combismile A NEW GENERATION OF BEVERAGE PACKAGING Meet new consumer demands with novel, different and good-to-go products… Open up new growth opportunities in a premiumised world Achieve greater product novelty and differentiation on retail shelves Attract mobile consumers with more targeted on-the-go products Meet today’s ever-changing and individual consumer needs

combismile - SIG Combibloc Group · the-go consumers. In fact, research shows 84% think it’s more comfortable to hold, while 93% would buy it at first glance. To increase the drinking

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Page 1: combismile - SIG Combibloc Group · the-go consumers. In fact, research shows 84% think it’s more comfortable to hold, while 93% would buy it at first glance. To increase the drinking

—combismileA NEW GENERATION OF BEVERAGE PACKAGING —Meet new consumer demands with novel, different and good-to-go products…

Open up new growth opportunities in a premiumised world


Attract mobile consumers with more targeted on-the-go products

Meet today’s ever-changing and individual consumer needs

Page 2: combismile - SIG Combibloc Group · the-go consumers. In fact, research shows 84% think it’s more comfortable to hold, while 93% would buy it at first glance. To increase the drinking

Global changes are reinventing the way we live and work. Digitalisation, urbanisation, a growing middle class and faster, more on-the-go lifestyles are just some of the megatrendsdramaticallyaffectingthefoodandbeverageindustryall over the world.

By 2030, the world’s population is expected to grow by more than a billion, bringing the global total to over eight billion. And by 2050, it’s projected that more than two thirds of the world will live in urban areas. With shifting demographics and rapid urbanisation, consumers are increasingly living more on-the-go lifestyles, which is impacting the way they consume products.

Food and beverage producers are now striving to keep pace with new global challenges to create more innovative, sustainable and differentiated products.

A NEW ERA OF CONSUMER DEMANDS Today’s on-the-go consumers are more demanding from the products they buy. They are seeking high-quality, authentic and convenient packaging solutions that are easy to use, enhance their experience and reduce their impact on the environment.

Consumers are now looking for more than just standard products. They want individualism and are no longer driven purely by price but by the promise of better health, quality and experience. This means consumers, particularly Millennials, are seeking products that specificallymeettheirneedsandarewillingtopayapremium for value-generatingproductswithtruebenefits.

Modern, honest and healthy-minded products that address individual needs are therefore high in demand. But they need to be convenient and easy to consume – anywhere and anytime.


8.5bnpeople will make up the world’s population by 2030Source: United Nations

800mnmore consumers will enter the global market between 2016 and 2021Source: HSBC, The Future of Consumer Demand

66%of the world’s population will live in urban areas by 2050Source: United Nations

Page 3: combismile - SIG Combibloc Group · the-go consumers. In fact, research shows 84% think it’s more comfortable to hold, while 93% would buy it at first glance. To increase the drinking

GOOD TO GO WITH combismileTo help food and beverage producers meet new consumer demands, SIG has developed a new generation of packaging – combismile. With its curved, modern shape and easy-grip corners, combismile can open up new market opportunities with on-the-go consumers. In fact, research shows 84% think it’s more comfortable to hold, while 93% would buy it at first glance.

To increase the drinking convenience for consumers, combismile is re-closable thanks to its innovative single-action spout. And to flexiblycatertoindividualmarketneeds,two straw hole sizes are available for both small (4 volumes, 8 variants) and big (5 volumes, 10 variants*) footprintsaswellasdifferentstrawtypes.

With its elegant appearance, the combismile pack is also the perfect partner for premium products. And with built-in drinksplus, it can hold more healthy ingredients and real food pieces, such as fruit, vegetables and cereal grains.

Allthismeansthatthecombismileoffersthepotentialfordifferentiation, convenience, premiumisation and flexibility. It allows you to meet the demand for mobile, healthy and individual food and beverage experiences – now and in the future.

A COMPLETE FILLING LINE SOLUTION SIG’stwocombismilefillingmachineshaveanoutputof24,000packages an hour and have been developed based on more than 40 years’ experience in aseptic filling. The combismileSmall machineisflexibleinfourdifferentvolumes:180ml,200ml,220mland250ml.WhilethecombismileBigmachinecanfillfivevolumes:200ml*, 250ml, 300ml, 330ml and 350ml.

combismile’suniqueshapeisformeddirectlywithinthefillingmachine – the mandrel wheels mould the rounded cheeks and the iconic smile is pressed in the gable forming station. Each combismile fillingmachinecomeswithanumberofbenefits,includinghigh-speedperformance,volumeflexibilityanddrinkspluscapability,whichisadded by our spout and straw applicators. Together, this represents SIG’s most complete line solution.

*combismileBig 200ml is not available in prototype phase

WHY CHOOSE combismile?

Open up new market possibilities

Create your own space and build categories

Cater to ever-mobile consumers


Create product concepts with built-in drinksplus

Meet individual and changing consumer needs

24,000PACKS combismile machines can fill 24,000 packs an hour

TWO FOOTPRINTS New single-action openings and two straw hole sizes

Filling Machine

Straw Applicator

Spout Applicator

1st time own SIG development

Page 4: combismile - SIG Combibloc Group · the-go consumers. In fact, research shows 84% think it’s more comfortable to hold, while 93% would buy it at first glance. To increase the drinking

—How combismile can ADD VALUE TO YOUR BUSINESS—

WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THE POSSIBILITIES OF combismile? Visit sig.biz now to see what combismile can do for your business orcontactus:[email protected]

Win consumers and grow the market together Meet the consumer demand for the latest anywhere and anytime products

Make your product unique and stand out at the point of sale

Give your added-value product a true premium feel and experience

Utilise SIG’s packaging competences and know-how Leverageunmatchedflexibilityforawidevarietyofproducts


Gain a valuable and experienced partner delivering tailor-made solutions

A PROMISE FOR ADDED VALUE To help producers meet increasing industry demands, SIG has created

three value-adding segments as part of our Value Proposition. These include ProductInnovation&Differentiation,SmartFactoryandConnectedPack.

SIG’s combismile is one of the latest solutions within Product Innovation & Differentiation–acommitmenttodeliverinnovativeproductandpackaging

solutions that enable businesses to meet ever-changing consumer needs. Disclaimer: combismile is currently not available in Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy and Japan.