Page Six OATSEIU. MOUNTAIN NEWS ^ V J Celuch Settles for $60,000 in Bus Accident (Continued from page 1) Andrew J. Gook for the defend- ant told the jury in his opening that by Young's quick action in applying a tourniquet the life of Celuch had been saved as he was pinned in his bus. Defendant claims the roadway was plowed to a width of 15 to 16% feet from the IS'-foot roadway and that snow ' banks existed on the sides of the road. SToung was driving an empty molasses truck from Mar- garetville to New York and was being followed by a second truck. The trucks were traveling around 15 to 20 miles an hour and at the scene of the accident the tractor had passed the bus when the trailer and the bus collided. The tanker was torn from the tractor and swung around on the road but the tractor continued on -a few feet and stopped. ' It is the contention of the de- fendant that the bus driver at- tempted to pull to the right in the snow and the bus "lurched" to the left and collided with the tanker. Mr. Cook told the jury the bus went 14 to 20 feet after the im-^ pact before it stopped. The tanker was across the road. Ha^ G. ,Eckert, assistant superintendent of the Margaret- ville hospital, was the. first witr ness called and produced records. , District Attorney Gleason B. Speenburgh of this village was one of the witnesses; It happened that Mr. Speenburgh came along the. highway soon after the acci- dent. As D, A. he ordered com- plete photographs of the scene. The suit was fought largely from these photographs. The case was settled out of, court Tuesday afternoon for $60,000. The insurance company representing the trucking com- pany settling the claim both against the driver and the truck- ing company for this sum. This ' does not mean that Mr. Celuch will receive the entire $60,000 for .out of this must come attorney fees and many other expenses. It would seem" a fair estimate he might have a net of around $30,000. Large Crowd Enjoys Choral Service Sunday Roxbury, Dee. 14; —This Sun- day, Dee. 19, >at 10:30 a. m. Will be the annual choral service at the Jay Gpuld - Memorial Reformed church. The church choir will be augmented by members of the choir x)f the Margaretville Presby- terian church. The children's choir, under the direction of Mrs. Lillian Aikman> the church, organ- ist,' will also sing. The choral numbers to be pre- sented are as follows: "The First Christmas Mom," Ernest Newton; Holy Nighti" Adolphe Adam; "Over Bethlehem's Town," Ralph Maryott; ''Carol of the Bells," Ukranian Carol; "The Christmas Story," Ellen Jane iorenz. Mrs. Willis Lutz is the choir director. The : Rev. Herman E Luben, minister, will give a short Christmeis ineditation. Everyone is invited to attend. . The Christmas tree and program at the Methodist. church will be held at 8 on Christmas eve, Dec. 24. Douglas Kelly Opening Douglas Kelly's handsome new business building for the sale and servicing of International Har- vester Co. products was opened in a big way Wednesday and with much participation on the part of the public. There had been a rush on the psu-t of Contractor Van Keuren to have the place ready^ For a week or more men had worked night and day to be open Wednesday They made it. Evej:ything was in readiness for Wednesday after- noon. There were many visitors The building was described in these colun)ns last week. It i^ a decided asset to the commimity The event of th^ day was a big family party at the central school autUtorium in the evening. Inter- national Harvester had secured vaudeville troup who put on an excellent show and kept the well- filled -auditorium in laughter throughout the evening. Reels of colored pictures were also shown The evening party was preceded by a dinner given by the - Inter- national- Harvester company to Mr. Kielly, his family, employees and some business men who had helped during the progress of the building. The beef steak dinner was served at Claude Kelly's hotel It was excellent and much enjoyed by some thirty people. An outstanding thought in con nection with the new building" is the fact that farm machinery has been developed and used to the extent that it is a major business even, in a small mountain village It is a far cry from the day when an old mowing machine and ancient horse rake together "with plow and harrow were the only farm implements. Present from tjie International Harvester Co. organization were the following: C. L. Boughton of Ghicago, ; 111., Eastern regional sales manager; R. R. McKiel, also of Chicago, Industrial division; the following all from Albany, Henry W . Martin, district man- ager; Benjamin Franklin, assistant district manager; D. W . Cutting, sales promotion superior; M. H. Liipe, zone manager; H. S. Pajak, service supervisor; P. J. Krull, parts merchandise; J. L. DeLurey, assistant sales promotion super- intendent. Eastern Star Elects Officers At the anhual election of Belle Ayre chapter of the Easteiii Star " in the Masonic building in Mar- garetville Tuesday night the fol- lowing officei^ were chosen: Matron^ Mrs. Harold Garrison; associate matron, Mirs. . Herm^ Haddow; conductress, Mrs, Ken- xneth F. Scott; associate con- ductress, Mrs. Dorothy Sanford; secretary, Mrs. Katherine peMott; treasurer, Mrs. Elton Shaver; patron, Albert ? Rosa . PUBLIC CA]^ PARTY Orange Hall, Halcottville FRIDAY, DEC. 17 '8:80 F. M, Benefit Grange IBVKRYBODY WBIXjQME Refreshmenil« and Piizes . Silver Collection Taken Notiie to Pre-ari^ged electric In- terruption seirvic» ^ Kingston and 'suiToonding area. 3taterraptt<m will be on inrlday^ December: 1948,. for, purpose to ittcre^use the capacity of the ' lines serving^ tills Interrapttim will 8ta»t at 1 p^ m/and last appiosd- mateiy two (Z) In cdse of inclement weatber, woiic will be done on Decem- ber 22, 1948. This is part of piur genero^^ constmction progpram tia| pro^ vide new and adequfU^ facilities tor our cnnrcnt Increased needs. N E W irOBK STAi!E ELICOTBIC ft OAI^ COBP. Cbristmas Seals Furnish Free ^-Ray Clinics Since November 22' the office of the Delaware County Tuberculosis and llealth association has been btisy opening ^ d tabulating re- turns from the Christmas Seal sale. This year 10,000 envelopes containing seals were mailed to prospective cbntributors : under the direction of Thomas Rae, Seal sale chairman. The number of returns has been most encpurag" irig to the officers of the associa-' tion, but there are stiU a large number to be heard from. The Delaware County Tubercu- losis and Health association is the prganiza.tion which is resj^nsible for the free x-ray surveys iwhich have been conducted in the coUntyv; It also assists in health education in diphtheria, social hygiene and nutrition and gave active support in - promoting the return of the public health nurses. It is hoped to extend" thp program further as funds are available, People who have !not yet re- turned their .contribution in pay- ment for their Christmas Seals are tirged to do so as soon as possible, as a gift of this kind benefits npt only the giver but people ttobugh- out the bounty, A gift W war^ the >\york of the Two Barbed Cross is one which means better health. At this Christmas se^on there is no better expres- sion of goodwill than a gift for the benefit of health. Halcott WSCS Elects Halcott Center, Dec. 15.