CLI Quick Reference Guide This chapter contains the following sections: Use the tables to locate the appropriate CLI command, a brief description and its availability on the C-, X, and M-series platforms. CLI Commands (No Commit Required), on page 1 CLI Commands (Commit Required), on page 6 CLI Commands (No Commit Required) Platform Availability Description CLI Command C- and X- Series Display the version of various file reputation and analysis components. ampstatus C- and X- Series Display Anti-Spam status antispamstatus C- and X- Series Manually update spam definitions antispamupdate C- and X- Series Display anti-virus status antivirusstatus C- and X- Series Manually update virus definitions antivirusupdate C- and X- Series Archives older messages in your queue. archivemessage C-, X-, and M-Series Bounce messages from the queue bouncerecipients C-, X-, and M-Series Clear changes clearchanges or clear C-, X-, and M-Series Commit changes commit C- and X- Series Display detailed information about the last commit commitdetail C- and X- Series Display content scanner version information. contentscannerstatus C- and X- Series Request manual update of content scanner engine. contentscannerudpate CLI Quick Reference Guide 1

CLI Quick Reference Guide - Cisco · CLICommand Description PlatformAvailability date Displaythecurrentdateandtime C-,X-,andM-Series CheckswhetherDANEissupportedfora C-andX-Series

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Page 1: CLI Quick Reference Guide - Cisco · CLICommand Description PlatformAvailability date Displaythecurrentdateandtime C-,X-,andM-Series CheckswhetherDANEissupportedfora C-andX-Series

CLI Quick Reference Guide

This chapter contains the following sections:

Use the tables to locate the appropriate CLI command, a brief description and its availability on the C-, X,and M-series platforms.

• CLI Commands (No Commit Required), on page 1• CLI Commands (Commit Required), on page 6

CLI Commands (No Commit Required)Platform AvailabilityDescriptionCLI Command

C- and X- SeriesDisplay the version of various file reputationand analysis components.


C- and X- SeriesDisplay Anti-Spam statusantispamstatus

C- and X- SeriesManually update spam definitionsantispamupdate

C- and X- SeriesDisplay anti-virus statusantivirusstatus

C- and X- SeriesManually update virus definitionsantivirusupdate

C- and X- SeriesArchives older messages in your queue.archivemessage

C-, X-, and M-SeriesBounce messages from the queuebouncerecipients

C-, X-, and M-SeriesClear changesclearchanges or clear

C-, X-, and M-SeriesCommit changescommit

C- and X- SeriesDisplay detailed information about the lastcommit


C- and X- SeriesDisplay content scanner version information.contentscannerstatus

C- and X- SeriesRequest manual update of content scannerengine.


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Page 2: CLI Quick Reference Guide - Cisco · CLICommand Description PlatformAvailability date Displaythecurrentdateandtime C-,X-,andM-Series CheckswhetherDANEissupportedfora C-andX-Series

Platform AvailabilityDescriptionCLI Command

C-, X-, and M- SeriesDisplay the current date and timedate

C- and X- SeriesChecks whether DANE is supported for aspecified domain.


C-, X-, and M-SeriesDelete messages from the queuedeleterecipients

C-, X-, and M-SeriesReschedule messages for immediate deliverydelivernow

C-, X-, and M-SeriesCheck RAID disks, network caches, andSMTP connections. Clear network caches.


C- and X- SeriesLook up a record on a DNS serverdig

C-, X-, and M-SeriesDisplay the last n alerts sent by the appliancedisplayalerts

C- and X- SeriesVersion information for DLP Enginedlpstatus

C- and X- SeriesUpdate DLP Enginedlpupdate

C-, X-, and M-SeriesClear all entries from the DNS cachednsflush

C- and X- SeriesTest a DNS lookup for a DNS-based listservice


C-, X-, and M-SeriesDisplay DNS statisticsdnsstatus

C- and X-SeriesCreate a Domain Exception Listdomainrepconfig

C-SeriesCheck the version of the enrollment client thatis used to obtain certificates


C-SeriesUpdate the enrollment client that is used toobtain certificates


C- and X-SeriesShows the version of the PXE Engine andDomain Mappings file


C- and X-SeriesRequests an update to the PXE Engineencryptionupdate

C- and X-SeriesDisplays the status and CPU usage of allengines enabled on the appliance.


