q . THE WORLD; MONDAY EVENING, MAY 21, 1888. - """""' V'' '" H I JIANYHAPPYBRIDKSOFMAY. ' f TVEDDLNCB AND RECEPTI()NS ATTENDED 5 Bl CE0WD3 OF QUESTS. 'a Bliss Buroptrr Become Bin. Dcodlnaer 9 Harper' Employers' Compete and Danes) 1 JlerryMtikluB In Qneen Esther's Nont I fllnrrle of I?l rJcliullinfer to Mr. j j.oeb Entertainment nnd Social Events. The m&rringo of Mies Lily Bnmpter to Emil Bendinger, both of this city, took plnce K last Slight at Kilfison Hall. Rabbi D. Hast '' offlcinted. Among tbo many guests who cnmo to offer congratulations' wore : Mr. and Mrs. Clu. Frlodenberft Mr. ami Mr. i' v. Goidattln, Mm Sally Colicn, Miss lUr Sher- man, Miss " Salamon, B. Welti erg, Mls Anmo iTeiK. Mr. 'iDd Mrs. A. M. 8 tidier, Miss Pauline KliuDer, Dive Kaldmao, Mix Harsh llavner, Mr. toil Mrs, P. sompttr, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hoson- - '' thiil, Mlas Emllj Leszi-zinskr- , E. Weinberg, Mr, i and Mrt. M. Btreliu, Mr. and Mrs. "J 1. Fold. P-- Sehcr, Misi P. Sticker, 'i mim Annie Stacklrr, Jilt Cclla lllats.Mr. and Mrs. i A. Clrker, Air. and Mta., II, Croktr, Mr. and Mrs. 'j 11. Bla, Mm Annie Levr, Mr. and Mrs. U. Ja- - J cobs, Mr. and Mrs. M. Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. i! J. Landsman, Miss Mabel Fiscner, Max Strelltz, j Mrs. Minnie Wiener, Mr. and Mrs. J. SCrackerand U Mr. and Mrt Kd Minckler. J MEYEB DAVIS. .1 At Everett Hall last night Miss Lena Davis, jj daughter of Abraham Davis, was married to Isidore Meyer, son of Sol and Pauline Moyor, i both of this city. Tho Bov. Vv Berger, of I Bondout, performed tho ceremony. Tho following woro tho bridesmaids : Miss 1 Mary Davifl, Miss Carrie Levy and Miss Dora r. VTi shinsky. I. L. Davis was the best man, B while J, Davis. W. Davis, Max Meyers, A. 1 Browcr and A. WHshiusky ncjod ns ushers. I Many friends were present to tender their congratulations. ? IN TUB NAMR OF QUBEK ESTITBR. s! The sixth annual reception of the Quean Esther Ladies' (Society was held last night at Arlington Hall. The affair was under tho management of tho following ladles and gen- - i tlemen: A Floor Manager, Adolpn Echwarzbaum; Asslst- - ! ant, Joe Cragcr. Floor Committee C'nu. Cohn, a CQalrmin; Moe. Jacob, Harry Jackson, S.mon 1. M llleleteld, Martin Friedunder. Committee of Ar- - 4 rannetnenta Mrs. Era Herman. Chairman: Mr. D. Greenwood, Mrs. J. Schwarioaum, Mrs, J. Jacobs. L. Herman, Mrs. tt. Manilla, Mr. C. Orlowlts, Mrs. ll. t'ohn, Jnllns Crager, II. Jacob.. ") Among those seen m tho merry throng wero t A Mlti Hay Ltvlnsohn, Sim Peyser, Miss Flora "i Pejser, Miss Iteberca Peyaer.Mlss Rar Marka,Mlta Kitillo Rosenberg, Mlsa l'tlscllia Nuasbaom.Frjnk ' C3:en.Mlf0 Qnasie Kalmns.Mlas Sarah Marks, Mlsa ; Minnie Uailcr, ills Hay Jacobaon, Mr. Fanny Ilarru, Mr. Tessio Sbobrowasy, Miss Annie Jackson, Mis Qeoru o Frann-- '. Ho, Wm. II. Stone. L. B. IlJIDorn, Ml. i Emma Crager, Miss Hannah Rosenberg, Ml a v Oosile Cohen. Mist Lily Mlcnaelns, mus Jennie H Gordon, MUs Annie Blosvern, Mist lUnmih ( Fileder, Mies Beck Keltcl, Mlas Stella Roaeuberg, Mil ll. Brock, Miss L. Levy, Hit Kay Kliuiner, t'i Ml Esther Brock, MU. Lllr Levy, Mlas Minnie if Levy, Abe Newman, Miss E. Strlch. " At tho banquet, which was held before tho fi ball, speeches were mado by Coroner 4 Ferdinand Levy, and School Inspector a Blumeutnal. ,'j OOLDSMITn-DEVrtlE- i' Miss Cordelia Dovries, daughter of Philip m and Bachel Dovries, of 4tt0 Third avenuo, 6l wok married lost night to Henry Goldsmith, 'j son of Morris and Bachel Goldsmith, of this ,fe city. Tho Bev. Dr. Krauskopf performed tho "j ceremony. Tho bridesmaids were Miss '.; Frances Dcyoung. Miss Kato Goldsmith, yj Miss Henrietta Devries and Miss Bertha ii Dovries. Wm. Devries was best man, white 'J Tobias Devries Meyer and Isaao Goldsmith t acted as ushers. ?; Among those who enjoyed tho dance after t the ceremony were : Mr. and Mr. B. Bevrlrs, Mr. and Mrs. N. Gold. smith, ot Boston; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hryser, L.S. Itsacs, M. btraasa litrman, stletei, Simeon De vuanu, S. 1) vrlea, Mr. Jetta Meyers, Mr. Either Uebrnln, Miss Martha Deyonng, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Relneckc, Mis Esther i Ucyocn.', Mitt M. Goldsmith, MlitE. Meyerr.Miss ' U. Meyers, Miss H. Stlelel, MUs Aana Dovnet, Mus Jennie Begrooc THE SELECT SOCIAL CLVS OPENS NEW ROOMS. The Suleol Socinl Club opened its new club. . rooms at 190 Third avenue on Saturday night. t Becitations and muiio by H. Mahlstedt, Mo. Cund Doyle, Tlico. Jautzcr aud Gus Schuale were well received. Tjie Evenino World waltz brought forth a thunder of applause. 4 Tho 'collation was served by John Brad. dook. The officers of the club aro Geo. P, ;,v alcCann, President ; Theo. Jautzer and ' Chas. Arras. Vice - Presidents : Heurr V Schneidor, Treasurer ; ' Geo. P. Abend, schoim, Corresponding Secretary, and Fred. eriok Luhrs, Bocording Secretary. Among the many members and guests pres- ent wero: L. B. Leirlnsohn, W. C. Mohr, ex.Asembly. man Jnllaa llorcbardt, I. Knopt, ol WaalimKt'm; Jo, salamon. Oil, Kunfold, Joiiu Zahr, It. 1. Bamachkc. It. L. fKuopf, Asaemblvmau Julia Knopf, Jnllns Barjcsa, diaries LTncnn Henry (;nn-to- r, Ed l'ayutcr, Ausuat Kchusfr, Jo. J. ilaupt, ' Ueury Stegeinan, Fred W. lklnecke, Robert ClutT, John.McKic, .M. M. Ecktlcm, U. M. B.m-- ; berger, Oeorve Krclz, PhlL Bonohue, M. J. Lnn. 1 gsu. Wm. Farrell, Bcputy Sherlfi Tbomas J. Crawford, M. Walsh, Charles W. Randcll, M. F. Kcisey, Henry Woehr, Joo Taylor, Eiitrard btubr, William Homer, Tony Schwab, Edward Mnrtnay, Wm. Welerman. Max Salamou, WUlUra Cooke, WlUlamBonek.inp, CharkB Flacber, Geo. Flacher, Henry Blschop, John B. Kehl, Dan Kehl, Dr. L. F. Bin hop, Aaremblyman E. P. Hagan, T. W, Gllroy, tea members ot the Anu- -' wtndas and representatlvis ot tbe Fabyan Literary 8ocleiy. MISS IIORTEUSB KATZ BUnPBISEI. A surprise party was given on Saturday night to Miss Hortenso Katz, of SO First street, at tho Florence Building on Second avenne. Among tho many merry young folks present were : Mist J ail a Katz, Misi Louise Burke, Mlaa Celeste Elevens. Mlsa Minnie Kahn, Mlsa Bella Miller. Mlas Dora cahn, Mlaa Jenny Scnwartz, Mlas Cells Levy, MUsIL Gaua, M1b Ilattie Wnrzbnrser, Mlsa Bella Prince, Mlas Begin Kleiner, Ml. Ray Rosenberg, Maaur Ira Miller, M. Ivy, Lee Bloch, B. O.ha. Alex. Ooldlogle, Justice Qolutogle, S. Qoldtteln, .i, John TJtsted and Mis Tilly Katz. FELICITA8 HAS A FESTIVAL. ' A Bummer-nigbt- 's festival was given by tho , Dramatio Club Felicitas at the Lexington 6 Avenuo Opora-Hous- o last night. Tho musio J was by Frd Buben. Tho gentlemen who looked after the plea- sure of tho guests were t Floor Manager, Max Herzog; Assistants, Arnold Kallman, Leo Dannenberg. Floor Committee ,.. Ialior Salomon, Morris Flescher, Adolf Lambert, j Sleg Kapp, Adolf Adlert Bennr Lltuuer, Sam .1 Bchnnrmacher, Sam Bachennlmer, Julia Pclig. man. Reception Committee Henry Oppenhelmer, ,' chairman; Carl Wiertz. Morltz Schiu-ae- l, Wily Dannenberg, L. Mandel, Loula Lazarus, Morris Lown sieln, Radolf Lux, Fred Uochstettor, Adolf Sommer. nABPECS' EMPLOTEEB COMPETE ADD DAKCE. Harper & Brothel's' employees compoted in athietio games and danced on at Harlem Biver Park. .William A. Harpor was referee: G. B. Bosonquest, Goorgo Boyd and Louis Amerman, judges; W. G. liegeman, .j starter; Thomas Lloyd, timekeeper; Jamt'S Sheridan, clerk of the course, and 0. P. Bchiorhaum and John Sheridan, soorors. The wtnnors were One hundred rards rnn-- R. CTark, Brit j W. J. Wlnkler.aacond. Oncttlle rtm- -J. Ilallet, flrat! U. A. a Welners, second. IMtllng the abot-- J. flrt; J. Anatin, teconu, Ing-ot-w- A team composed of J.raea Orahsm, Owen McC'sbe, Iaoo Deuel and Oicar Meyer, from the enitlneer's department, deiealed teams from the drying-roo- the pressroom and the composing-room- . Bland. Highroad Jump S. Downey, flrat; J. McUirtnr, second. Fat men's race-- H. Ziinmer, flrat; u t. Doneuao, second. James H. McCarthy was floor manngor; Tliomas J. Swcendv and Blchard V. Healoy his assistants, nnd William Martin Chairman of the Becoption Committee. n. Miss Felicia Schlcsiugor, daughter of Louis and Henrietta Hchlesinger, ot Cincinnata, wns married to Henry Slei'uor, son of William and Hodo Steiner, of 327 East Forty-secon- stroet, at the Calc" Logoling, in East Fifty-sevent- h street, last evening. Babbi Cohen aud Dr. Drachmann officiated. 'The bride was attired in steol.colored faille Francaise, with passementerie trimmings and moire antique bows. The bridal veil wns caught at the top with orange blossoms and flowers. Tho bridesmaids were as follows : Mlas Erama.BlelDer, who wore d rlbbtd silk, with mouse-colore- d velvet ilraperlea; lhe.com gewat cut In V and niled with a gold brocaded silk front; bouquet of "Jack'' roaea; peatl ornaments. win Katie Friend, jaune de ohromo clalr satin, with wnlte laoe overdma; the corsage, cut In a V front and back, waa tlcevelesi ana draped with tniie; ruby ornaments. Mlti Cells Schleslngcr, baby blue satin; the cor- sage was laced In the back and was cut In a deep V and edged with del blue tolle rellgteuae; bouquet of tea roaea; diamond oinamenti. Among the many guests present were i Mrs. Emily Rosenthal, Miss Annie Hants, Miss Ray Ilarru, Mr. and Mrs. A. Pnger, Mr. and Mrs. B. Newman. Mr. and Mr. William Poliack, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rosenthal, Mr. aud Mrs. Julius Sohlesinger, Mr. and Mr. A. Mitchell, Mr. Km lie Klrln, Mr. and Mi. J. KappMl. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Finger and Mr. ana Mm Gcrsan Stein. The following gentlemen looked after the pleasure of the guests; Floor Manager, Iaidore Steiner; Asalstant Sici-mun- d Schleslnger. Floor Committee Sam btelner, Isidore Freund, Louts Tynberg, Mo-c-s Siern, Mauilce Lobsltz, Al Schlealncer, Rudolph Lux, (.harlcs St'.ch, Sam Schwe zer, E. Fiachel. Recep-to- n Committee Isaao Harris, Ben Newman, Henry Lederer; Harry Heller Julius Pinter, Charles, Rosenthal, William Lederer, Albert Hel- ler. LOED SCnULHAFEB. The wedding and reception of Miss Carrio Schulhater, daughter of S. M. and Emilio Schulhafer, of 1047 Second avenue, and of Simon Loeb, son of Aaron Loeb, took place last night at Victoria Hall. The Bov. Dr. Wiso officiated. The following wero the bridesmaids : Miss CeLa Schulhater, who wore heliotrope crepe; the cornase. ot the earns shade of velvet, cut, V shape In front and hack and slreveleaa; mo re antlqne botra at me shoalder; lace mousquetalres; diamond. Mis Clara Straus, white silk, with an overdreia of silver thread atnped tulle; the slcevelest cor- sage was cut in a donble V and edged with brads; mousquetalres lo the shoulder; diamond ornaments, Jacob Schulhafer was best man. Tho ush- ers wero A. fichulhater, B. Strauss and J. W. Bothschild. The bride woro a gown of white faillo Fraucaiso, en traino, with a tablier of white Spanish lace. The corsage was cut in a small v and waslllWd in with white dotted tube. The bridal veil was caught at tho coiffure with n crown of orango blossoms. She car- ried a bouquet of bridal roses. After tho ceremony aud supper the guests danced to the musio of Prof. Eppinger's or- - rlipfitra. Here are brief notes of pretty dresses which attracted the attention of The Even, ino Wobld reporter t Mis Bells Weil, white lace, with whlto moire antique sasn; ruby ornaments. Mlas Fanny llelnrlcn, Jaune de chrome clalr silk, draped with white SpauUu la e; diamonds. Mlaa Llna Kauim.n. black .ailn; tbe coraaeeV shaped front and back draped with black duchesse Itce; mousquetalres ; bouquet of Jack "rote; diamond. Mlas Joe" K. Human, blaok aatln, with black lace draperies; the coisaga cut la a double V aud Oiled la with black dotted tulle; diamond orna- ment. Mrs. J. W. Rothschild, white silk, with a oor-pa- V ehaped front and back, aud edged with lace; pearl ornaments. , Mrs. E. Roihaclilld. wnpe aatln, with a tablier of Egyptian lace edged with beads; tbe corsage cut Bqu.iro; ostrich tlpi bonciuet. Misi II. Adler, white satin, with lace front; the corsage, out In a V, was trimmed with silver bouquet of tea Macs. Mis. J. DlnKelaplel, heliotrope satin, with black 'lace ovcrdrc s; the cnrsaitn V shaped front and back, waa sleeveless; kid moueque-taire- iieirl neckl ice and lamond ornaments. Mlas Ilattie Klmmelstlel. black 1U, the cornagn cnt iu a small V and edced with Jet black beada ; bouqnet of Jacqueminot roses. Mr. M. Loeb, navy blue !IK,wltn Jet trimmings In protnsiou: bouquet ol Mareonal Mel rose. Mrs. J. Scnulhaier, black lace, with a sleeveless corsage cut decollete front and hack and ornu-tuent- with natural Bowers; black laco mousque-taire- s; diamonds. Mrs. J. Strauss, black lace; gold and jet passe- menterie ornaments; diamonds. Mrs. S. Moses, ot Eauton, Pa., Mack tatln, with Jet trlmmlnca In profusion; bouquet of tea rosea; pearl ornaments. Mrs.' S. Lundaberp, lt b Ik, with laco drapetles and a panel ot terr-ver- te sallu. Mrs. C'naa, Kamnan. black moire antique; tbo corago of black allk, sleevelets and V shaped, and trimmed with Jet In profusioo; bouquet of "Jack" roaes; diamonds. Mlas Carrie Kaufman, white moire antique, with white luce overdrss. Miss Rachel Weaterfleld, whlto lace and pink tatln draperies. Ml-- t Bella Kraft, del blue satin, with moire and velvet drancrlc of tbe same shade. Miss Daisy Well, white aatln. MUs Ray Kanlman. white lace over whlto silk; the cordage cat V shaped and Oiled with lace; puffed sleeves tied with white satla ribbons above the elbow; diamond. Mr a. Sam Well, Mack velvet with lace trimmings; corsage V cnt front and back, and sleeveless; dia- mond. Mrs. Isslsh Kaufman, black velvet, the corsage cnt In a double V, trimmed with Jet and lao U'or passementerie; monsquetalrea; dia- mond. Among tho gentlemen present wore : Charles Baeppler, Ed Levy, D. Becx, J, W. Rothacbtld, M. Loe L Levr, of Flemlngton, N J. ; J. A. Dlnkelsplol, Jonas Well, J, Lucas, I. bcanlharer, J. Sirauui. L. II. Golacn, A. Klmmelstlel, Max Well, Harry Kaufman, Abe Kaufman, Sara Schulhafer, Joo ScaUlhator, 8am Weil, Isaiah, Kaufman and Moe Kaufman. Comlntr Kvents. Everett Social Clnb excursion, Jnne 3. . Resolute Coterie, Salter's Park, June 9. Unity Circle, Boulevard Garden. July 17. Mikado P. C, Washington Park, JulySl. Ed Pfaa Assoclstlon, Sulzer's Park, Msy 2. Oxlls Assoclstlon, Juno 2, Harlem Hirer Park. Eagle Social Club picnic at Jones's Wood May 28. Cornfield Association, Harlem River Park, July 28. Our Own A'soclation excursion, Sunday, May 37, alto on June 8, Private excursion ot the Atlantic Coterie, Don-ntllj- 'a Pavilion, June 12. The George fiauman Association festival, at Washington Park, Mar 28. j THE WAY IT HAPPENED. J. HABVEZ SMITH. ' !HI (.Conclusion.) OU know," sho con. tinned, "that you j wrote me a letter lsr' 'ncthatyourfonsidcrcd yifWhPTwfW at tho farm until you hIsM"'! nS'i wroto nB'dn. But. ilWff I Wrt,iel'iI didn't wont to i tM$$ Btay ! ltclt Ione,7 KffiMJ j I (J Iffli&r bva? out there, hardly l.f ilriiiKteeintf a now fp,ce once I a month, for the twelre years that I 'I' have been thoro for you know you left mo thoro when I was six years old Well, I thought I would come up to tho city, so I took tho $50 nnd bought this suit. Mrs. Marih picked it out for me. You know the has been iu tho city, nnd so I cnmo ; aud you're not angry, are your" Because, if you are, 'I'll go right back again, uncle indeed I Willi" Sly feelings during this brief speech had been very pa nful, I grxduully awoke to the fact that It was a blunder that tho visit of tli's impel .was not intended for me nnd I felt very bitter ovor the discovery; but my duty vi as plain. "My dear child," said I, humbly." will you have the kinduess to inform me what yonr namo is r' She opened her eyes, and then laughed., " Why," she said, ' surely you cannot hvo forgotten me 1 Little Bess, you know," 'LUUelk?" I repeated. " Bessie Ludlow," sho baid, gravely. "Your niece." "No," said I, sadly; "not my nieco. I have no nieco. There has been bouio error. My nimio U Floyd." "Then," iuid sho, "you are my uncle-- Mr. Bichard Floyd, I saw tho name on tho door, and so I camo in. Now you do remem. ber mo, don't you r" " Sorry to disappoint you, Mis Ludlow," said I, calmly ; "but 1 am not your uncle. You faw the namo ' it, Floyd ' on the door ; iny nuuiu is Hubert." ' Then," sho said, helplessly, " where is my undo ?" I felt bound to confess my ignorance, whereat she looked iuerodulou. I explained that, sttauge as it might seem, I did not know everybody personally who happened to rejoice in tho somo surname as myself.. " But," I said cheerfully, seeing her look blank, " we can soon liud out. Here is a di- - rectory. Now, your uncle's namo is Bichard Floyd " ' YeB." " His occupation, or profession ?" "Eh!" " What does he do for a living?" " Nothing. He's rich- - awful rich !" " Ah ! ugcntleninu' Behold! two Biehnrd Floyds; both gtnt omen. Let Ub hope tli.-- aro. Now get ready, and viu'll go und tiud yotlr undo." She stood by mr side in tho f tret t, aud looked ten times tnoro bewitching than ever. Wo walked along tho strcois. nnd how my male friuttds ttarnl, nnd wondered, uud en- vied mo 1" .We found tho first Mr, Floyd just stepping into his (uriinge, iu front of his house. Ho was big. pompous aud vulgar. I tapped him on the shoulder. " Your nieco, Mr. Floyd," I said, aud I bachelor, of. thirty. What was I to do? ' A suddeu thought! I would! " My doar," bind I, " I will tul.o caro of yon." commenced to explain, when ho cut wo anon. " NotliltiK of tlm kind ! not my nieco I An ndveutiirc&s, uo doubt! Vott'ro a suiudler, I siii)Kiso Dtivuon:" 1 inwardly ouod to nhsnssiuato that man some dark tiiuiit. My cuiupauioit (.'rasped her tii'ucue tiercoly. " Oh, I could bent himl" bho baid saMtcely. I trrmbli.l nt this outburst, " Jtnt, howt'tcr," alio hold, liiuijliiu!?, " that's not u uuclo. ilo'a u tery iiuiut limn, I fyiw him about cloven years ni:o. liu ouly came tc to mo oncu I bupputo becuuso I urn a poor ro ntiott," Hero she laughed, an if bciut; a poor rela- tion was botiietliiuc funny uliieh it isn't, Theu wo triod the second Mr. Floyd t he was the uncle. Wo found him reading a book of sinuous. 1 accosted Dim, iutroducing myself and his i nio.-- c. Tlinu 1 bplu.iio( everytbiiir; nuJ turned tn no. lie htuiiiiou inn aud iuijulrcd if I would do li.iii n fuor. 1 nttsweroj tlmt I would. " , lieu," sild lie, cnluily. " taltw tills voting Imtv nnd put her m tho etirs. I desire Lor to utiiiu niiiiiudlutely to Cedar Funu." " I'lifU :" 8'tul he. " Nil co '" unit ho. "Uo us I hid jou I rim yoiiruuly lntuJ. Dou't uml:o moji'our enemy by foolp-hius- ritty nt ( vilnr harm, mill I am .otir tritud, lonto Cedar l'urm, t uud you limy it. Qol" Wo went fiho Miblifd, iLooked prottier thau over.) "1 can't bo bitch." flip wailed. "They dou't Kuuu 1 luft. I'm afrnid to uo bnck." 'Then " slid I ' wlmt will vou dor" " I tlou't know." sho said, derlautly. " Bnt I wou't u'obackl" I lound myself In a nice predicament youus lady, id. eighteen, ou uiy hands, a "Vou !" (Astouisliod oncl prettier.) " ?JH "Vvs, I! Slurry mo ! Instead of my nleoa, msH bomywifa! Will you V 'assssl Mm could not ch o aa answer lrameUiately. jBB Such iuiportnut oiifhtious. leijnire dellbersv .aVaJ tlon. Sho us siluut (or to minutes, aaX H then she baid : jVjSJ Ilikoyou." 'f'jsHj "liltssyou!" bald I. 'Uaassssl " Aud you want bouio one to take care OC afassssl you?" (S i do." H " I ill marry you, for that room iart baIt ?aaaTasBsl dusted." . M She wnsnnjoliol Sho wafl nu anjrel ! It-a- i '';JH braced the nucel I , i'';1aasssss! " Ana tlmt little room is suoh a cuBniBg , little one 1" "' ' fM Words fail to eipress how handsome.ilM, i mI ' ', .;,4M Wo are married! ' .'