VOL. CI -NO. 149 ALEXANDRIA, VA.. MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 25, 1900. PRICE 2 CTS. MEDICINA!.. The life U LB* business woman ia not easy. Veually it ia a nionotonou· routine of work, oftan aggravated by the ill tamper or etupidity of other«. And when the physical con- «iition of the wom¬ an keeps bar is constant suffering, it make· her lot a hard one. So many women and entire relief from the ills feininloa, by the use of Dr. L-, s Favorit· Prescription, that it . at cximinal to neglect the tunity of a «gomplete cure offered ? this uieüicine. re invited to consult Dr. R. V. G :lïalo. ?. Y., either person¬ al - I letter free of charge. If your severa or others have failed to ot heeitate to write to or go Dr. Pierce. Your letter will be private, its content· treated as I confidence, and an answer »« : timed in a plain envelope .; no printing upon it. Write t feai .md without fee. jreat «ulTercr from female weak- two y«aar«,·' writes Mr*. Km ma f Go·*, Wavne Co., Ky. "Could .. tmrt of the time. I took four lHerae*· riptiofl ive rtlao : G?-rce's al Uia- '.:,«.· ration roat with I half . ..red ray I could ) ..i'.OW." ;. rmaaent to health Ihe timely ? Ihcrcc's Is is testified thousand! They the stomach, liver and bowels» ill medicine dealers. GOVERNOR'S PROCLAMATION. Commrjnwealtb of Virginia, Governor'« Offioe, January 13, 1000. '. ii a ve been more or less troubled with <>n. but since the use of Otterburn h Water for over a month have been iy relieved and 1 think it principally ? to the efficacv of the wator. I cheerful- .mmond it." J. HOGE TYLER. up· t? ? tondent of Public Instruction «ays : ¡re to bear MJtimony to the great ue of tho Otterburn Lithia Water of .' null· county. In my own person I have f miid thi« water very beneficial in indige« «m and gout JOS. W. 800THALL, M. D. Dr. George Ben. Johnston, says ; I ase it In gout, rheumatism, dyspesia. thaemia, and all form« of renal and bladder troubles. I prescribe no mineral water so freely as the Otterburn." Dr J. G. Trevillian saya: "Several of my eases of kidney trouble have unproved m^ra rapidly under the use of the Otterburn Water than Bethesda or Buffalo Lithia." Statte Chemist Speaks. 'This spring is of the Calcic-sfagnesio Alkaline clues of waters.waters which are of approved efficacy in a vaiiety of diaordors, es¬ pecially of the digestive and urinary o'gans." WM. H. TAYLOR, M. D, State Chemist. "I have found tbe Ottorburn Lithia very naaral in my practice." WM M. SMITH. M. D. "I regard Otterburn Lithia Water as one of he most valuable mineral wate·· on the i.iarket and use it extensively in my practice." HUGH MoJUIRE, tf. D. Sold by Claude M. Lennon, Sole Agt. 604 KING «STREBT. mhSljîm_ For OrerFtftY Toar· At* Old awd Wki.l-Tb.ikd RjrM«DY..Mr· vVinslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty year· by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success, It soothes the child, softens the gum·, «Hays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the beat ? ·?t?ß«1t for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the I ita, Solo by Druggieia in every part of th· «vorld, Twenty-five cent· a botti·. It· valu· incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Wins· ?·»? Soothing Svrup and »ak· ether kind. l»n17«»«s*wÌT» Mnall in sise and great in results are De- Witt's Little Early Biaera, the famou« little pills that cleanse the liver and bowels. Thoy do not gripo. llreutt with yon whether you eontlnoe thjv, ni-rvp-klllliiK<'»l'a<-r"b*r>lt. WO-Tltt-BAJ' -" remove· the dim«·.· for tobacco, wlr' nut rurvi'Umllntr«···, eiin-UnlfOv -"0 blood, tine, purities tli .ture« li.it manhood, rn*Kee you strong in hi alth,m and pocket- too·. Mas« ???,a?? cured, lluy O TO BAC from _ "own dru(t(ri·». who 111 Touch for m. Take with .., patiently, perslntently Or.«^ .-, SI. usually cur·· ¡ S boxe·, «i M, guaranteed to eure, or we refund money. Surine sxbwijc·., oka·««, «¦¦sali I»w «<¦*. w '8 GG ECLIPSES ALL. ?. T???? A CO. High Grade COAL AND WOOD. Leave your orders at OFFICE, 629 KING STREET, Wo are paying special attention io orders for'fainily use. _. ...» Office aud Wharves, foot of Princess street. T.dephopes. Bell and_Hoa»¡J>7!_ INO. p. ROBINSON. GEO.S. FRENCH President. Secretary. Alexandria Fertilizer and Chemical Company, MANUFACTURERS OF Fertilizers, Fertilizer Materials and Blue Windsor Ground Plaster, PRINCE» STREET. BETWEEN UNION AND LEE. ^4 LULiàMOBU. VA. $J**4ttdria 4******< POBLraHHn daix* and tbi-wbbkj.v Ai t****tt« Building. 810 J* Sia Prtno* at TERMS: I>AIL». | T«U-W«UÉKLT. J *'*':·.»5 0O| ? Year.$3 oo 5 *ionth». * 60 Months. 1 5X1 Y »onths. 1 *6 I 3 Month*_ 75 ! ¦e"tt>. 43 I 1 Month. 26 i Week. io| All transient adverti«eiu%ufk man» nalrt lor in ad vaiut. ' eetiact advertiaer* will not be allowed to ex> oeed the.r *u»e* auie.se the exooa* i* paid for « transient rate«, an.': undei no ci renn «tancée wU! thoy be allowed to advertís* other than their logitimat* buain··* in tb* ¦pae» contracted for Marriage and death notu»* must ¡Hid ros m ad vano*. Boeolution« in memon&m. ot thank«, tribute* of respect, resolution« adopted by «oeieiif* or peneri», urjo*» of -ubile concern, will only be printed in th papar a* advertís*. ment*. G?* ß???tt» office u oonn^ied with tb* Telephone Exchangee. Advertisement·, or¬ ders f. - the paper, new« or any infonuat'.o ? or business can bo «en t by teloohcn*. Entered at the Portoffle:· Aloxandnrv, Vhr/lrj. ia. m second-class mutter. | EIGHTEEN YEARS FOR GILLIGAN The jury in the cs-e of A. C. Giliigan char.ed with the murder of C. Beverly Turner, brought in a verdie; Satuid > afternoon at Isle of Wight (\iurthouse of murder io tue ee-oot.d degree, with eighteen years in the penitentiary. The courthouse was packed to sulfccation b .t there was no demonstration. Ih; prisoner was commanded to eland. Gillmau, a well buia, athelenc, good- looking young man, arose, tcok « pos¬ iton beside a tabie, on which he placed one hand, and awaited hie fata with blanobeel face. It »as the only time he nad shown much emotion during tbe trial. His limits trembled slightly when the verdict was announctd. He did oot expect it. Hid bi.pt · had been ttouy. d up with the plea of self defence; bu. his faotrtClapsed into its usual look of indifference. He will take his case to the Court of Appeals The trial of Andrew Carter Gilligan for tb»> murder, -j) the night of December 27, 1S99. ol C. B.