Clinical Movement Analysts

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  • 7/23/2019 Clinical Movement Analysts


    Country Region Namelab Institute emailITALY 1 U di ne Ana li si Str um en ta le i n Ri ab il it az io ne I sti tut odi M edicin aFi si caeRi ab ili tazi one bio fr@ass 4. san ita.fvg.i t

    2 Pordenone LaboratoriodiBiomeccanica Privato [email protected] Padova HumanLabLaboratoryofAppliedandSportsBiomechanics PrivatoShesauSrlPadova [email protected] Padova LaboratorioBioingegneriadelMovimento UniversitdegliStudidiPadova [email protected] T or in o L ab or at or io d i An al is i de l Ca mm in o Az.Osp.O.I.R.M.-Sant'Anna [email protected];antonio.andreacchio@oirmsantann . .

    6 Torino Laboratoriodianalisidellaposturaedelmovimento RFFdiMoncalieriASLTO5 [email protected]

    7 Cuneo LaboratoriodiAnalisi delMovimentoLaResidenza CasadiCuraLaResidenza [email protected];[email protected] Cuneo LaboratoriodiPosturologiaeDinamometriaClinica Az.Osp.S.CroceeCarle [email protected] Verbania Laboratoriodianalisidellaposturaedelmovimento IRCCSIstitutoAuxologicoItaliano-OspedaleS.Giuseppe(privatoconvenzionato) [email protected];[email protected]

    10 Milano LaboratoriodiAnalisidellaPosturaedelMovimento"LuigiD ip ar ti me nt o di B io in ge gn er ia P ol it ecn ico d i Mi la no m an ue la. gal li @p ol im i. it11 Milano LaboratoriodiBiomeccanicadelMovimentoeControlloM L ab . di T ec no lo gi e Bi om ed ic he - P ol it ecn ico d i Mi la no p ava n@ bi om ed .p ol im i. it12 Milano LaboratoriodiAnalisi dellaRespirazioneLaRes L ab . di T ec no lo gi e Bi om ed ic he - P ol it ecn ico d i Mi la no an dr ea. al iv er ti @p ol im i. it13 Milano LAM-LaboratoriodiAnalisidelMovimento F on da zi on e Do n Car lo G no cc hi O nl us , IR CCS S. M ar ia N as ce nt e p ma zz ol en i@ do ng no cc hi .i t; mf er ra ri n@ do ng no cch i. it14 Milano ServiziodiAnalisidellaFunzionalitMotoria FondazioneDonGnocchiIRCCS [email protected]

    15 M il an o L ab or at or io Giu se pp e Mo scat i SocietCooperativaSociale [email protected]

    16 M il an o A na li si d el la Po stu ra ISICOIstitutoScientificoItalianoColonna [email protected] Milano LaboratoriodiRicerchediRiabilitazioneNeuromotoria IstitutoAuxologicoItaliano,IRCCS [email protected] V ar es e L ab or at or io Ana li si d el M ovim en to MultimedicaHolding [email protected]

    19 Varese LaboratoriodelDipartimentodiRiabilitazione A.O.S.AntonioAbatediGallarate [email protected]

    20 L ecco L ab or at or io d i An al is i de l Ca mm in o I RC CS " Eu ge ni o Me de a" A ss oc ia zi on e La N os tr a Fa mi gl ia B os is io P ar in i LC l ui gi .p ic ci ni ni @b p. ln f. it21 L ecco L ab or at or io Ana li si d el M ovim en to OspedaleGeneraleValduceVillaBeretta [email protected] B ol ogna L ab or at or io d i Ga it Ana lysi s IstitutoOrtopedicoRizzoli [email protected];[email protected] B ol ogna L ab or at or io d i Bi om ecca ni ca FacoltdiScienzeMotorieUniversitdiBologna [email protected];[email protected]

    24 Bologna LaboratorioAnalisiPosturaleedelMovimento UsldiBolognaU.O.ClinicoRieducazioneFunzionale [email protected]

    25 B ol ogna Ser vi zi o An al is i Fu nz io na le INAILCentroProtesi [email protected] ReggioEmilia LAMLaboratorioAnalisidelMovimento AusldiReggioEmilia [email protected] Parma LaboratorioAnalisidelMovimentoedelCammino FondazioneDonGnocchi [email protected]