."sHaasi And that's the way it hapixmed i .) ,VH ' 'JH Dn. Bauuils' Itbeumaltoand Naaralsta Reraody, A carta In oar, luura! txllaal, &Ooa bottl. Da-p- ot 66J Grand si. ., A sarx, nr ear for oougb and oolds, ADAMton' Botakio Ualiam. Kimsmam, 20th tt., tlhio. . M One of tlic Itoll of Merit Hots. Emanuol Bjorrogaard, of 1S6 East Ninety, second street, stood highest iu Class A 1, Grammar School 37, last week. BUSINESS NOTICK. T.JLbTEWART.OARPBT-CLKANIN- O WOlIKsT 3;6 7lh. Send orcircuUrt, let. Call I2 21st at. The Flying Dove of Peace. A ncblj frosted quirorlng, flying Dore, A Dream Ot Lift ecrean calendar. An importad idual bead. An frosted snow Been and a full eat of mifolncent floral cards. Fourteen artistic pleoea. Sent to any one who will buy from a druggist a boa of the genuine Du. O. McLakx' CilxuiutedLiveb Pill (price 2S eta.) and mall ns tbe ouU.de wrapper from tbe boiwltht cents In stamps. Writ joUr addreae plainly. 1'Li.aiso Uuo., Pittsburg, 1'a. Dn. 0. MoLANE' Litxb rtl.t.s ara a tare eon far Sick Headache, Biliousness and Dyspepsia- - The are peculiarly adaptd for ladios, and ar abaoluwlr safe prepared from tbe ttureat materials. experienced by Almost trerr on st thli icuod, and many people returrt to lloud'a K ant per III a todriretwej the If ncuor and'eibamtion The blood, laden with Ira. pnriltec wblcb hare been aceumuUttns tor to on tin, nioret alucruhUr tbrousU tlae vein, tbe mind falli to think qulclly, and (be body u attll iloier to roipond. Hood's BanaparUlaia Juat what Je needed, Upurlflei, Titallzeaaadeoricbta tUs blood, mikee tha bead clear, creates an appetite, overcome that tired fee. lor, tones thi nervous system and Imparls new trench and vLf or to th whole body. I take Hood's Strssparill aa a sprier tonic, and I recommend It to ail who have that m aerabl ttrd rl-inc- .' C. rtnuELEE. 349 liriJt it., UrooUyn, X. T. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold br all drnssista. SlialxfortS. Prepared only by 0. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell. Mata. 100 DOSLS ONK DOLl.Alt A31USKMENTS. LbT WKKK- -. NIHUJ'ri. Setts, Oreliettra Circle and Blconr,5'Jc. K1.TK OLSXTON AND l Has. A. WTKVE.NSON. aapported br AltTUCH 11 1 OHl;Kbr, In THE WORLD AGAINST HER. HATIN'KES VVEDNHSDAV AND SArllKUAV. NK.XT WKHK-llal- len & Hsrt's apeclaltr Company. TlAl "VJU F.VKN1NOSAT8 15, J A IJ 1 Be MATINBh AI UKUAY AT'J. ii..l llllnliV K- - lt()-tl.- A liiKlli 1MI iu coi.aenu.nc nd tier 1XJNDO.V UOJIKIlY CD. ' the epnesrauce o( Tueedsjr aud Wedne'dsr Kren, MUlVOKLbaodlirr "A OAlIK OKCAHD1," (V). at lb W.ll.cki ".lis til Hin r'a lllll "and Te.tlaionlsl. "A KOUflH IHAMO.NU" in.a). HtJUAKt IIIKMltK. A. II. I'.Io.fr, MAUIriON M Hill's Union .quire Ihf lire Co. A HU,.lllll.i: UaK, iiirtJrdner UuMuleld, LAST WttKKH. sessoti elo.-- s Juoei, Kreolars. 8..W. Matlneeaat3. IjiUbLh'KTHKATitE. 8tli st. bt 4th ase.lTlVtr. aud la.t week of Hsvrfed Mon., s i., aladdin, nom. Ihur., hat. All new tenures. 120,- - ,,j toe. WhXrWhhK-UXOI- .Ii IQM'H CAD1W KEVIVAL. STAIITIII.ATRI.. 110 NICKY THKATItK CO. MOMiUY AOIOIIH. I'OMUS, (ll)ATrt. INHI4. Ereolnasat N.30. Mstlne.a Wed., Frl.Jt Nat it'JllU t'rtcs,tfl, 70c., Mh' sn1 'J.1c. Onuuren bad.pnce. Catarrhal Dangers. ' To be frtd from the danfrnri of dfTocttlon whllr lytnt downt to breath freely, .oep soundly and undlsturofdt torlstrefreaflei, head oleir. brain acti? ind free from patnursohet to know that no pjlsonous, putrid matter dttilestl.ebroath and ruU away the drtlotte machinery of smell, taste and bearlnxi to loel that the system (I... not, thrQKh Its veins and arterle. suok up th poison thai U sure to nndermlne aod doitroy, Is Indued a hlen ltiitteyond all other human enjoyments. Topureaasi immunity from such a falo thou'd bt th object of all allllcted. Hut those who bars triad many remedios and pbyilclans despair of relief or cur. Hanvoiid'b UadicaL Critic meotk Tery phase of from a sliupo bent oold ti tb most loath aoms and deMructlTo stages. It Is local and oonstltnttonal. Instant In relief, p?, permanent In enrtnr Mie, econom- ical nnd nererfallln' KANrcniD'R ltAIUCAL Ccnr comlsts of on bottle of thnlUmrAT Uonc, une box of UATAiinnAt, Bolvcnt aud one UtrnoTri) InnALkn, air wrapped la onopack-ae- , wlthtrealts and directions, and soM byalldrujf gsUfor91,(0. Pottxb Dbvo A CnKUtoALOo., Boston. Jfe PAINS AND WEAKNESS BlPoi females Instantly roller!! by that near, 4cSV elegant and infallible Antidote to Pain. In-- a flsmraatlort and Wostnese, the Cnttcnra Antl-1'nl- n l'lnstrr. Tb tlrst and onlr Plaster, eapeelally adapted to Cnre l'crual Paina and Weaknesses. Vastly superior to alt other plasters yet prepared. At all drusaists. 25 eentat fire lor tll.UUi or, postsg e free, of I'ortaa Daud amd Gukuioil Co., lloston, Mass. " HANKS c' DENTISTS. srthmn who ettract taeth wlttt pur fresh OA8 for 6Jo eicb, and inski nrt ensre for O 8 extracting when seta ar to bo mid. Thry maa elef anl lull cum sets or teetb lor ((., CBand 410 and up ihy mi ieth wUb od for 1 up. Witci soft fUllnc Coo. up. And tb links Us, ar th iutn who guarant aii their work and don't you fi rxeltb No. 2it'.l Slxiti W iiitr npp. allncy's. Dally, 8 A. M. to u P. M. bundays to 1 P. M. PEEBLESS DYESEugSia HiaHLYCNOOR8BD ayftifBlfAfYaaf Madloal Profosalon. 9E AwlaVaS lets aan Preservative). 4uHHa(MBf?ulB Perfect ns a healer. SMOTflWiW alley tic. l'alinerCUamlcalCo.J'.T, VfwWWvv&vWv p" I Ely's Cream Balm HCold in Head. FACIAL B.r.ailSHKS. TS thXa.rt?estIUitilUhintnt lntb WttrMfor (Ck STA their TrvnUnewt. fiu'Utlievelopmeiit.lUir iMxfsw! and HchIu. htttAirlluouA llslr. luith Murkt, iKw-ii- Mole aiU, lMh, frwkW Wrinkh-a- ieV ItaiNirtJ. Amc, riiiintrs, III lc leads, Scar qjJlM?fjrutliig. ('. ami their tiTfitmtnt. Hcud WffUO. VjIOo, nf M p.u-- 4th Mlltlon, tMLvKfcitetB ''r Jon.vii. wooimruv. Mpyfe3Z?ls? North I'citrl HtH Albany, N. Y. la?StwlwHfeM Kttahllshed 1K70, In rentor of Kf1al Anphaaceii, U;iina, etc blx I'oi lore. LOST, FOUND AM) KKWAKDS. OST.OoU wstoi, lelwen SOI WahlnTton,""KOlnc L to Fulton, thr'rujh loin Urn Under wlliaet (6 reward. J. AUxsnJer, 391 AVaahington, Cliy, That Tired Feeing Nesrly ererybody newls s food sprint; medlcln ltk Hood's BtrsApirllla to eipel impurities which accutua 1st in tb blood during the mlr, keepupstrsnsth as warm wther comes on, creat an appetite and promot healthy dlaestion. Try Hold's Bsrsspaiilla and you will be confined of Its peculiar merits. It Is th ldl sprtuK mtdiclno rlub'o. benvflclaJ, pleasant to tike and gires full value for tb monty- - MI was sll rtm down and unfit forbuilnoss. Iwas In- duced tn take a bcttl of Hood's Sarsipsrilla, and it built mo right npsotbat 1 was soon sble to rtsume work, I recommend It to all wboar aCllcted." 1). V. Ukatx, tonecuUer, No. 4 Martin at., Albany, .. V. N, II. Be sur to got Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druxidsta. SlialafortS, rrepared oolj by C. I. 1100D a UO., Apotheeartca, Ixiwell. Mass. IOD DII8LS ONG DOLLAR AMUSEMENTS. llttOADWAY AND ISrllbT, ClAblNO. MAT. SAIUKHaV ATU. TDK bl'AUKUNI) OOIIIO UHKUA. " NAD JY," by KrsncoIsChssalgne, Composer of Kslki. tireattsvt, i.ourly New O' stumes, ntenery, lo., lo, llHf vrrdtu OfMu (Jouom tttsr tipara. Adtuitsiuu 50 o,. Including lioih Kotertatnmeutl. th 8T"TiiiAfTrii! conrcrHAvlEr bouvonir Mstuieu Wdnt,JsT and Ssturday. Tim:. mom ii uK THE STILL ALflR, H Josfpli rthur. (' 1 co mt'tit oucctwdful pla of tbkas)D,M Qallery, Vbc, Krsrv-- 0, j&c, ooo.t 7.V., til. 1.60. EOACOBS'THMTHEim (llOvM-U- hKiOV(JANALM) Hy Arranginnt lt!i Mansjger Amhrr. V.Vii6- - JOHN A. KVKSN'H .Tif.W' SOOTH.; llClAuu'S ' WKUSrDAY, MAY .'tfl'll. '"1I1UK IUI3II UEArtTa." J.JAGQUINI co" TiiH 00 AND 08 1VK8T Z3D NT. 'tH FAItIN, 8 III UUP. MAIITEL. - H vi: aim: now uki i.ivino nrwcRiu.T (9bbb1 HTDA.IIItltH Till! 1.ATK8T PAItlH AND .'MbV I.OMXIN .VOVIil.TILS IN Tm.1t.1IBD AND XiiSBSl VNTiti.M.iir.i i:n(ji.ihii hath anb yftM litllNOII IION.NI.TS Itllt I.ADIRS ANB Xffl aiisi:s, alh novs' uats. ata tub ysBsl M:vt:sr .iiaiuhials in floweiis. ;v1,bsss1 uinnu.NH, t.acrh, i:tc, for TitiMJiiNa . jffl HUM', AND IIIFnllUD AT Tllli I.OWIJST ftsssssl 4m ' cut m Vi . I OAvin to tho lateness of "B seusun, nnd iu order to raise '(ijH CASH, i avo Vi niiiko from our im- - ''li'B ported Cheviots, English Pin Jfl Checks. Serges, Corkscrews vfl and Diagonals lH Suits to Order, $15. I These goods nro imported . Jfl expressly for tho merchant 19 tailoriiig trade, and are lfl worth douhle tho nionoy. AVe guurunteo a perfect lit? H and full satisfaction. vjH SHAGKMAN'S, 1 152 and 154 Bowery. ,jfl ONK HOOK AI10VI. miOCKIIB. ' UHl ' BY UOWK ft IIUMMKL, ' .Hl The frutest criminal lawysra of the aft. We . faert- - JV.H with an lllnstration of the cuter of (bis wonderful book. ' vibbbb! entitled MINDANGERi OR, L1FF. IN NdWYOUK," J which irtres tho hlitory of life in Hen York. 'All Who tl hare any dolre to know what la going on, andwlalito look 'lichlml (hj curtain H i irlft li tn lusssn, ' &sH Stinuld ft this hook. UIHM Th? rrgtilnr prioe of ibis bo-)- Is &0 cents, bnt We Hill ttfaH sent! a copy by mall, postpaid, to any one who maattoaa OsbbbbbI tills and snndsus 23 o?nts. We want agents to H sell It In every town, to whom we make better termatbaa ever offered heforo. You can soil Si'O copies without any "t )H troub'e, and U you wl.l aend ls $12.5) we wilt send 109 fijlll cepks by rxpre&i at your expense, aud yoa can sell tbeta JbbbbI for iffiU ciilly. If you don't want to order one bandred sbbbbbb1 send ns Z5 cenU for a sample copy ard yoa wUlflod ( whit we say to be true. It contains 275 pages and U tlH haudsoniely bound In papurcoTnrs. Addresaaiofirietsa x and omittances to J. 6. OOILVIK. Pabllsher, , I V3H r. O. Box 'i. 7C7. 67 Hose it. New York. aH g ".:sjH AMUSEfrlKNTS. J BROADWAY SorT J. I.. Hl'FI' ll'..ir I O.IWANV i Jbssbbs1 To.Minir at h. I Tin; minifo'd MATK. ' stlassl ?flLiIAT AT ' ' Vtl" QbathN'W fllATBe " H BIJOU Ot'KIM. HOUSE. THIRD MOUTH. "' afjBM IIKI." Hire Ulxer's Oorceona Prodattlaes , r.'JjSBBJ I.AT i uf llri ne1 Comia Cblnese Operaw MSBB1 wi;its I im aim. op im'kint - ,Bbb1 KttniDi;. S.15. Bit. Msta. a. Mar ItO. last nkfc aVafl EDES, HSMSEE. SS3 .1 KUln.LYl NAUZIN BUI'MIB OKOriB.TBA., UVKuY Afl'hHNOtlN AM KVEH1WU. JiUV GTtAMiOl'KKA.HOUSK. Circla and Baloooyv Ml 'r'laaBSsI Sift KlKALFY'S DOLORES. I tA. . :WM KKXTWHKK-nOUHKTMANI- In MOaBABtV SdBas! rpilEATlthUOMtgiTK. !2:tbst.,bet.3dBdlVtaCs '": kelssssl X Mil UtAMC MAtU. .i..