C-, X-, and M-SeriesAdminister system feature keysfeaturekey

C-, X-, and M-SeriesFind events in mail log filesfindevent

C- and X-SeriesManually update the geolocation list.geolocationupdate

C- and X-SeriesDisplays the current version of the geolocationlist.


C- and X-SeriesManually update the How-Tos componenthowtoupdate

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Platform AvailabilityDescriptionCLI Command

C- and X-SeriesDisplays the current version of the How-Toscomponent


C- and X-SeriesDisplay the details of existing graymail rulesgraymailstatus

C- and X-SeriesManually update graymail rulesgraymailupdate

C-, X-, and M-SeriesSearch for text in a log filegrep

C- and X-SeriesChecks the health of your Email Securityappliance


C-, X-, and M-SeriesHelphelp or h or ?

C-, X-, and M-SeriesMonitor activity for a particular hosthostrate

C-, X-, and M-SeriesGet the status of the given hostnamehoststatus

C-, X-, and M-SeriesDisplay who has recently logged into thesystem


C- and X- SeriesFlush any cached LDAP resultsldapflush

C- and X- SeriesPerform a single LDAP query testldaptest

All virtual appliancesLoad a virtual appliance licenseloadlicense

C-, X-, and M-SeriesMail the current configuration to an emailaddress


C-, X-, and M-SeriesQuery a name servernslookup

C-, X-, and M-SeriesDisplay network connections, routing tables,and network interface statistics.


C- and X- SeriesClear the cached Outbreak Rulesoutbreakflush

C- and X- SeriesDisplay current Outbreak Rulesoutbreakstatus

C- and X- SeriesUpdate Outbreak Filters rulesoutbreakupdate

C- and X- Seriesdisplays a list of old messages in the queue.oldmessage

C-, X-, and M-SeriesIntercept and display packets beingtransmitted or received over the network


C-, X-, and M-SeriesChange your passphrasepassphrase or passwd

C-, X-, and M-SeriesPing a network hostping

C-, X-, and M-SeriesPing a network host using IPV6ping6

C-, X-, and M-SeriesQuitquit or q or exit

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Platform AvailabilityDescriptionCLI Command

C-, X-, and M-SeriesMonitor message throughputrate

C-, X-, and M-SeriesRestart the systemreboot

C- and X- SeriesRedirect all messages to another relay hostredirectrecipients

C- and X- SeriesRemoves old, undeliveredmessages from yourqueue.


C-, X-, and M-SeriesRequest version information of ReputationEngine


C-, X-, and M-SeriesRestore the factory configuration defaultsresetconfig

C-, X-, and M-SeriesReset all of the counters in the systemresetcounters

C-, X-, and M-SeriesResume receiving and deliveriesresume

C-, X-, and M-SeriesResume deliveriesresumedel

C-, X-, and M-SeriesResume receivingresumelistener

C-, X-, and M-SeriesRevert to a previous releaserevert

C-, X-, and M-SeriesRoll over a log filerollovernow

C-, X-, and M-SeriesSaves the configuration to disksaveconfig

C- and X- SeriesDisplay status of SenderBase queriessbstatus

C- and X- SeriesDisplay the current version of the SDRcomponent


C- and X- SeriesManually update the SDR componentsdrupdate

C- and X- SeriesChecks if your Cisco Email Security Gatewayis connected to the SDR service


C-, X-, and M-SeriesManually set the system clocksettime

C- and X- SeriesDisplays old undelivered messages in yourqueue.


C-, X-, and M-SeriesDisplay all configuration valuesshowconfig

All virtual appliancesDisplay virtual appliance license informationshowlicense

C-, X-, and M-SeriesShows Smart Licensing status and summaryof status.