    28 Ferrara LaboratorioAnalisidelMovimento O sp ed al e S. G io rg io ( Az ie nd a Os pe da li era U ni ve rs it ari a) m ma nc a@ os pf e. it

    29 R im in i L ab or at or io Ana li si d el M ovim en to SoletSalusOspedaleprivatoaccreditato [email protected] Padova Laboratoriodianalisidellaposturaedelmovimento privato [email protected];[email protected] Conegliano Laboratoriodianalisidellaposturaedelmovimento I RC CS " E. M ed ea " As s. L a No st ra F am ig li a, C on eg li an o (T V) e le na .c ar ra ro @c n. ln f. it32 Ancona LaboratorioAnalisidelMovimentoePostura INRCAIRCCSAncona [email protected]

    33 Ancona LaboratoriodiAnalisidelMovimentoeBioingegneria(LAMDipartimentodiIngegneriad ellInformazione(DII)-UniversitPolit ecnicadelleMarcheAncona(P [email protected] Gen ova Gen ova Ga sl in i Ga it Ana lysi s IstitutoG.GasliniIRCCS-Genova35 Savon a L ab or at or io Ana li si d el M ovim en to ASL2 Sav oneseOspedale" Sa ntaCor ona" -Pietra LigureSV [email protected] ia.itc.lentino@asl2 .liguria.it36 LaSpezia LaboratorioAnalisidelCammino F on da zi on e Do n Gn oc ch i - Os pe da le S .B ar to lo me o - Sa rz an a SP m di ve ri o@ do ng no cc hi .i t

    37 Firenze LaboratoriodiFisiopatologiaeRiabilitazionedelMovimentINRCAFirenze [email protected]

    38 L uc ca L ab or ato ri o di B ioi ng eg ne ri a A SL2L ucca Osp edale San France sco- BargaL U a. ravaschi o@yahoo .it39 P is a L ab or at or io Ana li si d el M ovim en to AUSL11 Empoli, U .O.S.Fisiopatologia delMov imento-Sa nMinia toPI a .tav ia ni@usl1 1.tos.it40 P isa L ab or ato ri o di C hi nes io log ia A zi endaO sped al ieraUn iversit ariaPi sana m.carbo nci ni @ao-p isa.t oscan a.i t

    41 Pisa Laboratoriodianalisi dellaposturaedelmovimento A zi en da O sp ed al ie ra U ni ve rs it ar ia P is an a- D ip ar ti me nt o di N eu ro sc ie nz e- U .O . Ne ur or ia bi li ta zi on e- l [email protected]

    42 Roma LaboratorioAnalisidelMovimento"MarcelloMarioPierro OspedalePediatricoBambinGes-Dip.toRiab.Ped.-PassoscuroFiumicinoROMA [email protected] Roma LaboratoriodiBioingegneriadell 'ApparatoLocomotore Uni ve rs itde gli Stud id iRo ma "Fo ro It al ico " au re lio .capp ozzo@iu sm. it44 R om a L ab or at or io Ana li si d el C am mi no I RCC S San R af fae le P is an a, T os in ve st S an it - Ro ma m an ue la. gal li @p ol im i. it45 Frosinone LaboratorioAnalisidelCammino C asadiCura SanRaffa eleCa ssino,Tosinv estSanit -Ca ssinoFR [email protected]

    46 Roma Laboratoriodianalisi dellaposturaedelmovimento FondazioneDonCarloGnocchiOnlusCentroS.MariadellaProvvidenza [email protected]

    47 B ar i L ab or ato ri o di G ai t Ana ly si s Fo ndazi one San Raff ael e- Ce gli eM ess api caBA an drea_ dican dia@yahoo .it48 Cantania LaboratorioAnalisidelCamminoedelMovimento D ipdiFa rmac ologiaSper imentaleeClinica -Universit diC atania [email protected] Enna LaboratorioAnalisidelCamminoedelMovimento I RCCSOasi Mari a SS -Troi na EN privato dpaci @o as i.e n.i tmp ap otto @oas i.e n.i t

    50 Messina CostaBiomedic a privatoLetojanniME [email protected]

    51 Palermo LaboratoriodiFisiologiaApplicataeValutazioneFunzional DipartimentodiMedicinaSperimentale(Di.Me.S)Sez.FisiologiaUmana-Palermo [email protected];[email protected]