-verly Trrner created more mtft- eetin Virginia (hau any tiul since L'lu- verius was hung in Richmond for the murder of his pretty coin-in, Fannie Lil¬ lian Madison. Mr. Turner, his wife and daughter, Isabel, were at home on the night of December 27, when Mr. Turner took his lantern and r-t-Tttd toward bil stables, having stated tnat be might nay a visit to a neighbor who lived near him. A short time after his parture bis wife aud daughter heard the discharge of a gun, but biiving n> thought of danger they attributed the explosion to some belated celebrant of tbe Christmas festivities. Hours passed and Mr. Turner did oot return to bis family. Then in their minds fear found lodgment, and they summoned a boy, ami, mustering up courage, went out into the chill win* ter's night in search of the absent bus- band end father. A short distance from the door they discovered tbe body, with his life-blood dyeing tbe snow about him, while a sanguinary trail over tbe drifted eur· free led to bis hit and lantern at a spot near the baro. There be had doubtless stood when the gun that caused the ratal wound wae fired. It was evident that he had dragged his lacerated body nearly to his doorway, but the loss of blood was too creai, and the failing strength succumbed before be could at tract the attention of bis loved one? within. The neighbors were speedily sum¬ moned, and there was a mystery an to who could have murdered tbe popu'ar man in the shadow of his own home, aod iu the tpaiet tenor of his uin. b trtisive life. In casting about for a motiv > for the crime suspicion fell upon Gilligan, who was known to have been forbidden the freedom of Mr. Turner's home, which he once enjoyed aa a visitor to bis daughter Isabel, Gilligan was missing. Hie usual haunts were visited, and bis home watched, but no news of him could be obtaiued. Finally word urtine tbat he bad surrendered to the sheriff in Petersburg, and be was kept there until hia trial. C. Bdverly Turner was for years one of tbe most prominent citizens of Isle of Wight county. He was a man of edu¬ cation and refinement, and belonged to a family wbiob bas been prominent in Virginia for many years. He married Miss Agnes Thomas, a niece of Dr. William E. Peters, the distinguished professor of the Latí ? language and literature at the University of Virginia. Mr. Turner was also connected with the Pilkinton family which bas held a high position in Virginia for many yea..'. He was an uncle of Dr. D. Turner, one of the best known physi¬ cians in tbat section of Virginia and a prominent member of tbe Medical Society of Virginia and also a mem¬ ber of the Westmoreland Club, of Richmond. Mr. Turner's brotue-r is also a well-known busineis mao of large interests, owning a lar«. number of lumber mills whose output he ships to northern markets in vessel* oeloneing to himself. The Turner family has been exceedingly popthr in that section ti Virginia for several generations. Young Gillitran, wbo murdered Mr. Turner, is a son of an overseer. Gllli- gan's father was ?. faithful man in tbe employment of Mr. Turner and was a man of considerable executiveabilitt. Young Giligan was reared on the place and came and went at will since be IM a obihl He grew up to manhood, and became a tall, atHetic, fine looking fallow with clear-cut features. He cheesed well and had good manners. Mr. Turner's daughter Isabel promis¬ ed to he an exceedingly beautiful wom¬ an Woen she wus sixteen years ol age she was sent oil to Holline Insti¬ tute near Boanoke, and would have erraduated with the class of 1900. She wa8 »t, home for the Christmas nolidays when the tragedy happened. She is a tall, graceful girl. Her fig- gure is willowy, and has a mass ot sun¬ ny hair, deep blue eyes and fair skin. She is girlish in carriage, and her fig- ure is lithe and exceedingly graceful. Her demeanor has been extremely modest during her appearance at the trial, and as a witness she made a splen¬ did impression. She ia nineteen years DRY GOODS. KING'S PALACE l.'KY GOODS. _ ¦HEPARTMsWl htohks. Nos. Ml 2-14 Í event h and 715 .Market i>*c«\ WASHINGTON, D.O. Two Immense Shirt Waist Bargains Here are just two waist bargains that can¬ not be touched for real solid worthfulness. Must be seen to realize their value.so we urge an early inspection, Misses' 87c Waists,39c. 87c «Ladies' Waists,49c. 50 rioznn Misses' H hito Iadia Linen Waists .with four rows of Swiss intoning.French b*«k of tine tucks. A mo*t elaborately got ten up «arment.up to the inctne>t in style. Every watit is a bewuy-si.ii would in- bo consider« I ftoo I vulue at H7c. Poeci«! ** An nniisnallv fia· lot of l.aiics' Percale Wa'st« with slUvtr tin V-.id *ro»»t and bark and Dewey «allât.in -nur» snipes »nd pati ty checks. Every g<rnmnt bright, new »Ld interesting from any polst cf view. They fit most perfectly, »nd are a wonder ut. . AQr $10, $15 and $20 Suits, $5.50. Final redi etimi in Suit nricee Ladies' and Misses' finite ol Uroadcloth, Venetians, Homespun*. Cheviots, Series-all leading colon braid trimi plain. Jackets double- breasted fly front ri Ik lined ; inverted and boxed pleat back to the e«* irte. This ie the most re mar»able soil offer ol the period. They formerly sold at WO, $16 and *2o. Choice for .. $5.50 Wash Skirts Worth Up to $5, 85c. <Jroatost of sales of summer skirt- Ladies' Pique I Skirta.elegant for mimmer wear.in blue and and blue and polka doty; artistically cot and made thoi ill generously rail; most graceful han«;. In short, ordinarily »ella from *i.50 to 15.00. our Seno Price. and Duck 39c 19c Organdies, 12}£c. Lovely Sheer White < rrgandies.the tine, filmy kind, «rhich makes up so beautimlly These organdies are. u inches wide and cut up for dressta or costumée most economically. Not liK.·, i»ut l2je per yard. 98c and $1.25 Wrappers, 68c. King's Palace i- noted for its genuine sales, and Ihm· is an honest trade bringer. 60 dos. Ladies' Wrappers in Percale. Law ? and Batiste »and we offer 1<5 heantilul styles to select from. Some with double ruffles over shoulder-, finished with embroidery; others have pointed brettollcs.in light and dark patterns; well worth 96c to 11.25, for Mm. 75c Corsets, 49c. One lot of Warner's Cor»ete.in summer weight and coutil -double stay.heavilv boned.well strapped.lace trimmed.short and long lengths. 75c would be cheap.but King's Palace has decreed tho price to bo 49c. 10c Ribbed Vests, 5c. 600 Ladies' 8plon«lid Swiss liibbed Vests. fall bleached.whh drawing tape. This offer, ladies, is without pariilol.for every vestís worth 10c. Ou r price, 6c. KING'S PALACE DEPT. STORES, 812=814 7th Street. 