CMOS Driver Hatfield

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  • 7/26/2019 CMOS Driver Hatfield


    Sensors and

    Actuat ors A,

    41-42 (1994) 167-173



    integrated multi-element

    array transducer for ultrasound imaging

    J.V. Haffiele*,

    N R. Scales, A.D. Armitage, P.J. Hrcks, Q.X Chenb and P.A Payne

    Deparbnent of EZectncal Engtneemg Electronrcs, and bLkparhnent of In.vtnanentatlon & Analytuzal Scrence,

    UM IST, PO Box 88,

    M anchester M60 1QD (UK )


    Much progress has been made towards mtegratmg the electromc ctrcmtry associated with either hnear or phased

    ultrasonic array scannmg mto the hand-held case of the transducer The number of wires reqmred to connect

    the transducer back to the display system has been dramatically reduced and the path length between transducer

    elements and the driver cncults kept to a few nulhmetres To a&eve this new construction, polymer transducer

    arrays have been fabricated and the pulse-control cucmtry has been integrated onto custom-destgned slhcon


    1. Introduction

    High-resolutron focused beams of ultrasonic energy

    are used for rmagmg purposes, for example, by the

    medical profession and m non-destructwe testmg Hrgh-

    resolution beam focusing 1s achieved by pulsmg the

    elements of an ultrasonic array transducer m some

    predetermmed manner. This may take the form of a

    phased array, which allows for an electromcally steered

    beam (sector scannmg), or a hnear array, which typrcally

    would allow groups of elements to be pulsed successively

    along the array, or even a combmatron of the two

    Conventronal multi-element ultrasound transducer ar-

    rays are connected by long multr-wrre cables to the

    systems electronics and display unit This can cause

    numerous problems, mcludmg Interference and reflec-

    tions along the cables The net effect of these 1s to

    make the system signal-to-notse ratio poorer These

    effects are magmfied if the system is designed to operate

    at higher than conventional ultrasound frequencies (e g ,

    20 MHz) [l]

    2. Polymers as nltrasonic transducers

    It 1s extremely drfficult and expensrve to construct

    high-frequency high-resolution ultrasonic arrays using

    conventronal ceramrc prezoelectnc matenals, and vtr-

    tually Impossible when the transducers are to operate

    above 10 MHz centre frequency Most of the problems

    encountered can be solved by employmg ptezoelectnc

    *Author to whom correspondence should be addressed

    polymer materials This 1s due to the unique charac-

    tensttcs of these polymers, including ready avatlabthty

    m thm-film form, rangmg m thtckness from under 10

    pm to several hundred mrcrometres, flex&&y, me-

    chanical robustness, and chemrcal stabity, very high

    internal acoustrc and drelectnc losses, malung them

    mtnnstcally wide band with very low inter-element

    interference or cross-talk, both acoustically and elec-


    Polyvmyldenefluonde (PVDF) by itself, and parttc-

    ularly wrth certain co-polymers, can be made to exhrbrt

    prezoelectnc properties [2] That is, its shape may be

    altered by applytng an electric field and, conversely,

    deformations of shape cause electrical charge on its

    surface A film of PVDF may thus be used as both a

    generator and recetver of sound waves Using thin films,

    the frequency of the sound produced may extend into

    tens of MHz [3] It IS very easy wrth these matenals

    to produce arrays of transducers using conventronal

    photohthographlc techniques Alummrum IS deposited

    on either side of a film of PVDF and is then patterned

    by selecttvely etching on one side to form array elements

    The other side is patterned into a ground plane, which

    covers the active transducer area so that transducer

    elements are formed wherever the two patterns overlap

    The rear side of the array 1s tilled with a backmg

    matenal of appropriate acoustic impedance (typrcally

    epoxy resin) to optnmze the acoustic performance of

    the transducer Fabncatron of arrays, pre-focused along

    one axis, is achieved by surtably deformmg the array

    before back-filling (Fig 1)

