Hi I THE SUN, FRIDAY, MAY 10, W7& mm m i j ' LEGISLATING FOR LABOR. ; TIIH BOVBK OH officii! VlOtATtOKI OF i nr l in in-mi- l It l. A ; i II mm 1. . hjr f'nm. llullf r. mt ll.nl.. Tha Oil I Kins -- Kflltf on Iht Tariff HI I'hr M.' flcrrf I Kf Mln T-- B litill..n BUI fAMHI l.lvrly ltatiMtat llvrr Ihr Hn.i-ii.- laBSt. WahihnoT.., May 'J. In th. Etouae, li Qoodo(DraiitVi)i FrontlM ComnlitM on MMhMI nnO Labor. i'i.,i.it"il KJolnl WiOlllllOB In providing timt elrthl bonra siinii ponttlt- -t ilny '4 Work, nml "' wHurtloB IB th.' wam of WOtknil B.lnbon ta.niiil DIMD-Al- ca enptoyad by llio Unltod stiito-o- n account of tlio nd-cll- on of lha bean ol inir. Mr. Col Pom.. N. Y.I olfrfed B mBdmcnl dircrliiiK nil Ihfl BMdl ol dPirtBIntl Btitl oflldan oi Ootwnnwni to tutont th Kindt-Hou- r liw an Ioiik n It UBrvDMled. Ill Adoptfld. til Mi. Rden (Dem.. III.) iiq'iir.- i win- tlio inw K I Iti-- not apply to all laborera, and Mr. Ooode ra IB pilar! that Coiikp m had ti" ivtliofIff otif ta IM tmrora iioi . miib voil by lha Oorarnmcnt, H Mr. Col Mid thni. ono-iifti- i ol tlio bonn bolm H, rut ..IT. Mi., null mora worklturtnan rould bo H MBploirtdi aad Ihoro never bad been n llmo Hj Vrbon it mm molt noowMfy timt Oonffraai H ibould do tomotklnc lor 0w tood ol the work' H Incnion. B Mi ler ( Rep.. Mutt. I tbottcbl ib" rfnann Hj tbo K.lk'bt-Hoii- r Inw teas .liar Knr.d il una thai IhoriWM no ponnltr Bttnohod lo it. Ho hoped II OoncnM would rancdy thMi Ho wanted more B powder Ml tail in tbo ndmlnUtration of the K lava. III Mr. BftDM Rap,, hTaoi ani.l thai n sr.'rtt deed B had been aald t ntly about worklnxmen re ml iIMIm inwa. The (jrotrerni-e- nl waaaottlMan 1 Inhunout and aoandaloui oxample ol dianward Ir at the inw. if tho acanta of tbo Government HI Mra allowed to loreo upon labor what tho biw II ibaolutoly lorbad The law eras baaed on tha Dk phlloaopbloal theory thai in tbo Ions run a man In eould doaa mil w.'rk in oluhi hour n In lea Ul Mr. Dunm .ib i.. Minn.) Inquired why tbo if joint reaolutlon would be obeyed nn better ll IhaU the Inw on the atntiitf loka: t arhleh Mr. til Vox repllod timt the Heeretaryol lha Matrywent. IIP ('..ntrroan to eonatrue and anloree the taw( II Mr. Phllllpa (Bop., Ran. I and Mr. Bouthard ,M i l Dam., Ohio) IBOlt In favor of tlio r..IuU"ii. Ill I in), i it wai paaaa l j Mr Reaaan (Doie..Tas, aaked to hare hit Mil II I to ream late lnter8tate tranaportatlon by rail l 3 road made n apeelal order lor Saturday, Ob i II f leetion belnff made, he nbi the bill ahouldoe- - rupylbe morning bom- until the Houae grew tick of it A motion to t:iblc, by Mr. Btebe (Dem. N. V '. wan reje. ted, Mr. Tborapaoo Aep,, Pa.1. apaaklM In aui.pott .f tin bill. aald that lat aeaaon I8, 000,000 barrela ol oil produced in Pannaytyaula had been ahlpped tothe seaboard. Theeatab llahed ratnol tranaportatlou waall.8 ipi rbnrrcl, Wbloh ahouid hare 'v'n totbarnllr nl com- panies M't.B'iO. I, Rut Instead ol thai theae epmpanlea had aetuallr rccvlvodonli M.tWO.OOO, the other 1 18. 800 ,000 hat ng gon Into the p..i'k. ia of mi unscrupulous r.nir The bill pr"t.oa d to abollab thill system. Altbouit'i llf- - I foon yoma ago eoal nil bni been unknown to mM eommer now stood aeeono on the Hat ol ex Ul ports, cvtl m being first ; it brought i n k more fMM kid to thla country than all tho wheat, flour. mm lin.'oii. b el, lard, lumber, tobae or any othi a artb l exported, This atol oyeri Intenw olthi mm oountry waa being eruahed by the unjust n - II crimination "t ih- - railroad input s, Tim li Mil whs n the Inten at f these companion them- - IBM' a"ifv ; th"t lu.ui.i be prevented from commit t ; ling sul i t The bill waa made tba speolal order lor Bat- - unlnv nest. ' Mr, Patteraon (Dam.. Col, reported ' n.-- tin. t fi.'unt" bill authorizing ''it Eons ol ilorado, Mevada, and the Territorlea to lell an remore limb sr on the public IihhIh lor mining nuu do. j inoati" ua". An amendmenl deolarlua thai J I such lands cbuii u. t be open to rallr "1 cor ' ' . ll Bonttlona lortlio outtini: of iiml vr wn a.l 'pt-'il- . ' (...1 the bill pasa d, j On mot ol Mr. Wric'it l m Pa.) tb" h brtvllaaoa ' I the IV r i,.T" extended to Peb r 1 Co per "f New Y rk. The HousH wit Into Committee tb.. Whole t on the Tariff bill, V kfr.Kellej Iwp. Pa , a member ortheC m- - t nittee .n W :ir niel M- .ilia, ani-- that Xr.W "I. J In presenting budgel formed on novel prln 2 clploa. binl .Ji- - llii .1 ' oxpl in those prln f or the probable reaulta.and had remitted lhal 1 ilntytitb" memtara ol the minority, no pari I of the people had osk.- l Congress to revisa f tho tariff. Tli" loom nn I spindle re 1 sttunl nif atiil: tho mini waa unwroughti f tin. Una were out in tho lurnn . The captains of Industry bv thousands wero paaalng Into bankrupt t, and the lalring 1 pla by nulli"i.H Into want. If lo t Int.. pauper lain. They had appealed toC ngn t relieve tlo'tn. but hot on "! them had suggest' I thai it eould be none by a revision o the tariff In the Interest ol fordn prialueers who were sup p'anline merehnnts in New lork and else Where. Mr. Wood, hk" Frunkensteln, hn u monster I whb'h bewasliini rant and whi. b he knew nol tu ntr. '. Mr. Tu had tall. 0,1 free trade, but n Virginia w ed was protected iti th" bill a o pel lit. duty. The nl -- on f a ap" iff tr. Hat w.o- 11 t.t.ii aaloett the bill waa a ridiculous abortion. The eummlttee had n. parti' ular ruuii against ' anybody, but general malice against all Indus. trl'.a. It lot. run a muck among American manufacturer. " denied Mr Wood's atat.-- menl thai the bill had r veJ the aasent ol tho Iron and atoel trade. Tho phi involved a revn. ,. lutlon, Industry at appalb'd. With the forifea, lurnaece, and foiiorios entirely eloaed, bow would the working 1 pie he fed, and bnt army would k ip them in orderl Berlbblers In. I bestowed "i. ho i 11 sohriiiuet wbndi b" eherished " Old Pla" Iron." No one could toll whethor tb" pending till would m at promote fro., trade or protection. In dosing. Mr. K- ll.-- apoke of the eatin which the l nlted st.it. s bad given to ilia world, m tho Ceutennial Exhi T bltinti.of tho value "f the protci.-tlv- system In Oevejoplng tb" resource! of . Datlon an-- l the attributes "f a pie, III Harris ) 'm..Oa.). a member ol the Com tnltteeon vni and Meana, made a epcooh in lavoi of the bill; nlt.-- r which tho ooiumittuv i "a-a- the He use adjourned. In I hn Nvnitlr. t r, Booth (Hep Cnl presented Joint rea olutlona of the California Legislature fuvorlug thepaaaageol a law providing lor tba lapaeol at least Ova months tho day fixed for rhoomng aleetora an 1 the day fixed for tho oaatlog ol their votes lor l'rcsideut. He- - Krrod. Mr. Davis (Ind., Ill,) cnllod up tho Bannteblll to provide tor th" distribution ol the Mexican Bwarda. An amendment reported bytlieCom mitteo on the tTudtoiary providing that the owarda made in thi caae ol Benjamin Weil, mid that of LaAbraHilver Mining Company, ahm! iioi I,,. within six months, during whl"h iiiio li. B. Hnyea ehnll "onsldor evldenea a to (hero, i to a lona diseuaalon. Mr. Bdmunds Uep., Vt. said there were soma thTnga in regard to ih"S" i lalma which the Ben uto should consider without niakiug them pub Ho. li" moved that the d nr beoloseil, Agreodto, At '2 ..'' ii.-- the dooiswere riopiinsd, the ajnendmenl lldopte I, and the till tuissnd. Th" Hennie r imed consideration ol th" In- - dian Appropriation hill, and Mr. II" r amend moot, offered reaterdur, wus lablud yens 81. huraiO. An amendment authorizing lla". at bia dlaeretlon and with tl nnaehtol Ilia Indiana, to divert tho sov'-ra- ii..r"i'rhiti"iia naadofor mill"r. blaeksmiths, eiiKlueera, and cthiir employees (oxcepl ten hora' on the reaer vatlnps. and also the appropriations l..r various supplies for tho Indians, to other us.., waa Mr to. Mr. kills ll (Rop la. an'.iiiltt.'d an amend menl providing "nit no purchaaeolauppliesax pec In. ft in 111" aggregate lll V.oU" ol iSUO shall bu made at 11111 on ni without advertisement, axoopi in i,a.. ol emergency, when purehaaea inay ii" 11. ol" in open market not exooadilig S 0110 iu value, Am. il .. Tho bill wait reported to the Senate and passed. Mr. ferry (Rep,. Mich tr m tho conference committee "t the hllltn regul letlinadveriisinu of mall l"iink'. .ni.ii.it' li 1,. 1. and said '.lie principal differetiee t - n tba two 11 . waa In regard Pi tli" ndvei tialuii rates li papers, now regulated liy tl . 1.1 Paws ol lafiH allowing lorly cents per lolio, not siiftl ill compensnllon, TheHenate nmeinlni ntwiistn iirovl.i" lor the payiui'iil of i'i.iiiiih'Ii IiiI rales lor uovernmenl adverllslug, As ih in,,. h niontwaaagr upon m wnfereii'ie, it 11. .1 the ratal i" be id or advertising for ihe I'oai office Popartmani .it, on a oonimer ml basis. Tli" rennrt waa iigreenlo and the bill paasoil, Mr. Dorgay lieu.. Ark.igavoiiollne that he Would oall up the Posi nfl 'e Approprlui ion hill rm Monday n"Xt laud Mr. Pern and thai, as anon aa Ihe bill t peal Ih" liii.krii.i law khonl't ba qisnHed I. ha ould call lip th Dill to r. pijal the neaumptlon a t. Th" Hniiatu l .ok no lie lal! p. repaaltli II. ink-rtl- law. V Mr. Tnurman (Dam., Ohio), referring In bia I ; liii" ndiio-ii- t i.rovulniK nml the repeal shall take ffji 01, ih,. ( ol Si'l'ti mher next, sa d he had Submittal) 11 eoiiiLromlae betwuon those 1 ievHrivfii ' '"" 11 iu ied hi ins bin. ,1,,,,,,. j,, f4V(1. li( ,iB ,.,,.! ,,lk1. ai,'.. V.'." f'Msagi ol II t. Should Itia fi h ' ' ' ""f I" v. Hid tie-- movelo hJm' h'""" sideriuion ."- ' ' St iti i ibu Indebted. ltWg"ss I Ljfcl Cli.'e ''- -" f " an end lo this ItlW at frK Bwk iDem., Ki laid that Mr. Thurman S"emcd o have tbKMOd his tactles, and npw wanted to give fha rieopla f.air months notice of tba repeat. The "oimirv waajnot in a condi- tion to aland thai eort ol thlna. N. ihlngso bualness aa uncertainty, Mr Whyte diem Ind. waa for abaolutn and Immediate repeal In )a7:i the peoj ameto Congress iiaking f..r bread and they were given n alone Instead of repealing th" law.Congrcs! turned iia ear toward certain eredltora, uud innde thi' law more obnoslous than ever. Mr Thui mini said that over amendment to the Hnnkrupl law passed In 1878 and 1174 WM a conecsstpn t the debtor. Mr, White A eoneeaalon to tho rascally debtor. ut not to th" honest one, Mr, Rernan (Dam., n, i.lalsolavoreo there, leeii, nofth ' senate amnndmanta and the pns-sa- "! th. bill after iign- ,ng lo the Hons" amendmenta. which ha thought perfected It. Ity lettera, by telegrnma nnd by cuisultntioiis Willi the people of na Stale during the past week, h" had f ain I a general f' Ollng. among both delators and creditors in favor of th I0H meiliati repeal ql the law, Mr. Malrtieiia llop.,( Hiini nld thai Ihe frienda of Immediate repeal had noil given aufll 'lent reason for their Kent In this maner. He had no ihuiht ha would tueaaea large pumberol his personal nnd pohtieai Irlenua ahonld he aup p nit. bat he 1, aii, not do so, slnca Immediate ret' nl Would Impair . ..ntni' obligatioiia. Mr. Whyte asked 11 the passage olthe Bank rupt law its. It was nol retroactive I had it not opei , ue.i on former contract! 1 Mr, Matthews aald that it had. and that 11 was wrong. He had n venn hilar that morning fr aa a fi e nd In lii'liiiua debouncing III m for Ills support nl th" Banfcrupl laW, and saying no one Wanted it in xist"u x '"pt thleven, 1 hal was the aiyl" of argument used. II" atood upon Ida own convictlone, Mr. Thurmsn urgeil the Senate to remain in eaalonand iliuah Hie bin. Mr. Mn.rey (llem.,TeX.1 began a st eh In lavor of agreeing t" the lions., amendments and passing th" bill, but n hled .'or a nioti"U lo a Uolirn. rAUC' m 1 on 1 111: HACK 'ihr atea svfea rs i I'oii agalasl liar. vents at Nf Loagoai 1 mm Nrw ll.wi n, May a The annual OOOteat between thi erews of Yiil" and Harvard Will take placa Friday, Juno 2s, on the Tbamea river. Jus) above the "Ity ol K"w London. Rani denta of that city arc pcrledlng the noeeaaary arrangemcnta. The Yale mon and their poab tioiia are na follows tl'M M'. '' 11 ' Ian U ririi M"1, laviiani us s. 1. o,i,k k lli.ir ' ley! jo' Iff an I, I'hsrkt A Wuiii It 11 :i U S I. II lll.lll LlMIUen 11 'ii t'"J N. :. Ilmi W Tall nr. ISyjS in In a ie j. 11 H o ml no 17 Na 7 I'.ml Tr, intiiill " i lie s nn.K'ii.t ft 11 Ttiemnsen r.l"'. H lee I'vs aln,K W, wliilllvss) kl so u The Weight given was ink. 11 in rowing lime, the average 1.. lug id pounds, Julian W, Curtis, the bow oar, and the light- est innii In the "row. la a native of Fairfield, Conn., and a member ol the junior elnaa In tha academic department, ll-- 1- the weakest look nig man iu tb" crow, and has tin' appearance of being i" soli lo endure tin- hard word for a unlvertsity oar. II" baa ii"t yd slopped growing, nnd will undonbtedlyjirove to he lha weak, at point In th" boat, lie l as uilod in two auceeaalul ia races on Lake Hnllonstall, Frank Eldrldge Hide, eon ol oXLleut.Oov, Hid", of Tolland. Wo! a member of hist year's university crew, in iil"h be pulled No, .1. ins experience na a member ol t.i" unl veralty, he has pulled in three races at Halion atall, In two oi widen lie was in ih winning boat, lb- - ia nla,, n member of the junior aeademl' elasa, and will have, as well aaTtna.a and a, nnother year In "ell' g". He - one ol Ike best oars in th" "lit. No. .1 is ( mules Albert Wight, of the sophi more ehis. H" halla from th" historic region oi Norm llatileid, ,M:... on tli" Con neotleut river, He never pulled an oar beforo entering niflege, nn I sluea bis advent has roared in two rlaaa ra aa. In both ol which ho waa In lie- boa) the did nol come in ahead, li" has been out of ,s,..j, ( ,r ai least foui woekt. this year on ae nut ol an ku' as, Herman Llviugsion ! New York elty, who pulls N". 4, is probably the beat known oar in it" boat, Hi- - bruiting record is extensive nni bia experience varied, He la a men tot th" iiinlor a'iid"int' line pull". I in four class ra as. belngthrei tlmea m th- - winning boat li' Is the champion single aouller In col lege, nnd la alao the holder of the p unant far the Itnrlem Junior aluglee. He pulled No, j in laai year ! eurht. One ol th" best sporting papers In the country claims for him the ihei position among the college single scullers of the land, nenaaluan eminent degree one ol the most requlaita qualiflea for an oarsman, pluck; and there p 11. doubt that hewiii do "in- mini's ehnr to shove the blue over the Win mug line before nla opponent. ll. in 1 Water, Talt.a aoi, ,.( Taft ulClucluuatl. Olilo, and a nseiuiier of tho sophomore "issa. pulla No, 5. it" is the youngest nn nib" r of th" crew, but le prdty well developed. His boating experience n x tremel limited, he hai nig never pulled an oar before, ii" rg" Ii:,-- s Ri c"ra of Lexington. Maaa., a freehman In the 8 rentifle School, baa been an signed to No, A, li is the giant "f th" crew, standing aix leal three and oneball Inehea In inast" kinga. ii has had no experlnce at nil in la ating. 