Cluster Strong Lensing Cluster Strong Lensing Neal Dalal IAS

Cluster Strong Lensing Neal Dalal IAS. Cluster Strong Lensing Images of background galaxies strongly distorted by potential of foreground massive cluster

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Page 1: Cluster Strong Lensing Neal Dalal IAS. Cluster Strong Lensing Images of background galaxies strongly distorted by potential of foreground massive cluster

Cluster Strong LensingCluster Strong Lensing

Neal Dalal


Page 2: Cluster Strong Lensing Neal Dalal IAS. Cluster Strong Lensing Images of background galaxies strongly distorted by potential of foreground massive cluster

Cluster Strong LensingCluster Strong Lensing

• Images of background galaxies strongly distorted by potential of foreground massive cluster

• Typically 2-3 images merged together into “giant arcs”

• Canonical giant arcs have l/w > 10

• Usually azimuthally oriented but radial arcs are also observed

Page 3: Cluster Strong Lensing Neal Dalal IAS. Cluster Strong Lensing Images of background galaxies strongly distorted by potential of foreground massive cluster

Lensing surveysLensing surveys

Survey Redshifts Area (deg2) Depth Observed

EMSS 0.15 < z < 0.6 ~ 360 V < 22 8

LCDCS 0.5 < z < 0.7 69 R < 21.5 2

RCS z < 0.6

z > 0.6



R < 24

R < 24



Comparison of Previous Arc Surveys

Ongoing and future surveys (e.g. SDSS, MACS, RCS-2, CFHTLS, DES) increase area and number of detected arcs by many orders of magnitude!

Page 4: Cluster Strong Lensing Neal Dalal IAS. Cluster Strong Lensing Images of background galaxies strongly distorted by potential of foreground massive cluster


Page 5: Cluster Strong Lensing Neal Dalal IAS. Cluster Strong Lensing Images of background galaxies strongly distorted by potential of foreground massive cluster

What good are arcs for What good are arcs for cosmology?cosmology?

What good are arcs for What good are arcs for cosmology?cosmology?

1. Study properties of clusters

• Calibrate mass-observable relations

• Measure DM properties (e.g. radial profile, triaxiality, etc.)

2. Cosmological parameters

• Statistics

• Geometrical measure

Page 6: Cluster Strong Lensing Neal Dalal IAS. Cluster Strong Lensing Images of background galaxies strongly distorted by potential of foreground massive cluster

modelling of individual systemsmodelling of individual systems

Abell 1689 (Broadhurst et al. 2004)

By fitting 100’s of lensed images, can reconstruct non-parametric mass model

Page 7: Cluster Strong Lensing Neal Dalal IAS. Cluster Strong Lensing Images of background galaxies strongly distorted by potential of foreground massive cluster

Strong lens selectionStrong lens selection

Strong lensing can give a precise determination of cluster mass profile. But which clusters are selected with a lens-selected sample?

Related: which cluster properties are important in determining lensing cross-section?

Page 8: Cluster Strong Lensing Neal Dalal IAS. Cluster Strong Lensing Images of background galaxies strongly distorted by potential of foreground massive cluster

Ray Tracing SimulationsRay Tracing Simulations

• Ran 10243 cosmological N-body simulation in 320 h-1 Mpc box

• Compute surface density and ray-trace from source plane to image plane (~14000 ray-traces for zl=0.4, zs=1)

Lens Plane

Massive Cluster

• Identify massive cluster halos, measure structural properties (e.g. ~900 clusters at z=0.4)

Page 9: Cluster Strong Lensing Neal Dalal IAS. Cluster Strong Lensing Images of background galaxies strongly distorted by potential of foreground massive cluster

Shallow density cusps imply:– SL cross section is a steep function of mass and concentration – Extreme sensitivity to fluctuations caused by substructure and halo triaxiality– Large spread in cross sections as a function of viewing angle and among clusters of

similar mass

Strong Lensing by CDM HalosStrong Lensing by CDM HalosStrong Lensing by CDM HalosStrong Lensing by CDM Halos

For NFW:

rcrit exponentially sensitive to small variations in


rs rvirhi



Page 10: Cluster Strong Lensing Neal Dalal IAS. Cluster Strong Lensing Images of background galaxies strongly distorted by potential of foreground massive cluster

Analog HalosAnalog HalosSpherical

No Substructure



Page 11: Cluster Strong Lensing Neal Dalal IAS. Cluster Strong Lensing Images of background galaxies strongly distorted by potential of foreground massive cluster

Analog HalosAnalog Halos

Hennawi et al. (2005) in prep

• Replace each halo with analog halo. Ray trace and compare number of arcs to original simulated clusters

• Substructure identified by FOF algorithm with b = 0.05

• Triaxiality boosts cross sections by factor 4-25 compared to spherical

• Analytical models under predict arc abundance by– up to 50 for spherical models

