'& "iif W*J» ,|®''<VJ. '* Ij-'i" : '*''' m} SENATOR TALK! And Lays All^the ^Blame for It1 B^figSiBlC^igobD. April 22.Senator Bp$£V; N. G. Keira, Elkins, has been in the isM^K city for the last few days, and before fey.! by. a newspaper reporter. and; v in answer to our question, "Senator, If-v would you imna stating your views In. reference, to the work of the late legislature, its failure to pass the {.r necessary revenue laws?" he said: :*i "Certainly not. That is a matter $|p which seems to he very well understood by the general public. It is'a J ^ very plain case to my mind. "The coal, gas and oil interests of /;. * the state are determined to strip West Virginia of all its vast natural ] resources, and at the same time avoid the payment of their just and fair Maybe 1 % v YOU WILL I BUT YOU WON'T I ||fe get sucli stylish Coats, | p- Suits, Dresses and Mil- lr linery at the lowest I §§|| prices we offer. |p.; Think of $3.75 for Silk B Poplin Dresses, all sizes | IS and shades. I |4" Overy 5,-01)0 Pairs of I pp' Shoes on sale now. Say, H save 50c or a dollar. IXSast! J 339 W. Main St. I . WATCH OUR CAT. Page 3. ' - We are now showing tli with Gpwel Bash, Clear V: Mpfe:'.- trie Lights, and Specdomet Ipl' Runabout pli Central Automo 8 ^7est Main Street. C jj 4% Interest f "k*" *' , C'-T ' "'"-C ^ '^ ; ''~ *~ 'I * ~^' KEIM i DEFICIT share of the taxes of the state . "I would be fair to all these interests but they suouia be fair to tho state as well.-They should trust' the people of the state instead of endeavoring in many ways to control legislation in their own Interest. "The proposed privilege tax on natural gas passed through pipe lines, and which failed of passage in the Senate after passing In the House, was a just measure of taxation and should have passed the Senate instead of meeting defeat there. In my opinion such a tax should have been placed upon both oil and gas years ago. This bill just as it was had to be defeated in the Senate, and the oil, gas. coal and whiskey lobbyists accomplished their work by combining their forces In the Senate. No one, knowing the situation as it really existed at the time, will deny, this statement, for it was brazenly proclaimed by one of the combination senators right in the Senate chamber. "Other measure of just taxation met the same fate at the hands of this self-same combination of senators. "Oil. gas, coal, timber and water power constitute our chief natural resources, and under the guise of 'developing our state' severaVof these resources have been exploited until the state has almost been despoiled of Lhem. My own county of Randolph and the adjoining county or Tucker have been practically despoiled of thousands of acres of virgin forest. A .small production tax on lumber would have built permanent roads in both of these counties, and their timber is now gone and neither county has a single mile of permanent, macadamized road, but have been 'developed' until well nigh poverty stricken. In a way.nothing remains of our great natural wealth except a part of the coal and the water power, and these self-same interests are still instrumental in defeating all revenue laws, as was evidenced by their activity in the last session of the legislature, they stand ready to 'develop' the few remaining LLctiuicfi ;^uuici;9. "Gigantic fortunes have been made and are being made through the exploitation of West Virginia's natural resources, and most of these products are taken out of the state leaving in lieu thereof nothing but poverty and a memory of 'great Industrial development,' "The people will eventually awake Lo their own interests. Our great hidden wealth is still sufficient, if propertly guarded and husbanded, :o exchange for permanent highways, the best of schools and all public, institutions necessary to the happiness xnd well being of all our people. The people will yet awake and look to their own and their children's welfare." "Thank you, senator, for the very frank expression of your views on this important question, but what have you to say as to the governor's: position?" the newspaper man asked. "Governor Hatfield has taken a' firm stand for the people, and his- position is well understood by the nasses who accord him all t'ue credit for his commendable fight for the; people's interests." ie new model Ford car, Bh [siou, Wind Shield, Elec- |j( ...$440, ]|| O. B. Detroit |'i .. .