—The W S C S held an all-day meeting at the hall Wednesday. About twenty members attended. Quilt- ing and rug-making was the order of the day. Following a delicious luncheon, which was served by the hostesses; Mrs. Robert Van Valk- enburgh, Mrs. John Van Valken- burgh and Mrs. C. F. Van Valk- enburgh, the business meeting was held. TTie being the annual meet- ing, election of officers was held. The following were chosen: Mrs. Robert Van Valkenburgh, presi- dent; Mrs. Jay Kissock, first vice-t president; Mrs. John Van Valken- burgh, devotional leader; Mrs. Jessica Scudder," secretary, and Mrs. Charles Morse, treasurer. Short Circuit Starts. Blaze in Keator Home The home of William Keator on the Dry Brook road Was damaged by fire starting from aii electrical short circuit at 7:30 o'clock Thurs- day morning. The fire starting in the basement, was largely con- fined to a partition in the upper fioore. Dsimage was mostly from smoke and water. CLASSIFIED ADS Buying or Selling — They Bring Results Classified Ads and i^ards ot Thanks Two Cents Ter Word, Minimum 50 Cents FOR SALE FOR SALE News. — Rubber stamps. FOR SALE — Kalamazoo enamel range, yjr. S. Doig, Andes. dl7c F O R SALE—^Bicycle, 28-inch rim, like new. Ray Edwards, Mar- garetville. dl7p F O R S A L E — Several odd-sized doors, some with glass. News, Margaretville. dl7p HOSPITAL J3EDS and wheel chairs for rent or sale. Herrick Funeral Home. dl3tf FOR SALE—Christmas trees, de- livered locally. George Balcom, phone 65-F-ll, Margaretville. FOR SALE—^Used washing ma- chine, in good condition, $39.50. Margaretville Hardware, Inc. FOR SALE—Two 17-inch Good- year winter tread tires, used 5 months, $15 for pair. N. J. Sanford, Margaretville. dl7p FOR SALE —1941 Dodge 4-door sedan, radio and heater, good condition. A. Aley, Shandaken, N. Y., phone Phoenicia 94-F-14. FOR SALE FOR SALE—1934 Ford V-8 two- door sedan. Niles Fairbaim Margaretville. dl7p FOR SALE—Tables, chairs, beds and dressers. Inquire at the Log Cabin, Shandaken, route 28. dl7p FOR SALE—Large International space heater, $125 cash. Can be seen at Rudolph Schehesta'; Dunraven. dl7p FOI^ SALE—Slightly used Easy baby washing machine, ,perfect condition, real bargain at.. $35. Smith'Sj Margaretville. dl7c FOR SALE — 193§ GMC %-ton pickup truck. Will sell for cash or will trade for farm machine ery. John Babel, Andes, N. Y. d24p 1949 BUICK on display. Get your naihe on the list- for future de- livery. Earl Ei Jenkins, Buick Sales & Service, Margeu-etville, N. Y. d24p F O R S A L E — General Electric console radio, good condition, just repaired. Mrs. J. R. Weeks, cori Walnut and Orchard streets, Margaretville. dlTp FOR SALE—Good quality woven rag rugs, $2 eacl^. Bedell Mis- sionary Society. Inquire Mrs. Bessie Combs, Fleischmanns, N. Y. dlTp FOR SALE—Now in stock, for immediate delivery, new Jeep, truck and Jeepster. Covered Bridge Garage, Jeep Sales and Service, ArkvUle, N. Y. nStf FOR SALE—1949 wfiizzer motor bike, perfect condition, used two months. Selling due to purchas- ing car. Phone Roxbury 2685. A. L. Mocciolo, c/o Nelson Kelly. dl7p FOR SALE—Strictly fresh eggs by case or in 3 doz. lots or more. Also winter cabbage for sauer- kraut by the bag or ton. Du- boveck's Poultry Farms, phone Margaretville 34-F-13, res. Hub- bell Hill. dl7p F O R SALE--Jeep snowplow, auto- matic power hoist, complete with all attachments, $100. Andes Motor Co., Andes, N. Y, phone 2141. dl7c FOR S A L E — 1941 Chevrolet coupe, good mechanical condi- tion, good tires^ priced for quick sale. Andes Motor Co., phone 2141, Andes, N. Y. dl7c FOR SALE — Hemlock Itimber sawed to order or in stock Would saw i out any order. Charles Todd, Dry Brook road, Arkville. dl7p FOR SALE—License tabs are on S£ile at the Margaretville office which will be open from 9 a. m to 5 p. m. only. Harry Miller, Margaretville. , dl7c F O R SALE-rSix-foot G. E. re frigerator, splendid condition, $130. Inquire of Mrs. Blanche Smith, Halcottville, at residence of Monroe HubbelL dl7p FOR SALE—Eight turkeys, about 20 pounds each at 65c dressed weight. Raeders Poultry Farms, Kelly Corners, N. Y., phone Margaretville 2-R-12. dl7p FOR SALE—1946 Studebaker 2- door sedan, Skyway Champion good rubber, excellent condition, radio^ air conditioned. Jerry Clark, phone 86-F-4, Margaret- viUe. dl7c FOR SALE—L. C. Smith Super Speed, one noiseless Remington standard typewriters, one elec- tric R. C. Allen adding machine, 9 column visible total, very very reasonable. One Burroughs portable 8 column hand addmg machine. S. R. Lipstock, care News. dl7p F O R SALE—^Frigidaire bar with special bar sink, including taps, like new, cost $600, will sell for $250. Also two nearly new kitchen stoves, wood or coal. Baby yard; piano, like new; two nice marble top stands; nearly new Ireland drag saw. William Bradley, Fleischmanns. d24p MAGIC C H E F domestic gas, coal and combination ranges, com- mercial ranges, Servel refrigera- tors, water heaters. Duo Therm oil space heaters, coal or wood heaters, Crosley appliances. "Pyrofax" SuTOrior Bottled Gas Service for Delaware county. Delaware Gas Service, 123 Dela- ware St., Walton, N. Y., phone S7-R. £6tf FOR SALE — Poor health forces retirement from business in Andes. Excellent location near school. Large -floor area suit- able for any business, store, res- taurant, etc. Modern living quarters upstairs. Priced to selt Terms may be arranged. L. E. Woolheater, P. O. Box G, Andes, N. Y. - d31c FOR SALE—Two Milking Short- horn cows, roan, freshen in January and February. One heifer, second calf, due in