715 Market Space. Washington, D. C. old, with features of classic refinement. Gilligan's demeanor In court bas been a little careless, but otherwise without urouud for criticism. On the stand hfs b havior has been unobtrusive, and h;s evidence has been giveu in an apparent¬ ly frank and straightforward mai.ner.He has never lost his nerve or his appetite, and seemee to enjoy his meals and bis cigarettes, which he smokes at eve· y opportunity ay much as if he were a lreo man. Would Not Suffer Ro Again for Fifty Ti un- Ite Fric«. I awoke last night with severe pains in my stomach. I never felt so badly in all my life. Wben I came down to work this morning I felt so weak I could hardly work. I went to Miller & MtCurdy's drug store and they re¬ commended Cnamberlain's Colic, Chol¬ era and Diarrnoea Remedy, It worked like manic and one dose fixed me al right. It certainly is tho finest thing I ever used for stomach trouble. I shall not be without it in my home hereafterl for I should not care to endure the euf, ferings of last night again for fifty time- its price..G. H. Wilson, Liverymans Burgettstown, Washington Co., Pa., Ibis remedy is for sale by all druggists. DOES IT PAY TO BUY CHEAP? A cheap remedy for coughs aod colds is all right, but you want something that will relieve and cure the more se¬ vere and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What sbal! you do? Go to a warmer and more regular climate? Yes, if possible, if not possi¬ ble for you, then in either case take the only remedy that has been introduced in all civilized countries with success in severe throat and lung troubles, ''Bos- chee's German Syrup." It not only heals and stimulates the tissues to de¬ stroy tbe germ disease, but allays In¬ flammation, causes easy expectoration, gives a good night's rest, and cures the patient. Try onk bottle. Recom¬ mended many yean ago by all druggists in tbe world. For sale by Ernest L. Allen, Clauti M. Lennon, Warfield & Hall, Charles G. Lennon, W. F. Creighton A Co., and Richard Gibson. Report* show th*t over fifteen huadred lives bave been saved through the use of Ore Minute e ough Cure. Host of these were cases of grippe, croan, *ítvin%, whooping cough bronchitis aud pneumonia. Its uariy use pre vents consumption. ARNOLD'» BRtiMvMJELaUiï. Try thi* unrivaled remedy for Headach··, Neuralgia, |]«*nl«*enea*. 10 oanta. flow Ar* Yonr Klonry« f Dr. Hobbe' Sparami« Pills fore all kit] dot Illa. Matta*. AcslWawUoa'kUMnMtvOn Chicaeoar M ILD CURED HAM8 »nd Breakfast Bacon, superior quality. Por sale by J. 0. MILBÜRN. CRANBERRIES..Fancy Cape Cod trail berries just received by _J. C MILBÜRN. CANNED LuBaTER, fresh, Just received by J. a MILBÜRN. _FURNITURE. GEI' YOUB BEFBKlEBATOB AND ICE r CHErVTS fr. m ?«. They are well con- «tructod and give poi íoct satisfaction. Ihe ice consumption it small. We have been handling tbo«tuie rankes for li! years The lines have been improved every season. All that use the. ZKBOor BALDWIN recommend them. Mm. B. W. Abiíoh'«ay« : "I havo been using the Z'-ro f<r a number of yours. It gives perfect satisfaction. Tho it» consump¬ tion is asaall " "Tho 3aldwin Be/rig« nitor purchased of you doos all you claim for it; keeps every¬ thing cool." Thor. Hoy. Mas. C, L. Padgett say« "The Zero Be- fiigorator is one I can recommend to every one requiring a 11rst-clafs article." We could name hundreds who have pur¬ chased Ice Chests and Eefrigerators from us and speak of tbem io the highest terms M.Ruben Of Sons, 001 KINO HTBEET. _OFFICIAL._ NOTICE T. · CITY TAX PAYKB8. Collector':) ( fll«e, June 18,1900. Notice fP hereby gJaaa that the tax bills for 1900 aio now in the bands of tbe collector. The attention of parties interested Is respect¬ fully called to the following extract from the revenue bill of that yean "Upon all bills paid in full by the 1st day of July, 1900, the Collector of Taxes shall allow a discount of ten («er cent., and on all bills paid by the 1st day of September, 1900, ho shall allow a discount of uve per cent., and on all bills not paid on the 1st day of December, 19O0, there shall be assessed and collected a pona'ty of rjvo per <xmt. upon tho amount of sind lulls, and on all bills remaining unpaid on the 1st day of Juno, 1901, damagos at the rate of tU por contum por annum shall be paid." Tax payers would do well to call and pay at onee in order to avoid tie rush and crowd usually present un the last days in which tho discount is allowed. Bring alletto make sure you get all bills for yonr property, as th»« tal lector will not be re¬ sponsible or allow the discount after tbe time nxtd by law. P. F. GOBMAN, jel8 2w Collector City Taxe·. No Questions Asked. You pay for what jou get and yon get all yoq pay for with the Pre-payment Gas Meter, in uso in ail the ptii ciiui mie· You can buy 25 cents worth of pa by this mrthod Uaa is economical gasoline and absolute¬ ly free from danger. Can be teen at J.A.&W.W.COGAN'S (Jm cocking and besting appiianoes. Oar- den Hose, «fcc A call solicited._my26 eoi m SHBIVEB'ri 6ILVKB BBAND EABLY JUNE PEAM, only ICo can at _W. ? WOOJJLS <& ???·ß\_ i ? .INVOICE OF FINE GUNPOWDEB V. TEA, just received by _J.&MILBDBM. COFFEES have advanced, but we are still selling them at old prions. J. 0. MILBÜBJÍ. CLOTHING, FURNISHLNGS^JkC^ CLOTHING FOK MEN & BOYS, In all the latest styles and most reasonable prices. Spring Samples For custom work now ready. All goods marked in plain figures. R. Lee Field, One-Price Clothier and FarniVher. No. 304 King street BOOTS AND SHOE«. A $3 SHOE FOR 80 CENTS We cannot sell; but we do «ell the BEST 81 IO Ed that can possibly bo put on the ma' ket for the money. If yon want something dead swell we can give it to you, If you want something eat wo baye It. li you want something no other merchant in town ha« got come to M for ft. Ladies, neo our High Boots for short «kirii See our Une of Oxfords. Price 76c to $3. French Heel Evening 81ippers, kid and patent leather. Gentlemen, see our line of Heea fino Shoe* at $3./>0, $4 and |6. Patent Leather Oxford« *3, $3.50 $4 and $5. We «till have some Clothing left which we will sell below manufacturers' cost to close. J. A. Marshall &.Bro.« Leading Up»to date Shoe Dealers, 422 King street. EXCURSIONS. Indian Head Trips AND Marshall Hall. KTEAMKB (HABLES MACA LESTER Every THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY At 7 p. m. from Seed's Wharf. Fare Round Trip, 26 ct*. jelS lm BUILDING MATERIAL^ ^????G ? 00. (Successors to J. Rector 8moot * Co.) Sri»« FLOORING 4 PLANING HILL Mana facturar* ai XK)R '-ND WINDOW FRAMES, M0U1D uree,«·, DKALfcüS IN LUMBER, 8HIN0LJW, L^i'HS, NAILfc, LIME. CALCINED PI ASTER and CEMENTI No. 25 north Union strati, Alexandria, Va. Lumber dailTarad he* la thadty._ [ESTABLISHED 1822.] Henry K. Field à Co., Sue centers to J08IAH H, D. 8M00T. Lumber and Mill Work OF ALL KINDS. Office and Yard 115 N. Union street Factory No. 113 N. Lee «treet ¿*J«T*Material Delivered FBEE in the city. FOUNDER* AND MACHINISTS. ? <k ?. AJTCHESON, Practical Machinists and Engineer «jod Builders *f MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINES Blsy-xsmithlng and Steam Fitting, lin· ginaars' and Machinist·'Supplie*, and all sorts .f mill work and that connected with brick¬ work promptly ax*c:ited. Repairing prompt¬ ly don*. i.AH. AJTCfl EtìON, mylO_ 116 Ring «t, Alexandria, Va, \yM. 8. MÚOÜ, Machinist, iron and Brass Pounder, ß???