Common Word List

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  • 8/8/2019 Common Word List


    Academic Word List - Most Frequent Words inFamilies

    1analysis n. process of breaking down a subject and studying it; examination

    approach n. access; drawing near; approximation; path or course leading to a specific location

    area DISTRICT, region, zone, sector, quarter; locality, locale, neighbourhood, parish, patch; tract, belt; informal neckof the woods;Brit.informal manor;N. Amer.informal turf.assessment EVALUATION, judgement, rating, estimation, appraisal, analysis, opinion

    assume PRESUME, suppose, take it (as given), take for granted, take as read, conjecture, surmise, conclude, , , reason,think, fancy, believe, understand, gather;N. Amer. figure; archaic ween.

    authority POWER, jurisdiction, command, control, charge, dominance, rule, sovereignty, supremacy; influence; informalclout.

    available OBTAINABLE, accessible, to/at hand, at one's disposal, handy, convenient; on sale, procurable; untaken,unengaged, unused; informal up for grabs, on tap, gettable.

    benefit GOOD, sake, welfare, well-being, advantage, comfort, ease, convenience; help, aid, assistance, service

    concept noun IDEA, notion, conception, abstraction; theory, hypothesis; belief, conviction,opinion; image, impression, picture consistent CONSTANT, regular, uniform, steady, stable, even, unchanging, undeviating,

    unfluctuating; dependable, reliable, predictable.constitution

    alLEGAL, lawful, legitimate, authorized, permitted; sanctioned, ratified, warranted,constituted, statutory, chartered, vested, official; by law.

    context CIRCUMSTANCES, conditions, factors, state of affairs, situation, background, scene,setting. text, subject, theme, topic

    contract AGREEMENT, commitment, arrangement, settlement, understanding, compact, covenant,bond; deal, bargain; Law indenture

    create PRODUCE, generate, bring into being, make, fabricate, fashion, build, construct; design,devise, originate, frame, develop, shape, form, forgedata FACTS, figures, statistics, details, particulars, specifics; information, intelligence, material,input; informal info, gen.

    definition n. explanation, meaning, interpretation (as of a word or term) derived ORIGINATE IN, stem from, descend from, spring from, be taken from.

    distribution dividing and giving out among several people, placeseconomic connected with trade, industry, and the management of money; of economics:


    HABITAT, territory, domain; surroundings, background, , location; context ; ;

    established ACCEPTED, traditional, orthodox, habitual, set, fixed, official

    estimateCALCULATE ROUGHLY, approximate, guess; evaluate, judge, gauge, reckon, rate,determine; informal guesstimate. ; ; evidence PROOF, confirmation, verification, corroboration, affirmation, attestation

    export SELL OVERSEAS/ABROAD, send overseas/abroad, trade internationallyfactor noun ELEMENT, part, component, ingredient, point, item, feature, aspect, characteristic,

    consideration, circumstance. ,financial Adj. MONETARY, money, economic, fiscal, banking, commercial, business, investment formula FORM OF WORDS, set expression, phrase, saying function PURPOSE, task, use, role, RESPONSIBILITY, duty, role, concern

    identified RECOGNIZE, single out, pick out, spot, point out, pinpoint, put one's finger on, put a nameto, name, know; discern, distinguish; remember, recall, recollect -

    income noun earnings, salary, pay, wages, revenue, N. Amer. take; formal emolument. indicate be a sign of, be evidence of, evidence, demonstrate, show,signal, , suggest, imply


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    Academic Word List - Most Frequent Words inFamilies

    individual SINGLE, separate, discrete, independent; sole, lone, solitary, isolated. interpretatio

    nEXPLANATION, clarification

    involved ASSOCIATED, connected, concerned issues MATTER (IN QUESTION), question, point (at issue), affair, case, subject, topic; problem

    ; --; - labour WORKERS, employees, workmen, workforce, staff, working people, blue-collar workers,labourers, labour, force

    legal LAWFUL, legitimate, within the law, legalized, valid; permissible, permitted, allowed,above, acceptable; authorizeinformal legit.

