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Final products of the Bilateral Comenius project "History, You and Me is Europe Today" by the students of Charlemagne College (NL) and Urola Ikastola Azkoitia-Azpeitia of the Basque Country (EH-NA) during the school years 2010-2011-2012

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Azpeitia and its surroundings: then and now

Azpeitia and its surroundings: then and now

Our town, wich is called Azpeitia, was in 1910 surrounded

by a wall. This wall had a huge wooden door. In Azpeitia,

there were lords and they lived in very exclusive houses.

For example, Enparan dorretxea. People in Azpeitia were

very religious.

Azpeitia and its surroundings: then and now

Nowadays Azpetia isn´t

surrounded by a wall

anymore. Azpeitia has got a

lot of important buildings.

On one hand our town has

got a lot of nightlife, on the

other hand Azpeitia gives

us a lot of facilities to do


Azpeitia has changed a lot.

Azpeitia is surrounded by

mountains. The most important

mountain is Xoxote. A river

crosses Azpeitia. In 1953 there

was a huge flood. It has

destroyed everything.

Azpeitia and its surroundings: then and now

Azpeitia and its surroundings: then and now

In Azpeitia there were a lot of animals in 1910. The river Urola

has got a lot of fishes. In the mountains and in the forests there

were animals, but they were hidden. Birds and foxes were the

most typical animals in our mountains.

Azpeitia and its surroundings: then and now

In 1910 the important

buildings were situated within

the walls. The monastery, the

towers, the town hall and the

prision. The churches were also

important, because people in

Azpeitia were devouts.

Azpeitia and its surroundings: then and now

Today in our town the

important buildigns has

changed a lot. The town hall

is in another buiding. There isn´t any prision here. We

have got a court, where a lot

of lawyers work. There is a

big church, which is very

beautifull. It has got a

wonderfull dome.

Azpeitia and its surroundings: then and now

In 1910 there were various

roads in Azpeitia. They made

a new road to get from

Azpeitia to Loyola. Besides,

they built a road to get to

Urrestilla. For the people who

lived in Landeta there was a

facility to get to Loyola. They

also constructed a road for the

farmers from Xoxote to get to


Azpeitia and its surroundings: then and now

Now there are far more

roads in Azpeitia than in

the past, but the road to

Loyola stayed. When you

want to get to Azpeitia, you´ve got 3 options: the

one that goes to Zestoa, to

Azkoitia or to Landeta.

Now the centre of Azpeitia

is connected with many


Azpeitia and its surroundings: then and now

In Azpeitia the workers used the roads we´ve mentioned

before. To go to other villages

they could used the train. A

service called Automobil

Zerbitzua transported the

people from Zumarraga to


Azpeitia and its surroundings: then and now

Now the majority of the people use their own car to travel.

Besides, many people carpool to get to the work and so the

save some money. The public transport is also used a lot by

the workers.

Azkoitia: town’s appearance

Official buildings

Town hall

Etxe beltz palace

Floreaga Palace

Intsausti Palace

National School

How can we get to the town?and in


Where did they go to work? and now?



Origins of Azpeitia

• Azpeitia before and now

• The streets

• The course of the river

• Main buildings


• Surroundings

• Some photos


• One century ago in the town

there were many smaller


• Now those workshops have

been replaced by some houses.

• Unfortunately bigger

companies are closing down

due to the crisis.

THE STREETS Except the streets of the old part of Azpeitia, the rest of them have undergone a lot of changes.

THE COURSE OF THE RIVER • The river flows through the middle of the town.

• Now, in the area of Urrestilla, the course of the river is being changed.


• Loiola

• Tower House Enparan

• Health Center

• Bullring

LOIOLA • Loyola is the birthplace of San Inazio, who founded the Jesuits.

• Nowadays it is the most important place for the Jesuits, as well as for many

tourists around the world.


• Tower House Enparan was the house of the Oñatz family, which was one of

the most important families in those times.

• At this moment, it is used as a library.


• 100 years ago, the doctor used to attend his patients in his house.

• Now the doctors

attend them in

a public building.

• The building, which now works as a

Health Center, some years ago was the

court and the jail.

• Nowadays, the court is placed in another

area of the town.


• The bulls are really important in Azpeitia.

• It is an old tradition.

• The bullring, is it used for many different activities: “Herri Kirolak”, Errekortadoreak, Korridak…


Azpeitia is almost surrounded by mountains, such as, Xoxote, Ernio, Kakute.


We made an article about one big change in the Dutch landscape in perticular the one of Landgraaf.

And for making this article we made it up out of 2 ‘’real’’ articles.

These articles were made in around 1910 and 2010.

So thats about a 100 year difference.

Made in 1910

Talks about the need for new employees in the newly opened mine

The problem is that they can’t find any workers and there are too few living spaces.

There were a lot of mines. The state mines: wilhelmina, hendrik and emma. The private mines: Orange-Nassau 1 trough 4: the Laura mine, the Julia mine, the Domanial mine and the Willem-Sophia mine.

Now the mines are closed. The last one was closed in 1975.

With the closure of the mines there also came alot of unemployment

The main reason for the closure was that the had to start digging too deep to get their needed amount of charcoal

The second article describes how you can slide down the hill on Snowworld.

Snowworld is annual host to the FIS World cup skiing and snowboarding.