Jan- uary. One boar, years old, registered Poland China, good breeder; several pigs, dress 60 pounds. Laurence Shultiis, Bearsville, N. Y., phone Wood- stock 40-F-2. dl7p FOR SALE—Jeep 4-wheel drive pickup, ready for immediate de- livery, Jeeps for sale, new and used, trade-ins accepted. Andes Motor Co., phone 2141, Andes, N. Y. dl7c FOR SALE — On account of ill health, am selling at a bargain complete commercial printing office equipment, consisting of two presses, etc. T. W . Miller, Andes, N. Y. dl7p FOR SALE—One space heater for coal or wood; one large size oil heater, used only short time; also 100 Leghorn chickens. Wil- - liam Kapitko, Margaretville, phone 34-R-21. d24p CHRYSLER, DeSoto, Dodge Plymouth. Genuine M O P A R facr tory parts. As complete a stock as you will find anywhere. Try us first. Stout-Craft Motors Margaretville. a9tf WINDOW SCREEN ^ d storm window made to order. Get yours made now. Also can make most anything else you desire. Charles Greene, Wagner Ave., Fleischmanns, N. Y. j23tf FOR SALE—"Shopmaster" power saw, floor model, 8-inch, nearly new, with two saws, new %-hp. motor, $90. Set new dado cut- ters, 6-inch, $10. B. C. Todd, Fleischmanns. < dl7c F O R S A L E — Carpenter's miter box with saw, $7.50. New (Stanley router plane, $5. Wet grindstone, 10x1%-in. for fine edged tools, $7.50, without mo- tor. B. C. Todd, Fleischmanns. FOR SALE—Two Glenn Rogers tractor snowplows, Bolens gar- den tractors, John Deere im- plements, repair and service. One 9x38 knobby tre^ tractor tire. Arthur Gordon, Arkville, N. Y. dl7p FOR SALE — Two KBS-7 3-ton Internationals with 2-speed axles, 176-in. wheelbase, 9x20 tires; one KBS-5 -ton, with 2-speed axle, 159-in. wheelbase, 7.50x20 tires; one KB-5 1%-ton, 135r-in. wheelbase. 7x20 tires; /one used 1946 G M C 1%-ton, 159- in. wheelbase, 7.50 tires. K. F. Scott, International Sales and Service, Margaretville. d24c SPECIAL—Order your Christmas and New Year's dressed and drawn poultry early. Also dressed Muscovy ducks. Roast- ing chickens, 59c lb.; fricassee chickens, 59c lb.; fowl, 49c lb.; ducks, 4 lb., 49c lb. Will de- liver on Thursday, Dec. 23 from Margaretville to Phoenicia. Write or call Duboveck's Poul- try Farms, phone Margaretville 34-F-13, res. Hubbell HiU. Inductions Postponed > Until January Army phjrsical examinations and inductions are postponed during the period Dec. 15 to Dec. 27, both dates Inclusive. The date of in- duction for men from Delaware county has been (diang^ from I>ec. 17 to.Jan. 5. . F O R SALE—100-acre farm, with . or without cows, in the Catskill mountains, two miles from town (m macadam road. Good 40-cow bam with rtumirig water and milk' cooler. Tractor workable. Has new hous^, just built and never slept in, 6 rooms and bath, fireplace, all bathroom fixtures, steel cabinet sink and cupboards in kitchen. Electric water pump and storage tanlu Giassra in pordi. Sdiool bus and ifiail delivery. No agencies. George C. Pogue, Hobzurt, Dela- ware county, N. Y. d24p FOR SALE — Jeep equipment, hand and power hydraulic lifts, governor power take off. Mon- row lifts to fit Ferguson and like equipment. Plows, bulldozers and snowplows, new eind used. Andes Motor Co., phone 2141, Andes, N. Y. dl7c USED BUICKS—^If your desire is for a good used Buick why not get your name on file for one of them. I expect in exchange on my 1949 Buicks 1940-41-42-47 and 1948 models to select from. Iwill soon dispose of my own personal 1948 Super Converti- ble, low mileage arid factory guarantee. Earl E. Jenldns, Buick Sales"" & Service, Mar- garetville. d24p FOR SALE—Simmons Electronic Blankets, W e are headquarters for the famous Simmons Elec- tronic JBlankets. The blanket With, the exclusive Simmons electronic control feels the blanket's temperature all night long, keeps it at the warmth you want, regardless of weather changes. Thus electronics pro- vides COTnfort and safety far advance of any other blankets. Approved by Underwriters Lab- oratories and American Institute of Laundering. W e also have the Nashua top quality blankets, excellent value, $6.35. Buy for the hcnne, buy for gift giving. Shop and save At Stelnhardt's Furniture £]xclian|;e,< Fleisch- manns, Open evenings. d24c FOR SALE FOR SALE—One cord apple wood in fh-eplace chunks. Hillis Judd, Fleischmanns. dl7p FOR SALE — Second hand oak buffet and coal or wood heating stove, good condition. May be seen at Methodist parsonage, Fleischmanns. dl7p FOR SALE — Two used single "drainboard sinks, one right, one left, also small leg bathtub, $5 each. Roswell R. Sanford, Mar- garetville. dl7p FOR SALE—Set new plans, blue- prints, never used, very desir- able 7-room house, 3 bedrooms, all rooms one floor, $10. B. C. Todd, Fleischmanns. d24c FOR SALE — 1941 1% Interna- tional; 1939 2-ton GMC; 1934 1%-ton Ford. Corduroy tires and "tubes, Delco batteries, Pennzoil motor oil, chains, cross chains, G M antifreeze, radia- tors, mufflers, tail "and exhaust pipes, sealed beam units and a complete line of Chevrolet parts and accessories. Portable dump bodies at real prices. One used South Wind gas heater. Sanford Chevrolet Co., Inc., Margaretr ville. dl7c LOST AND FOUND STRAYED To Andes Village, blaeky^and white spayed female dog. fiW. S. Doig, Andes. dl7c LOST//— Black and tan male fox hoimd. Anybody knows his whereabouts please notify Eder Davis, Denver, N. Y. dlTC LOST—Male German Police dog. Answers to the name Tony. Please notify if found. Dubo- veck's Poultry Farms, phone Margaretville 34-F-13, res. Hub- bell HUl. dl7p L O S T or Strayed, 9 heifers. Last seen in vicinity of Mt. Pisgah. Reward for i^ormation leading to their whereabouts. Gladstone Bros., phone 2161 or 2314, An- des, N. Y. dl7c CARD OF TIIANKS I was deeply touched by the expression of thoughtfulness from our friends and neighbors for the memoriam of -my dearly beloved husband. My sincere thanks to each of you. Mrs. A. Kopetz WANTED W A N T E D — A grandfather's clock. Max Kass, Margaretville. dl7c W A N T E D — Woman for light housework. Mrs. Byron Kelly, Fleischmanns. dl7c WANTED—.22 rifle with scope, must be in excellent condition. Gun, care News, Margaretville. dl7p W A N T E D — Stove suitable for heating small garage. Howard Fairbairn, phone 83-F-2, Mar- garetville. dl7p WANTED—Lone Pine Mink Ranch will pay $8 to $20 for old and disabled horses according to size^ Phone Franklin 14-F-14. sUtf W A N T E D — All kinds livestock: Cows, horses and cedves. L. C. Gray ^ Son, Kelly Comers, N. Y., phone Roxbury 2870. Leave word at Bussy's store, Margaretville, or M. J. Faulk- ner store. New Kingston. d24c W A N T E D — W e are now buying hard maple logs suitable for bowling pins in any quantity. Also in 18-ineh lengths. Top prices paid. Cash on deliveiy our mUl, Livingston Manor. Write or phone 101. Burr Sher- wood, Livmgston .Manor. d26tf WANTED—White ash logs, cut in 8 ft. lengths^ diameters from 7 to 12 inches, up to $34 a cord delivered in our sheds, for good quality motmtain ash. Write or phone for further information. Ellenville Wood Novelty Co., Inc., Ellenville, N. Y., phone 89. d24c I wish to thank Dr. Palen, t>r^ Huggins. and the nursing staff for the excellent care given me during my stay at the Margaretville hos- pital, also those who called, sent gifts, flowers or cards. dl7p Mrs. Charles Jr. Pultz I wish to thank everyone who sent cards and gifts while I was in the Albany hospital, also aU my good friends, neighbors and rela- tives who have visited me or brought gifts since I have been home. Many thinks to Rev. Thompson for his cheering call, to Mr. Corbett for his many letters and to Rev. and Mrs. Bostock for their visit to the hospital. It has all helped so much to pjit me back on my feet and I am very grateful to you all. Ozi Baker LEGAL NOTICES Notice The annual meeting of the shareholders of the National Bank of Andes will be held in their banking rooms on Tuesday, Janu- ary 11, 1949, from 9 to 10 a. m., for the purpose of electing direc- tors for the ensuing year and for any other business that may prop- erly come before said meeting. j7c . M. M. WRIGHT, Cashier WANTED—^We ate always inter- ested in offerings with prices and quantities of 1 inch and 2 inches thick pallet lumber, de- livered at Big Indian, , N. Y. This ^ade takes anything above dunnage; Mixed hardwoods, green or dry. Big Indian Wood Products Co., Big Indian, Ulster county, N. Y. d3tf MISCELIJ^NEOUS DANCE—Dry Brook Community Hall Wednesday evening, Dec. 29. Music by Melody Boys. dl7c CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING — I will cut up your hog or beef on your farm. Herbert Holden, rux Vf'*- No slaughtering. ;n, Arkville. dl7p CLOSED—My law office in Mar- garetville will be closed Dec. 20 to Jan. 8. Manuel M. Voit, Margaretville. , d24p CARPENTER and BUILDER Estimates Cheerfully Given JOSEPH EISELE Kelly Comers Phone Margaretville lO-F-41 ol5tf CLIPPER BLADES SHARPENED —Mail 75c with blades. Retum postage paid. Guarantee satis- faction by using factory disc grinder. New blades, repair parts and Clipmasters in stock. 24-hour service. L. B. DuMbnd, Walton, N. Y. d30c FOR RENT APARTMENT FOR RENT — In- quire at Strauss Stores, Mar- garetville dl7c FOR RENT — 4-room apartment in Arena. D. L. Fairbaim, Arena ,N. Y. dl7p F O R R E N T — Furnished apart- ment. Inquire Army & Navy Store, Margaretville. dl7c FOR RENT QR SALE —8-ropm house, about % mile from vil- lage of Margaretville, central heating. . Phone Fleischmanns 104. dl7c F O R R E N T — Attractive rooms, lai^e, small,/ conveniently lo- cated, with board if desired. O. Herrmann, Margaretville,' route 28. dl7p NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed proposals are sought and requested, for furnishing all materi^s except recirculator pump and chlorinator, and doing all work necessary for the perform- ance according to plans and speci- fications of a contract to be let by the Village of Margaretville for the improvement of the village park of said village by the erec- tion and construction thereon of a swimihing pool and other out- btrUdings and appurtenances. The sealed proposals will be re- ceived by the Village Board at the office of the Village Clerk in the Village df Margaretville, Delaware , County, New York, imtil 7 o'clock P. M. on the 30th day of Decem- ber, 1948, and wiU be considered publicly at, such time and place. Plans, specifications, an estimate. of the- dcpense, a proposed con- tract for the execution of the work, and forms of proposals can be examined and secured at the office of the Village Clerk in the Village of Margaretville, New York, between me hours of 9 o'clock A. M; and 12 o'clock noon from December 10, 1948, to De- cember 30, 1948- Proposals must be made upon and in accordance with the form of propose prepared by the viUage attorney, which form of proposal will contain accompanying instruc- tions to bidders and a copy of the specifications for said work, and the same may be obtained at the office of the ViUage Qerk fai the ViUage of Margaretville^ Delaware County, New York, on or after December 10, 1948. Proposals shaU be made and received upon the following con- ditions: Each proposal must be accom- panied by a deposit of a certified check payable to the order of the Treasurer of the Village of Mar- garetville in the sum of $600.00, or a bond with sufficient sureties to be approved by the Mayor of the Village in the penal sum of $600.00 conditioned that if the proposal is accepted the succ^sful bidder will enter into a contract for the work, .and that he will execute within fifteen days from the date of the acceptance of the S roposal a suitable security bond 1 the sum of the amount of the contract, conditioned for the faith- ful and prompt performance ^ and completion of the work specified in the contract. i All deposits except that of a suc- fcessful bidder will be retumed.' ' Upon acceptance of his bid, if the successful bidder fails to enter into a contract pursuant to the requirements of the Board or fails to give the additional security jpre- scribed in this notice within the time limited therein, then the chedc deposited as aforesaid and the moneys standing to the credit of the same, shall be forfeited to the Village as liquidated damages, or the payment of the bond en- forced for the benefit of the Village. Dated this 6th day of December, 1948. EMERY JENK3KS Mayor DOUGLAS KELLY CASPER BELLOWS F. S. MYERS LEWIS LOW . Trustees FOR RENT—S-room and bath im- finished apartment; three bed- rooms, tile: bath, oil burning hot water heat, new cabinet sink, new Pyrofax gas stove'and re- frigerator. tri the village of Westkill, N.,Y. Available iJec. 1. Write D. c/o News. o29tf CIffi»iflied Ads, Cards of-'llianks, ate.. 2c word, none less than 50$. CLASSIFIP> ADS Two Cents Fer Word Cards of thanks/ res(dutio«s of respect, in memoriam notices, etc., charged at the same rate—two. cents per woxA ^