    legislation noun LAW, body of laws, rulesN. Amer.formal ordinances major CRUCIAL, vital, great, considerable, utmost, prime

    method PROCEDURE, technique, system, practice, routine, strategy, plan occur HAPPEN, take place, come about, N. Amer.informal go down;poetic/literarycome to pass

    percent n. one part of a hundred

    period a length or portion of time - each of the set divisions of the day in a school policy PLANS, strategy, stratagem, approach, code, system, guidelines, theory; line, position,stance, attitude.

    principle TRUTH, proposition, concept, idea, theory, assumption, fundamental, essential,DOCTRINE, belief

    procedure COURSE OF ACTION, line of action, policy, series of steps, method, system, strategy

    process METHOD, system, technique, means, practice, way, approach, methodology. ; required ESSENTIAL, vital, indispensable, necessary, compulsory, obligatory research EXPERIMENTS, experimentation, tests, inquiries, studies. ; response ANSWER, reply, rejoinder, retort, riposte; informal comeback

    role CAPACITY, position, job, post, office, duty, responsibility, place; function, par section PART, piece, bit, segment, component, division, portion, element, unit, constituent sector PART, branch, arm, division, area, department, field, sphere.DISTRICT, zone, region, area,

    belt. , ( ) significant NOTABLE, noteworthy, worthy of attention, remarkable, important, of importance, of

    consequence; serious, crucial, weighty, momentous, uncommon, unusual, rare,extraordinary, exceptional, special ;

    similar ALIKE, (much) the same, indistinguishable, almost identical, homogeneous; informal muchof a muchness

    source ORIGIN, birthplace, spring, document, REFERENCE, authority specific PARTICULAR, specified, fixed, set, determined, distinct, definite; single, individual,

    peculiar, discrete, express, precise structure BUILDING, construction, pattern theory HYPOTHESIS, thesis, conjecture, supposition, speculation, postulation, postulate,

    proposition, premise, surmise, assumption, presupposition; opinion, view, belief,contention.

    variable CHANGEABLE, changing, varying, shifting, fluctuating, changeful, irregular, inconstant,inconsistent

    2achieve ATTAIN, arrive at; realize, bring off/about, , accomplish, carry out/through, fulfill, , perform,

    complete, finish, earn, win, gain, acquire, obtain, come by, get, secure, net; informal wrapup, wangle, swing; formal effectuate.

    acquisitionPURCHASE, gain, accession, addition, investment, possession; informal buy.

    administratio MANAGEMENT, direction, control, command, charge, conduct, operation, running,leadership, government ,


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    naffect HAVE AN EFFECT ON, influence, act on, work on, have an impact on; change, alter, modify,

    transform, form, shape, sway, bias.move someone (emotionally); appropriate SUITABLE, proper, fitting, apt, right; relevant, pertinent, apposite; convenient,

    aspects APPEARANCE, look, side, expression; atmosphere, mood, quality, ambience, feeling

    assistance HELP, aid, support, backing, reinforcement, succour, relief, intervention, cooperation,collaboration; a (helping) hand, a good turn; informal a break, a leg up

    categories CLASS, classification, group, grouping, bracket, heading, set; type, sort, kind, variety,species, breed, brand, make, model; grade, order, rank

    chapter SECTION, division, part, portion commission PERCENTAGE, brokerage, share, portion, dividend, premium, fee, consideration, bonus; informal cut,

    take, rake-off, slice; Brit.informal whack, divvy. community POPULATION, populace, people, citizenry, (general) public, collective; residents,

    inhabitants, citizens complex COMPLICATED, involved, intricate, convoluted, elaborate, impenetrable, Gordian; difficult,

    knotty, tricky, thorny; Brit.informal fiddly. ;

    computerconclusion END,finish, close, termination, wind-up, cessation; culmination, denouement, coda. -DEDUCTION,inference, interpretation, reasoning; opinion, judgement, verdict; assumption, presumption,supposition ) ; )

    conduct BEHAVIOUR, performance, demeanour; actions, activities, deeds, doings, exploits; habits,manners; formal comportment ; ; ; ;

    consequences RESULT, upshot, outcome, out-turn, effect, repercussion, ramification, corollary, concomitant,aftermath; fruit(s), product, by-product, end result; informal pay-off; Medicine sequela.; ; ; ;

    construction BUILDING, erection, putting up, setting up, establishment; assembly, manufacture,fabrication, creation.