$490, F. O. B. Detroit a . . .$750, F. O. B. Detroit B . . .$975, F. O. B. Detroit bile Co., ^ents I LARESBURG, W. VA. 1 snBanBsmnraigBa^! iir Bankin We believe in careful, conse every investment aucl loan s facil i t ies.progressive m eth' ;ment to all- Our resources, s and increasing business attest ge of tlie people. Checking Accounts are invite Paid On Saving N atiu n c urth Sts.f Clarks I V" * \ f *'' '-;< > v5 THE CLARKSBURG TO \7% .. ,* .' i. .; **-* CM tyBgi jflwgi. Igl KM HjJ D n wnBaaaH I there'll I CAMEI I town tli J Asia an U U ill u m I ^ f OIL JW8 6AS [i W K .-.ryMi On the West Fork river, Union district, Harrison county, W. Va., W. B. Maxwell has drilled No. 26 on his own Ear mthrough the Gordon sand and lias a show for a thirty-five barrel producer. On the same stream and in the same district, the Sou tit Penn Oil Company has drilled its second test on the D. J. Davis farm through the fift hsand and has a gasser .in that formation. On Ragans run, McClelland district, Doddridge county, thi Philadelphia Company has drilled a test on the S. J. Wells farm through the Big Injun band and has a show for an eight or ten barrel pumper. .The location is 1 000 feet north of the Carnegie Natr ural Gas Company's No. 3 on the N. W. Thompson farm. On the same stream and in the same district, the Carnegie N'atiirai Gas Company has dTilled No. 3 on the N. W. Thomas farm through the Big Injun sand and has a ten barrel pumper. On Dong nun. Grant district, Ritchie county, the -Bandon- Oil Company has now drilled- its No.- 3 on the Perry Davis farm through the salt sand ana lias a show for a twenty-five barrel producer. In the - Burning Springs district, Wirt county, C. A. Gartlan's second test on the Benjamin Connelly Keep Your Bowels Regular. As everyone knows, the bowels are the sewera;o system of the body, and it is of the greatest importance that they move once eacli day. If your dose of Chamberlain's Tablets just after supper and they will correct the disorder. Obtainable everywhere.. Advertisement. is g Creed | rvative management. hall be secure.in moclods.and equally fair s tabilit}', equipment, ser- S3 : the confidence and pat- g rs Accounts i ti pan k m iurg, W. Va. jg: mA^' TELEGRAM. CTTT nun ii ii iiiniwi w i.nnwr * | ^ 1' HflDn|l Afl pk .JUtCJSXr HBBBBP3B||ir jyBL&uEj MRw JI tanwntNw H^LrlpndH orrow be more JS in this tan in ail id Africa ined ! farm is a duster. The Roberts Oil Company's 1X0. 28 ..11 - the Spurlock Henry farm is a very light pumper. in the Keener sand development on Rock run, Burning Springs district, the Walnut Creek Oil Company is starting some new work an the Harvey G. Sayer farm. No. 12 on this farm is rigging up. No. 14 is drilling and the rigs .hav£ ben completed for Nos. 13 and 16 and the location made for No. 12. On Big Panther run, in McKim district, Pleasants county, Hall & Sou have started to drill a test on t ll T "T T"1 n A fa rrr» r\n «-r lAJlil lA'il <1,. *U Wt?Lrlil Q J- Url ill, V/il Glade run. Knottsvi.Ile district. Taylor county, the Greensborough Oil and Gas Company is drilling Na test on the R. S. Kemper farm. On Elis'Fork of Cobb's creek, Duval district, Lincoln county James Potter &, Company have the rig completed for No.-.5 on the tSandard Fuel Company's property. In the' same district, the United Fuel Gas Company has the rig completed for a test on the Horse Creek Coal and Land Company's tract. On Laurel creek, Spencer district, Roane county, the Fisher Oil Corirpjany has started to drill a second test on the J. R. Short farm. In. Elk* district, Kanawha county, the United Fuel Gas Company lias given its No. 1 on the Lewis Woods farm a shot in the Squaw sand and increased its production fro-m two to tpn barrels a day. In Spencer district, Roane county, the Roane Development Company is due in the sand at a test on the J. E. Post farm. In Cabin Creek district, Kanawha county, there are several important test wells drilling. On the Paint Creek Coal and Land Company's tract, the United Fuel Gas Company is down 1,300 feet at a test and the South Penn Oil Company is drilling tests on the Ohley Coal Company's tracts. The Carter Oil Company is down 1,000 at No. 3 on the Winifrede Coal Company's tract. The Columbus Producing Company's Nos. 2 and 4 on the Williams Coal Company's tract are both Ashing. The Reas run district in Grandvi^w township, Washington county, is the only shallow sand