CLASSIFIED ADSnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031247/1948-12-17/ed-1/seq-6.… · representing th truckine comg-pany settlin th claie g botmh against the drive anrd the truck-ing

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Page 1: CLASSIFIED ADSnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031247/1948-12-17/ed-1/seq-6.… · representing th truckine comg-pany settlin th claie g botmh against the drive anrd the truck-ing


^ V


Celuch Settles for $60,000 in Bus Accident

(Continued from page 1)

Andrew J. Gook for the defend-ant told the jury in his opening that by Young's quick action in applying a tourniquet the life of Celuch had been saved as he was pinned in his bus. Defendant claims the roadway was plowed to a width of 15 to 16% feet from the IS'-foot roadway and that snow

' banks existed on the sides of the road. SToung was driving an empty molasses truck from Mar-garetville to New York and was being followed by a second truck. The trucks were traveling around 15 to 20 miles an hour and at the scene of the accident the tractor had passed the bus when the trailer and the bus collided. The tanker was torn from the tractor and swung around on the road but the tractor continued on -a few feet and stopped. '

It is the contention of the de-fendant that the bus driver at-tempted to pull to the right in the snow and the bus "lurched" to the left and collided with the tanker. Mr. Cook told the jury the bus went 14 to 20 feet after the im- pact before it stopped. The tanker was across the road.

H a ^ G. ,Eckert, assistant superintendent of the Margaret-ville hospital, was the. first witr ness called and produced records. , District Attorney Gleason B. Speenburgh of this village was one of the witnesses; It happened that Mr. Speenburgh came along the. highway soon after the acci-dent. As D, A. he ordered com-plete photographs of the scene. The suit was fought largely from these photographs.

The case was settled out of, court Tuesday afternoon for $60,000. The insurance company representing the trucking com-pany settling the claim both against the driver and the truck-ing company for this sum. This

' does not mean that Mr. Celuch will receive the entire $60,000 for .out of this must come attorney fees and many other expenses. It would seem" a fair estimate he might have a net of around $30,000.

Large Crowd Enjoys

Choral Service Sunday Roxbury, Dee. 14; —This Sun-

day, Dee. 19, >at 10:30 a. m. Will be the annual choral service at the Jay Gpuld - Memorial Reformed church. The church choir will be augmented by members of the choir x)f the Margaretville Presby-terian church. The children's choir, under the direction of Mrs. Lillian Aikman> the church, organ-ist,' will also sing.

The choral numbers to be pre-sented are as follows: "The First Christmas Mom," Ernest Newton;

Holy Nighti" Adolphe Adam; "Over Bethlehem's Town," Ralph Maryott; ''Carol of the Bells," Ukranian Carol; "The Christmas Story," Ellen Jane iorenz.

Mrs. Willis Lutz is the choir director. The : Rev. Herman E Luben, minister, will give a short Christmeis ineditation. Everyone is invited to attend. . The Christmas tree and program

at the Methodist. church will be held at 8 on Christmas eve, Dec. 24.

Douglas Kelly Opening Douglas Kelly's handsome new

business building for the sale and servicing of International Har-vester Co. products was opened in a big way Wednesday and with much participation on the part of the public.

There had been a rush on the psu-t of Contractor Van Keuren to have the place ready For a week or more men had worked night and day to be open Wednesday They made it. Evej:ything was in readiness for Wednesday after-noon. There were many visitors

The building was described in these colun)ns last week. It i a decided asset to the commimity The event of th^ day was a big family party at the central school autUtorium in the evening. Inter-national Harvester had secured vaudeville troup who put on an excellent show and kept the well-filled -auditorium in laughter throughout the evening. Reels of colored pictures were also shown

The evening party was preceded by a dinner given by the - Inter-national- Harvester company to Mr. Kielly, his family, employees and some business men who had helped during the progress of the building. The beef steak dinner was served at Claude Kelly's hotel It was excellent and much enjoyed by some thirty people.

An outstanding thought in con nection with the new building" is the fact that farm machinery has been developed and used to the extent that it is a major business even, in a small mountain village It is a far cry from the day when an old mowing machine and ancient horse rake together "with plow and harrow were the only farm implements.

Present from tjie International Harvester Co. organization were the following: C. L. Boughton of Ghicago, ; 111., Eastern regional sales manager; R. R. McKiel, also of Chicago, Industrial division; the following all from Albany, Henry W. Martin, district man-ager; Benjamin Franklin, assistant district manager; D. W . Cutting, sales promotion superior; M. H. Liipe, zone manager; H. S. Pajak, service supervisor; P. J. Krull, parts merchandise; J. L. DeLurey, assistant sales promotion super-intendent.

Eastern Star Elects Officers At the anhual election of Belle

Ayre chapter of the Easteiii Star " in the Masonic building in Mar-

garetville Tuesday night the fol-lowing officei were chosen: Matron^ Mrs. Harold Garrison; associate matron, Mirs. . Herm^ Haddow; conductress, Mrs, Ken-

xneth F. Scott; associate con-ductress, Mrs. Dorothy Sanford; secretary, Mrs. Katherine peMott; treasurer, Mrs. Elton Shaver; patron, Albert ? Rosa .


Orange Hall, Halcottville

FRIDAY, DEC. 17 '8:80 F. M,


Refreshmenil« and Piizes .

Silver Collection Taken

Notiie to

Pre-ari^ged electric In-terruption seirvic» ^ Kingston and 'suiToonding area. 3taterraptt<m will be on inrlday December: 1948,. for, purpose to ittcre use the capacity of the ' lines serving tills

Interrapttim will 8ta»t at 1 p m/and last appiosd-mateiy two (Z) In cdse of inclement weatber, woiic will be done on Decem-ber 22, 1948.

This is part of piur genero ^ constmction progpram tia| pro vide new and adequfU^ facilities tor our cnnrcnt Increased needs.


Cbristmas Seals Furnish Free -Ray Clinics

Since November 22' the office of the Delaware County Tuberculosis and llealth association has been btisy opening ^ d tabulating re-turns from the Christmas Seal sale. This year 10,000 envelopes containing seals were mailed to prospective cbntributors : under the direction of Thomas Rae, Seal sale chairman. The number of returns has been most encpurag" irig to the officers of the associa-' tion, but there are stiU a large number to be heard from.

The Delaware County Tubercu-losis and Health association is the prganiza.tion which is resj nsible for the free x-ray surveys iwhich have been conducted in the coUntyv; It also assists in health education in diphtheria, social hygiene and nutrition and gave active support in - promoting the return of the public health nurses. It is hoped to extend" thp program further as funds are available,

People who have !not yet re-turned their .contribution in pay-ment for their Christmas Seals are tirged to do so as soon as possible, as a gift of this kind benefits npt only the giver but people ttobugh-out the bounty, A gift W war^ the >\york of the Two Barbed Cross is one which means better health. At this Christmas se^on there is no better expres-sion of goodwill than a gift for the benefit of health.