    0924-4247/94/$07 00 Q 1994 Elsewer Sequoia All rtghts resewed

    SSDI 0924-4247 93)00647-M

  • 7/26/2019 CMOS Driver Hatfield


  • 7/26/2019 CMOS Driver Hatfield



    16 clocks, derwed from a smgle source but separated

    by one smteenth of the clock penod from each other,

    are used To achieve a 1 11s me resolution each of

    the clocks has a penod of 16 ns (62 5 MHz) separated

    by 1 ns from each other. In th= way high resolution

    is obtamed usmg standard CMOS technology In order

    to set a pulse delay by this method the most sigmficant

    bits of a 19&t delay value are loaded mto a 15-bit

    counter of which there IS one per pulse channel The

    appropriate counter clock IS selected by the four least

    sign&ant bits, by means of a X-to-1 clock multiplexer,

    to grve the fine resolution Care must be exercised m

    the lay-out of the clock multiplexer, as the propagation

    delays from any mput to the output must be identical

    A strmg of delay elements is used to produce the

    16 phased clocks (Pig 4) The delay element 1s smply

    two mverters m senes The speed of the zero-to-one

    transition of the first mverter 1s determmed by the

    extra pMOS pull-up transistor controlled by V, Thus

    the propagation delay of a falling edge from IN to

    OUT can be set by the voltage on V, An external

    reference clock supphes pulses to the delay hne As

    these progress down the delay hne they are stretched

    due to the dtierence m propagation tunes for negative

    and positwe edges Delay control cmxutry that 1s only

    sensitwe to negative-going edges adlusts the control

    voltage V, so that the negative edge of the zeroth clock

    lures up with the negative edge of the surteenth clock

    If these are the same, then the delay for 16 elements

    IS exactly the clock period and the delay for each

    element 1s exactly one snrteenth of the clock penod

    Two control signals are responsible for establishing

    V, and are provided by the fhp-flop arrangement of

    Fig 5 &, IS high for the per& from the negatwe

    edge on the eighth clock (CLK8) to a negative edge

    on the stieenth clock, (CLK16) Ct,, IS high from the

    negatnre edge on the eighth clock to a negatnre edge

    on the zeroth clock, (CLKO) If the associated penod

    Fig 4 Delay-lme schematic diagram and mdwdual delay element

    Ftg 5 Fhp-flop arcmtry for generatmg delay control signals



    Fig 6 Pump-up/pump-down delay-lockmg nrcmtry

    &+< fs,,, then the pulses along the delay hne need

    further stretchmg and hence V, needs to ~LX Thus

    when Cts16

    1s low and the mverse of Ct ,,,, (Go), I S

    low, the 1 pF capacitor of Fig 6 is charged through

    the two pMOS transistors P1 and PZ The potential on

    this capacitor 1s the control voltage V, Conversely If

    3,16> h3 0,

    the pulses on the delay lme are overstretched

    and V, must be lowered Thus when both ct8,16and

    Cr,,0 are high, the capacitor is dscharged through

    nMOSFETS N1 and NZ (Fig 6) The additional transistor

    pair Ps and N, allows the control voltage V, to be reset

    to zero for mnumum delay

    3 2

    Tesmg t he delay he

    Delay-lme test results are shown m Fig. 7 They were

    obtained usmg a Hewlett Packard 8180 data generator,

    Hewlett Packard 8132 data analyser and a Stanford

    Research DG535,5 ps resolution pulse generator This

    equipment was controlled via an IEEE 488 bus, by

    computer programs wntten 111 he c programmmg

    language Brretly the output pulse from the DG135 was

  • 7/26/2019 CMOS Driver Hatfield



    Delay Lme 5V25 C


    16 -

    l&u1square ir


    M eamred D ata Pomt s




    , F

    - 10


    L 8-

    % 6-

    ? f

    k f -i




    f f, -I


    0 I

    -2 .