district that is furnishing anything better than the average size. In this district, the Farmers and Producers National Bank has drilled its No. 15 on the John Beaver farm through the eKenor sand and has a producer good for 1-00 barrels a day. This is the best producer completed.' in that, district for many months. In the MeCurdy pool, in Madison township, Columbiana county, the Cash dollar & Company have drilled a test on the Beaver Land Company's property through the Squaw sand and have a show for a light pumper. The location is 2,500 feet west of production. In the same district, Peters & m*rmr -il *V_± .! » %- wauey arc arming i\o. * on uie t;. Zacharig,-, farm. The OH rUnrlcot. Pennsylvania 51.35, Mercer blacit 97, New Castle 97, Corning 82, Cabell 97, North Lima 88, South Lima 83, Princeton 84. Wooster 51,10, Indiana 83, Somerset 80, Ragland 63, Illinois; 4; Kansas. 51.40; Oklahoma, .40,. Corsinana light 40, - Corsicana heavy 4 0. Electra 4 5, Healdton 30. Caddo 38 degrees 60, Caddo 35 degrees 50, Caddo 30 degress 45. Caddo crude 35, Canada 51,28.. -Producers and. .IJeflners.' .Company, quotes 51.35 lor .crude, of the Pennsylvania-grade, .... Natives of Peru use a boat made entirely or reeds and straw, even the sail coirsidtius of straw matting. . ^ 7/Jwjj; ** ^w*"^'-r' *'",f c^~ y. > '' ». S2B - SSS^J C^ZmB KMf: -v.-:*'.', \ ' '. " ' ; . "i f '. t msyg 8 I II II I IBIIBI II Will Illl l III mm IMII BASEBALL: SE1VS. Complete BOX SOOTHE of all American and National League baseball '. :." ;; V \ j- J.,' & \r-J: ~£,,\ y The Light Six As It Will Be Only 3 Per All the Hudsons in d will supply an avera that many men who Last spring1, thousanc ed in getting their Huds All summer prompt del: possible. We were a behind. -This, spring we have tions. The Light Six is And more than 12,000 I are running, each creati for this car. So, despiti ter output, it can hard] to make-prompt deliveri That,is true of F,irst ( every class. There is i in the spring. Hudson Com i We announce .this be< must come first with yo a high-grade. Light Six. I-I,udson stands out as It shows the results refinement. It has pro millions of miles of road there are users- over 12; T- J-T- A. 11 voucn mai me car is pe] It is the only Light , by Howard E. Coffin. ] est of all the 7-passenge the most refined. It ei . son standards. In luxu miiiM whbihM STANDAR. Service First s; ®r-' \ * ''" I * games and -the results of the Federal League games appear in THE SUX DAY TEliEGRAM every Sunday morning. Boy the Sunday Telegram rfor XSttawl >WMMny fc'll ^BwHr i \ More H Dealer This Sp] ealers' hands, pins the next tv orp nf ahniit thrpp rars npr <L av w* m""'. i»»vv f",v r" 141 want Hndsons this spring will Is were delay- euipmentitma son Light Six. . You see in th Lvery was im- Six perfected, lways weeks result with eve finished state, j new attrac- tent with any s ; the vogue. TIL* aght Hudsons 1 lllS IS v ng new desire Bdar that in f °?r b1^ involves new ir ly be possiole motor new des gs long. . changes uj choice cai*s of a car Gf this 1 lever enough frj5e from mjst ' The Light S the standard f 68 T lFSt would consider cause Hudson clumsy cars. . u if you want type to get a w ' The Hudson the class car. \y owners at le of vears of And all tnatox] ved itself on a sin«le fa .Everywhere You are cert 000 in'all.to 7-Passeugcr VI . Roadster, $13 Six designed HUDSON M [t;is the lightV D'eb r Sixes. It is Another H ribodies Hud- matchless Hx ry, finish and how muc; D GARAGE( ^ PI?<"'eS ^ B B1 m 11 KCV H VmSvv I M m Mm m * i >. J'| .baseball news next Sunday. In the Falkland Islands there ara five anon to every wcrman. | 7-Passenger Phaeton J 3-Passenger Roadster I 11 nelsons I (I ring 1 ro months' output, I 1 *TT I sater. we believe find it out to o late.. ' --! ^ .-.v.- 'V / tches the costliest cars, e Hudson the Light You see a four-year ry part and detail in a You will not be con- * >econd choice. . I a New Type mind. The Light Six laterials, a new-type - J igns for every part. i Dset old standards. So type must prove itself "J akes. ix beyond question,' is uture type. No man going back to heavy, | But it is wise in this ell-tried car. Light Six has been run sast 30 million miles. '-'I perience has not uncovLult or weakness. ^ ain to prefer it. t; Inptnn nr S.Pn«"it»nffPi* I ; ' I' OTOR CAR CO., j| udson feature Is the II idson service. Let us tell COMPANY 1 Fairmont, W. Va. |