Halcott WSCS Elects Halcott Center, Dec. 15.—The

WSCS held an all-day meeting at the hall Wednesday. About twenty members attended. Quilt-ing and rug-making was the order of the day. Following a delicious luncheon, which was served by the hostesses; Mrs. Robert Van Valk-enburgh, Mrs. John Van Valken-burgh and Mrs. C. F. Van Valk-enburgh, the business meeting was held. TTie being the annual meet-ing, election of officers was held. The following were chosen: Mrs. Robert Van Valkenburgh, presi-dent; Mrs. Jay Kissock, first vice-t president; Mrs. John Van Valken-burgh, devotional leader; Mrs. Jessica Scudder," secretary, and Mrs. Charles Morse, treasurer.

Short Circuit Starts. Blaze in Keator Home

The home of William Keator on the Dry Brook road Was damaged by fire starting from aii electrical short circuit at 7:30 o'clock Thurs-day morning. The fire starting in the basement, was largely con-fined to a partition in the upper fioore. Dsimage was mostly from smoke and water.

C L A S S I F I E D A D S Buying or Selling — T h e y Bring Results

Classified Ads and i ards ot Thanks Two Cents Ter Word, Minimum 50 Cents


News. — Rubber stamps.

FOR SALE — Kalamazoo enamel range, yjr. S. Doig, Andes. dl7c

FOR SALE—^Bicycle, 28-inch rim, like new. Ray Edwards, Mar-garetville. dl7p

FOR SALE — Several odd-sized doors, some with glass. News, Margaretville. dl7p

HOSPITAL J3EDS and wheel chairs for rent or sale. Herrick Funeral Home. dl3tf

FOR SALE—Christmas trees, de-livered locally. George Balcom, phone 65-F-ll, Margaretville.

FOR SALE—^Used washing ma-chine, in good condition, $39.50. Margaretville Hardware, Inc.

FOR SALE—Two 17-inch Good-year winter tread tires, used 5 months, $15 for pair. N. J. Sanford, Margaretville. dl7p

FOR SALE —1941 Dodge 4-door sedan, radio and heater, good condition. A. Aley, Shandaken, N. Y., phone Phoenicia 94-F-14.

FOR SALE FOR SALE—1934 Ford V-8 two-

door sedan. Niles Fairbaim Margaretville. dl7p

FOR SALE—Tables, chairs, beds and dressers. Inquire at the Log Cabin, Shandaken, route 28. dl7p

FOR SALE—Large International space heater, $125 cash. Can be seen at Rudolph Schehesta'; Dunraven. dl7p

FOI^ SALE—Slightly used Easy baby washing machine, ,perfect condition, real bargain at.. $35. Smith'Sj Margaretville. dl7c

FOR SALE — 193§ GMC %-ton pickup truck. Will sell for cash or will trade for farm machine ery. John Babel, Andes, N. Y. d24p

1949 BUICK on display. Get your naihe on the list- for future de-livery. Earl Ei Jenkins, Buick Sales & Service, Margeu-etville, N. Y. • d24p

FOR SALE — General Electric console radio, good condition, just repaired. Mrs. J. R. Weeks, cori Walnut and Orchard streets, Margaretville. dlTp

FOR SALE—Good quality woven rag rugs, $2 eacl . Bedell Mis-sionary Society. Inquire Mrs. Bessie Combs, Fleischmanns, N. Y. dlTp

FOR SALE—Now in stock, for immediate delivery, new Jeep, truck and Jeepster. Covered Bridge Garage, Jeep Sales and Service, ArkvUle, N. Y. nStf

FOR SALE—1949 wfiizzer motor bike, perfect condition, used two months. Selling due to purchas-ing car. Phone Roxbury 2685. A. L. Mocciolo, c/o Nelson Kelly. dl7p

FOR SALE—Strictly fresh eggs by case or in 3 doz. lots or more. Also winter cabbage for sauer-kraut by the bag or ton. Du-boveck's Poultry Farms, phone Margaretville 34-F-13, res. Hub-bell Hill. dl7p

FOR SALE--Jeep snowplow, auto-matic power hoist, complete with all attachments, $100. Andes Motor Co., Andes, N. Y, phone 2141. dl7c

FOR SALE — 1941 Chevrolet coupe, good mechanical condi-tion, good tires priced for quick sale. Andes Motor Co., phone 2141, Andes, N. Y. dl7c

FOR SALE — Hemlock Itimber sawed to order or in stock Would saw i out any order. Charles Todd, Dry Brook road, Arkville. dl7p

FOR SALE—License tabs are on S£ile at the Margaretville office which will be open from 9 a. m to 5 p. m. only. Harry Miller, Margaretville. , dl7c

FOR SALE-rSix-foot G. E. re frigerator, splendid condition, $130. Inquire of Mrs. Blanche Smith, Halcottville, at residence of Monroe HubbelL dl7p

FOR SALE—Eight turkeys, about 20 pounds each at 65c dressed weight. Raeders Poultry Farms, Kelly Corners, N. Y., phone Margaretville 2-R-12. dl7p

FOR SALE—1946 Studebaker 2-door sedan, Skyway Champion good rubber, excellent condition, radio air conditioned. Jerry Clark, phone 86-F-4, Margaret-viUe. • dl7c

FOR SALE—L. C. Smith Super Speed, one noiseless Remington standard typewriters, one elec-tric R. C. Allen adding machine, 9 column visible total, very very reasonable. One Burroughs portable 8 column hand addmg machine. S. R. Lipstock, care News. dl7p

FOR SALE—^Frigidaire bar with special bar sink, including taps, like new, cost $600, will sell for $250. Also two nearly new kitchen stoves, wood or coal. Baby yard; piano, like new; two nice marble top stands; nearly new Ireland drag saw. William Bradley, Fleischmanns. d24p

MAGIC CHEF domestic gas, coal and combination ranges, com-mercial ranges, Servel refrigera-tors, water heaters. Duo Therm oil space heaters, coal or wood heaters, Crosley appliances. "Pyrofax" SuTOrior Bottled Gas Service for Delaware county. Delaware Gas Service, 123 Dela-ware St., Walton, N. Y., phone S7-R. £6tf

FOR SALE — Poor health forces retirement from business in Andes. Excellent location near school. Large -floor area suit-able for any business, store, res-taurant, etc. Modern living quarters upstairs. Priced to selt Terms may be arranged. L. E. Woolheater, P. O. Box G, Andes, N. Y. - d31c

