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Comarch Network Performance Management - Product Whitepaper

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  • Product Whitepaper

    Comarch OSS Suite

    Network Performance Management

  • Comarch OSS Suite

    Network Performance Management

    Product Whitepaper

    Copyright 2008 Comarch S.A. Confidential


    Version Date Modified by Comment

    0.1 2004.03.15 Dominik Niekowal Document created

    0.2 2004.03.16 Dominik Niekowal Comments incorporated after internal review

    2.0 2004.03.18 Dominik Niekowal Document revision

    2.1 2004.04.14 Bartosz Domagaa Modifications based on the Functional

    Description 2.2

    3.0 2006.07.11 Micha Zajczkowski Template, layout and type change.


    3.1 2007.01.22 Micha Zajczkowski Minor corrections.

    3.2 2008.01.10 Micha Zajczkowski Document update

    Document identification CA/304/PMS/040315/DN/1

    Version 3.2

    Revised on 2008-05-28

    Number of pages 13

    Status Confidential

    Author Comarch S.A.

  • Comarch OSS Suite

    Network Performance Management

    Product Whitepaper

    Copyright 2008 Comarch S.A. Confidential


    2000-2008 Comarch S.A.

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this document may be copied, distributed, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any human or computer language without the prior written permission of Comarch S.A. The manufacturer has made every effort to ensure that the instructions contained in the documents are adequate and free of errors and omissions. The manufacturer's liability for any errors in the documents is limited to the correction of the errors. The manufacturer reserves rights to change the documents without notice. Some parts of the documents may not follow the current version of the software.

    The documents have been prepared to be used by professional and properly trained personnel, and the customer assumes full responsibility when using them. The manufacturer welcomes customer comments as part of the process of continual development and improvement of the documentation in the best way possible from the user's viewpoint. Please submit your comments to:

    [email protected].

  • Comarch OSS Suite

    Network Performance Management

    Product Whitepaper

    Copyright 2008 Comarch S.A. Confidential



    1. Introduction............................................................................................................ 5

    2. Comarch Network Performance Management functional features overview......... 7

    2.1. Data Models configuration ................................................................................ 8

    2.2. Data collection .................................................................................................. 9

    2.3. Real-time performance monitoring .................................................................10

    2.4. Long-term data analyses.................................................................................12

    2.5. Interoperability with other components of the Comarch OSS Suite ..............12

    3. Benefits .................................................................................................................13

  • Comarch OSS Suite

    Network Performance Management

    Product Whitepaper

    Copyright 2008 Comarch S.A. Confidential


    1. Introduction

    Managing the performance of a telecommunication or IT network is a key strategic

    activity that determines success in todays business world. From the business perspective, effective and accurate performance management leads to network investments improvements and

    increasing customer satisfaction. The only way to build strong relations with customers and to

    maintain high levels of customer satisfaction is to have your network and IT systems running optimally.

    The goal of Comarch Network Performance Management (PM) is to provide a centralized

    point of operators performance policy monitoring and network performance reporting. Performance Management requires specific tools for each technology domain, both in

    terms of analytical tools for data post-processing and data collection. In most cases deployment

    of performance management system which covers end-to-end operators business processes requires integration of multiple products. Because of it, Comarch PM System supports modular

    architecture which allows Telco Operator to tailor system according to his network infrastructure and provides open interfaces for integration with external systems.

    Comarchs solution modularity can be discussed at two levels: the whole Comarch OSS

    Suite and Comarch Network Performance Management system itself. Comarch OSS Suite provides generic components which can be shared between

    different Comarch OSS Suite systems (e.g., Network Performance Management, Service Level Management, Trouble Ticketing). Those modules are part of Comarch OSS Framework component

    and provide general functional capabilities for all others sub-modules (e.g., User Accounts

    management, System configuration management, general reporting capabilities).

    Comarch Network Performance Management system provides modular design also. As mentioned, both post-processing and data collection varies between networking technologies. To

    support multiple network domains within one system, Comarch Network Performance Management system provides multiple Data Models to support different technology-specific

    deployment scenarios. Data Models consist of predefined Comarch PM System configuration for

    the given technology domain and post-processing capabilities including Managed Objects definitions (monitored resources definitions) and its raw performance counters. Data Models

    define also multiple KPI parameters that are calculated on straight device measures, define models of aggregation and report scheduling.

