BRAND MANUAL October 1, 2014

Commerce Brand Manual

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Page 1: Commerce Brand Manual

BRAND MANUALOctober 1, 2014

Page 2: Commerce Brand Manual
Page 3: Commerce Brand Manual


The Essence of Our Brand ...............................................................................................2-7

Logo Specifications .......................................................................................................8-10

Secondary Logo ..........................................................................................................11-12

Color - Primary..................................................................................................................13

Color - Secondary .............................................................................................................14

Color - Combinations .......................................................................................................15

Design Fonts ....................................................................................................................16

Correspondence Fonts .....................................................................................................17

Stationery .........................................................................................................................18

Brochure Samples .............................................................................................................19

Report Samples ................................................................................................................20


Tone ..................................................................................................................................22

General Style Reference ..............................................................................................23-24

Page 4: Commerce Brand Manual

North Dakota is one of the last authentic places in America. It is a golden prairie, a place

to make your mark, to dream big dreams. It is a land that transforms the everyday into

legend; a rugged land with a rich history and generations of innovators and risk takers

tending a frontier that is abundant and new. North Dakota is home to a legendary way

of living.

What is a Brand?

A brand is essence and promise; collective perceptions that are both inspiring

and tangible. It is more than just a logo and slogan. It is a way of thinking about

North Dakota.

What is North Dakota’s Brand?

In 2001, the North Dakota Department of Commerce Tourism Division contracted

The Rudder Group and Longwoods International to conduct research to assess North

Dakota’s image as a travel destination and provide strategic direction. After reviewing

the research and conducting several strategic meetings, the Tourism Division’s agency

of record presented a branding recommendation: Legendary.

If one word can capture the essence of North Dakota’s role in our nation’s history, it is

Legendary. Our history is not so much one of places or landmarks, but of legends. The

events that took place here and the characters who played them out are woven into the

stories of an expanding America.

Legendary also has a contemporary twist for North Dakota. Built on history and legends,

it also represents our legendary attributes, like our pioneering spirit, progressive

business development, desired workforce, innovative technology, friendliness and

hospitality. Legendary is memorable, powerful and meaningful. It delivers a promise.

The Essence of Our Brand


Page 5: Commerce Brand Manual

In 2013, the North Dakota Department

of Commerce brought together key

stakeholders to develop a new vision for

organizational branding. The outcomes of

the strategic messaging development led

to a revitalized and streamlined strategy

that revolves around the North Dakota

Legendary brand.

Tourism is Legendary.

North Dakota is a raw and rugged land that

transforms people. It is a place with open

prairies, authentic destinations and unique experiences that transports visitors away from

their everyday routine. Where true stories of people and the land are passed on and

shared with humility and joy from generation to generation.

Economic Development & Finance is Legendary.

Legendary means growth. With its abundant and generous resources for successful

businesses, North Dakota’s commitment, capability, cultivation and culture are building

an environment where businesses can grow, creating more opportunity for talent and

communities to thrive within the beauty that is North Dakota.

Workforce Development is Legendary.

North Dakota offers legendary opportunities. Our mission is to lead North Dakota’s effort

to attract, retain and expand wealth both within and to our great state.

The implementation of the legendary brand into the mission will help us do that.

A LEGENDARY PROVING GROUNDOur land, our legends and our future connects.












The Essence of Our Brand


Page 6: Commerce Brand Manual

The Essence of Our Brand

How will the Brand Be Used?

This platform builds the brand by creating more inspiration, motivation and

opportunities to do business in, travel to, make a life in and advocate for

North Dakota. How?

• Incorporate the North Dakota Legendary brand into as many appropriate

marketing opportunities as possible, using the brand guidelines outlined

in this guide.

• Use the key message points (tone) featured in this guide to write and

speak about North Dakota.

• Use the logo on signage at events and presentations.

• Participate in marketing opportunities including:

o North Dakota social media

o Public relations articles and press releases

o Sponsorships and cooperative advertising

o Web banner advertising

o Grant programs


Community Services is Legendary.

North Dakota is a place of strong communities where neighbors help neighbors.

Our open landscape offers ample opportunities for all, with vibrant rural and urban

communities along with continued innovation and development.

Page 7: Commerce Brand Manual

The Essence of Our Brand


Here are the benefits.

