A new biotech company is interested in developing a new mechanical heart with a superficial implantable and rechargeable battery for easy access. During the design phase, the physician hired from the local academic hospital is asked about which structure carries or comes in contact with oxygenated blood. Which of the following answers is correct? Pulmonary veins A 47-year-old man with a known atrial fibrillation returns to see his cardiologist for follow-up of his cardiac health. The right atrium is important in this case because it: Contains the SA node In beginning a coronary bypass procedure, a thoracic surgeon opens his patient's chest and pericardial sac, exposing the anterior surface of the heart. The anterior (sternocostal) surface of the heart is formed mainly by which of the following? Right Ventricle What is the name of the keel-like septum at the bifurcation of the trachea? Carina Coronary angiographs of a 44-year-old male patient reveal an occlusion of the circumflex branch of the left coronary artery. This patient has been suffering from myocardial infarction in which of the following areas? Left atrium and ventricle

Clinical Anatomy Questions

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Page 1: Clinical Anatomy Questions

A new biotech company is interested in developing a new mechanical heart with a superficial implantable and rechargeable battery for easy access. During the design phase, the physician hired from the local academic hospital is asked about which structure carries or comes in contact with oxygenated blood. Which of the following answers is correct?Pulmonary veins

A 47-year-old man with a known atrial fibrillation returns to see his cardiologist for follow-up of his cardiac health. The right atrium is important in this case because it:Contains the SA node

In beginning a coronary bypass procedure, a thoracic surgeon opens his patient's chest and pericardial sac, exposing the anterior surface of the heart. The anterior (sternocostal) surface of the heart is formed mainly by which of the following?Right Ventricle

What is the name of the keel-like septum at the bifurcation of the trachea?Carina

Coronary angiographs of a 44-year-old male patient reveal an occlusion of the circumflex branch of the left coronary artery. This patient has been suffering from myocardial infarction in which of the following areas?Left atrium and ventricle

Which of the following is found in the posterior mediastinum?Thoracic duct

A radiologist is examining a series of contrast-enhanced CT scans of a patient's thorax in evaluating findings of a hypertrophied right heart. Which of the following structures is located in the pathologically enlarged right atrium?Opening of the coronary sinus

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A 75-year-old woman was admitted to a local hospital, and bronchograms and radiographs revealed a lung carcinoma in her left lung. Which of the following structures or characteristics does the cancerous lung contain?Lingul

A 23-year-old man attending a cocktail party suddenly began to choke. A friend performed the Heimlich maneuver. Although he seemed to be somewhat better, it was not long before he began to cough again. When asked what he had been eating when he started to choke, he said, "peanuts." Bronchoscopy revealed a large object in a bronchus. In which one of the following places would the foreign object most likely be located?Right main bronchus

A 47-year-old woman has had a lumpectomy and axillary dissection to check for metastasis. She has come in for her follow-up appointment, and her physician notices on her physical examination that the medial part of her scapula protrudes from her back and that she is not able to raise her arm above the horizontal level. Which of the following nerves has been damaged during her surgery?Long thoracic nerve

A 5-year-old girl is brought to the emergency department because of difficulty breathing (dyspnea), palpitations, and shortness of breath. Doppler study of the heart reveals an atrial septal defect (ASD). This malformation usually results from incomplete closure of which of the following embryonic structures?Foramen ovale

A newborn baby is readmitted to the hospital with hypoxia and upon testing is found to have pulmonary stenosis, transposition of the aorta, interventricular septal defect, and hypertrophy of the right ventricle. Which of the following is best described by these symptoms?

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Tetralogy of Fallot

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During a newborn examination, a pediatrician is unable to detect a pulse in the groin or legs of an infant and notes the lower extremities are cold to the touch. The pulse and blood pressure of the upper limbs are significantly elevated from normal. A pediatric cardiologist performs an echocardiogram and other imaging. The given sagittal MRI verifies the presence of what specific anomaly, as indicated by the white arrowhead?Coarctation of the aorta

Which of the labeled structures in the given PA radiograph of the chest indicates the right atrium?B

A 27-year-old cardiac patient with an irregular heartbeat visits her doctor's office for examination. Where should the physician place the stethoscope to listen to the sound of the mitral valve?In the left fifth intercostal space at the midclavicular line

A thoracic surgeon prepares to insert a chest tube (tube thoracostomy) in the 5th left intercostal space at the anterior axillary line in his 60-year-old male patient. In evaluating the chest wall for this procedure, the surgeon must be aware that which of the following is a correct relation?The intercostal blood vessels and nerves are positioned in the order of vein, artery, and nerve from superior to inferior in a subcostal groove

During a routine physical examination, a physician asks her 41-year-old female patient to breathe normally while she assesses the patient's respiration. Which of the following is true of the mechanics of inspiration during normal quiet respiration?The diaphragm descends.

