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The word "Diamond" comes from the Greek word "Adamas" and means "unconquerable and indestructible". It is the birthstone for people born under the sun sign Aries as also for those born in April. Most diamonds found in nature are between one to three billion years old. Diamonds were first discovered in India and then in Brazil. Diamonds worn in ancient times were believed to promote strength, invincibility and courage. Color of diamond is usually pale yellow to colorless, but can also be brown, blue, green, orange, red, pink and black. Diamond can benefit the wearer very fast. It increases longevity and enhances the image of the wearer in social and family circles. Diamond bestows the wearers, with the willingness to execute their planned objectives and protects those, who often waiver to take timely decisions.

The constant wearing of the diamond also enables the wearers to do good deeds, meriting commendation and acclaim. It also provokes a state of spiritual ecstasy and enables the wearers to meet challenges boldly in life. It can be worn with success by those facing litigations, court cases etc. It is also good for general happiness.2. EMERALD The word emerald comes from the Latinsmaragduswhich means green. Emeralds come in various shades of green, from deep darkish green to soft green, fine grass green and light green. Reflecting the color of spring, an emerald is the birthstone for May and of those born under the sun sign Taurus. It is also a traditional gift for those celebrating 20th or 35th anniversaries. Emeralds are recognized as one of the four precious stones world wide. Emeralds are often associated with magic and mystery. The color of nature, they are said to promote a calm and peaceful spirit. Traditionally, emerald stones are believed to benefit the wearer by enhancing contentment and the apparent power to perceive things that otherwise cannot be sensed. Legal disputes are easily resolved if the person involved in the dispute wears an emerald.It is known to have the mystical power to bring good fortune and wisdom to the wearer.Couples can gift each other an emerald to enhance faithfulness and love in the relationship.

PEARL Pearls are the only gemstones made by living animals. Pearls take their colour from the inside of the shell they are growing in. They range from white to gold and from purple to black. Every Pearl is unique no two pearls are alike and all have some imperfections. The Pearl, birthstone of those born in June or under the sun sign Gemini, symbolizes Loyalty, Faithfulness and Friendship. Myths and legends give pearls the powers of love, luck, protection, wealth, wisdom through experience and life to the laws of karma. The pearl should get set with silver and should be worn on Monday morning of bright fortnight.

One who wears or possesses a pearl with Moonlike, shining white color, Perfectly round, globular shape and size,Spotlessness and freedom from blemishes and impurities,Lustre and Smoothness;enjoys good fortune , lives long and becomes sinless, and obtains vitality and intelligence. He achieves high position by his wisdom and becomes famous. A pearl with a yellow lustre brings prosperity. Red-tinted pearls make one intelligent, shining white pearls bring fame, and a pearl with a bluish hue brings good fortune.3. RUBY The word ruby comes from the Latin termrubens,whichmeans red. It is known as the stone of love. Earlier,women wearing rubies were thought to have been transformed into an aura of beauty. The best rubies are those that have apigeon blood red color. However, rubies come in various shades of red, from light pinkish to maroon and even very dark red. Rubbed on the skin, these gemstones were once thought to restore youth and vitality. People born in the month of July have ruby as their birth stone. If a child is made to wear this stone, then he attains a timely physical and mental growth. It stimulates blood circulation and protects one from all sorts of blood related problems. It also confers charisma and good health. Those suffering from boils, jaundice, fever, itch, hypertension, peptic ulcer, sleeplessness, piles, rheumatism, gout, diabetes, cholera, or any heart or lung related problem can find relief in this stone. This stone injects in leadership qualities and all other ingredients required to be an inspiring and influential leading light.4. PERIDOT Peridots are pale green variety of chrysolite and used as a gemstone. The origin of the name Peridot is derived from the Greek word "faridat which means "gem". Peridots are one of the few gemstones that come in only one color - pale green. The Peridot is the birthstone of the month of August which relates to the Zodiac Sign of Leo.The symbolism associated with Peridots is Love, Truth, Faithfulness, and Loyalty. It may increase confidence and assertiveness, balanced by patience and clarity of thought.It is known as a stone for prosperity and happiness..

