College life….!! Ooo..we all sitting here did have one..and its most memorable and funfull life , Throughout my lifetime I have listened to people reflect back on their college experiences and explain how college is supposed to be “the best experience of your life.” And wen it was my turn to live it I was curious excited little nervous as had all new pple n surrounding around College lifes usual specialties are the cantin , frnds , last benchies , boring lectures , staircase , and the freak out areas outside college My college life has taught me many lessons of life , it taught me public speaking , dealing with pressures , different situtions and people . Life with freedom but no tensions othr thn studies..hahaa its alwys around twice a year,but those tensions also had fun wen friends were along ,we use to hav night outs at frnds place to make presentations n thn enjoyin together by watchin movies .. We use to go out for partyin after every xams to remove stress of exams ..college life was just like on n off of fun n xam tensions Friends !~thy r d most important for a college life to b happifull n joyfulll , bcz no fun can b enjoied alone .

College life

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Page 1: College life

College life….!!

Ooo..we all sitting here did have one..and its most memorable and funfull life ,

Throughout my lifetime I have listened to people reflect back on their college experiences and explain how college is supposed to be “the best experience of your life.” And wen it was my turn to live it I was curious excited little nervous as had all new pple n surrounding around

College lifes usual specialties are the cantin , frnds , last benchies , boring lectures , staircase , and the freak out areas outside college

My college life has taught me many lessons of life , it taught me public speaking , dealing with pressures , different situtions and people .

Life with freedom but no tensions othr thn studies..hahaa its alwys around twice a year,but those tensions also had fun wen friends were along ,we use to hav night outs at frnds place to make presentations n thn enjoyin together by watchin movies ..

We use to go out for partyin after every xams to remove stress of exams ..college life was just like on n off of fun n xam tensions

Friends !~thy r d most important for a college life to b happifull n joyfulll , bcz no fun can b enjoied alone .

No differences of richor poor no differences of dark or fair…tall or short…

All r equal in d group…and sharing makes happiness double,bunking lecs ,getting ur name in blacklist of attendance , entering college late , getting punishments for not doing submisions . ..

In college there many types of students like studious ones ,naughty ones , dumb ones , teachers favoriate ones….non studious ones…but I amongst all was a combination types….i was naughty mischievous but studious tooo I use to bunk lecs , sit on last bench and listn to music , sit in cantin for hrs chit chattin with frnds , goin and watchin movies in eros during college hours …….the franky of my cantin ….d cold coffee…wow omg im just misssin it…

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Seniors n ragging…..one of d most scariest topic to talk abt…seniors r seniors….never argue with thm…this is wat alljuiors r made to follow….ragging is a part ofcollege life in d intial years but to an extend in a healtier way only….till d juniours r not hurtd emotionaly physicaly or ne other ways…seniors if good can be a very good guidance all the yrs ahead they each yu d tips n tricks of difficult moments but if bad wth juniors can also try toharm them….heheh thtsy I said scariest topic to speak on…well lets now talk abt..

college fest ….its so much fun …dancing singings drama , aerobics , games , debates , exhibitions etc….tht1week is amazing ,…..we feel we hav explored d world…its like d sterling diamond of college years ..we just wait for tht month to come…d preparation start months before it comes…

College fest are d times wen u get to knw all ur college mates seniors juniors etc…all work together for 1 institue and one motto to represent d college best way….

sports compition is also a part of college life…sports compitions includes games like basket ball volley ball cricket running football chess etc…allgirls n boys take part …this is the time students know what thy r good at other thn studies..sometimes its their hobby too…the sporty spirit is encouraged in all games….winin or lossin is not important…important is tht moments which we spend with our college frnds

college is like a second home those days n frnds r second family spending time with them makes u feel good n normal …if at all udnt sped time with thm due to ne reasons u miss them…

college is an institution made of rules regulations teaching teachers principal and students….and principal plays a very important role in a students college life..it can either ruin it or either cherish is it like cherry on d cake…

principal is d one whocontrols students college life …he allows students to hav fun at d same time he knws the time of college is the carrier making time of any student….

Its wat a human is in his carrier mainly depends on his college life n studies thos days ..principal can be strict enough to remove the spicein of fun frm college

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life of a student where as a balanced one also to equally encourage healthly fun and studies

Okay…now talking of a most spiciest and bestest days…college times picincs ….wowowow…man,,…just can let thos days pass off from life ever,….

The college life picnics…wen outing withfrnds away frm home all free from restrictions and control….nobody tosay no for nething…nobody to ask to stop youe…..hahaha,..we went to Shimla for one trip and I remember the way I enjoyind in snow there,,,….with my frnds,,,spendin thso nights in campfires…dancing…all nights oin music wth frnds….playin games allday …

How can one ever forget his orhers college life……hmmm yhea but the story is not d samefor all….there students who don’t have a rememberable college life may bbcz thy aren’t enough smart to cope up with pple around or may be not so good at talkin to pple….

But the end of college life d convocation day….

Its d dayof happiness and sadness….smiles n tears…ending andstarting,…leaving and enterin….,,……happiness to become a graduate…sadness of leavin college nfrnds n tht lving life ,..smiles to see yourself n ur frnds passthe exams…tears for aaparting frm them…ending d college life n starting a new life of carrier …leavin d institution n entering d outside world…tht day everyone cries n smiles together….