Co-Creator!!!! For example, you can create a new world that is rich abundant for all humanity and all creatures of Earth you are able to focus your consciousness on this frequency. The universe is endlessly abundant with life force and you can have a world in which you tap into this resource in every aspect of your lives. Meditate everyday on the idea that the more everyone and everything receive, the more all can share and the more abundant are all. You can create this new world of freedom and prosperity and oy by focusing your minds and hearts on this end. !iving attention to lac" and fear of the diminishmen of your resources will only produce more of the same #e aware that you are living in a world of lac" presently, but "now that it is because you have created it by your collective thoughts of lac" and always wanting something that you feel you do not have. You already have everything your soul desires, yet you are hiding behind the illusion that you lac" everything. You can each wa"e up now to the abundance that is already within and among you. To tap into this, all you need do is "now that it is th and have complete certainty that all the energy needed is available by conscious connection to the field of light that oins all. $henever you find you


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Co-Creator!!!!For example, you can create a new world that is richly abundant for all humanity and all creatures of Earth if you are able to focus your consciousness on this frequency. The universe is endlessly abundant with life force and you can have a world in which you tap into this resource in every aspect of your lives. Meditate everyday on the idea that the more everyone and everything receive, the more all can share and the more abundant are all. You can create this new world of freedom and prosperity and joy by focusing your minds and hearts on this end. Giving attention to lack and fear of the diminishment of your resources will only produce more of the same. Be aware that you are living in a world of lack presently, but know that it is because you have created it by your collective thoughts of lack and always wanting something that you feel you do not have. You already have everything your soul desires, yet you are hiding behind the illusion that you lack everything. You can each wake up now to the abundance that is already within and among you. To tap into this, all you need do is know that it is there and have complete certainty that all the energy needed is available by conscious connection to the field of light that joins all. Whenever you find yourself feeling thoughts of doubt and lack in any aspect of your life be it, love, friendship, wealth, health, time or freedom, stop and remind yourself that the universe is eternally abundant and that the more you give of your heart, the more will be revived. This is the kind of world you can create in which all beings are sharing abundantly and creating endless abundance throughout the kingdom.For some December 2012 will be an ending and others it will be a beginning. Which it will be for you depends on what you are creating with your consciousness. The same laws always apply, but with added strength. If you are an addict, you will likely be completely consumed by your obsession. If you are violent, you will likely experience a violent end. If you are petty you will be in a world of pettiness. If you are fearful expect to be frightened to death. On the other hand, you may be filled with love and tenderness and will experience more of the same. If your energy expands outward to others and the planet, you will receive much blessing and protection. If you are restrictive and self absorbed you will implode. You need to give out more energy than you take in, for it will be too much for your limited vessels to maintain. You can do this with your thoughts and feelings alone. Just thinking and feeling outside your self will release energy and allow you to take in more. Releasing is important. If you do not let the energy expand outward then it will consume you and burn you up inside. If you send positive attitudes and intentions to others and the planet everyday, you will find great glory and an expansive satisfaction on many levels of your soul.