Pacific Lutherau College Bull Published quarterly by Pacific Lutheran Colleg e at TJcoma :d P,ukland, Washington. Enterr d cond-cla mtteT April 16. 1927, at the- pO'itoffice at Tacoma, \ashincton. under the Act of August 24. 1912. VOL. XVIII January, FEBRUARY, March, 1939 No .. IN OBSERVANCE OF CI.ristian Education SUI.,dug SUNDAY, APRIL 23,1939 Pacific L"theral' College PRESENTS THIS BULLETIN

College Bulletin 1939 January-March

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Page 1: College Bulletin 1939 January-March

Pacific Lutherau College Bull Published quarterly by Pacific Lutheran Colleg e at TJcoma :l!1d P,ukland, Washington. Enterr d .L.

second-class m')tteT April 16. 1927, at the- pO'itoffice at Tacoma, \'\!ashincton. under the Act of August 24. 1912.

VOL. XVIII January, FEBRUARY, March, 1939 No ..


CI.ristian Education SUI.,dug SUNDAY, APRIL 23,1939

Pacific L"theral' College


Page 2: College Bulletin 1939 January-March

h. d 11. rtld


uk .

• S () ND ROW;

AI c�lla Frederick coma, \\1a511.

l-I �eth Reilz J irileld, \V ash.

7. I Miller T ·coma. Wash. t. Ie Brollem P rkland, \Vash.

AI,.. Ramstad Parkland. \V ash.

farauerite Hansen j( nt. Wash .

• ine Hoff lerson. \if ash.

\ Ir rinia McFadden 1 lcoma,. \Vash. r 'mia Schreuders 1 acoma, \Vash .

,r na Poland SI·attle. Wash.


c.. r rude Trngelstad i'arkland, Wash.

On to Sail Franeis� "THE CHOIR OF THE WEST"

In its most ambitious venture since 1931, the Pacific Lutheran College Choir, known as "The Choir of the West," is planning to go to California in June to take part in the Tenth International Young People's Luther League and Choral Union Convention at Los Angeles, June 21-25, 1939. and to represent the Washington Golden Jubilee Association at the San Francisco Exposition. Several appearances will be made on the way down and back. Watch for dates.

Page 3: College Bulletin 1939 January-March

o and Los Angel.'es BOUND FOR CALIFORNIA


Kennelh Jo n

Be[hngha, � Dona[d MOT' II

Blue Rive Wilham {os

Tacoma, h. Wilfred Jew

Tacoma. ". Edwin VIl[er

lyE orion, \ Gerhard Retl'

Fwdie[d. h Phillip Norln

Sealile. Wa Il. George Ga[b"'l.I lh

Tacoma , '\ "h. E[izlIbelh SllIln

Parkland, \V ash Vera Tal/[or

Taco;'a, \ lish.


L[o�ld Thompson Tacoma, Wash.

A[vin Lehman Parkland, Wash.

Torger Lee Eoerelt. Wash.

Arne Maki POllisbo, Wash.

Robert Svare Park [and, Wash.

Edward Pedersen Tacoma, Wash.

Goodwin Olson Lacey. Wash.

Ly[e Jacobson Portland, Oreg.

Victor Jensen Bellingham, Wa.f

Thor Larsen Ketchikan, A[as


Luther Boe Sacred Heart, M

A[fred Karlstad Parkland. Wast,

Me[vin McCutchan Tacoma, Wash.

Richard Wiesner Tacoma, �Vash.

"The Choir of the West" is under the directorship of Gunnar J. Malmin, Director of Music at Pacific Lutheran College. and under the managership of Clifford O. Olson. Eight years ago, the Choir, under the direction of Joseph O. Edwards, traveled to Chicago and sang before the Y. P. L. L. Convention, a most inspiring experience. The theme of the Los Angeles Convention is "LIVE CHRIST NOW!" It offers similar inspiration. Therefore, "On to Los Angeles!"

Page 4: College Bulletin 1939 January-March

Fifty yea's ago (889) Western Lutherans first petitioned for church id to e bl1sh a school out wes. Appropriately does the Pacific Lutheran College Choir therefore celebrate the Golden Jubilee of Washington's statehood at the San Francisco Exposition. And so. also, "On to San Francisco!"


By lUikkel Lono

Its �s-

To give young men and women a thOl'ough education. equipping them to meet th exacting and difficult conditions of modern life, and training them for useful and successful careers in their chosen fields of labor.

To give these young men and women a Christian philosophy of life by cl1ing all subjects and courses from the Christian point of view, testing all

things by the everlasting truth of God's Holy Word.

To give them a thorough training in the Word of God. grounding them in the fundamental truths of aliI' Christian Faith. The Bible is the most important textbook in Christian education.

To provide Christian leadership. sending out into commwlities men and women who will take the lead in the struggle for the Kingdom of God and all righteou ness.

Its Needs-

Intercessory Prayer. The blessings of God upon any institution are received in answer to the prayers of God's people. Pray for your Christian college, that God may send worthy students, inspire the teachers and bless their labors, deliver the student body from harm and from evil, provide the necessary financial support. and that He may give wisdom and courage to those in authority.

Worthy students. The product of a Christian college will depend in a large measur upon the type of students received. Friends should encourage and help worthy young people to attend a Christian college.

Financial support. Christian education costs money, and Christian churches and Christian men and women are the only sources.


Is the only Lutheran Christian School of its type in the western forty per cent of the United States.

Is the only Lutheran College officially supported by various synods of the American Lutheran Conference;

Offers courses in four fields, a.11 work fully accredited;

A three-year normal department, preparing teachers for grade and junior high schools in the State of Washington,

A (wo-year liberal arts jllllior college,

One-year pre-nursing cow'se,

A four-year high-school course;

Has an enrollment for the current year of more than four hWldred students.

Consecrates its services to OlU' Lord a.nd His Church in what manner and to wl1at extent He lllay direct.