1 IE 366 Chapter 25 Time Study Supplementary Material from: Groover, M.P. (2007). Work Systems and the Methods, Measurement, and Management of Work, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, pp. 319 - 360. 2 IE 366 Time Study Also known as Direct Time Study Stopwatch Time Study Involves direct, continuous observation of a task using a time measurement instrument to record time taken to complete task. Allowances made for personal needs fatigue unavoidable delays Dates back to 1883 Inextricably connected with origins and early history of IE

class 09.1 - Time Study - Oregon State Universityclasses.engr.oregonstate.edu/mime/winter2010/ie366-001/Slides/class... · Most common method based on speed or pace: speed rating

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IE 366

Chapter 25

Time Study

Supplementary Material from:Groover, M.P. (2007). Work Systems and the Methods, Measurement, and Management of Work, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, pp. 319 - 360.


IE 366

Time Study● Also known as

– Direct Time Study– Stopwatch Time Study

● Involves– direct, continuous observation of a task– using a time measurement instrument– to record time taken to complete task.

● Allowances made for– personal needs– fatigue– unavoidable delays

● Dates back to 1883● Inextricably connected with origins and early history of IE


IE 366

Direct Time Study Procedure

1.Define and Document Standard Method2.Divide Task Into Work Elements3.Time Work Elements4.Rate Worker’s Performance5.Apply Allowances


IE 366

Define and Document Standard Method● Goal: “one best method”● Seek worker’s advice, if appropriate● Elements of Document

– Procedure (steps, actions, work elements, hand/body motions)

– Tools, equipment– Machine settings (e.g., feeds, speeds)– Workplace layout– Frequency of irregular elements– Working conditions– Setup


IE 366

Reasons For Thorough Documentation● Batch production (likely to be repeated)● Methods improvement by operator● Disputes about method (too tight?)● Data for standard data system


IE 366

Divide Task Into Work Elements● Series of motion activities logically grouped because

of unified purpose.● Guidelines

– Each work element should consist of a logical group of motion elements.

● e.g., reach, grasp, move, place– Beginning point of one element should be end of previous.

● No time gap between elements.– Each element should have readily identifiable end point.

● i.e., easily detected, no ambiguity– Work elements should not be too long.

● < “several” min


IE 366

Divide Task Into Work Elements● Guidelines (continued)

– Work elements should not be too short.● > 3 sec

– Irregular elements should be identified & distinguished.● i.e., not every cycle

– Manual elements should be separated from machine elements.

● generally constant values– Internal elements should be separated from external

elements.● i.e., performed by operator during machine cycle


IE 366

“Irregular” and “Foreign” Elements● Elements that occur routinely, but not every cycle – should be

included: irregular elements (Groover)● Elements that the observer didn’t anticipate –probably should

be included: irregular elements (Konz & Johnson)● Elements that are not normal work – should not be included:

foreign elements (Konz & Johnson)


IE 366

Time Work Elements● Collect data on time study form (on clipboard).


IE 366

Time Work Elements (2)● Collect data on time study form (on clipboard).


IE 366

Time Work Elements (3)● Use stopwatch calibrated in 0.01 minutes:

– Snapback method● Start watch at beginning of every element.● “Snap” watch back to zero at end of element.● Record time.● Advantages

– Element variations easily observable– No subtraction

– Continuous method● Start watch at beginning of observation (or beginning of each

cycle)● Record elapsed time at end of each element.● Let it run …● Advantages

– Not so much manipulation of stopwatch– Elements not so easily omitted– Regular/irregular elements more readily distinguished (?)


IE 366

Rate Worker’s Performance● Standard performance = 100%● Rate

– Individual elements– Or entire work cycle

● Most difficult & controversial step in time study● Requires analyst’s judgment


IE 366

Apply AllowancePure Manual Work

Work Element a b c d*

Obs. Time 0.56 min 0.25 min 0.50 min 1.10 min

Perf. Rating 100% 80% 110% 100%

PFD Allowance = 15%

* irregular element performed every 5 cycles* irregular element performed every 5 cycles


IE 366

Apply AllowancePure Manual Work

Work Element a b c d*

Obs. Time 0.56 min 0.25 min 0.50 min 1.10 min

Perf. Rating 100% 80% 110% 100%

PFD Allowance = 15%

Normal Time:NT = 0.56(1.00) + 0.25(0.80) + 0.50(1.10) + 1.10(1.00)/5 = 0.56 + 0.20 + 0.55 + 0.22 = 1.53 min

