CLEVEDON VILLAGE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PLAN report on public consultation | July 2010 prepared for Manukau City Council by Boffa Miskell Limited

CLEVEDON VILLAGE - Auckland Council...• Opportunities to enjoy the river and streams (5 dots) • Maintain signifi cant views (2 dots) • Make use of Open Space and reserves for

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Page 1: CLEVEDON VILLAGE - Auckland Council...• Opportunities to enjoy the river and streams (5 dots) • Maintain signifi cant views (2 dots) • Make use of Open Space and reserves for


r e p o r t o n p u b l i c c o n s u l t a t i o n | J u l y 2 0 1 0

p r e p a r e d f o r M a n u k a u C i t y C o u n c i l b y B o f f a M i s k e l l L i m i t e d

Page 2: CLEVEDON VILLAGE - Auckland Council...• Opportunities to enjoy the river and streams (5 dots) • Maintain signifi cant views (2 dots) • Make use of Open Space and reserves for


r e p o r t o n p u b l i c c o n s u l t a t i o n | J u l y 2 0 1 0

p r e p a r e d f o r M a n u k a u C i t y C o u n c i l b y B o f f a M i s k e l l L i m i t e d

File Path: A09197_008_PostWorkshop_Report.indd

Page 3: CLEVEDON VILLAGE - Auckland Council...• Opportunities to enjoy the river and streams (5 dots) • Maintain signifi cant views (2 dots) • Make use of Open Space and reserves for

1.0 Introduction 1

2.0 Consultation Process 2

3.0 Stage One: An Open Day 2

4.0 Stage Two: The Workshop 3

5.0 Workshop Summary 21

6.0 How would you like Clevedon’s main street to look? 21


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Introduction1.0 The Clevedon Village Sustainable Development Plan sets out a

strategy to guide the future development of Clevedon over the next

50 years (to 2060). The objectives of the plan include:

To determine the scale and form of residential, rural and •

residential-rural development to be accommodated;

To identify matters that will contribute to the maintenance and •

enhancement of the character and amenity values of Clevedon


To determine the boundaries and extent of the settlement •

relative to the environmental carrying capacity, cost of

infrastructure and rural population projections in conjunction

with demand;

To collate and synthesize planning, technical and background •

information on Clevedon Village;

To investigate infrastructure options for the existing village and •

for future growth.

This report has been prepared as a record of the public consultation

process associated with the Clevedon Village Sustainable

Development Plan. The report is also a record of the outcomes of

each stage of this process.

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Consultation Process2.0 In order to progress the Clevedon Village Sustainable Development

Plan and to generate a preferred growth option for Clevedon

Village the Manukau City Council engaged Boff a Miskell to support

the public consultation process leading up to completion of the

Sustainable Development Plan. This was undertaken in two stages as


Stage One: An Open Day3.0 An Open Day was held at the Clevedon Community Hall on Saturday

March 13, 2010. to encourage the public to review the background

technical information associated with the Clevedon Village

Sustainable Development Plan. The main purpose of the open day

was to inform the community of the opportunities and constraints

that these technical reports highlighted and get endorsement that

these were an accurate refl ection of the current environment. The

Open Day was advertised using local networks, the local paper,

library and other local facilities. In addition, an invitation went out to

individuals to attend the open day.

This was run as a drop-in day, allowing attendees to view and

comment on the opportunities and constraints for Clevedon

(presented on pages 3 - 10). The technical report authors were

available at the hall to answer questions. Open Day attendees were

asked for feedback following their review of the presentation boards

and technical information/ reports. A questionnaire was also used

to capture this feedback from those who attended the day. Only 14

questionnaires were completed and returned to the Council.

Following the open day a series of growth scenarios (low, medium

and high growth options) were developed by Boff a Miskell for

discussion purposes. These three options carefully considered and

incorporated the opportunities and constraints highlighted from the

technical reports and the public feedback from the open day.

Questionnaires/ feedback form•

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Stage Two: The Workshop4.0 Following the Open Day, a series of possible future growth scenarios

for Clevedon were prepared. These were then circulated to Manukau

City Council staff and used as the basis for an interactive planning

workshop held in the Clevedon Community Hall on Saturday May 1,


This workshop was publicised to select land owners and interest

groups. Around 28 people attended the day. This interactive planning

workshop was devised to encourage maximum participation by

attendees, as well as make it a fun day for all. The day was split into

two distinct sessions (see agenda opposite).

Prior to the session’s commencement the attendees had the

opportunity to review a summary of the Open Day feedback and

three growth scenario panels showing the three growth options (low,

medium and high growth options).

On arrival at the hall participants were pre-assigned to one of

four groups (red, blue, yellow and green group). Each group was

allocated a table within the hall. The size of each group meant that

all participants could actively engage in round table discussions and

participate in the workshops activities.