-5- l uesdar nd Uarr Crockett. t?9b1 tliawvk lb. KuralGnard. . ik iSleaBl fieit W'.e.T-Juti- A. btereasi A Narrow 11000. jbbSbbbI fTcnlnc at 8.' bat. Usk at l WAI.IACIK'S. opera Company. ..IsiSBl Till: I. WO Oil THK TICRUf ilassl I1Y bYl.KY KOSKNI-kLd- . ,' .aSBB Seat s on sale tor Decoration Hay. Mat, and Ete'aT. lasssl KTU AVE. TIIKATRE. Admurfon, 60s. H 0 Krerr hfenliiaat S. Mitln Je 3sturdr 2." aasssl "NATURAL GAS." 'JH DONNELLY. Gll'.AUD AND OREAT OOMPAJlT. 'H LX?bK.,i.!TiidKA;f0lii. tuc WIFE 'fl hfsH.l3. Mat, bat, alls. fl BJiai BB1 " ' nitOQKLYX A31USBMKNTS. VfH E. R. Jacobs' Brooklyn Theatre JH COR. OF WASHIMITO.V MT JOHNSON Git). 'IB TUIS WEEK. jH TilltRl: MATINKKS, ''! MONDAY, WhDN'KSDAY AND SATUIIDAT, ' ?H RAMK Sl'FCIALENdAGRMKNTOI' i!B l'n if i: McCarthy & ucualivs oompatTT S)tB in lu ihrt i',0 uieuuM irl.h Irlar. ,SB1 0 'IKUK lUlall UEAllTa. &flH 31 ' W Sp.cUl Scenerr. Ureat SpeetaltlM. ta 7H EEAVE; AOADI- MY OK MUSIO, Hrooklrii"B,DT "'IS L -- Vek com. Mondsr, llr 21, .Wed. and MO. (JIB 1 wr tbe first tuue In Aluerlua. Mfliidrama. la four acta. SsBBl THK. OLD OAK. .'JSH A great eeasstlon. A c.ielullr Ml.oteJ oompanr aiasssssl qlfBBJ SPORTS OF TRACK AND RING dr. cattanacivs unique i.ntboduotion to ioungmr.'blahi& Great Sport Looked For nt Prospect To-Il- McT,aahlln Still Hiding Well Johnny llrnann Confident Tlint He Can WMp Jnek Urmpaey .IllUe C'obnrn Win a Lively I'lght With Iliiah Iloylc. HILK a hilf-doze- n yJjjtiJA jjwjf sPorl'uB men wero 8cnt tn tablo in an rW yRffltVi V y ffisff "Ptown cafe tho other Jkv TiSli evening, young Mr. "(S """1 Blame, who is hecom- - a ing quite a fifteen-bal- l iKf Pool expert, nnd Dr. -- y2jb: Qibbs walked up to 7A ,L&nlz the bar. They wore BaT' thoro Joined by Dr. rwjjligj;. lr Cnttonach. Dr. Gibbs, 9iDm!atH course, well acquainted 'Wslil1' dential candidate's 1 I " BOlll naked ; Well, Doctor, aud how will Blaino get doyn to tbo Ccdarhurst races "I'm blamed if I know," tho ' vot," who is a Democrat clear through, and who thought that reference was mado to Blaino, sr. " I guess he'll have to walk." Tho young Now Knglander looked surprised nnd Dr. Oihbs half laughed as he murmured : ' Mr. Blaino, Dr. Cattn-nac- Dr. Cnttonach, Mr. Blaino." Tho horso doctor began to change color some, where about tho top of his standing collar, and his florid countenance was suffused in an instant. He took tho easiest way out of it by ringing tho boll for a waiter. Tho Falcon Stokes and the Clover Stakes promise, great sport at Prospect Park for to- day as does the Bockaway Urccn Stcoplochaso at Ccdarhurst The Brooklyn Derby for thrco-ycar-ol- and the Lawnviqw handicap will bo run at Qravesentl Thoro is great intcrost in the struggles. , The riding of Jimmy McLaughlin does not sem to have, gouo bnck much this season, iu suite of the stories of his troubles. Ho won, three s'raight racos twico last weok at tho Brooklyn Jockey Club's meotlng. Tho first of these successful days saw him capture tho first, socond and third races ou tho .card, and the last, the fourth, fifth and sixth races. It is said that Johnny Beagan still thinks that ho could defeat Jack Dempspy if Demp-so- y would give him n chance under Queens-borr- y rules. It will bo remembered by readers of TnE Evening Wor.LD sporting column that Beagcn Baid boforo tho fight with Dempsoy that ho would surpritio tho Konpariol.when it camo to London prize-rin- g rules, as ho could oulwrestle him. Capt. J. H. Coster, Philip Dwyor and Col. Bimmons are tho gentlomen who in Judge, incut ou Mr. Woodford. tho owuor of the race horse Barnuin, aud Jockey Nelson. Tho de. cision is generally approved. The only thing is now how long boiore all three will bo re- instated. The paragraph in Saturday's Evenino Would sporting column in which roferenco was mado to tho Dempsoy and McCaffrey set-t- o should lia-v- read that Dempsoy kopt to his opponent's lejt side. A Tory good fight took placo early yester- day morning between Miko Coburn.of Phila- delphia, who scalod lis pounds, and Hugh Boyle, of Elizabeth, who woighed 114 pounds. Bob Stoll, tho amateur champion performer on the rjngs, was tho timekeeper. Tho con- tent lasted through twenty-thro- e rouuds, occupying one hour and vhfrty-on- o minutes, when Boyle, who had hurt bis leg badly, re. fused to continue. The purse was given Coburn. S. 8. Brown's Masterpiece .is going very well of late, and is said to linvo n good chance in tho Suburban. Mike Donoher has this horse's running qualities. Jake Kilrain has written to Biehnrd K. Fox, his bnoker. Faying that hewill sail for homo on tho second Saturday iu July. He announces his intention of defending the championship belt against nil comers. Michael Eastman, the fastest nowspnper folder employed by tho New York News Company, has challenged A. Van Booyen. who recently won Bichard K. Fox's gold modal in a uewspaper-folvlin- g contest, to a folding match for any amount of money. A MIDNIGHT CRY OF "Murder!" "I'LL KILL HIM!" One of the most atrocious as well a unprovoked murdert took place last night within the locality circumscribed by the lines of our appended dia- gram: . i - m C Umbrella. B Door where murderer entered. K Stove through which mnrcerer escaped. ody. A Fourteenth Street Tneatre, where the greil " Still Alarm " la playing to delighted audiences. . DIKD. 'MEKIIAN.-- On Sunday, Mar 20. Katii P., dauibUr ot John Meaban, aged IU rears and 9 month. IUlatlT0t and friends fettled to strand fanerftl at 10.30 A, M. on Tueadar, fldtnst,, from reudance, 415 East 17th st., tbenoa to Gnurch of ths launui. lataCooeeptlon, Kaat ltlb St., whera requiem mta will bn offered up for tn repoa of ber aouL Inter- ment at Calvary, AROUND THE THEATRE. Atroolet Theatre "The Arabian Mights" will continue this week, as the altractnn. It la a very (to,id eateriatnmeot, aud the specialties introduced are rattlculatiy Interesting. Prof. Hsrtl's nine Viennese "lady fencers "are at the Eden Musee, where Erdeirl Nacn'a Hun-girla- n orchestra can alto be heard. Noouecau complain that there is Isck of entettslnment at the Eden Musee. "The Wlle'Ms still at the I.vccdm, bnt will not remtln there mud' looser. U hen it Is withdrawn It will have nearly reached Its two Hundred and ill Men periouiHuo. 'Ihcrc It n lure- a.ivttnco .ilc. Tiie success of this play baa been simply marvel-Io- tlrockroann's monkey theatro company, with It monkey actor, fouler, nots and douals stilt at the Mar theatre. Thpy are a ureal attraction to the children, who fnqueni the Star In ureal numbers. The iniiillgenro ot I ho animals and their wouder-u- l training cannot fall to Impress everybody. There are m illueea every atlernuuu. "The Stll Alarm" Is sun ! the Fourteenth filtott Theatre, whero It lias now had a .ons anil succeaafitl run. Harry Lacy as Jack M my, Hlph Deltuore it Jonn Bird and Mrs.Srldrn Irwin aa Mrs. ll..nley do sonic very good work, 'I he realism nt tup i erforntaui e It received each night with a ooJ deal of enthutlaam. At the Broadwar Theatre Mls Lillian Ruiiell and Ml-- a Camllle D'Arvllleailll nightly Impersouate t oe two cliarnilugir relractnry wives, Aolla and lnrz, In " The ljueeu'a Male." Tno excellent bill ot faro which tbe Broadway offer ha- - bren aud is duly appreciated. "'Ihe tuteu'a Matn" will run until Mintctnber Willi irrpat fiirllttr. Mitt HotlnaVoVea will not play at Daly's theatre ht out of compliment to Lester Wnllack a datntfuct. which I all the more to bo appreciated from ti.e fact that Ml Vokea Is uolog an enormous buainos. however, shu will inn ear la "AUameof Cards," "My Mlultier'a HUP' aud fortne Urat time here "A Rough Diamond." Manager 11. R. Jaoods, that mort cnterpr almr of thea rtcal manager, ho taken the Tballu Theatie fur a limited reason, owing to tho fact that tie has closed hts Third Aveuun Tnca'ru for rcnatra. the home of Herman attractions win ho de- voted to the elucidation ot piay by John A. Stevens called "Uukuown." Popular price will prevail. Frank Mayo will appear Iu three different plays this week at the Thottre Comtqur, Harlem. 'I no theatre will bo closed by a gr, cefui act on tho part of Manancr Hart, in order that Mr. .Mao may appear at me Wailack tiailmonlal perform- ance. .Mr. Mayo Is a strong sctor, ami he will un- doubtedly crowd tho Theatre Couilque during the rotlol tho week. Mist Katn Claxton will begin her second and list week at rllblo'a In "Tho World AaatuBt Her." Her bnaluess during tte past tlx days oat been extremely profitable. Thlt wrca every lady aud chdii who attends the matinee or ermine will be pretcnttd w th a bux contulnlnir a brick or Mlu Claxion will be fol- lowed at Nl lo's by Ilallcu and Uatt in a big vari- ety entertainment. ' A Possible Cats " It still at the Madison Square Theatre, where Manager J. M. Hill Is lertecfly aallstlod with Its succeas. M. A. Kennedy still ap- pears as Olio Drlncktrnoff, Miss Uenerlare Lytton at violet Mend iza, .list Daisy DorrasKtheiSoner, and Mlsa Louise Rial at Mrs. Cyrus Vtlahton. The amusing complication of "A Possible Caso" keow the auuienre in perpetual Rood humor, and wnen a piece can do tnat, It la safe to prophesy aucccis. An audience lores to laugh heartily. Loult Harrlson'a tongs In " Tho Pearl of Pekln " go with considerable vim, and chut excellent comedian doet not tender them lets Interettlng by ftequont repetition. "Slunor r, the llatitone Slnuer." la f onnr and olerrrty sung. Miks Irene Verona. Mlas Clarett Vanderbtlt.Mlta Carrio llehr, Jllaa Urace Wilson, Mist Henna Klechand P t lip Branaon ilo good work and havo many frlouds. "The Pearl of Prfciu" will soon be by a mutlctl comedy called "Town Lots.'- - The solution of thst knotty problem, "TneLady. or tho Tiger?" gois on every nignt at Wailack' Theatre, much to tno delectation of the audience. Ihe optra la drawing very nlcHy indeed, uud will luu lur a long time to come. De Wolf Hopper has never done such excellent work. Wnllo he la on the stage theru It continuous laughter. Mine. Cottrelly as tho giddy maiden Polyxena does tome capital work. 