CLARKSBURG SENATOR KEIM TALK! DEFICIT€¦ · In. reference, to the work of the late legislature, its failure to pass the {.r:*i necessary revenue laws?" he said: $|p "Certainly not

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Page 1: CLARKSBURG SENATOR KEIM TALK! DEFICIT€¦ · In. reference, to the work of the late legislature, its failure to pass the {.r:*i necessary revenue laws?" he said: $|p "Certainly not

'&"iif W*J» ,|®''<VJ. '* Ij-'i" :'*'''m}


And Lays All^the ^Blame for It1

B^figSiBlC^igobD. April 22.SenatorBp$£V; N. G. Keira, o£ Elkins, has been in theisM^K city for the last few days, and before

fey.! by. a newspaper reporter. and;v in answer to our question, "Senator,

If-v would you imna stating your viewsIn. reference, to the work of the latelegislature, its failure to pass the

{.r necessary revenue laws?" he said::*i "Certainly not. That is a matter$|p which seems to he very well understoodby the general public. It is'a J^ very plain case to my mind.

"The coal, gas and oil interests of/;. * the state are determined to strip

West Virginia of all its vast natural ]resources, and at the same time avoidthe payment of their just and fair

Maybe 1%


||fe get sucli stylish Coats, |p- Suits, Dresses and Mil- lr

linery at the lowest I§§|| prices we offer.

|p.; Think of $3.75 for Silk BPoplin Dresses, all sizes |IS and shades. I

|4" Overy 5,-01)0 Pairs of Ipp' Shoes on sale now. Say, H

save 50c or a dollar.

IXSast!J 339 W. Main St. I

. WATCH OUR CAT.Page 3. '

- We are now showing tliwith Gpwel Bash, Clear V:

Mpfe:'.- trie Lights, and Specdomet

Ipl' Runabout

pli Central Automo8 ^7est Main Street. C

jj 4% Interest

f "k*" *', C'-T '

"'"-C ^ '^ ; ''~ *~'I * ~^'

KEIMi DEFICITshare of the taxes of the state .

