Citizens Committee Meeting #10 October 15, 2015. Agenda 1.Project Update Minutes - Special Meeting – Sept. 30 th 2.RDOS Planning and Development Committee

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1)Project Update What’s happened since we last met

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Citizens Committee Meeting #10 October 15, 2015 Agenda 1.Project Update Minutes - Special Meeting Sept. 30 th 2.RDOS Planning and Development Committee follow-up Draft OCP in general Green Mountain Road Citizens Committee resolution Other follow-up 3.OCP Review Development Permit Areas (DPAs) Environmentally Sensitive DPA Watercourse DPA OCP Implementation 4.Next Meeting Final Open House! 1)Project Update Whats happened since we last met Project Overview we are here 1.) Project Update Planning & Development Committee Presentation follow-up Draft OCP Green Mountain Road Citizens Committee Resolution to re-designate selected parcels LH Other follow up 1.) Project Update Additional revisions o Citizens Committee input bicycle safety (shoulder paving, Granfondo, etc.) uranium mining surface water and Skaha Lake drinking water o RDOS staff input Minor refinements and revisions to Local Area involving termination of Land Use Contracts Minor refinement of Growth Management to match residential capacity assessment approach used for Area D-2 and H o Other stakeholders DRAO - minor revisions (wording) 2)OCP Review Revised sections and new sections 2.)OCP Review 23.2 Environmentally Sensitive DPAs o To be consistent across RDOS o D-1 is the template o Revised map Schedule o Legal review and stakeholder review (e.g., South Okanagan Stewardship and Conservation Program; Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources Operations) 2.)OCP Review 23.3 Watercourse DPAs o To be consistent across RDOS o D-1 is the template o Revised map Schedule o Legal review and stakeholder review (e.g., South Okanagan Stewardship and Conservation Program; Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources Operations) 2.)OCP Review Section 24 OCP Implementation 24.2 Refinement and amendment process o To be consistent across RDOS o Identifies potential future OCP additions 24.3 Zoning Bylaw o Identifies required updates 24.6 Follow-up Studies and Initiatives o Identifies planned activities in OCP and outlines a general timeline for their implementation 24.7 Discharge of Land Use Contracts o Identifies LUCs to be terminated and OCP designations to replace them 3)Next Meeting When and where 3.)Next Meeting Open House! In person Kaleden Elementary School Wednesday, November 18 5pm to 8pm THANK YOU!