C- and X- SeriesShow messages from the queue by recipienthost, Envelope From address, or all messages


C-, X-, and M-SeriesShut down the system to power offshutdown

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Platform AvailabilityDescriptionCLI Command

C- and X-SeriesConfigure Safelist/Blocklist settingsslblconfig

C-, X-, and M-SeriesSystem statusstatus

C-, X-, and M-SeriesSend a message to Cisco TACsupportrequest

C-, X-, and M-SeriesDisplay Support Request Keywords versioninformation


C-, X-, and M-SeriesRequest manual update for Support RequestKeywords


C-, X-, and M-SeriesSuspend receiving and deliveriessuspend

C-, X-, and M-SeriesSuspend deliveriessuspenddel

C-, X-, and M-SeriesSuspend receivingsuspendlistener

C- and X- SeriesFirst time system setupsystemsetup

C-, X-, and M-SeriesContinuously display the end of a log filetail

C-, X-, and M-SeriesAllow Cisco TAC to access your systemtechsupport

C-, X-, and M-SeriesConnect to a remote hosttelnet

C-, and X- SeriesDisplay the current version of the ETF enginethreatfeedstatus

C-, and X-SeriesManually update the ETF enginethreatfeedupdate

C- and X- SeriesEstablish an outbound TLS connection to aremote host and debug any TLS connectionissues


C-, X-, and M-SeriesDisplay the top hosts by queue sizetophosts

C-, X-, and M-SeriesDisplay the top hosts by number of incomingconnections


C-, X-, and M-SeriesTrace the flow of a message through thesystem


C-, X-, and M-SeriesDisplay the network route to a remote hosttraceroute

C-, X-, and M- SeriesDisplay the network route to a remote hostusing IPV6.


C-, X-, and M-SeriesUpdate timezone rulestzupdate

C-, X-, and M-SeriesUpdate all componentsupdatenow

C-, X-, and M-SeriesInstall an upgradeupgrade

C-, X-, and M-SeriesView system version informationversion

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Platform AvailabilityDescriptionCLI Command

C-, X-, and M-SeriesWipe the core files on the disk and check thestatus of the last coredump operation


C-, X-, and M- SeriesFlush the cache used by the URL filteringfeature


C-, X-, and M- SeriesView diagnostic statistics for URL filteringwebsecuritydiagnostics

C-, X-, and M-SeriesList who is logged inwho

C-, X-, and M-SeriesDisplay your current user idwhoami

C- and X- SeriesDisplay and/or alter work queue pause statusworkqueue

CLI Commands (Commit Required)Platform AvailabilityDescriptionCLI Command

C-, X-, and M- SeriesConfigure From: addresses for systemgenerated mail


C- and X- SeriesConfigure address listsaddresslistconfig

C- and X- SeriesConfigure network access list and banner loginadminaccessconfig

C- and X- SeriesConfigure address of the Cisco AggregatorServer


C-, X-, and M- SeriesConfigure email alertsalertconfig

C- and X- SeriesConfigure email aliasesaliasconfig

C- and X- SeriesConfigure Virtual Gateway™ mappingsaltsrchost

C-, X-, and M- SeriesConfigure AdvancedMalware Protection (Filereputation and analysis)


C- and X- SeriesConfigure Anti-Spam policyantispamconfig

C- and X- SeriesConfigure anti-virus policyantivirusconfig

C-, X-, and M- SeriesConfigure the behavior of bouncesbounceconfig

C- and X- SeriesConfigure key settings for outgoing mail, andconfigure how to handle invalid bounces.


C-, X-, and M- SeriesAdd, edit, and remove SMTP Call-Aheadprofiles


C-, X-, and M- SeriesConfigure security certificates and keyscertconfig

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Platform AvailabilityDescriptionCLI Command

C- and X- SeriesConfigure cluster related settingsclusterconfig

C- and X- SeriesConfigure mail deliverydeliveryconfig

C- and X- SeriesConfigure options for the Destination ControlsTable.