    It should be also noted that Comarch Network Performance Management system is

    integrated with Comarch Inventory Management system, which allows utilization of Inventory related attributes in post-processing activities (e.g. utilization of attributes which cannot be

    provided by device itself). Moreover aggregated performance data can be used to populate Comarch Inventory Management system objects attributes. In this way performance related data

    (e.g., important for network planning purposes) can be seamlessly delivered to the Inventory system users.

    The idea of system modularity is presented in the following figure.

  • Comarch OSS Suite

    Network Performance Management

    Product Whitepaper

    Copyright 2008 Comarch S.A. Confidential


    Figure 1 Comarch Network Performance Management system architecture

    Comarch Network Performance Management system can be further decomposed into

    following functional building blocks:

    PM Engine, PM Manager,

    PM Task Scheduler,

    PM Database.

    Figure 2 Comarch Network Performance Management system architecture

  • Comarch OSS Suite

    Network Performance Management

    Product Whitepaper

    Copyright 2008 Comarch S.A. Confidential


    Each of the foregoing components provides functionality for supporting performance

    management of telecommunication networks. Following chapters describes each of those components in more details.

    PM Engine PM Engine is the core module of Comarch Network Performance Management system. It

    provides the following functionality:

    Data Collection. PM Engine triggers data collection in mediation platform. PM Engine receives raw performance data fetched by mediation platform and stores data in PM.

    KPI Calculation. PM Engine calculates KPI according to formulas provided in PM system

    configuration. Calculated KPIs are stored in PM Database. Threshold Monitoring. PM Engine monitors calculated KPIs values against threshold levels

    provided in PM system configuration. PM Engine reports alarms in near-real time in case of performance policy violation (thresholds violations).

    Aggregations. PM Engine aggregates KPIs according to formulas provided in PM system

    configuration. Aggregated data is stored in PM Database.

    PM Manager PM Manager manages all data collection tasks defined in PM system. It supervises and

    updates PM Engine configuration to be consistent with configuration modifications made by

    system users via GUI. Modifications are allowed according to user system privileges. PM administrator is able to define privileges for each component of the system, primarily for the

    specific device group and its components and finally for counters, KPIs or alarms thresholds. PM Manager provides PM Engine configuration during startup and in case of:

    Changes of KPI definitions,

    Changes of aggregations definitions,

    Changes of measurement process definition (e.g. measurement frequency, monitored objects).

    PM Task Scheduler PM Task Scheduler is responsible for triggering data collection in PM Engine according

    to measurement frequency provided in PM system configuration.

    PM Database PM Database stores raw performance data collected during measurement process. It

    also stores calculated KPIs values and aggregations values. All the data stored in the PM Engine is

    available for future analyses and reporting.

    2. Comarch Network Performance

    Management functional features overview

    Comarch PM System functionality can be divided into following functional areas:

    PM data model configuration,

    PM data collection configuration, PM real-time performance monitoring,

    PM reports.

  • Comarch OSS Suite

    Network Performance Management

    Product Whitepaper

    Copyright 2008 Comarch S.A. Confidential


    2.1. Data Models configuration

    Comarch Network Performance Management system supports multiple data models for

    performance monitoring purposes. Data Model provides PM system with meta-information concerning monitored network resources and definition of raw performance data reported by

    monitored objects (e.g., supported counters names and types). It specifies if data is available on-

    line or off-line and how measurement process should be performed (e.g., supported polling intervals).

    PM system provides also vast management functionality. Moreover, none of the

    configuration tasks require scripting or coding. All functionality is fully supported via the systems GUI. PM System provides GUI for management in scope of:

    Historical data storing policy, KPIs management (create/modify/delete KPIs formulas),

    Aggregations management (create/modify/delete data aggregations formulas).

    Figure 3 KPI and aggregations definition GUI

    Comarch Network Performance Management system supports the following

    post-processing tasks configuration:

    KPIs calculation formulas, Time-based data aggregations formulas,

    Performance reports template definition.

  • Comarch OSS Suite

    Network Performance Management

    Product Whitepaper

    Copyright 2008 Comarch S.A. Confidential


    KPIs are calculated basing on the raw performance data and provides the same data

    granularity as measurement process. As mentioned before, KPI calculation formula is fully configurable for the system user.

    Aggregations can be calculated both: for KPI and for other aggregated data, according to user-provided schedule. This is time-based aggregation. Aggregation granularity is definable by

    the system user.