    Country Namelab Institute emailFRANCE 1 N ice U ni t C li ni qu e d' An al ys e du M ou ve me nt InstitutRossetti [email protected];[email protected];jeanpi . l

    2 Nice Laboratoryof HumanMotricity, EducationandHealth UniversityofNiceSophiaAntipolis [email protected]

  • 7/23/2019 Clinical Movement Analysts


    3 Nantes Laboratoired'analysedumouvement HpitalSa int-Ja cques(plemdecinephysiqueetr a da ptation) [email protected] Toulouse Laboratoired'analysedelamarche lHpitaldesEnfantsdeToulouse [email protected]

    5 SaintFargeau-Ponthierry l'Unitdel'analysedumouvement FondationEllenPoidatz [email protected] SaintSaturnin Laboratoired'AnalysedelaMarche Centredel'Arche [email protected](generalemail)7 Bordeaux Plateformed'analyseduMouvement HopitalRobertDebre [email protected] L yo n L ab or at oi re d 'a na lyse d u mo uvem en t Laboratoirecliniquedepodologieetdusport ?

    9 L il le L ab or at oi re d 'Ana lyse d u Mo uvem en t C en tr e Ho sp it al ie r R gi on al U ni ve rs it ai re ( CH RU ) de L il le e ri c. wa te la in @u ni v- va le nc ie nn es .f r

    10 Lil le LaboratoiredtudesdelaMotricitHumaine FacultdesSciencesduSportetdelEducationPhysique,UniversitdeLille2 [email protected] Marseille L InstitutdesSciencesduMouvement Aix-MarseilleUniversit ?

    Country Namelab Institute emailAUSTRIA 1 Vienna LaborfrGang-undBewegungsanalyse,Speising OrthopdischesSpitalSpeising [email protected] S te ier ma rk G an g- u nd Be we gu ng sa na ly sel abo r OrthopdischesKrankenhausTheresienhof [email protected] Vienna GanglabordesNeurologischenRehabilitationszentrumsRo N eu ro lo gi sc he n Re ha bi li ta ti on sz en tr um s Ro se nh g el i n Wi en J ea ne tt e. Ei ch en la ub @n rz .a t

    Country Namelab Institute emailGERMANY 1 H ei de lb er g Gan ga na lyse la bo r O rt ho pd is ch en Un iv er si tt sk li ni k He id el be rg S eb as ti an .Wo lf @o k. un i- he id el be rg .d e

    2 Aschaui.Chiemgau Ganganalyselabor O rthop d ischen Kin derklin ikAs chaui .Chi emgau ehm @b z-aschau.de3 Garmisch-Partenkirchen DeutschesZentrumfrKinder-undJugendrheumatologie K inde rkl ini k Garmi sch-Part enkirchen gGmb H hart man n.m att hias@rumm els berger.n et

    4 Mnchen Ganglabor KinderzentrumMnchen [email protected]

    5 Drensteinfurt-Walstedde Gait-Bewegungsanalyseund-therapieimHausWalstedde HausWalstedde [email protected] Aachen BewegungsanalyselaborderBiophysikalischenMesstechni L ehrs tuhl f r Ange wan dte Med izi nte chn ik dis sel horst -klug @h ia.rwth- aache n.de7 Halle Ganganalyselabor O rt ho pd is ch en Un iv er si tt sk li ni k Hal le ( Saa le ) re gi na. ul lm an n@ me di zi n. un i- hal le .d e8 Duisburg BewegungsanalyselabordesLehrstuhlsfrMechanikundRUniversittDuisburg-Essen [email protected]

    9 Dsseldorf GanganalyselaborderOrthopdischenKlinik Heinrich-Heine-UniversittDsseldorf [email protected]

    10 Regensburg BewegungsanalyselabordesInstitutsfrSportwissenschaftUniversittRegensburg [email protected] BadSassendorf LaborfrBewegungsanalyse,Funktions-undLeistungsdiag K li ni k Li nd en pl at z - In st it ut f r B io me ch an ik t ho mas .j oe ll en be ck@ kl in ik -l in de np lat z. de12 Duisburg|Essen Gang-undBewegungsanalyselabore UniversittDuisburg-Essen [email protected]