'it. smrboard.or atroka, la David Trumbull of Valparaiso. t'hlll, a graduateol '78, and at IT' sent in the junior claaa In the theological department His boating experience is con-line- d t . a fewclasa races while In college, hay- ing never before pulled in the L'ulvepilty, He Is tno oldcat member of tl rew.and it la one of his str.ng p .nt- - He baa n llieen In train lag for n long time, going on the crew but ab ait six weeks ag". I lisldernbls doubt whs ai lotheadi sabllltyol putting an en- tirely n."W hand in -- a h an Important position In the boat, but time will probably justify the Captain' judgment in .bang a.,. Tho I ait.. ,n and stiok" is Oliver David Tl inpson.a son of Congressman Thompson of Hale r. l'a. He is a member "' the junior aeademl claaa, and haa bad a wide exp irleuce 111 boating. IP pulh',1 In thri '.ass raeea.Win plnglwo of them. H" was No, In III" vie. tori us I n lye ratty eight at Bprlnglteld in 1876, nml nlso Nu. li In Inst years race at tho same place, II" waa also u substitute on the celebrated CouP nml four at Philadelphia, They have n obliged t. .'hang XSWatUS this I. hi Aldii 'h tting t...o heavy for that po- - biii 11. Walora of Trot li building the crew a new paper shell lor th race. They arenowuaing I ast year's shell where th" water aril) permit pr. Francli Raeon is th" medtoal adviser, and rapt Thompson ices personally lo the dietary. Ho-- system ol training ll a liberal one. The crow rlae at 0:fjti, take a abort walk and n run of about 180 raids before breakfaat. College duties prevent mora than a single row in a day. Remarkably fast time has been mad", warrant lllg th'- b lief thai the d of Harvard's vbio-- II luacrewol IsTT can bo easily beaten. The principal meal of th" day is tnkeu attar the evening pull. Ah- ami claret nre partaken ol simrliigly. Th" crew baa been unforiuuate In the alstonce of a good conch this year and will gi with"'!' oil" until June 5i s. wln-i- they will lake up tie ir oiiartera "li the Thames, opposite (line's Ferry. Iliree-- I nrtl.a of a mile above the starting point, on the Qrotnn aide of tbo river, and half a mil" above the Harvard duartera. Then they will b" lolned by l apt. C""k. W I andCooke, and It Is not Improbable that they will hai. also the advantage of the mvioo ol Kenuedy and Collin, MAHHtED 11 TKH nil. VERDICT, Cept, liank'a Betrotbsd Tks Bomaatla Mad inn ro Trial IUr Marger. ',.. ii.t (hnim rbes ffimats In Aiithioh, on th" Cotltril t'osfa shore of tho broad Ban Joaquin, there haa lived fi 'r some vara past a aomewhui singular old man,0 Mitchell, Whiskey was his tiesettlng sin. On the morning of th" iiltli of January last old George was nifaaed from l.ia customary sleep, ingpiuee iii room back of Dubukeii a drini ing saloon, ll'a watchmau1! lamp waa found, with tl,.. glass shattered, near by.blooil sp.,iB and stains Were disooyereu on nnd about lha wharf. auil, aa pistol shots had beei beard in the night, n wii- - strongly suspected thai Ie- linii been lolilly llenll With, Se.il. ll WHS Iliad" in the mud and sliallnw wapty nboufctlhe wharf, an ihe body of r obi (leorgn was founil a trbastly hoie entirely I h rough Ins body nml Cloth llig mud'' by a i ball. Ktiaplolnn n Kted , a one .1. I', Hank, who bad 11 about the neighboring saloons ihe night before, I' l l drunk an ll "irlshing sp s o. and who 111 oliu saloon hil l snld, ill a Wild, ritUdom soil id way. thill he had ahoi a mail Who had tried t rob III 01, nnd had seen hltll fall ' II tin- wharf, and liny I'.'dy waa missing. " he bid done 11." Hank wus Cllplain of a large three-maate- d s ho .Her. th" a. I'. Jordan, thai had I. 'ii lying a week or two in the river, two pi! lee below A ul b.t'let ihu fresh water kill Ihe turcdoa in her bolloni, II" had been in town aeyeyal tines, bul wiih not generally Kllown. il hapi" lied thai jusl iia (lie dead body was (Islisil up, S0111" on" dlsi'overial timt Cupf, Ibuik hud lell tli" wharf in his a ma boat and was ihtiti aalliug away toward his vessel. Con si e I'. its Ilulelv chartered an Ilalian jlsl ng boat, and. a" "Uip ml l by tvvo at, ait llsliermen. started Iu pursuit aud captured lha fugitive, 1hr. ughout the trial there ant by Ihe side of th.. prisoner's lawyer, and inueh of the time toward the ,. ise, by the aide of the prisoner himself, a pretly, elegantly ilreaaad, inlelllgent looking maiden, Mary llm ml. it was give ' nnd generally understood lhal she waa lllstilaie, She aeumnd devt-- to her lover, and e iiugiy ,ieMp, ndnut, Bhewnlcli ml him eonsiniiily, ami p.,. jhu closest alien. tin to all the pr Hugs, anxiously aim ng the faces of the jur .ra. and only oil one oi two o" 'aslons, aiien S"in 1'iiiirf vet y lllvnrting waa aald. did bur MHitUres I 'gill UP Willi ll smile. Whan the jury rendered th" verdM of " Not guilty." some ol the spectators sxpectnd the y.ning lady to maillfeal liar amotions by some marked demonstration, i.ui save ihe lightening ol toe groap "I her small hand ontheariitol (hi I ilk ami long drawn biualh. Ihere wus nothing, I Then Ue lawyers, the dork, and lut Court bad a whispered conversation then Hank was sworn by the clerk. II" signed his inline to something, and then Mr. Mills directed Hank ami Mias Raymond to atand up in lug the Judge, with bands joined. Tim bewildered jurors and other apectatoranow began to un- derstand the situnton. nml Judge Dwinelle, In ids moat impregglve lonea ami manner, lo recite the marriage service, Baldhe; Jcav bin, do you take Ihft wpmap to be your law-foll- y wedded wife ?" nnd Joacllln aald hedbl; and the Judge aald I "Miry, di y u tnk" thia ninn to be y ur lawfully Wpdil husband T and Mary said yea, nml then they watt solemnly pronounced In.sbnnd and wife. TOVlfaBfttttPB image nr. w AntnM reastsr mi" a Ma wire ena llliiarir Tin Mnrdrrrr'a Mill. MiM'i.r.niUN. N. Y , Slay !t. The 0orr nnr's Investigation Into the mysterious (iieas-b-- r murd'T near Vr.ungsi lllc, S'uilivnn county, bungs h light the details of a most alio 'king domeetlc. tragedy, August Oraaaler ami his wife were old (Ii rinan settlers In the town. They had until nOMtlj lived poneonbly ami liad rulaed a large nnd Wpeetgl le fai illy. Home weeki ago tir. asler Imagined timt bia wile waa unfaithful to him, Domeatlo bl 'kerlngs aroae. The husband went to live In a tenement on nla farm, the w ife remaining at the homeatead, A few days ago a young son of th" couple, who had been staying with Ilia father at the lenemenl awoke In the morning and missed hla father. The boy w. nt tothe houae Where hla mother was living and tound her dead and mutilated body lying on her I" floor. Near her waa k heavy elub. in an- other room adjoining ha round tbo dead body of hla father. Ill' his aide lay a largaplatol Mrs. Orcaaier'a iooni was stained with m I "ii the llo.-- and walls. Her skull hud n eruahed with the club, and her IgCO and l,,lt were frightiuUy poundal In her left preaat waa pistol bull w Hind, she wns In her night ebdhes The husband had hla clothing on, There was no blood on bis outer garment, bul hla night clothe were saturated. He had evidently killed hla wife while he Waa undressed. Belor kill- ing himself lo- had put on his clothes nml ant down nt a tal Ie and drawn nla win ae lollowa: in ti. nsnM et Uod Aimiiiiiiv. 1, sasatk a saut ia oai s. one raw sisl ens arinu lltlfrr leaiy "ii- .in;. 111 aaa William Orsislsr. wiuwsi m iiaa.i nog Ai scat OMMir. Mv i, Arltinr rtii.t Wiltsnt shall savi tli. tor aiy eatliei i i,in.- sold to ssy nr tui.,i,il rx i.r 1,11,1 tli, ,i. .1,. Is- I ill ttn- tail rrniik giall tssc no M.ni is nr tea, ami shall deal naaasuy iMtiittnaii iiiMiisii OiMkalaaM. ai ut i oaaastaa Oreaaler shot himself in the stomach, the ball passing upward and edging in the left lung. It Waa eflcltod nt th" Coroner a Inveatbratlon that for acven weeba oust Oreaalor had been treating hlawlra in Ike moal biutai manner, Among hi- - cruelties ha conypi-llo- her lojenva her house ami remain lor dais and rights In the pig pen and other out ho uses. The trust .es of the xouugavllle remetery ratuaed to permit Uressler's leiuiiiiis to be buried lu the cemetery, ii in. ui vo3tmrstm imemcamcm. In Ike M. Mm.". .I I ,ml Hrglmt., uhlrli hn I.,.,.,, Alive wit Tkeas, BlISXAMDOARi May " DePAtch tofho Philadelphia and New Vork nWpapM, re- porting that tin nl regions arc alive with tin- CommuL". and that the aulhoritiea are preparing lo roalat the ahedding "f human blood, are mere canards, and have no founda- tion in t r lit Ii The tli.r .lav adeapgtehWM nt out from Tamauua, fachuylklll county, to the offect that there Waa a Comniunlatlc organ in th e region, and that there wore at unuM l.ooo members in Hnenandoall alone. The sain" despatch charged the tiew society with attempting t" hstruet the track "f tli" Philadelphia and Heading nallroail at different points along the line. If th" railroad tracka wre obatruoted It hue I n k"pt very iiulet, na no one eaoept the author of tlio st,.ry ever heard ol it. Tier" nr" not a th itisandCommuniatfl in bhenandoan. be cause there nr.' hardly that number 01 no li In Ihe la. rough, and there is nol a man here, mu li 'ess an organiaatlon, thai believaa In the com ninnlatlc Inoorlea. There are. however. In near- ly ah the coal town! Secret later rga litat h aia. wlii. h already embrace a large membership and which are raid. II v Increasing, Thei ibject tl..- -. organlaatl us K the elevation "f the and report save that th-- societies pro- pose t i "bta.n that end by influencing legisla- tion, That they are ti 't l'"mmuulatc in their lendenoic ia eertaiu, alnco a large proportion of the mining population ar. Property holders. Hall a million dollars worth ol projperty In this town ni, .1,.. is owned by miners, The same is trueol tin' other eoal town, and Communistic, theortea never have ohtnineil a foothold in the cool region. It la tins" labor organlxationa win !i the excited Imagination "I tie alarmists have clothed with the red regalia "f Ihe Com- mune, Th" other day a leading cltiaen ol this community wa denounced na a Communial fur the r.'ua,.u ii.at he conalderad nayea a fraud, nnd favored Inveatlgatlng the Ittlanoua work of the Eiectoi al CommUuion. Una ll.iy XS.n-- In rw y I. Yesterday morning Albert C. Moore, who i . . . i ai nna tin: robbsysorihi aaaklaCaml rslai serl 0.1-0.- PraH's erdtr vsesua the entsr el srrfi ta wbleh tie wss conAneri In Ludlew street lall Psfars ns coat.1 psek Ills itotngs hi naiiri,i " . leaupsuen froni u,. unvsrnoi .i MssssrtisvtUL lli.tl I. at t.- tl Blunts. la ie V Keblnaon gi" r lia-- a. M ll - ai" scd. S te UM in Sautii BreaXlj n w e.ti n i Hit ..t He- aa.irjn .t. !. n ir in tha t'smlaiflgsaert tisnk lili.l w- - lillliit 111. re quktUi It'llll Ira. ki la Ih. ,1s Ivcttiei i Snow ul lln- I'ainl ruU 1' u.a at is. tu .1 tin- property atui ..a an ornar ofsrrvst sum srsi I., H. km lilsnUavd by Mr sn,,w , gisuisa srlio wst iii tt . bat k at lbs Urns of the I bbsrj Ku sing lha His ordsr "t arr. it tnul't be i :i at,'.), a - t, .. yrsi had le H iten A requialUon a t t tk. a, an lie- ill Epettvs ano.a ii: Albany an instil iioi RtSiiutea sranUil It, at.,1 tin drteeUVf leek da mil slant trsta lor Kw lork. t'ndfi sbcrt I'siaia wss ton I Ihst ths dsttedvs wonbl Is in as w Vork wltb ins warrant end Jaatlrs trae. - order lo rscsts Ibsar i. i answeii a kinmedlsb i. M. nawiai.' Oi a H y Tr' ) Moon Iss yer, i roi un 'law r.i .t hsbi i .n. from Judas Ptaiobiis, hurried to Mallow street Isil. and atrvtd It luat bslera JUe..r,- m, lo be taken to un Ursnd renirsi Pspoi far koatoa it ii rsturnsbls tali moyiuag bsfera Ju.iar Donohas. A lllalMil, MaSltH limned. uh av Km Km The Inrgc frame dwelling houaeon til" Rock Dili ninn Rent ceuniy. M.i . i, t. in Josspa ' II mi.l an t bslenstna to A I' bilSI ! at Halum.-ra- l.si liter sltbsiltbc furiilturs. wsi by aa a, ei.1ei.tal in. a ssiimtm a srrsk sga tlisrs r ise plst in g iryisn i sronnd w in. a eluosi mors liitsrsauas liltterw saaueistiens thsn Rock llsl an t lha okl mstialon whlib a . . a iiurn. a lieores t. k. 1.,- ci l brsa i Qaaksr, m la liar: pllbllahcd in I"?- - tliiin ant em Brfe apt ika nl tailing up ttn- Chi aspssks ant IsndtnS at It" k Ifsli, S t" If ht . nt t vers In w vrr sssntlj i .. li WsMitiuil in, iu ntsituiry. slao apesaaol ktoppins .t R - k llsll on aevorsl oreagohs, on one nt which lis Isftt'bes i. s t. stTu'i Iia k in tlia mornlna, ami a'n-- ii l. itAiit ii a ..i two hnuri lound deluthtiul abaltst St the hnapita - msngon at It k Hat rtjomss Jefferson, in slao serska nl si the ssioe ltlscs a uianj othvra dlatlnsulsbcQ In thsesrl) niatur) of ii.i iiatimi net'ors tl" ilna ot lailiemt. nn. Itesmbuala, a i,.t liutai l for na- yi r sftel ROCS Hull is a- - His eiil Utt an nil. I for meal ..1 Itiv tlurtl bStWSSn I '111 in r t.a n an. I BslUmuri Jei.mttu--- - ftmalri. yt -- VPaTOWN aiivi:k TiaEaia May Issva thslt fsversfnrTas ea at ths aaly aethae 11. it III. lew ll It.t, . ti- III. lit etti I ,;la Breaitwat.i rni r o Slat si l P. M an t Hoaw.-- i '..,- o ....ia su.1 yaxji a st i arner " t7ii. it, until a i. U. obsrtrs A. H III I II AW A Bell Inat lull,' ter Inn ll nil. UUPPHMITH A nt U Wslksr It TTRKTIIIN, iiiiet,...i sii.nit. una Kreeii Irliwsnu ii Htusuona rcaiii A..iv st ts nia a ne relit u BJk'INOg.-0- 'I llnVAS V l It N atei'SUSl t. llH I'.N'I'H KU cratura on slpai'i ,.,,.it.. work alvcn out auaetbat I.ITTI.r. Ulltl., Mor li tiara, lo run crrsuds a tut ii. ti m io.1' OPKHATOHM t Mil ott, llic Tailor, Its Rowsry nil I SHM A K I l( .el il ni- - all i yea ran I. ni Ihllil liotlaewera 81! kSSI MHO al I'M'I HUM I 11 . m ..,.,k. ...rl, Ia n,i,j i, re,! .nn umi Ilea iia ks .1, KAKNlxu, as ami i' "i I'rsnkllr ai I'l III l l CUIiamli mi la wn liecala and i lianT ...... l. petal nut josf I'll v ti l. ii .1 nun :.s whlia it ,all llll'.M 11 lialllii ei, w'rspi ra a' lanKuii la r niwsy, IM It- a f III: til Unlit I M'l It I I'M I l n ' I. elil, E4 eld baiida nei-i- l sppl kl lludaon al salt slors. f 1 1 It I.H lo lasra pal is Mi nt t. ii,,- Tsilor, i' B.., it (LOOU i.o s'snb'd ini-i- ti - H'blta dri wa .ti,. ii ii HIIIKN ."i i mi , plat s (iiiiiII nierstri ani lisalera nu slpses rosli H'orh out Hsseineul dour felT Wott aetn si Ol-- l 11 I (MtM nil M r A Mi WllTcua A Oil mill Oinitt tin liiiit'liltlea tin null II t W tli II, I' teetlHI.t t Ox K f'bsmtiitrinsid, una wuinsu lor ifeuarsl work, st arlebei llousu tiaif yrsnsiuru, cor. rrsukl'urt and u dllsin nia SI'WIM insctilliea reduci'dj te., n lip, t. iiu'dluai, Mi siiiaor ininitt, ti't iitf'i'i. W A SKI W A 11 ,I5, si i et SKI III. AN a. U Hulnl I SI ll l M. SI At IIIMIM i.i.i. .1 eilil, I'krluii oiiin.ii shiier n unlit, 1 Mnit-- 2i Ursoiiwlcii nt nml 17 gaat Hroad ant. SI IT II t N II .Oil.) I. le mk, te ll, I. 