Since 2002, North Dakota Legendary has been used to promote travel and

tourism. Equity has been built in the brand along with opportunity to strengthen

communications, focus marketing, align key messages and support a cohesive and

consistent look and feel.

North Dakota Legendary can be leveraged to make a broader impact in the state’s goals

for business development, workforce recruitment and retention and overall image.

• For visitors, North Dakota is where adventure and experiences can be done with

accessibility and excitement.

• For residents, the land connects to the values and way of life that makes home and

family strong.

• For businesses, this emerging prairie offers diverse opportunity with many paths to

legendary fortune and success.

North Dakota Legendary is the single most recognizable icon we use to represent our

state. By leveraging the state’s brand through consistent use, we grow our image and

recognition. This is especially important at a time when we are seeking to build national

recognition for our state and brand.

We encourage leaders, government employees and residents to all become active

brand advocates for the state and its key initiatives.

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The look and feel of the logo imagery for Legendary communicates history and

adventure. It is a hand-drawn font that retains a nostalgic old west feel while being

progressive. The North Dakota mark blends history and adventure with energy and

forward motion giving it that contemporary dynamic.

Basic Standards

North Dakota and North Dakota Legendary are trademarked. Follow the basic

guidelines below when using the logo:

• Never change the logo colors.

• Never change the typefaces within the logo.

• Never compromise the legibility of the logo.

Logo Guidelines

In order to maintain a consistent visual presence, use of the North Dakota Legendary

logo must maintain certain guidelines:

• The logo is a single piece of art. Use only the original mark.

Do not separate the elements.

• Do not adjust, modify, add to or recreate any element of the logo.

• Placement is intended to vary based upon usage.

The Essence of Our Brand


Page 9: Commerce Brand Manual

The Essence of Our Brand


The brand essence is an internal idea that helps give the public image a deeper

meaning and relevance. Approaching the brand in a more holistic fashion allows

marketing and communications to enlist the people of North Dakota as ambassadors

and champions of the North Dakota Legendary brand.

This holistic vision of the brand and focus on the external audience is forward thinking in

that it can lay the groundwork for a more cohesive brand image not only for Commerce,

but for the entire state of North Dakota.

The recommendation that follows revolves around the North Dakota Legendary brand

as the logo for the North Dakota Department of Commerce. Regardless of internal

division or program, internal or external audience, the North Dakota Legendary logo is

the Commerce “seal of approval” with any departmental, division, or program-related

identification treated as text, separate from the logo itself. Thus the logo is continually

strengthened with the repeated, consistent usage on all materials, regardless of

department, division, program, office, etc.

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The North Dakota Legendary logo has been designed as an integral part of the visual

identity of North Dakota and the North Dakota Department of Commerce (Commerce).

In applying the logo consistently, the different divisions and programs of Commerce are

presented as a unified whole. The logo should only be used in the blue, white or black

colors from the primary color palette.




Logo Specifications


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Logo Specifications


Employing the correct logo, color and typography are important but equally important

is the correct usage of these elements. The next few pages will display the correct and

incorrect use of the North Dakota Legendary logo.

Logo Spacing

All text areas, graphic elements and edges should remain outside of the required

“white space” around the North Dakota Legendary logo equal to or greater than

25 percent of the logo height at all times.




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Correct Logo Resizing

If the logo size must be changed, it may only be made larger or smaller without

distortion. The logo at all times must remain as one unit. In other words, if the words

“North Dakota” are made 50 percent larger, the rest of the logo must also increase in

size by 50 percent.

Incorrect Logo Resizing

If the full logo is made larger or smaller, it must change without distortion (i.e. stretching

logo to fit a unique space). The height of the logo may not be changed without also

changing the width proportionally.


Maintaining this minimum size will ensure legibility and readability of the logotype.

This minimum logo size is intended only for use in situations where the North Dakota

Legendary logo appears in a sponsorship section or in advertising specialty products.

For other applications, including forms, keeping the logo at .50” in height is acceptable

to maintain the balance of logo-to-content ratio in printed materials.