    13 Frankfurt Bewegungsanalyselabor O rt ho pd is ch e Un ive rs it t skl in ik Fri ed ri ch sh ei m f el ix .s ti ef @f ri ed ri ch sh ei m. de

    14 Arnstadt Ganglabor MarienstiftArnstadt [email protected] Wiesbaden LaborfrBewegungs-undFunktionsdiagnostik Qi moto Ze ntrum furSpo rt med izi nu ndG esun dhei t labor@qi moto .de

    Country Namelab Institute email

    SWITZERLA 1 W in ter th ur B ew eg un gs la bor ZrcherHochschulefrangewandteWissenschaften,DepartementGesundheit,[email protected];[email protected] St. Gallen LaborfrBewegungsanalyse Z entrum f r das Ki ndO sts chw eizerKin dersp ital Verena.Fenne r@kss g.ch3 Basel LaborfrBewegungsuntersuchungenBasel Universitts-KinderspitalbeiderBasel [email protected] Genve laboratoiredeCinsiologieWillyTaillard HpitauxUniversitairesdeGenve [email protected]

    5 Bern BiomechanicsDivision U ni ve rs it y of B er n, I ns ti tu te f or S ur gi ca l Te ch no lo gy & B io me ch an ic s p hi li pp e. zy ss et @i st b. un ib e. ch

    Country Namelab Institute emailUK&IRELA 1 B el fa st G ai t An al ys is La bo ra tor y MusgraveParkHospital [email protected]

    2 Birmingham ClinicalMeasurementsLaboratory Wes tM idl an dsRe hab ili tatio nCent re davi d.pratt@sb pct .nhs .uk;ral ph. pal mer@sbp ct .nhs .uk

    3 London DerbyGait andMovementLaboratory L on don Road Commu nit y Ho spi tal ralp h.p alm [email protected] hs. uk; He len .evan s@derbyhos pit al s.nh .4 Dublin CentralRemedialClinicGait Laboratory CentralRemedialClinicGaitLaboratory [email protected];[email protected] Dundee TheInstituteofMotionAnalysis&Research TORTCentreNinewellsHospital [email protected];[email protected];g.p.arnold . .6 Edinburgh AndersonGait AnalysisLaboratory SM ARTce ntre Astl eyAi nsl ie Ho spi tal al iso n.m .richards on@nh slo thi an .scot.n hs. uk

    7 Liverpool NorthWestMovementAnalysisCentre A ld er He y Ch il dre n s NH S Fo un da ti on T ru st g il l. ho lm es @a ld erh ey. nh s. uk ; al fi e. ba ss @a ld er he y. nh s. uk ; d l . l

    8 London GaitLaboratory D ougla sBa derRehabilita tionCentr e,Q ueenMar y'sHospital dav id.ewins@stgeor ;sally [email protected] .9 L on do n O ne Sma ll Ste p Ga it L ab or at or y So uthw arkWing Guy's Ho spi tal rster@gs tt.n hs.u k; adam.s hortl an d@gst t.nh s.u k

    10 M id dl es ex G ai t An al ys is La b RoyalNationalOrthopaedicHospital [email protected]

    11 Newcastle NewcastleuponTyneGait Laboratory NewcastleGeneralHospital [email protected];[email protected]

    12 Shropshire ORLAU R ob er t Jo ne s an d Ag ne s Hu nt O rt ho pa ed ic H os pi ta l C ar ol in e. St ew ar t@ rj ah .n hs .u k; A nd re w. Ro be rt s@ rj ah .n hs .u k13 O xfo rd O xf or d Ga it La bo ra tor y NuffieldOrthopaedicCentre [email protected];[email protected];julie.steb . .14 S he ff iel d G ai t La bo ra tor y RyegateChildrensCentre,SheffieldChildrensNHSFoundationTrust [email protected];[email protected] Worcester MotionandPerformanceCentre(MPC) InstituteofSportandExer ciseSc ienc eUniv er sityofWor cester m.c or bett@worc .a ; ller-jones@wor ;j.bevins@w . .