'Ihe aceuery tnd costumes are icrcatly appreciated. Coi. Joan A. McCaull never tlnon nnvlblnir ' bv halvAa. o Frank Moran's San Francisco Mlnstrelf, wllh Billy Birch In amlsblo prominence, win begin tho third and last week of their succeEsful enkngement at Tony Paator' Harrlnitton and Joni,. aon, tha song and dauoa team; Woods, Shattuck, Dougherty and JohnBon, the Alsnltaitan Quartet; J. M. Woods, the popular singer, nnd a thrilling dramatic burlesque," entitled "Steal the Alarm," will be tbe feature. Iu MM burlesque Ilugney Dougheity, J. Harrington, Billy Bircn, Frank. Bu- nion', J. M. Woods, A. Johnson and Jack Cats eke part. ' Natural Qas " Is still emitting Its radlsnco at the Filth Avnuue Theatre, where it teems to have etlled down comlortaulr. Means. Donnelly, Olrard and craven nt 111 continue to please audience with their vigorous specialtiea. Mlas Amy Ames and Ml-- s Jennie Yciinana could carry the piece, or aoy piece, alone. "Natural Oaa"iB not much ad- dicted to plot, but by the abundant an i Incessant laughter which greets tne performame each night It la evidently Juat at well without ooe. it will continue for some time to come at the Fifth Ave. nue Tneatre. Taat charmln? ltttle disciple or tbe poetry of motion, Aillc Franccsclna Pari, will bo at Ihe (irauu Opera-lloni- o wltn MDolorea," Klrally'a hpednculur production, whlrh waa re- cently seen at Nlblo's. "Ilolona" has a Mronjr alory tn tell and two dellglnful ballets to unlold. "Dieadlnu," in wblr.n groups arranged to look like DrcsJcn china nil the atage, Is a must ilciur-csuu- o piece of work. Mile. Purls pirouettes and smiles and cnarins tho audience. She wears a b'acknrras and is small and attractive looking.' Slit is oijj of tho diatinct hits Of tho performance "Nadjy "nt IbeCaMno, has packed that build. Ing niKlniy since Wedueeday, and aticr 8 o'clock It was impossible to obtain tickets for love or money. Mr. Aronson tnlnl that Cbastatgus's latest will easily mil all sun mcr, so that his mind Is oasy for the present. All the ltttlo roughncaes" always Incidental to a flrat nlglit perlormanue have beon mooihcd away, aud iSnoJy " runs flong pleasantly and easily. 'Ie n will be opened alter tne per- ioral ince. The garden will be brlgntly Illumi- nated ambflowcra, planta, shrnbs and fountains will not be wanting. Mr. Arouson's increased orcliialra will give selections from Strauat's new opera, "bimDllclui," Czlbulka's "Glucittrlltcr," aud Mtllocker's "Slebeu b'hwaben." Hroohlyn Tlirntrea. "True Irish Hearis, " a romantic drama, will be presented at 11. It. Jhcodss Brooklyn theatre and ihroughost tbo week. Tne leading part will be snatalnm by J. P. Suiilvon. the cast will Include D..U Mc''anhy aud Kitty Colrtnan. There will be new acencry and some excellent musical features will be introduced. At tho Lee Avenne Academy of Mnslc "The Old Oak," it new English melodrama by Paul Mernt, wdl be ri en f r tbe first time. The ttory deals will a murder around wnlch there Is a great deal of Interesting mystery, whUb la, of course, dexterously cleared away before the nual fall of the curtain. The cast will Include Miss Henrietta Vaders, Archibald Cowper, Jnllns Kahn, Fred Hooker, Charles 11. Hradthaw.Otorgc 8. Flaming, Edward Knott, Mlti Ida Andiraon and Adel Gray. "Hit Lordship, Ihe new comedy by L'dnln Atwell, will be given at theAmpnloii Academy to- morrow nlglit. Mr. Atwll' play looks aa though it were going to be Interesting, It such a propnecy It worth anrthing. He r.as second a thoroughly excellent cant, Including Mlas Grace Thorns Coultsr, Mist Virginia Bnohtnan, Harry Fltt, Charles n. Wtllta, ltus-e- ll batactl, H. .Miller Kent, Charles UowstT, Lytandrr tnompson and Mark Trice. I'DBLIO ECHOOIi QtUDUATKS. Pupil Who Will Plnl.U Their Kindles In No. 24, TO, 48 nnd 33. Tin: Evenino Wom.n y eontlutics its list of thoprobablo graduates tit tlm pttbllo schools. This time tho Industrious graduat- ing classes of (Inunmnr Schools 21, 73, 49 and ftlarogltou. , Miss M. A, McCoskor is the Principal of the girls' department of Grammar School No. 21. Miss II. D, Ilognn is tho toneher of tho gruduntiug class. Tho uilsies of thiHclnss nro; lleriha 1 edkowllnkl, Jmephlnc llatlciuteln, r.inma Hylve-tc- Pauline Abrauir, (loldio Uoiu-uia- Anule Siiapiro, Ho ecca silver. The young ladies of this school havo re- ceived their iiiditulnnry instructions in litiusuworK, nnd probably by next week they will hnvo romo practical instruction, ns overvthiiu postiblo is being dutio to get tho " kitchen " in rvndiucstt. For twenty-tlv- o years J. T. Boyle has been Principal of (iratutimr School No. 70. John Demoiest has been iu tho oditratlounl de. purtmciit for llfteen jenrs. He is the teucher of tho graduating class. His pupils nro : Bernaud lllankford, Jacob flcruittln, J ico) C. liraud, Alexander C Betovakv. Solumon Cohn, Julias Cohen, Jacob Cnaaanowltz, Israel Cohen, Louu Kliailierg, Chsrlrs- - Faust, Muses Fnkel-brani- t, Isaac Harris William F. Ilirachinau, Abra- ham Jacobs, H itnuel Kupplcr, Ju Ills Kramer, Louis Levy, Plncns Levy, Jacob Levy, Ch .ilea Lubln, David Man-o- Abraham Meyer, Frank McHweoney, Jacob No idle, Jire Hlttenbcr, Jacob Rich, Moset Jacob Itoaeunlat, Jacab Mlverstone, Sinuitl Samuels Ileni.ati MmpMiii, Jacob W'lastiaum, Hymau Willcnbvrg, Abraitam vt linen, William Wagner. Grnm mar School No. i9, in West Twenty, eighth strcot, near Sixth ntcnuo, isn largo nnd well. equipped building, Tho Principal is Miss M. 1. Claw son. Mm. M. A. Colwcll, tho Yicp.Principal, tutches tho highest class, nnd is laboring energetically to turn out a good. sized graduating ;lan this year. Tho namos of tho probable graduntes nro: Minnie Andorsnn, Murr Brnthora, Saiah Becker, Anule Carov, Kittle Cnnen, Krne Fiack, CalhSrlne Haggerty, Amelia llalllwell, Marie Irwlu, Emma Kuntr, Mary Leonard, Kale Madden, May Murphy, Jennie Ptlce and Blanche Wendell. Qrainmar School No. 3J, in Twcnty-elpht- h street, near Ninth atomic, accommodates mora than thirteen hundred children. Tho Principal, Miss 0. M. Kdlntiuds. has boen in hor present position about twenty years. Sho delights in praising tho ndmirablo work dono by some of tho girls ot tho graduating class this year. Among thoso whom she has men. tioncd aro ; Mary K. Martin, held of the class j pheba A. Hay. leu, Mary Bidwell, Mabel M. Mason, Theresa ft. Connor, Kilrtl Collins, Anna Bradley, Anna Menken, Joale K. Taylor and Mary E. Btyans. Tho young ladies montioned above are pro- nounced oicollent students. Tha probable graduates are: Aunie F. Knckton, Mary A. Louis, Hannah A. Shea, Nellie, V. Bird, Rose O. Meyers, Amelia P, Goetsch, Frances Karaoagti, Mary K. lironu. Nel- lie L. Hyatt, Anna K. Moirow, Alary A. Smith, Jenn-tt- i Ktrkland, Neva KM red, Auuie F. C. Itat-fert-y, K. L. Thomas, Aunle P. westrrfloid, Ellen M. Dawaon, Kmtita M. Wholbcrg, earalt blmpion, Dora a.amlock, Tneresa J. Donnelly, Ldilan UacK-lan- d, tneresa.M. Boyer, Margaret Q. O'Brien and Margaret Armstrong. The Wnllnck Ilrnrnt Tho teillmonlil benefit to Lester Wailack at the Metropolitan Opera-Hous- o this evening win, s, be the moit Interesting event of an Interest-In- g theatrical season. From a Ouanclal point of view the performance will also be noteworthy. It is estimated that from tso.ooo to fis.ovu will be r'al'Ecd. Tho oast is something in remember lu Ihe time to cotno. It comprises Edwin Booth ss Hamlet, Lawience Barrett aa the Ghost, Frank Mayo as King Claudius, John Gilbert at Poloiilut, Keen Piyrapion as Laertes, Charles Han lord aa Koscncrantz, Daw. rence nanley as Gnllderatcrn, John A. Lantiaa Horatio, Charles Koehler as Oarlc, Kdwln 1L Vaudeipelt a Marcellas, Kelc-- y as Bern rJo, Frank Mordaant ss Francisco, Jo.ei.h Wheelock und Millies Levtck a tlrat and second actor, rep;ctlvely; Joseph Jefferson as ihe Ural gravrdigger; W. J. Florence aa the second gravo-iLtge- r, Harry RJwsrda a the priest, Mme. Helena MoilJoaK as Ophelia; Mlsa Gertrude Kelln.g ns the Quern.and Mlaa ltoo Coghlau ns the player quecc. there will be u number ot prominent Udlei and gentlemen of tbe prod ss. on us auxiliaries, Tho attain will rl.o prompily at S o'clock. niannorr Ainbrrat'a Knrreaafiil Seaeon. Malinger Gustavo Amberg closed hit season at Ihe Thalia Theatre on Saturday night, when he had a licuetlt at tnat house. Tbo piece produced were " jihofreuilen," a three-ac- t cometyr by A. Vou Winlnrleld, and Zaltz'a operetta, ' Manntcnalt an Bord." In tutu Miss Von Jauusckouky and Ferdi- nand Sciiuelz nan. Manager Amberg made a speech tnanknig his patrons for the nut port with wmcli he had been favored. Ilo said that the post' aeatoa was the most prosperous one known in I ho history of Gcrman-Aiuurlca- n theatrical erenta. He announced thai thero would be two excollent German theatres In tno autumn. Durluir. the past season al the Tnnlla Theatro Manager Ambergpro-durr- d serentr-eigh- t pieces, Including trsgedr, melodrama, farce, comedy, comic opera, grand opera and burlesque. OEORQE FB.N0IS TRAIN COMIKQ BACK. lie llxprel tn be nt IIU Plaice In niadleon tqnure on Tnrsdnr, farrctaL to Tnat wont.n.1 St. Jons, N. JJ.. Moy 21. (reorrjo Francis Train took a last look at Canadian soil last nifiht, when bo took a train for Hoiton. Ho expects to bo in Madison Btniaro, New York, on Tuesday, after n six months' ion. A Colored (irnrge Wnalilnatnn. Miss Mar; E. Waahlngtod, tscortcd by rollce-ma- u Alonzo Powell, of the Madison street station, paid a short visit to I'ollco Hcaduaricrs ltts even-i- n. Attir a brlel lutnviaw with the Chlif of the bureau ol Inform .Hon, Miss Washington rocame the sueMol Ma'ron Web. Later on ncr fiither, Mr. Washington, jint In an afpojraLo an I took young lady home to titer illy resi- dent e, UTlinmi street, Mi,i V. una a lust child, and ber lather la a gentleman of color.