ß??? AND BLACKSMITH, old oottonow woasi, dOLTH UNION tfTREET, ALEXANDRIA Will furnish and repair all kind« of Machina· ry, Iron and Biase Castings, Wrought and Cast Iron Fences, Mill Work, Ship and Black· smithing. Edge Tools, Mill Picks, Facing Han· mar«. vi all kinds of Mil! Work made and re· pairea at ta* «honest notk* and at reasonable ¦rio**, tW Th* highaat mark·! prie* paid for Ole Wrought and Oast Iron. Brasa and Cwptwr. HEINZ« PICKL.rS..A fine «¿sortuun of Meint's bottled Picklee, Sauces «od ( ¿tsar* ju«l received by _._J. U MILBUBN BstOOMS LOWER..All Brooms marked down 10 to lS^a per cent at ___J. C MILBUBN«. PALO ALTO CARNATION PINK re osi ved today by WA&FIXLD A HALL. _OKYQOOOS.^_I_DRY GOODS. SWAN'BEOS, SUCCESSORS TO J. R. CH-^Fl^AlSr KING NEAR PITT STREET. ONE PRICE ONLY. Your money refuruled cheerfully on any unsatisfactory purchase. We ar«· always prepared to cash railroad checks, school teachers' check* and pension checks gratis. White Goods. .? ·: 15c yard. Wo offer at specially reduced prioes'two pieces very pretty white got Is, 28-in. wide, very suitable for waists, «special price. White Duck. We are showing «osse elegant qualitr White Duch, 30-in. wide, just the proper material for summer skirt·. Exceptionally low in price for like quality. 10c and 12 l-2c yard. Linen Crash. Beco! ved recently is several pieces of Linea Crash. For skirts. Elegant quality, and guai· anteed all linen. 12 1-2, 20, and 25c yd, Waist Linen. We oiler a tenulne bargain in Waist Linen, n material which :s very sheer and suitable for wslsU Wort h 2«5c a yard. Only 12 l-2e yd. Butchers' Linen. The best quality White Butchers' Linen. 35c yd. Bosom Linen. An unusually fine quality Shirt Bosom Lin¬ en. Every thread guarantied. All pure linen, 36-h>. wide. s 50c yd. Toweling. A good Cotton Crash for 5c yd. Linen Crash. All Linen Crash for towels, splendid quality 6,8, 10 and 12-12c yd. India Linen. We have three excellent bargains 40-in India Linen«, all splendid quality, and very low in prico. 6 1-2, 8 1-2 and 10c yd. Mosquito Netting. All colors of Mosquito Netting, tbe bes. quality. Sold by tho yard or by the I oil, 8 yards to the boll. 45c. Velvet Ribbon. White polka dot Velvet B;bbon. latin back Yery fine quality. 22 and 25c yd. White Satin Ribbon. lity of iiches wii 39c yd. An extra quality of double face White Satin Bibbon, 3 luche· wido. Very reesonble for this quality. Rí-mnents. We ofTer many SPECIAL BABOAlVHiri remuants. l.ots of them will be found near the half price mark -as folio·« Light »nd dark Calico«.....41·*«· Yard. Good hootch Lawn*...4'^c Elegant Dimity Lawns....MM...7 ' Good Apron Gingham.m.IV: One yard wide Percale*.O^c " Good Diet» Ginghams.N.tl'y Bates' Seersucker Ginghams.??^? " Splendi Wbito Pian«.7V " _.î»V " -.lav Elegant White Or«, indie.10e Chock and striped white Diroityji'isi .7 V " .' 9V Gcod UnMeached Cotton.8*%· Heavy Cotton Crash.~.4c Insertings aud Edn.ng«.«.6«! .6c ,7c Men's Department. We endeavor to koep a line of evorything stylish ami up-to-date tor the men folks, and quote a few e, odale bo below. Men's Summer-weight Cambric Night Kob. ? Very light and coo). 50c each. Men's finest quality Cambric Night Bobe«. 75c each. Tbe now Bubbor Collars, far superior to celluloid. Very durable and comfortable. 25c each. Men's host Suspenders. 25 and 50c. Men's Balbriggan Summer Utxierwear 50c suit. Men's fine Lisle Underwear. sl.00 suit. SPECIAL. Wo h.vo aaTstol doaen MEN'S HIGH- GBADE 8HIBTH. witi sallan attached, which we have reduced from 75c to 49c each. Washington Stores, 1810 and 2808 Fourteenth st. DRY GOODS. SEASONABLE ?????AMS AND MADRAS, handsome line, light weight and fait color«, for phlrt waists, S, 10 and,124e. PERCALES, 1 yard wide, 8 to 12èc 40-inch SEERSUCKER, So. PIQUES, sometting extra at prices, 10, 124.15 and 25c. DUCK, iu plain white, 10c yd. 40-inch DUCK, reduced to 11! COTTON 00VEST CLOTH, CRASH, 4:., 'it skirts. STRIPED MUSLINS, Satin and Lece Stripes, very handsome, at 10 and 12*r. REMNANT8-Dim<tiea and Checked and Striped Maglina-at 20 per eent. lea* than regular prices.8 and 10.·. INDIA LINENS, regular width«, 5, ß, ?, 10, 12L 15 »o 20c. INDIA LINENS. 40 inches wide, «peci«I values 10c and 12'^c. WHITE ORGANDIE, 10 and 18c. UNBLEACHED COTTON, 1 jard wide special value, 6c. Summer Underwear, LADIES' RIBBED VESTS at 6, 10, Iti to 25c SUMMER OOR8HT8 at 50c and tl Long «nd «hort-waltted. FINE LINE OF HOSIERY of all kinds at all prices. UUBRELLA8 at 50c, 75c, $1, fl.25, and $1.50 up. Prices warraa'cd tbe lowest. A.C.SLÄYMAKER 429 KINO 8TBKET. It Eclipses aiiOther Brands - «£*·«<*·«». I* the verdict of ail hoosewives, bake« and confectioner* who have uatd the Globe Mills Flour for breadmaking or cake. It i* uomrDaawd In choioe qu»hty, because it i* ground from the beet winter wheat that raised, *nd bj the best process to retain all the nutriment of tbe grain. JNO. W. EMMEKT A CO., Union street 'Phone·.Bell 29; Home 148. _SUMMER REPORTS Massanetta Springs, Nejar Harrieonbur^, V«. FI nett Anii-Malaiisl and Anti-Mont Water in this country. Fir»t-d*«< t ble. excellent bed« «nd pure »ir. Season opone June 15. Col. WM.T. ROBINS, jell eolm Proprietor. Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs, WEST VIRGINIA Open JUNE 15th to SEPTEMBER 15th Tbe groat central point of reunion for tbe beat society of the North, South, East and West. $40,000 worth of improvement« for this sea* «oo. Modern plumbing. Private baths ;«ew iJ-hole golf course, with ? rotas« ion« in charge. Write for illustrated booklet HARRINOTON M'LLJ, je2 lm_M»n«i¡«r. Atlantic City, NEW JKRSKY. HOTEL RICHMOND, KENTUCKY AVENUE. FOUR DOORS FROM SEA. A comfortable, well appointed hotel, with excellent cuisinn, electric elevator, Ac. ?. H. MAOERS, Prop. CHAS. ?. PEASE, Manager, my lo 4m Wall Papers AND Window Shades IF YOU WANT FIRST-CLASS WALL PAl'ELfc, W NÜOW SHADES AND MOQL'ITO NEI MOSQUITO NET CANOPI! S ALL SI/. £8 From the beet manufacturer«, go to the Old Reliable »tore. PatablUhed JBS4 ». JOHN P. CLARKE, my22 tf_6HIb|i » V». Exchange & Ballard. OPEN DAY AND NIUHT. Furni«hcd room» for rent and boarder« «ranicd. EVERYTHINO FIPST-CLArS. The CABVaL CELEBRATED WHJ *Y m specialty. Call and inspect fer yourselve-. Rooms and board $1^ per month upwards Telepboao 155. EDWIN TOBIN, PROPRILTOB. |e7 lm_ THE NEW WHITE COTO »LINK re. cel«*«d tod»* PT_J CANNED.SHRJMP, jut recelv.*i by jr. MILLUkV,- CHOICE EVAPORATED a PI'L-rX he psr |h_ at W. P. »Ol L8 ? HON'e. FRESH GRAHAM FLOUR received tra day by J C. MILBÜRN