Diane Pentz, Manukau City Council, opened the workshop,

welcoming all attendees with an introduction to the day from the


Lisa Mein, Boff a Miskell, then introduced the consultant team and

outlined the workshops purpose and agenda. Lisa set the scene with

a quick overview of the process being undertaken for Clevedon and

the issues for the attendees to consider throughout the day’s events.

Jon Rix, Tonkin & Taylor Ltd, gave a presentation of the hydrological

mapping work being undertaken. A request was put forward for

community input on any fl ooding events that had occurred and been

photographed in the past. This specifi c information would assist Jon

in the creation of the hydrological model, and increase the accuracy

of the model following ground surveys.

Attendees were then invited to circulate the hall and review the

display panels (refer to pages 13-18) prior to the fi rst session. At

this time the attendees identifi ed their group (red, blue, yellow and

green) and their table within the hall.

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Clevedon Sustainable Development PlanCommunity Design Workshop


11am – 3pm Saturday 1 May 2010Clevedon Community Centre

11am Welcome and background Diane Pentz,Manukau City Council

11.10 Workshop purpose, agenda, outcomes Lisa Mein,Boffa Miskell Ltd

11.20 View display, put sticky dots on commentsboard


11.30 Hydrological constraints within the studyarea

Jon Rix,Tonkin & Taylor

11.40 Where do we want Clevedon to grow andhow? Design session

Participants (break outgroups)

12.25 Group presentations (5 mins / group) Group spokesperson

12.45 Break for refreshments/lunch

1pm Village core design session: puttingtogether the pieces

Participants (break outgroups)

2.30 Group presentations (5 mins /group)and discussion

Group spokesperson

2.50 Workshop summary and next steps Lisa Mein and Diane Pentz

3pm Workshop concludes

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Feedback from Open Day4.1 A panel which summarised the feedback from the previous Open Day

was displayed. As the fi rst activity of the day, attendees were asked

to place 3 red dots on the three key points that they felt were the

most important to them. The following lists the order of priority the

attendees gave to each of the key points on the panel ‘What You Told


Residential growth within the delineated study area boundaries and •

some small residential sections (16 dots)

Improved infrastructure (e.g. wastewater and parking) (14 dots)•

Future growth to build on the existing character of Clevedon (11 dots)•

An attractive village with well designed, high quality buildings (9 dots)•

Growth around established open space (e.g. show grounds) (6 dots)•

Retain rural land for food production (6 dots)•

Opportunities to enjoy the river and streams (5 dots)•

Maintain signifi cant views (2 dots)•

Make use of Open Space and reserves for horse riding (1 dot)•

Improved main street and centre (1 dot)•

Increased service for local people (1 dot)•

Preservation of the hedgerows along the Papakura-Clevedon Rd (0 •


Reduced traffi c speeds through Clevedon Village (0 dots)•

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Stage Two: Session One4.2 Session one required each group to review the proposed growth

scenarios (low, medium and high growth options) and coming up

with a preferred scenario for the village. The following ground rules

applied to each group for this session:

1. Equal “air time” for all. Please contribute your ideas freely, but not to

the exclusion of others. We’re here today to record everyone’s ideas.

2. Avoid interrupting other people or starting debates, as our time is

very limited today. Please be respectful of other participants. Allow

all ideas and opposing points of view to be heard and recorded.

3. Listen carefully for the meaning in each other’s ideas: keep an open

mind. Diff erent points of view often spark new and creative solutions!

4. Focus on the “task at hand”, which for this workshop is to work

towards a preferred scenario for the growth of Clevedon.

5. Dream a little…aim high and be ambitious as to what you want for

the area. The reality of costs, District Plans, LTCCPs and limited

resources will come later.

6. Help the facilitators to keep the discussion on course and to

summarise progress

7. Have fun!

This session focused on Clevedon’s future village growth at the scale

of the study area. This wider scale and the ‘fat pen’ approach meant

attendees had to consider broader issues such as land use, road

connectivity (to, from and through the village), public facilities, open

space and the wider environment all at once. Each group marked

up a large format A0 plan with their preferred growth scenario, and

details of issues and opportunities that they felt most important.

Each group then presented their concept to all.

The following 4 pages illustrates each groups comments on their

preferred growth scenario.

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Red group summary

Residential development located to the north of the village (west •

of North Rd)

Residential development located east of Boundary Rd •

terminating at the start of the show grounds.

Residential development located to the west of the show ground •

up to Papakura-Clevedon Rd. Also a church near Papakura-

Clevedon Rd and a high school near the show grounds?

Consider views from the entry to the village and surrounding •

higher ground.

Sight lines and potential future expansion of the show grounds/ •

open space south.

Views from show ground to the rural landscape.•

Residential/ lifestyle large lots or cluster housing with shared •

common green space east of the show grounds.

Road link around show grounds, from Papakura-Clevedon Rd to •

Monument Rd.

( ½ and ½ Council bought land and show grounds land)•

A cycle and walkway link from Papakura-Clevedon Rd down and •

through the show grounds to Monument Rd.

Café and lookout, and more local business located to the east of •

the main street overlooking the river.