TiiH TiSli Xffl (S jffl ,L&nlz y2jb: Catarrhal Dangers. I...Mist J aila Katz, Misi Louise Burke, Mlaa Celeste Elevens. Mlsa Minnie Kahn, Mlsa Bella Miller. Mlas Dora cahn, Mlaa Jenny

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Page 1: TiiH TiSli Xffl (S jffl ,L&nlz y2jb: Catarrhal Dangers. I...Mist J aila Katz, Misi Louise Burke, Mlaa Celeste Elevens. Mlsa Minnie Kahn, Mlsa Bella Miller. Mlas Dora cahn, Mlaa Jenny



'a Bliss Buroptrr Become Bin. Dcodlnaer9 Harper' Employers' Compete and Danes)1 JlerryMtikluB In Qneen Esther's NontI fllnrrle of I?l rJcliullinfer to Mr.j j.oeb Entertainment nnd Social Events.

The m&rringo of Mies Lily Bnmpter toEmil Bendinger, both of this city, took plnce

K last Slight at Kilfison Hall. Rabbi D. Hast'' offlcinted.

Among tbo many guests who cnmo to offercongratulations' wore :

Mr. and Mrs. Clu. Frlodenberft Mr. ami Mr.i' v. Goidattln, Mm Sally Colicn, Miss lUr Sher-

man, Miss " Salamon, B. Welti erg, Mls AnmoiTeiK. Mr. 'iDd Mrs. A. M. 8 tidier, Miss PaulineKliuDer, Dive Kaldmao, Mix Harsh llavner, Mr.toil Mrs, P. sompttr, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hoson- -

''thiil, Mlas Emllj Leszi-zinskr-

, E. Weinberg, Mr,i and Mrt. M. Btreliu, Mr. and Mrs.

"J 1. Fold. P-- Sehcr, Misi P. Sticker,'i mim Annie Stacklrr, Jilt Cclla lllats.Mr. and Mrs.

i A. Clrker, Air. and Mta., II, Croktr, Mr. and Mrs.'j 11. Bla, Mm Annie Levr, Mr. and Mrs. U. Ja- -

J cobs, Mr. and Mrs. M. Alexander, Mr. and Mrs.i! J. Landsman, Miss Mabel Fiscner, Max Strelltz,j Mrs. Minnie Wiener, Mr. and Mrs. J. SCrackerand

U Mr. and Mrt Kd Minckler.

J MEYEB DAVIS..1 At Everett Hall last night Miss Lena Davis,jj daughter of Abraham Davis, was married to

Isidore Meyer, son of Sol and Pauline Moyor,i both of this city. Tho Bov. Vv Berger, ofI Bondout, performed tho ceremony.

Tho following woro tho bridesmaids : Miss1 Mary Davifl, Miss Carrie Levy and Miss Dorar. VTi shinsky. I. L. Davis was the best man,B while J, Davis. W. Davis, Max Meyers, A.1 Browcr and A. WHshiusky ncjod ns ushers.I Many friends were present to tender their

congratulations.? IN TUB NAMR OF QUBEK ESTITBR.

s! The sixth annual reception of the QueanEsther Ladies' (Society was held last night atArlington Hall. The affair was under thomanagement of tho following ladles and gen- -

i tlemen:A Floor Manager, Adolpn Echwarzbaum; Asslst- -! ant, Joe Cragcr. Floor Committee C'nu. Cohn,a CQalrmin; Moe. Jacob, Harry Jackson, S.mon 1.M llleleteld, Martin Friedunder. Committee of Ar- -4 rannetnenta Mrs. Era Herman. Chairman: Mr.

D. Greenwood, Mrs. J. Schwarioaum, Mrs, J.Jacobs. L. Herman, Mrs. tt. Manilla, Mr. C.Orlowlts, Mrs. ll. t'ohn, Jnllns Crager, II. Jacob..

") Among those seen m tho merry throngwero t

A Mlti Hay Ltvlnsohn, Sim Peyser, Miss Flora"i Pejser, Miss Iteberca Peyaer.Mlss Rar Marka,Mlta

Kitillo Rosenberg, Mlsa l'tlscllia Nuasbaom.Frjnk' C3:en.Mlf0 Qnasie Kalmns.Mlas Sarah Marks, Mlsa; Minnie Uailcr, ills Hay Jacobaon, Mr.

Fanny Ilarru, Mr. Tessio Sbobrowasy,Miss Annie Jackson, Mis Qeoru o Frann--

'. Ho, Wm. II. Stone. L. B. IlJIDorn, Ml.i Emma Crager, Miss Hannah Rosenberg, Ml av Oosile Cohen. Mist Lily Mlcnaelns, mus JennieH Gordon, MUs Annie Blosvern, Mist lUnmih( Fileder, Mies Beck Keltcl, Mlas Stella Roaeuberg,

Mil ll. Brock, Miss L. Levy, Hit Kay Kliuiner,t'i Ml Esther Brock, MU. Lllr Levy, Mlas Minnieif Levy, Abe Newman, Miss E. Strlch." At tho banquet, which was held before thofi ball, speeches were mado by Coroner4 Ferdinand Levy, and School Inspectora Blumeutnal.,'j OOLDSMITn-DEVrtlE-

i' Miss Cordelia Dovries, daughter of Philipm and Bachel Dovries, of 4tt0 Third avenuo,6l wok married lost night to Henry Goldsmith,'j son of Morris and Bachel Goldsmith, of this

,fe city. Tho Bev. Dr. Krauskopf performed tho"j ceremony. Tho bridesmaids were Miss'.; Frances Dcyoung. Miss Kato Goldsmith,yj Miss Henrietta Devries and Miss Berthaii Dovries. Wm. Devries was best man, white'J Tobias Devries Meyer and Isaao Goldsmith

t acted as ushers.?; Among those who enjoyed tho dance aftert the ceremony were :

Mr. and Mr. B. Bevrlrs, Mr. and Mrs. N. Gold.smith, ot Boston; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hryser, L.S.Itsacs, M. btraasa litrman, stletei, Simeon Devuanu, S. 1) vrlea, Mr. Jetta Meyers, Mr.Either Uebrnln, Miss Martha Deyonng, Mr.and Mrs. Albert Relneckc, Mis Esther

i Ucyocn.', Mitt M. Goldsmith, MlitE. Meyerr.Miss' U. Meyers, Miss H. Stlelel, MUs Aana Dovnet,

Mus Jennie Begrooc

THE SELECT SOCIAL CLVS OPENS NEW ROOMS.The Suleol Socinl Club opened its new club.

. rooms at 190 Third avenue on Saturday night.t Becitations and muiio by H. Mahlstedt, Mo.

Cund Doyle, Tlico. Jautzcr aud Gus Schualewere well received. Tjie Evenino Worldwaltz brought forth a thunder of applause.

4 Tho 'collation was served by John Brad.dook. The officers of the club aro Geo. P,

;,v alcCann, President ; Theo. Jautzer and' Chas. Arras. Vice - Presidents : Heurr

V Schneidor, Treasurer ; ' Geo. P. Abend,schoim, Corresponding Secretary, and Fred.eriok Luhrs, Bocording Secretary.

Among the many members and guests pres-ent wero:

L. B. Leirlnsohn, W. C. Mohr, ex.Asembly.man Jnllaa llorcbardt, I. Knopt, ol WaalimKt'm;Jo, salamon. Oil, Kunfold, Joiiu Zahr, It. 1.Bamachkc. It. L. fKuopf, Asaemblvmau JuliaKnopf, Jnllns Barjcsa, diaries LTncnn Henry (;nn-to- r,

Ed l'ayutcr, Ausuat Kchusfr, Jo. J. ilaupt,' Ueury Stegeinan, Fred W. lklnecke, Robert

ClutT, John.McKic, .M. M. Ecktlcm, U. M. B.m-- ;berger, Oeorve Krclz, PhlL Bonohue, M. J. Lnn.

1 gsu. Wm. Farrell, Bcputy Sherlfi Tbomas J.Crawford, M. Walsh, Charles W. Randcll,M. F. Kcisey, Henry Woehr, Joo Taylor, Eiitrardbtubr, William Homer, Tony Schwab, EdwardMnrtnay, Wm. Welerman. Max Salamou, WUlUraCooke, WlUlamBonek.inp, CharkB Flacber, Geo.Flacher, Henry Blschop, John B. Kehl, DanKehl, Dr. L. F. Bin hop, Aaremblyman E. P.Hagan, T. W, Gllroy, tea members ot the Anu- -'

wtndas and representatlvis ot tbe Fabyan Literary8ocleiy.

MISS IIORTEUSB KATZ BUnPBISEI.A surprise party was given on Saturday

night to Miss Hortenso Katz, of SO Firststreet, at tho Florence Building on Secondavenne.

Among tho many merry young folkspresent were :

Mist J ail a Katz, Misi Louise Burke, Mlaa CelesteElevens. Mlsa Minnie Kahn, Mlsa Bella Miller. MlasDora cahn, Mlaa Jenny Scnwartz, Mlas Cells Levy,MUsIL Gaua, M1b Ilattie Wnrzbnrser, Mlsa BellaPrince, Mlas Begin Kleiner, Ml. Ray Rosenberg,Maaur Ira Miller, M. Ivy, Lee Bloch, B. O.ha.Alex. Ooldlogle, Justice Qolutogle, S. Qoldtteln,

.i, John TJtsted and Mis Tilly Katz.

