The latest in video analysis technology: dual video capture allows simultaneous analysis from the sagittal and coronal planes. Comprehensive range of tools: specifically designed to enhance the accuracy and repeatability of gait analysis in the P&O setting. Automated reporting system: for patients, clinicians and funders. Integrated pre-fit and post-fit assessment scales: means analysis is based on latest research for best practice [1] [2] . Patient-centric: a practical and easy to use system that has been built to fit in with a typical P&O clinical environment. Enhanced communication: fully engage with your patients by showing them their gait before and after the fitting and rehabilitation process. The P&O Clinical Movement Data System is cost effective and can be tailored to your clinic’s requirements. 1 Hillman SJ, Donald SC, Herman J, McCurrach E, McGarry A, Richardson AM, Robb JE. Repeatability of a new observational gait score for unilateral lower limb amputees. Gait Posture 2010;32:39–45. 2 Read HS, Hazlewood ME, Hillman SJ, Prescott RJ, Robb JE. Edinburgh Visual Gait Score for use in cerebral palsy. J. Pediatr Orthop 2003;23:296-301. Clinical Movement Data System Precision in movement analysis and fitting For more information contact: Celia Pisasale Siliconcoach Ltd Ph: +64 3479 2577 Clarion Building Fax:+64 3479 2051 Level 1, 286 Princes Street www.siliconcoach.com Dunedin, New Zealand [email protected] Siliconcoach has designed a P&O video analysis tool that allows clinicians and patients to see the small things that make the big difference.

Clinical Movement Data System Precision in movement analysis

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• Thelatestinvideoanalysistechnology:dualvideocaptureallowssimultaneousanalysisfromthesagittalandcoronalplanes.

• Comprehensive range of tools: specificallydesigned to enhance the accuracy andrepeatabilityofgaitanalysisintheP&Osetting.

• Automated reporting system: for patients,cliniciansandfunders.

• Integrated pre-fit and post-fit assessmentscales:meansanalysis isbasedon latestresearchforbestpractice[1][2].

• Patient-centric:apracticalandeasytousesystem that has been built to fit inwith atypicalP&Oclinicalenvironment.

• Enhanced communication: fully engagewithyourpatientsbyshowingthemtheirgaitbeforeandafterthefittingandrehabilitationprocess.


1HillmanSJ,DonaldSC,HermanJ,McCurrachE,McGarryA,RichardsonAM,Robb JE.Repeatability of a newobservational gait score forunilaterallowerlimbamputees.GaitPosture2010;32:39–45.2ReadHS,HazlewoodME,HillmanSJ,PrescottRJ,RobbJE.EdinburghVisualGaitScoreforuseincerebralpalsy.J.PediatrOrthop2003;23:296-301.

Clinical Movement Data System

Precision in movement analysis and fitting


CeliaPisasale SiliconcoachLtd Ph:+6434792577ClarionBuilding Fax:+6434792051Level1,286PrincesStreet www.siliconcoach.comDunedin,NewZealand [email protected]


Clinical Movement Data System


Features:1. Systematicstorageand


2. Fisheyelenscapable,whichdoublesthesagittalplaneviewableareawithintheexistingfloorspacelimitations

3. DualCapturetoallowthesamemotiontobeanalysedfromthesagittalandcoronalplanes

4. Integratedpreandpostfitassessmentscalestoallowforsystematicanalysisbasedonbestpractice

5. Automaticreportgenerationfromthepreandpostfitassessmentsthatcanbeprinted,oremailedasPDFs.