Public walkway.•

More local businesses (local focus – service village) no •

Warehouse etc.

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Blue group summary

Need to consider design quality if a village.•

Need to think about the mix of retail/ commercial. May require •

diff erent services.

More focussed development around village, properties for •

retirement – smaller lot sizes possibly.

Roading around show grounds (north, east and south) •

connecting to Monument Rd.

Potential school adjacent show grounds (Secondary School).•

McNicol Reserve proposed.•

McNicol Rd should be included in study area.•

Potential for clusters of development east of McNicol Rd.•

Otau (Viola Settlement) – should this be included in the study •


Potential open space and reserve around bend in river adjacent •

Otau, including natural ford, old Maori gardens – needs good


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Yellow group summary

Rural only to the east and west of the main street.•

Strip of new development along the length of Monument Rd to •

the study area boundary. With 1 acre opposite the show grounds.

Community facilities, residential (100 -150 dwellings) west of •

the show grounds and up to Papakura-Clevedon Rd. Including a


Road link from Papakura-Clevedon Rd south to residential area •

as noted above.

Roading around show grounds (north, east and south) •

connecting to Monument Rd.

Bridle path/ Pedestrian / Te Araroa Walkway along rivers edge •

connection to Clevedon-Kawakawa Rd. (Riparian walkway along

the river between Clevedon bridge and Tourist Rd bridge – to be

part of the National Te Araroa Walkway – also links up existing

council reserves and proposed works by the Lower Wairoa River

Landcare Group Inc.)

“If staged then rates relief must be available for those in the •

future area until can be developed”.

Need opportunity for further commercial activity/ development •

– could back onto east side of existing commercial zone.

Cafes, shops to have views to the eastern rural area/ hills/ river.•

Need provision for parking.•

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Green group summary

Community facilities, and mixed residential located west of the •

show grounds and up to Papakura-Clevedon Rd.

Road link from Papakura-Clevedon Rd to the northern boundary •

of the show grounds, with a road connection east to Monument


Road link parallel to Papakura-Clevedon Rd, located to the west •

of the village. Featuring a ‘T’ intersection and petrol station

connecting back to the centre of the village. The road continues

up to the Clevedon scenic reserve and also joins Clevedon-

Kawakawa Rd.

Road link from Clevedon Scenic Reserve to North Rd and from •

North Rd to Clevedon Bridge on the Clevedon-Kawakawa Rd.

Light industrial and parking areas west of the main street, •

connecting to the back road to the west.

A mix of Commercial & Residential, just commercial and parking •

east of the main street

Road link from Monument Rd east of the main street connecting •

to Clevedon-Kawakawa Rd, just south of Clevedon School.

This road also connects to Hyde Rd to the south through the

intersection with Monument Rd.

Residential proposed down Monument Rd, ending before the •

show grounds with allowance for keeping the higher ground for

stock (around the houses).

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Stage Two: Session two4.3 Following a light lunch, the second session of the day required each

group to prepare a 3-dimensional vision for the future of the Village

core and Main Street. Each group was asked to undertake this

visioning exercise using a scaled aerial of the town as a base plan.

Each group was given a number of transparent sheets and playdough

with scaled templates comprising all the elements that make a

village including:

Residential plots of diff erent sizes;•

Retail and commercial;•

Mixed use;•

Light industrial;•

Community facilities;•

Open space;•

Roads, truck routes•

Pedestrian, cycle and bridle track linkages•

Street trees•

The transparent sheets and play dough were colour coded to represent

the various land uses and village elements. Each group was then asked

to plan out on the base board their vision for the village core.

The play dough and transparent templates gave the groups the

building blocks to create the form, scale and character for their

future vision of the village.

The following outline applied to each group for this session:

1. Appoint spokesperson / presenter for your group.

2. Take turns ‘around the table’: try to minimise debate as time is


3. Start with signifi cant views.

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4. Next locate civic space, green spaces, parks and reserves and open

space linkages. Consider the link to the Te Araroa Walkway and

recreational cycle network. (green pieces)

5. Locate any commercial land uses. (red play dough)

6. Locate any heritage buildings or historic places not already

identifi ed. (star marker)

7. Locate any mixed-use (e.g..., commercial / residential. (orange play


8. Locate any community facilities. (blue play dough)

9. Locate residential land uses. (yellow play dough)

10. Locate any potential routes for traffi c into and out of centre and

future roads within the centre. (grey pieces)

11. Consider the provisions for parking. Mark parking locations on your


12. Group discussion / any last changes. (At 10 minutes notice).

13. Add any written notations in block capitals.

14. At 5 minutes notice please “freeze” the design. Discuss how you are

going to present your plan

15. Share your ideas!

The playdough technique was unique to this workshop and lent a 3

dimensional quality to the plans each group created. This material

helped the groups discuss future prospects in terms of bulk and

location of buildings and urban form. The playdough allowed the

groups great fl exibility in terms of testing their ideas. If the group

disagreed with something the play dough piece could be simply

removed and reformed into something new. This innovative and

highly eff ective technique engaged all workshop participants.

