City of Tulsa Communications Department & Customer Care Center FY 2013

City of Tulsa Communications Department Customer … of Tulsa Communications MISSION STATEMENT To facilitate open and accountable access to ... » KPI: Branding guidelines presented

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City of Tulsa

Communications Department


Customer Care Center FY 2013

City of Tulsa



To facilitate open and accountable access to

City government for the citizens of Tulsa and

assist in communicating the prioritized

initiatives set by the administration and all

other city departments.

City of Tulsa

Communications Department

Department Goals and Objectives – The broad goal of the Department is to facilitate open,

honest and accountable access to City government to the citizens of Tulsa and to the media.

– The Department is charged with assisting in the direct communication of initiatives, programs and services of the City and support of 20 departments in both proactive and responsive communications.

City of Tulsa

Communications Department

• Communications and Mayor’s Action Center originally under Public Works Dept. as one section – Community Affairs & Planning – Executive Order signed in 2006 creating department

– Added Communications Director, Graphics Designer, Writer Editor and 2 part-time collegiate aides.

– Budget totals for both sections for FY 2008 was: • Personnel: $700,000

• Services: $76,000

Communications Department

& Customer Care Center

• Mayor’s Action Center became part of a newly established Customer Care Center in FY 12.

• Combined MAC reps with Utility Services into one Call Center – 2 cost centers established to split Customer Care and

Communications section budgets

– In FY 2013, the two will divide into 2 separate departments

• Staffing Levels - Communications – FY08 6

– FY 09 11 (designer, w/e, 2aides)

– FY 10 12 (video services)

– FY 11 8

– FY 12 8


Budget Cuts Impact

• Communications FY 2010 – Eliminated positions total – $146,000

• Administrative Assistant $36,000

• Part Time collegiate Aide $29,000

• Part Time collegiate Aide $29,000

• Video Services Coordinator $52,000 – Transferred from TFD (TGOV)

– Supplies and Services reduced from $76,000 to: $31,000


2013 Communications Personnel Planned: • Transfer Sr. Media & Marketing spec from Solid Waste

mid-year to take on additional duties, including Solid Waste, and adding WIN, Water & Sewer, Streets & Stormwater and other assignments

• Complete transfer of position for communications/Writer Editor assigned to Parks Dept. communications and marketing


2013 Communications Upcoming Projects: • Bi-annual citizen survey to poll awareness and satisfaction

with services and programs offered by the City of Tulsa – Customers requested more communications and more public

meetings in the citizen survey. • Expanding use of social media to meet that need (reclassifying position)

• Expanding public meetings – City Hall in Your Neighborhood

• Major projects: Mass Notification System, 311, Parks

• Annual report, quarterly publications, Multi-Media

• Mobile App development

• Social media strategies/consultation ongoing

City of Tulsa

Communications Section

Performance Measurements • Graphic Design Services

• Establish, maintain and monitor branding guidelines to promote a professional, consistent visual representation of the City of Tulsa

o Prepare written branding guidelines and present to elected officials and department directors

» KPI: Branding guidelines presented to each City of Tulsa department director by March 31, 2012

City of Tulsa

Communications Section

Performance Measurements • Editorial Services

• Improve external communication by helping City of Tulsa leaders and partner agencies reach target audiences with effective messages in a timely manner

o Objective: Establish a baseline measurement for satisfaction level of City of Tulsa departments and partner agencies with success of communication efforts.

» KPI: System established by June 30, 2012, for measuring City of Tulsa departments’ satisfaction level with effectiveness of communication efforts.

» Survey/debriefing process

City of Tulsa

Communications Section

Performance Measurements • Marketing Services

• Institutionalize customer satisfaction survey for citizens of Tulsa.

o Objective: Conduct bi-annual customer satisfaction survey including questions regarding citizens’ awareness of and satisfaction with discretionary services and programs offered by the City of Tulsa.

o Target communications to needs and issues identified in subsequent years

KPI: Citizen satisfaction survey questions developed by December 31, 2012 via contract

City of Tulsa

Communications Section

Performance Measurements • Media Relations & Public Information Services

• Educate department directors and key staff regarding utilization of social media to reach target audiences

o Collaborate with consultant to develop social media training for department heads and key staff

KPI: Social media training plan developed by Feb. 28, 2012; training provided to department heads by May 31, 2012

Continue effective developing social media programs with consultant after June 1, 2012.