Logo Specifications



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1x 1x 1x

Departmentof Commerce

Departmentof Commerce

Departmentof Commerce

Departmentof Commerce




Secondary Logo

When the Department of Commerce needs to be identified specifically in

communication materials and options of doing so within text are limited, the secondary

logo may be used. The secondary logo carries a vertical bar and Department name to

the right side of the Legendary logo.

Departmentof Commerce

Page 14: Commerce Brand Manual

In unique cases such as clothing

embroidery, a vertical version of the

logo may be used. However, the

horizontal version is preferred.Department of Commerce

One advantage the North Dakota Legendary logo is that it can be applied to other state

agencies, reinforcing the image of North Dakota.



Departmentof Health



Secondary Logo

Page 15: Commerce Brand Manual

Color – Primary


These are the primary colors recommended for the North Dakota Legendary logo.

Warm and rich. These colors reflect history, richness of culture and warmth, which fits our

Legendary brand.

PMS 5763 CMYK: 53/38/79/16RGB: 119/124/79HEX: 777C4F

PMS 484 CMYK: 0/95/100/29RGB: 155/48/28HEX: 9B301C

PMS 716 CMYK: 5/64/100/0RGB: 242/132/17HEX: F28411

PMS 534 CMYK: 100/56/0/58 RGB: 58/73/114HEX: 3A4972

100% BLACK

100% WHITE




FROM 100% TO 10%

PMS 5763

100% 90% 80% 70% 60%

50% 40% 30% 20% 10%

PMS 716

100% 90% 80% 70% 60%

50% 40% 30% 20% 10%

PMS 534

100% 90% 80% 70% 60%

50% 40% 30% 20% 10%

PMS 484

100% 90% 80% 70% 60%

50% 40% 30% 20% 10%


100% 90% 80% 70% 60%

50% 40% 30% 20% 10%

Page 16: Commerce Brand Manual

Color – Secondary


These are the secondary colors recommended for the North Dakota Legendary logo.

Lively and vibrant. These colors will help reflect the vibrancy and energy found in our

Legendary brand.

PMS 2718CMYK: 65/43/0/0RGB: 91/119/204HEX: 5B77CC

PMS 186CMYK: 12/100/92/3RGB: 206/17/38HEX: CE1126

PMS 7499CMYK: 5/7/35/0RGB: 111/82/50HEX: F3E4B2

PMS 7505 CMYK: 40/56/78/25RGB: 111/82/50HEX: 6F5232

PMS 5275CMYK: 71/71/31/13RGB: 96/86/119HEX: 605677

PMS 376 CMYK: 50/0/100/0RGB: 125/186/0HEX: 8CC63E




FROM 100% TO 10%

PMS 186

100% 90% 80% 70% 60%

50% 40% 30% 20% 10%

PMS 2718

100% 90% 80% 70% 60%

50% 40% 30% 20% 10%

PMS 5275

100% 90% 80% 70% 60%

50% 40% 30% 20% 10%

PMS 376

100% 90% 80% 70% 60%

50% 40% 30% 20% 10%

PMS 7505

100% 90% 80% 70% 60%

50% 40% 30% 20% 10%

PMS 7499

100% 90% 80% 70% 60%

50% 40% 30% 20% 10%

Page 17: Commerce Brand Manual

Color – Combinations


PMS 5763 PMS 534

PMS 716 PMS 484

The samples below are to give some insight into possible color combinations to help

make the Legendary brand color palette work in as much harmony as possible.

The samples are set up with the 4 primary colors in the center of each pie.

Then each slice shows a possible combination using both the other primary

colors and the secondary color options. These are set up to provide ideas; these

are not meant to be the only combinations possible. Each piece shows a 4-color

combo, but a combination of two or three is also a clean approach to

take. Simple, but with harmony, is always the goal.

Page 18: Commerce Brand Manual

Design Fonts


Design fonts are the fonts to use within materials such as brochures, annual reports,

digital graphics, and other styled communications materials. Avenir and Minion

Pro present a clean, crisp, professional image to collateral such as brochures and

display materials.



Avenir ParagraphAvenir

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla varius sem eu ante faucibus vitae aliquet erat facilisis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed tellus odio, elementum at dignissim non, placerat quis orci. Vivamus tellus libero, dictum vel consequat quis, blandit non purus. Suspendisse potenti. Nam ipsum diam, vulputate quis pellentesque vel, ullamcorper dignissim nibh. Ut massa velit, sodales eu hendrerit eu, dignissim et urna.