'till SIMl'lllN A III Hilts, jvi.imi liUPmiul it l't'llll t llr- -t i laaa o,i ratal nu w All net it t iani' nn in,' laiiii serki muat Utornusbjy.undsi itsiid the niai'hiac; jatrnisnsui t'nitlvyiusnl ImiklaVi, Ursr A n It Ilreekt.t ll tt I I Ii iii ilreaaiiiHklini itc rtinenl I'kiuTl Tr otairslul pll Slllgel iauiilt .eatt- laacbllle HUHlM'H, il l" ami IMU It tit t ' tNT'l'.ll tl. li ill ..e'lllll le US! ll ' ,' .1 its i.i,i,t ttt. ttai- - ni i, I,, tnkf ii la nvr UWII llVIIIS 1'n t- t all ill noil Pill av. ' iail'KII It sad i ii "e atiiU' work ; slan diH'ra-- lor on a ilteua Uibbs' mai'liitsii it-- a. go a Rasl uitli at W'AVIT.ii Rt .t ni: mrl (ia yssrt) to dastusrsi Iivum aers, Wl w sua .i. 5ilnilf6---,fm;il- l' t vrr li i sot t milliner nt i.aanad at-- . hstwi IB TT TTkli ami TtB at- - tOOM picpalr.l 10 Wort. Ths Miea I.OMo. IV AStTEB Votuis girls to U re chlldrsn ?t i ii a rrs. "i i rnn.i t II. BAWauH. aspt ,VAvn:o- - gi,g,W ."uYAtr." '.i" WAV":" m .fyAfeoM ta; . lyANTKD Tarasrs o " "";',';7 i",ai .l tl'. tNT'l'.ll First etaa "iT,.i r nn Tut- ruatom TT al,,,'. It sr BHtnilliKS "I l Hi. a lav II' tTI D aTiiiiIc cirl m mtn. I chiltlran; llormsn TT or BWi'ds ; warn an Ifkl Blltstath at . tup BouT AM I II at. ii e. r o r. i li I kirl Apply U" '.truer Wllloaahb) an I aaymend ro Brooklyn it-- a M i n s. 'i mI winders sndslrls lo weavi on tt tmstlioouii iia isit gat st top oer. sirla'ean t.i.tain iluaii n 'rss, lr.ltrl and Y'Ot'?'0 .a.B.ai tin' mil,' WrJ", ,""JiH Mark . plso,Stii t timti r rsrs "I Chlldren'l tldSij-cb't- Al... trie iiiitriiriioa on il msebtnfl n.nii e te r. dully lo all alio mat sppiy. SB drTSSmSiUSJ tunglu arsutitoIiaVy . t mm ra I'll ... wsnb i, s'- - T" " litn.la ra on aulti OI'I'KMII'IM aaOS . 22 sad 21 IMilt at KH,iiiltb---D1ti!t- Ta. toe a. :v i III) assa's A . iprin nut aa..-.- as ;l". i tu tli rAMiaOII t, IW BrnUt i Brnoktyn. 1 Tllna atACOM S. ite" Bettirt. earfs t and 'nitn tnro laiesmsni one lliat SBdsrstSBST IBS lliMallun ut AUENTgwItb Btr. cspiUlcsn nitk. 1 10 dally s M aprlna abt.w t srds Hit Meweri. COTMI Heater at I1IIK aanteil it tareful, to .! man ran lisve MSSdy Al cmploys-sn- l; noolhsi idspply- lOOCberr; at (dMPoaiToVTa uisw 7iMsu n A at. (MiMPoai asrl) I iikh e a rkmen llWst l.di KMI'I I I I' l l'B la.Ua. tliltl siet'Ki a Hi oft KB, taoaadM Csaslsl S I' I K III II III If. nn it nt tu'. in..-- , ialttt at batWffl a Matli ami Itlt SSI PI Iti A K I A Mi 111 ..11 C I I SM A N . I ogdai rafSfsacs ii'into'l Adtlrna A . lies Is'., sua ettlee " 1 I' KOMI et ll, 'IMA. AMI lilt I'll'. M. i.uun.la tett.'as I'';- t. I. na-l- e . "fft SI BAMrLi ika jea p. irui 'l- - AII.OII waati k kia i" ' 1 seed i to, .time, levin tlisCOBBtr) ApplyBtl l M SI las Ursnd at, New York Tu T A ll "Its .'a- il,l av 11 NT V. II ' ilpami n te rrlall sill lasde i lottltna TT mi ii isit-t- slnrsi msB ei I'li'-U- leifipersls I, at. its aim undl lite Imams. a Adtlo t 11 hi Alb. staM.ai A. laimt-illat- ly W iVTKO A tmi 17 nr is iir Ta.t ute" under' TT atand bsrtendlna iminin- ni aorta t ah anitih ata Wtltniln-liiiiB- with lelt irncea. I ami 3 P. M II' IMIII Aaa nan el Is able lo l i ndi TT ie ii,- (lew I rk ami Brooklyn tstlora, Address, wHh tall paruealara i MiTlli bos Ise, sen nrncs. - A N i l II TV nnd fair esaea ittaiis.ni. u luJAt'ObUI A NIMIca MsnsfsetnrlBa i u rlttsl sryh l'a 11' AATI II i JollS tt sT"N mi.'- - tree. . 1. 1. statea IsImti.i rsllrosd frrry, "t wtiitehaii t tars aacsnt W v ri ti TT meeUUS at L'sopat Initiate FriJat rijihte 11 A Tin t baker st feremsn. TT luidf le SAM 1. HOWg, Msdoosl lljkdt -- J nt.. n. o 1 11 I KI TA lilt KI lis TT rt.iit.i -- UN A .iid:t.-- o no West Brosdwsy 11 A I I II TT aloolX. tin Tsilor. 14ft Bowery 11' AaTKII l TV sad 10 o'clock HQ Meaei .,, ..r, , UATP.O4 farm liantla, I.. .i g rt ... SV , BSSI tali at .1 sum M IK P.BUI want aV mile: ' . .. t. k "i POl .llt iirvTea ."'Ti II mt a. .VI K '' S '"N '' " ,t",',.sni. raat. Oil MEW I ili'srletan mAJ bens Cel I ratlklei t nl. ll iaitm st It. tllr mala .1 aiilll'ltiOll! Wllllltti. A ll K I'K wsntas .'a il ,n inak' hrcsd, takta. pisai uaoOalortttl rrvea laoiure at 14 Psisnwei .t v t, aJ I T t A I III wsnti i i.n.t, .In make . n od rrtel-lic- It. ii .1 ot.-- UpolBti itii-- If It '. t froj N. Y. II IMIII TT ii.... u lid, in s tin abopi ha reference. Address a h . bos las, am, tn. tt i! tfsMU. HOB II. s At ll ll .a CO., Ati Tittsi i:ns, will aell st audi. n. OB VHVHDAV, May Id. tt 12 e cl.sk Bona, wB tlif ireniiae, b) s erdtr tt t'nt ntar. h . aiitt CHoiri t ors, located en Payntsr av., Rsddv, Proaaccl Crssesal aad Wuilam sts , til ui ii.itiiii- - la tin TitlrdWardui LOXO lal.AMi CUT, ..nit-- l nun. its tt rsn froat Jams glp, Thtrtt t'lirth iru i ami .'im , ml at re i rerrlea, it ." mlnutoa ti.iia City llali, Kee nn slab sruund, with lieauUtld view ; aurrouisliaas uniablevtlonsble on tho best opp rim in. - ot tin lenauti for luveatuieut, ai the pritpsrt) alii bt pnetiivefy sub! for fuca prli , - . tt times will warrant intt percvat msy reiasla ou men anas Titit- i . it. t 11' A VI' I II TT a propeller Addrsaa l..i n.i.N'.h bos Ittll sn eltta, fox Sltll illli Co Vfl. i .FPU I s Til I. I t U tretii and rear, well Babied sad i .t n n ,o Ap ity kt aua rubilcstiun oaVe, asaasu and rranktorl sta 'I'll I I III it at I h sluts t r it, i n e Inaiis snd a loti, oa William, aeii nt , aesrhlskei unt-i- ntv t.ia. 1 n BABioA't., am MoBuatte st. greaklya 'I'l l I Al I N I S lit ker I'larea. near JvtTrsoBSl ale-- ia.. M i seiii I at it tin t .1 r, lit pnnntM (tjarttit. nt it tu h aiiop itj umlaon, 7 null . Irian A w v.ak Oe- Ihopisc tie plelell iiaia-l- e .1. ,.ii win !.- aold for SK-- rt nt. 1.' . i tm.ntli, r w nl be i, nt. nut. i. to S yield msn .it,.. A CLABK- -. rpushkeepaic, K. V. i. o.i ii k. a- kiyn Inr aale allv., COafSCUoUAtrleS, snd e ".III r bnki I" lev till. HKI.I. 77 . .Ini l I It 1 II - "i BU, to oaat.lt- lii.niri. al vi frsUkUB at. Ureenpoiut IIAKEII killOW i Asi s. oin jAxKa lltiUUK, 4 watts t rear loll rTAO l.l:r Bakeri mat live tn Inr.- .. k. t. 1 uvelliSUlB SWal enl.l. ClleSlt. fBAi Wt.Ul.1 till .in, .. II SMITH, h l tn1' l '.UII.I. Ill I t A I iJIauillill' i. .i li lell t ii il- I. .1 I''. Isrrsd Address HOUga, baa kfl.1. Bun orttcs, j)l0t(ll. 'J'lli: A i tut I. HOI si:, rani I0IM0B, li I Will ter. ill. r ml I by II titter, Ml A W. Al.hllll'jl, Whiihseaea- U'd Kith lam Mi l. t S It lit its ittt-e- tin I'niiia'i House, i ia- aa sad aew a t a Conn Tluahotiasia .to a. loesb ' beina nesr Utsasnsral et.. tu ,, ie M ii haa m ii in a. e i, in, avs ana room a, wta, a eontsui nil i le- me I. in improvements Tin' hens. int. been entirely returnUhed, an t nader ih,. m tt insnssenn nt am in- kept tnoroaiihU "'' tiasi " ' i'Bll'Va "hi iii'i'KO to ti ami .i ttn OAT Cauiiusreisl irsvellera see tsrtb'iilsrly invlti'd tomaks Un. He ii lintel, sad ealra iscijuiea will be taratalivd Inr lilt' !. el tin a goods a n ai. nun it Proprietor. Voni) itub iiroiits, I Him I: ,1 r w. il eenltlsb I, i A ble ueisbborliutal bath, aaa, ptanu, tin-- parlor. Nn 1.' ii. ia t ai near um h ri April i ..a. . mil ii.'iitle.uiMi and dny boarders call wltli laaird. 10 iia av. I .till. .a, will iiourd or lodas two ladlea, Ural Heel WM I.H- -t laltb al. a r..tT nu no d r at 7 llaiidltoiktal near Cslh. at ini- l I 4 III Kn Hint iueii can be ac h.U',1 aitti I giMkj IioHrd and lues i - H" inn at m m .si hi t u i i i luridabi'd ruoui leu Bd av. uesi Elllli il HH itsr ii no t nu ii n Utf nit."-- . nil- ei si ie lii.iii r i. lurniahcd rtaiuia Si bi ti CI Ml n It WKKH, ' "i en VI. ijtr ua .., louma without board, na I .1 i ,n m i t'litliai Ills S TO OA' ll Mird, slth plcuaaiil I - a rereiiliott l i, aultahle lor a e. tuple kw Meat B'li ,i Oiiiilltinioiii tail M ills and Bower vsasa a Ut redm I in.,, ii w lei in, a I rum uiu melt- in- kbit k can ba Iliad, at int. tar pelt.M "in iiml tt In.., ,.ili fun ., .i.,a.:ntil arUi U - loi a vvri h"" iiinnay JAM. S i I, Hill. AMI B, IU lil Mi el at It I lit s I II I Is IT. IN. km coiiprlallid a Mtriea u leclurea dellvend si Kalin I II " " to Hi Alt.) ii.llt, ell IH I III. till I .11, III .ell .111111' a, ram-- alius lug Indiapuiahl' line loat hitalib last rt satle tt SftOl'dltlS n ll Sr ) llOpata til laui.- nn-- it. t 1, 1. law.-- ami lbs irvslnieat u nervitiiasud phvait'sld Idli-i- ueiiis ihe reaiili u -- ".tt ma'. xi 111. in 1' iti 111:111 J,.-, t'lirreiiey, or peaisap atsmpti Adtlresi sscrvtsri KaJni's Muaatuiu.aaa ii Iway. a. lurk. U'A"kT't;il-- li iiini- - iiiatluai! I. nut. loT liu.ieu Jmn-imfiTt- -. TIIIMTKI. I r NIOIITe. jIHITII'M fpatpaiai a mu manin.'. tii draaaai iKR x X -it IDgbl g XX II Bul One. Im xx f rr.n xx 11 Hna. " hsat 11 f ik I.1.1.L I "as llinnJ Mnllnae KKK 3 ".Sb" To MoKIK'W iS .lurilayl st I ri - I'll in tint r. nti iTRr. Jv LaygS, laahieiinl le, riiltuoiaalii Sun. Mtn V otti:T IVCCItat'a' gOBDAr, in TUB Mii.MiH INI) sit. MiHA MtlKHOXt NI'.W le ths new pluv. OAMTuJI III sit IMl AMI II I a,ToM.HIT. BKNP.KIT el BIOMOgA MAiltOgl . ttii:uKi:t r vt tt tiiiik tgi tRii'M, I Ble.etit ,v Hint I'tttl ' .tilt rrrelvfit frtitli Ills Irnpti . raie n.tira of evert rnn ralvst.ls rider HesaUfeJ aiatel rlahea brilliant Ans. meaea, Bcbooiaisaters, Wsca toul Tsllew tlrnnls. rnrsbea, llai.iitt. snd Btantt otte i trnnae, soi ISMins, ami besatlntl Hshsa Rnllrs ansass ot pro. platiiiiit' el ieil..iituiiti-- a Haul n I '; KAI'ST. ul Italian k- .aid ie I el I, I I I M Ml. llUt ti iK in It liian Me. I sTl lt.A hi lA ri n Marmn rite nml I te la. Ml K U'KIMIiil.l. at Mnlllia an t A n , Milt I M M I MK.TTI.KIt n K. . 1,1 Ml JACOB o It 1 at FsBSl ami ndsardo Adial n.ftoeTBUt s nt. Baeeaal atrii. To enlmpansesa, m csatsaddlUoaal, OasB all dS esrformSBl BltoraooB .list evanlns TliriTRF., r nla ny snd d si IyiKU I aiiiikV Leaaee snd Msasgsr AIMI e 1 t 111 P. I.I. rtHKlillMAMES. Tu nlpht aicw ti rail te l.t ll'tl.K AtMFK MsUnae Bstiii 1st ata ..iguFl.R iitnori.A, Matinee adtiiiaen. Koeenta Hsnia. vt rente .'tra. Hiitnr.tat Nblbllla! Uinei, l.t til I'AKIalKNNK Moadsyi-nswops- rs l i st MB 111 - nt. t nKNKVII I.R .RAMI OPKR I lllll MP.. IS ,. .( WIKBKt.LT .ml Mansaerl lttaert.-i- wata ilireheatrs I'treb ntel BslenBi 'ax'. BliMiirnt ua .ttitiA' Mi i ' i.i.i it OH Tin- - kvkmmi ant ii s Bt'NDAV I i I.Ms., i. ham. LBV COMCRRT Tin- Ma.lei t'orta-tHa- l. tt. Mr II Tuaniateii an t lita SBpsrb orcBSStra mil u BOS St p.'i'Ular nitiat Hiatl Hint BOW I',' s nit- t nt lm epflee. Mnnday I.M IMsTiill nn.t Ilia atreat tr ..i.e VIII I. rs a ittll N. ie A IIKSRHVKII BifAT POft BO I'RNTB A lie, nam s nl Raul a,., in Kit,- n,attiM, TUP M If It I K UK IKI Art The tlmtle el I'll nl n n I t th-- li Ttn' arllliter'a 'Irsam Act The artist's relresl In lha I. .n'.l nt roe uillillrnii Aria-TH- R art tlio OF HAI'HARL A.-- r la a till, in I'"- He, a du Uuuhwiit Acia-H- K i.if. in "V t.i rui: IirbaM Matin kf. aAitnnAf at i. ST t MIA II It I'll PA IK T. Ml UIWS) .a. lit.. HKMlRRSliN ft t m ler -- rut MSUSBSI Til lltn 11 BR K AMt i "MlM Ell s l i t ESai, .1 K I. it Ml a HF II till II 1 III 7.7.7. I It H 11 I . if unit ii r z F It It II T 7. Y ll H II T HM Fvett etrmna an-- SS IfdSy mntiiii-- nl la'. DOWBBT Tin: i t ar. it rnlasveBlaa aril b. ptvssattd the powerful asass- - tit-- .Iraani ol llit- STIIIKt; MtM HRarsR rifiTitc.l l.t tie liean'liul l.url. sine ot PtHAUoNTAJ. flrana MsBnee in morrow at 2 Moll Ink eAel.l.lK lie At. the Bill. ( ' II I All III A all 1 1 11 A I. KM AT TUB AMI Itl.'AN IRBTITUTB, nttDAV and BATt'RDAT, May lOsadll All rt grest utlilt-tt-- arr i liter. ,1 Tba ptrsSTsaleaats start si n a m evsakeufs al n r M t i. will rrneit te Mi k. I'luaniit-- nt tl.u Rink ii s i m snd -- 1 if Mr sti. titer tt t make ..k tties' ra. Dll.l t llll I V I II I' l I It I . Ill KV Ft MS AT -- MAVINBF. -- Ill Itl.AV AT i. MISS MtwiB tf LB III M IIIXOLI I Bt'XfTAT RVEKIXII mi I.- KinaTORAMOIACBBD . ttNt i hi nt tin ikuIrIa i iBia llBUEBa IIIN silt I It V. T il li t I II I V LAST WRRK A i I tl lilt rt 11 r ISB SATl 111. IV nl I SO LAST ll iriM- t v.. Mnv Mt n ill-- - RBllLISH OPBBA COM. I'A.M ni IMF. I'lllMB.a to Ni tH.lt A.M.V It' t I.I. tl K'S. TT it ptieUir aiidMsnSf cr Mr LEBTRR WALLACB. mi l ..M i v r.VPNtXi. AT a Kit IV M ITIVF.R AT I 3o -- MS st.t I Itr.tl l t "I.I hs IX AIItM'B. " Tow PAaroB'a, - bbiiaiiwav. c. mi aio in a peest tall The Wi.n.t. rial t'AKIsl tv MVSi Fl: an I sr. at ti t. lit pan Pt ml. Bt'Bol.ss and IT l.tM'S i. Ht IT Bl R.il'F. IN BALLET M tTINBRB I I. Ii IV AMI alPAT LtlPTU IVI.tt I II tl.l . A L.l-- t ttttk bUt IS "1 lll.l.LI.K s IMtNUBRi li, New rk Ftrnln,:ats Msttnees Wednesdsy snd Bsturds) nt 2 s, l ' ITI til lal li 'i-- l ill,- - :., iZ'llU 1. PATBIttO Tiin'onatiit-c- - FtKKl KVIUti, at a sATI HI" IV M I IINF.I. nt 2 ( ' II I. K I 1 1 l. Mill " V ll .mm! Msai' al BnttrUttnment, glv. a ht ar Hen ktmin tlresary. for s eharttsl.te psrtMe, nndsr itis of Uie iii.aadUUnsidsnsdclt-sia- a Sdmlaaton. sue rsSsrVSd s al .'at- SBtTS CnatBuTnt, (; tit II tV II Till III IISIIA. I BT BXi ' RSIOB Tn M wanton ABO ISTF.r.ML-H- Air. POIXTS, si BOAT, MAY Hi, t'T llll. MAMMOTH i RSIOB BTBAMBB . obi Mill t will make tin tiraln irlK et th. m aaoS OB BCBDAT, M.it 12 ii i th, Ht ine et America, it i.tias .1. Well', put k Ho- kit ll P it A V Weal Hah t berth Km i Bigl A M Wtsl -- tn. at, aorta Biter . i .i M Lnialinj nl VONKBBB hi I'.iIXT ia ilt.NH'ALL. ami bRWBl'RUU Ml sit' BY COBTSBBO'S t I IlK.lTKD 2.111 Rt .1 si si RAMI FABB RIB tub RST1RF. . RSIOB i n a i Kirs lil i RESIIMBNTS It K.MellEfl oN HutHH I, 'llll lllll K I ll IT III ll II ! uFF.aTN.i to mi SR HA. si Nil IV, M IV i TUT' fori LAB -- H ml b AMERI.'I a will lesvc en aundsj Mat i weather perntiltt na), -- 4ti, at. Berth rlver.a.a. A M oiell aiil- - M Wi t 'ih i Berth rm r, a ia a M and I ei I' M. flraadat, Est! rivet atVilBA M staler M Jewrll'aduck Bns.klya, saoA M an .' f. r M HlM.nl Ml Sir AXlV BBFHBsHME.NTS Ob BOARD. I.- ,o r It i.int ,tt nt I V ml '. I' M I 1KB li.lt 1MB IKTIBI EX. L'RSItlB BO CBBT A llkllltll IHMttt - laya. Msy 11. IB, iiii. i Thurelsy aiesmer a m riet. tier, in t la. . l s, it, Lett nu t. rs ina . M. -. t. repair U'Svflli llsrri ai , N. H e IU, eth .1 B R , 7 Ua . r.y, B K 7 IS; J.' l It , B II 7 in. Imli I S K 7 '"i. I'n I B 11 a A M ticke- t- 7j ti.ti... 'st centt Hull and tsckls en bosid Al ti fustRB, Msasasr I:IIKsiiins. atentultiiata AsT'tKIA t i aslwsyai.nlisiiil locbsrtel at i' iieiit.lv rsisa auperinr to sn in He- buMneaa atesm b'tala Inr anisll psrtiea s at ol STAUIR'aTrsnaiHirlsUun, Risi 1. A K sstwssB fori Isiidt sad in at tTht iiut. Dnoapci r pur h nd, l i I rnei:24rsce aui -t rn . m tt srerstebsvs besn Irutled rhuradsv, MSV B, nn- hi.at t a oullt of mill loKiidsy.Msi 1 s. entrfea ia llcrsbt ol tealerdsy l'ie...i I'ni s ana rele t ttniiri id riinanoras ami 1. .nn nr. le in trule v et groutlda A I It I all I A to Qtiiiitnl, Mil. llll II. NMll . I MTV 111 III lie t - .i t. ii II ill. Ml lii l.iv i t. i um M:i.v 11. t o't'iiRvh Mi mi. vi tin- iiii'i't tlroiiii- I'holr crni i un ii i .1 t lit i nil. ii. ni tin- riHima 1 tit -- t.i Wttliiv-tln- i. u riiUrwlil. SI'I Ni l.K Vt iii. i ii.iiiiii.tii Mmii i .'ininiii' i Vouiu Mi li 'tt'iirti iHin n NH'itlil'll li' I. la trtll le . I.lniiit.l. Mi'lit-u- t IiJIUt.lt Hi. iiUbli' on ru un .VtUi ..