The green color is caused by its iron content. It is an important stone to use for cellular rejuvenation and to help the problems associated with aging. Using Peridot gemstones will increase your self esteem, and aid you to let go of guilt, felt from past experiences.

5. SAPPHIRE Sapphires are blue transparent variety of corundum, highly prized as gemstones. These stones come in a range of yellows,pinks and greens,as well as a better known blue variety.The deep blue heavenly sapphires were and to some extend still are deemed holy:popes,cardinals and bishops have worn them since the Middle ages.They are known as the jewels of chastity. A good sapphire is brilliant, radiant, and transparent. Its rays should spread out from within, and it should not reflect any color other than its own.The Sapphire is the birthstone of the month of September which relates to the Zodiac Sign of Virgo.The symbolism associated with Sapphires is Truth, Sincerity and Constancy. Its powers include spiritual enlightenment and inner peace.At one time sapphires were thought to exude heavenly rays that had the power to kill all poisonous creatures. A sapphire, especially a blue one, should first be worn only after trial. Even a perfect sapphire is sometimes unlucky and will cause trouble to the user. To test a blue sapphire one can wear the gem wrapped in a blue cloth bound around ones arm for a week. One can also place it under his pillow for three nights. If there is any bad effect, the sapphire should be rejected. Neelam is not worn alone. It is essential to wear one or two gems in order to have good effects of neelam. Only people who are Capricorns and Aquarius can wear neelam alone and others not. 6. OPAL Opals are semi-transparent and show varying colors against a pale or dark ground. The Common opal has a milky appearance. The origin of the name Opal is derived from the Latin word "opalus" which means "a stone". The more colors in an Opal the more valuable the gemstone will be. The dominant colors in an Opal have value in the order of red, orange yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. The Opal is the birthstone of the month of October which relates to the Zodiac Sign of Libra. Opals are associated with Purity, Hope and Innocence.It is the national gemstone of Australia.

Opal is a gem of beauty , charm, wealth and divine grace.It leads one to have a luxurious life.It bestows the power of fulfilment to the wearer and enhances financial prosperity. It may be worn by anyone for its properties, irrespective of horoscope. A unique property that adds to its sense of mystery and fascination is defenitlly the stones brilliant property of scattering light a phenomenon which can makeit every possible colour in the visible spectrum when exposed to light at particular angles. Its a very sensual gemstone and is supposed to be a stone that attracts lovers. Opal jewelry is usually worn as pendants, bracelets, rings. Wear on right Index finger for best results.7. TOPAZ Topaz comes from the Sanskrit language, and has a meaning of fire. Blue is the most common type of Topaz .Green Topaz is commonly found in nature. Pink and red varieties of the stone are considered to be most valuable types of Topaz, which is mainly because they are rarely found in nature. Most of the Yellow Topaz that is sold as gem quality stone, comes from Russia and Brazil... and there are also mines supplying gemstones in Mexico, Utah, Colorado and Texas USA. It is also known as Golden Topaz and Imperial Topaz.Yellow Topaz is a stone to manifest your intentions, in alignment with Divine Will. This beautiful stone is a November birthstone, and it makes lovely jewelry.

It has strong metaphysical properties that instill faith that you can bring all manner of good things into your life. This will be in alignment with what is for your highest and best good.

The energy of this stone attracts helpful people into your life that will benefit you... and may bring new friendships. These natural crystals will allow you to have the confidence to manifest what you want in your life.Wearing Golden Topaz is very advantageous, as keeping the stone within your auric field allows it to work better. It will help to calm stress and irritability, or any type of negative or bad mood. It also acts a bit like a battery and will recharge your energy. They provide you with ways to relieve stress as the longer they are with you, the better the energy will work. Anyone who was born in November and wants to get a little bit smarter may want to think about wearing a Topaz!8. AMETHYST