Standard Time:ST = 1.53(1 +0.15) = 1.76 min

* irregular element performed every 5 cycles* irregular element performed every 5 cycles


IE 366

Apply AllowanceTask Including Machine Cycle

Work Element a b c d*

Obs. Time 0.22 min 0.65 min 0.47 min 0.75 min

Perf. Rating 100% 80% 100% 100%

Mach. Time (idle)m

1.56 min (idle) (idle)

PFD Allowance = 15%Machine Allowance = 20%

* irregular element performed every 15 cycles* irregular element performed every 15 cycles


IE 366

Apply AllowanceTask Including Machine Cycle

Work Element a b c d*

Obs. Time 0.22 min 0.65 min 0.47 min 0.75 min

Perf. Rating 100% 80% 100% 100%

Mach. Time (idle)m

1.56 min (idle) (idle)

PFD Allowance = 15%Machine Allowance = 20%

Normal Time:NT = 0.22(1.00) + Max{0.65(0.80), 1.56} + 0.47(1.00) + 0.75(1.00)/15 = 0.22 + 1.56 + 0.47 + 0.05 = 2.30 min

Standard Time:ST = (0.22 +0.47 + 0.05)(1 + 0.15) + Max{0.52(1 + 0.15), 1.56(1 + 0.20)} = 0.85 + 1.87 = 2.72 min

* irregular element performed every 15 cycles* irregular element performed every 15 cycles


IE 366

Number of Cycles To Be Timed

α/2 α/2




Overall, P(μx lies within x + zα/2 [σ/√n

c ]) = 1 – α

where nc = number of cycles timed

But σ unknown, so take preliminary sample of ns observations and use


s = n


Let X be a random variable, time of one work element in a task.Time several cycles to estimate true mean:

α/2 α/2



α/2 α/2



low estimate high estimate

close estimate


IE 366

Number of Cycles To Be Timed (2)

P(μ lies within x + tα/2 [s/√nc ]) = 1 – α

Interval size = x + kx

where k = proportion of sample mean (e.g., if k = 10%, interval size = x + 0.10 x)

kx = tα/2 [s/√nc ] (remember, s is an estimate of σ based on preliminary sample of n


So, rearranging,

nc = (tα/2s / kx)2


IE 366

Number of Cycles To Be Timed: Example● From preliminary study, engineer has collected n

s=10 samples on one work

element– x = 0.40 min – s = 0.07 (an estimate of σ based on preliminary sample of n


● How many cycles should be timed to ensure actual element time is + 10% of the sample mean, with 95% confidence?– df = (n

s – 1) = 10 – 1 = 9

– α = 0.05, α/2 = 0.025– tα/2 = t0.025 = 2.262– Number of cycles = n

c = (tα/2s / kx)2 = [2.262(0.07) / 0.10(0.40)]2

= 15.7 ≈ 16 cycles● If 16 observed cycles yields

– x = 0.45 min

P(μx lies within x + kx) = P(μ

x lies within 0.45 + 0.10(0.45))

= P(μx lies within [0.405, 0.495]) = 95%


IE 366

Performance Rating● Also called performance leveling.● Performance relative to engineer’s concept of “standard” performance.● Most common method based on speed or pace: speed rating.

– > 100% means faster than standard pace– engineer must use judgment– must consider

● degree of difficulty of work element● worker’s pace relative to standard

● Standards– Walk 3 mi/hr on flat, level ground, no load, 27-in steps.

● Problem: few work situations lend themselves to such precise measurement.● However, many situations in which experts judge (e.g., gymnastics, dog shows)● Solutions

– Experience (including feedback)– Training (e.g., using training films)


IE 366

Performance Rating (2)

● Pace depends on worker’s– skill– experience– exertion level– attitude toward time study

● So, select skilled worker– familiar with job– Accepts time study as necessary management tool

● Characteristics of good performance rating system– consistency among tasks (one task to another)– consistency among engineers– easily understood– related to standard performance (well-defined concept)– machine-paced elements rated at 100% (no worker control of machine)– rating recorded during observation, not after– worker notification


IE 366

Time Study Issue

● Why is time study important to the organization?

● What are some worker concerns?● How can they be resolved?


IE 366

Time Study Equipment: Mechanical Stopwatch 1


IE 366

Time Study Equipment: Mechanical Stopwatch 2


IE 366



IE 366

Time Study Results(from text)