If Your Favorite Color is Gray If this is your favorite color, you are neutral about life, often to the point of being indifferent. If you love gray, you are trying to protect yourself from the chaotic outside world, even to the point of isolating yourself from others, leaving you with the feeling that you don't really fit in or belong anywhere. As a personality color gray, it is important for you to maintain the status quo - you prefer a safe, secure and balanced existence and never desire much excitement. You will usually compromise in order to keep the balance and stability you so desperately seek. You are practical and calm, do not like to attract attention and are simply seeking a contented life. With gray as your favorite color, you are the middle of the road type, cool, conserved, composed and reliable. You tend to conform just to keep the peace. Being a personality color gray, you are attracted to this neutral, non-emotional color as it controls and contains your energy - you just don't show excitement or enthusiasm about anything much in your life. You are a hard worker who just gets on with the job that has to be done - you tend to be committed and loyal to your work whatever it may be. You often add a splash of color to your grey look, to show that you aren't all that dull. You tend to be indecisive, lacking confidence - a fence- sitter who finds it difficult to make choices in most situations in your life. When operating from a negative perspective of a personality color gray you will be restrained in your actions, often putting a pessimistic slant on things. You like to be in control of your emotions and avoid experiencing emotional pain by shutting off from your emotions.

Color is Gray

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If Your Favorite Color is Gray

If this is your favorite color, you are neutral about life, often to the point of being indifferent.

If you love gray, you are trying to protect yourself from the chaotic outside world, even to the point of isolating yourself from others, leaving you with the feeling that you don't really fit in or belong anywhere.

As a personality color gray, it is important for you to maintain the status quo - you prefer a safe, secure and balanced existence and never desire much excitement. You will usually compromise in order to keep the balance and stability you so desperately seek.

You are practical and calm, do not like to attract attention and are simply seeking a contented life.

With gray as your favorite color, you are the middle of the road type, cool, conserved, composed and reliable. You tend to conform just to keep the peace.

Being a personality color gray, you are attracted to this neutral, non-emotional color as it controls and contains your energy - you just don't show excitement or enthusiasm about anything much in your life.

You are a hard worker who just gets on with the job that has to be done - you tend to be committed and loyal to your work whatever it may be.

You often add a splash of color to your grey look, to show that you aren't all that dull. You tend to be indecisive, lacking confidence - a fence-sitter who finds it difficult to

make choices in most situations in your life. When operating from a negative perspective of a personality color gray you will be

restrained in your actions, often putting a pessimistic slant on things. You like to be in control of your emotions and avoid experiencing emotional pain by

shutting off from your emotions. You may be feeling stressed and over burdened, and looking for a rest, a break from the

stresses of your everyday life - gray will protect you. You tend to make fair and balanced judgments, and may be a good critic, because of your

emotional detachment. You prefer to not get involved - you are quite independent and may be quite individual in

your attitude, although you lack imagination and creativity - this may give you a narrow outlook and may prevent you being open to new ideas and opportunities - the opportunities are there, you just have to embrace them.

With a personality color gray you may be a self-sufficient, unemotional dedicated worker in your business life and a lonely indecisive person in your private life.

Your Deepest Need

Your Deepest Need is to create balance in all areas of your life, to be respected for who you are and to find your place in the world with a deep feeling of belonging.

  If you dislike gray:

You dislike neutrality, would rather be right or wrong, but never indifferent.

You are confident with your opinions and find decision making easy. Routine bores you - you need a richer more fulfilling life. You need more stimulation of the senses that color brings. You may be the type of person who pursues one interest after another in your pursuit of


The Color Gray

The color of detachment, indecision and compromise

The color gray is an unemotional color. It is detached, neutral, impartial and indecisive - the fence-sitter.

From a color psychology perspective, gray is the color of compromise - being neither black nor white, it is the transition between two non-colors. The closer gray gets to black, the more dramatic and mysterious it becomes. The closer it gets to silver or white, the more illuminating and lively it becomes.

Being both motionless and emotionless, gray is solid and stable, creating a sense of calm and composure, relief from a chaotic world.

The color gray is subdued, quiet and reserved. It does not stimulate, energize, rejuvenate or excite.

In the meaning of colors, gray is conservative, boring, drab and depressing on the one hand and elegant and formal on the other, yet never glamorous.

Gray conforms - it is conventional, dependable and practical. It is a color of maturity and responsibility, associated with the gray hair of old age. It will never be the centre of attention, the dynamic leader or the director - it is too safe and toned down.

The color gray can stifle and depress energy but it is also the stable base from which the new and positive can come.

Gray is controlled. It has a steadying effect on other colors with which it comes into contact, toning down the stronger and brighter colors and illuminating the softer colors. Rarely is gray a perfect mix of black and white - it often has elements of other colors such as blue, green, pink, mauve or yellow within it which lift it and energize it.

Too much of the color gray creates sadness and depression and a tendency to loneliness and isolation. Add some color to change this.

Most people are indifferent to gray- it relates to the corporate worker in the gray suit - conservative, reliable, formal and independent and maybe boring.

If your favorite color is gray, it will reflect in your personality! Personality color gray will give you more information on this.

If you are thinking of using gray in a business application, read about the meanings of colors in business.

Positive and Negative Traits of Gray

Positive keywords include: reliable, conservative, dignified, neutral, impartial, professional, mature, intelligent, classic, solid, stable, calming, sudued, reserved, elegant, formal and dependable.Negative keywords include: indecisive, non-emotional, indifferent, boring, sad, depressed, lifeless, lonely, isolated

Gray Represents:

Neutrality: gray is impartial and dispassionate, it doesn't take sides.

Compromise: it is the transition between two non-colors, neither black nor white. It takes the middle ground, neither one way nor the other.

Control: gray is reserved, quiet and conservative. It has a steadying effect on other colors around it.

Effects of Gray:

Indecision: Gray prefers to sit in the middle, not making a decision either way, sitting on the fence.

Detached: being non-emotional, gray can appear indifferent, uncaring, cold and aloof.

Depression: gray can stifle and depress energy but it is also the stable base from which the new and positive can come.

Unemotional: gray can appear neutral, disinterested, objective or impartial.

Variations of Gray

Light gray is soothing and calming. It enlightens, saves and rescues those in difficult life situations.

Dark gray is conventional and constrained. It is serious and solemn, inflexible and strict. It relates to self-denial and self-discipline.