(v nu;il AT ii iiN M It Kih.' ri vNf . itFi:niMs. 6TH av ami Lit hi sr . M w ri iMis tu KIM RV Uli' IHilllttt OF aVtMfl I" i ' i innri I'IAN m a , 1 i y K N I'! 411 I Did I'lu Utt. li III i'X Itllllslt Rpi l ll in. Iii PMirHt! ! I. purcliftiatNi ir ll I t il m r. r iiittmw, UaVtl on.. n ii tv ti .I iniiri Un- ii.t nl tlif limuM (ipt-r- I'oillliMtl) in N. w V m lit Mi. Ki 11. .,: M i KtlaV, I irv, Mhiimumi', ri 'th. TiMH K.iti, V. itii. 'onlry, At' find tv isiiiiiiit iii if. t hv ni, in tur their ujiimiiuivuc rlrhittii nl l.'l.i', w ill Im Buttl nt H 'irv It ni I' l int It h rliHUftf iirWuiii uh-- iith fiilU w tu r 'tiid-.- im iin- m.ui Th aw ut KHKH ini if lOHi Mn ac mi. 16th ll a It i: IT m i i ll j .vi.u n.i. ii itlNtl rilMK J till It'll e is, ut n l unu .lli.l il ht ot i.is mail s .,1 w Lu m inatiiliiiii iita. than ayi'r Iwioru uiTrrfl 1'ianua, Tuctavti, u 7i iK'tatr.f I3ft; lira am tt lop. i"i 7 i(U, IJ ti, t'. vaili, in p. rn-- uiilfi. ii.it ust ii i ii liOHii'K u ailks aaiiSH Kal n"i t 'l' MliniLK A i O.'s. Ill) iiu iimiiuiaviun-r- , nrail iTa idantM m itw i t - I'tir l lllll af il Till ft .1.1 .l l() III! llll lllll. t IV Ian, iiaai'd !'... nnd liiMallinrtitat, tu iU i .l.iv Hull Ml It A CHI., I." Ka) I Itti ft 4 111 al Vll I I HLU A U : i ii i um Nr riilt ki i iu.'' Rtrinwiiv'st, aild iithtfl n. m oivnni DM in t ii h, i hi i nat tli iiif ii it m hj hi rt ul Kit ii ii ti- ii ii. Kiii ' i irTi have 'i i"'ti'it,i ni 'i uiif ni tn Dint idatiiMurlva, t iii in v mh inn i. it. i n.i m inp ti thi-- ara m- - u . "w rjaiiiM U'l an) Mild mi liMtaiiHiiiu 1)1 IMI. 7 itavi HHI 7',.. ihm !.'., nrtttUK J :i ; It ii imiV H simi, T I'', NN sat II A flu iii Hit i ni in linn i ui fl'', Um n iii". "Hiii iiialJiliim iit. UUKlMlK A MON IU Knot I Itii nl I' r It lt II I' mid iimn u ii fV i , t- - i, mi flu I hit llll (l.il ll t tlt It ind. Mki i h r in (iiti in i, war i nu it CIS mo I I will huv a iiw iiiaiiu, M a tii'W Qlwdtll i' lis' i ii HIMdMla. A i'i, fi Kal tiui v vm KO wtiiid 'i M.iiMi.mit inn. . u iK'tavi', JftsSflJ ut aii ; n ImiualM. al iui iI.iimin s Mumriv w iiu Imtjai'i '& w fail I ih i (ui i 7iii av, fmW( Wtt VFWAHII ' ' ' - ind liiiud n ' Mlllas., in ,1 lt lllnKfl- - IK lUjIlllll Kill Hit II. Mil iii um' muii urdi-i- lur ttalt-ui- i ni(,ii iiioiitlily iiayiiii-ii- A, It at ' I iilal II.) 11. 'llll V . t ll (Kill al. Qlutuigit ikT v i ii i . r it rv M - m 1 Ktitutv, rrida) rvt'iUii Mav in lpuaal ilruitiail MstlVk lill' tti In! Bi'llj L'tl. tt lllll) lii. at tt John i.NM( UhaUrittttu UuiuiuUtiti WHAT THE PEOPLE SEE The Finest Stock, The Latest Styles, The Largest Assortment, and the Lowest Prices at 1 ROGERS, PEET & CO., THE LEADING CLOTHIERS, it Broadway, Corner Broome Btreeli New York, ins iiml km i 'nit tm Street, Brooklyn. MAX STABLER & CO. Broadway. Cor. Prince St. Our $10, $12, and $15 MEN'S SUITS The best Bargains ever offered. ALL WOOL 1X0100 DYED Blue Flannel Suits, $10 MAX STADLER & CO., llROADWAY AND PHINCK ST. Wash-da- y Toils ABOLISHED. James Jylis PEAR LINE I tha nrvatcal of all l..r LABnH la nraililna. and ttic mily ttno aanaiasa to ttic ist.rii-- . Bo Stomas lasaM basa t. r tt.o i.ur.tiuaot oaaliltig tTittlaal It. Sti.l tn fvttftottf aad try it. Da sol, :istt Waatolaaloa it, Mas Vora. 0 rjr 3ooii. ji:i.i'i a,it i it tn. IMP. BK-- T AND CHBAPiaT IN Till Wr aaaaM mat,- IstlSI Ulllia at any I'rlce. Alt mill, fr.-- ttic rjakbrslsd Waaisatla Maattta Boa .mi- - :i l.iv, all iiiipii. Ths vorjr beat KEEPS PATENT PARTLY Btsds Shirts, .', lor fa). ' " . I'laitl .l.in- - to Blll-- KBRFbi fafOB attuiTS thr rsn bsst, lu lutaaiiia.1) f.'i ai. Pvrlcct astiaftwlloa ausfaaiiad. I IVPN COLLABa roar-pl- rsrjr bsal 8 far TV LINKS i iTFs lotu ply, rj boat, si a Ball Joasa I'P.ri'FRll.L .ikas tmtvt krs, ran tiaat. fa.. each. lii.aTtilN.illAVt i MBUELLta.fi asch. THILLLD all.K I MBIlKI.Ha, Si Kttf VANI PAtTi IIIN'I COMPAWT, .u i Brusd-s- y. . V irk sa autta arsBBS. 1 DW ,f on rni3hi:tg. t T ll 1XIEI. if I' A It It I l.tVsT, .'1 -- It. sv , at .11. t .t i thn iTt'itK t nii i ra, behihbii, .. n UKKKl.l IIH M tNUILl 1'tVVtl.SlS Ttia uldi-a- t Slut in. tat BharBl holtaa lu Nt w V..rh. at? t.. Bit B ttt't. iw A a urtldllut a .in It Mil aiit S4 Sb sr., nrsr 38th al. tlif I.irwa.t v.tal lit Btraf Its kin I III thi cltri low- - t.i csab pri.-a- a'cfkly mitt Biontbly pay takati. I v l MINN 11 Kill. J iBrBitur.', csriwla. briltlltu at u i ri a, i;ai HurlaoB t cor Bt ... ii. a. si an. i rauuthl) aaymviits I iiMiiini iA a l.t', iti i aaai - lit SI'I II A Itltn , ol w .in. i Psahlt ii.ii l. FurBTtaaa. At srrstll r. .!u. t Pr.. . I. r tv .l.ii- - In. la. .in s.itur.tny. II I IK IT AMI All. N I III A P.lVMRATa TT t.tk. ni. 'urBilurs, psria-ta- , an t had I. Svu.lur ttlastnlsii pries lat PlTrrajirsstly mllk-r- CutVPKurnu All a . ti - i . t ' ii., (haras. y ti i. r ipi it stripping. I'M It A I T It A NS til tt HI IllSI't. .a i,, i , t ... it n. v k ail i Ii i PumpsiiT'sitow piar, 4, North rivar, al.fH t l.ABH tl'.B. ssnshvr n. i a., l.t i r vt CANADA. Prsiwrul M'rduoadsr' Mai S3 t i a PEItKIRK. Ilanra VT. nc sy, ... ' ' M stoainsra lasrltrd Ibua dohot arr) t, pssava I'.ra Tor Irs tab! oi laaa. alitili' to LOl IS IU! BKBI .N nt. A Hr t ,, INMATa I.I M'. .1 w l till - 1 nit ill KI NaMlV.N AN l.t i t Ki l. l'TT of iii.Tiai.Nii saiur.tsi tt . is.si" ti . rt ni . niii rnurialsj Mm 's i. to a. . in or moxthkai, r iiia. list an, a I' m I'r.nll Pi. i I '. N tti II., r .'tlllS. fat., attl St. i. ... KVI'int U t'l lavoranla Isrms BTKKKA'JB, aja. currancy. iirstu tt i. i rslva Sal.... ii. Mat.' II Stn kit.. mil Math it mi. i nt Ship JOHN. I Ktl.K l;. nl. .11 in a riM.IW.iy, N V. Pnilsdslpbis iii i. i .. tti. t. lilt Mill, tail ill.llll' put COMPANVa LINKS, Fur CALIFORNIA JAPAN, rtltXA. rUNTRAL sal ..uiu tin nit i sandwich Islands nihv KKaLAND, ti iiittll-l- l I'llKl'MBIA, VTASlilS.lfl.S rKIIRIDHIV. nil UltK'MlN, S;iiini4 iroiii t' "i i .tmi' t N..iiii itivi-r- . ftlK BAR I It IN. la.-.- I'M ISflllllS UK I' IN IMA. BlSSIIialllB I'tlLllN it nliv. May -- ', soaiHH.'Ull lor t'i'litt til ai.'l amill. .4 .... Ii a. Unit -- in KB in. - il in i tPtv IND CHINA, St. nn. in,, i iii n i Bsluntst ' I PKOB SAB PKASCISCU In aASIIVTlHII ISLANDA Al -- li tl.l t nu I NKit .I. II. t S tl st. ,,11.1,1, . tit nt SYDNEY, Iti'iiiiay, Ms It I. nt.-uli- aiul psaasifo a iiiy ut ciui'Aiiv a nitlcc, 0 H. .it LIS.. lIKKEN.Ki'S Turk s' I til: mm: i iiLAailiiw; LIVERPOOL iifiu is BELFAST I,, in in in hi. kiiv. in H nn; Paris KXl'iisiTInN 1 Pi'-- I.", N mil Hi., r. loot ul I a ii.t t - ;..ll..wa BtAfliDF i.ui lal .s t ... BTAT-- OF NEVADA tTuiiaday. alsy - i Ftrat csulli. ItSilofTA, st rdltta to it'iviiitiiulstlmiaj rstarit nritsta ai rvdu.'t'o rsta-- aWcond csbtBi Btsuraas ni '"w t i i ataa Allpll In A I' SI IN HA LlUt IS A 'I . l.rnt. 7j II la ii N, Ynrk aTKBKAUB tlrkrta sl IS in md st the iota I. iiii. 'a 1'icr. l""l .'i i anal i North River t'l' III I I HT 1 II MASK, IiU KENsfott n .n Lit K IL. i.lllMlNK' a .mr.l n Ma. II, I j HP at HAI. In' Hi . tl.i, I... I I' M Aiiiti.iiTc suturdsy. Hay in, aoua, ft .in tviitta Star Un- - I'lsraj, Norlh Ktyar. Cat. nni nit silildablpa at - .m l fl'.t. I. hiTuin tlckal luvorohlc ki ma Bun rsav. lis R J DtiHTia t'n- it KroAilway. Not York. .ftaiVIll Jlotltfl. 4 i iiti :, Y yi inn '. riiiniiiiiii'a J Tls.aTcTiuiiaa oi lha rlplliis Mhiimh'.', Iims ih il il tin haul for r'li:. - tlln - Irmll nallatll toUBa II. . II A l.ll. K. M II MHI al III N Puat Ofllca Una '.:. It lllilo T"l't'.STTII. .1.. It. FIHIII N ti .... I'm I, Hit I.I. .''Itltn I'M . ii. in. coti.iiltsti ti all ittarsaita, akin diaorusrs. stsl arrvous doLtlilj o i lily ah't rsdtcsllv I'liiiit l.l. Blaarlal nn 'inn., tn dies) III lliralral, aalily iiiil aiicos it .i .i ihi il itli.it ii iii Hit lUFtiltll, hi Uth .t. laUUUMM IIi il ai i.i in- . iisao, in ilurritaj Imivs voalltlsBUsi. Adviastrra. i mi ii i ii ipsia' tfSAS'rl'iiiOi nial lal a in tn V , n 'i, it, ,,, .i m UK DYKH.af Host Kith al, iiisrath ur. till I I I 11 It. pri 1VI tl .n I.' .41 Rroa.ltiay, r.a.iii Id lain inia un ii n't i, so'attl y a Appl) i ' M OA 1.1 POH I. 4 III IN. NlMii Hlii mil nn , an nn in .1. ,i .i mra lira Pt aaa lui circular. l. HI Unl. I'll. Uhailllat, It IIom at, N I' MI KM IMM srrt t l.iv. - itlli LIN, I at'ttlull K. Mill li.it Nil, ..ik (OolltlllclltSl llolslli tl.l) l I 1.1 r lo Llubluvtioiil, Ti in anil Fill- Biwr '"t i'i i nt t. t illlloh ot ttia rliilo.niby nt MnrrWa Addri.aB ' tin-- , mo si ABaloiuaisBtaada'sVihvtr Yora. nat'i'.'ii wn,p aHsaBaBaifBaBaBaBal Great Bargains in CARPETS A LARi.K ASSORTMENT or RlCXBTLT WPORTIB Best English Body Brussels, MAUL v HIU.NIti.N, CROIBI KY. ti MiT.FTov iii'MrRREra, An t OTHER ITI I.FHIi.l H P M IKESa At $1.25 and $1,50 per yard. CHOICE AND KLEHAM PATTERNS, TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, roMMENlTNi; i tot PKR YARD N 1.1V Sit Ua AS II PATTI.KSS. INi.rai.n CARrtTlNoa, E''l'.tLI.Y LOW I'RI. LS. Also, fmiai, Turkish, ami Oriental Carpels and lliis At Prices Far Below Cl IHT OF IMPORTATION A, T. Stewart & Co,, BHOtlltVAY. till tl .HTH AND 1'iTII ara WADE & CUMING, C or. Hlh hv. nml -- Mil Rt., UII.1MI Ol-- l H4 11.11 SI . CLOTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS. Best Goods and Lowost Prices. A Large Stock to Select From. MISFIT CARPETS, EKOLISB IRPaSBM Til RLE PLY AN D maRAia, 1 i, r. . hi ap. ai i'i hv lit r.iiioii atrsat, ITsts York, i nil - r l i. r i i, h t .' lit n i t, ruE SI N. 1S7H. NSW YORK. 1878, A tlif tlirn? hit enmr lof thr retit ir.!. if HlbKrlp ttoMS, TDK fll'M m t ull riiiiniil it a tri ndl tnA wrfH wi'i tn ivvrywiierr, that It m natiiin n catull Utc fof thtif i DBiidvraUoii u t ntpport Upon lu rvcord w tin- m. tin it rtlltl for i ConttniWtWi "f Hio In I) ii Htiiititi nMrotii (oSptraUoit which hatva blthtrtJ Lu ii cit 'ii iftt to Hit an i ry .ti,tru-- ul Um Pill m I r 'n H i t N iiii .a lOfJ i.'.- pJlt ituintMi " i n by mmUt poMpAaHli otaUft nooibj or 8aJI i r 'inr Thi Ni. it alar Mtt n of Tai t9sntffhtpft thMi ut MotHauniiii Whilf rtiint the nvwi of iht Jj H 1U1 CMMtM t Ur; ituiKiiut ol Uti :rv .ni t un IM H inain r tH'Ciiuly pnptfi1 tur It Thk $99911 4$ i HMttwUta nre! lUcccf foal oold 9I8 m. Thr WMfcll un. Wlm dri nt know Tint Wiui.r flrv It Mr 't' tj thi Of hoUt tlir I'lilU'-- hltf. the I'Mltrt U. Hill D fonA hi iifty Ihoiit-it- ir fi ml I ti grott Iti ml hm pttgti WMkly.uM roffavrd it In th light ol .mu i.. n: iUori and rrtend it ntwt, ili rui. ii Ills r; ) irtnirltla t). lata- .'. .Uatllv iiril.ll lor I 1 at.' .u.l ttn .. ll T i;i. Oin II. .il. at t r, ,.t,.i;i Thit price, quality c tiijr.t. mokt-i- t'i t. i.ift narpp4r pUhUlhtti Fur .lubt ot lata Wilt IK 4... i ui,, Mil mi tfttf-- l D0 y rrti A llrrac rriUiMRM k thk ftx. Nw VurkUtlg it.imbj.its nnO IlfttUoadi, i it i iu WTn im (in.rN MM'. mill Fiiiin to I'n r II. N - in rii'ii N, it U I' II., UIU I.H - Nl rtllli Kalii. aa fl (111. t. RAttsV I 1 t.AKK ill IKI. vMt'l. MS Die A til-i- M- v k Mi m i: vl iiu! mu NOKril ond WKbf. Hi k ' i iwurllltl mi "it rr. In Uy " Ajllii-J- bojtl. I'll t Irtaa (.ir- i k't at. Eto uraiun iu ah .hi mi.i return, i ha I II llll Ti II I II I I I HAST' A h. I K .nit mu. t. A l I. it I'.ltl Tf or NKW i ll AMl'loN will Imh .uiint-.v-- i. ., U'.ll fvt t., t :n i Rnnl i Nrth rtM-r- tir-- t .1 it vt ili mi. it UH M .cuiMU'vUllf With tr.iiiia Sfortli Hiktl Weil I' H' k i t ui. in inr v no - t uk ii luwcr tlmuby otiitr HiMtg a i. iii.ai'k. gupt. Ii l M.l POM I Or. riti " Ki .tn li t afi Illii l t s it I... i Utrs i. dstlty, t'Krcpt Hturdii) it ) H M Huttl rutiniionly 91; lurlin, 9&c K.rt-cht- lare, M Cl"ll U"ll Wltll rt tl.lllia l. .ill Uim N iti I'" I'I, Al tl W. at Still rOl lllll Und thrUtl lira. ll1 l 11 B&prvWa il I HrufliuWA) an 4 CiHirt ll M ll 1)1 NNM . I K AIt.KOAU. 1 .ttt: r Tit h i im. AM rNlTr.U ttTATM MAll. KOlTTB (Ml an t i (tut A.m1 iJ, -r Trnlti' ire KiW ik. vm ifbruMMai .unl t'ortlmill i at Kerrlet, ncMIuh ii I F.ni'ii lor Mu Ptltahurgh, the Weti an ioitth, w .in tillmau Palaci run nitm In I, u a N mu l w P. m iim. Kor t ilii.niit. rt 10 k i Curry, and Brie, it 90 1' M, ran nee Htm mi r. rt lor TiliUViHe, Hi'ti It n IViitre, nn l thu nil It' .ti. .ii Willi. niiai. it mid lai k Hum n :t M i iii iu '. Washington, nn i Ho Rputh, " liimte luiri .ii Kxpnw" ni I'uUiiiaij I'nrloi fan dall id H'.i.i iv. :hi a. M. arrive Wuadihtuton i i r ui u it h i i If i ., and u j m aundayti - in .I V M 7 h ' o og t n. ll A M I, ", i. f. 7. 7 t - i" un t n r M .i.ti'. ti A H6.(i.A i". 7. 7 a, a fi. ui. j l M Emigrant aud av tut sa), 7 M Itt uta ut triHkl ti a imh v " "imi i with all Ihrotigh train al lern-- nt) uiDrding u and dirv-- l ti in'i r lor Hi ' it - t. Nttviia, I'.iuatH-ih- Railway, rtn.-'on- Trenton IVrth Ittilttiy, Kh'iiiiiulon. lalr, nnd ilillM :'l4, ... tti .111 TWkl ' "'I' Tram arrm Ki an htiihuriih.u t" i" m l n I M H I' l daily, i i M i I tin, A ikhtiutMii .him lla Iti more. i M I .' 'i 1' -- nil. '. Vl, tl 1' ' KM I Iii ll. Ihilla " o Ml. ;l p, l III i,i, lT.5'1 A M , V , a ,i 5 I'i (I Vl H n i I'i Jij I' ti in. in ii ii , i vi i" . r m In k t Kill.. . mil mi Hi on s it I H -- nn, fno( .,i nil i rurtlanilt mi i Mint Hr....:. tin Atuiex, lleptil. loul KuU u k " lit. mm, and ii- - Hn l on at ii a : ,. 1 i n BuilatratM '..'i tlffl - Rati ' rlt.tNK rllOMftON, I V K MI :; tiriumi Manaaai- Hen l'a " - 'm run ii 1.111 1 ri.Nssyi.v wi , HAI MiO l Till. OLD RtTAHl isili:ii liill rH SU 8M0IU 11 S 1.1 u K M;t Vi ;:i vji IMIII, tin. I. Nil v POURTRBN rilRti .'i NIAISH KAt'll WW UtHY 1 ' iilKLK UKI'lH 1 iv I'M ii- iDll.rillA, lis. IN Sr.W VOKK, DDI til I; 1: u'l, till MwriJ ( VJ I'HOVI '' MKNfi A.Nil I1I1 A M I' H UK .l).si'J,M HI' II. MU.IV ' S WM AKri If M'KII. ti I"'- - . ItvprcM Traitti Iravi New v.ira. 11a itiini um t it III II It ata K III.'. IliHi a - 7 .i" m jii. 11, h an liiuiii it, M. 1.4, 1 H."i i T. 1 h Ipi, an it M Miiu layi, U A M 1,1 H an.) II I' II. Una) .' Hi n I with .ill toi ntlf h I Ml m ' I ni i mi t lirt'ct IraiHiiT lor Hrotik'n ir'i vt'l K.l in tiHina Ir tM I" tlt ft'tt ph t t '" i ' 7 7 H, i" and ham Li nt I ti i Hipri'M i' I' M 7 ati.j 7 f H , and - mldiil ' 5!i, a:aVT. M.g :ia U, 1, 7 M r ll and j li 1,1 utlhoi, ftyi ind i'n Hi .,1 tvai.l a I Willi toil ol .aaia ll rl tll M. I r Mi f K ki. ii H. IIH. rn- II - 11 .' - .ii M , M' M'l I Jit- - ni Biiiigrani urtlg. hbhi t'ltAMv rfltlMaiiN, I ' t Uvuciti AUiinsj-.r- Qaitoral I'atuii.i vPtui n