This article states how the annual FIS World cup skiing and snowboarding was held in Snowworld

Rodelen Snowworld Landgraaf druk bezocht Het gratis rodelen bij Snowworld in Landgraaf wordt

goed bezocht. Zaterdag zijn volgens schattingen al meer dan vijfhonderd mensen op sleetjes de Wilhelminaberg afgesuisd. Ook zondag wordt veel belangstelling verwacht.

In het weekeinde van 9 en 10 januari kunnen bezoekers gratis van de 95 meter hoge Wilhelminaberg rodelen. Iedereen kan met de stoeltjeslift omhoog om daarna het bijna twee kilometer lange parcours naar beneden te suizen. Meer over dit winterse evenement is te lezen in de krant van maandag. Bekijk nu alvast de video's en het fotoalbum voor een impressie.

We chose this article because of the flow of income Snowworld has brought to Landgraaf

And it also shows how the landscape of Landgraaf has been drasticly changed due to the mines.

Because the snowworld hill has been made not by nature but man.

It is a giant pile of debris gathered from the mines that couldn’t be used for burning.




A hundred years ago, the modern

period of our town started.

• Not well connected roads.

• Before the new changes came.

• The first cars and buses.

A horse carriage

What for?

• Connect Azkoitia with

the train.

• After 1850.

“The Iron Road”

• Around 1878, all the

roads started to be

built in a different


Roads were laid for vehicles and

pavements for walkers


• The main innovation.

• These were used to:

– connect the small towns

– in case of emergencies

– export

– import

One of the first little buses

Urola Train

• One disadvantage

• In 1922

Several other innovations:

• Thanks to the new transport ways,

Azkoitia improved in:

– technology and communication.

– Leisure.

– electricity and water.

– factories.

The town hall of Azkoitia

where the first telephone

box was installed.

The last important step to enter the

XX century:

• As we did not take part in the First World

War, it did not affect us in a negative way.

• A railway employee told him to urinate

in a trash in the first class

• The railway employee was fined

• No peebags!

• The levy for general cargo is

being raised.

• Only for cargo that is being

transferred without documents.

• Raised to f 0.50 per 100 kg

• As of Monday the 7th of July


Four Persons drove a car into a ditch.

A daddy longlegs was almost hit.

The drivers dryed up into a mansion.

An old man got hurt.

Daddy longlegs (up).

The original artikel (left).

Romain drives truck into Rhine.

Tom tom’s fault.

Nobody was injured.

Both cars drove into water.

One by human fault, the other by technical fault.

People never change, only there environment.



: Ainhoa Agirrebeña Andueza

Melissa Nielaba

Maialen Castaño Nuñez

Hannah Ratuschny

Mikel Gonzalez Arrue

Ids Niessen

Maite Arregi Joaristi

Giovanna Verspagen

Gadea Azkue Izagirre

Darren Klasens

Iñigo Larrañaga Egiguren

Mick Zenden

Itziar Gurrutxaga Altuna

Philippe Schyns

Ane Etxeberria Aranguren

Sandy Klooster

Ane Arrizabalaga Andreu

Wesley Hundscheid

Maria Odriozola Romarate

Jill Quaedflieg

Ianire Iriarte Villanueva

Charelle Matzner

B Y :

Ane Uria Etxeberria

Rik van der Schuren

Miriam Etxaniz Alberdi

Jessica Verjans

Ane Letamendia Martin

Sammie Hinzen

Sarai Tena Gómez

Kim Aarts

Naira Arizmendi Ucin

Godelieve Ploumen

Beatriz Arizmendi Larrañaga

Minou Schreijen

Goizane Mendizabal Arrieta

Andrea Mollering

Jon Olaizola Alberdi

Alejandro Erkens

Ainhoa Aizpitarte Zabarte

Ruben Mooldijk

Ane Aguado Garate

Demi Plummen

Itxaso Astigarraga Etxabe

Veerle Schielen

Melissa Dassen

Leire Etxeberria Beristain

Isabelle Cranen

Alaitz Alberdi Eizmendi

Kimberly Wanders

Sara Aranbarri Iriondo

Amaia Aizpuru Aldalur

Lonneke Wetzelaer

Maite Olaizola Alberdi

Kelly Bruijnseels

Estibalitz Aranbarri Zinkunegi

Maren Alberdi Aizpuru

Katrin Jungheim

Maite Lete Elorza

Yvette Tillmans

Haizea Ribera Sorazu

Natascha Strolenberg

Eider Etxaniz Corrales

Marco van Belzen

Mireia Arrizabalaga Olaizola

Bas Wijsman

Maider Soraluze Larrañaga

Itziar Varela Egiguren

Jolien Windmuller

Judith Egiguren Agirre

Britt Creusen

Britt Quaedflieg

Eider Iturralde Arotzena

Laura Naranjo Garcia

Laurence Smits

Ane Bereziartua Odriozola

Idoia Landa Reza

Robert v. Overveld

Monika Aizpitarte Garmendia

Robin Frankes

Maitane Diez Izagirre

Leonie Thomissen

Irati Labaka Garmendia

Sebastiaan Ansara

Aizpea Etxeberria Arano

Marjolijn Smeets

Sara Ibarzabal Arregi

Demi Smits