    consumer PURCHASER, buyer, customer, shopper; user, end-user; client; (the consumer or consumers) thepublic, the market.

    credit PRAISE, commendation, acclaim, acknowledgement, recognition, kudos, glory, esteem, respect,admiration, tributes, bouquets, thanks, gratitude, appreciation; informal brownie points. cultural ETHNIC, racial, folk; societal, lifestyle. ; ; design PLAN, blueprint, drawing, sketch, outline, map, plot, diagram, draft, representation, scheme, model.

    distinction DIFFERENCE, contrast, dissimilarity, variance, variation; division, differentiation ; elements COMPONENT, constituent, part, section, portion, piece, segment, bit; aspect, factor, feature, facet,

    ingredient, strand, detail, point; member, unit, module, item. ; ; ; equation MATHEMATICAL PROBLEM, sum, calculation, question ; ;

    evaluation ASSESSMENT, appraisal, judgement, gauging, rating, estimation, consideration, analysis. ; features CHARACTERISTIC, attribute, quality, property, trait, hallmark, trademark; aspect, facet, factor,

    ingredient, component, element, theme; peculiarity, idiosyncrasy, quirk. ; final LAST, closing, concluding, finishing, end, terminating, ultimate, eventual.

    focus CENTRE, focal point, central point, centre of attention, hub, pivot, nucleus, heart,cornerstone, linchpin, cynosure. ; ; ;

    impact EFFECT, influence; consequences, repercussions, ramifications, reverberations. , , ,injury HARM, hurt, damage, pain, suffering, impairment, affliction, incapacity.

    institute an organization for the promotion of science, education, etc ; ; investment n. the action or process of investing. a thing worth buying because it may be profitable

    or useful in the future. ; items thing, object, article; news story, piece of information ; ; ; ;

    journal a newspaper or magazine dealing with a particular subject.

    maintenance Repairs normal usual, typical, or expected


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    Academic Word List - Most Frequent Words inFamilies

    obtained Obtain = secure; earn, achieveobtained ; ; ;participation n. involvement, partaking, taking part, joining in

    perceived adj. sensed, noticed, seen, discernedpositive n. photograph having true colors adj. not negative; favorable, beneficially; explicit, clear;

    practical, not based on theory

    potential adj. possible n. possibility; ability previous adj. earlier, prior, preceding, antecedent; hasty, premature, rash (Slang) primary adj. first, original; primeval, initial; principal, main, prime; basic, fundamental

    purchase purchasev. buy, acquire in exchange for money; procure, obtain ;

    range extend, stretch; vary region n. area, territory, domain; field, area of activity or interest, sphere

    regulations n. rule, statute, law; act of controlling, management, direction

    relevant related, connected to the current subject

    resident n. inhabitant, one who lives in a particular locationresources n. wealth, financial means; ability, capability restricted adj. limited, constrained, confined

    security n. safety; protection, defense;

    sought Seekv. go in search of, look for; search for select adj. chosen, picked out; choice

    site n. place, location, area; Web site, location on the World Wide Web strategies n. plans or methods created for the purpose of achieving a goal; science of preparing

    long-term battle plans (Military) survey n. act of measuring and recording the characteristics of a plot of land

    v. look over, observe; examine carefully, studytext script, words traditional an inherited , established, or customary pattern of thought, action

    transfer v. move from one place to another - 3

    alternative adj. optionalcircumstance

    scondition of a person with respect to income and material state

    comments v. make a remark; write an explanatory note; explain

    compensation recompense, repayment; something done to make up for (a loss, deficiency or fault)components Ingredient, part,

    consent v. agree; approve n. agreement, accord considerable adj. important; sizable, substantial

    constant adj. continuous; firm constraints n. restriction; artificial manner, unnatural manner; force ; ; ;

    contribution n. act of donating; donationconvention n. conference; treaty; agreement; routine, custom

    coordination n. harmony, accord; working together

    core n. central part of a fruit (containing the seeds); center, heart;