  • 7/23/2019 Clinical Movement Analysts


    Country Namelab Institute emailBELGIUM 1 Leuven ClinicalMotionAnalysisLaboratory Uni ve rs ityHos pit al Pel lenb erg slo overe@uzl euven. be;gu y. mol enaers@uzleuven. be

    2 L eu ve n M ot io n An al ys is L ab or at or y Le uven Fac ulty ofKinesiology a ndReha bilitationSciences,KU Leuv en ilse.j onkers@fa;sabine.v er sc huer en@faber . l .3 Antwerpen MultidisciplinaryMotorCenterAntwerpMOCEAN U niversity ofAntwer pandArtesisUniversityCollegeofAntwerp. a nn.hallemans@ua .a c.be4 Brussel Laboratoired'Anatomie,BiomcaniqueetOrganognse[L F ac ul t d e M de ci ne , U ni ve rs it Li br e de B ru xe ll es s al vi ap @u lb .a c. be ; s in tj an s@ ul b. ac .b e; ro oz e@ ul b. ac .b e5 Gent LaboBewegingsleer Vakgroep bewegings- en sportwetenschappen, Universiteit Gent [email protected]

    6 Ant we rp en Gan gl ab Ant we rp en DVCSintJozefinstituut,Antwerpen [email protected]

    7 B ru ss el C en tr e d' an al ys e du m ou ve me nt Uni ve rs itairKi nde rzie ken hui sKo nin gin Fabi ol a henri .schmi t@hud erf.be8 S ij se le R EV A voe t- en g an ga na ly se RevalidatiecentrumAZAlmaCampusSijsele [email protected]

    Country Namelab Institute emailTHENETHE 1 Amsterdam Human Movement Laboratory VUuniversitymedicalcenter [email protected];[email protected] Enschede Roessingh Research & Development RoessinghResearch&Development [email protected]; [email protected] Enschede Xsens Technologies Xsens [email protected] Groningen Laboratorium voor Houdings- en BewegingsanaA cadem ischZ iekenh uis Groni nge n r. davi [email protected] .nl; j.p.k.h al bertsm [email protected] l

    5 Hoensbroek Movement Laboratory SRLHoensbroek [email protected]; [email protected] ; Y.Janssen-Potten@ l l6 M aa st ri ch t M aa st ri ch t UM C+ UniversityMaastricht,AZMaastricht [email protected] N ijme ge n K li ni sche gan gb ee ld an al ys e SintMaartenskliniek [email protected] Rotterdam Klinischbewegingslaboratorium E ra sm us M ed ic al C en tr e, D ep t. R eh ab il it at io n Sc ie nc es s el le s@ re v. fg g. eu r. nl ; bu ss ma nn @r ev d. az r. nl

    9 WijkaanZee Movement Laboratory Heliomare [email protected];[email protected];

    10 Amsterdam Human Performance Laboratory Academic Medical Centre Amsterdam [email protected] Eindhoven Human Motion Laboratory FontysUniversityofProfessionalEducation [email protected] Arn he m V oe t- Sch oe n- e n lo op an al ys e SportMedischCentrumPapendal [email protected];[email protected] DenHaag Bewegingstechnologie HaagseHogeschool,DenHaag [email protected];[email protected]

    14 Delft Delft Shoulder Group TechnischeUniversiteitDelft [email protected]

    Country Namelab Institute emailESTONIA 1 LaboratoryofKinesiologyandBiomechanics UniversityofTartu [email protected]

    Country Namelab Institute emailGREECE 1 Ath en s Gai t an d Mo ti on Ana lysi s Ce nt er HellenicSocietyofDisabledChildren(ELEPAP) [email protected]

    2 A th en s O rt hop ae di c Dep ar tm en t AghiaSofiaChildren'sHospital;AskleipionHospital [email protected] Ioannina OrthopaedicSportsMedicineCenterofIoannina DepartmentofOrthopaedicSurgery,UniversityofIoannina, [email protected] Ath en s D ep ar tm en t of O rt ho pa ed ic Sur ge ry UniversityofAthens info[at]

    Country Namelab Institute emailNORWAY 1 Sun na as B evegel se sl ab or at or ie t SunnaasRehabilitationHospital [email protected];[email protected]

    2 Bergen DepartmentofPublicHealthandPrimaryHealthCare UniversityofBergen [email protected]

    3 Oslo RikshospitaletUniversity Hospitaland Faculty of Medicine, UniversityofOslo [email protected];bjorn.lofterod@rikshospital . .4 H el se Be rgen Gan gl ab or at or ie t HaukenlandUniversitssjukehus [email protected] Trondheim TrondheimRrelselaboratoriet InstituttforNevromedisin [email protected]