Chronicling AmericaHi I THE SUN, FRIDAY, MAY 10, W7& mm m i j ' LEGISLATING FOR LABOR.; TIIH BOVBK OH officii! VlOtATtOKI OF i nr l in in-mi- l It l. A ; i II mm 1. . hjr f'nm. llullf

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Page 1: Chronicling AmericaHi I THE SUN, FRIDAY, MAY 10, W7& mm m i j ' LEGISLATING FOR LABOR.; TIIH BOVBK OH officii! VlOtATtOKI OF i nr l in in-mi- l It l. A ; i II mm 1. . hjr f'nm. llullf

Hi ITHE SUN, FRIDAY, MAY 10, W7& mm m


; TIIH BOVBK OH officii! VlOtATtOKIOF i nr l in in-mi- l It l. A ;

i II mm 1. . hjr f'nm. llullf r. mt ll.nl.. Tha OilI Kins --Kflltf on Iht Tariff HI I'hr

M.' flcrrf I Kf Mln T-- B litill..n BUI fAMHIl.lvrly ltatiMtat llvrr Ihr Hn.i-ii.- laBSt.

WahihnoT.., May 'J. In th. Etouae, liQoodo(DraiitVi)i FrontlM ComnlitM onMMhMI nnO Labor. i'i.,i.it"il KJolnl WiOlllllOB

In providing timt elrthl bonra siinii ponttlt- -t

ilny '4 Work, nml "' wHurtloB IB

th.' wam of WOtknil B.lnbon ta.niiil DIMD-Al- ca

enptoyad by llio Unltod stiito-o- n account oftlio nd-cll-

on of lha bean ol inir.Mr. Col Pom.. N. Y.I olfrfed B mBdmcnl

dircrliiiK nil Ihfl BMdl ol dPirtBIntl Btitl

oflldan oi Ootwnnwni to tutont th Kindt-Hou- r

liw an Ioiik n It UBrvDMled.

Ill Adoptfld.til Mi. Rden (Dem.. III.) iiq'iir.- i win- tlio inwK I Iti--

not apply to all laborera, and Mr. Ooode raIB pilar! that Coiikp m had ti" ivtliofIff otif taIM tmrora iioi . miib voil by lha Oorarnmcnt,H Mr. Col Mid thni. ono-iifti- i ol tlio bonn bolmH, rut ..IT. Mi., null mora worklturtnan rould bo

H MBploirtdi aad Ihoro never bad been n llmoHj Vrbon it mm molt noowMfy timt OonffraaiH ibould do tomotklnc lor 0w tood ol the work'H Incnion.B Mi ler

(Rep.. Mutt. I tbottcbl ib" rfnannHj tbo K.lk'bt-Hoii- r Inw teas .liar Knr.d il una thai

IhoriWM no ponnltr Bttnohod lo it. Ho hopedII OoncnM would rancdy thMi Ho wanted moreB powder Ml tail in tbo ndmlnUtration of theK lava.III Mr. BftDM Rap,, hTaoi ani.l thai n sr.'rtt deedB had been aald t ntly about worklnxmen reml iIMIm inwa. The (jrotrerni-e-

nl waaaottlMan1 Inhunout and aoandaloui oxample ol dianward

Ir at the inw. if tho acanta of tbo GovernmentHI Mra allowed to loreo upon labor what tho biwII ibaolutoly lorbad The law eras baaed on thaDk phlloaopbloal theory thai in tbo Ions run a manIn eould doaa mil w.'rk in oluhi hour n In leaUl Mr. Dunm .ib i.. Minn.) Inquired why tbo

if joint reaolutlon would be obeyed nn betterll IhaU the Inw on the atntiitf loka: t arhleh Mr.til Vox repllod timt the Heeretaryol lha Matrywent.IIP ('..ntrroan to eonatrue and anloree the taw(II Mr. Phllllpa (Bop., Ran. I and Mr. Bouthard

,M i l Dam., Ohio) IBOlt In favor of tlio r..IuU"ii.Ill I in), i it wai paaaal j Mr Reaaan (Doie..Tas, aaked to hare hit MilII I to ream late lnter8tate tranaportatlon by raill 3 road made n apeelal order lor Saturday, Ob i

II f leetion belnff made, he nbi the bill ahouldoe- -

rupylbe morning bom- until the Houae grewtick of it A motion to t:iblc, by Mr. Btebe(Dem. N. V '. wan reje. ted,

Mr. Tborapaoo Aep,, Pa.1. apaaklM In

aui.pott .f tin bill. aald that lat aeaaon I8,000,000 barrela ol oil produced in Pannaytyaulahad been ahlpped tothe seaboard. Theeatabllahed ratnol tranaportatlou waall.8 ipi rbnrrcl,Wbloh ahouid hare 'v'n totbarnllr nl com-panies M't.B'iO. I, Rut Instead ol thai theaeepmpanlea had aetuallr rccvlvodonli M.tWO.OOO,

the other 1 18. 800 ,000 hat ng gon Into thep..i'k. ia of mi unscrupulous r.nir The billpr"t.oa d to abollab thill system. Altbouit'i llf- -

I foon yoma ago eoal nil bni been unknown tomM eommer now stood aeeono on the Hat ol exUl ports, cvtl m being first ; it brought i n k morefMM kid to thla country than all tho wheat, flour.mm lin.'oii. b el, lard, lumber, tobae or any othi

a artb l exported, This atol oyeri Intenw olthimm oountry waa being eruahed by the unjust n -

II crimination "t ih- - railroad input s, Timli Mil whs n the Inten at f these companion them- -

IBM' a"ifv ; th"t lu.ui.i be prevented from committ ; ling suli t The bill waa made tba speolal order lor Bat- -

unlnv nest.' Mr, Patteraon (Dam.. Col, reported ' n.-- tin.t fi.'unt" bill authorizing ''it Eons ol ilorado,

Mevada, and the Territorlea to lell an remorelimb sr on the public IihhIh lor mining nuu do.

j inoati" ua". An amendmenl deolarlua thaiJ I such lands cbuii u. t be open to rallr "1 cor '

'. ll Bonttlona lortlio outtini: of iiml vr wn a.l 'pt-'il- .

' (...1 the bill pasa d,j On mot ol Mr. Wric'it l m Pa.) tb"

h brtvllaaoa ' I the IV r i,.T" extended to Peb r1 Co per "f New Y rk.

The HousH wit Into Committee tb.. Wholet on the Tariff bill,V kfr.Kellej Iwp. Pa , a member ortheC m- -

t nittee .n W :ir niel M- .ilia, ani-- that Xr.W "I.J In presenting budgel formed on novel prln2 clploa. binl .Ji- - llii .1 ' oxpl in those prlnf or the probable reaulta.and had remitted lhal1 ilntytitb" memtara ol the minority, no pariI of the people had osk.- l Congress to revisaf tho tariff. Tli" loom nn I spindle re1 sttunl nif atiil: tho mini waa unwroughtif tin. Una were out in tho lurnn .

The captains of Industry bv thousands weropaaalng Into bankrupt t, and the lalring 1

pla by nulli"i.H Into want. If lo t Int.. pauperlain. They had appealed toC ngn t relievetlo'tn. but hot on "! them had suggest' I thai iteould be none by a revision o the tariff In theInterest ol fordn prialueers who were supp'anline merehnnts in New lork and elseWhere. Mr. Wood, hk" Frunkensteln, hn

u monster I whb'h bewasliini rant andwhi. b he knew nol tu ntr. '. Mr. Tuhad tall. 0,1 free trade, but n Virginia w ed wasprotected iti th" bill a o pel lit. duty.The nl -- on f a ap" iff tr. Hat w.o- 11 t.t.iiaaloett the bill waa a ridiculous abortion. Theeummlttee had n. parti' ular ruuii against

' anybody, but general malice against all Indus.trl'.a. It lot. run a muck among Americanmanufacturer. " denied Mr Wood's atat.--

menl thai the bill had r veJ the aasent ol thoIron and atoel trade. Tho phi involved a revn.

,. lutlon, Industry at appalb'd. With theforifea, lurnaece, and foiiorios entirely eloaed,bow would the working 1 pie he fed, and bntarmy would k ip them in orderl BerlbblersIn. I bestowed "i. ho i 11 sohriiiuet wbndi b"eherished " Old Pla" Iron." No one could tollwhethor tb" pending till would m at promotefro., trade or protection. In dosing. Mr. K- ll.--

apoke of the eatin which the l nlted st.it. sbad given to ilia world, m tho Ceutennial Exhi

T bltinti.of tho value "f the protci.-tlv- system InOevejoplng tb" resource! of . Datlon an-- l theattributes "f a pie,

III Harris ) 'm..Oa.). a member ol the Comtnltteeon vni and Meana, made a epcooh inlavoi of the bill; nlt.-- r which tho ooiumittuv i "a-a-

the He use adjourned.

In I hn Nvnitlr.

t r, Booth (Hep Cnl presented Joint reaolutlona of the California Legislature fuvorlugthepaaaageol a law providing lor tba lapaeolat least Ova months tho day fixed forrhoomng aleetora an 1 the day fixed fortho oaatlog ol their votes lor l'rcsideut. He- -

Krrod.Mr. Davis (Ind., Ill,) cnllod up tho Bannteblll

to provide tor th" distribution ol the MexicanBwarda. An amendment reported bytlieCommitteo on the tTudtoiary providing that theowarda made in thi caae ol Benjamin Weil, midthat of LaAbraHilver Mining Company, ahm!iioi I,,. within six months, during whl"hiiiio li. B. Hnyea ehnll "onsldor evldenea a to(hero, i to a lona diseuaalon.

Mr. Bdmunds Uep., Vt. said there were somathTnga in regard to ih"S" i lalma which the Benuto should consider without niakiug them pubHo. li" moved that the d nr beoloseil, Agreodto,

At '2 ..'' ii.-- the dooiswere riopiinsd, theajnendmenl lldopte I, and the till tuissnd.

Th" Hennie r imed consideration ol th" In- -

dian Appropriation hill, and Mr. II" r amendmoot, offered reaterdur, wus lablud yens 81.huraiO. An amendment authorizing lla".at bia dlaeretlon and with tl nnaehtol IliaIndiana, to divert tho sov'-ra- ii..r"i'rhiti"iianaadofor mill"r. blaeksmiths, eiiKlueera, andcthiir employees (oxcepl ten hora' on the reaervatlnps. and also the appropriations l..r varioussupplies for tho Indians, to other us.., waaMr to.

Mr. kills ll (Rop la. an'.iiiltt.'d an amendmenl providing "nit no purchaaeolauppliesaxpec In. ft in 111" aggregate lll V.oU" ol iSUO shallbu made at 11111 on ni without advertisement,axoopi in i,a.. ol emergency, when purehaaeainay ii" 11. ol" in open market not exooadilig

S 0110 iu value, Am. il ..

Tho bill wait reported to the Senate andpassed.

Mr. ferry (Rep,. Mich tr m tho conferencecommittee "t the hllltn regul letlinadveriisinuof mall l"iink'. .ni.ii.it' li 1,. 1. and said '.lieprincipal differetiee t - n tba two 11 .

waa In regard Pi tli" ndvei tialuii rates lipapers, now regulated liy tl . 1.1 Paws ol lafiHallowing lorly cents per lolio, not siiftl illcompensnllon, TheHenate nmeinlni ntwiistniirovl.i" lor the payiui'iil of i'i.iiiiih'Ii IiiI raleslor uovernmenl adverllslug, As ih in,,. hniontwaaagr upon m wnfereii'ie, it 11. .1

the ratal i" be id or advertising for ihe I'oaioffice Popartmani .it, on a oonimer ml basis.Tli" rennrt waa iigreenlo and the bill paasoil,

Mr. Dorgay lieu.. Ark.igavoiiollne that heWould oall up the Posi nfl 'e Approprlui ion hillrm Monday n"Xt laud Mr. Pern and thai, asanon aa Ihe bill t peal Ih" liii.krii.i lawkhonl't ba qisnHed I. ha ould call lip th Dillto r. pijal the neaumptlon a t.

Th" Hniiatu l .ok no lie lal! p. repaaltli II. ink-rtl-

law.V Mr. Tnurman (Dam., Ohio), referring In biaI ; liii" ndiio-ii- t i.rovulniK nml the repeal shall take

ffji 01, ih,. ( ol Si'l'ti mher next, sa d he hadSubmittal) 11 eoiiiLromlae betwuon those

1 ievHrivfii ' '"" 11 iu ied hiins bin. ,1,,,,,,. j,, f4V(1. li( ,iB ,.,,.! ,,lk1.ai,'.. V.'." f'Msagi ol II t. Should Itiafi h

' ' ' ""f I" v. Hid tie-- movelohJm' h'""" sideriuion."- '' St iti i ibu Indebted. ltWg"ss

I Ljfcl Cli.'e ''- -" f " an end lo this ItlW at

frK Bwk iDem., Ki laid that Mr. Thurman

S"emcd o have tbKMOd his tactles, and npwwanted to give fha rieopla f.air months noticeof tba repeat. The "oimirv waajnot in a condi-tion to aland thai eort ol thlna. N. ihlngso

bualness aa uncertainty,Mr Whyte diem Ind. waa for abaolutn and

Immediate repeal In )a7:i the peoj ametoCongress iiaking f..r bread and they were givenn alone Instead of repealing th" law.Congrcs!turned iia ear toward certain eredltora, uudinnde thi' law more obnoslous than ever.

Mr Thui mini said that over amendment tothe Hnnkrupl law passed In 1878 and 1174 WM aconecsstpn t the debtor.

Mr, White A eoneeaalon to tho rascallydebtor. ut not to th" honest one,

Mr, Rernan (Dam., n, i.lalsolavoreo there,leeii, nofth ' senate amnndmanta and the pns-sa-

"! th. bill after iign- ,ng lo the Hons"amendmenta. which ha thought perfected It.Ity lettera, by telegrnma nnd by cuisultntioiisWilli the people of na Stale during the pastweek, h" had f ain I a general f' Ollng. amongboth delators and creditors in favor of th I0Hmeiliati repeal ql the law,

Mr. Malrtieiia llop.,( Hiini nld thai Ihe friendaof Immediate repeal had noil given aufll 'lentreason for their Kent In this maner. He had noihuiht ha would tueaaea large pumberol hispersonal nnd pohtieai Irlenua ahonld he aupp nit. bat he 1, aii, not do so, slnca Immediateret' nl Would Impair . ..ntni' obligatioiia.

Mr. Whyte asked 11 the passage olthe Bankrupt law its. It was nol retroactive I had it notopei , ue.i on former contract! 1

Mr, Matthews aald that it had. and that 11 waswrong. He had n venn hilar that morningfr aa a fi e nd In lii'liiiua debouncing III m forIlls support nl th" Banfcrupl laW, and saying noone Wanted it in xist"u x '"pt thleven, 1 halwas the aiyl" of argument used. II" atood uponIda own convictlone,

Mr. Thurmsn urgeil the Senate to remain ineaalonand iliuah Hie bin.

Mr. Mn.rey (llem.,TeX.1 began a st eh Inlavor of agreeing t" the lions., amendmentsand passing th" bill, but n hled .'or a nioti"U loa Uolirn.

rAUC' m 1 on 1 111: HACK

'ihr atea svfea rs i I'oii agalasl liar.vents at Nf Loagoai 1 mm

Nrw ll.wi n, May a The annual OOOteat

between thi erews of Yiil" and Harvard Will

take placa Friday, Juno 2s, on the Tbameariver. Jus) above the "Ity ol K"w London. Ranidenta of that city arc pcrledlng the noeeaaaryarrangemcnta. The Yale mon and their poabtioiia are na follows

tl'M M'. ''11 ' Ian U ririi M"1, laviiani uss. 1. o,i,k k lli.ir ' ley! jo' Iffan I, I'hsrkt A Wuiii It 11 :i US I. II lll.lll LlMIUen 11 'ii t'"JN. :. Ilmi W Tall nr. ISyjS in In

a ie j. 11 H o ml no 17Na 7 I'.ml Tr, intiiill " i lies nn.K'ii.t ft 11 Ttiemnsen r.l"'. H leeI'vs aln,K W, wliilllvss) kl so u

The Weight given was ink. 11 in rowing lime,the average 1.. lug id pounds,

Julian W, Curtis, the bow oar, and the light-

est innii In the "row. la a native of Fairfield,Conn., and a member ol the junior elnaa In thaacademic department, ll-- 1- the weakest looknig man iu tb" crow, and has tin' appearance ofbeing i" soli lo endure tin- hard word

for a unlvertsity oar. II" baa ii"t ydslopped growing, nnd will undonbtedlyjiroveto he lha weak, at point In th" boat, lie l as

uilod in two auceeaalul ia races on LakeHnllonstall,

Frank Eldrldge Hide, eon ol oXLleut.Oov,Hid", of Tolland. Wo! a member of hist year'suniversity crew, in iil"h be pulled No, .1.

ins experience na a member ol t.i" unlveralty, he has pulled in three races at Halionatall, In two oi widen lie was in ih winningboat, lb- - ia nla,, n member of the junioraeademl' elasa, and will have, as well aaTtna.aand a, nnother year In "ell' g". He - one ol Ikebest oars in th" "lit.

No. .1 is ( mules Albert Wight, of thesophi more ehis. H" halla from th" historicregion oi Norm llatileid, ,M:... on tli" Conneotleut river, He never pulled an oar beforoentering niflege, nn I sluea bis advent hasroared in two rlaaa ra aa. In both ol which howaa In lie- boa) the did nol come in ahead, li"has been out of ,s,..j, ( ,r ai least foui woekt.this year on ae nut ol an ku' as,

Herman Llviugsion ! New York elty, whopulls N". 4, is probably the beat known oarin it" boat, Hi- - bruiting record is extensivenni bia experience varied, He la a men totth" iiinlor a'iid"int' line pull". I infour class ra as. belngthrei tlmea m th- - winningboat li' Is the champion single aouller In college, nnd la alao the holder of the p unant farthe Itnrlem Junior aluglee. He pulled No, jin laai year ! eurht. One ol th" best sportingpapers In the country claims for him the iheiposition among the college single scullers ofthe land, nenaaluan eminent degree one olthe most requlaita qualiflea for an oarsman,pluck; and there p 11. doubt that hewiii do"in- mini's ehnr to shove the blue over the Winmug line before nla opponent.

ll. in 1 Water, Talt.a aoi, ,.(Taft ulClucluuatl. Olilo, and a nseiuiier of

tho sophomore "issa. pulla No, 5. it" is theyoungest nn nib" r of th" crew, but le prdtywell developed. His boating experience n xtremel limited, he hai nig never pulled an oarbefore,

ii" rg" Ii:,-- s Ri c"ra of Lexington. Maaa., afreehman In the 8 rentifle School, baa been ansigned to No, A, li is the giant "f th" crew,standing aix leal three and oneball Inehea Ininast" kinga. ii has had no experlnce at nilin la ating.

'it. smrboard.or atroka, la David Trumbullof Valparaiso. t'hlll, a graduateol '78, and atIT' sent in the junior claaa In the theologicaldepartment His boating experience is con-line- d

t . a fewclasa races while In college, hay-ing never before pulled in the L'ulvepilty, HeIs tno oldcat member of tl rew.and it la oneof his str.ng p .nt- - He baa n llieen In trainlag for n long time, going on the crew but ab aitsix weeks ag". I lisldernbls doubt whs

ai lotheadi sabllltyol putting an en-tirely n."W hand in -- a h an Important positionIn the boat, but time will probably justify theCaptain' judgment in .bang a.,.

Tho I ait.. ,n and stiok" is Oliver DavidTl inpson.a son of Congressman Thompsonof Hale r. l'a. He is a member "' the junioraeademl claaa, and haa bad a wide exp irleuce111 boating. IP pulh',1 In thri '.ass raeea.Winplnglwo of them. H" was No, In III" vie.tori us I n lye ratty eight at Bprlnglteld in 1876,nml nlso Nu. li In Inst years race at thosame place, II" waa also u substitute on thecelebrated CouP nml four at Philadelphia,They have n obliged t. .'hang XSWatUSthis I. hi Aldii 'h tting t...o heavy for that po- -

biii 11.