Occuring in shades of purple ,lilac and mauve,Amethyst is traditionally thought to have strong talismanic properties;amethysts were thought to induce a sober mind;In traditional chinese medicine amethyst is prescribed for stomach pains and bad dreams.Amethyst as a healing stone is known to calm and protect the mind. It is a great stone to use if you are trying to increase your psychic abilities and enhance your intuition. It increases your ability to open to new ideas and help open the channels to your higher self. Try Amethyst to drive off insomnia and promote peaceful and healing sleep. It is commonly used to relieve headaches, sugar imbalances and general edginess. It is a beautiful violet-colored stone also known as a lovers gem, signifying faithfulness and true love.9. AQUAMARINE

The sea water colour of aquamrine has given this gemstone its name.The best quality aquamirines come from brazil.In medieval times this stone was thought to reawaken the love of married couples.It was also believed to render soldiers invincible.Aquamarine is known as the sailors gem ensuring safe passage across stormy seas.Aquamarine stones are beautiful crystals that heighten courage and aid clear communication with the Divine source of all that is. They have strong metaphysical properties that help you to let go of old emotional issues you may be holding on to. By assisting you to release anger and reduce stress, it may help you to make positive changes in your life. These lovely stones help to heighten your courage when you are handling grief, and are powerful to assist self healing10. ALEXANDRITEAlexandrite is one of the rarest of all colored gemstones available today. More specifically, it is an extremely rare color change variety of chrysoberyl (a cyclosilicate). The color change phenomenon seen in alexandrite is referred to as the 'alexandrite effect'. Alexandrite is a stone that is associated with discipline and self-control. Many believe that alexandrite and chrysoberyl stones can promote concentration and strengthen the ability to learn. It also helps in evoking the wearer of the stone to strive for excellence. Chrysoberyl gemstones are said to bring peace to the mind, clear one's thinking and they have the ability to increase self-confidence. 11. TOURMALINE

Tourmalines come in a vast range of colours and equally large range of varieties.Rubellite is red toned,indicolite is dark blue and achroite is colourless.Tourmaline gemstone is a semi-precious mineral stone well known for its incredible ability to aid in the detoxification process of the human body.The word tourmaline takes its origins from the Singhalese phrase "tura mali," meaning "stone mixed with vibrant colors." From magenta to teal-blue, meadow-green to vibrant yellow, and even black, this powerfull healing stone is known to change its color in different forms of light. Some say that there are no two tourmalines with the exact same color, and for this reason it has been historically revered as a "magic" stone capable of protecting whoever wore it. This gem has been reported to actually have the power to boost sexual energy in men, as it increases the blood flow and circulation in the body. The gemstone is also reported as helping to ease emotions, increasing vitality and vigor in both men and women12. QUARTZ

Rock crystal,Rose quartz and Citrine Quartz all belong to the quartz family.Rock crystals is the purest of these , its name derives from krustallos, the Greek word for ice, as the stone was originally thought to be a type of ice created by the Gods.Rose quartz is rose tinted, caused by traces of titanium;citrine is a golden version of quartz and is coloured by its iron content.

Throughout the world, crystalsballs have been used to see into the future.Crystal healing is an ancient art.It works on the principle that rystals giv off powerful,much neededenergy for the body. They can strengthen your ability to be a loving person, and can enhance your abilities to enjoy life and accomplish the things you want in life. They can amplify intention, reduce stress, help with centering (balancing or calming), strengthen inner healing abilities, and surround you with protection by amplifying white light. And they can make it easier to take steps toward personal growth.

The reason quartz is called the master stone is that it strengthens all your energies in a very broad spectrum sort of way. In order to use a quartz crystal to strengthen your energies, all you have to do is keep it with you, or keep it close to where you spend some time. You don't need to do anything special to the crystal in order to have its benefits. For example, if you carry a quartz crystal point in your pocket, it will act as a general amplifier that will strengthen all of your personal energies at the same time.


Tanzanite is an extraordinary gemstone. Its blue, surrounded by a fine hint of purple, is a wonderful colour. Thanks to its unusual aura and the help of the New York jeweller's Tiffany, it has rapidly become one of the most coveted gemstones in the world.