Attendees who had been reserved in drawing with the ‘fat pens’

in session one revelled in the creativity that the playdough off ered

them in expressing their ideas in this session.

The resulting plans show the outcomes of session two (refer to

pages 31-34).

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Workshop Summary5.0 A summary of each of the workshop groups is set out below:

Red group summaryKey features of the plan included:

River side walkway and open space;•

Green way along the eastern edge of the village to the show •


Commercial expansion to the east and west at the centre of the •


Back lanes to access the east and west edge of the village with •

parking areas at the northwest and south east quarters of the


Community buildings located at the hall site and south of the •

existing petrol station;

Mixed use located at the south west quarter of the village, and to •

the north of the school;

Speed zones and a crossing located along Clevedon-Kawakawa •


Retain views to the east from the village.•

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Blue group summaryKey features of the plan included:

Walkway from the historic reserve through to the east of the •

village and onto the show grounds to the south;

Commercial areas spread across the village intermixed with •

residential and open space;

Community facilities spread throughout;•

Road link from Papakura-Clevedon Rd to Twilight Rd;•

Parking located near the Twilight Rd end of the main street;•

Residential area extended down Twilight Rd, along Clevedon-•

Kawakawa Rd opposite the school, behind the village to the east

and in the south west quarter.

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Yellow group summaryKey features of the plan included:

River side walkway and open space connected to a large central •

green space east of the village featuring commercial around the


Commercial area concentrated around the main street and to the •

north end of the main street;

Community facilities to the north and south;•

Mixed use development east of the main street associated with •

parking areas in between this and the large central open space;

Additional parking areas connecting to Twilight Rd and in the •

south west quarter adjoining residential and commercial areas;

New petrol station positioned at the southern entry to the •


Satellite development immediately south east of the village •

featuring walkways and public open space and mix use around

the edges.

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Green group summaryKey features of the plan included:

Roading bypass of the village shown with the closure and •

realignment of Twilight Rd, creating a new intersection at the

north end of the main street;

Large open space located between the bypass and the realigned •

Twilight Rd;

Commercial expansion shown to the west, with a connection •

between the main street and bypass at the intersection of

Monument and Papakura-Clevedon Rds;

Residential expansion to the east with road access from the main •

street connecting north to Clevedon-Kawakawa Rd;

Residential expansion to the south west back along Papakura-•

Clevedon Rd and the proposed bypass;

Walkways through the proposed residential area connecting up •

to Monument Rd;

Community facilities located behind the main street in the north •

east quarter associated with parking and an open space to the

east towards the river.

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Post Workshop Analysis6.0 Following the interactive planning workshop the plans and feedback was analyised and compiled. This feedback informed developed of the preferred option for Clevedon. The following is a list of the key points that have been brought through from the workshop into the preferred development option plan: Clevedon Plan for Growth

Key views to the rural landscape and view opportunities • are identifi ed on the plan. They relate either to prominent topography in the area or in general with the rural landscape, including farms. The views are accommodated via open space reserves, streets or in development of land.

A spatial transect model has been applied to Clevedon • to defi ne the character of the place and to create areas of transition between the core of the village and the rural environs beyond the plan area. The transect extends from the village core with its retail/commercial activities to the residential development of greater intensity closer to the village core dispersing through to more rural residential density through to the rural landscape. This transect is applied throughout the plan to create an identifi able village character for Clevedon.

The main street, with community services and shops, • will be consolidated in its current zoned area and not extend further down the main street.

The main street will provide the focus of community • life in Clevedon, together with the show ground as a recreational/tourism component of the village.

More compact residential development is concentrated • within 800m (or 10 minutes walking distance) of the village core. The purpose of this is to strengthen the village centre and meet diff ering needes of the Clevedon population. The pattern of development then disperses to larger residential lots, followed by small farm units of a minimum of 4ha and beyond to the rural landscape of the Wairoa Valley.

The respective density types have specifi c design • guidelines for the layout of the sections.

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A “No Build Line” is defi ned on the map. Building • outside of this line will aff ect potential fl ooding hazards so is not encouraged.

To accommodate the future residential growth • new streets are proposed to enhance connectivity throughout the area. Connections are complemented with pedestrian and equestrian connections where appropriate.

A new gateway is created at the western fl ank of • the village, right at the end of the main street. A roundabout at this point can accommodate and harmonise the proposed traffi c movements. The dimensioning of the roundabout should refl ect the village character and not be too big. Movement of the bigger trucks in the area is preferably not exclusively through Clevedon and other options should be considered.

The streets indicated running parallel to the main • street and Monument Rd are not introduced as bypass for both these streets but purely service the uses direct along them and will have a strong emphasis on neighbourhood quality.

The street west of the Main Street can in rare cases • be used as an alternative for the main street, for instance for a manifestation/festival, but is not a bypass.