C-, X-, and M- SeriesConfigure content dictionariesdictionaryconfig

C-, X-, and M- SeriesConfigure disk spacediskquotaconfig

C- and X- SeriesConfigure DMARC settingsdmarcconfig

C- and X- SeriesConfigure DNS setupdnsconfig

C-, X-, and M- SeriesConfigure IPv4/IPv6 DNS preferencesdnshostprefs

C- and X- SeriesConfigure DNS List services supportdnslistconfig

C- and X- SeriesConfigure DomainKeys supportdomainkeysconfig

C-, X-, and M- SeriesConfigure the enrollment client that is used toobtain certificates


C- and X- SeriesConfigure email encryptionencryptionconfig

C-, X-, and M- SeriesConfigure Ethernet settingsetherconfig

C- and X- SeriesConfigure domain exception tableexceptionconfig

C-, X-, and M-SeriesAutomatically check and update feature keysfeaturekeyconfig

C- and X- SeriesConfigure message processing optionsfilters

C-, X-, and M- SeriesConfigure browser settings and other generalsettings


C- and X- SeriesConfigure graymail detection and safeunsubscribe global settings


C-, X-, and M- SeriesConfigure the threshold of various healthparameters of your appliance


C-, X-, and M- SeriesConfigure the IronPort ImageAnalysis settingsimageanalysisconfig

C- and X- SeriesConfigure Incoming Relaysincomingrelayconfig

C-, X-, and M- SeriesConfigure Ethernet IP addressesinterfaceconfig

C- and X- SeriesConfigure LDAP serversldapconfig

C-, X-, and M- SeriesConfigure smart software licensing feature.license_smart

C- and X- SeriesConfigure mail listenerslistenerconfig

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Platform AvailabilityDescriptionCLI Command

C-, X-, and M- SeriesLoad a configuration fileloadconfig

C- and X- SeriesConfigure multi-lingual settingslocaleconfig

C-, X-, and M- SeriesConfigure access to log fileslogconfig

C-, X-, and M- SeriesConfigure NTP time serverntpconfig

C- and X- SeriesConfigure Outbreak Filtersoutbreakconfig

C- and X- SeriesConfigure per recipient or sender basedpolicies


C- and X- SeriesSet Spam Submission Tracking Portalregistration ID for your appliance.


C- and X- SeriesConfigure system quarantinesquarantineconfig

C-, X-, and M- SeriesConfigure reporting settingsreportingconfig

C-, X-, and M- SeriesRollback to one of the previously committedconfigurations


C-, X-, and M- SeriesConfigure IP routing tablerouteconfig

C- and X- SeriesConfigure attachment scanning policyscanconfig

C- and X- SeriesEnable and Configure SDR filtering on yourCisco Email Security Gateway


C- and X- SeriesConfigure advanced parameters whenconnecting your Cisco Email SecurityGatewayto the SDR service


C- and X- SeriesConfigure SenderBase connection settingssenderbaseconfig

C-, X-, and M- SeriesSet the default gateway (router)setgateway

C-, X-, and M- SeriesSet the name of the machinesethostname

C-, X-, and M- SeriesSet the local time zonesettz

C- and X- SeriesConfigure characters for Sieve Email Filtering,as described in RFC 3598


C-, X-, and M- SeriesConfigure S/MIME functionalitysmimeconfig

C- and X- SeriesConfigure SMTP Auto profilessmtpauthconfig

C-, X-, and M- SeriesSet up permanent domain redirectionssmtproutes

C-, X-, and M- SeriesConfigure SNMPsnmpconfig

C-, X-, and M- SeriesConfigure SSH keyssshconfig

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Platform AvailabilityDescriptionCLI Command

C-, X-, and M- SeriesConfigure SSL settingssslconfig

C-, X-, and M- SeriesEnable/Disable SSLv3sslv3config

C- and X- SeriesSet message headers to removestripheaders

C-, X-, and M- SeriesDisplay information about files opened byprocesses


C- and X- SeriesConfigure text resourcestextconfig

C-, and X- SeriesEnable and Configure ETF engine on yourCisco Email Security Gateway


C-, X-, and M- SeriesConfigure the tracking systemtrackingconfig

C-, X-, and M- SeriesUpdate the global unsubscribe listunsubscribe

C- and X- SeriesConfigure system update parametersupdateconfig

Configure system upgrade parameters(deprecated command)


C-, X-, and M- SeriesConfigure whitelists of safe URLs.urllistconfig

C-, X-, and M- SeriesManage user accounts and connections toexternal authentication sources.


C-, X-, and M- SeriesConfigure advanced settings for URL filteringwebsecurityadvancedconfig

C-, X-, and M- SeriesConfigure global settings for URL filteringwebsecurityconfig

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