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    corporate adj. incorporated; common, shared, collective; of or pertaining to a corporation corresponding adj. similar, analogous, comparable, parallel

    criteria criterionn. standard against which something is measured (i.e. standard or principle) ; ;

    deduction n. subtraction, reduction, discount; conclusion , , demonstrate v. exhibit, present; display emotion = document v. record for evidence, provide with documentary evidence, substantiatedominant adj. controlling, commanding emphasis n. importance that is attached to something ( )

    ensure v. make certain; guarantee; make secure excluded v. leave out, keep out; prevent from happening or being; reject ; ;

    framework n. frame; support, skeleton; structure; system funds n. monies, capital; cash -

    illustrated adj. demonstrated, exemplified; clarified, depicted with pictures or words ;

    immigration act of settling in a new country implies v. indirectly suggest, hint, infer ;

    initial adj. placed at the beginning, first instance example, illustration;

    interaction n. mutual action, reciprocal action; communication (Computers) justification support, defense, explanation, reason; adjustment of words and letters to make them

    exactly fill a line of type layer n. thickness of some material that covers a surface; stratum, covering, bed

    link v. join; connect; be joined, be connected

    location n. place; position; situation; site; spot maximum adj. greatest, most, utmost, highest minorities n. smaller group as opposed to the majority ,negative denying, contrary; of a quantity less than zero

    outcomes n. result, effect partnership n. association, collaboration, participation philosophy n. study of the nature of human thought and of the world

    physical adj. bodily, corporeal; pertaining to physics proportion n. ratio; part, portion; rate

    published adj. (about printed material) produced and distributed; advertised reaction return to a previous state, restoration of a past condition

    registered adj. enrolled, entered into the records, recorded reliance n. dependence; trust, confidence

    removed get rid of; eject, dismiss, discharge scheme n. plan, design; system; plot, intrigue; diagram, outline

    sequence order, arrangement; chain of events sex n. gender, quality of being male or female; sexual intercourse

    shift n. scheduled work period; change in position, change in direction; replacement

    specified adj. clearly described, indicated; itemized; marked


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    sufficient adj. enough, adequate task n. mission, assignment; obligation; role =

    technical adj. of or pertaining to technique; relating to technology; specialized; mechanicaltechniques n. method of performance, technical skill, manner in which technical details are treated

    technologyn. sciences of the industrial arts, applied sciences; technical methods and processes

    validity n. state of being valid, legitimacy; soundness, condition of being well-foundedvolume n. book, book forming one of a series of books; capacity, bulk, displacement; degree of

    loudness 4

    access n. approach; entry; attack of a disease; permission to enter a computer system and/orretrieve data (Computers) -

    adequate adj. sufficient, suitable; barely passable, tolerable annual adj. occurring once a year

    apparent adj. obvious; ostensible, pretended approximate

    dv. approach, come near ;

    ; ;

    attitudes n. posture, policy; treatment, sentiment , attributed v. ascribe to; credit with ;

    civil civiladj. pertaining to citizens, of civilians; polite

    code v. write in code, translate a message into code : commitment n. obligation, promise; act of committing communicatio

    nn. exchange of information or ideas; transfer, passing along; letter, message


    n. careful attention; strength of a solution; assembly, gathering .

    conference n. discussion; meeting; convention contrast v. compare; be different in comparison with something else

    cycle n. series (of poems, stories, etc.); recurring period of time; long period of time debate v. argue; discuss; consider despite prep. in spite of, notwithstanding ,

    dimensions n. measurements in length width and height of cargo (Transport); domestic adj. pertaining to home, pertaining to family; relating the internal affairs of a country;

    loving home and family , , emerged v. appear, come out, be revealed ; ;

    error n. mistake, something that is incorrect ethnic adj. of different racial and social groups; of people from different countriesgoals n. target, aim; destination; purpose ;

    granted conj. admittedly, acknowledged as true hence adv. therefore, then; from now; from this place ,

    hypothesis n. explanation which gives a reason for observed phenomena, theory implementatio

    nn. execution, carrying out, performing; putting into effect

    implications n. act of implying; something implied, indirect suggestion, connotation, hint

    imposed v. require, compel, force upon; enforce, institute; force oneself on others , integration n. merging, joining; unification into a whole; act of bringing people together as equals


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    regardless of race or religion internal adj. interior, inner, inside, located within; of a country's domestic affairs

    investigation n. probe, examination, inspection job v. do paid work now and then, do odd jobs; work as a middleman, buy and sell ;