The Wairoa river zone is potentially an ecological/• recreational spine with an esplanade reserve and bridle tracks/walkways. This has the opportunity to be linked in to wider networks in the area, e.g. the National Walkway.


R, G, Y, B






Above: analysis diagrams used following

the workshop in the development of a

preferred growth scenario for Clevedon

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How would you like Clevedon’s main 7.0

street to look?Just before the conclusion of the workshop, a questionnaire featuring

a sequence of character images was circulated to each attendee The

questionnaire featured the question “How would you like Clevedon’s

main street to look?”. Six lines of images were shown on the sheet

(see opposite) each illustrating a village and/ or streetscape

environment on a continuum from a more rural character to a more

urban character. Attendees were asked to rank which images or

series of images they through best encapsulated their vision for how

the Clevedon main street should look. Space was also provided at the

base of the questionnaire for additional comments and ideas.

The image illustrates the results of the questionnaire and how the

images ranked. Twelve attendees returned the fl iers. The following

is a summary of the written comments about the character of the


Rural look / colonial/ rural look / heritage character (as a point •

of diff erence)

Rustic/ simple / yesteryear / quaint•

Not too pristine and perfect: More like Coromandel town, less •

like Matakana

Arrowtown as an example (in terms of traffi c management and •


Eclectic architecture / single storey / timber – cottage like•

Independent shops (no Warehouse or McDonald’s)•

Paved walkways•

Fruit trees•

No naff street lights•

This quick exercise captured the essence of how the workshop

participants would like the main street to look in the future.

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How would you like Clevedon’s mainstreet to look ?RURAL



Further comments/ideas or your vision :

use other side if you like







rating 3 rating 3 rating 3 rating 3

rating 9

rating 8

rating 10 rating 9 rating 8

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rating 8

rating 9

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1 2 3 4Martha Brian Cameron MaryMeyer Schlapp Duder Rangeley Whitehouse18 Moumaoukai Hill 848 North Road 20A Maidstone Place315 North RoadNess Valley Albany RD2Clevedon Clevedon Auckland Papakura

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

09 292 8376 09 292 8708 021 343 757 09 292 81740 0 0 11 1 1 00 0 0 00 0 0 1

Sec. Clevedon Cares1 0 1 1

4 4 4 43 4 3

4 5 54 4 55 4 5 54 4 3 5

3 2 5 34 5 43 3 5 43 3 5 3

4 5 5 55 4 3 3

2 5 1

4 5 43 5 24 5 43 5 33 5 34 5 5

4 4 3 55 3 54 1 4

3 4 53 52 33 4 23 53 5

5 5 5 55 3 5 55 4 5 55 4 5 55 5 5 5

3 3 3 33 4 54 4 5 54 5 54 3 4



Other (description)OptInUpdatesWhere should Clevedon grow?

The defined boundary approachThe proposed "urban" extent of Clevedon

Archaeology and European historyRemedial works on the remains of the 1880s Clevedon wharfInterpretation and signage on sites as discussedA general brochure about the settlement of Clevedon for a heritage walkRecommendations for new additions to heritage structures and vegetation for protection under the District Plan (or its successor)

Economic DevelopmentLifestyle blocksClevedon as a point of primary production of seafood and foodstuffsSteady population growthAn extended retail/commercial area

Social IssuesClevedon continuing to be a service centre for the surrounding areaThe current level of provision of social services available in Clevedon

InfrastructureWhat would your willingness be to pay the charges as set out for wastewater treatment upgrade?

Roading and TransportCreating entrances to the village with reduced speed zonesRoad widening outside the defined village to improve road safetyProvision of more consistent and better maintained road markingsImproved intersectionsBetter connections between residential areas and the village centreCycling and pedestrian paths within 800m of the village centre

EcologyFencing and planting riparian margins to protect streams and riversReserve contributions that include remnant forest patchesIncorporating streams into development proposals

Urban Design AnalysisThe defined retail centre of the villageThe identified entrances to the villageGrowth to the north within the study areaGrowth to the east within the study areaGrowth to the west within the study areaGrowth to the south within the study area

LandscapeAvoiding intensification on ridgelines, knolls, spurs and slopesRetaining key views and viewshaftsProtecting significant specimen trees and native bushProtecting and enhancing recreational linkagesIntensification around the village centre, whilst maintaining the rural area beyond the study boundary

OverallConstraints and Opportunities PresentedThe Principles for Sustainable DevelopmentThe Planning Process for the Sustainable Development PlanPresentationCommunications

Do you require any additional information in relation to the technical reports?