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The anterior border of the heart is formed mainly by the __________ .right ventricle.

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Which of the labeled structures in the given CT scan of the thorax indicates the left main bronchus?C

A 20-year-old man was stabbed in the chest with a jackknife (pocket knife) with a blade five centimeters long. The stab wound in the left fourth intercostal space was approximately two centimeters lateral to the body of the sternum. What part of the heart would likely be injured?Right ventricle

A chest X-ray reveals lobar pneumonia located over the horizontal fissure of the lung. Which of the following lobes of the lung would be inflamed and full of fluid?Superior lobe of right lung

A 65-year-old woman is diagnosed as having an extensive, invasive abscess in the lower posterior wall of the thoracic cavity on the right, accompanied by resultant lesions of multiple intercostal nerves. Which of the following is the most likely outcome?Loss of motor control of intercostal muscles.

A 7-day-old newborn with a diagnosis of patent ductus arteriosus undergoes surgery to ligate the ductus arteriosus. During the repair, the surgeon takes special care to avoid injury to a closely related nerve. The surgeon is protecting which of the following nerves?Left recurrent laryngea

A 60-year-old woman receives a coronary angiogram following a myocardial infarction in order to evaluate the condition of her coronary circulation. Most blood from the heart wall will return to the heart at which of the following locations?

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Coronary sinus

A 58-year-old stockbroker is brought to the cardiac catheterization laboratory emergently after evaluation in the emergency department has determined that he is suffering from an acute myocardial infarction. During the catheterization, he is found to have inadequate blood flow in the artery that runs aside the great cardiac vein in the anterior interventricular sulcus of the heart. This is most likely an acute occlusion of the _____________ .Left coronary artery.

A 19-year-old man came to the emergency department, and his angiogram exhibited that he was bleeding from the vein that is accompanied by the posterior interventricular artery. Which of the following veins is most likely to be ruptured?Middle cardiac vein

A 55-year-old man presents with pain radiating down the medial side of his right forearm and hand, and wasting of the small muscles in the right hand. A comprehensive physical examination leads to a diagnosis of thoracic outlet syndrome. Which of the following is true of the thoracic outlet?On each side, the lower trunk of the brachial plexus is closely related to the outlet and passes laterally over the upper surface of the first rib.

A physician conducts a breast examination of a 24-year-old woman. Which of the following features constitutes a normal condition?The breast overlies the 2nd to the 6th ribs.

A race car driver is brought to the city trauma center after a high-speed crash in which his car spun out of control and struck the concrete embankment. He has blunt trauma to his chest and undergoes extensive vascular studies to determine which blood vessels are still intact. The interventional radiologist recalls that one of the following veins drains directly into the superior vena cava. Which vein would this be?Azygos vein

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A 23-year-old man is stabbed in a bar fight. The blade of the knife enters his chest in the left 5th intercostal space, just lateral to the sternum, and pierces to a depth of approximately 4 cm. What structure is most likely damaged?Pericardium

A 22-year-old man who was thrown from his motorcycle complained of severe pain in the lower left side of his chest. He held his hand over his lower left ribs near the midaxillary line. A radiograph of his thorax revealed fractures of the eighth and ninth ribs. What internal organ would most likely be injured?Spleen

A 37-year-old patient with palpitation was examined by her physician, and one of the diagnostic records included a posterior-anterior chest radiograph. Which of the following comprises the largest portion of the sternocostal surface of the heart seen on the radiograph?Right ventricle

The given coronary artery angiogram is from a 68-year-old man with recurrent angina. It reveals 90% stenosis of the left anterior descending (LAD) artery, indicated by the white arrow. Based upon this finding, which portion of the heart is most likely susceptible to ischemic damage?Anterior two thirds of interventricular septum

An 81-year-old woman complained to her physician about shortness of breath (dyspnea). Physical examination in the sitting position revealed percussive dullness inferior to the fifth rib in the right midaxillary line. The diagnosis was an accumulation of fluid in the right pleural cavity. Thoracentesis (thoracocentesis) was performed to remove the pleural fluid. Where would the physician insert the needle into the pleural cavity to avoid injuring the intercostal neurovascular bundle?