Walora of Trot li building the crew a newpaper shell lor th race. They arenowuaingI ast year's shell where th" water aril) permitpr. Francli Raeon is th" medtoal adviser, andrapt Thompson ices personally lo the dietary.Ho-- system ol training ll a liberal one. Thecrow rlae at 0:fjti, take a abort walk and n runof about 180 raids before breakfaat. Collegeduties prevent mora than a single row in a day.Remarkably fast time has been mad", warrantlllg th'- b lief thai the d of Harvard's vbio--II luacrewol IsTT can bo easily beaten. Theprincipal meal of th" day is tnkeu attar theevening pull. Ah- ami claret nre partaken olsimrliigly. Th" crew baa been unforiuuate Inthe alstonce of a good conch this year and willgi with"'!' oil" until June 5i s. wln-i- they willlake up tie ir oiiartera "li the Thames, opposite(line's Ferry. Iliree--I nrtl.a of a mile above thestarting point, on the Qrotnn aide of tbo river,and half a mil" above the Harvard duartera.Then they will b" lolned by l apt. C""k. W I

andCooke, and It Is not Improbable that theywill hai. also the advantage of the mvioo olKenuedy and Collin,


Cept, liank'a Betrotbsd Tks Bomaatla Madinn ro Trial IUr Marger.

',.. ii.t (hnim rbes ffimatsIn Aiithioh, on th" Cotltril t'osfa shore of

tho broad Ban Joaquin, there haa lived fi 'r somevara past a aomewhui singular old man,0Mitchell, Whiskey was his tiesettlng sin. Onthe morning of th" iiltli of January last oldGeorge was nifaaed from l.ia customary sleep,ingpiuee iii room back of Dubukeii a driniing saloon, ll'a watchmau1! lamp waa found,with tl,.. glass shattered, near by.blooil sp.,iBand stains Were disooyereu on nnd about lhawharf. auil, aa pistol shots had beei beard inthe night, n wii- - strongly suspected thai Ie- liniibeen lolilly llenll With, Se.il. ll WHS Iliad" inthe mud and sliallnw wapty nboufctlhe wharf,an ihe body of r obi (leorgn was founil atrbastly hoie entirely I h rough Ins body nmlCloth llig mud'' by a i ball.

Ktiaplolnn n Kted , a one .1. I', Hank, whobad 11 about the neighboring saloons ihenight before, I' l l drunk an ll "irlshing s p so. and who 111 oliu saloon hil l snld, ill a Wild,

ritUdom soil id way. thill he had ahoi a mailWho had tried t rob III 01, nnd had seen hltll fall' II tin- wharf, and liny I'.'dy waa missing. " hebid done 11." Hank wus Cllplain of a largethree-maate- d s ho .Her. th" a. I'. Jordan, thaihad I. 'ii lying a week or two in the river, twopi! lee below A ul b.t'let ihu fresh water killIhe turcdoa in her bolloni, II" had been intown aeyeyal tines, bul wiih not generallyKllown. il hapi" lied thai jusl iia (lie dead bodywas (Islisil up, S0111" on" dlsi'overial timt Cupf,Ibuik hud lell tli" wharf in his a ma boat andwas ihtiti aalliug away toward his vessel. Consi e I'. its Ilulelv chartered an Ilalianjlsl ng boat, and. a" "Uip ml l by tvvo at, aitllsliermen. started Iu pursuit aud captured lhafugitive,

1hr. ughout the trial there ant by Ihe side ofth.. prisoner's lawyer, and inueh of the timetoward the ,. ise, by the aide of the prisonerhimself, a pretly, elegantly ilreaaad, inlelllgentlooking maiden, Mary llm ml. itwas give ' nnd generally understood lhalshe waa lllstilaie, She aeumnd devt-- to herlover, and e iiugiy ,ieMp, ndnut, Bhewnlcliml him eonsiniiily, ami p.,. jhu closest alien.tin to all the pr Hugs, anxiously aim ngthe faces of the jur .ra. and only oil one oi twoo" 'aslons, aiien S"in 1'iiiirf vet y lllvnrting waaaald. did bur MHitUres I 'gill UP Willi ll smile.Whan the jury rendered th" verdM of " Notguilty." some ol the spectators sxpectnd they.ning lady to maillfeal liar amotions by somemarked demonstration, i.ui save ihe lighteningol toe groap "I her small hand ontheariitol(hi I ilk ami long drawn biualh. Ihere wusnothing,

I Then Ue lawyers, the dork, and lut Court

bad a whispered conversation then Hank wassworn by the clerk. II" signed his inline tosomething, and then Mr. Mills directed Hankami Mias Raymond to atand up in lug theJudge, with bands joined. Tim bewilderedjurors and other apectatoranow began to un-

derstand the situnton. nml Judge Dwinelle, Inids moat impregglve lonea ami manner,lo recite the marriage service, Baldhe; Jcavbin, do you take Ihft wpmap to be your law-foll- y

wedded wife ?" nnd Joacllln aald hedbl;and the Judge aald I "Miry, di y u tnk" thianinn to be y ur lawfully Wpdil husband T

and Mary said yea, nml then they watt solemnlypronounced In.sbnnd and wife.

TOVlfaBfttttPB image nr.w AntnM reastsr mi" a Ma wire ena

llliiarir Tin Mnrdrrrr'a Mill.MiM'i.r.niUN. N. Y , Slay !t. The 0orr

nnr's Investigation Into the mysterious (iieas-b-- r

murd'T near Vr.ungsi lllc, S'uilivnn county,bungs h light the details of a most alio 'kingdomeetlc. tragedy, August Oraaaler ami hiswife were old (Ii rinan settlers In the town.They had until nOMtlj lived poneonbly

ami liad rulaed a large nnd Wpeetgl le

fai illy. Home weeki ago tir. asler Imaginedtimt bia wile waa unfaithful to him, Domeatlobl 'kerlngs aroae. The husband went to live Ina tenement on nla farm, the w ife remaining atthe homeatead, A few days ago a young son ofth" couple, who had been staying with Iliafather at the lenemenl awoke In the morningand missed hla father. The boy w. nt tothehouae Where hla mother was living and toundher dead and mutilated body lying on her I"

floor. Near her waa k heavy elub. in an-

other room adjoining ha round tbo dead bodyof hla father. Ill' his aide lay a largaplatolMrs. Orcaaier'a iooni was stained with m I "iithe llo.-- and walls. Her skull hud n eruahedwith the club, and her IgCO and l,,lt werefrightiuUy poundal In her left preaat waapistol bull w Hind, she wns In her night ebdhesThe husband had hla clothing on, There wasno blood on bis outer garment, bul hla nightclothe were saturated. He had evidently killedhla wife while he Waa undressed. Belor kill-ing himself lo- had put on his clothes nml antdown nt a tal Ie and drawn nla win ae lollowa:

in ti. nsnM et Uod Aimiiiiiiv. 1, sasatk a saut ia oai s.one raw sisl ens arinu lltlfrr leaiy "ii- .in;. 111 aaaWilliam Orsislsr. wiuwsi m iiaa.i nog

Ai scat OMMir.Mv i, Arltinr rtii.t Wiltsnt shall savi tli. tor

aiy eatliei i i,in.- sold to ssy nr tui.,i,il rxi.r 1,11,1 tli, ,i. .1,. Is- I ill ttn- tail rrniik

giall tssc no M.ni is nr tea, ami shall deal naaasuyiMtiittnaii iiiMiisii OiMkalaaM.

ai ut i oaaastaaOreaaler shot himself in the stomach, the ball

passing upward and edging in the left lung.It Waa eflcltod nt th" Coroner a Inveatbratlon

that for acven weeba oust Oreaalor had beentreating hlawlra in Ike moal biutai manner,Among hi- - cruelties ha conypi-llo- her lojenvaher house ami remain lor dais and rights Inthe pig pen and other out ho uses. The trust .esof the xouugavllle remetery ratuaed to permitUressler's leiuiiiiis to be buried lu the cemetery,

ii in. ui vo3tmrstm imemcamcm.

In Ike M. Mm.". .I I ,ml Hrglmt., uhlrli hnI.,.,.,, Alive wit Tkeas,

BlISXAMDOARi May " DePAtch tofhoPhiladelphia and New Vork nWpapM, re-

porting that tin nl regions arc alive with tin-

CommuL". and that the aulhoritieaare preparing lo roalat the ahedding "f humanblood, are mere canards, and have no founda-tion in t r lit Ii The tli.r .lav adeapgtehWM

nt out from Tamauua, fachuylklll county, tothe offect that there Waa a Comniunlatlc organ

in th e region, and that there wore atunuM l.ooo members in Hnenandoall alone.The sain" despatch charged the tiew societywith attempting t" hstruet the track "f tli"Philadelphia and Heading nallroail at differentpoints along the line. If th" railroad trackawre obatruoted It hue I n k"pt veryiiulet, na no one eaoept the author oftlio st,.ry ever heard ol it. Tier" nr"not a th itisandCommuniatfl in bhenandoan. because there nr.' hardly that number 01 no li InIhe la. rough, and there is nol a man here, mu li'ess an organiaatlon, thai believaa In the comninnlatlc Inoorlea. There are. however. In near-ly ah the coal town! Secret later rga litat h aia.wlii. h already embrace a large membershipand which are raid. II v Increasing, Thei ibjecttl..- -. organlaatl us K the elevation "f the

and report save that th-- societies pro-pose t i "bta.n that end by influencing legisla-tion, That they are ti 't l'"mmuulatc in theirlendenoic ia eertaiu, alnco a large proportionof the mining population ar. Property holders.Hall a million dollars worth ol projperty In thistown ni, .1,.. is owned by miners, The same istrueol tin' other eoal town, and Communistic,theortea never have ohtnineil a foothold in thecool region. It la tins" labor organlxationawin !i the excited Imagination "I tie alarmistshave clothed with the red regalia "f Ihe Com-mune, Th" other day a leading cltiaen ol thiscommunity wa denounced na a Communialfur the r.'ua,.u ii.at he conalderad nayea afraud, nnd favored Inveatlgatlng the Ittlanouawork of the Eiectoi al CommUuion.

Una ll.iy XS.n-- In rw y I.

Yesterday morning Albert C. Moore, who i

. . . i ai nna tin: robbsysorihi aaaklaCaml rslaiserl 0.1-0.- PraH's erdtr vsesua theentsr el srrfi ta wbleh tie wss conAneri In Ludlewstreet lall Psfars ns coat.1 psek Ills itotngs hi naiiri,i

" . leaupsuen froni u,. unvsrnoi .i MssssrtisvtULlli.tl I. at t.- tl Blunts. la ie V Keblnaon gi" r lia--

a. M ll - ai" scd. S te UM in Sautii BreaXlj n w e.ti ni Hit ..t He- aa.irjn .t. !. n ir in tha t'smlaiflgsaert tisnklili.l w- - lillliit 111. re quktUi It'llll Ira. ki la Ih. ,1sIvcttiei i Snow ul lln- I'ainl ruU 1' u.a atis. tu .1 tin- property atui ..a an ornar ofsrrvst sum srsiI., H. km lilsnUavd by Mr sn,,w , gisuisa srliowst iii tt . bat k at lbs Urns of the I bbsrj Ku singlha His ordsr "t arr. it tnul't be i :i at,'.), a - t, ..

yrsi had le H iten A requialUon a t t tk. a, an lie- illEpettvs ano.a ii: Albany an instil iioiRtSiiutea sranUil It, at.,1 tin drteeUVf leek da milslant trsta lor Kw lork. t'ndfi sbcrt I'siaia wss

ton I Ihst ths dsttedvs wonbl Is in as w Vork wltbins warrant end Jaatlrs trae. - order lo rscsts Ibsari. i answeii a kinmedlsb i. M. nawiai.' Oi a Hy Tr' ) Moon Iss yer, i roi un 'law r.i .t hsbi i

.n. from Judas Ptaiobiis, hurried to Mallow street Isil.and atrvtd It luat bslera JUe..r,- m, lo be taken to unUrsnd renirsi Pspoi far koatoa it ii rsturnsbls talimoyiuag bsfera Ju.iar Donohas.

A lllalMil, MaSltH limned.uh av Km Km

The Inrgc frame dwelling houaeon til" RockDili ninn Rent ceuniy. M.i . i, t. in Josspa 'II mi.l an t bslenstna to A I' bilSI ! at Halum.-ra- l.si litersltbsiltbc furiilturs. wsi by aa a, ei.1ei.talin. a ssiimtm a srrsk sga tlisrs r ise plst ing iryisn i sronnd w in. a eluosi mors liitsrsauas liltterwsaaueistiens thsn Rock llsl an t lha okl mstialon whliba . . a iiurn. a lieores t. k. 1.,- ci l brsa i Qaaksr, mla liar: pllbllahcd in I"?-- tliiin ant em Brfeapt ika nl tailing up ttn- Chi aspssks ant IsndtnS at It" kIfsli, S t" If ht . nt t vers In w vrr sssntlj i .. liWsMitiuil in, iu ntsituiry. slao apesaaol ktoppins .t R - k

llsll on aevorsl oreagohs, on one nt which lis Isftt'besi. s t. stTu'i Iia k in tlia mornlna, ami a'n-- ii l. itAiitii a ..i two hnuri lound deluthtiul abaltst St the hnapita

- msngon at It k Hat rtjomss Jefferson, inslao serska nl si the ssioe ltlscs

a uianj othvra dlatlnsulsbcQ In thsesrl) niatur) of ii.iiiatimi net'ors tl" ilna ot lailiemt. nn. Itesmbuala,a i,.t liutai l for na- yi r sftel ROCS Hull is a- - His eiilUtt an nil. I for meal ..1 Itiv tlurtl bStWSSn I '111 in r t.a nan. I BslUmuri

Jei.mttu--- - ftmalri.

yt --VPaTOWN aiivi:k TiaEaiaMay Issva thslt fsversfnrTas ea at ths aaly aethae

11. it III. lew ll It.t, . ti- III. lit ettiI ,;la Breaitwat.i rni r o Slat si l P. M an t

Hoaw.-- i '..,- o ....ia su.1 yaxjia st i arner " t7ii. it, until a i. U.

obsrtrsA. H III I II AWA Bell Inat lull,' ter Inn ll nil.

UUPPHMITH A nt U Wslksr ItTTRKTIIIN, iiiiet,...i sii.nit. una Kreeii

Irliwsnu ii Htusuona rcaiii A..iv st ts nia ane relit u

BJk'INOg.-0-'I llnVAS V l It N atei'SUSl t.

llH I'.N'I'H KU cratura on slpai'i,.,,.it.. work alvcn out auaetbatI.ITTI.r. Ulltl., Mor li tiara, lo run crrsudsa tut ii. ti m

io.1' OPKHATOHMt Mil ott, llic Tailor, Its Rowsry

nil I SHM A K I l( .el il ni- - all i yearan I. ni Ihllil liotlaewera 81! kSSI MHO al

I'M'I HUM I 11 . m ..,.,k. ...rl,I a n,i,j i, re,! .nn umi Ilea

iia ks .1, KAKNlxu, as ami i' "i I'rsnkllr ai

I'l III l l CUIiamli mi la wn liecala and i lianT...... l. petal nutjosf I'll v ti l. ii .1 nun :.s whlia it

,all llll'.M 11 lialllii ei, w'rspi ra a' lanKuiila r niwsy, IM It- a f III: til UnlitI M'l It I I'M I l n ' I. elil,E4 eld baiida nei-i- l sppl kl lludaon al salt slors.

f 1 1 It I.H lo lasra palis Mi nt t. ii,,- Tsilor, i' B.., it(LOOU i.o s'snb'd ini-i- ti - H'blta dri wa

.ti,. ii ii HIIIKN ."i i mi , plat s

(iiiiiII nierstri ani lisalera nu slpses rosli H'orhout Hsseineul dour felT Wott aetn si

Ol-- l 11 I (MtM nil M r A Mi WllTcua A

Oil mill Oinitt tin liiiit'liltlea tin nullII t W tli II, I' teetlHI.t t

Ox K f'bsmtiitrinsid, una wuinsu lor ifeuarsl work, starlebei llousu tiaif yrsnsiuru, cor. rrsukl'urt and

u dllsin nia

SI'WIM insctilliea reduci'dj te., n lip, t.iiu'dluai, Mi siiiaor ininitt, ti't iitf'i'i.

W A SKI W A 11 ,I5, si i et SKI III. AN a. U Hulnl I

SI ll l M. SI At IIIMIM i.i.i. .1 eilil, I'krluiioiiin.ii shiier n unlit, 1 Mnit-- 2i Ursoiiwlcii

nt nml 17 gaat Hroad ant.

SI IT II t N II .Oil.) I. le mk, te ll, I. 'tillSIMl'lllN A III Hilts, jvi.imi liUPmiul it

l't'llll t llr- -t i laaa o,i ratal nu w All netit t iani' nn in,' laiiii serki muat Utornusbjy.undsiitsiid the niai'hiac; jatrnisnsui t'nitlvyiusnl ImiklaVi,Ursr A n It Ilreekt.t ll

tt I I Ii iii ilreaaiiiHklini itc rtinenl I'kiuTlTr otairslul pll Slllgel iauiilt .eatt- laacbllle

HUHlM'H, il l" ami IMU It tit t' tNT'l'.ll tl. li ill ..e'lllll le US! ll ' ,' .1

its i.i,i,t ttt. ttai- - ni i, I,, tnkf ii la nvr UWII llVIIIS1'n t- t all ill noil Pill av.

' iail'KII It sad i ii "e atiiU' work ; slan diH'ra--lor on a ilteua Uibbs' mai'liitsii it-- a.go a Rasl uitli at

W'AVIT.ii Rt .t ni: mrl (ia yssrt) to dastusrsiIivum aers, Wl w sua .i.


l' t vrr li i sot t milliner nt i.aanad at-- . hstwi IBTT TTkli ami TtB at- - tOOM picpalr.l 10 Wort.

Ths Miea I.OMo.

IV AStTEB Votuis girls to U re chlldrsn?t i ii a rrs. "i i rnn.i t II. BAWauH. aspt

,VAvn:o- - gi,g,W ."uYAtr." '.i"

WAV":" m .fyAfeoM ta; .

lyANTKD Tarasrs o " "";',';7 i",ai .ltl'.tNT'l'.ll First etaa "iT,.i r nn Tut- ruatomTT al,,,'. It sr BHtnilliKS "I l Hi. a lavII' tTI D aTiiiiIc cirl m mtn. I chiltlran; llormsnTT or BWi'ds ; warn an Ifkl Blltstath at . tup BouT

AM I II at. ii e. r o r. i li I kirl ApplyU" '.truer Wllloaahb) an I aaymend ro Brooklyn

it-- a M i n s. 'i mI winders sndslrls lo weavi on

tt tmstlioouii iia isit gat st top oer.

sirla'ean t.i.tain iluaii n 'rss, lr.ltrl andY'Ot'?'0 .a.B.ai tin' mil,' WrJ", ,""JiHMark . plso,Stii t timti r rsrs "I Chlldren'l tldSij-cb't-

Al... trie iiiitriiriioa on il msebtnfl n.nii ete r. dully lo all alio mat sppiy. SB drTSSmSiUSJ tungluarsutitoIiaVy .

t mm ra I'll ... wsnb i, s'- -T" " litn.la ra on aulti

OI'I'KMII'IM aaOS . 22 sad 21 IMilt at


Ta. toe a. :v i III) assa'sA . iprin nut aa..-.- as ;l". i tu tlirAMiaOII t, IW BrnUt i Brnoktyn.

1 Tllna atACOM S. ite" Bettirt. earfs t and 'nitntnro laiesmsni one lliat SBdsrstSBST IBS lliMallun ut

AUENTgwItb Btr. cspiUlcsn nitk. 1 10 dally s M

aprlna abt.w t srds Hit Meweri. COTMIHeater at

I1IIK aanteil it tareful, to .! man ran lisve MSSdyAlcmploys-sn- l; noolhsi idspply- lOOCberr; at

(dMPoaiToVTa uisw 7iMsu nA at.

(MiMPoai asrl)I iikh e a rkmen llWst l.di

KMI'I I I I' l l'B la.Ua. tliltlsiet'Ki a Hi oft KB, taoaadM Csaslsl

S I' I K III I I III If. nn it nt tu'. in..-- ,

ialttt at batWffl a Matli ami Itlt SSIPI Iti A K I A Mi 111 ..11

C I I SM A N .