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5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14Edward Julie Josephine Andy Geoff Fiona Peter Maurice Mark HeatherGriffiths Griffiths Elworthy Kenworthy Neike Kenworthy Clark Hinton Stanton StantonMataraika Mataraika 116 Monument Road39 North Road 285 Clevedon Kawa39 North Road 5 Clevedon Kawakaw230 Whitford Park Ro141 Brookby Road 141 Brookby RoadMcNicol Road McNicol Road RD1 Manurewa RD1 ManurewaRD5 Papakura Clevedon Clevedon Clevedon Clevedon Auckland Auckland

[email protected]

[email protected] [email protected]

[email protected] [email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

021 339 273 09 292 9394 09 292 8650 09 292 8946 09 292 9503 021 251 6162 09 292 9594 09 268 23341 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 00 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 10 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0

4 3 4 5 3 4 3 4 4 43 2 4 5 3 4 4 4 4 4

4 4 5 3 3 5 5 3 3 34 4 5 5 4 5 3 3 3 34 4 5 4 4 5 4 3 3 34 4 3 4 3 5 3 3 3 3

3 3 4 2 2 2 3 3 4 23 3 5 5 3 5 4 4 3 33 3 4 3 2 3 3 5 5 53 1 3 3 2 3 4 3 4 3

3 3 5 3 4 4 5 4 4 33 3 5 5 2 4 3 3 4 3

1 1 3 3 4 3

3 2 5 5 2 4 3 5 4 42 2 4 1 3 5 4 32 3 4 3 3 4 4 31 3 2 3 4 4 32 3 2 3 4 4 3

3 2 3 3 4 5 4 3

3 3 3 5 4 5 2 4 3 34 4 5 5 3 5 3 4 3 34 4 5 5 4 5 4 4 3 3

3 3 5 4 3 4 2 4 4 33 3 5 4 3 4 3 4 4 31 1 4 1 3 2 2 4 4 31 1 4 3 3 3 3 4 31 1 4 3 3 3 3 5 51 1 4 5 3 5 2 5 5

4 5 5 5 4 5 5 3 3 34 5 5 5 4 5 5 3 3 34 5 5 5 3 5 3 4 3 34 5 5 5 4 5 3 4 4 3

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Where should Clevedon grow?

1) The defined boundary approach 2) The proposed “urban” extent of Clevedon


Good as far as it goes, but how can it be valid without knowing the extent of other developments which have to be considered under the RMA (Private Plan Changes etc.) and which may therefore impact on the village? (Mary Whitehouse, Respondent #4)

Pt 2: “urban” crossed out, village!! Inserted. (Edward Griffiths, Respondent #5)

Seems odd that Ohau (“Viola Settlement”) should not be included in village boundary. (Josephine Elworthy, Respondent #7)

A focused community boundary is crucial to the community (Andy Kenworthy, Respondent #8)

Would like to see new subdivision within the study area which allow for smaller residential sections. (Mark Stanton, Respondent #13)

Would like to see confirmed residential growth for the village within the boundaries of the study plan. (Heather Stanton, Respondent #14)

Archaeology and European history

1) Remedial works on the remains of the 1880s Clevedon wharf 2) Interpretation and signage on sites as discussed 3) A general brochure about the settlement of Clevedon for a heritage walk 4) Recommendations for new additions to heritage structures and vegetation for protection

under the District Plan (or its successor)


River bank walk? (Mary Whitehouse, Respondent #4)

History needs protection but sometimes listing is counter-productive. Better to take educational approach and help with funding. Historical Society needs to be properly funded, does great work but needs help. Old PO needs attention and a purpose - VISITOR CENTRE? (Josephine Elworthy, Respondent #7)

Pt 1: As far as I know only a post remains! (Andy Kenworthy, Respondent #8)

There’s *loads* of history in Clevedon that can be drawn on for purposes of a sense of place, history and belonging; also for tourism and education purposes. (Fiona Kenworthy, Respondent #10)

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Economic Development

1) Lifestyle blocks 2) Clevedon as a point of primary production of seafood and foodstuffs 3) Steady population growth 4) An extended retail/commercial area


Pt 3: ticked “great” (value 5) and added comment “Steady” but also ticked “OK” (value 3) with comment “growth limited”. General comments: What about a “density per x hectares” approach? For the area around the village - may or may not allow “lifestyle” blocks. Charm of Clevedon is it is a *working* village not a twee “shopping and tourist only” place; it’s good that development is mixed not in a “business park” or a “retail park” which are lifeless after 5pm. (Mary Whitehouse, Respondent #4)

It is important that any new commercial activity is in keeping with a rural village / historic visitor centre, i.e. no supermarkets. (Edward Griffiths, Respondent #5)

Lifestyle blocks OK but must be property designed so they fit in with landscape; often better smaller as town people can’t cope with bigger blocks. Clevedon as visitor / recreational destination has not been properly explored. Equestrian and outdoor pursuits huge here; and new airport - Manukau motorway will bring even more visitors in, if we want them. (Josephine Elworthy, Respondent #7)

Pt 1: It has yet to be demonstrated that they are a *sustainable* lifestyle choice. Pt 2: Practicalities need work, but required for local sustainability. Pt 3: Inevitable. Pt 4: Doesn’t necessarily need extension, just upgrading. (Andy Kenworthy, Respondent #8)