CI -NO. $J**4ttdria 4******< CLOTHING SWAN'BEOS, · VOL. CI -NO. 149 ALEXANDRIA, VA.. MONDAY EVENING,JUNE25, 1900. PRICE2 CTS. MEDICINA!.. The life U LB* business woman ia noteasy

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The life U LB*business woman ianot easy. Veuallyit ia a nionotonou·routine of work,oftan aggravatedby the ill tamperor etupidity ofother«. And whenthe physical con-«iition of the wom¬an keeps bar isconstant suffering,it make· her lot ahard one.So many women

and entire relief from the illsfeininloa, by the use of Dr.

L-, s Favorit· Prescription, that it. at cximinal to neglect the

tunity of a «gomplete cure offered? this uieüicine.

re invited to consult Dr. R. V.G :lïalo. ?. Y., either person¬

al - I letter free of charge. If yoursevera or others have failed to

ot heeitate to write to or goDr. Pierce. Your letter will beprivate, its content· treated asI confidence, and an answer

»« : timed in a plain envelope.; no printing upon it. Writet feai .md without fee.

jreat «ulTercr from female weak-two y«aar«,·' writes Mr*. Kmma

f Go·*, Wavne Co., Ky. "Could.. tmrt of the time. I took four

lHerae*·riptioflive rtlao

: G?-rce'sal Uia-

'.:,«.· rationroat with

I half. ..red ray

I could) I« ..i'.OW."

;. rmaaentto health

Ihe timely? Ihcrcc's

Is is testifiedthousand!

Theythe stomach, liver and bowels»ill medicine dealers.


PROCLAMATION.Commrjnwealtb of Virginia,

Governor'« Offioe,January 13, 1000.

'. ii ave been more or less troubled with<>n. but since the use of Otterburn

h Water for over a month have beeniy relieved and 1 think it principally

? to the efficacv of the wator. I cheerful-.mmond it."

J. HOGE TYLER.up· t? ?tondent of Public Instruction «ays :

¡re to bear MJtimony to the greatue of tho Otterburn Lithia Water of

.' null· county. In my own person I havef miid thi« water very beneficial in indige««m and gout

JOS. W. 800THALL, M. D.Dr. George Ben. Johnston, says ;

I ase it In gout, rheumatism, dyspesia.thaemia, and all form« of renal and bladder

troubles. I prescribe no mineral water so

freely as the Otterburn."Dr J. G. Trevillian saya:"Several of my eases of kidney trouble have

unproved m^ra rapidly under the use of theOtterburn Water than Bethesda or BuffaloLithia."

Statte Chemist Speaks.'This spring is of the Calcic-sfagnesio

Alkaline clues of waters.waters which are ofapproved efficacy in a vaiiety of diaordors, es¬

pecially of the digestive and urinary o'gans."WM. H. TAYLOR, M. D,

State Chemist."I have found tbe Ottorburn Lithia very

naaral in my practice."WM M. SMITH. M. D.

"I regard Otterburn Lithia Water as one ofhe most valuable mineral wate·· on thei.iarket and use it extensively in my practice."


Sold by Claude M. Lennon, Sole Agt.604 KING «STREBT.

mhSljîm_For OrerFtftY Toar·

At* Old awd Wki.l-Tb.ikd RjrM«DY..Mr·vVinslow's Soothing Syrup has been used forover fifty year· by millions of mothers fortheir children while teething, with perfectsuccess, It soothes the child, softens the gum·,«Hays all pain, cures wind colic, and is thebeat ? ·?t?ß«1t for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to theI ita, Solo by Druggieia in every part of th·«vorld, Twenty-five cent· a botti·. It· valu·I« incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Wins·?·»? Soothing Svrup and »ak· n· ether kind.l»n17«»«s*wÌT»Mnall in sise and great in results are De-

Witt's Little Early Biaera, the famou« littlepills that cleanse the liver and bowels. Thoydo not gripo.llreutt with yon whether you eontlnoe thjv,ni-rvp-klllliiK<'»l'a<-r"b*r>lt. WO-Tltt-BAJ'


remove· the dim«·.· for tobacco, wlr'nut rurvi'Umllntr«···, eiin-UnlfOv

-"0 blood,tine, purities tli.ture« li.it manhood,rn*Kee you strongin hi alth,mand pocket-too·.

Mas«???,a??cured, lluy

OTO BAC from_ "own dru(t(ri·». who

111 Touch form. Take 1» with.., patiently, perslntently Or.«^

.-, SI. usually cur·· ¡ S boxe·, «i M,guaranteed to eure, or we refund money.

Surine sxbwijc·., oka·««, «¦¦sali I»w «<¦*.




Leave your orders at

OFFICE, 629 KING STREET,Wo are paying special attention io orders

for'fainily use. _. ...»

Office aud Wharves, foot of Princess street.

T.dephopes. Bell and_Hoa»¡J>7!_INO. p. ROBINSON. GEO.S. FRENCH

President. Secretary.

Alexandria Fertilizerand ChemicalCompany,


Fertilizers, Fertilizer Materials and

Blue Windsor Ground Plaster,PRINCE» STREET. BETWEEN UNION


$J**4ttdria 4******<POBLraHHn daix* and tbi-wbbkj.v Ai

t****tt« Building.810 J* Sia Prtno* atTERMS:

I>AIL». | T«U-W«UÉKLT.J *'*':·.»5 0O| ? Year.$3 oo5 *ionth». * 60 <¡ Months. 1 5X1Y »onths. 1 *6 I 3 Month*_ 75! ¦e"tt>. 43 I 1 Month. 26iWeek. io|All transient adverti«eiu%ufk man» n» nalrt lor

in ad vaiut.' eetiact advertiaer* will not be allowed to ex>

oeed the.r *u»e* auie.se the exooa* i* paid for« transient rate«, an.': undei no ci renn«tancée wU! thoy be allowed to advertís*other than their logitimat* buain··* in tb*¦pae» contracted for

Marriage and death notu»* must h« ¡Hid rosm advano*.

Boeolution« in memon&m. ot thank«, tribute*of respect, resolution« adopted by «oeieiif*or peneri», urjo*» of -ubile concern, willonly be printed in th papar a* advertís*.ment*.