    ; ;

    label v. affix a label to, affix a tag or sticker to; call, name, give a nickname to; classify mechanism automatic self-protective behavior obvious adj. clear; unmistakable; apparent, evident; plain

    occupational relating to a profession, work ,job option n. choice, alternative, possibility, selection, election output n. yield; product, manufacture; information sent out from a computer (Computers) overall adv. in general, generally parallel adj. even, equal; analogous, similar

    parameters n. variable which determines the form of a function

    phase n. stage; side, angle, aspect; period predicted adj. prophesied, forecast, foretold, announced in advance ) ; )principal adj. chief, head, leading; primary, main, major

    prior adj. previous, earlier, preceding, antecedent, former professional n. person who works in a skilled occupation, specialist

    project n. plan, scheme, program; task, assignment, activity promote encourage sales; aid, help, assist; obtain through trickery (Slang)

    regime n. mode of rule, system of government, form of government resolution n. ruling, decision; solution, answer; analysis, breakdown

    retained v. keep in possession; keep in practice, continue to use; hold, keep; employ series n. sequence, succession; television program broadcast in installments

    statistics n. branch of mathematics that deals with the collection and interpretation of numericalinformation

    status n. individual's social or professional standing, position, rank; state of things stress v. subject to stress or strain; emphasize, accentuate

    subsequent adj. succeeding, following, ensuing, happening after sum n. amount that is determined by adding two or more numbers; whole amount

    summary brief and comprehensive overview of the main points of a body of material, abstract

    undertaken v. take on, receive responsibility for a task; guarantee ; ; 5academic adj. learned, educated; scholastic; theoretical

    adjustment n. adjusting, adaptation; state of being adjusted alter v. change, modify; be changed, be modified

    amendment n. correction, revision; alteration, change aware adj. attentive; conscious of

    capacity n. volume which can be contained or received; function, role challenge test one's ability, dare, invite to engage in a contest; stimulate

    clause part of a sentence which contains a subject and predicate (Grammar) compounds n. enclosed area; mixture, substance composed of different elements ,


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    conflict v. oppose, disagree, quarrel, fight . consultation n. counseling, advising; conferring ,

    contact v. establish communication, connect (with someone or something decline v. refuse; go down, decrease ,

    discretionn. caution, wisdom, careful judgment

    draft n. rough outline, sketch; check , enable v. make possible, make capable; allow, give power to energy n. power; vigor, liveliness, intensity

    enforcement n. execution, putting into force, act of enforcing entities n. being, something that exists; thing ;

    equivalent adj. equal in worth or value, equal in importance; corresponding evolution n. development, progression, unfolding, growth ; ; ; ;

    expansion n. enlargement, increase, spread; development

    exposureplacement, location (in relation to the sun)

    external adj. exterior, outer; outsidefacilitate v. make easy

    fundamental adj. basic, elemental; essential generated v. create, produce ; ; generation n. group of people born around the same time; production

    image v. imagine; draw a likeness; describe, picture; likeness liberal tolerant, open-minded; generous; abundant

    n. one who supports a progressive political philosophy licence n. permit, certificate; authority; authorization; freedom (action, belief, etc.); ; ; ;

    logic n. reasoning, common-sense; science of inference and reasoning marginal close to the limits; minimal, slight medical adj. of or relating to the science or practice of medicine; curativemental adj. of or relating to the mind, intellectual, cerebral; mentally ill (Slang);

    modified adj. adjusted; changed; moderated; attributive (Grammar); adapted monitoring n. supervision; surveillance; scanning; guarding, watching ,

    network coordinated system involving a number of things or peoplenotion n. concept; opinion; idea

    objective n. aim, purpose, goal; objective case (Grammar) orientation direction, tendency; direction of printing ; perspective n. viewpoint, outlook; vista, view

    precise adj. exact, not more and not less prime adj. principal, major, chief; central, main; select, choice

    psychology n. study of the mind, study of human behavior pursue v. chase after, follow; aspire to, strive for; continue, carry on; persist in, work at

    ratio n. proportional relation, relationship of quantity or size between two thingsrejected v. refuse, decline, deny, turn down ;

    revenue n. income, return, gains; government income earned through taxationstability n. solidity, firmness, permanence,