FELICITA8 HAS A FESTIVAL.' A Bummer-nigbt- 's festival was given by tho, Dramatio Club Felicitas at the Lexington6 Avenuo Opora-Hous- o last night. Tho musioJ was by Frd Buben.

Tho gentlemen who looked after the plea-sure of tho guests were t

Floor Manager, Max Herzog; Assistants, ArnoldKallman, Leo Dannenberg. Floor Committee

,.. Ialior Salomon, Morris Flescher, Adolf Lambert,j Sleg Kapp, Adolf Adlert Bennr Lltuuer, Sam.1 Bchnnrmacher, Sam Bachennlmer, Julia Pclig.

man. Reception Committee Henry Oppenhelmer,,' chairman; Carl Wiertz. Morltz Schiu-ae- l, Wily

Dannenberg, L. Mandel, Loula Lazarus, MorrisLown sieln, Radolf Lux, Fred Uochstettor, AdolfSommer.

nABPECS' EMPLOTEEB COMPETE ADD DAKCE.Harper & Brothel's' employees compoted

in athietio games and danced on atHarlem Biver Park. .William A. Harpor wasreferee: G. B. Bosonquest, Goorgo Boyd andLouis Amerman, judges; W. G. liegeman,

.j starter; Thomas Lloyd, timekeeper; Jamt'S

Sheridan, clerk of the course, and 0. P.Bchiorhaum and John Sheridan, soorors. Thewtnnors were

One hundred rards rnn-- R. CTark, Brit j W. J.Wlnkler.aacond. Oncttlle rtm- -J. Ilallet, flrat! U.A. a Welners, second. IMtllng the abot-- J.flrt; J. Anatin, teconu, Ing-ot-w- Ateam composed of J.raea Orahsm, Owen McC'sbe,Iaoo Deuel and Oicar Meyer, from the enitlneer'sdepartment, deiealed teams from the drying-roo-the pressroom and the composing-room- . Bland.Highroad Jump S. Downey, flrat; J. McUirtnr,second. Fat men's race-- H. Ziinmer, flrat; u t.Doneuao, second.

James H. McCarthy was floor manngor;Tliomas J. Swcendv and Blchard V. Healoyhis assistants, nnd William Martin Chairmanof the Becoption Committee.


Miss Felicia Schlcsiugor, daughter of Louisand Henrietta Hchlesinger, ot Cincinnata,wns married to Henry Slei'uor, son of Williamand Hodo Steiner, of 327 East Forty-secon-

stroet, at the Calc" Logoling, in East Fifty-sevent- hstreet, last evening. Babbi Cohenaud Dr. Drachmann officiated.

'The bride was attired in steol.colored failleFrancaise, with passementerie trimmings andmoire antique bows. The bridal veil wnscaught at the top with orange blossoms andflowers.

Tho bridesmaids were as follows :Mlas Erama.BlelDer, who wore d

rlbbtd silk, with mouse-colore- d velvet ilraperlea;lhe.com gewat cut In V and niled with a goldbrocaded silk front; bouquet of "Jack'' roaea;peatl ornaments.

win Katie Friend, jaune de ohromo clalr satin,with wnlte laoe overdma; the corsage, cut In a Vfront and back, waa tlcevelesi ana draped withtniie; ruby ornaments.

Mlti Cells Schleslngcr, baby blue satin; the cor-sage was laced In the back and was cut In a deepV and edged with del blue tolle rellgteuae; bouquetof tea roaea; diamond oinamenti.

Among the many guests present were iMrs. Emily Rosenthal, Miss Annie Hants, Miss

Ray Ilarru, Mr. and Mrs. A. Pnger, Mr. and Mrs.B. Newman. Mr. and Mr. William Poliack, Mr.and Mrs. J. Rosenthal, Mr. aud Mrs. JuliusSohlesinger, Mr. and Mr. A. Mitchell, Mr.Km lie Klrln, Mr. and Mi. J. KappMl. Mr. andMrs. L. M. Finger and Mr. ana Mm Gcrsan Stein.

The following gentlemen looked after thepleasure of the guests;

Floor Manager, Iaidore Steiner; Asalstant Sici-mun- dSchleslnger. Floor Committee Sam btelner,

Isidore Freund, Louts Tynberg, Mo-c-s Siern,Mauilce Lobsltz, Al Schlealncer, Rudolph Lux,(.harlcs St'.ch, Sam Schwe zer, E. Fiachel. Recep-to- n

Committee Isaao Harris, Ben Newman,Henry Lederer; Harry Heller Julius Pinter,Charles, Rosenthal, William Lederer, Albert Hel-ler.


The wedding and reception of Miss CarrioSchulhater, daughter of S. M. and EmilioSchulhafer, of 1047 Second avenue, and ofSimon Loeb, son of Aaron Loeb, took placelast night at Victoria Hall. The Bov. Dr.Wiso officiated. The following wero thebridesmaids :

Miss CeLa Schulhater, who wore heliotropecrepe; the cornase. ot the earns shade of velvet,cut, V shape In front and hack and slreveleaa; mo reantlqne botra at me shoalder; lace mousquetalres;diamond.

Mis Clara Straus, white silk, with an overdreiaof silver thread atnped tulle; the slcevelest cor-sage was cut in a donble V and edged with brads;

mousquetalres lo the shoulder; diamondornaments,

Jacob Schulhafer was best man. Tho ush-ers wero A. fichulhater, B. Strauss and J.W. Bothschild.

The bride woro a gown of white failloFraucaiso, en traino, with a tablier of whiteSpanish lace. The corsage was cut in a smallv and waslllWd in with white dotted tube.The bridal veil was caught at tho coiffurewith n crown of orango blossoms. She car-ried a bouquet of bridal roses.

After tho ceremony aud supper the guestsdanced to the musio of Prof. Eppinger's or--rlipfitra.

Here are brief notes of pretty dresseswhich attracted the attention of The Even,ino Wobld reporter t

Mis Bells Weil, white lace, with whlto moireantique sasn; ruby ornaments.

Mlas Fanny llelnrlcn, Jaune de chrome clalr silk,draped with white SpauUu la e; diamonds.

Mlaa Llna Kauim.n. black .ailn; tbe coraaeeVshaped front and back draped with black duchesseItce; mousquetalres ; bouquet of

Jack "rote; diamond.Mlas Joe" K. Human, blaok aatln, with black

lace draperies; the coisaga cut la a double V audOiled la with black dotted tulle; diamond orna-ment.

Mrs. J. W. Rothschild, white silk, with a oor-pa-

V ehaped front and back, aud edged withlace; pearl ornaments. ,

Mrs. E. Roihaclilld. wnpe aatln, with a tablier ofEgyptian lace edged with beads; tbe corsage cutBqu.iro; ostrich tlpi bonciuet.

Misi II. Adler, white satin, with lace front; thecorsage, out In a V, was trimmed with silver

bouquet of tea Macs.Mis. J. DlnKelaplel, heliotrope satin, with black

'lace ovcrdrc s; the cnrsaitn V shaped front andback, waa sleeveless; kid moueque-taire-

iieirl neckl ice and lamond ornaments.Mlas Ilattie Klmmelstlel. black 1U, the cornagn

cnt iu a small V and edced with Jet black beada ;bouqnet of Jacqueminot roses.

Mr. M. Loeb, navy blue !IK,wltn Jet trimmingsIn protnsiou: bouquet ol Mareonal Mel rose.

Mrs. J. Scnulhaier, black lace, with a sleevelesscorsage cut decollete front and hack and ornu-tuent-

with natural Bowers; black laco mousque-taire- s;

diamonds.Mrs. J. Strauss, black lace; gold and jet passe-

menterie ornaments; diamonds.Mrs. S. Moses, ot Eauton, Pa., Mack tatln, with

Jet trlmmlnca In profusion; bouquet of tea rosea;pearl ornaments.

Mrs.' S. Lundaberp, lt b Ik, with lacodrapetles and a panel ot terr-ver- te sallu.

Mrs. C'naa, Kamnan. black moire antique; tbocorago of black allk, sleevelets and V shaped, andtrimmed with Jet In profusioo; bouquet of "Jack"roaes; diamonds.

Mlas Carrie Kaufman, white moire antique, withwhite luce overdrss.

Miss Rachel Weaterfleld, whlto lace and pinktatln draperies.

Ml-- t Bella Kraft, del blue satin, with moireand velvet drancrlc of tbe same shade.

Miss Daisy Well, white aatln.MUs Ray Kanlman. white lace over whlto silk;

the cordage cat V shaped and Oiled with lace;puffed sleeves tied with white satla ribbons abovethe elbow; diamond.

Mra. Sam Well, Mack velvet with lace trimmings;corsage V cnt front and back, and sleeveless; dia-

mond.Mrs. Isslsh Kaufman, black velvet, the corsage

cnt In a double V, trimmed with Jet and lao U'orpassementerie; monsquetalrea; dia-mond.

Among tho gentlemen present wore :Charles Baeppler, Ed Levy, D. Becx, J, W.

Rothacbtld, M. Loe L Levr, of Flemlngton, NJ. ; J. A. Dlnkelsplol, Jonas Well, J,Lucas, I. bcanlharer, J. Sirauui. L. II. Golacn, A.Klmmelstlel, Max Well, Harry Kaufman, AbeKaufman, Sara Schulhafer, Joo ScaUlhator, 8amWeil, Isaiah, Kaufman and Moe Kaufman.

Comlntr Kvents.Everett Social Clnb excursion, Jnne 3.

. Resolute Coterie, Salter's Park, June 9.

Unity Circle, Boulevard Garden. July 17.

Mikado P. C, Washington Park, JulySl.Ed Pfaa Assoclstlon, Sulzer's Park, Msy 2.Oxlls Assoclstlon, Juno 2, Harlem Hirer Park.Eagle Social Club picnic at Jones's Wood May 28.

Cornfield Association, Harlem River Park,July 28.

Our Own A'soclation excursion, Sunday, May 37,alto on June 8,

Private excursion ot the Atlantic Coterie, Don-ntllj- 'a

Pavilion, June 12.

The George fiauman Association festival, atWashington Park, Mar 28.



!HI (.Conclusion.)

OU know," sho con.tinned, "that you

j wrote me a letterlsr' 'ncthatyourfonsidcrcd

yifWhPTwfW at tho farm until youhIsM"'! nS'i wroto nB'dn. But.ilWff I Wrt,iel'iI didn't wont to

i tM$$ Btay ! l tclt Ione,7KffiMJ j I (J Iffli&r bva? out there, hardly

l.f ilriiiKteeintf a now fp,ce onceI a month, for the twelre years that I


have been thoro for you know you leftmo thoro when I was six years oldWell, I thought I would come up to thocity, so I took tho $50 nnd bought this suit.Mrs. Marih picked it out for me. You knowthe has been iu tho city, nnd so I cnmo ; audyou're not angry, are your" Because, if youare, 'I'll go right back again, uncle indeed IWilli"

Sly feelings during this brief speech hadbeen very pa nful, I grxduully awoke to thefact that It was a blunder that tho visit oftli's impel .was not intended for me nnd Ifelt very bitter ovor the discovery; but myduty vi as plain.

"My dear child," said I, humbly." willyou have the kinduess to inform me whatyonr namo is r'

She opened her eyes, and then laughed.," Why," she said, ' surely you cannot hvo

forgotten me 1 Little Bess, you know,"'LUUelk?" I repeated.

" Bessie Ludlow," sho baid, gravely. "Yourniece."

"No," said I, sadly; "not my nieco. Ihave no nieco. There has been bouio error.My nimio U Floyd."

"Then," iuid sho, "you are my uncle-- Mr.

Bichard Floyd, I saw tho name on thodoor, and so I camo in. Now you do remem.ber mo, don't you r"

" Sorry to disappoint you, Mis Ludlow,"said I, calmly ; "but 1 am not your uncle.You faw the namo ' it, Floyd ' on the door ;

iny nuuiu is Hubert."' Then," sho said, helplessly, " where is

my undo ?"I felt bound to confess my ignorance,

whereat she looked iuerodulou.I explained that, sttauge as it might seem,

I did not know everybody personally whohappened to rejoice in tho somo surname asmyself..