G?* ß???tt» office u oonn^ied with tb*Telephone Exchangee. Advertisement·, or¬ders f. - the paper, new« or any infonuat'.o ?or business can bo «en t by teloohcn*.Entered at the Portoffle:· Aloxandnrv, Vhr/lrj.ia. m second-class mutter. |

EIGHTEEN YEARS FORGILLIGANThe jury in the cs-e of A. C. Giliigan

char.ed with the murder of C. BeverlyTurner, brought in a verdie; Satuid >afternoon at Isle of Wight (\iurthouseof murder io tue ee-oot.d degree, witheighteen years in the penitentiary. Thecourthouse was packed to sulfccationb .t there was no demonstration. Ih;prisoner was commanded to eland.Gillmau, a well buia, athelenc, good-looking young man, arose, tcok « pos¬iton beside a tabie, on which he placedone hand, and awaited hie fata withblanobeel face. It »as the only time henad shown much emotion during tbetrial. His limits trembled slightly whenthe verdict was announctd. He didoot expect it. Hid bi.pt · had beenttouy. d up with the plea of self defence;bu. his faotrtClapsed into its usual lookof indifference. He will take his caseto the Court of Appeals The trial ofAndrew Carter Gilligan for tb»> murder,-j) the night of December 27, 1S99. olC. B.-verly Trrner created more mtft-eetin Virginia (hau any tiul since L'lu-verius was hung in Richmond for themurder of his pretty coin-in, Fannie Lil¬lian Madison.Mr. Turner, his wife and daughter,

Isabel, were at home on the night ofDecember 27, when Mr. Turner tookhis lantern and r-t-Tttd toward bilstables, having stated tnat be mightnay a visit to a neighbor who livednear him. A short time after his d·parture bis wife aud daughter heardthe discharge of a gun, but biiving n>

thought of danger they attributed theexplosion to some belated celebrant oftbe Christmas festivities.Hours passed and Mr. Turner did

oot return to bis family. Then in theirminds fear found lodgment, and theysummoned a boy, ami, mustering upcourage, went out into the chill win*ter's night in search of the absent bus-band end father.A short distance from the door they

discovered tbe body, with his life-blooddyeing tbe snow about him, while a

sanguinary trail over tbe drifted eur·

free led to bis hit and lantern at a spotnear the baro. There be had doubtlessstood when the gun that caused theratal wound wae fired. It was evidentthat he had dragged his lacerated bodynearly to his doorway, but the loss ofblood was too creai, and the failingstrength succumbed before be could attract the attention of bis loved one?

within.The neighbors were speedily sum¬

moned, and there was a mystery an towho could have murdered tbe popu'arman in the shadow of his own home,aod iu the tpaiet tenor of his uin. btrtisive life.In casting about for a motiv > for the

crime suspicion fell upon Gilligan, whowas known to have been forbidden thefreedom of Mr. Turner's home, whichhe once enjoyed aa a visitor to bisdaughter Isabel,

Gilligan was missing. Hie usualhaunts were visited, and bis homewatched, but no news of him could beobtaiued. Finally word urtine tbat hebad surrendered to the sheriff inPetersburg, and be was kept there untilhia trial.

C. Bdverly Turner was for years one

of tbe most prominent citizens of Isle of

Wight county. He was a man of edu¬cation and refinement, and belonged toa family wbiob bas been prominent in

Virginia for many years. He marriedMiss Agnes Thomas, a niece of Dr.William E. Peters, the distinguishedprofessor of the Latí? language andliterature at the University of Virginia.Mr. Turner was also connected withthe Pilkinton family which bas held a

high position in Virginia for manyyea..'. He was an uncle of Dr. D.

Turner, one of the best known physi¬cians in tbat section of Virginia and a

prominent member of tbe MedicalSociety of Virginia and also a mem¬

ber of the Westmoreland Club,of Richmond. Mr. Turner's brotue-r

is also a well-known busineismao of large interests, owning a lar«.

number of lumber mills whose outputhe ships to northern markets in vessel*oeloneing to himself. The Turnerfamily has been exceedingly popthrin that section ti Virginia for severalgenerations.Young Gillitran, wbo murdered Mr.

Turner, is a son of an overseer. Gllli-

gan's father was ?. faithful man in tbe

employment of Mr. Turner and was a

man of considerable executiveabilitt.Young Giligan was reared on the placeand came and went at will since be IM

a obihl He grew up to manhood, andbecame a tall, atHetic, fine lookingfallow with clear-cut features. Hecheesed well and had good manners.

Mr. Turner's daughter Isabel promis¬ed to he an exceedingly beautiful wom¬an Woen she wus sixteen years ol

age she was sent oil to Holline Insti¬tute near Boanoke, and would have

erraduated with the class of 1900. She

wa8 »t, home for the Christmas nolidayswhen the tragedy happened.She is a tall, graceful girl. Her fig-

gure is willowy, and has a mass ot sun¬

ny hair, deep blue eyes and fair skin.

She is girlish in carriage, and her fig-ure is lithe and exceedingly graceful.Her demeanor has been extremely

modest during her appearance at the

trial, and as a witness she made a splen¬did impression. She ia nineteen years



¦HEPARTMsWl htohks.Nos. Ml 2-14 Í event h and 715

.Market i>*c«\WASHINGTON, D.O.

Two Immense Shirt Waist BargainsHere are just two waist bargains that can¬

not be touched for real solid worthfulness.Must be seen to realize their value.so we

urge an early inspection,Misses' 87c Waists,39c. 87c «Ladies' Waists,49c.50 rioznn Misses' H hito Iadia Linen Waists

.with four rows of Swiss intoning.Frenchb*«k of tine tucks. A mo*t elaborately gotten up «arment.up to the inctne>t in style.Every watit is a bewuy-si.ii would in-bo consider« I ftoo I vulue at H7c. Poeci«! **

An nniisnallv fia· lot of l.aiics' PercaleWa'st« with slUvtr tin V-.id *ro»»t and barkand Dewey «allât.in -nur» snipes »nd patity checks. Every g<rnmnt bright, new »Ldinteresting from any polst cf view. They fitmost perfectly, »nd are a wonder ut. . AQr

$10, $15 and $20 Suits, $5.50.Final redi etimi in Suit nricee Ladies' and Misses' finite ol Uroadcloth,

Venetians, Homespun*. Cheviots, Series-all leadingcolon braid trimi plain. Jackets double-breasted fly front riIk lined ; inverted andboxed pleat back to the e«* irte. This ie the most remar»able soil offer ol the period. They formerly soldat WO, $16 and *2o. Choice for ..

$5.50Wash Skirts Worth Up to $5, 85c.<Jroatost of sales of summer skirt- Ladies' Pique I

Skirta.elegant for mimmer wear.in blue and and blueand polka doty; artistically cot and made thoi ill

generously rail; most graceful han«;. In short,ordinarily »ella from *i.50 to 15.00. our SenoPrice.

and Duck

39c19c Organdies, 12}£c.

Lovely Sheer White < rrgandies.the tine, filmy kind, «rhich makes upso beautimlly These organdies are. u inches wide and cut up for dresstaor costumée most economically. Not liK.·, i»ut l2je per yard.

98c and $1.25 Wrappers, 68c.King's Palace i- noted for its genuine sales, and Ihm· is an honest trade

bringer.60 dos. Ladies' Wrappers in Percale. Law ? and Batiste»and we offer 1<5

heantilul styles to select from. Some with double ruffles over shoulder-,finished with embroidery; others have pointed brettollcs.in light and darkpatterns; well worth 96c to 11.25, for Mm.

75c Corsets, 49c.One lot of Warner's Cor»ete.in summer

weight and coutil -double stay.heavilvboned.well strapped.lace trimmed.shortand long lengths. 75c would be cheap.butKing's Palace has decreed tho price to bo 49c.

10c Ribbed Vests, 5c.600 Ladies' 8plon«lid Swiss liibbed Vests.

fall bleached.whh drawing tape. This offer,ladies, is without pariilol.for every vestísworth 10c. Ou r price, 6c.

KING'S PALACE DEPT. STORES,812=814 7th Street. 715 Market Space.