"I would be fair to all these interestsbut they suouia be fair to thostate as well.-They should trust' thepeople of the state instead of endeavoringin many ways to controllegislation in their own Interest."The proposed privilege tax on naturalgas passed through pipe lines,

and which failed of passage in theSenate after passing In the House,was a just measure of taxation andshould have passed the Senate insteadof meeting defeat there. Inmy opinion such a tax should havebeen placed upon both oil and gasyears ago. This bill just as it washad to be defeated in the Senate, andthe oil, gas. coal and whiskey lobbyistsaccomplished their work by combiningtheir forces In the Senate. Noone, knowing the situation as it reallyexisted at the time, will deny, thisstatement, for it was brazenly proclaimedby one of the combinationsenators right in the Senate chamber.

"Other measure of just taxationmet the same fate at the hands ofthis self-same combination of senators.

"Oil. gas, coal, timber and waterpower constitute our chief naturalresources, and under the guise of'developing our state' severaVof theseresources have been exploited untilthe state has almost been despoiledof Lhem. My own county of Randolphand the adjoining county orTucker have been practically despoiledof thousands of acres of virginforest. A .small production taxon lumber would have built permanentroads in both of these counties,and their timber is now gone andneither county has a single mile ofpermanent, macadamized road, buthave been 'developed' until well nighpoverty stricken. In a way.nothingremains of our great natural wealthexcept a part of the coal and thewater power, and these self-same interestsare still instrumental in defeatingall revenue laws, as was evidencedby their activity in the lastsession of the legislature, they standready to 'develop' the few remainingLLctiuicfi ;^uuici;9.

"Gigantic fortunes have beenmade and are being made throughthe exploitation of West Virginia'snatural resources, and most of theseproducts are taken out of the stateleaving in lieu thereof nothing butpoverty and a memory of 'great Industrialdevelopment,'"The people will eventually awake

Lo their own interests. Our greathidden wealth is still sufficient, ifpropertly guarded and husbanded,:o exchange for permanent highways,the best of schools and all public, institutionsnecessary to the happinessxnd well being of all our people. Thepeople will yet awake and look totheir own and their children's welfare.""Thank you, senator, for the very

frank expression of your views onthis important question, but whathave you to say as to the governor's:position?" the newspaper man asked."Governor Hatfield has taken a'

firm stand for the people, and his-position is well understood by thenasses who accord him all t'ue creditfor his commendable fight for the;people's interests."

ie new model Ford car, Bh[siou, Wind Shield, Elec- |j(...$440, ]|| O. B. Detroit |'i.. .$490, F. O. B. Detroit a. . .$750, F. O. B. Detroit B. . .$975, F. O. B. Detroit

bile Co.,^ents ILARESBURG, W. VA. 1snBanBsmnraigBa^!

iir BankinWe believe in careful, conseevery investment aucl loan sfacil ities.progressive meth';ment to all- Our resources, sand increasing business attestge of tlie people.Checking Accounts are invite

PaidOn Saving

Natiun curth Sts.f Clarks I

V"*\f *'''-;< > v5


\7% .. ,* .' i. .;

**-* CM

tyBgijflwgi. Igl KMHjJD

n wnBaaaH

I there'llI CAMEII town tli

J Asia an

U U ill um

I ^

f OIL JW8 6AS [iW K.-.ryMi

On the West Fork river, Union district,Harrison county, W. Va., W. B.Maxwell has drilled No. 26 on his ownEar mthrough the Gordon sand andlias a show for a thirty-five barrel producer.On the same stream and inthe same district, the Sou tit Penn OilCompany has drilled its second teston the D. J. Davis farm through thefift hsand and has a gasser .in thatformation.On Ragans run, McClelland district,

Doddridge county, thi PhiladelphiaCompany has drilled a test on the S.J. Wells farm through the Big Injunband and has a show for an eight orten barrel pumper. .The location is1 000 feet north of the Carnegie Natrural Gas Company's No. 3 on the N. W.Thompson farm. On the same streamand in the same district, the CarnegieN'atiirai Gas Company has dTilled No.3 on the N. W. Thomas farm throughthe Big Injun sand and has a ten barrelpumper.On Dong nun. Grant district, Ritchie

county, the -Bandon- Oil Company hasnow drilled- its No.- 3 on the PerryDavis farm through the salt sand analias a show for a twenty-five barrelproducer. In the - Burning Springsdistrict, Wirt county, C. A. Gartlan'ssecond test on the Benjamin Connelly