Communications Section

External services

• Media Relations

• Web Services

• Graphic Design

• Video Services

– Partner w Council staff


• Editorial (writing, copy

writing & editing)

• Public information

• Marketing/Promotion

• Branding (templates,

multiple logos)

• Photography

• Social media

• Events

– (groundbreakings,

openings, dedications)

Communications Section

Internal services

• Employee Email

– Communication Dept.

is clearinghouse for all

employee email

• Intranet Services

• Graphic Design

• Video Scripting and


– e.g. orientation video

• Editorial (writing & editing

employee materials)

• Photography/Video employee


• Social media

• Events

– (employee mtgs,

promotions, health fair)


Communications maintains editorial content on the following websites:

– www.cityoftulsa.org

– www.getleantulsa.com

– www.fixourstreetslive.com

– http://intranet.cityoftulsa.org

Social Media

Communications maintains City of Tulsa social media sites:

– Facebook - City of Tulsa

– Twitter - @cityoftulsagov

– Flickr – City of Tulsa

– YouTube – City of Tulsa

– Expanding opportunities through training


Website analytics • 5.4 million pageviews March 2011-March 2012

• Most popular features: – Jobs

– Live police calls

– Live traffic report

– Warrants

– Utilities

– Parks

• Mobile usage is increasing steadily; of 1.7 million visitors 300K + were mobile users over a year


Social Media Stats • Total Direct Contacts: 20,393

– Facebook: 2,346

– Twitter: 4,668

– Enews: 5,380

– YouTube video views: 7,999

City of Tulsa

Customer Care Center


To serve as the central point of contact for the

City of Tulsa, facilitating responsive, accessible

and accountable City government.

Customer Care

Goals and Objectives – Customer Care

– Provide timely and accurate information to citizen

inquiries and requests.

– Enhance communication and reporting to internal

customers (departments and agencies).

– Implement a staff cross-training program to insure

staff has a good working knowledge of City of

Tulsa departments and agencies

Customer Care

Staffing Levels – Customer Care (Utilities

Services and Mayor’s Action Center)


FY 08 29 5

FY 09 28 5

FY 10 24 4

FY 11 29 5

FY 12 Combined 38

Customer Care

Staffing Levels – Customer Care

Organizational Chart

Customer Care

CC Performance Goals and Objectives:

• Answer calls in a timely manner • 918-596-2100 (MAC) – Average 60 seconds

• 918-596-9511 (Utilities) – Average 45 seconds

• Maintain an call abandonment rate of < 10% • Abandonment – Callers releasing call before received.

• Maintain a professional attitude

• Close files in a timely manner

• To determine and establish service level agreements with supported departments

Customer Care

Output – 2011 Calendar year – 918-596-2100

(MAC) • 123,866 calls received

• 109,294 calls answered – 88%

• 43,974 service requests/cases processed including:

– 9,216 Nuisance Reports

– 1,226 Shelter Rentals

– 1,274 Citizen Comments to Mayor

– 1,356 Potholes

Customer Care

Output – 2011 Calendar Year – 918-596-9511

(Utilities Services) • 362,626 calls received

• 326,492 calls answered – 90%

• Call Types

– Orders Taken

– Payment Arrangements

– Payments Taken

– General Billing and Balance Information

– Refuse Questions and Concerns

Customer Care

2013 Customer Care Personnel Needs:

• Customer Care Center Director to be added

by July 1st.

Customer Care

2013 Customer Care Services Needs:

• Consultant – To assist with specifications

needed to help implement a Citizen

Relationship Management (CRM) system

and 311 center.

Customer Care

2013 Customer Care Capital Needs:

• Multi-function Device

• Microsoft Office Pro 2010 Upgrade

• Citizen Relationship Management (CRM) system • IT included $800,000 in capital request for CRM system which will serve

as foundation for 311 Center

Customer Care

Performance Measurements A courteous, professional and knowledgeable staff.

• Average Speed of Answer

– 918-596-2100 – 60 seconds

– 918-596-9511 – 45 seconds

• Average Call Abandonment

– Not to exceed ten percent

• Customer Satisfaction Survey

– 95 percent