Washington, D. C.

old, with features of classic refinement.Gilligan's demeanor In court bas been

a little careless, but otherwise withouturouud for criticism. On the stand hfsb havior has been unobtrusive, and h;sevidence has been giveu in an apparent¬ly frank and straightforward mai.ner.Hehas never lost his nerve or his appetite,and seemee to enjoy his meals and biscigarettes, which he smokes at eve· yopportunity ay much as if he were

a lreo man.

Would Not Suffer Ro Again for FiftyTi un- Ite Fric«.

I awoke last night with severe painsin my stomach. I never felt so badlyin all my life. Wben I came down to

work this morning I felt so weak Icould hardly work. I went to Miller& MtCurdy's drug store and they re¬

commended Cnamberlain's Colic, Chol¬era and Diarrnoea Remedy, It workedlike manic and one dose fixed me alright. It certainly is tho finest thing Iever used for stomach trouble. I shallnot be without it in my home hereafterlfor I should not care to endure the euf,ferings of last night again for fifty time-its price..G. H. Wilson, LiverymansBurgettstown, Washington Co., Pa.,Ibis remedy is for sale by all druggists.

DOES IT PAY TO BUY CHEAP?A cheap remedy for coughs aod colds

is all right, but you want somethingthat will relieve and cure the more se¬

vere and dangerous results of throatand lung troubles. What sbal! you do?Go to a warmer and more regularclimate? Yes, if possible, if not possi¬ble for you, then in either case take theonly remedy that has been introducedin all civilized countries with success insevere throat and lung troubles, ''Bos-chee's German Syrup." It not onlyheals and stimulates the tissues to de¬stroy tbe germ disease, but allays In¬flammation, causes easy expectoration,gives a good night's rest, and cures the

patient. Try onk bottle. Recom¬mended many yean ago by alldruggists in tbe world. For sale byErnest L. Allen, Clauti M. Lennon,Warfield & Hall, Charles G. Lennon,W. F. Creighton A Co., and RichardGibson.

Report* show th*t over fifteen huadredlives bave been saved through the use of OreMinute e ough Cure. Host of these were cases

of grippe, croan, *ítvin%, whooping coughbronchitis aud pneumonia. Its uariy use prevents consumption.ARNOLD'» BRtiMvMJELaUiï. Try thi*

unrivaled remedy for Headach··, Neuralgia,|]«*nl«*enea*. 10 oanta.

flow Ar* Yonr Klonry« f

Dr. Hobbe' Sparami« Pills fore all kit]dot Illa.Matta*. AcslWawUoa'kUMnMtvOn Chicaeoar

MILD CURED HAM8 »nd BreakfastBacon, superior quality. Por sale by


CRANBERRIES..Fancy Cape Cod trailberries just received by

_J. C MILBÜRN.CANNED LuBaTER, fresh, Just received



r CHErVTS fr. m ?«. They are well con-«tructod and give poi íoct satisfaction. Iheice consumption it small. We have beenhandling tbo«tuie rankes for li! years Thelines have been improved every season. Allthat use the. ZKBOor BALDWIN recommendthem.Mm. B. W. Abiíoh'«ay« : "I havo been

using the Z'-ro f<r a number of yours. Itgives perfect satisfaction. Tho it» consump¬tion is asaall ""Tho 3aldwin Be/rig« nitor purchased of

you doos all you claim for it; keeps every¬thing cool." Thor. Hoy.Mas. C, L. Padgett say« "The Zero Be-

fiigorator is one I can recommend to everyone requiring a 11rst-clafs article."We could name hundreds who have pur¬

chased Ice Chests and Eefrigerators from usand speak of tbem io the highest terms

M.Ruben OfSons,001 KINO HTBEET.


Collector':) ( fll«e, June 18,1900.Notice fP hereby gJaaa that the tax bills for

1900 aio now in the bands of tbe collector.The attention of parties interested Is respect¬fully called to the following extract from therevenue bill of that yean"Upon all bills paid in full by the 1st day

of July, 1900, the Collector of Taxes shallallow a discount of ten («er cent., and on allbills paid by the 1st day ofSeptember, 1900,ho shall allow a discount of uve per cent.,and on all bills not paid on the 1st day ofDecember, 19O0, there shall be assessed andcollected a pona'ty of rjvo per <xmt. upontho amount of sind lulls, and on all billsremaining unpaid on the 1st day of Juno,1901, damagos at the rate of tU por contumpor annum shall be paid."Tax payers would do well to call and pay

at onee in order to avoid tie rush and crowdusually present un the last days in which thodiscount is allowed.

Bring alletto make sure you get all bills foryonr property, as th»« tal lector will not be re¬

sponsible or allow the discount after tbe timenxtd by law.

P. F. GOBMAN,jel8 2w Collector City Taxe·.

No Questions Asked.You pay for what jou get and yon get all yoq

pay for with the

Pre-payment Gas Meter,in uso in ail the ptii ciiui mie· You can

buy 25 cents worth of pa by this mrthodUaa is a· economical a« gasoline and absolute¬ly free from danger. Can be teen at

J.A.&W.W.COGAN'S(Jm cocking and besting appiianoes. Oar-

den Hose, «fccA call solicited._my26 eoi m


_W. ? WOOJJLS <& ???·ß\_i ? .INVOICE OF FINE GUNPOWDEBV. TEA, just received by

_J.&MILBDBM.COFFEES have advanced, but we are still

selling them at old prions.J. 0. MILBÜBJÍ.



In all the latest styles and most

reasonable prices.

Spring SamplesFor custom work now ready.

All goods marked in plainfigures.

R. Lee Field,One-Price Clothier and FarniVher.

No. 304 King street



80 CENTSWe cannot sell; but we do «ell the BEST81 IOEd that can possibly bo put on the ma'

ket for the money.If yon want something dead swell we can

give it to you, If you want something eat

wo baye It. li you want something no othermerchant in town ha« got come to M for ft.

Ladies, neo our High Boots for short «kirii

See our Une of Oxfords. Price 76c to $3.French Heel Evening 81ippers, kid and

patent leather.

Gentlemen, see our line of Heea fino Shoe*at $3./>0, $4 and |6.

Patent Leather Oxford« *3, $3.50 $4 and

$5.We «till have some Clothing left which we

will sell below manufacturers' cost to close.

J. A. Marshall &.Bro.«Leading Up»to date Shoe

Dealers,422 King street.

EXCURSIONS.Indian Head Trips




At 7 p. m. from Seed's Wharf.Fare Round Trip, 26 ct*. jelS lm


(Successors to J. Rector 8moot * Co.)

Sri»« FLOORING 4 PLANING HILLManafacturar* ai



No. 25 north Union strati,Alexandria, Va.

Lumber dailTarad he* la thadty._[ESTABLISHED 1822.]

Henry K. Field à Co.,Sue centers to

J08IAH H, D. 8M00T.

Lumber and Mill WorkOF ALL KINDS.

Office and Yard 115 N. Union streetFactory No. 113 N. Lee «treet

¿*J«T*Material Delivered FBEE in the city.


Practical Machinists and Engineer«jod Builders *f

MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINESBlsy-xsmithlng and Steam Fitting, lin·

ginaars' and Machinist·'Supplie*, and all sorts.f mill work and that connected with brick¬work promptly ax*c:ited. Repairing prompt¬ly don*. i.AH. AJTCfl EtìON,mylO_ 116 Ring «t, Alexandria, Va,

\yM. 8. MÚOÜ,

Machinist, iron and Brass Pounder,ß???ß??? AND BLACKSMITH,

old oottonow woasi,dOLTH UNION tfTREET, ALEXANDRIAWill furnish and repair all kind« of Machina·ry, Iron and Biase Castings, Wrought andCast Iron Fences, Mill Work, Ship and Black·smithing. Edge Tools, Mill Picks, Facing Han·mar«. vi all kinds of Mil! Work made and re·

pairea at ta* «honest notk* and at reasonable¦rio**,tW Th* highaat mark·! prie* paid for Ole

Wrought and Oast Iron. Brasa and Cwptwr.