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    styles v. plan, design; name, call substitution n. replacement; act or instance of substituting sustainable endurable, livable, sufferable, supportable, tolerable , ;

    symbolic Figurative

    target objective, aim, object, goal; goal or situation one intends to achieve transition n. passage, change, transformation/trend n. tendency, course, bearing; fashion, mode

    version n. particular form of something, variant, rendering; translation welfare well-being; happiness, prosperity; support, aid

    whereas conj. since, inasmuch as; this being the case; but; while 6

    abstract Adj. unconnected to concrete reality; theoretical, not practicalv. v. remove, take away; steal; theorize, conceptualize; summarize

    accurateadj. precise, exact


    adj. recognized; received

    aggregate v. bring together allocation Portion assigned given as a requirement attached adj. bound, fastened

    author n. writer, one who writes a bookbond n. link; obligation brief n. abstract, summary, concise report; instructions

    capable adj. skilled, able, proficient cited adj. quoted; referenced to ; cooperative adj. willing to work together

    discrimination unequal treatment ,ability to choose well (in matters of taste) display v. put out for others to see, show, exhibit

    diversity n. variety; difference, unlikeness domain n. field .edition n. total number of copies printed at the same time (of a book, newspaper, etc.); form in

    which a book is published =

    enhancedadj. improved; increased


    ; estate n. extensive piece of land usually with a large house on it; person's property, wealth

    exceed v. go beyond, pass; excel expert adj. skilled, knowledgeable

    explicit adj. clear federal adj. of or pertaining to a form of government in which separate states unite under a

    central authority while retaining limited powers of government fees payment for services rendered; cost of admission; commission ; ;

    flexibility capable of bending easily without breaking. able to change readily to meet new circumstances

    furthermore adv. in addition to, moreover gender n. sex of a person or animal ( (


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    ignored Rejected , refused ; incentive Stimulating ; ; incidence n. frequency ; ;

    incorporated Adj. united , combined into one body ; ;















    7adaptation n. process of making one thing fit another; modification, adjustment ; ; ;

    adults mature person, mature animal ;

    advocate n. defense counsel; attorney; supporter, follower, ; V. ; ; ; aid v. help; assistn. help; assistance; accessory ;

    channel n. canal; station; television station and its programs; ; ; chemical used in a chemical process

    classical adj. excellent; timeless; traditional


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    comprehensive adj. extensive, including much, large in scope ; comprise v. include; be composed of ) ; ; )

    confirmed adj. shown to be true; habitual ; contrary adj. contradictory, opposed; stubborn, obstinate ; ; ;

    convertedv. change religions; exchange money; transform, change



    couple n. pair, group of two persons or things

    decades n. ten years; group of ten definite adj. clear, decisive; limited; specific

    deny v. say that something is not true; refuse; renounce ; differentiation n. act of distinguishing; discrimination; act of changing ; ;

    disposal n. getting rid of; arranging; device that grinds up garbage ; ; ; dynamic adj. forceful, energetic, vigorous, spirited ; ;

    eliminate v. remove, get rid of ; ;

    empirical adj. learned through observation equipment n. supplies, necessary items, tools or other objects for completing a task extract v. remove, take out; squeeze, press ; ;

    file n. collection of documents on a subject ; v. ; finite adj. having limitations ;

    foundation n. base, substructure; establishing, founding; institution ;global adj. worldwide, universal, of the whole world grade n.mark; level, degree, rank ; ; ;

    guarantee v. promise, assure n. security; warranty ; ;

    hierarchical adj. belonging to a hierarchy, arranged according to rank ; identical adj. exactly alike, same; equal in every respect, interchangeable ; ideology n. study of the origin and nature of ideas (Philosophy); doctrine, philosophy

    = :

    inferred v. derive, conclude; guess, surmise; hint ; innovation n. introduction of something new; change, new method or practice ;

    insert v. place in, put in; add to intervention n. interference, mediation; interference by one country in the affairs of another ;

    isolated adj. solitary, alone; separated from others ;


    media n. channels of mass communication (radio, newspaper, television, etc.), medium mode n. style, way, manner; fashion; situation ; ;

    paradigm n. model, ideal; mold, form; example, pattern phenomenon n. event or circumstance that can be observed; something unusual; something detected by the

    senses priority n. preference, precedence; higher rank ; ;

    prohibited adj. outlawed, forbidden by law; banned, enjoined ; ; publication act of publicizing, act of advertising ( ; ; )

    quotation n. act of repeating the words of another person ;

    release n. freedom, liberation; newly distributed film ; ; ; reverse cause to move in the opposite direction; revoke, cancel, annul; change, alter ;