FOR SALE—Two Milking Short-horn cows, roan, freshen in January and February. One heifer, second calf, due in Jan-uary. One boar, years old, registered Poland China, good breeder; several pigs, dress 60 pounds. Laurence Shultiis, Bearsville, N. Y., phone Wood-stock 40-F-2. dl7p

FOR SALE—Jeep 4-wheel drive pickup, ready for immediate de-livery, Jeeps for sale, new and used, trade-ins accepted. Andes Motor Co., phone 2141, Andes, N. Y. dl7c

FOR SALE — On account of ill health, am selling at a bargain complete commercial printing office equipment, consisting of two presses, etc. T. W . Miller, Andes, N. Y. dl7p

FOR SALE—One space heater for coal or wood; one large size oil heater, used only short time; also 100 Leghorn chickens. Wil-

- liam Kapitko, Margaretville, phone 34-R-21. d24p

CHRYSLER, DeSoto, Dodge Plymouth. Genuine MOPAR facr tory parts. As complete a stock as you will find anywhere. Try us first. Stout-Craft Motors Margaretville. a9tf

W I N D O W SCREEN ^ d storm window made to order. Get yours made now. Also can make most anything else you desire. Charles Greene, Wagner Ave., Fleischmanns, N. Y. j23tf

FOR SALE—"Shopmaster" power saw, floor model, 8-inch, nearly new, with two saws, new %-hp. motor, $90. Set new dado cut-ters, 6-inch, $10. B. C. Todd, Fleischmanns. < dl7c

FOR SALE — Carpenter's miter box with saw, $7.50. New (Stanley router plane, $5. Wet grindstone, 10x1%-in. for fine edged tools, $7.50, without mo-tor. B. C. Todd, Fleischmanns.

FOR SALE—Two Glenn Rogers tractor snowplows, Bolens gar-den tractors, John Deere im-plements, repair and service. One 9x38 knobby tre^ tractor tire. Arthur Gordon, Arkville, N. Y. dl7p

FOR SALE — Two KBS-7 3-ton Internationals with 2-speed axles, 176-in. wheelbase, 9x20 tires; one KBS-5 -ton, with 2-speed axle, 159-in. wheelbase, 7.50x20 tires; one KB-5 1%-ton, 135r-in. wheelbase. 7x20 tires;

/one used 1946 GMC 1%-ton, 159-in. wheelbase, 7.50 tires. K. F. Scott, International Sales and Service, Margaretville. d24c

SPECIAL—Order your Christmas and New Year's dressed and drawn poultry early. Also dressed Muscovy ducks. Roast-ing chickens, 59c lb.; fricassee chickens, 59c lb.; fowl, 49c lb.; ducks, 4 lb., 49c lb. Will de-liver on Thursday, Dec. 23 from Margaretville to Phoenicia. Write or call Duboveck's Poul-try Farms, phone Margaretville 34-F-13, res. Hubbell HiU.

Inductions Postponed > Until January

Army phjrsical examinations and inductions are postponed during the period Dec. 15 to Dec. 27, both dates Inclusive. The date of in-duction for men from Delaware county has been (diang^ from I>ec. 17 to.Jan. 5. .

FOR SALE—100-acre farm, with . or without cows, in the Catskill

mountains, two miles from town (m macadam road. Good 40-cow bam with rtumirig water and milk' cooler. Tractor workable. Has new hous , just built and never slept in, 6 rooms and bath, fireplace, all bathroom fixtures, steel cabinet sink and cupboards in kitchen. Electric water pump and storage tanlu Giassra in pordi. Sdiool bus and ifiail delivery. No agencies. George C. Pogue, Hobzurt, Dela-ware county, N. Y. d24p

FOR SALE — Jeep equipment, hand and power hydraulic lifts, governor power take off. Mon-row lifts to fit Ferguson and like equipment. Plows, bulldozers and snowplows, new eind used. Andes Motor Co., phone • 2141, Andes, N. Y. dl7c

USED BUICKS—^If your desire is for a good used Buick why not get your name on file for one of them. I expect in exchange on my 1949 Buicks 1940-41-42-47 and 1948 models to select from.

Iwill soon dispose of my own personal 1948 Super Converti-ble, low mileage arid factory guarantee. Earl E. Jenldns, Buick Sales"" & Service, Mar-garetville. d24p

FOR SALE—Simmons Electronic Blankets, We are headquarters for the famous Simmons Elec-tronic JBlankets. The blanket With, the exclusive Simmons electronic control feels the blanket's temperature all night long, keeps it at the warmth you want, regardless of weather changes. Thus electronics pro-vides COTnfort and safety far advance of any other blankets. Approved by Underwriters Lab-oratories and American Institute of Laundering. We also have the Nashua top quality blankets, excellent value, $6.35. Buy for the hcnne, buy for gift giving. Shop and save At Stelnhardt's Furniture £]xclian|;e,< Fleisch-manns, Open evenings. d24c

FOR SALE FOR SALE—One cord apple wood

in fh-eplace chunks. Hillis Judd, Fleischmanns. dl7p

FOR SALE — Second hand oak buffet and coal or wood heating stove, good condition. May be seen at Methodist parsonage, Fleischmanns. dl7p

FOR SALE — Two used single "drainboard sinks, one right, one left, also small leg bathtub, $5 each. Roswell R. Sanford, Mar-garetville. dl7p

FOR SALE—Set new plans, blue-prints, never used, very desir-able 7-room house, 3 bedrooms, all rooms one floor, $10. B. C. Todd, Fleischmanns. d24c

FOR SALE — 1941 1% Interna-tional; 1939 2-ton GMC; 1934 1%-ton Ford. Corduroy tires and "tubes, Delco batteries, Pennzoil motor oil, chains, cross chains, GM antifreeze, radia-tors, mufflers, tail "and exhaust pipes, sealed beam units and a complete line of Chevrolet parts and accessories. Portable dump bodies at real prices. One used South Wind gas heater. Sanford Chevrolet Co., Inc., Margaretr ville. dl7c


blaeky and white spayed female dog. fiW. S. Doig, Andes. dl7c

LOST//— Black and tan male fox hoimd. Anybody knows his whereabouts please notify Eder Davis, Denver, N. Y. dlTC

LOST—Male German Police dog. Answers to the name Tony. Please notify if found. Dubo-veck's Poultry Farms, phone Margaretville 34-F-13, res. Hub-bell HUl. dl7p

LOST or Strayed, 9 heifers. Last seen in vicinity of Mt. Pisgah. Reward for i^ormation leading to their whereabouts. Gladstone Bros., phone 2161 or 2314, An-des, N. Y. dl7c


I was deeply touched by the expression of thoughtfulness from our friends and neighbors for the memoriam of -my dearly beloved husband. My sincere thanks to each of you. Mrs. A. Kopetz