HEINZ« PICKL.rS..A fine «¿sortuunof Meint's bottled Picklee, Sauces «od

( ¿tsar* ju«l received by_._J. U MILBUBN

BstOOMS LOWER..All Brooms markeddown 10 to lS^a per cent at



osived today byWA&FIXLD A HALL.




Your money refuruled cheerfully on any unsatisfactory purchase.We ar«· always prepared to cash railroad checks, school teachers' check*

and pension checks gratis.White Goods.


15c yard.

Wo offer at specially reduced prioes'twopieces very pretty white got Is, 28-in. wide,very suitable for waists, «special price.

White Duck.We are showing «osse elegant qualitr White

Duch, 30-in. wide, just the proper materialfor summer skirt·. Exceptionally low inprice for like quality.

10c and 12 l-2c yard.Linen Crash.

Beco! ved recently is several pieces of LineaCrash. For skirts. Elegant quality, and guai·anteed all linen.

12 1-2, 20, and 25c yd,Waist Linen.We oiler a tenulne bargain in Waist Linen,

n material which :s very sheer and suitablefor wslsU Wort h 2«5c a yard.

Only 12 l-2e yd.Butchers' Linen.The best quality White Butchers' Linen.

35c yd.Bosom Linen.An unusually fine quality Shirt Bosom Lin¬

en. Every thread guarantied. All purelinen, 36-h>. wide.

s 50c yd.Toweling.A good Cotton Crash for

5c yd.Linen Crash.All Linen Crash for towels, splendid quality

6,8, 10 and 12-12c yd.India Linen.We have three excellent bargains 40-in

India Linen«, all splendid quality, and verylow in prico.

6 1-2, 8 1-2 and 10c yd.

Mosquito Netting.All colors of Mosquito Netting, tbe bes.

quality. Sold by tho yard or by the I oil, 8yards to the boll.


Velvet Ribbon.White polka dot Velvet B;bbon. latin back

Yery fine quality.22 and 25c yd.

White Satin Ribbon.lity ofiiches wii

39c yd.

An extra quality of double face WhiteSatin Bibbon, 3 luche· wido. Very reesonblefor this quality.

Rí-mnents.We ofTer many SPECIAL BABOAlVHiri

remuants. l.ots of them will be found nearthe half price mark -as folio·«

Light »nd dark Calico«.....41·*«· Yard.Good hootch Lawn*...4'^cElegant Dimity Lawns....MM...7 '

Good Apron Gingham.m.IV:One yard wide Percale*.O^c "

Good Diet» Ginghams.N.tl'yBates' Seersucker Ginghams.??^? "

Splendi Wbito Pian«.7V" _.î»V "

-.lavElegant White Or«, indie.10eChock and striped white Diroityji'isi

.7V "

.' 9VGcod UnMeached Cotton.8*%·Heavy Cotton Crash.~.4cInsertings aud Edn.ng«.«.6«!


Men's Department.We endeavor to koep a line of evorything

stylish ami up-to-date tor the men folks, andquote a few e, odale bo below.Men's Summer-weight Cambric Night Kob. ?

Very light and coo).50c each.

Men's finest quality Cambric Night Bobe«.75c each.

Tbe now Bubbor Collars, far superior tocelluloid. Very durable and comfortable.

25c each.Men's host Suspenders.

25 and 50c.Men's Balbriggan Summer Utxierwear

50c suit.Men's fine Lisle Underwear.

sl.00 suit.

SPECIAL.Wo h.vo aaTstol doaen MEN'S HIGH-

GBADE 8HIBTH. witi sallan attached,which we have reduced from

75c to 49c each.

Washington Stores, 1810 and 2808 Fourteenth st.



line, light weight and fait color«, for phlrtwaists, S, 10 and,124e.PERCALES, 1 yard wide, 8 to 12èc40-inch SEERSUCKER, So.PIQUES, sometting extra at prices, 10,

124.15 and 25c.DUCK, iu plain white, 10c yd.40-inch DUCK, reduced to 11!V·COTTON 00VEST CLOTH, CRASH, 4:.,

'it skirts.STRIPED MUSLINS, Satin and Lece

Stripes, very handsome, at 10 and 12*r.REMNANT8-Dim<tiea and Checked and

Striped Maglina-at 20 per eent. lea* than

regular prices.8 and 10.·.INDIA LINENS, regular width«, 5, ß, ?,

10, 12L 15 »o 20c.INDIA LINENS. 40 inches wide, «peci«I

values 10c and 12'^c.WHITE ORGANDIE, 10 and 18c.UNBLEACHED COTTON, 1 jard wide

special value, 6c.

Summer Underwear,LADIES' RIBBED VESTS at 6, 10, Iti

to 25cSUMMER OOR8HT8 at 50c and tl Long

«nd «hort-waltted.FINE LINE OF HOSIERY of all kinds at

all prices.UUBRELLA8 at 50c, 75c, $1, fl.25,

and $1.50 up.Prices warraa'cd tbe lowest.


It EclipsesaiiOtherBrands

- «£*·«<*·«».

I* the verdict of ail hoosewives, bake« andconfectioner* who have uatd the

Globe Mills Flourfor breadmaking or cake. It i* uomrDaawdIn choioe qu»hty, because it i* ground fromthe beet winter wheat that i« raised, *nd bjthe best process to retain all the nutriment of

tbe grain.JNO. W. EMMEKT A CO.,

Union street'Phone·.Bell 29; Home 148.

_SUMMER REPORTSMassanetta Springs,

Nejar Harrieonbur^, V«.FInett Anii-Malaiisl and Anti-Mont Water

in this country. Fir»t-d*«< t ble. excellentbed« «nd pure »ir. Season opone June 15.

Col. WM.T. ROBINS,jelleolm Proprietor.

Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs,WEST VIRGINIA

Open JUNE 15th to SEPTEMBER 15thTbe groat central point of reunion for tbe beatsociety of the North, South, East and West.$40,000 worth of improvement« for this sea*«oo. Modern plumbing. Private baths ;«ewiJ-hole golf course, with ?rotas«ion« in charge.Write for illustrated booklet

HARRINOTON M'LLJ,je2 lm_M»n«i¡«r.

Atlantic City,NEW JKRSKY.



A comfortable, well appointed hotel, withexcellent cuisinn, electric elevator, Ac.

?. H. MAOERS, Prop.CHAS. ?. PEASE, Manager,

my lo 4m

Wall PapersAND

Window ShadesIF YOU WANT



From the beet manufacturer«, go to the OldReliable »tore. PatablUhed JBS4 ».

JOHN P. CLARKE,my22tf_6HIb|i » V».

Exchange& Ballard.OPEN DAY AND NIUHT.

Furni«hcd room» for rent and boarder««ranicd.


specialty. Call and inspect fer yourselve-.Rooms and board $1^ per month upwardsTelepboao 155.



cel«*«d tod»*PT_JCANNED.SHRJMP, jut recelv.*i by

jr. MILLUkV,-

CHOICE EVAPORATED a PI'L-rX he psr|h_ at W. P. W» »Ol L8 ? HON'e.

FRESH GRAHAM FLOUR received traday by J C. MILBÜRN