I’d rather see parkland than lifestyle blocks, which exclude the public from being able to enjoy the land and its resources. More intensive housing in a smaller area would allow the same population, more accessibility to green spaces and more efficient use of resources and shared energy supplies. I’d like a slightly extended retail commercial area, but independent stores rather than chain stores which would degrade the sense of community and individuality of our town centre. (Fiona Kenworthy, Respondent #10)

Would like to see new subdivision within the study area into smaller residential sections. (Mark Stanton, Respondent #13)

Pt 1: Would like to see inclusion of subdivision within the village boundary (extended study plan) (Heather Stanton, Respondent #14)

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Social Issues

1) Clevedon continuing to be a service centre for the surrounding area 2) The current level of provision of social services available in Clevedon


It has to service *locals* not turn into a twee tourist “stop-off”. Lose the rural service shops (auto, horsefeed etc.) and people will go elsewhere for everything. A bank deposit facility would keep people in the village more! (Mary Whitehouse, Respondent #4)

Both churches and Plunket do a wonderful job supporting young families. We are very lucky to have all sorts of services e.g. sports clubs, ballet/dance lessons, exercise classes, riding school - all in the village. These all need continued support esp access to infrastructure. (Josephine Elworthy, Respondent #7)

Bus and ATM would be good. (Geoff Neike, Respondent #9)

Some means of transport out and back to Clevedon. (Peter Clark, Respondent #11)


1) What would your willingness be to pay the charges as set out for wastewater treatment upgrade?


N/A. We do not reside in the study area (Brian Duder, Respondent #2)

Don’t agree with charges as presented, although agree people should pay something (as they do for own systems at present). Local (not necessarily single household) systems are the way to go in the long run. *Not* pump it miles for treatment. Costs are not just monetary - people need to “buy into” a local system with hearts and minds and be responsible for what they put into it - “out of sight out of mind” just encourages use of more water (and development). Regrettably this is one area many residents will focus on without looking at big picture of “Clevedon”. (Mary Whitehouse, Respondent #4)

It seems unfair if the existing residents have to pay for an infrastructure to allow a few developers to ruin the village. (Edward Griffiths, Respondent #5)

N/A - doubt we would need it, but someone’s gonna havta [sic] pay and doubtless we’ll all be in the gun! (Josephine Elworthy, Respondent #7)

Only willing to pay for local solution, *not* reticulation. (Andy Kenworthy, Respondent #8)

Not directly relevant to me as I’m outside the area, but it needs to be done in the village, and the sooner the better! (Geoff Neike, Respondent #9)

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I would be happy to pay more for options that are less energy dependent and more sustainable over the long-term. I don’t know enough about wastewater treatment to comment further. (Fiona Kenworthy, Respondent #10)

Roading and Transport

1) Creating entrances to the village with reduced speed zones 2) Road widening outside the defined village to improve road safety 3) Provision of more consistent and better maintained road markings 4) Improved intersections 5) Better connections between residential areas and the village centre 6) Cycling and pedestrian paths within 800m of the village centre


Pt 2: Don’t see how it would do so. Pt 6: 800m and further! General comments: Road widening doesn’t necessarily improve safety - people just drive faster. Problem is no space for cyclists (or peds) and some poor road design (e.g. wrongly cambered bends which are unforgiving) and people “tootling along” looking at scenery causing frustration. (Mary Whitehouse, Respondent #4)

Reduced speed zones coming into the village already apply. We do not need or require traffic lights! North Road needs improving but how is it possible to have better connections when the village only has one main street? Silly questions. (Julie Griffiths, Respondent #6)

On Monument Road, village entrance should be moved to outside the showgrounds Equestrian entrance. There is a lot of traffic and it is dangerous. Generally, parking needs addressing - plenty there if it was properly laid out. (Josephine Elworthy, Respondent #7)

Pt 1: The lower speed the better! Pt 2: Unnecessary - safety should be improved by speed limits. Pts 3,4,5,6: They seem fine! (Andy Kenworthy, Respondent #8)

Pt 2: Wider roads may increase traffic speed. “Visual clutter” apparently makes drivers slow down and become more careful. Pt 4: Meaning? Pt 5: Already pretty good. How would this change? (Fiona Kenworthy, Respondent #10)


1) Fencing and planting riparian margins to protect streams and rivers 2) Reserve contributions that include remnant forest patches 3) Incorporating streams into development proposals


Pt 3: Not sure what this means. General comments: Need to work towards giving people opportunity to enjoy river and river banks - not just for landowners. (Mary Whitehouse, Respondent #4)

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Water management is key. Any developments must *not* interrupt any existing water flows as the potential for additional flooding there for all to see. (Edward Griffiths, Respondent #5)

All good in theory BUT fencing streams can restrict access. Taking stock out of riparian margins leads to an explosion of weeds (esp PRIVET) unless very closely (expensively) managed. (Josephine Elworthy, Respondent #7)

Pt 3: Yes! For social (enjoyment) and conservation purposes. (Fiona Kenworthy, Respondent #10)

