Click to edit Master subtitle style Don Ringgold’s Health Wealth(sm) A Moment of Silence Consider the Heart and What Makes It Beat Light, Life, and Love Are the Joys To Meet The Silence speaks Greater than Any Words!

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Don Ringgold’s Health Wealth(sm)

A Moment of SilenceConsider the Heart and What Makes It Beat Light, Life, and Love Are the Joys To MeetThe Silence speaks Greater than Any Words!

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Identify The Cause, Cure and Prevention of Disease

Defining Mucus, Poisons, and Accumulated waste (including the gums)Mucus: A nitrogenous watery substance (The thickness is determined by what is consumed i.e. dead meat, denatured or refined pasta, rice or starchy foods)Poisons: Denatured ingredients and refined foods, including drugs and alcohol (man made substances)Accumulated waste: 10 to 60 lbs. possibly stored in colon and tissues over time. To prevent gum disease use hydrogen peroxide (follow label, and/or herbal combination i.e. Perio Wash with Co EQ10)Herbal Application: Brain; Gingko Biloba, Eyes; Eyebright and Bilberry, Gums; Myrrh, Throat; Slippery Elm, Endocrine Glands( Thyroid, Pituitary, Pineal, Adrenals); Organic Spirulina (w/B12), Lungs; Ginseng (Chinese: active, American passive), Heart ; Hawthorn Berry; Cardio Vascular System ( arteries, veins and capillaries); Cayenne PepperStomach, Colon, Spleen, Gallbladder; Slippery Elm

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Prevention of disease: Herbal Application

• Liver; Milk Thistle• Pancreas; Organic Spirulina, • Kidneys; Marshmallow Root• Gonads, (male); Saw Pimento, Sarsaparilla,• Nettle, and Bee Pollen (0.5% allergic, use a

few granules to test reaction within 5 to 10 minutes); (female) Saw Pimento, Dong Quai, Uvi Ursi

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The Oxygenation of the Blood

• The Slow Transition Diet from Non living to Living Foods

• Internal Cleansing: Colonics, Herbal Laxatives: Aloe Vera, Cascara Segrada (Use with caution)

• Blood Cleansers: Dandelion Root, Garlic (good for strength and combating viruses and harmful bacteria; Golden Seal Root (Mother Nature’s Anti Biotic) Use with caution…

• White Willow Bark, (Mother Nature’s Aspirin/Pain Reliever)

• Exercise, Sunshine and Deep Breathing • Walking 1 or 2 miles daily• Vowel sounds have a positive effect on the

Endocrine Glands• Deep Breathing and The OM

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The Effect on The Internal Organs

• The Recognition of Prof. Arnold Ehret’s healing formula P=V-O (Power=Vitality- Obstruction)

• How the scale of vibrations relates to food• Living Food vibrates at a higher rate than dead

food• The invisible becomes the visible, via the rate

of vibrations• Infra red to ultra violet • Managing the crisis prevention via a slow

transition from non living to LIVING FOODS

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Attunement with Mother Nature and Higher Consciousness

• The Philosophy supporting consumption of living foods

• The Ancient Sophia• “Humanity is a widow” Louis Claude De Saint

Martin• Change the Vibration from lower to Higher

Self• “Let the Herbs Be Thy Meat” The Book of


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The Natural Laws that support eating living foods

• The Seven Desserts of Consciousness• Disappointment, Disillusionment, Doubt,

Depression, Misconception, Fear, and Illness• The Seven Ancient Hermetic Laws• Mind, Correspondence, Vibrations, Polarity,

Rhythm, Cause and Effect, Gender• Mental Gender

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How The Divine Paradox Benefits a Disease Free Life Style

• Are Human Beings Agents of Divinity?• The Inner Self teaching The Outer Self• The Five Senses and the Sixth Sense• Dominate the cause of disease, instead of the

cause dominating • The Fourth Dimension and how it relates to

food• Degrees of Awareness, and Planes of


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Eat From The Tree of Life and Become A Tree of Life

• We are Always Becoming• You Are What You Eat• Recipes and daily procedures• Water, distilled, spring, filtered• Chinese Ginseng, ½ tsp. Bee Pollen, Organic

Spirulina (follow label), Kyolic Garlic 106 recommended on an interim basis

• Ultimate energizers: Cell Guard (S O D) and Vega Products (Natural Plant Based Performance Optimizers)

• 10 oz. glass of water, half lemon, tbsp. of brown rice syrup, molasses, or grade b maple syrup, pinch of cayenne pepper

• Stanley Burroughs • Breakfast ideally between 12noon and 3pm

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Eat From The Tree of Life and Become A Tree of Life

• Eat One Thing at a Time; combinations are part of a transition to eating ideally

• Combinations usually cause gas, as well as combinations on top of accumulated waste

• Dietetics ( Healing via Diet): Nutrition vs. False Stimulation

• Begin the transition diet by choosing to eliminate man made ingredients then choose Mother Nature’s Ingredients

• The Blood Needs Fruit Sugar: found in Fresh fruits and Green Leafy Vegetables (raw to sweep the colon and cleanse the blood, steamed or baked, to bring out the fruit sugar, and nourish the blood)

• Hand full of grapes or up to two lbs.• Fruit in a bowl, an organic vegan muffin(no

dairy or denatured ingredients) crumble the muffin over the fruit, if desired add one sliced RIPE banana (if the banana is not ripe, place in toaster oven until brown), tbsp. of almond or peanut, or cashew butter; 3 or 4 tbsps., or a cup of plain organic yogurt, add almond milk ¼ cup or desired amount.

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Eating To Bring The Harmonium:The Regimen for Vitality

Eat once or twice a day, ideally:• Dinner before 7pm• Green Leaf Lettuce Salad w/ cucumber,

broccoli, avocado, or tomato (no more than 3 or 4 vegetables), Organic Grape Seed Oil, Organic dressing ( read label) or Extra Virgin Olive Oil w/ Lemon juice

• Organic Tofu, Wheat Meat, Tempeh ( read label, check sodium content), Spelt Pasta(w/organic pasta sauce and broccoli)

• Organic Brown Rice, Baked Potato, or Sweet Potato

• Steamed Zucchini or Squash w/Kale, Turnip, or Collards

• Steamed Cabbage• Eggless Tofu, Sandwich w/ lettuce and

tomato, Oat Bran toast or dark bread toast w/Organic Grape seed Oil as a spread, or Extra Virgin Olive Oil

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Paradise In Earth, Then Paradise On Earth

A Matter of Choice: Place The Pearls in Your Crown: The Degree of Willingness to follow THE WAY of HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS, produces the degree of Thought; Will and Action, Leading to a Life in Paradise, here on earth; a step into the realm of Physical and Spiritual Attunement With The All of Emanation and Creation

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The Third Eye Sight

Consistency leads to the Glimpse of The Unseen Preparation and Purification, will produce The Illumination Recognition and realization, bring the Manifestation Visualize The Superman and you’ll find The Over Man

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S. I. T. E.

• The Great Prof. Arnold Ehret reminded all to• Study• Investigate• Test • Experiment• Know Thy Self• The Answer is Within• Peace Profound