    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

    Delay Tap

    FIN 7 Delay along delay he as a function of delay element

    Any one of 16 delayed clocks can be selected to clock pro-

    grammable down counters

    connected to the D mput of an on-chip fip-flop The

    DG135 was tnggered by the delay-hne clock The delay

    between the tngger and the mput to the flip-flop could

    thus be vaned untd a change of &p-flop output was

    observed Thus was done with each of the delay-line

    taps connected to the flip-flop clock input by means

    of an on-chip multiplexer The phase-&lung mechamsm

    should, of course, make the IC self-compensating with

    respect to temperature and power-supply vanatlons,

    provided that the delay-lme input clock remains stable

    All tests indicate that over all conceivable ranges of

    interest this 1s indeed the case

    4. The

    integrated piemelectric transducer array

    The mam concern 1s to interface the array mth the

    on-board ASIC chips m a reliable and smple way The

    present design is based on a rear filhng method, and

    alumma substrates with screen-printed gold patterns

    have been used to achieve the reqmred mterfacmg with

    on-board electronics The mam part of the array trans-

    ducer consists of the array stub and the bonding pad

    extension, as shown m Fig 8 The array stub comprises

    an alumma substrate, the plezoelectrrc polymer film

    and the acoustic backing For an mltlal feaslbdlty study,

    a 32-element array was deslgned and fabncated Each

    array element 1s 0 2 mm wide and 7 mm long v&h an

    inter-element gap of 005 mm The alumma substrate

    has 32 bonding pads on two of the four sides, and two

    bondmg pad extensions were used for easy connection

    to the electronics The piezoelectnc polymer film is

    glued to the top surface of the substrate and electrode

    patterns are produced usmg standard photohthographlc


    One of the cntlcal areas of construetlon 1s connecting

    electrode patterns on the film to the electrode pads

    on the alumina substrate This was done by using sdver-

    loaded conductwe pamt The ground electrode was

    formed by vacuum coatmg the other side of the plezo-

    electnc film through the central opening of the ahunma

    substrate (Fig 8) Conductive epoxy or pamt was used

    to attach an electrIca lead to this ground electrode

    A square tube was glued to the lower side of the

    alumma substrate and epoxy-based backmg matenals

    havmg acoustic Impedances close to that of the polymer

    were filled mto the hollow thus formed

    Azimuthal focusing effects are achieved by pressing

    the front face of the stub structure against a suitable

    cyhndrlcal surface durmg the curmg of the epoxy-based

    backmg matenals, and different focal lengths can be

    obtained by changing the cylinder diameter The two


    jum unth



    Transducer assembly before fIxmg pulse-dnvmg clrcmtry Also shown 1s the substrate to wblcb the polymer film IS attached