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    simulation n.act of pretending; imitation, imitation of the operation or features of one system using anothersystem

    solely adv. only, exclusively; merely , ,somewhat adv. slightly; to a certain extent; quite ; ;

    submitted v. give in, surrender, yield; subject oneself to a process or condition; present, propose ; successive adj. continuous, sequential, following one after another ;

    survivethesis n. hypothesis, proposition to be proven; dissertation ; ; ; topic v. continue to live after another has died, outlive; remain in use, continue in existence ;

    ; transmission n. sending; broadcast; transmittal, conveyance ; ; ; ;

    ultimately adv. in the end, eventually; in an ultimate manner unique adj. singular, matchless, unequaled, rare

    visible adj. can be clearly seen; in view, observable; obvious, apparent , voluntary adj. done by free choice; unpaid; having free will ; ; 8

    abandon v. forsake, leave behind, desert . . accompanie

    dadj : having accompaniment or companions or escort


    n. gathering; collection; agglomeration, pile . .

    ambiguous obscure, vague . appendix n. small sac attached to the intestines

    appreciation n. esteem, high regard; increase in value . . arbitrary adj. wanton, reckless; uncontrolled, unrestricted . . .


    adv. unintentionally, in an automatic manner .

    bias n. prejudice; tendency, leaning chart n. graph, diagram .

    clarity n. clearness conformity correspondence in form or character, agreement, compliance . . commodity n. merchandise, goods

    complement n. that which makes perfect; something added to complete . . contemporary adj. modern, current . . . contradiction n. denial; opposition; inconsistency .

    crucial adj. critical, decisive, very important . currency n. money; circulation; custom

    denote v. symbolize; mark . . . detected v. discern, discover . deviation n. act of deviating; aberration, abnormality



    n. act of moving something from its usual place

    dramatic having the base of drama; emotional, surprising ,


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    eventually adv. finally, in the end . exhibit v. show, demonstrate . . .

    exploitation n. selfish use, imposition, utilization fluctuations n. vacillation, instability, wavering, inconstancy, change

    guidelinesn. outline or indication of acceptable conduct or procedure

    highlighted adj. stressed, emphasized, accented ; ; implicit adj. implied, indirectly suggested induced adj. caused, brought about, produced

    inevitably adv. unavoidably, inescapably, certainly infrastructur

    en. foundation, basis, substructure ;

    inspection n. act of looking over carefully and critically intensity n. quality of being intense; strength, energy . . .

    manipulation n. act of manipulating; minimised v. make small, reduce; reduce as much as possible ;

    nuclear adj. of or pertaining to a nucleus offset v. compensate; balance .

    paragraph n. passage, distinct portion of text plus n. sign for addition; advantage, benefit . . .

    practitioners n. professional, one who works in a profession or career predominantl

    yadv. generally, prevalently, usually; mainly ;

    prospect hope, promise; view, vista, scene; outlook, perspective . .

    radical adj. having extreme political views; fundamental, pertaining to a root random adv. accidentally, by chance, fortuitously .

    reinforced adj. strengthened, fortified restore v. return, bring back . .

    revision n. act of changing, alteration; act of reviewing schedule n. timetable, agenda . .

    tension n. tautness, strain, nervousness termination n. end, conclusion, completion

    theme n. subject, topic, main idea . . thereby adv. by means of that, in that connection uniform n. distinctive and identifying dress of a particular group vehicle n. means of transport

    via prep. by way of, by means of . virtually adv. in essence, in effect, almost, practically . .

    widespread adj. common, popular, extensive, prevalent . . visual adj. relating to or used in vision; seen; .



    n. housing; residence; lodging; adjustment; arrangement

    analogous adj. parallel; similar, comparable .