    Country Namelab Institute emailTURKEY 1 Ankara AnkaraNumuneTrainingandResearchHospital, Or thopedicsandTra umatologyClinicandAnka ra U niversity gunesy av uz er @HOTMAIL.C OM

    2 BiomechanicsResearchLaboratory MiddleEastTechnicalUniversity(DepartmentofMechanicalEngineering) [email protected]

    Country Namelab Institute emailSCOTLAND 1 ButeMedicalSchool UniversityofSt.Andrews [email protected]

    2 AndersonGaitAnalysisLaboratory AstleyAinslieHospital [email protected]

    Country Namelab Institute emailSPAIN 1 Tarrasa MutuaTarrasa D epar tmentofPhysica lMedicineandRehabilitation [email protected],biola b@er ga sa

    2 T ar ra go na U ni ta t de P od ol ogia CentreMdicRamblaNova 00349772431583 M ad ri d L ab or at or io d e Bi om ecn ica Univ,PolitcnicadeMadrid [email protected] E lche L ab or at or io d e Bi om ecn ica y Sa lu d C en tr o de I nv es ti ga ci n d el D ep or te , Un iv . Mi gu el H er na nd ez c id @u mh .e s

    5 Valencia InstitutodeBiomecnicadeValencia ValencianInstituteforSmallandM ediumIndustry(IMPIVA)andthe Univ,PolitcnicadeValncia(U [email protected]

  • 7/23/2019 Clinical Movement Analysts


    6 Sevilla Hosp.virgendelRoco [email protected] Toledo Hosp.ParapljicosdeToledo [email protected] Madrid Univ.Pontif.Comillas [email protected] Madrid Univ.ReyJuanCarlos [email protected]

    10 ACorua Univ. A Corua [email protected] Madrid CSIC (Madrid) [email protected] Z ar agoz a F acul ty o f He al th Sci en ce s Univ. San Jorge [email protected] Lleida LaboratoriodeObservacindelaMotricidad(LOM) INEFC-Lleida [email protected] Barcelona Grup de Recerca en Cincies de lEsport INEFC-Barcelona [email protected]

    Country Namelab Institute emailPOLAND 1 Warsauw Dept.PaediatricRehabilitation TheChildren'sMemorialHealthInstitute [email protected]

    Country Namelab Institute emailSWEDEN 1 S to ck hol m M ot or ikl ab Q 2: 07 K ar ol in sk a Un iv er si ty H os pi ta l, A st ri d Li nd gr en s Ba rn sj uk hu s E va .B ro st ro m@ ki .s e

    2 Stockholm Humanfysiologiskalaboratoriet Danderydsjukhus [email protected]

    3 Skvde Gng-ochRrelsenanlysLaboratorium Skarabo rg Hosp ital, De partm ent of Ortho pedi cs jacques .riad@vg re gio n.se4 Halmstad IntelligentSystemsLaboratory SchoolofInformationScience,ComputerandElectricalEngineering,HalmstadUniversity [email protected] Jnkping DepartmentofBiomechanicsandOrthopaedicTechnology UniversityCollegeofHealthSciences

    6 Jnkping Departmentof Rehabilitation S ch oo l of H ea lt h Sc ie nc es , J nk p in g Un iv er si ty n er ro ly n. ra ms tr an d@ hh j. hj .s e; d av id .r us aw @h hj .h j. se

    7 Gothenburg InstituteofClinicalSciences UniversityofGothenburg

    Country Namelab Institute emailFINLAND 1 H el si nk i T he G ai t La bor ato ry HelsinkiChildrensHospital [email protected]

    2 Jyvskyl KIHUJyvskyl,DepartmentofBiologyofPhysicalActivity UniversityofJyvskyl [email protected]

    Country Namelab Institute emailDENMARK 1 Odense G anglaboratoriet OdenseUniversitetshospital [email protected]

    2 Copenhagen TheParkerInstitute Frederiksberghospital [email protected]

    3 Copenhagen GanglaboratorietSahvaKbenhavn [email protected] H vi do vr e G an gl ab or at or iet HvidovreHospital [email protected] Hammel G anglaboratoriet HammelNeurocenter [email protected]

    Country Namelab Institute emailLITHUANIA 1 Lithuania KaunaschildDevelopmentClinic KaunasUniversity [email protected]