I ogdai rafSfsacs ii'into'l Adtlrna A . lies Is'., suaettlee

"1 I' KOMI et ll,

'IMA. AMI lilt I'll'.M. i.uun.la tett.'as I'';- t. I. na-l- e . "fft SI

BAMrLi ika jea p. irui'l- - AII.OII waati k kia i" '

1 seed i to, .time, levin tlisCOBBtr) ApplyBtl l M

SI las Ursnd at, New York

Tu T A ll "Its.'a- il,l av

11 NT V. II ' ilpami n te rrlall sill lasde i lottltnaTT mi ii isit-t- slnrsi msB ei I'li'-U- leifipersls I, at. its

aim undl lite Imams. a Adtlo t 11 hi Alb. staM.aiA. laimt-illat- ly

W iVTKO A tmi 17 nr is iir Ta.t ute" under'TT atand bsrtendlna iminin- ni aorta t ah anitih

ata Wtltniln-liiiiB- with lelt irncea. I ami 3P. M

II' IMIII Aaa nan el Is able lo l i ndiTT ie ii,- (lew I rk ami Brooklyn tstlora, Address,

wHh tall paruealara i MiTlli bos Ise, sen nrncs.-

A N i l IITV nnd fair esaea ittaiis.ni. u luJAt'ObUI A

NIMIca MsnsfsetnrlBa i u rlttsl sryh l'a

11' AATI II i JollStt sT"N mi.'- - tree. . 1. 1. statea IsImti.i rsllrosdfrrry, "t wtiitehaii t tars aacsnt

W v ri tiTT meeUUS at L'sopat Initiate FriJat


11 A Tin t baker st feremsn.TT luidf le SAM 1. HOWg, Msdoosl lljkdt -- J nt..

n. o 1

11 I KI TA lilt K I lisTT rt.iit.i -- UN A .iid:t.-- o no West Brosdwsy

11 A I I IITT aloolX. tin Tsilor. 14ft Bowery

11' AaTKII lTV sad 10 o'clock HQ Meaei .,, ..r, ,

UATP.O4 farm liantla, I.. .i g rt ...SV , BSSI tali at

.1 sum M IK P.BUI wantaV mile: ' . .. t. k

"i POl .llt iirvTea ."'Ti II mt a. .VIK '' S '"N ' ' " ,t",',.sni. raat.

Oil MEW I ili'srletanmAJ bens Cel I ratlklei t nl. ll iaitm st It. tllr mala .1

aiilll'ltiOll! Wllllltti.A ll K I'K wsntas

.'a il ,n inak' hrcsd, takta. pisai uaoOalortttlrrvea laoiure at 14 Psisnwei .t v t,

aJ I T t A I III wsntii i.n.t, .In make . n od rrtel-lic- It.

ii .1 ot.-- UpolBti itii-- If It '. t froj N. Y.

II IMIIITT ii.... u lid, in s tin abopi ha reference. Addressa h . bos las, am, tn.

tt i! tfsMU.

HOB II. s At l l ll .a CO.,Ati Tittsi i:ns,

will aell st audi. n. OB VHVHDAV, May Id. tt 12e cl.sk Bona, wB tlif ireniiae, b) s erdtr tt

t'nt ntar. h .

aiitt CHoiri t ors,located en Payntsr av., Rsddv, Proaaccl Crssesal aadWuilam sts , til ui ii.itiiii- - la tin TitlrdWardui

LOXO lal.AMi CUT,..nit-- l nun. its tt rsn froat Jams glp, Thtrttt'lirth iru i ami .'im , ml at re i rerrlea, it ."mlnutoa ti.iia City llali, Kee nn slab sruund,with lieauUtld view ; aurrouisliaas uniablevtlonsble on

tho best opp rim in. - ot tin lenauti for luveatuieut, aithe pritpsrt) alii bt pnetiivefy sub! for fuca prli , - . tttimes will warrant intt percvat msy reiasla ou menanas Titit- i . it. t11' A VI' I IITT a propeller Addrsaa l..i n.i.N'.h bos Ittll sneltta,

fox Sltll illli Co Vfl.

i .FPU I s Til I. I tU tretii and rear, well Babied sad i .t n n ,o Apity kt aua rubilcstiun oaVe, asaasu and rranktorl sta'I'll I I III it at

I h sluts t r it, i n e Inaiis snd a loti, oa William,aeii nt , aesrhlskei unt-i- ntv t.ia.

1 n BABioA't., am MoBuatte st. greaklya

'I'l l I Al I N I Slit ker I'larea. near JvtTrsoBSl ale-- ia.. M i seiiiI at it tin t .1 r, lit

pnnntM (tjarttit.n t it tu h aiiop itjumlaon, 7 null . Irian A w v.ak Oe- Ihopisc tie

plelell iiaia-l- e .1. ,.ii win !.- aold for SK-- rt nt. 1.' . i

tm.ntli, r w nl be i, nt. nut. i. to S yield msn.it,.. A CLABK- -. rpushkeepaic, K. V.

i. o.i ii k. a- kiyn Inr aaleallv., COafSCUoUAtrleS, snd e ".III r bnki I"

lev till. HKI.I. 77 . .Ini lI It 1 II - "iBU, to oaat.lt- lii.niri. al vi frsUkUB at.


IIAKEIIkillOW i Asi s.oin jAxKa lltiUUK, 4 watts t rear lollrTAO l.l:r Bakeri mat live tn Inr.- .. k. t.

1 uvelliSUlB SWal enl.l. ClleSlt. fBAi Wt.Ul.1 till .in,.. II SMITH, h l tn1' l

'.UII.I. Ill I tA I iJIauillill' i. .i li lell t ii il- I. .1 I''.

Isrrsd Address HOUga, baa kfl.1. Bun orttcs,


'J'lli: A i tut I. HOI si:,rani I0IM0B, li I

Will ter. ill. r ml I by II titter, Ml A W.Al.hllll'jl, Whiihseaea- U'd Kith lam Mi l. t S Itlit its ittt-e- tin I'niiia'i House, i ia- aa sad aew at a Conn

Tluahotiasia .to a. loesb ' beina nesr Utsasnsralet.. tu ,, ie M

ii haa m ii in a. e i, in, avs ana room a, wta, aeontsui nil i le- me I. in improvements

Tin' hens. int. been entirely returnUhed, an t naderih,. m tt insnssenn nt am in- kept tnoroaiihU "'' tiasi" ' i'Bll'Va "hi iii'i'KO to ti ami .i ttn OATCauiiusreisl irsvellera see tsrtb'iilsrly invlti'd tomaks

Un. He ii lintel, sad ealra iscijuiea will be taratalivdInr lilt' !. el tin a goods

a n ai. nun it Proprietor.

Voni) itub iiroiits,

I Him I: ,1 r w. il eenltlsb I, iA ble ueisbborliutal bath, aaa, ptanu, tin-- parlor.Nn 1.' ii. ia t ai near um h ri

April i ..a. . mil ii.'iitle.uiMi and dny boarders callwltli laaird. 10 iia av.

I .till. .a, will iiourd or lodas two ladlea, UralHeel WM I.H- -t laltb al.

a r..tT nu no d r at 7 llaiidltoiktal near Cslh.at ini- l

I 4 III Kn Hint iueii can be ac h.U',1 aittiI giMkj IioHrd and lues i - H" inn at m m .si hit u i i i luridabi'd ruoui leu Bd av. uesi Elllli il

HH itsr ii no t nu i i nUtf nit."-- . nil- ei si ie lii.iii r i. lurniahcdrtaiuia Si bi tiCI Ml n It WKKH, ' "i enVI. ijtr ua .., louma without board, na I

.1 i ,n m i t'litliai Ills

S TO OA' ll Mird, slth plcuaaiil I - a rereiiliottl i, aultahle lor a e. tuple kw Meat B'li ,i


tail M ills and Bower vsasa a Ut redmI in.,, ii w lei in, a I rum uiu melt- in- kbit k can baIliad, at int. tar pelt.M "in iiml tt In.., ,.ili fun .,.i.,a.:ntil arUi U - loi a vvri h"" iiinnay

JAM. S i I, Hill. AMI B, IU lil Mi el atIt I lit s I II I Is IT. IN. km

coiiprlallid a Mtriea u leclurea dellvend si Kalin III " " to Hi Alt.) ii.llt, ell IH I III. till I .11, III .ell .111111'a, ram-- alius lug Indiapuiahl' line loat hitalib last rtsatle tt SftOl'dltlS n ll Sr ) llOpata til laui.- nn-- it. t 1, 1.

law.-- ami lbs irvslnieat u nervitiiasud phvait'sld Idli-i-

ueiiis ihe reaiili u -- ".ttma'. xi 111. in 1' iti 111:111 J,.-,t'lirreiiey, or peaisap atsmpti Adtlresi sscrvtsri KaJni'sMuaatuiu.aaa ii Iway. a. lurk.U'A"kT't;il-- li iiini- - iiiatluai! I. nut. loT liu.ieu


TIIIMTKI. I r NIOIITe.jIHITII'Mfpatpaiai a mu manin.'. tii draaaai

iKR x X -it IDgblg XX II Bul One.

Im xx f rr.nxx 11 Hna. "hsat 11 f ikI.1.1.L I "asllinnJ Mnllnae KKK 3

".Sb"To MoKIK'W iS .lurilayl st I ri -

I'll in tint r. nti iTRr.Jv LaygS, laahieiinl le, riiltuoiaalii Sun.

Mtn V otti:T IVCCItat'a'gOBDAr, in

TUB Mii.MiH INI) sit. MiHA MtlKHOXtNI'.W le ths new pluv.



ttii:uKi:t r vt tt tiiiik tgi tRii'M,I Ble.etit ,v Hint I'tttl '.tilt rrrelvfit frtitli Ills Irnpti . raie n.tira of evert rnn

ralvst.ls rider HesaUfeJ aiatel rlahea brilliant Ans.meaea, Bcbooiaisaters, Wsca toul Tsllew tlrnnls.

rnrsbea, llai.iitt. snd Btantt otte i trnnae, soiISMins, ami besatlntl Hshsa Rnllrs ansass ot pro.platiiiiit' el ieil..iituiiti-- a Haul n I '; KAI'ST. ul Italiank- .aid ie I el I, I I I M Ml. llUt ti iK in It liian

Me. I sTl lt.A hi lA ri n Marmn rite nml I te la.Ml K U'KIMIiil.l. at Mnlllia an t A n , Milt I M M IMK.TTI.KIt n K. . 1,1 Ml JACOB o It 1 at FsBSl amindsardo Adial n.ftoeTBUt s nt. Baeeaal

atrii. To enlmpansesa, m csatsaddlUoaal,OasB all dS esrformSBl BltoraooB .list evanlns

TliriTRF., r nla ny snd d siIyiKU I aiiiikV Leaaee snd MsasgsrAIMI e 1 t 111 P. I.I. rtHKlillMAMES.

Tu nlpht aicw ti rail tel.t ll'tl.K

AtMFK MsUnae Bstiii 1st ata ..iguFl.R iitnori.A,Matinee adtiiiaen. Koeenta Hsnia. vt rente .'tra.Hiitnr.tat Nblbllla! Uinei, l.t til I'AKIalKNNK

Moadsyi-nswops- rs l i st MB 111 - nt. t nKNKVII I.R

.RAMI OPKR I lllll MP..IS ,. .( WIKBKt.LT .ml Mansaerl

lttaert.-i- wata ilireheatrs I'treb ntel BslenBi 'ax'.BliMiirnt ua .ttitiA' Mi i ' i.i.i it OH

Tin- - kvkmmi ant ii sBt'NDAV I i I.Ms., i. ham. LBV COMCRRT

Tin- Ma.lei t'orta-tHa- l. tt. Mr II Tuaniateii an t litaSBpsrb orcBSStra mil u BOS St p.'i'Ular nitiat HiatlHint BOW I',' s nit- t nt lm epflee.

Mnnday I.M IMsTiill nn.t Ilia atreat tr ..i.e


A lie, nam s nl Raul a,., in Kit,- n,attiM,TUP M If It I K UK IKI

Art The tlmtle el I'll nl n n I t th-- li Ttn' arllliter'a'Irsam Act The artist's relresl In lha I. .n'.l nt roeuillillrnii Aria-TH- R art tlio OF HAI'HARL A.--

r la a till, in I'"- He, a du UuuhwiitAcia-H- K i.if. in "V t.i rui: IirbaM

Matin kf. aAitnnAf at i.

ST t MIA II It I'll PA IK T. Ml UIWS) .a. lit..HKMlRRSliN ft t m ler -- rut MSUSBSITil lltn 11 BR K AMt i "MlM Ell s l i t ESai,

.1 K I. it Ml a

HF II till II 1 III 7.7.7.I It H 11 I .if unit ii r zF It It II T 7.Y ll H II T HM

Fvett etrmna an-- SS IfdSy mntiiii-- nl la'.DOWBBT Tin: i t ar.it rnlasveBlaa aril b. ptvssattd the powerful asass- -

tit-- .Iraani ol llit-STIIIKt;

MtM HRarsRrifiTitc.l l.t tie liean'liul l.url. sine ot

PtHAUoNTAJ.flrana MsBnee in morrow at 2Moll Ink eAel.l.lK lie At. the Bill.

( ' II I All III A all 1 1 11 A I. KM


All rt grest utlilt-tt-- arr i liter. ,1

Tba ptrsSTsaleaats start si n a m evsakeufs al n rM t i. will rrneit te Mi k. I'luaniit-- nt tl.uRink ii s i m snd -- 1 if

Mr sti. titer tt t make ..k tties' ra.

Dll.l t llll I V I II I' l I It I .

Ill K V Ft MS AT --

MAVINBF. -- Ill Itl.AV AT i.MISS MtwiB tf LB III


. ttNt i hi nt tin ikuIrIa i iBia llBUEBaIIIN silt I It V. T il li t I II I

V LAST WRRK A i I tl lilt rt 11 r ISBSATl 111. IV nl I SO LAST ll iriM- tv.. Mnv Mt n ill-- - RBllLISH OPBBA COM.

I'A.M ni IMF. I'lllMB.a to Ni tH.lt A.M.V

It' t I.I. tl K'S.TT it ptieUir aiidMsnSf cr Mr LEBTRR WALLACB.

mi l ..M i vr.VPNtXi. AT a Kit IV M ITIVF.R AT I 3o

-- MS st.t I Itr.tl l t "I.I hs IX AIItM'B."

Tow PAaroB'a, - bbiiaiiwav.c. mi aio in a peest tall The Wi.n.t. rial

t'AKIsl tv MVSi Fl: an I sr. at ti t. lit pan Pt ml.Bt'Bol.ss and IT l.tM'S i. Ht IT Bl R.il'F. IN BALLET


A L.l-- t ttttk bUt IS "1lll.l.LI.K s IMtNUBRi

li, New rkFtrnln,:ats Msttnees Wednesdsy snd Bsturds) nt 2

s, l ' ITI til lal li 'i-- l ill,- - :., iZ'llU 1.

PATBIttOTiin'onatiit-c- -

FtKKl KVIUti, at a sATI HI" IV M I IINF.I. nt 2

( ' II I. K I 1 1 l. Mill "V ll .mm! Msai' al BnttrUttnment, glv. a ht ar Henktmin tlresary. for s eharttsl.te psrtMe, nndsr itis

of Uie iii.aadUUnsidsnsdclt-sia- a Sdmlaaton. suersSsrVSd s al .'at- SBtTS


(; tit II tV II Till III IISIIA.I BT BXi ' RSIOB Tn M wanton ABO ISTF.r.ML-H-


. obi Mill twill make tin tiraln irlK et th. m aaoS OB BCBDAT, M.it12 ii i th, Ht ine et America, it i.tias.1. Well', put k Ho- kit ll P it A VWeal Hah t berth Km i Bigl A M

Wtsl -- tn. at, aorta Biter . i .i MLnialinj nl

VONKBBB hi I'.iIXT ia ilt.NH'ALL.ami bRWBl'RUU

Ml sit' BY COBTSBBO'S t I IlK.lTKD 2.111 Rt .1si si RAMI

FABB RIB tub RST1RF. . RSIOB i n a i Kirslil i RESIIMBNTS It K.MellEfl oN HutHH

I, 'llll lllll K I ll IT III ll II !

uFF.aTN.i to mi SR HA.si Nil IV, M IV i

TUT' fori LAB -- H ml b AMERI.'I awill lesvc en aundsj Mat i weather perntiltt na),

-- 4ti, at. Berth rlver.a.a. A M oiell aiil-- M

Wi t 'ih i Berth rm r, a ia a M and I ei I' M.flraadat, Est! rivet atVilBA M staler M

Jewrll'aduck Bns.klya, saoA M an .' f. r M

HlM.nl Ml Sir AXlV BBFHBsHME.NTS Ob BOARD.I.- ,o r It i.int ,tt nt I V ml '. I' M


A llkllltll IHMttt - laya. Msy 11. IB,iiii. i Thurelsy aiesmer a m riet. tier, in t la. .

l s, it, Lett nu t. rs ina . M. -. t. repair U'Svflli llsrriai , N. H e IU, eth .1 B R , 7 Ua . r.y, B K 7 IS;

J.' l It , B II 7 in. Imli I S K 7 '"i. I'n I B 11 aA M ticke- t- 7j ti.ti... 'st centt Hulland tsckls en bosid Al ti fustRB, Msasasr

I:IIKsiiins. atentultiiataAsT'tKIAt i aslwsyai.nlisiiil locbsrtel ati' iieiit.lv rsisa auperinr to sn in He- buMneaa atesmb'tala Inr anisll psrtiea s at olSTAUIR'aTrsnaiHirlsUun, Risi 1. A K sstwssB foriIsiidt sad in at

tTht iiut.Dnoapci r pur h nd, l i

I rnei:24rsce aui -t rn . m tt srerstebsvs besnIrutled rhuradsv, MSV B, nn- hi.at t a oullt of millloKiidsy.Msi 1 s. entrfea ia llcrsbt ol tealerdsyl'ie...i I'ni s ana rele t ttniiri id riinanoras ami

1. .nn nr. le in trule v et groutlda A I It I all I A toQtiiiitnl,

Mil. llll II. NMll . I MTV 111 IIIlie t - .i t. ii II ill. Ml lii l.iv i t. i um M:i.v 11.

t o't'iiRvh Mi mi.vi tin- iiii'i't tlroiiii- I'holr crnii un ii i .1 t lit i nil. ii. ni tin- riHima1 tit -- t.i Wttliiv-tln- i. u riiUrwlil. SI'I Ni l.K Vt iii.i ii.iiiiii.tii Mmii i .'ininiii' i Vouiu Mi li 'tt'iirti iHin n

NH'itlil'll li' I. la trtll le . I.lniiit.l. Mi'lit-u- t IiJIUt.ltHi. iiUbli' on ru un .VtUi ..(v


AT ii iiN M It Kih.'ri vNf . itFi:niMs.

6TH av ami Lit hi sr .

M w ri iMistu KIM

RV Uli' IHilllttt OF aVtMflI" i ' i innri

I ' I A N m a , 1 i y K N I'!411 I Did I'lu Utt. li III i'X Itllllslt

Rpi l ll in. Iii PMirHt! ! I. purcliftiatNi

ir ll I t il m r. r iiittmw, UaVtl on..n ii tv ti .I iniiri Un- ii.t nl tlif limuM (ipt-r-

I'oillliMtl) in N. w V m lit Mi. Ki 11. .,: M i KtlaV, I irv,Mhiimumi', ri 'th. TiMH K.iti, V. itii. 'onlry, At' find tvisiiiiiiit iii if. t hv ni, in tur their ujiimiiuivuc rlrhittiinl l.'l.i', w ill Im Buttl nt H 'irv It ni I' l int It hrliHUftf iirWuiii uh-- iith fiilU w tu r 'tiid-.- im iin- m.uiTh aw ut KHKH ini if lOHi Mn ac mi. 16th ll

a It i: IT m i i ll j .vi.u n.i. ii itlNtl rilMKJ till It'll e is, ut n l unu .lli.l il

ht ot i.is mail s .,1 w Lu m inatiiliiiii iita.than ayi'r Iwioru uiTrrfl 1'ianua, Tuctavti, u 7iiK'tatr.f I3ft; lira am tt lop. i"i 7 i(U, IJ ti,t'. vaili, in p. rn-- uiilfi. ii.it ust ii i ii

liOHii'K u ailks aaiiSH Kal n"i t'l' MliniLK A i O.'s. Ill) iiuiimiiuiaviun-r- , nrail iTa idantM m itw

i t - I'tir l lllll af il Till ft .1.1 .l l() III! llll lllll. t IVIan, iiaai'd !'... nnd liiMallinrtitat, tu

iU i .l.iv Hull Ml It A CHI., I." Ka) I Itti ft4 111 al Vll I I HLU A U

: i ii i um Nrriilt ki i iu.'' Rtrinwiiv'st, aild iithtfl n. m oivnni

DM in t ii h, i hi i nat tli iiif ii it m hj hi rt ul

Kit ii ii ti- ii ii. Kiii ' i irTihave 'i i"'ti'it,i ni 'i uiif ni tn Dint idatiiMurlva,

t iii in v mh inn i. it. i n.i m inp ti thi-- ara m- - u .