Urban Design Analysis

1) The defined retail centre of the village 2) The identified entrances to the village 3) Growth to the north within the study area 4) Growth to the east within the study area 5) Growth to the west within the study area 6) Growth to the south within the study area


Pt 6: The new “temporary” Kidz First looks likes it’s pre-empted this!! It’s hardly temporary!!! General comments: Guidelines for any new buildings / renovations to keep character (not to make it twee or a time warp), but to avoid the ghastly dairy (built 1992-ish) and the yellow roof on the marine shop!! (Mary Whitehouse, Respondent #4)

Clevedon should not be turned into another Botany South / Flat Bush fill in between Howick Pakuranga and Manukau or Papakura. (Julie Griffiths, Respondent #6)

Pt 2: See comment on Roading and Transport section above (Josephine Elworthy, Respondent #7)

Pt 6: Least impact on environment, minimal visibility. (Fiona Kenworthy, Respondent #10)

Enlarge retail centre a little. Growth could extend north a little. Growth could extend east a little. (Peter Clark, Respondent #11)


1) Avoiding intensification on ridgelines, knolls, spurs and slopes 2) Retaining key views and viewshafts 3) Protecting significant specimen trees and native bush 4) Protecting and enhancing recreational linkages 5) Intensification around the village centre, whilst maintaining the rural area beyond the study



Rural land must be kept in food production, locally and nationally (Brian Duder, Respondent #2)

The challenge/problem will be retaining the rural area in the face of RMA applications and Private Plan Changes (not to mention the WRMV!) (Mary Whitehouse, Respondent #4)

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All the right ideas. Quite hard to execute. Needs community buy-in. See my comment at the bottom of this page (“anything missed” section) (Josephine Elworthy, Respondent #7)

The hedges along the Papakura - Clevedon road as it nears the village are a pretty unusual feature in NZ and should be preserved! (Geoff Neike, Respondent #9)

It seems that the private road owners are planting greenery that will block the magnificent view from West Road overlooking the village. (Peter Clark, Respondent #11)


1) Constraints and Opportunities Presented 2) The Principles for Sustainable Development 3) The Planning Process for the Sustainable Development Plan 4) Presentation 5) Communications


Pt 2: 3 ticks under “great” column. General comments: Totally ignoring the WRMV proposal (and other potential developments) has limited the “constraints and opportunities” because the pressure they would exert on the study area surely changes what is likely to happen to Clevedon. (Mary Whitehouse, Respondent #4)

Until you have a sensible wastewater proposal which does not involve existing residents paying for infrastructure that developers can leverage off you are being less than up front with these proposals. (Edward Griffiths, Respondent #5)

The biggest issue, which seems to be glossed over, is waste water handling from any development. This would be a major cost to existing Clevedon residents. (Julie Griffiths, Respondent #6)

Great start, well done in a short time! The Economic Analysis may have missed the full impact of contributions / made now - and potentially much more - by Equestrian / Polo / Outdoor Events. Visitor management (information, accommodation) seems to have been left out. (Josephine Elworthy, Respondent #7)

Pt 2: General ideas are good - are they *long-term* enough? i.e. climate becoming more volatile (e.g. this season’s drought), and increased intensity needed to supoprt increased population generally (Fiona Kenworthy, Respondent #10)

Well done! (Peter Clark, Respondent #11)

Anything we missed?


Almost totally ignoring the WRMV, which will be a settlement “just up the road” (unless the Environment Court turns it down). (Mary Whitehouse, Respondent #4)

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Yours is a top-down survey which is great as you have the power to act. However, consultation on your report is not the same as giving grass-roots community organisations / individuals a chance to come together to formulate their own visions for Clevedon. There is currently no central, neutral forum for those voices. The Clevedon Business Association might be able to provide one; which would then integrate with your process. (Josephine Elworthy, Respondent #7)

The power poles through the centre of the village should be “undergrounded”. I believe there is a fund operated by AECT/Vector for such things. Clevedon is a prime candidate! (Geoff Neike, Respondent #9)

Very much appreciating all the hard work put into this! (Fiona Kenworthy, Respondent #10)

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Clevedon Sustainable Development PlanCommunity Design Workshop


11am – 3pm Saturday 1 May 2010Clevedon Community Centre

11am Welcome and background Diane Pentz,Manukau City Council

11.10 Workshop purpose, agenda, outcomes Lisa Mein,Boffa Miskell Ltd

11.20 View display, put sticky dots on commentsboard


11.30 Hydrological constraints within the studyarea

Jon Rix,Tonkin & Taylor

11.40 Where do we want Clevedon to grow andhow? Design session

Participants (break outgroups)

12.25 Group presentations (5 mins / group) Group spokesperson

12.45 Break for refreshments/lunch

1pm Village core design session: puttingtogether the pieces

Participants (break outgroups)

2.30 Group presentations (5 mins /group)and discussion

Group spokesperson

2.50 Workshop summary and next steps Lisa Mein and Diane Pentz

3pm Workshop concludes

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