Minion Pro ParagraphMinion Pro

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla varius sem eu ante faucibus vitae aliquet erat facilisis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed tellus odio, elementum at dignissim non, placerat quis orci. Vivamus tellus libero, dictum vel consequat quis, blandit non purus. Suspendisse potenti. Nam ipsum diam, vulputate quis pellentesque vel, ullamcorper dignissim nibh. Ut massa velit, sodales eu hendrerit eu, dignissim et urna.

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Correspondence Fonts



Arial ParagraphArial

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla varius sem eu ante faucibus vitae aliquet erat facilisis. Pellen-tesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed tellus odio, elementum at dignissim non, placerat quis orci. Vivamus tellus libero, dictum vel consequat quis, blandit non purus. Suspendisse potenti. Nam ipsum diam, vulputate quis pellentesque vel, ullamcorper dignissim nibh. Ut massa velit, sodales eu hendrerit eu, dignissim et urna.



Times New Roman ParagraphTimes New RomanLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla varius sem eu ante faucibus vitae aliquet erat facilisis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed tellus odio, elementum at dignissim non, placerat quis orci. Vivamus tellus libero, dictum vel consequat quis, blandit non purus. Suspendisse potenti. Nam ipsum diam, vulputate quis pellentesque vel, ullamcorper dignissim nibh. Ut massa velit, sodales eu hendrerit eu, dignissim et urna.

Correspondence fonts are widely available fonts that are to be used on written, unstyled

communications such as letterhead body copy. Arial and Times New Roman fonts will be

an acceptable for use in standard documents.

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North Dakota Department of Commerce1600 E. Century Avenue, Suite 2PO Box 2057, Bismarck, ND 58502-2057

North Dakota Department of Commerce: 1600 E. Century Avenue, Suite 2, P.O. Box 2057, Bismarck, ND 58502-2057 • Phone: 701-328-5300 Toll-Free: 1-866-4DAKOTA • Fax: 701-328-5320 • ND Relay TTY: 1-800-366-6888 • Voice: 1-800-366-6889 • NDCommerce.com

Month XX, 20XXDear John,

Cras facilisis, nibh aliquet ornare sodales, lorem arcu mollis turpis, nec sodales mauris nunc pretium elit. Nam a dignissim mauris. Proin sit amet auctor ipsum. Maecenas ultrices diam vitae sapien commodo, et aliquam enim auctor. Donec sollicitudin nec lectus vitae elementum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean porttitor adipiscing egestas. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam nec turpis luctus, ornare arcu ut, cursus orci. Vivamus in augue euismod, gravida ante eget, facilisis lorem. Proin felis lectus, semper eu lobortis in, adipiscing et ligula. Aliquam posuere nunc vitae sollicitudin venenatis.

Nullam vestibulum nibh et massa vulputate, a mollis est auctor. Sed elit arcu, suscipit vel velit at, volutpat posuere tellus. Cras laoreet risus est, at mollis orci ultrices quis. Nullam gravida, justo vitae viverra sodales, diam sem semper neque, a fermentum augue turpis at purus.

Quisque ac odio massa. Proin et vehicula elit, eu fringilla augue. Proin et leo consectetur, lacinia turpis a, rutrum orci. Etiam dolor arcu, pharetra eu lacus eget, tincidunt tristique lectus. Pellentesque nisl nulla, mattis id egestas ac, lacinia non turpis. Phasellus eget nisl quis diam volutpat vulputate. Phasellus condimentum est eu luctus pretium. Nulla sollicitudin adipiscing elit, a ullamcorper turpis vestibulum feugiat. Curabitur cursus mauris nisi, vulputate sagittis nisi hendrerit condimentum. Ut volutpat ut magna quis facilisis. Duis id purus est. Vivamus pretium mauris ut fermentum sagittis. Curabitur vehicula volutpat dictum. Nullam quis odio non mauris consequat imperdiet. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque nec neque mattis, iaculis leo eget, faucibus sapien.


NameWorking TitleDivision of XXXXX


NameWorking TitleDivision of XXXXXX

North DakotaDepartment of Commerce1600 E. Century Avenue, Suite 2

PO Box 2057Bismarck, ND 58502-2057

Phone: 701-328-XXXXToll-Free: 1-800-435-5663

[email protected]


The possibilities are endless for your group’s legendary experience in North Dakota.