"w rjaiiiM U'l an) Mild mi liMtaiiHiiiu

1)1 IMI. 7 itavi HHI 7',.. ihm !.'., nrtttUKJ :i ; It ii imiV H simi, T I'', NN sat II A flu iii Hit i ni inlinn i ui fl'', Um n iii". "Hiii iiialJiliim iit.

UUKlMlK A MON IU Knot I Itii nl

I' r It lt II I' mid iimn u ii fV i , t- - i,mi flu I hit llll (l.il ll t tlt It ind.

Mki i h r in (iiti in i, war i nu itCIS mo I I will huv a iiw iiiaiiu, M a tii'WQlwdtll i' lis' i ii HIMdMla. A i'i, fi Kal tiui v

vm KO wtiiid 'i M.iiMi.mit inn. . u iK'tavi',JftsSflJ ut aii ; n ImiualM. al iui iI.iimin s Mumrivw iiu Imtjai'i '& w fail I ih i (ui i 7iii av,

fmW( Wtt VFWAHII ' ' ' - ind liiiud n' Mlllas., in ,1 lt lllnKfl- - IK lUjIlllll Kill Hit II. Miliii um' muii urdi-i- lur ttalt-ui- i ni(,ii iiioiitlily iiayiiii-ii-A, It at ' I iilal II.) 11. 'llll V . t ll (Kill al.

QlutuigitikT v i ii i . r it rv M - m1 Ktitutv, rrida) rvt'iUii Mav in lpuaal ilruitiailMstlVk lill' tti In! Bi'llj L'tl. tt lllll) lii. at ttJohn i.NM( UhaUrittttu UuiuiuUtiti


The Finest Stock,

The Latest Styles,

The Largest Assortment,

and the Lowest Pricesat 1


it Broadway, Corner Broome Btreeli New York,ins iiml km i 'nit tm Street, Brooklyn.


Broadway. Cor. Prince St.

Our $10, $12, and $15

MEN'S SUITSThe best Bargains ever offered.


Blue Flannel Suits, $10



Wash-da- y ToilsABOLISHED.

James JylisPEAR LINEI tha nrvatcal of all l..r LABnH lanraililna. and ttic mily ttno aanaiasa to tticist.rii-- . Bo Stomas lasaM basa t. r tt.o i.ur.tiuaotoaaliltig tTittlaal It. Sti.l tn fvttftottf aad try it.

Da sol, :istt Waatolaaloa it, Mas Vora.

0 rjr 3ooii.

ji:i.i'i a,it i it tn.IMP. BK-- T AND CHBAPiaT IN Till

Wr aaaaM mat,- IstlSI Ulllia at any I'rlce.

Alt mill, fr.-- ttic rjakbrslsd Waaisatla Maattta Boa.mi- - :i l.iv, all iiiipii. Ths vorjr beat

KEEPS PATENT PARTLY Btsds Shirts, .', lor fa).' " . I'laitl .l.in- - to Blll--

KBRFbi fafOB attuiTS thr rsn bsst, lu lutaaiiia.1)f.'i ai. Pvrlcct astiaftwlloa ausfaaiiad.

I IVPN COLLABa roar-pl- rsrjr bsal 8 far TVLINKS i iTFs lotu ply, rj boat, si a Ball JoasaI'P.ri'FRll.L .ikas tmtvt krs, ran tiaat. fa.. each.lii.aTtilN.illAVt i MBUELLta.fi asch.THILLLD all.K I MBIlKI.Ha, Si

Kttf VANI PAtTi IIIN'I COMPAWT,.u i Brusd-s- y. .

V irksa autta arsBBS. 1DW

,f on rni3hi:tg.

t T ll 1XIEI. if I' A It It I l.tVsT,.'1 -- It. sv , at .11. t .t

i thn iTt'itK t nii i ra, behihbii, .. nUKKKl.l IIH M tNUILl 1'tVVtl.SlS

Ttia uldi-a- t Slut in. tat BharBl holtaa lu Nt w V..rh.

at? t.. Bit B ttt't. iwA a urtldllut a .in It Mil aiit S4 Sb sr., nrsr 38thal. tlif I.irwa.t v.tal lit Btraf Its kin I III thi cltri low- -

t.i csab pri.-a- a'cfkly mitt Biontbly pay takati.I v l MINN 11 Kill.J iBrBitur.', csriwla. briltlltu at u i ri a, i;ai

HurlaoB t cor Bt ... ii. a. si an. i rauuthl) aaymviits

I iiMiiini iA a l.t', iti i aaai- lit SI'I II A Itltn ,

ol w .in. i Psahlt ii.ii l. FurBTtaaa.At srrstll r. .!u. t Pr.. .

I. r tv .l.ii- - In. la. .in s.itur.tny.

II I IK IT AMI All. N I III A P.lVMRATaTT t.tk. ni. 'urBilurs, psria-ta- , an t had I. Svu.lur

ttlastnlsii pries lat PlTrrajirsstly mllk-r-CutVPKurnu All a . ti - i . t ' ii., (haras.

y ti i. r ipi it


I'M It A I T It A NS til tt HI IllSI't..a i,, i , t ... it n. v k ail i Ii iPumpsiiT'sitow piar, 4, North rivar, al.fH t

l.ABH tl'.B. ssnshvr n. i a., l.t i r vtCANADA. Prsiwrul M'rduoadsr' Mai S3 t i aPEItKIRK. Ilanra VT. nc sy, ... ' ' M

stoainsra lasrltrd Ibua dohot arr) t, pssavaI'.ra Tor Irs tab! oi laaa. alitili' to

LOl IS IU! BKBI .N nt. A Hr t ,,

INMATa I.I M'. .1 w l till -1 nit ill KI NaMlV.N AN l.t i t Ki l.l'TT of iii.Tiai.Nii saiur.tsi tt . is.si" ti. rt ni . niii rnurialsj Mm 's i. to a.. in or moxthkai, r iiia. list an, a I' m

I'r.nll Pi. i I '. N tti II., r.'tlllS. fat., attl St. i. ... KVI'int U t'l

lavoranla Isrms BTKKKA'JB, aja. currancy. iirstu tti. i rslva

Sal.... ii. Mat.' II Stn kit.. mil Math it mi. i ntShip JOHN. I Ktl.K l;. nl. .11 in a riM.IW.iy, N V.

Pnilsdslpbis iii i. i .. tti. t.

lilt Mill, tail ill.llll'putCOMPANVa LINKS,

Fur CALIFORNIA JAPAN, rtltXA. rUNTRAL sal..uiu tin nit i sandwich Islands nihv

KKaLAND, ti iiittll-l- l I'llKl'MBIA,VTASlilS.lfl.S rKIIRIDHIV. nil UltK'MlN,

S;iiini4 iroiii t' "i i .tmi' t N..iiii itivi-r- .

ftlK BAR I It IN. la.-.- I'M ISflllllS UK I' IN IMA.BlSSIIialllB I'tlLllN it nliv. May -- ', soaiHH.'Ull lor

t'i'litt til ai.'l amill. .4 .... Ii a.Unit -- in KB in. - il in i tPtv IND CHINA,

St. nn. in,, i iii n i Bsluntst ' I


st. ,,11.1,1, . tit nt SYDNEY, Iti'iiiiay, Ms ItI. nt.-uli- aiul psaasifo a iiiy ut ciui'Aiiv a nitlcc, 0

H. .it LIS.. lIKKEN.Ki'S Turk

s' I til: mm:i iiLAailiiw; LIVERPOOL iifiu is BELFASTI,, in in in hi. kiiv. in H nn; Paris KXl'iisiTInN1 Pi'-- I.", N mil Hi., r. loot ul I a ii.t t - ;..ll..waBtAfliDF i.ui lal .s t ...BTAT-- OF NEVADA tTuiiaday. alsy - i

Ftrat csulli. ItSilofTA, st rdltta to it'iviiitiiulstlmiajrstarit nritsta ai rvdu.'t'o rsta-- aWcond csbtBiBtsuraas ni '"w t i i ataa

Allpll In A I' SI IN HA LlUt IS A 'I . l.rnt.7j II la ii N, YnrkaTKBKAUB tlrkrta sl IS in md st the iota

I. iiii. 'a 1'icr. l""l .'i i anal i North River

t'l' III I I HT 1 II MASK,IiU KENsfott n .n Lit K IL.

i.lllMlNK' a .mr.l n Ma. II, Ij HP atHAI. In' Hi . tl.i, I... I I' M

Aiiiti.iiTc suturdsy. Hay in, aoua,ft .in tviitta Star Un- - I'lsraj, Norlh Ktyar.

Cat. nni nit silildablpa at - .m l fl'.t. I.hiTuin tlckal luvorohlc ki ma Bun rsav. lis

R J DtiHTia t'n- it KroAilway. Not York.

.ftaiVIll Jlotltfl.

4 i iiti :, Y yi inn '. riiiniiiiiii'aJ Tls.aTcTiuiiaa oi lha rlplliis Mhiimh'.', Iims ih il iltin haul for r'li:. - tlln - Irmll nallatll toUBaII. . II A l.ll. K. M II MHI al III N

Puat Ofllca Una '.:. It lllilo

T"l't'.STTII. .1.. It. FIHIII N ti .... I'm I,

Hit I.I. .''Itltn I'M . ii. in. coti.iiltsti tiall ittarsaita, akin diaorusrs. stsl arrvous doLtlilj o i lilyah't rsdtcsllv I'liiiit

l.l. Blaarlal nn 'inn., tn dies) III lliralral, aalilyiiiil aiicos it .i .i ihi il itli.it ii

iii Hit lUFtiltll, hi Uth .t.

laUUUMM IIi il ai i.i in-. iisao, in ilurritaj Imivs voalltlsBUsi. Adviastrra.

i mi ii i ii ipsia' tfSAS'rl'iiiOi

nial lal a in tn V , n 'i, it, ,,, .i mUK DYKH.af Host Kith al, iiisrath ur.

till I I I 11 It. pri 1VI tl . n I.'.41 Rroa.ltiay, r.a.iii Id lain inia un ii n't i, so'attly a Appl) i ' M

OA 1.1 POH I. 4 III IN. NlMii Hlii

mil nn , an nn in .1. ,i .i mra lira Pt aaalui circular. l. HI Unl. I'll. Uhailllat, It IIom at,

N I'

MI KM IMM srrt t l.iv. - itlli LIN,I at'ttlull K. Mill li.it Nil, ..ik (OolltlllclltSl llolsllitl.l) l


1.1 r lo Llubluvtioiil,

Ti in anil Fill- Biwr '"t i'i i nt t. t illlloh ot ttiarliilo.niby nt MnrrWa Addri.aB ' tin-- , mo

si ABaloiuaisBtaada'sVihvtr Yora. nat'i'.'ii wn,p


Great Bargains in


Best English Body Brussels,MAUL v HIU.NIti.N, CROIBI KY.

ti MiT.FTov iii'MrRREra,An t OTHER ITI I.FHIi.l H P M IKESa

At $1.25 and $1,50 per yard.CHOICE AND KLEHAM PATTERNS,


N 1.1V Sit Ua AS II PATTI.KSS.INi.rai.n CARrtTlNoa,

E''l'.tLI.Y LOW I'RI. LS.

Also, fmiai, Turkish, ami

Oriental Carpels and lliis


A, T. Stewart & Co,,BHOtlltVAY. till tl .HTH AND 1'iTII ara

WADE & CUMING,C or. Hlh hv. nml --Mil Rt.,

UII.1MI Ol-- l H 4 11.11 SI .


Best Goods and Lowost Prices.A Large Stock to Select From.

MISFIT CARPETS,EKOLISB IRPaSBM Til RLE PLY AN D maRAia, 1i, r. . hi ap. ai i'i hvlit r.iiioii atrsat, ITsts York,

i nil - r l i. r i i, h t .' lit n i t,

ruE SI N.1S7H. NSW YORK. 1878,

A tlif tlirn? hit enmr lof thr retit ir.!. if HlbKrlpttoMS, TDK fll'M m t ull riiiiniil it a tri ndl tnA wrfH wi'itn ivvrywiierr, that It m natiiin n catull Utc fof thtifi DBiidvraUoii u t ntpport Upon lu rvcord w tin- m.tin it rtlltl for i ConttniWtWi "f Hio In I) ii

Htiiititi nMrotii (oSptraUoit which hatva blthtrtJLu ii cit 'ii iftt to Hit an i ry .ti,tru-- ul Um Pill m I

r 'n H i t N iiii .a lOfJ i.'.- pJlt ituintMi "i n by mmUt poMpAaHli otaUft nooibj or 8aJI

i r 'inrThi Ni. italar Mtt n of Tai t9sntffhtpft thMi

ut MotHauniiii Whilf rtiint the nvwi of iht Jj H 1U1

CMMtM t Ur; ituiKiiut ol Uti :rv .ni t un IM H

inain r tH'Ciiuly pnptfi1 tur It Thk $99911 4$ iHMttwUta nre! lUcccf foal oold 9I8 m.

Thr WMfcll un.Wlm dri nt know Tint Wiui.r flrv It Mr 't' tj

thi Of hoUt tlir I'lilU'-- hltf. the I'Mltrt U. Hill D

fonA hi iifty Ihoiit-it- ir fiml I ti grott Iti ml hmpttgti WMkly.uM roffavrd it In th light ol .mu i.. n:iUori and rrtend it ntwt, ili rui. iiIlls r; ) irtnirltla t). lata- .'. .Uatllv iiril.ll lor I 1

at.' .u.l ttn .. ll T i;i. Oin II. .il. at t r,

,.t,.i;i Thit price, quality c tiijr.t. mokt-i- t'it. i.ift narpp4r pUhUlhtti Fur .lubt ot lata Wilt

IK 4... i ui,, Mil mi tfttf-- l D0 y rrti A llrracrriUiMRM k thk ftx. Nw VurkUtlg

it.imbj.its nnO IlfttUoadi,

i it i iu WTn im (in.rN MM'.mill Fiiiin to I'n r

II. N - in rii'ii N, it U I' II.,UIU I.H - Nl rtllli Kalii. aa fl (111. t. RAttsV

I 1 t.AKK ill IKI. vMt'l. MS Die A til-i-

M- v k Mi m i: vl iiu! mu NOKril ond WKbf.Hi k ' i iwurllltl mi "it rr. In Uy " Ajllii-J- bojtl.

I'll t Irtaa (.ir- i k't at.Eto uraiun iu ah .hi mi.i return, i ha

I II llll Ti II I II I I I HAST'A h. I K .nit mu. t. A l I. it I'.ltl Tfor NKW i ll AMl'loN will Imh .uiint-.v-- i. ., U'.llfvt t., t :n i Rnnl i Nrth rtM-r- tir-- t .1 it vt

ili mi. it U H M .cuiMU'vUllf With tr.iiiia Sfortli HiktlWeil I' H' k i t ui. in inr v no - t

uk ii luwcr tlmuby otiitr HiMtg a i. iii.ai'k. gupt.

Ii l M.l POM I Or. riti" Ki .tn li t afi Illii l t s itI... i Utrs i. dstlty, t'Krcpt Hturdii) it ) H M Huttlrutiniionly 91; lurlin, 9&c K.rt-cht- lare, MCl"ll U"ll Wltll rt tl.lllia l. .ill Uim N iti I'" I'I,Al tl W. at Still rOl lllll Und thrUtl lira. ll1 l 11B&prvWa il I HrufliuWA) an 4 CiHirt ll M ll

1)1 NNM . I K AIt.KOAU.1 .ttt: r Tit h i im.AM rNlTr.U ttTATM MAll. KOlTTB

(Ml an t i (tut A.m1 iJ, -r

Trnlti' ire KiW ik. vm ifbruMMai .unl t'ortlmill iat Kerrlet, ncMIuh ii I

F.ni'ii lor Mu Ptltahurgh, the Weti an ioitth,w .in tillmau Palaci run nitm In I, u a N mu l w

P. m iim.Kor t ilii.niit. rt 10 k i Curry, and Brie, it 90

1' M, ran nee Htm mi r. rt lor TiliUViHe, Hi'ti It nIViitre, nn l thu nil It' .ti. .ii Willi. niiai. it mid lai kHum n :t M

i iii iu '. Washington, nn i Ho Rputh, " liimteluiri .ii Kxpnw" ni I'uUiiiaij I'nrloi fan dall idH'.i.i iv. :hi a. M. arrive Wuadihtuton i i r

ui u it h i i If i ., and u j m aundayti -

in .I V M7 h ' o og t n. ll

A M I, ", i. f. 7. 7 t - i" un t n r M .i.ti'. ti

A H6.(i.A i". 7. 7 a, a fi. ui. j l M Emigrant audav tut sa), 7 M

Itt uta ut triHkl ti a imh v " "imi i with all Ihrotightrain al lern-- nt) uiDrding u and dirv-- ltiin'i r lor Hi '

it - t. Nttviia, I'.iuatH-ih- Railway, rtn.-'on-

Trenton IVrth Ittilttiy, Kh'iiiiiulon. lalr, nndilillM :'l4, ... tti .111 TWkl ' "'I'

Tram arrm Ki an htiihuriih.u t" i" ml n I M H I' l daily, i i M i

I tin, A ikhtiutMii .him lla Iti more. i M I.' 'i 1' -- nil. '. Vl, tl 1' ' KM I Iiill. Ihilla " o Ml. ;l p, l III i,i, lT.5'1 A M , V ,

a ,i 5 I'i (I Vl H n i I'i Jij I'ti in. in ii ii , i vi i" . r m

In k t Kill.. . mil mi Hi on s it I H --

nn, fno( .,i nil i rurtlanilt mi iMint Hr....:. tin Atuiex, lleptil. loul KuU u k "lit. mm, and ii- - Hn l on at ii a : ,. 1i n BuilatratM '..'i tlffl - Rati 'rlt.tNK rllOMftON, I V K M I :;

tiriumi Manaaai- Hen l'a " -

'm run ii 1.111 1

ri.Nssyi.v wi , HAI MiO l

Till. OLD RtTAHl isili:ii liill rH SU 8M0IU 11 S1.1 u K

M;t Vi ;:i vji IMIII, tin. I. Nil v

POURTRBN rilRti .'i NIAISH KAt'll WW UtHY 1'iilKLK UKI'lH 1 iv I'M ii- iDll.rillA, lis. INSr.W VOKK,

DDI til I; 1: u'l, till MwriJ ( VJ I'HOVI ' ' MKNfiA.Nil I1I1 A M I' H UK .l).si'J,M HI'

II. MU.IV' S WM AKri If M'KII. ti I"'- - .

ItvprcM Traitti Iravi New v.ira. 11a itiini umt it III II It ata K III.'. IliHi a -

7 .i" m jii. 11, h an liiuiii it, M . 1.4, 1 H."i i T. 1

h Ipi, an it M Miiu layi, U A M 1,1H an.) II I' II. Una) .' Hi n Iwith .ill toi ntlf h I Ml m ' I

ni i mi t lirt'ct IraiHiiT lor Hrotik'n ir'i vt'lK.l in tiHina Ir tM I" tlt ft'tt ph t t '" i ' 7 7 H,

i" and ham Li nt I ti i Hipri'M i' I' M

7 ati.j 7 f H , and - mldiil '

5!i, a:aVT. M.g :ia U , 1, 7 M r ll and jli 1,1 utlhoi, ftyi ind i'n Hi .,1 tvai.l a I

Willi toil ol .aaia ll rl tll M. I r Mi fK ki. ii H. IIH. rn- II - 11 .' - .ii M , M' M'l IJit- - ni Biiiigrani urtlg. hbhit'ltAMv rfltlMaiiN, I ' t

Uvuciti AUiinsj-.r- Qaitoral I'atuii.i vPtui
