is unwilling to listen

to her ideas is as guilty to stereotyping as the older worker who believes that all young people have

a sense of entitlement.

+Technology and Communication

+The Power of Social Media

+“An amazing 845

million people used Facebook in 2011: That’s about one in

every 13 people in the WORLD!”





Quick and Long distance

Benefits = Obvious Share ideas Provide Feedback thus building on ideas Workplace – email is king.

Real-time Updates & Continuous

More accessible to us than ever before.

+Situation ONE:

Information technology helping

you build a relationship.





Some experts fear that these outlets do not

encourage us to develop deep bonds with others or

allow us to show our authentic selves.

+Challenges of Email, Text Message, Social Media Use:


Long emails - society has become lazy in the idea of “reading” this long email. Vital information not read

Response time – Inaccurate conclusions

Email = Lazy communicators “Forward” or “cc”

Privacy issues Employers or other authorities


Encourage to be more public & open

Things that are posted remain available indefinitely



+Self Esteem

Comparing themselves to peers on facebook and twitter

Social media stalking your ex.

= unhealthy

+A False Sense of Connection

Real world vs Social Media?

Time and energy spent on social media


Available to predators as well as friends. Cat Fish

Devastation mentally

“According to a 2010 CBS News report, 42% of youth have reported that they have been victims

of cyber-bullying .”

+Situation TWO:

Technology inhibiting the development of a




New communication technologies have made

social interactions impersonal and that people are not developing face-to-face communication skills.


+Checklist for effective

communication Be sure you know what message you want to send.

Be clear and concise. Avoid ambiguity Provide the right amount of information - not to much and not too

little. Ask questions and listen to feedback to ensure the message was


Determine the most appropriate channel for your message. Lean vs. Rich Company letter, email, presentations, small groups, 1-on-1’s

Simplify your language to match your audience. Use situationally appropriate vocabulary

Remember, Jargon can hurt or help communication. Is efficient means of communication if every person is savvy to the

acronyms and abbreviations Can be detrimental if outsiders aren't familiar to the jargon.

+ Checklist for effective communication Cont. Create a level of trust that makes people feel

comfortable passing bad news up and down the hierarchy.

Authentic leaders inspire trust Without trust, people tend to be more secretive and look out for

themselves opposed to the good of the group. Defensive and uncooperative

Be careful about poor or inadvertent use of inappropriate nonverbal signals - Body language makes up 98% of the conversation

Pointing your index finger – gives off an authoritarian posture and can put the opposition in a defensive position

Clenched fist – displays anger and is meant to intimidate Lack of eye contact – ignoring or an attempt to disengage. Crossing your arms – sign of boredom and defense

Practice empathy when communicating. Tuning into others capability to appreciate, understand, and accept another person's


+Know when to break the rules

Language philosopher H. Paul Grice developed 4 general rules for effective communication:

Quality: honest information

Quantity: the right amount of information

Relevance: the right KIND of information

Manner: Information that is direct and easy to understand. Avoid ambiguity or vagueness.

+There a numerous theories and

approaches to leadership:

Theories of motivation Trait theories Empowerment theories Social and emotional competencies

They ALL assume that the leaders and subordinates alike are able to communicate in an effective and efficient manner.