It is named after the East African state of Tanzania, the only place in the world where it has been found. It personifies immaculate, yet unconventional elegance. A person who acquires one of these exclusive gems is someone who wishes to set himself apart from the hoi polloi. A person who wears it exudes confidence and individuality. As a workplace stone, Tanzanite is calming and soothing. Even a tiny piece is beneficial for overcoming communication difficulties. It is also practical in providing a solution to problems when there seems to be none. It is a good stone for career change. Tanzanite aids in sharing spiritual information and knowledge from a heart-centered perspective, making it an excellent crystal for counselors or others in the position of intellectually interpreting emotional experiences. Worn as jewelry, Tanzanite not only stays within one's auric field and brings one's consciousness to a permanently higher state, but brings the positive self-awakening qualities to others who see its beauty.


The name Turquoise is derived from the French, pierre turquoise, meaning Turkish stone, because the trade routes that brought Turquoise to Europe from the mines in central Asia went through Turkey, and Venetian merchants often purchased the stone in Turkish bazaars. For thousands of years, Turquoise has spanned all cultures, prized as a symbol of wisdom, nobility and the power of immortality. Among the Ancient Egyptians, Persians and Chinese, Aztecs and Incas of South America, and Native North Americans, Turquoise was sacred in its adornment and for power, luck, and protection. The affect of its unusual energy will help you to speak with truth, wisdom and forthrightness. Turquoise Stones embody within them an effective energy for spiritual grounding.The energy of Turquoise Stones may enable you to begin to develop your intuition at a much stronger level. Along with this you may find that you also have a stronger ability to communicate on all levels. Worn as a pendant at the throat it will aid your communication abilities.Wearing Turquoise earrings is helpful if you are working on developing your psychic powers.15. GARNET/HESSONITE

The name garnet comes from the Latin for pomegranate,which has bright red,garnet like seeds.In medieval times,garnets were thought to cure depression, protect against bad dreams and relieve diseases of liver and haemorrhages.According to legend, Noah used a finely cut, glowing garnet to illuminate the ark. Garnets were worn to enhance bodily strength, endurance and vigor. It was thought to be healing for either gender. For men, it keeps the reproductive system healthy. For women, it promotes hormonal balance and is said to reduce swelling. It also assists the assimilation of minerals and vitamins. Garnets virtues have been long believed to include passion, true friendship, fidelity, success, self-esteem, loyalty, devotion, energy, faith, consistency, and truth. The stone also sharpens your perception of yourself and other people. The garnet is also an ancient symbol of friendship. In the past, garnets have been exchanged between parting friends to symbolize their affection and to ensure that they meet again. The stone causes people to be attracted to the wearer, which aids in business, as well as in personal success.It promotes self-confidence and allows ones inner spirit to radiate. The stone is said to balance the sex drive16. CORAL

Most coral, namely red, pink white and blue varieties consists of a substance similar to that of pearls calcium carbonate.In the 16th century,people thought that a sprig of red or white coral ould calm a raging tempest.Coral cured madness and protected against enchantments. Red Coral will make you a dynamic, energetic and confidant person. If you wear a red coral, you may get rid of fear and bad dreams. Besides this, you may also dominate your enemies/competitors and seniors. Coral turns inactive persons into active ones, helps build finances, increases determination, courage, physical strength, vitality, and leadership qualities, and helps one to finish the tasks he has begun. Red coral used after three months of pregnancy may also be able to prevent miscarriages. Red coral is also recommended for 35th wedding anniversaries.17. CATS EYE

The name of Cat's Eye Stone has come from the striking similarity of its physical appearance with a cat's eye. Cat's eye stone enhances support, stability, courage, willpower and wisdom. It is also known to bring materialistic comforts of life in the form of immense wealth in the wearer's life. Cats eye stone safe guards its wearers from accidents, evil plans of foes and mishaps. It also saves people from physical weaknesses, impacts of evil spirits and mental imbalances. The effects of cat's eye Gemstone allow people to get in harmony with others and accept their own self. It helps to stabilize emotions, enhances senses and improves people's abilities to deal with challenging situations. It also gives him/her strength and courage to face challenges.