Back Option 2

Back Option 3

Back Option 4 (blank)

Back Option 1

Front Option

Page 21: Commerce Brand Manual

Brochure Sample




North Dakota Department of CommerceDepartment Title


ProgramPhone: 000-000-0000

Cell: 000-000-0000Email: [email protected]


Nulla ut neque non lacus lobortis varius. Ut a neque in magna rutrum ullamcorper ac vehicula.

Page 22: Commerce Brand Manual

Report Sample


2012 Report

Sample with new logo treatment

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The imagery used in communications needs to reflect the Legendary ethos. It is

important that the images we select in our communications contribute to the overall

brand messaging. The goal of our images is to convey a Legendary moment, not simply

a portrait. A Legendary moment carries a rich story, whether the story is one of history,

innovation, growth or adventure.


The imagery used in communications need to reflect the Legendary ethos. It is important

that the images we select in our communications contribute to the overall brand messaging.


Page 24: Commerce Brand Manual



Our tone of voice is the way we write and speak to our different audiences. From

brochures to websites, advertisements to speeches, a consistent tone of voice will help

build and strengthen our brand. It is a vital part of the Legendary brand identity and an

important way to communicate our values.

A consistent tone of voice in communications will further enhance the Legendary

brand. Although the need may arise for more technical writing to a very specific

audience, overall our general communications should take a clear, crisp tone with

economical usage of words, while carrying an underlying tone of warmth, helpfulness

and friendliness.










Growing Business

This emerging prairie offers diverse opportunities with many paths to legendary success.

Our state has the resources, support and people you need to be successful.

We are developing breakthrough programs and policy that support a wide range of industry.

With one of the few budget surpluses in the US, we are investing in the infrastructure needed to thrive.


North Dakota is a land that connects people to opportunity.

North Dakota place where you can make your mark and build a home.

With jobs available across the state in a variety of industries, you can find the right career for you.

Aerospace, technology, agriculture and energy are all driving the lowest unemployment in the nation with high wages.


A great place to live.

This land connects people to the values and way of life that strengthens home and family.

The history, values

and rugged terrain

make North Dakotans a

hardy lot.

North Dakotans are

kind, generous, hard

working people.


Do the things you love to do in North Dakota.

From the outdoors to nightlife, from history to the arts, we have the activity to fit your passion.

Travel guides, festival and event guides


Come experiencethe lands and legendsof North Dakota.

Amazing places to create your legend.

Adventure abounds. A rugged terrain that offers raw and meaningful experiences.

Hunting and fishing guide, Adventures guide, city guides.

• •

• ••


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General Style Preference



When commas are used to separate elements in a series, generally no comma should

be used before the conjunction. For example, “red, white and blue” denotes correct

comma usage. However, for more extensive phrasing, a comma may still be used before

a conjunction if it helps clarify the meaning for the reader.

Single-spacing should be used after periods to indicate spacing between sentences,

not double space.

Web Addresses

Web addresses are displayed as follows:

• NDCommerce.com (capital “C”)

• NDtourism.com (lowercase “t”)

• ExperienceND.com

• InnovateND.com

• NDBusiness.com

• NDCommunityServices.com

• NDWorkforce.com

• NDYouthForward.com

• OperationIntern.com

Web Fonts

Generally, Commerce website copy utilizes the Arial font. Headlines and navigation

buttons utilize Franklin Gothic.

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General Style Preference



• /AgritourismND

• /GroupTravelND

• /InnovateND

• /InternationalND

• /NDAmbassador

• /NDYouthForward

• /OutdoorsND

• /TravelND

Social Media Logo Use

In social media, the abbreviated “ND” version of the Legendary

logo may be used for profile pictures and other thumbnail-sized

image circumstances.


• @GroupTravelND

• @InnovateND

• @InternationalND

• @LegendaryND

• @NDAmbassador

• @NDYouthForward

• @NorthDakota

• @OutdoorsND


• /ExperienceND

• /LegendaryND

• /NDCareerConversation

Social Media

For social media, generally use the approporate icon, then list the address as follows:

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