– up to 2 for triaxial models

• Halo Triaxiality much more important than projections of substructure onto small radii

Source plane: zs = 2.0; Lens Plane: zd = 0.41


) N






10” 15” 20” 25” 30”

Real/No Subs 1.06 1.10 1.13 1.18 1.24

Real/Triaxial 1.31 1.40 1.53 1.74 2.04

Real/Spherical 4.76 5.09 6.43 11.2 51.7

Page 12: Cluster Strong Lensing Neal Dalal IAS. Cluster Strong Lensing Images of background galaxies strongly distorted by potential of foreground massive cluster

Biases in Lensing Selected SamplesBiases in Lensing Selected SamplesWith a sample of well studied lensing clusters we can measure distributions of cluster properties. However lenses are biased with respect to . . . .

Mass Concentration


Mvir c/c(M)


M1/2 = 4.5 1014 [c/c(M)]1/2 = 1.18

[Msub]1/2 = 0.045

[Msub]1/2 = 0.041


|cos|1/2 = 0.50|cos|1/2 = 0.67

q2 lower third q2 middle third q2 upper third

Page 13: Cluster Strong Lensing Neal Dalal IAS. Cluster Strong Lensing Images of background galaxies strongly distorted by potential of foreground massive cluster

2-D vs. 3-D quantities2-D vs. 3-D quantitiesWe measure 2-D profile and infer 3-D parameters. Because of triaxiality and projection bias, our 3-D inferences are biased.

Can this explain the oddly high concentrations seen in detailed analyses of many lensing clusters (e.g. A1689, CL0024, RCS0224)?

Note cvir¼ 14

Broadhurst et al. (2004)

Page 14: Cluster Strong Lensing Neal Dalal IAS. Cluster Strong Lensing Images of background galaxies strongly distorted by potential of foreground massive cluster

2-D vs. 3-D quantities2-D vs. 3-D quantities

Note that concentrations of 15-20 are very unlikely

Page 15: Cluster Strong Lensing Neal Dalal IAS. Cluster Strong Lensing Images of background galaxies strongly distorted by potential of foreground massive cluster

How important are mergers?How important are mergers?

It has been claimed that mergers can enhance lensing cross section by 10£. Is this true?

most massive substructurevirial mass

mass in substructurevirial mass

Page 16: Cluster Strong Lensing Neal Dalal IAS. Cluster Strong Lensing Images of background galaxies strongly distorted by potential of foreground massive cluster

Line-of-sight projectionsLine-of-sight projections

Multi-plane Single plane

Large-scale structure can significantly affect shear-selected cluster samples (Hennawi & Spergel 2005). Is this also the case for strong-lens selected clusters (e.g. Wambsganss et al. 2004)?

Page 17: Cluster Strong Lensing Neal Dalal IAS. Cluster Strong Lensing Images of background galaxies strongly distorted by potential of foreground massive cluster

Giant Arc AbundanceGiant Arc AbundanceGiant Arc AbundanceGiant Arc Abundance

Survey Redshifts Area (deg2) Depth Observed Predicted

EMSS 0.15 < z < 0.6 ~ 360 V < 22 8 8.2

LCDCS 0.5 < z < 0.7 69 R < 21.5 2 1.2

RCS z < 0.6

z > 0.6



R < 24

R < 24





Dalal, Holder, & Hennawi (2004) based on GIF simulations

Comparison of Arc Surveys to Ray Trace Predictions

• EMSS: 8 of 38 clusters with LX > 2 1044 ergs/s show giant arcs.

• Extrapolating gives ~ 900 over full sky.

• Ray tracing sims + HDF galaxy counts predicts ~ 1000


– Previous claim of order of magnitude discrepancy incorrectly extrapolated EMSS and used lower source density


r) N






r [arcsecs]

Solid: EMSS Dashed: Simulations

Page 18: Cluster Strong Lensing Neal Dalal IAS. Cluster Strong Lensing Images of background galaxies strongly distorted by potential of foreground massive cluster


• Cluster lensing is a powerful probe of the distribution of dark matter on ~ 100 kpc/h scales

• Shallow density cusps of CDM clusters imply SL cross sections are extremely sensitive to ellipticity/triaxiality of dark matter halos

• Abundance of giant arcs behind low-z clusters agrees with prediction for LCDM. Hint of an excess for high-z clusters (Gladders/RCS)

• Search for clusters lenses in SDSS Gpc3 volume will yield > 200 new giant arcs and ~ 8 new wide separation multiply image quasars

Page 19: Cluster Strong Lensing Neal Dalal IAS. Cluster Strong Lensing Images of background galaxies strongly distorted by potential of foreground massive cluster

modelling of individual systems

modelling of individual systems

MS 2137-23 (Gavazzi et al. 2003)

Even with just 1 or 2 arcs, it is stillpossible to derive interesting interesting constraints with highresolution imaging!