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    anticipated adj. expected, foreseen, predicted, envisioned . assurance n. promise, pledge; confidence, security

    attained adj. achieved, fulfilled . . behalf n. representing; support

    bulkn. volume, mass; main part, most . .

    ceases v. stop, halt . . n. stop, halt, break .

    coherence n. sticking together; consistency ; ; coincide v. be compatible; happen at the same time; agree; take up the same place .

    commenced v. begin, start . incompatible adj. incongruous, unsuitable; discordant; opposed, irreconcilable . .

    concurrent adj. unanimous, in agreement; convergent . . confined adj. constricted, restrained; limited ; ; ) . )

    controversy n. disagreement, debate, argument .

    conversely adv. in an opposite manner, in a contrary manner . . device n. apparatus; scheme; hardware component which can send or receive data (Computers)

    , devoted adj. faithful, dedicated, loyal .

    diminished adj. lessened, reduced, decreased, made smaller ; ; distortion n. deformity, twisting out of shape duration n. period of time that something continues erosion n. gradual wearing away of the Earth by wind or water; disintegration; deterioration

    ethical adj. moral, pertaining to values and principles ; ;

    format n. structure, pattern, design founded adj. established, set up, instituted inherent adj. intrinsic, existing as a natural and integral part, natural, inborn ; ; ;


    insights n. perception, discernment, understanding, astuteness, intuition . integral adj. pertaining to or part of a whole ; ;

    intermediate adj. mediatory, acting between persons or parties; existing between two stages manual adj. of or pertaining to the hands; hand-operated mature adj. ripe; full-grown, adult; fully developed ;

    mediation n. act of mediating between two parties medium adj. intermediate in size or degree

    military adj. of or pertaining to the military n. army, armed forces -minimal adj. least possible, very small, smallest ; mutual adj. shared by each of a pair, reciprocal norms n. standard; quota; rule

    overlap v. extend over, cover a part ofn. something that is superimposed . - passive adj. submissive, unresisting portion n. part, piece ; ;

    preliminary adj. early, advance; introductory



    protocol n. method of dealing with a certain subject ; rules of behavior


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    qualitative adj. pertaining to quality, pertaining to characteristics ; refine v. purify, filter . .

    relaxed adj. informal, not strict; at ease, calm restraints n. control of one's own emotions, constraint, reserve

    revolutionn. overthrow of the government

    rigid adj. hard, stiff, inflexible . . route n. track, path

    scenario n. script, storyline, synopsis of a plot sphere n. domain, realm, area

    subordinate adj. inferior, of secondary importance supplementar

    yadj. serving as a supplement; additional, extra

    suspended adj. hung; stopped for a period of time; postponed team n. group, crew

    temporary adj. impermanent trigger v. start, precipitate, initiate; activate ) ..)unified adj. combined, integrated

    violation n. transgression; desecration -) )vision n. act or power of seeing with the eye

    10adjacent adj. near; next; adjoining . .

    albeit conj. although, even though . assembly n. meeting, conference; gathering . . .

    collapse n. breakdown, crash; falling in; compression . colleagues fellow worker

    compiled v. collect, gather together in one place; . . conceived v. understand; think of an idea; become pregnant . . . . convinced adj. persuaded, certain, sure ; ; ; ;

    depression n. sadness, low spirits; lowering, sinking . . . . encountered v. meet by chance; face, meet with (difficulties, hardship, etc . . .

    enormous adj. very large, immense, huge . forthcoming adj. coming, approaching; outgoing

    inclination n. tendency; liking, preference; slope . . . integrity n. honesty, uprightness, morality . . . intrinsic adj. inherent, innate, essential, fundamental . invoked v. requests help or protection (from a deity) request, make an appeal .

    levy n. act or process of collecting or conscripting (money, property, etc.) by a government orother authority

    likewise adv. in addition, also, too, as well; in the same manner, ; ; ;nonetheless adv. however, nevertheless . notwithstandin

    gadv. however, nevertheless .

    odd adj. strange; irregular; random . .


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    ongoing adj. continuous; existing; in progress panel n. group of judges; board, flat piece of wood

    persistent adj. tenacious, stubborn; persevering; constant ; ) ; ) ; ; ;posed adj : arranged for pictorial purposes

    reluctantadj. hesitant, unwilling, disinclined

    so-called adjective commonly designated by the name or term specified . straightforward adj. frank, candid; sincere; honest . .

    undergo v. endure, experience, go through, suffer . . whereby adv. in accordance with, by, through, by means of