However, it is not recommended to wear cat's eye pendant, as it offers no benefits to the wearer. People should prefer wearing either cat's eye ring or cat's eye bracelet.18.AMMOLITE

Ammolite is a rare iridescent gemstone formed from the fossilized shell of Ammonite, a marine invertebrae animal that became extinct on Earth around 65 million years ago. It is called a biogenic gemstone as it is made from natural processes. Other biogenic gemstones include pearl and amber. Ammolites are only found in the Rocky Mountains of North America. Ammolites have historically been used by native peoples of North America as amulets to assist with hunting and for use in ceremonial work for healing. In more recent times, Feng Shui practitioners have used Ammolite to promote prosperity, well-being and improve the flow of chi. Traditionally, Ammolite is placed over the Light Activation Point (the energy centre just above the third-eye) or worn as a pendant over the higher-heart, to support its greatest potential of weaving the threads of awakened wisdom through every level of being. Ammolite, as a direct conduit of the energetics of golden mean spiral, is a sacred gemstone which we can work with for our own personal awakening and for the evolutionary consciousness of the planet.AMBER

Amber is pleasing to the three senses; the sight, the smell and the touch.In effect,Amber is light, warm and pleasant to hold in hand.Amber rosaries are widely used by Arabs. Amber is radiant with energies of peace and calm to those who wear it. It offers a natural, drug-free alternative to therelief of teething pain in children,boost the immune system,reduce inflammation (especially in the gums),accelerate the natural healing process,act as a natural energizer, serve as a natural pain killer(reduce or eliminate pain associated with teething, headaches, joint stiffness, etc.),have been known to treat discomfort linked to throat, ear and stomach irritations, as well as fevers and colds.


Agates are said to tone and strengthen the mind. They are useful in removing envy and easing stressful situations. Though it is considered grounding, this stone also provides a sense of strength, self-confidence, and courage. Using this gemstone will allow you to ferret out the truth and accept circumstances as they are. Agate allows you to reach a better physical and emotional balance and is also a powerful healer which aids the digestive system, the blood, skin, and intestinal tract. It also sharpens your sight, benefits your mind, and aids your eloquence. Agate strengthens the power of the sun in your astrological sign when you wear it. When working with chakras, use the color of the stone as your guide. Agates are also said to inspire fidelity.

Whether used as healing amulets or simple ornamentation, the use of agates was wide spread in the ancient world. Dating back to ancient Babylon and Egypt and continued in Greece, its use was also wide-spread throughout Africa, the Middle East, and Russia. Often used in addition to other stones, this was to strengthen and make sure of the success of the other stone. It was believed that agates could protect their owners from danger and children from falling. Early physicians used them for abdominal pains. Not only healthful for its bearer, this stone may also strengthen eyesight and relieve thirst and benefit your plants if you wear it while gardening. Banded Agateshave layers of quartz through them. Not only do they reinforce your personal strength, they also protect you if you are a sensitive person. If you are someone who needs extra courage or energy when dealing with the stresses in your life, Banded Agate is the stone for you.JADEJade belongs to the category of semi precious gemstones. Its name holds its origin in the Spanish vocabulary in which it belongs to the term of Piedra De Hijada, which in its literal meaning refers to the stone of the loin. This probably defines its healing abilities associated with curing the ailments of loin. In its other prominent aspects, it is found in varied range of colors such as blue, black, brown, cream, green, grey, lavender, orange, off-white, pink, red, yellow, and white.