3)1(/1 rrDM inner slope

Dalal & Keeton (2004)


Page 20: Cluster Strong Lensing Neal Dalal IAS. Cluster Strong Lensing Images of background galaxies strongly distorted by potential of foreground massive cluster

Modelling individual systemsWith ground-based imaging, it is harder to match up images, making modeling more difficult. But systems with multiple arcs can still be useful:

Example 1: tangential arcs roughly measure enclosed mass : so can we use multiple arcs to measure M(r) and hence radial slope?

error in M(r)is O(e)

dashed: 30% ellipticity

solid: 15% ellipticity

RCS 0224-0002 (Gladders et al. 2002)super-concentrated (c


15% ellipticity30% ellipticity



example 2: combining tangential & radial arcsfor spherical lenses: the ratio of radial critical line totangential critical line gives slope.

However, this is strongly affected by ellipticity

Page 21: Cluster Strong Lensing Neal Dalal IAS. Cluster Strong Lensing Images of background galaxies strongly distorted by potential of foreground massive cluster

Cluster Lenses in the SDSSCluster Lenses in the SDSS

• SDSS quasar samples– Spectro: 50,000 quasars -- 4000 deg2

– Photo: 400,000 quasars -- 7000 deg2

• Search for companions around quasars with similar colors

• Follow up spectroscopy (ARC 3.5m) required because of fiber collisions

SDSS 2.5m ARC 3.5m

Jim Gunn

Multiply Imaged Quasars Giant Arcs

Apache Point Observatory

UH 2.2m

• SDSS cluster sample– Richness selected clusters out to

z < 0.6 -- 7000 deg2 or ~ Gpc3

– Photo-z’s good to within dz = 0.02• Deep imaging (g < 26) of richest clusters

on 4m class imagers• Arc redshifts from Magellan and MMT• HST imaging of lenses discovered?

WIYN 3.5m

Page 22: Cluster Strong Lensing Neal Dalal IAS. Cluster Strong Lensing Images of background galaxies strongly distorted by potential of foreground massive cluster


Extreme example of minoraxis cusp? Or instead, is BCG off-center?

Lin et al. (2005) in preparation

Counter Image? • Brightest arc (g ~ 22 ) = 11”

• Discovered by visual inspection of SDSS southern coadd data (r < 24)

• Magellan spectroscopy– BCG galaxy @ z = 0.65

– Arc A @ z = 1.14

• Preliminary models prefer the BCG to be off center?

WIYN gri composite - seeing ~ 0.6”


Page 23: Cluster Strong Lensing Neal Dalal IAS. Cluster Strong Lensing Images of background galaxies strongly distorted by potential of foreground massive cluster




WIYN g + i composite - seeing ~ 1.2”

• Arcs at = 35” and = 12”

• Abell cluster @ z = 0.28. LX = 8.7 1044 (NORAS)

• Models prefer high ellipticities (q < 0.5) for inner slopes typical of CDM halos (n ~ 0.5)

Hennawi et al. (2005) in preparation

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r) N





sr [arcsecs]

Cosmology with Cluster LensesCosmology with Cluster Lenses Why is Cluster Strong Lensing interesting for Cosmology?

– Natural Gravitational Telescopes magnify high-z galaxies

– Measure Cosmological Parameters??

– Constrain distribution of dark matter in clusters on small scales where density is highest

For a giant arc with ~ 20”

YES: For wide separation arcs, all cluster lensing observables canbe predicted ab initio

NO: Need to simulate effects of cooling and star formation on dark matter. Ask A. Kravtsov?

Page 25: Cluster Strong Lensing Neal Dalal IAS. Cluster Strong Lensing Images of background galaxies strongly distorted by potential of foreground massive cluster

Strong Lensing StatisticsStrong Lensing Statistics

Detailed Modeling of Individual Lenses– Measure structural parameters of cluster (concentration, ellipticity/triaxiality, inner

slope) for each cluster lens. Compare to analogous distributions in N-body simulations

Abundance– Count the number of lensed arcs (QSOs?) per deg2 as a function of angular separation and compare to

prediction from N-body sims


• Arcs identified by eye. Selection function very difficult to quantify (QSOs?)

• Uncertainty in cluster mass scale creeps in unless entire survey area is deeply imaged


• Simplest ‘one-point’ statistic

• Requires ground based imaging of most massive clusters

PROS• Isolates parameters of halos breaking

‘degeneracies’ which could produce the same abundance

• Does not require knowledge of selection function of arcs


• Requires multiple arcs. Imaging from space required to obtain tight constraints

• Even with multiple arcs degeneracies between model parameters complicates comparison to simulations