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Superior to the rib in the eighth or seventh intercostal spaces in the midaxillary line.

Deep venous thrombosis is a common complication from sitting in one position for a prolonged duration, such as during a long car trip or a long plane flight. The first vascular channels likely to be obstructed or occluded by an embolus from the deep veins of a lower limb are the _____________ .Branches of the pulmonary arteries.

Choose the appropriate lettered site or structure in this CT scan (see figure) of the thorax from a 42-year-old man who complains of chest pain and breathing problems. His electrocardiogram shows left ventricular hypertrophy. Into which structure does the azygos vein drain venous blood?A

A 44-year-old man was stabbed in the right side of his neck, about four centimeters superior to the middle of the clavicle. After a paramedic controlled the bleeding, the man began breathing rapidly and was given oxygen. A physical examination by an ER physician revealed a significant shift to the left of the apex beat of the heart and poor breath sounds on the right side of his thorax. Which of the following injuries would most likely produce these signsStab wound of the pleura and apex of the right lung

A 35-year-old man is suffering from an infected mediastinum (mediastinitis) after neck and chest injuries resulting from a head-on automobile collision. He has been intubated since the accident and on broad-spectrum intravenous antibiotics since admission; however, the infection continues to progress throughout the mediastinum. Which of the following structures is free from infection?Lungs

Atropine is a drug that acts to block stimulation of the receptors targeted by postsynaptic

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parasympathetic neurons. When it takes effect, atropine acts to do which of the followingIncrease heart rate

A 78-year-old patient presents with an advanced cancer in the posterior mediastinum. The surgeons are in a dilemma as to how to manage the condition. Which of the following structures is most likely damaged?Hemiazygos vein

An 83-year-old man with a typical coronary circulation has been suffering from an embolism of the circumflex branch of the left coronary artery. This condition would result in ischemia of which of the following areas of the heart?Posterior part of the left ventricle

A 24-year-old man who has been overweight and sedentary most of his life experiences shortness of breath and cyanosis on exertion when he attempts to start an exercise program for the first time. A thorough physical examination by his physician reveals an aortic valve defect and an aortic murmur. This murmur is best detected with the stethoscope placed over which of the indicated sites?A

A 56-year-old patient recently suffered a myocardial infarction in the area of the apex of the heart. The occlusion by atherosclerosis is in which of the following arteries?Anterior interventricular artery

A 39-year-old man in seemingly good health experiences recurring angina pectoris during practices for an adult recreational basketball league. A thorough cardiac evaluation reveals left coronary artery dominance, a 90% narrowing of the anterior interventricular artery and a 60% narrowing of the circumflex artery. The patient's cardiologist strongly

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recommends a cardiac bypass procedure plus stenting to relieve the blood flow condition. Which of the following is true of this man's coronary circulation?The circumflex artery gives rise to the posterior interventricular artery.

Your 26-year-old patient has thoracic outlet syndrome, which is a condition associated with impingement on structures that pass through the superior thoracic aperture. Accordingly, what is this syndrome is associated with?A cervical (supernumerary) rib

You see a 30-year-old hockey player who "caught" a high velocity puck in his mid-sternum. Radiography clearly shows a sternal fracture. What next study (or studies) might you order?Echocardiography and ECG to see if there is a pericardial effusion or other sign of cardiac injury

Which of the following is correct of the endothoracic fascia?It provides a surgical cleavage plane between the thoracic wall and the costal parietal pleura

A patient complains to you of pain in a limited strip on one side of his chest and back. Upon examination, you notice that the skin associated with the T3 dermatome of that side is red with vesicular eruptions. Which of the following is your most reasonable conclusion about your patient's illness?He has shingles (herpes zoster)

It is common to explain the relationships between the lung and surrounding structures by using the analogy of a fist inserted into a balloon. Accordingly, which of the following group of associations would be accurate?Fist—lung; space between inner and outer balloon layers—pleural cavity; outer layer of balloon—parietal pleura

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Which of the following is not correct pertaining to the anatomy of the lungs?The apex of each lung is in contact with the diaphragm

Which of the following is correct about your patient based on the above radiograph (note white arrow)?The patient is a child who aspirated a foreign object that is now in the right main bronchus

Your 56-year-old patient has cardiac tamponade. Which of the following is therefore correct?He has excess fluid in the pericardial cavityDuring esophagectomy for esophageal cancer, the surgical field began to fill with a clear to milky fluid. Which of the following most likely had occurred?The surgeon had lacerated the thoracic duct