Keep Your Bowels Regular.As everyone knows, the bowels are

the sewera;o system of the body, andit is of the greatest importance thatthey move once eacli day. If yourdose of Chamberlain's Tablets justafter supper and they will correct thedisorder. Obtainable everywhere..Advertisement.


g Creed |rvative management.hall be secure.in moclods.andequally fair stabilit}', equipment, ser- S3: the confidence and pat- g

rs Accounts i

ti pank miurg, W. Va. jg:


nun ii ii iiiniwiw i.nnwr*

| ^


HflDn|l Afl pk.JUtCJSXr

HBBBBP3B||ir jyBL&uEj MRw JI tanwntNw



be moreJS in thistan in ailid Africained !

farm is a duster. The Roberts OilCompany's 1X0. 28 ..11 - the SpurlockHenry farm is a very light pumper.

in the Keener sand development onRock run, Burning Springs district,the Walnut Creek Oil Company isstarting some new work an the HarveyG. Sayer farm. No. 12 on thisfarm is rigging up. No. 14 is drillingand the rigs .hav£ ben completed forNos. 13 and 16 and the location madefor No. 12. On Big Panther run, inMcKim district, Pleasants county, Hall& Sou have started to drill a test ont ll T "T T"1 n A fa rrr»r\n«-r lAJlil lA'il <1,. *U Wt?Lrlil Q J- Url ill, V/il

Glade run. Knottsvi.Ile district. Taylorcounty, the Greensborough Oil andGas Company is drilling Na test on theR. S. Kemper farm.On Elis'Fork of Cobb's creek, Duval

district, Lincoln county James Potter&, Company have the rig completed forNo.-.5 on the tSandard Fuel Company'sproperty. In the' same district, theUnited Fuel Gas Company has the rigcompleted for a test on the HorseCreek Coal and Land Company's tract.On Laurel creek, Spencer district,Roane county, the Fisher Oil Corirpjanyhas started to drill a second test onthe J. R. Short farm.

In. Elk* district, Kanawha county,the United Fuel Gas Company liasgiven its No. 1 on the Lewis Woodsfarm a shot in the Squaw sand andincreased its production fro-m two totpn barrels a day. In Spencer district,Roane county, the Roane DevelopmentCompany is due in the sand at a teston the J. E. Post farm.

In Cabin Creek district, Kanawhacounty, there are several importanttest wells drilling. On the Paint CreekCoal and Land Company's tract, theUnited Fuel Gas Company is down1,300 feet at a test and the South PennOil Company is drilling tests on theOhley Coal Company's tracts. TheCarter Oil Company is down 1,000 atNo. 3 on the Winifrede Coal Company'stract. The Columbus ProducingCompany's Nos. 2 and 4 on theWilliams Coal Company's tract areboth Ashing.The Reas run district in Grandvi^wtownship, Washington county, is the

only shallow sand district that is furnishinganything better than the averagesize. In this district, the Farmersand Producers National Bank hasdrilled its No. 15 on the John Beaverfarm through the eKenor sand andhas a producer good for 1-00 barrelsa day. This is the best producer completed.'in that, district for manymonths.

In the MeCurdy pool, in Madisontownship, Columbiana county, theCashdollar & Company have drilleda test on the Beaver Land Company'sproperty through the Squaw sand andhave a show for a light pumper. Thelocation is 2,500 feet west of production.In the same district, Peters &m*rmr -il *V_±.! » %-

wauey arc arming i\o. * on uie t;.Zacharig,-, farm.