Its green form is popularly referred as Emperial Jade. On the other hand, the Nephrite form is comparatively more commonly found. It is available in colors of black, blue-grey, grey, green, intense green, yellow-brown, and white.The major aspect of distinction between Nephrite and Jadeite is the presence of transparency and intensity of color, or the lack of it. The latter is comparatively more intense and transparent in comparison to the former. Out of its immense benefits,Jade stonewhich actually belongs to the category of semi precious gemstones is referred as precious green stone. It is astrologically considered to be the stone, wearing of which confers a person with hopes, positive attitude, a stable life, a blissful love life, and abundance of good luck. It also bestows one with sense and skills for better management and resourceful use of their money aspect. Those working in the top level management or those who are frequently required to take key decisions can gain clarity of thoughts and stable mind by wearing this gemstone.

It is quite popular for being a representation of ones true love, loyalty, and fidelity for another person and that is the reason why many people prefer to present it to their love partner, thereby conveying their feelings. Those who are already married use this stone to enhance harmony among one another, and to augment sexuality and fertility for better physical relationship.

With this stone in possession, one ends all probabilities of falling in any sort of misfortunate events or accidents.


Moonstone is a gem found mainly in Shri Lanka, Myanmar, India, and Madagascar. It is known to calm your emotions without you having to repress them. Useful for people who keep things bottled up inside to protect themselves, it helps us be in touch with emotions that we are sometimes scared to acknowledge. Said to enhance our feminine side, Moonstone brings us in touch with our intuition, gentleness, and compassion. That does not mean that Moonstone is only useful for women. All men have feminine aspects to them, yet some men are afraid to reveal this, thinking that it will diminish their masculine identity. Moonstone helps them to embrace and control their feminine aspects. Moonstone is also believed to aid in matters of love and fertility. It is used to aid fertility and child birth, and to regulate the menstrual cycle. Its power is strongest during a full moon. In some cultures it is believed to bring new love into your life, or to reunite lovers after a quarrel. Perhaps Moonstone's ability to balance the emotional and the rational is the source of this power.If you feel that you are too withdrawn and it is harming your relationships, maybe moonstone would be a great gem stone for you.


Black onyx is a black stone which is found in Brazil, Mexico and the United States. It is usually polished with an opaque appearance. Some onyx stones have a pattern in them which resembles the eye. Considered one of the most powerful healing stones in ancient times, it has been found in the graves of Native Indians and ancient Greeks.

Black onyx is an excellent stone to wear to protect from negative energies and provide strength during difficult times. The energies of black onyx are said to repel negative energy from other people's emotions and thoughts. In ancient times it was worn to protect the wearer from 'the evil eye" or jealousy of others.

Today, black onyx can be worn to help end unhealthy emotional attachments and help release negative thoughts which may be blocking emotional healing. Its protective vibrations work to reduce fear and worry and can keep one centered and grounded during difficult times.

Wearing black onyx can help keep one's mind focused and increase productivity and determination. It is an excellent stone to help heal a broken heart or release attachments to people, places or things. Black onyx can also make one more receptive to change and help release old patterns and beliefs that may prevent goals from being reached.


Therefore, as an impact of this stone, one gets truthful and one attains harmony, contentment, and understanding in friendships. It also derives spiritual harmony to a person, thus making his soul move further higher to get closer to the supreme God. It also assists in spiritual enlightenment and healing, and sharpens ones psychic abilities. It also stimulates Chakras of the brow and throat to convene intuition abilities of a person for a higher guidance. Therefore, those who engage in meditation and other spiritual practices can gain immensely out of this stone. Those who are suffering the problem of insomnia or any other sort of sleep disorder should have this stone in order to get rid of it. This stone bestows serenity and a peaceful state of mind to a person. As a result, one finds relief from stress and depression to have a relaxed and relieved sleep. Lapis Lazuli stone has been stated to be most beneficial for those belonging to the Zodiac sign of Capricorn and Libra. For those belonging to the former category, it is their planetary stone, and for those belonging to the latter category, it is their zodiac stone. Besides them, it has also been found to be extremely beneficial for those born in the month of December, as it is birthstone of them. If you wish to further strengthen your relationship and enhance love and harmony amongst yourself, then present this stone to your partner on seventh or ninth wedding anniversary.