PUBLIC PARTICIPATION & LIVE-STREAM OF THE JULY 20, 2020 HAVRE DE GRACE CITY COUNCIL MEETING The Mayor and City Council of Havre de Grace will convene in the Council Chambers at 711 Pennington Avenue, Havre de Grace, Maryland to hold the City Council Meeting. In order to ensure compliance with the Governor’s social distancing orders, no more than 38 people will be allowed in the Council Chambers, including the Mayor and Council Members. Anyone entering City Hall must wear a mask and maintain social distancing. Citizens wishing to view the meeting should visit the City of Havre de Grace website at www.havredegracemd.gov on Monday, July 20, 2020 at 7 p.m. and click on the live stream video icon. The video will also be available to view after 12 p.m. on Tuesday, July 21, 2020. City of Havre de Grace 711 PENNINGTON AVENUE, HAVRE DE GRACE, MARYLAND 21078 WWW.HAVREDEGRACEMD.COM 410-939-1800

City of Havre de Grace

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HAVRE DE GRACE CITY COUNCIL MEETING The Mayor and City Council of Havre de Grace will convene in the Council Chambers at 711 Pennington Avenue, Havre de Grace, Maryland to hold the City Council Meeting. In order to ensure compliance with the Governor’s social distancing orders, no more than 38 people will be allowed in the Council Chambers, including the Mayor and Council Members. Anyone entering City Hall must wear a mask and maintain social distancing. Citizens wishing to view the meeting should visit the City of Havre de Grace website at www.havredegracemd.gov on Monday, July 20, 2020 at 7 p.m. and click on the live stream video icon. The video will also be available to view after 12 p.m. on Tuesday, July 21, 2020.

City of Havre de Grace




(attach to public meeting minutes) MINUTES OF HAVRE DE GRACE CITY COUNCIL MEETING

MONDAY, JULY 6, 2020

City Hall 711 Pennington Avenue

Havre de Grace, MD 21078

Time of Closed Session: 7:51 PM

Place: City Hall, Mayor’s office.

Purpose: To consider the job performance and re-appointment of Erika Quesenbery as Director of Economic Development; to consider the status of the Pensell litigation and potential waiver of the attorney-client privilege relating to matters raised in the litigation; to select a Council President.

Persons Attending: Council President Glenn; CM Boyer; CM Robertson; CM Martin; CM Ringsaker; CM Zinner; Chief of Staff Gamatoria; Director of Administration Sypolt; City Attorney Ishak; Mayor Martin.

Motion to go into close session made by CP Glenn, second by CM Martin. Vote in favor: 6-0

Authority under Section 3-305 for the closed session: General Provision Article 3-305(b)(1) to discuss the job performance and re-appointment of a Director and selection of Council President; and (b)(7) to consult with counsel to obtain legal advice, and (b)(8) to consult with staff about pending litigation..

Topics actually discussed:

The Council members considered the job requirements of the Director of Economic Development and Ms. Erika Quesenbery’ s performance. She was recommended by the Mayor for re-appointment to a three-year contractual term.

The Council members then consulted with the City Attorney and Director of Administration regarding the status of the Pensell litigation and an issue that had arisen regarding the attorney-client privilege information recently obtained from the Brown, Brown, and Young law firm files.

The Mayor, Director of Administration, and Chief of Staff then left the closed session. The Council members discussed the appointment of the Council President and consulted with the City Attorney for legal advice regarding same.

Action taken: General consensus was reached but no formal votes were taken.

Motion to Adjourn and return to open session in order take the vote in open session. Passed: Vote 6-0.

Closed Session adjourned at 8:38 PM.

Chapter 127 - Peddling and Soliciting Suggestions from Chuck Maslin - 410-459-6463 These suggestions are based on the proposed changes as provided to me on 7/7/21 127-10 Food Truck Operator Proposed: "Includes any vendor that sells any sort of food product for consumption in the City limits, from a truck, trailer, mobile smoker/grill or pull-behind cart such as a hot dog cart. Consider This: "Includes any operator that sells or gives away any sort of food or

beverage product for individual consumption, from any form of food truck, trailer,

mobile smoker/grill or push cart, bicycle vending unit, golf cart, or any other transient

or mobile food operation." Any operator who seeks to conduct business in any location

other than directly adjacent to its local Havre de Grace business property, must comply

with Section 127-10.

127-7 end of line 1 add: .....after state license.."other than Health Department licenses"... Comment: This removes a possible loophole that could result in not having to pay fees

under certain licensing scenarios.

127-7B do not include food trucks in this exemption. 127-8 Hours of Operation. Proposed: "It shall be unlawful for any peddler, hawker, itinerant vendor, transient merchant, solicitor or food truck operator to operate within the City of Havre de Grace between the hours of 8:00 pm and 8:00 am. Consider This: "It shall be unlawful for any peddler, hawker, itinerant vendor,

transient merchant, solicitor to operate within the City of Havre de Grace between the

hours of 8:00 pm and 8:00 am or for any food truck operator to operate within the City

of Havre de Grace between the hours of 12:00 am and 7:30 am. No food truck is

permitted to park overnight within the designated food truck spaces.

Comment: This allows the possibility of operating during some prime hours which could

encourage more late night patronage at local businesses. This will not interfere with

residential areas as the food truck locations are strictly controlled.

127-10 A a - Looks good! b - Looks good! c - Consider This: "Food truck operator's must obtain a license to operate at any of the City's approved locations. (Exhibit A) c - Consider This: Hutchins Park is a decent location North park is probably never

going to get used in the foreseeable future as it will not have the necessary customer

count. If you want to make this work, add some spots by Tydings Park, or consider

putting 2 spots at David Craig Park.

f - Delete: Does not need to be there. You have covered this when you limited the locations. g - Proposed: "Food truck operator's will not display any signature other than what is lettered on his/her or her food truck and up to two sandwich-style boards or similar signs for the purpose of posting a food menu. Such sandwich board sighs must be located no further than 15 feet from the food truck. I really am not sure what that means, lol

Consider This: "All food truck operators are required to display legible signage stating all prices. All signage must be attached to the food truck with the exception of 2 sandwich board menus which must be placed within 15 feet of the food truck and not blocking the sidewalk or other food trucks. h. Proposed: "Food truck operators must be self contained, meaning that all water, wastewater and electric shall be produced and managed by the food truck Consider this: "Food truck operators must be self contained. No food trucks are

permitted to connect to City water, electric or sewer and must remove all trash, waste

water and used cooking oil from the premises

i. Remove this as covered above B. License Term and Conditions Proposed: "It A license shall be issued under this Chapter for a period of 90 days The license shall be $50.00 per 90 day period per truck i. Locations will be assigned on a first come -first serve basis. b. Renewals will only be accepted within 5 business days of an expiring license. Comment: this has several implications that could become a problem. For one, it

allows City employees to determine who is allowed to participate. Consider This: "It A license shall be issued under this Chapter for a period of 90 days a. The license shall be $50.00 per 30 day period per truck, or $150.00 per year per truck. b. The purchase and possession of a City license does not promise or guarantee an available food truck parking space on any particular day. c. Locations will be available on a first come -first serve basis. No food trucks can park between the hours or 12:30 am and 7:00 am. C. Approved City Special Events. Proposed: \a. Any approved City Special Event, whereby a food truck operator wishes to participate will require a separate participation fee. Consider this: "a. No provisions of this Chapter shall apply in any way to food trucks operating at any approved City Special Events Comment: This is not needed, if denied it goes to Board of Appeals. No criteria listed

for sending to Council. Why would Council want to get involved in the approval