The OH rUnrlcot.Pennsylvania 51.35, Mercer blacit

97, New Castle 97, Corning 82, Cabell97, North Lima 88, South Lima83, Princeton 84. Wooster 51,10, Indiana83, Somerset 80, Ragland 63,Illinois; 4; Kansas. 51.40; Oklahoma,.40,. Corsinana light 40, - Corsicanaheavy 4 0. Electra 4 5, Healdton 30.Caddo 38 degrees 60, Caddo 35 degrees50, Caddo 30 degress 45. Caddocrude 35, Canada 51,28..-Producers and. .IJeflners.' .Company,

quotes 51.35 lor .crude, of the Pennsylvania-grade,....

Natives of Peru use a boat made entirelyor reeds and straw, even thesail coirsidtius of straw matting. .

^ 7/Jwjj; **̂ w*"^'-r' *' ",fc^~

y. >'' ».


KMf: -v.-:*'.', \ '

'. " '

; . "i f '. t





Complete BOX SOOTHE of all Americanand National League baseball

'. :." ;; V \ j- J.,' & \r-J: ~£,,\ y

The Light SixAs It Will Be

Only 3Per

All the Hudsons in dwill supply an averathat many men whoLast spring1, thousanc

ed in getting their HudsAll summer prompt del:possible. We were abehind.-This, spring we have

tions. The Light Six isAnd more than 12,000 Iare running, each creatifor this car. So, despititer output, it can hard]to make-prompt deliveri

That,is true of F,irst (every class. There is iin the spring.

Hudson Com i

We announce .this be<must come first with yoa high-grade. Light Six.

I-I,udson stands out asIt shows the resultsrefinement. It has promillions of miles of roadthere are users- over 12;

T- J-T- A. 11voucn mai me car is pe]

It is the only Light, by Howard E. Coffin. ]est of all the 7-passengethe most refined. It ei

. son standards. In luxu


Service First

s; ®r-'





games and -the results of the FederalLeague games appear in THE SUX

DAYTEliEGRAM every Sunday morning.Boy the Sunday Telegram rfor

XSttawl >WMMny



\ More HDealer This Sp]

ealers' hands, pins the next tvorp nf ahniit thrpp rars npr <Lav w* m""'. i»»vv f",v r" 141

want Hndsons this spring willIs were delay- euipmentitmason Light Six.


You see in thLvery was im- Six perfected,lways weeks result with eve

finished state,j new attrac- tent with any s; the vogue. TIL*aght Hudsons 1 lllS IS v

ng new desire Bdar that inf °?r b1^ involves new irly be possiole motor new desgs long. . changes ujchoice cai*s of a car Gf this 1lever enough frj5e from mjst


The Light Sthe standard f68 T lFSt would consider

cause Hudson clumsy cars. .

u if you want type to get a w' The Hudson

the class car. \y owners at leof vears of And all tnatox]ved itself on a sin«le fa.Everywhere You are cert000 in'all.to 7-Passeugcr VI

. Roadster, $13Six designed HUDSON M[t;is the lightV D'ebr Sixes. It is Another Hribodies Hud- matchless Hxry, finish and how muc;

D GARAGE(^ PI?<"'eS ^

B B1m 11


VmSvv I

M mMm m


i >. J'|.baseball news next Sunday.

In the Falkland Islands there arafive anon to every wcrman. |

7-Passenger PhaetonJ3-Passenger Roadster I


nelsons I(I

ring 1ro months' output, I

1 *TT Isater. we believefind it out to o late..

' --! ^ .-.v.- 'V /tches the costliest cars,e Hudson the LightYou see a four-year

ry part and detail in aYou will not be con- ;« *

>econd choice.. I

a New Typemind. The Light Sixlaterials, a new-type - Jigns for every part. iDset old standards. Sotype must prove itself "Jakes.ix beyond question,' isuture type. No mangoing back to heavy, |But it is wise in thisell-tried car.Light Six has been runsast 30 million miles.'-'Iperience has not uncovLultor weakness. ^ain to prefer it. t;Inptnn nr S.Pn«"it»nffPi* I ; ' I'

OTOR CAR CO., j|udson feature Is the IIidson service. Let us tell

COMPANY 1Fairmont, W. Va. |