  • 7/26/2019 CMOS Driver Hatfield


    bondmg pad extension boards extend the bonding pads

    on the alumma substrate from 0 5 mmX 0 5 mm to

    15 mm x 15 mm, makmg direct soldering to the pads

    possible They also make It possible to evaluate the

    array element usmg an independent pulser and receiver,

    without relymg upon the on-board electronic clrcultry

    Smce the mam part of this 32-element array assembly

    IS only about 12


    12 mm


    10 mm, there IS plenty

    of room for the on-board electronic cucuitry and the

    whole integrated array can be encapsulated m a hand-

    held case



    1 hhatunzamn

    of pul se-generat i ng ucurl ry

    Work has also been successful m mmlatunzmg the

    high-voltage pulse generator components ZETEX

    FMMT 415 surface mount avalanche transistors provide

    very fast high-voltage pulses whilst occupymg

  • 7/26/2019 CMOS Driver Hatfield



    5. Array performance measurements

    51 Unlformrty

    The untfonmty test was carried out m a water tank

    A reflected echo from a plane steel target is obtamed

    from each element, usmg the same pulser and receiver

    Because of the high preclslon of the electrode pattern

    made with pbotohthographlc techniques, the Nnformrty

    between the array elements IS excellent The responses

    from different elements are vntually rdentlcal

    52 Cross-talk

    There are two forms of interference between elements

    m an array transducer. the electrrcal and the acoustic

    cross-talk Electrical cross-talk arrses from the dlelectnc

    couplmg between elements and the acoustic cross-talk

    1s caused by the propagation of acoustic waves along

    the surface of the array For transducer arrays made

    from ceramics, cross-talk between elements 1s a major

    problem due to the high drelectnc constant and low

    internal loss of these matenals For transducer arrays

    made from ptezoelectnc polymer matenals, these prob-

    lems are largely non-exrstent The drelectrrc constant

    of PVDF 1s only about


    of that of lead xrrconate

    titanate (PZT) and the internal mecbaNca1 loss IS about

    25 times larger The low dielectnc permtttrvrty reduces

    the electrical cross-talk and the high mechanical loss

    reduces the acoustic couphng As a result, the cross-

    talk between elements for a polymer array IS very small

    Tlus greatly slmphfies the construction of polymer trans-

    ducer arrays and there 1s vutually no design constramt

    on the dlmensrons of the array elements from the

    mechanical point of view

    Expements have been carned out to measure the

    cross-talk between adJacent array elements A 15 MI-Ix

    tone burst wrth 10 V peak-to-peak value was used to

    drove one element of the array transducer and the

    output from SIX adlacent elements was monitored by

    a Ngh-input-mpedance oscdloscope Typical cross-talk

    1s observed to be m the 100 mV range As there 1s

    no time delay between mdlvldual signals, we can con-

    clude that mechanical cross-talk IS too small to be


    53 P e-echo measurementr

    These were carried out using a pulser and receiver

    uNt The trme-domain waveforms were drgttrxed by a

    Tektronix digital oscilloscope (model 7854), and then

    sent to a computer for frequency spectrum analysis

    Figure 10 shows a typical example of the measurement

    results It can be clearly seen that the transducer gwes

    a very short pulse (80 nS) and wide bandwidth



    250 500



    16 32 48 6i


    Fmqnmcy MHz


    10 (a) Puke-echo response from a smgle array element

    and (b) a frequency spectrum sbowmg a ccntre frequency of 32

    MHz, bandwxith (3 dB) 24l MHz, pulse duration 180 us

    6. Conclusions

    New polymer transducer array desrgns have been

    produced and an interconnect technology allowing

    ASICs to be connected to the polymer transducers has

    been devrsed However, further work on the long-term

    rehabdrty of tbrs approach is required Work 1s well

    advanced towards this objective Indlvldual components

    have been fabncated and tested and come up to spec-

    ification in every respect Most importantly, a genenc

    techrnque has been developed, and successfully dem-

    onstrated, whrch wrll enable both transrmt and recerve

    NulbchaMel ASICs to be reahxed Current work is

    focused on deslgnmg recerve ASICs

    The authors acknowledge with gratitude the Science

    and Engmeenng Research Counnl of the UK for

    provrdmg funding for tbts prolect, and EUROCHIP

    for making commerctal rmcro-fabncatton facthtles avall-


  • 7/26/2019 CMOS Driver Hatfield


    PA Payne, Medxal and mdustnal apphcatxms of lngh res-

    olutlon ultrasound,l P tys, E SCL Idnon 28 (1985) 465-473

    H Kaw;u, The p~emelectnc~ty of polyvmyldene fluonde, Ipn

    I Appi Fhys, 8 (1969) 975-976

    PA Payne and Q X Chen, m C Brook and P D Hanstead

    (eds ), Rdabrllty WI Non-Lksmetwe Testmg NDT-88.


    gamon, Oxford, 1989, Ch 10, pp 319-330

    Y Aral and T Oshug~, TMC - a CMOS time to dlgtal

    converter VLSI, IEEE Thm.s Nuclear SCL NS-36 (1989)


    A Rothermel and F Dellova, Analog phase measurmg cmxut

    for dlgtal CMOS-IW, m ESSCZRC 98 Copenhagen Den-

    monk Sept 23-25 1992 pp 331-334


    John V Hat fi eld

    ecensed his B SC degree m physics

    from the Umverslty of Leeds m 1973 and the M SC

    degree from the Umverslty of Manchester Institute of

    Science and Technology (UMIST), Manchester, UK,

    m 1984 He was awarded a Ph D by the same university

    m 1988 for his researches into posItion-sensitive particle

    detectors Currently he IS a senior lecturer m the

    Department of Electrical Engmeenng and Electronics

    at UMIST and technical director of Integrated Sensors

    Ltd Ha research mterests are m the area of mtegrated

    sensors and transducers

    Nlgel R Scales

    received a B SC degree m physics

    from the Umversity of Manchester m 198.5 and an

    M SC m VLSI systems engmeermg from UMIST m

    1991 He ts currently workmg as a research a-ate


    m the Department of Electrical Engmeenng and Elec-

    tronics at UMIST, where he 1s also completmg work

    on a Ph D thesis

    An w D Armtage w as awarded a B Eng m elec-

    tronic engmeermg by Manchester Polytechnic m 1991

    and an M SC m VLSI systems engmeermg by UMIST

    1111992 He 1s currently a research student m the

    Department of Electrical Engmeermg and Electronics

    at UMIST, where he IS reading for a Ph D m the area

    of integrated ultrasonic transducers

    Peter J H s was awarded a Ph D by the Umverslty

    of Manchester m 1973 and Joined the Department of

    Electrical Engmeermg and Electronics at UMIST as

    a lecturer m 1978, where he is currently professor of

    Mlcroelectromc Orcult Design I-hs major research

    interests are largely m the area of integrated sensors

    and he IS chauman of Integrated Sensors Ltd



    received his B Eng from the Department

    of Scientific Instruments, ZheJlang University, Hang-

    zhou, China m 1982 He was awarded a Ph D m 1989

    after studymg m the Department of Instrumentation

    and Anabtical Science at UMIST, where he 1scurrently

    a research associate HIS current fields of interest are

    ultrasonic sensors and mmlature Imaging arrays for

    medical applications

    Pet erA Payne eceived his Ph D from the Umversrty

    of Wales m 1972 He 1s currently professor of Instru-

    mentation and chairman of the Department of Instru-

    mentation and Analytical Science, UMIST His fields

    of interest are ultrasonic and acoustic sensors and

    systems for medical and mdustrlal applications