    Configured KPIs, aggregations and reports can be further used during the data collection process definition as pre-defined templates.

    2.2. Data collection

    Comarch Network Performance Management system provides data collection

    functionality. That means PM system periodically collects raw performance data from monitored

    resources, called counters, stores fetched values in database and performs post-processing tasks. All post-processed data is also stored in Comarch Network Performance Management system


    Comarch Network Performance Management system distinguishes two types of data

    collection tasks:

    raw performance data collection, aggregations.

    Raw performance data collection task performs data collection from network resources and KPIs calculation. KPIs are calculated based on the raw performance data and provides the

    same measurement granularity. KPI parameter can be defined separately for each measured raw data, which allows defining several metrics for each counter depending on further application.

    Each raw performance data collection process defines the following issues:

    Which network elements should be monitored,

    Which raw PM data should be collected per monitored resource, Which post-processing actions should be performed for monitored resources:

    Which KPIs should be calculated, What is the frequency (granularity) of measurement and KPIs calculation.

    Aggregation task performs time based data aggregation according to user-provided

    aggregation rules (frequency and granularity). Aggregation granularity is definable by system user who can chose hourly, daily, monthly and yearly aggregation. Default collection frequency and

    aggregation spans are defined in Data Model that depends on source specific features. Each data aggregation process defines the following issues:

    Which KPIs should be aggregated per monitored resource, What is the frequency and granularity of aggregations.

  • Comarch OSS Suite

    Network Performance Management

    Product Whitepaper

    Copyright 2008 Comarch S.A. Confidential


    Figure 4 Data collection definition GUI

    2.3. Real-time performance monitoring

    Comarch Network Performance Management system provides mechanism for real-time

    performance policy monitoring. Mechanism is based on defining thresholds for monitored performance metrics (KPIs). System supports two severity levels of alarms which can be reported:

    critical and warning.

    System user can adjust threshold levels for each monitored resource and its metrics,

    during data collection task definition. There is a possibility to send an alarm event after each severity change of performance metrics. Alarms are compatible with Comarch Fault Management

    interface where further correlations shall be performed. System allows determining number of probes after which another alarm is created to assure the severity state remaining.

  • Comarch OSS Suite

    Network Performance Management

    Product Whitepaper

    Copyright 2008 Comarch S.A. Confidential


    Figure 5 Threshold definitions for PM measurement

    System supports also hysteresis for each threshold level. Hysteresis allows more flexible

    definition of monitoring policy and prohibits alarm storms in case of fluctuations near threshold values.

    Figure 6 Threshold hysteresis mechanism examples

    In addition to real-time performance policy violation reporting, Comarch Network

    Performance Management allows ad-hoc reporting of performance data. System supports also

  • Comarch OSS Suite

    Network Performance Management

    Product Whitepaper

    Copyright 2008 Comarch S.A. Confidential


    reports scheduling which allows short-term reports (e.g., daily reports) to be generated

    automatically by the system.

    2.4. Long-term data analyses

    Comarch Network Performance Management system provides flexible reporting tool for

    long-term data analyses. Along with aggregations supported by the system, it is comprehensive tool for long-term network performance analyses.

    System supports also reports scheduling which allows long-term reports (e.g., monthly, yearly reports) to be generated automatically by the system.

    Reports concerning long-term (aggregated) data can be also exported to CSV format which allows using that data in external systems for further post-processing.

    Figure 7 Performance report example

    2.5. Interoperability with other components of the Comarch OSS Suite

    Comarch Network Performance Management is integrated with the Comarch Inventory

    Management (IM) system. Such solution supports centralized storage of network

    configuration data and avoids data inconsistency between different OSS systems.

  • Comarch OSS Suite

    Network Performance Management

    Product Whitepaper

    Copyright 2008 Comarch S.A. Confidential


    Moreover long-term performance indicators can be used to populate Inventory objects

    attributes and provide input for further network configuration evaluation and/or planning.

    Integration with the Comarch Fault Management (FM) system allows registration of performance violation alarms by Performance Management system. Reported alarms can

    be used for root-cause analyses along with others alarms registered in FM system.

    Integration with the Comarch Service Level Management (SLM) system allows including

    performance related characteristics as part of SLA contracts signed with customers.

    3. Benefits

    Various networking technology supported within one solution, Near real-time performance monitoring,

    Time-based performance data aggregation.