WANTED—A grandfather's clock. Max Kass, Margaretville. dl7c

WANTED — Woman for light housework. Mrs. Byron Kelly, Fleischmanns. dl7c

WANTED—.22 rifle with scope, must be in excellent condition. Gun, care News, Margaretville. dl7p

WANTED — Stove suitable for heating small garage. Howard Fairbairn, phone 83-F-2, Mar-garetville. dl7p

WANTED—Lone Pine Mink Ranch will pay $8 to $20 for old and disabled horses according to size Phone Franklin 14-F-14. sUtf

WANTED — All kinds livestock: Cows, horses and cedves. L. C. Gray ^ Son, Kelly Comers, N. Y., phone Roxbury 2870. Leave word at Bussy's store, Margaretville, or M. J. Faulk-ner store. New Kingston. d24c

WANTED — We are now buying hard maple logs suitable for bowling pins in any quantity. Also in 18-ineh lengths. Top prices paid. Cash on deliveiy our mUl, Livingston Manor. Write or phone 101. Burr Sher-wood, Livmgston .Manor. d26tf

WANTED—White ash logs, cut in 8 ft. lengths diameters from 7 to 12 inches, up to $34 a cord delivered in our sheds, for good quality motmtain ash. Write or phone for further information. Ellenville Wood Novelty Co., Inc., Ellenville, N. Y., phone 89. d24c

I wish to thank Dr. Palen, t>r Huggins. and the nursing staff for the excellent care given me during my stay at the Margaretville hos-pital, also those who called, sent gifts, flowers or cards. • dl7p Mrs. Charles Jr. Pultz

I wish to thank everyone who sent cards and gifts while I was in the Albany hospital, also aU my good friends, neighbors and rela-tives who have visited me or brought gifts since I have been home. Many thinks to Rev. Thompson for his cheering call, to Mr. Corbett for his many letters and to Rev. and Mrs. Bostock for their visit to the hospital. It has all helped so much to pjit me back on my feet and I am very grateful to you all. Ozi Baker


Notice The annual meeting of the

shareholders of the National Bank of Andes will be held in their banking rooms on Tuesday, Janu-ary 11, 1949, from 9 to 10 a. m., for the purpose of electing direc-tors for the ensuing year and for any other business that may prop-erly come before said meeting. j7c . M. M. WRIGHT, Cashier

WANTED—^We ate always inter-ested in offerings with prices and quantities of 1 inch and 2 inches thick pallet lumber, de-livered at Big Indian, , N. Y. This ^ade takes anything above dunnage; Mixed hardwoods, green or dry. Big Indian Wood Products Co., Big Indian, Ulster county, N. Y. d3tf


DANCE—Dry Brook Community Hall Wednesday evening, Dec. 29. Music by Melody Boys. dl7c

CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING — I will cut up your hog or beef on your farm. Herbert Holden,

rux Vf'*-

No slaughtering. ;n, Arkville. dl7p

CLOSED—My law office in Mar-garetville will be closed Dec. 20 to Jan. 8. Manuel M. Voit, Margaretville. , d24p

CARPENTER and BUILDER Estimates Cheerfully Given


Phone Margaretville lO-F-41 ol5tf

CLIPPER BLADES SHARPENED —Mail 75c with blades. Retum postage paid. Guarantee satis-faction by using factory disc grinder. New blades, repair parts and Clipmasters in stock. 24-hour service. L. B. DuMbnd, Walton, N. Y. d30c


quire at Strauss Stores, Mar-garetville dl7c

FOR RENT — 4-room apartment in Arena. D. L. Fairbaim, Arena ,N. Y. dl7p

FOR RENT — Furnished apart-ment. Inquire Army & Navy Store, Margaretville. dl7c

FOR RENT QR SALE —8-ropm house, about % mile from vil-lage of Margaretville, central heating. . Phone Fleischmanns 104. dl7c

FOR RENT — Attractive rooms, lai^e, small,/ conveniently lo-cated, with board if desired. O. Herrmann, Margaretville,' route 28. dl7p

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed proposals are sought and requested, for furnishing all materi^s except recirculator pump and chlorinator, and doing all work necessary for the perform-ance according to plans and speci-fications of a contract to be let by the Village of Margaretville for the improvement of the village park of said village by the erec-tion and construction thereon of a swimihing pool and other out-btrUdings and appurtenances.

The sealed proposals will be re-ceived by the Village Board at the office of the Village Clerk in the Village df Margaretville, Delaware , County, New York, imtil 7 o'clock P. M. on the 30th day of Decem-ber, 1948, and wiU be considered publicly at, such time and place. Plans, specifications, an estimate. of the- dcpense, a proposed con-tract for the execution of the work, and forms of proposals can be examined and secured at the office of the Village Clerk in the Village of Margaretville, New York, between me hours of 9 o'clock A. M; and 12 o'clock noon from December 10, 1948, to De-cember 30, 1948-

Proposals must be made upon and in accordance with the form of propose prepared by the viUage attorney, which form of proposal will contain accompanying instruc-tions to bidders and a copy of the specifications for said work, and the same may be obtained at the office of the ViUage Qerk fai the ViUage of Margaretville Delaware County, New York, on or after December 10, 1948.

Proposals shaU be made and received upon the following con-ditions:

Each proposal must be accom-panied by a deposit of a certified check payable to the order of the Treasurer of the Village of Mar-garetville in the sum of $600.00, or a bond with sufficient sureties to be approved by the Mayor of the Village in the penal sum of $600.00 conditioned that if the proposal is accepted the succ^sful bidder will enter into a contract for the work, .and that he will execute within fifteen days from the date of the acceptance of the

Sroposal a suitable security bond 1 the sum of the amount of the

contract, conditioned for the faith-ful and prompt performance and completion of the work specified in the contract. i All deposits except that of a suc-fcessful bidder will be retumed.' ' Upon acceptance of his bid, if the successful bidder fails to enter into a contract pursuant to the requirements of the Board or fails to give the additional security jpre-scribed in this notice within the time limited therein, then the chedc deposited as aforesaid and the moneys standing to the credit of the same, shall be forfeited to the Village as liquidated damages, or the payment of the bond en-forced for the benefit of the Village. Dated this 6th day of December,



. Trustees

FOR RENT—S-room and bath im-finished apartment; three bed-rooms, tile: bath, oil burning hot water heat, new cabinet sink, new Pyrofax gas stove'and re-frigerator. tri the village of Westkill, N.,Y. Available iJec. 1. Write D. c/o News. o29tf

CIffi»iflied Ads, Cards of-'llianks, ate.. 2c word, none less than 50$.

CLASSIFIP> ADS Two Cents Fer Word

Cards of thanks/ res(dutio«s of respect, in memoriam notices, etc., charged at the same rate—two. cents per woxA ^