" But," I said cheerfully, seeing her lookblank, " we can soon liud out. Here is a di- -

rectory. Now, your uncle's namo is BichardFloyd "

' YeB."" His occupation, or profession ?""Eh!"" What does he do for a living?"" Nothing. He's rich- - awful rich !"" Ah ! ugcntleninu' Behold! two Biehnrd

Floyds; both gtnt omen. Let Ub hope tli.--

aro. Now get ready, and viu'll go und tiudyotlr undo."

She stood by mr side in tho f tret t, audlooked ten times tnoro bewitching than ever.Wo walked along tho strcois. nnd how mymale friuttds ttarnl, nnd wondered, uud en-

vied mo 1".We found tho first Mr, Floyd just stepping

into his (uriinge, iu front of his house. Howas big. pompous aud vulgar. I tapped himon the shoulder.

" Your nieco, Mr. Floyd," I said, aud Ibachelor, of. thirty. What was I to do?' A suddeu thought! I would!

" My doar," bind I, " I will tul.o caro ofyon."commenced to explain, when ho cut woanon.

" NotliltiK of tlm kind ! not my nieco I Anndveutiirc&s, uo doubt! Vott'ro a suiudler, Isiii)Kiso Dtivuon:"

1 inwardly ouod to nhsnssiuato that mansome dark tiiuiit. My cuiupauioit (.'raspedher tii'ucue tiercoly.

" Oh, I could bent himl" bho baid saMtcely.I trrmbli.l nt this outburst," Jtnt, howt'tcr," alio hold, liiuijliiu!?,

" that's not u uuclo. ilo'a u tery iiuiutlimn, I fyiw him about cloven years ni:o. liuouly came tc to mo oncu I bupputo becuusoI urn a poor ro ntiott,"

Hero she laughed, an if bciut; a poor rela-tion was botiietliiuc funny uliieh it isn't,

Theu wo triod the second Mr. Floyd t hewas the uncle. Wo found him reading a bookof sinuous.

1 accosted Dim, iutroducing myself and hisi

nio.-- c. Tlinu 1 bplu.iio( everytbiiir; nuJturned tn no.

lie htuiiiiou inn aud iuijulrcd if I would doli.iii n fuor.

1 nttsweroj tlmt I would." , lieu," sild lie, cnluily. " taltw tills

voting Imtv nnd put her m tho etirs. I desireLor to utiiiu niiiiiudlutely to Cedar Funu."

" I'lifU :" 8'tul he." Nil co '" unit ho. "Uo us I hid jou I

rim yoiiruuly lntuJ. Dou't uml:o moji'ourenemy by foolp-hius- ritty nt ( vilnr harm,mill I am .otir tritud, lonto Cedar l'urm,

t uud you limy it. Qol"Wo wentfiho Miblifd, iLooked prottier thau over.)"1 can't bo bitch." flip wailed. "They

dou't Kuuu 1 luft. I'm afrnid to uo bnck."'Then " slid I ' wlmt will vou dor"" I tlou't know." sho said, derlautly. " Bnt

I wou't u'obackl"I lound myself In a nice predicament

youus lady, id. eighteen, ou uiy hands, a

"Vou !" (Astouisliod oncl prettier.) " ?JH"Vvs, I! Slurry mo ! Instead of my nleoa, msHbomywifa! Will you V 'assssl

Mm could not ch o aa answer lrameUiately. jBBSuch iuiportnut oiifhtious. leijnire dellbersv .aVaJtlon. Sho us siluut (or to minutes, aaX Hthen she baid : jVjSJ

Ilikoyou." 'f'jsHj"liltssyou!" bald I. 'Uaassssl" Aud you want bouio one to take care OC afassssl

you?" (Si do." H" I ill marry you, for that room iart baIt ?aaaTasBsl

dusted." . MShe wnsnnjoliol Sho wafl nu anjrel ! It-a- i '';JHbraced the nucel I , i'';1aasssss!" Ana tlmt little room is suoh a cuBniBg ,

little one 1" "' ' fMWords fail to eipress how handsome.ilM, i

mI ' ', .;,4MWo are married! ' .'."sHaasiAnd that's the way it hapixmed i .) ,VH

' 'JH

Dn. Bauuils' Itbeumaltoand Naaralsta Reraody, Acarta In oar, luura! txllaal, &Ooa bottl. Da-p-ot

66J Grand si. .,A sarx, nr ear for oougb and oolds, ADAMton'

Botakio Ualiam. Kimsmam, 20th tt., tlhio. .


One of tlic Itoll of Merit Hots.Emanuol Bjorrogaard, of 1S6 East Ninety,

second street, stood highest iu Class A 1,Grammar School 37, last week.


3;6 7lh. Send orcircuUrt, let. Call I2 21st at.

The Flying Dove of Peace.A ncblj frosted quirorlng, flying Dore, A Dream Ot

Lift ecrean calendar. An importad idual bead. An

frosted snow Been and a full eat of mifolncent

floral cards. Fourteen artistic pleoea. Sent to any one

who will buy from a druggist a boa of the genuine Du.

O. McLakx' CilxuiutedLiveb Pill (price 2S eta.)and mall ns tbe ouU.de wrapper from tbe boiwlthtcents In stamps. Writ joUr addreae plainly. 1'Li.aisoUuo., Pittsburg, 1'a.

Dn. 0. MoLANE' Litxb rtl.t.s ara a tare eon far

Sick Headache, Biliousness and Dyspepsia- - The are

peculiarly adaptd for ladios, and ar abaoluwlr safe

prepared from tbe ttureat materials.

experienced by Almost trerr on st thli icuod, andmany people returrt to lloud'a K ant per III a todriretwejthe If ncuor and'eibamtion The blood, laden with Ira.pnriltec wblcb hare been aceumuUttns tor to on tin,nioret alucruhUr tbrousU tlae vein, tbe mind falli tothink qulclly, and (be body u attll iloier to roipond.Hood's BanaparUlaia Juat what Je needed, Upurlflei,Titallzeaaadeoricbta tUs blood, mikee tha bead clear,creates an appetite, overcome that tired fee. lor, tonesthi nervous system and Imparls new trench and vLf orto th whole body.

I take Hood's Strssparill aa a sprier tonic, and Irecommend It to ail who have that m aerabl ttrd rl-inc- .'

C. rtnuELEE. 349 liriJt it., UrooUyn, X. T.

Hood's SarsaparillaSold br all drnssista. SlialxfortS. Prepared only by0. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell. Mata.




NIHUJ'ri. Setts, Oreliettra Circle and Blconr,5'Jc.K1.TK OLSXTON AND l Has. A. WTKVE.NSON.

aapported br AltTUCH 11 1 OHl;Kbr, In


NK.XT WKHK-llal- len & Hsrt's apeclaltr Company.

TlAl "VJU F.VKN1NOSAT8 15,J A IJ 1 Be MATINBh AI UKUAY AT'J.ii..l llllnliV K- - lt()-tl.- A liiKlli1MI iu coi.aenu.nc nd tier 1XJNDO.V UOJIKIlY CD.' the epnesrauce o( Tueedsjr aud Wedne'dsr Kren,

MUlVOKLbaodlirr "A OAlIK OKCAHD1,"(V). at lb W.ll.cki ".lis til Hin r'a lllll "andTe.tlaionlsl. "A KOUflH IHAMO.NU" in.a).

HtJUAKt IIIKMltK. A. II. I'.Io.fr,MAUIriON M Hill's Union .quire Ihf lire Co.A HU,.lllll.i: UaK, iiirtJrdner UuMuleld,

LAST WttKKH. sessoti elo.-- s Juoei,Kreolars. 8..W. Matlneeaat3.

IjiUbLh'KTHKATitE. 8tli st. bt 4th ase.lTlVtr.aud la.t week of Hsvrfed

Mon., s i., aladdin, nom.Ihur., hat. All new tenures. 120,- - ,,j toe.



Ereolnasat N.30. Mstlne.a Wed., Frl.Jt Nat it'JllUt'rtcs,tfl, 70c., Mh' sn1 'J.1c. Onuuren bad.pnce.

Catarrhal Dangers. 'To be frtd from the danfrnri of dfTocttlon whllr lytnt

downt to breath freely, .oep soundly and undlsturofdttorlstrefreaflei, head oleir. brain acti? ind free frompatnursohet to know that no pjlsonous, putrid matterdttilestl.ebroath and ruU away the drtlotte machineryof smell, taste and bearlnxi to loel that the system (I...not, thrQKh Its veins and arterle. suok up th poisonthai U sure to nndermlne aod doitroy, Is Indued a hlenltiitteyond all other human enjoyments. Topureaasiimmunity from such a falo thou'd bt th object of allallllcted. Hut those who bars triad many remedios andpbyilclans despair of relief or cur.

Hanvoiid'b UadicaL Critic meotk Tery phase offrom a sliupo bent oold ti tb most loath aoms

and deMructlTo stages. It Is local and oonstltnttonal.Instant In relief, p?, permanent In enrtnr Mie, econom-ical nnd nererfallln'

KANrcniD'R ltAIUCAL Ccnr comlsts of on bottle ofthnlUmrAT Uonc, une box of UATAiinnAt, Bolvcntaud one UtrnoTri) InnALkn, air wrapped la onopack-ae- ,

wlthtrealts and directions, and soM byalldrujfgsUfor91,(0.

Pottxb Dbvo A CnKUtoALOo., Boston.


BlPoi females Instantly roller!! by that near,4cSV elegant and infallible Antidote to Pain. In-- a

flsmraatlort and Wostnese, the CnttcnraAntl-1'nl- n l'lnstrr. Tb tlrst and onlr

Plaster, eapeelally adapted to Cnre l'crual Paina andWeaknesses. Vastly superior to alt other plasters yetprepared. At all drusaists. 25 eentat fire lor tll.UUi or,postsg e free, of I'ortaa Daud amd Gukuioil Co.,lloston, Mass.


srthmn who ettract taeth wlttt pur fresh OA8 for6Jo eicb, and inski nrt ensre for O 8 extracting whenseta ar to bo mid. Thry maa elef anl lull cum sets orteetb lor ((., CBand 410 and up ihy mi ieth wUbod for 1 up. Witci soft fUllnc Coo. up. And tblinks Us, ar th iutn who guarant aii their work

and don't you fi rxeltb No.2it'.l Slxiti W iiitr npp. allncy's.

Dally, 8 A. M. to u P. M. bundays to 1 P. M.


Madloal Profosalon. 9E AwlaVaS

lets aan Preservative). 4uHHa(MBf?ulBPerfect ns a healer. SMOTflWiW alley

tic. l'alinerCUamlcalCo.J'.T, VfwWWvv&vWv

p" I Ely's Cream Balm

HCold in Head.

FACIAL B.r.ailSHKS.TS thXa.rt?estIUitilUhintnt lntb WttrMfor(Ck STA their TrvnUnewt. fiu'Utlievelopmeiit.lUiriMxfsw! and HchIu. htttAirlluouA llslr. luith Murkt,iKw-ii- Mole aiU, lMh, frwkW Wrinkh-a-

ieV ItaiNirtJ. Amc, riiiintrs, III lc leads, ScarqjJlM?fjrutliig. ('. ami their tiTfitmtnt. HcudWffUO. VjIOo, nf M p.u-- 4th Mlltlon,

tMLvKfcitetB ''r Jon.vii. wooimruv.Mpyfe3Z?ls? North I'citrl HtH Albany, N. Y.la?StwlwHfeM Kttahllshed 1K70, In rentor of Kf1al

Anphaaceii, U;iina, etc blx I'oi lore.

LOST, FOUND AM) KKWAKDS.OST.OoU wstoi, lelwen SOI WahlnTton,""KOlncL to Fulton, thr'rujh loin Urn Under wlliaet

(6 reward. J. AUxsnJer, 391 AVaahington, Cliy,

That Tired FeeingNesrly ererybody newls s food sprint; medlcln ltk

Hood's BtrsApirllla to eipel impurities which accutua1st in tb blood during the mlr, keepupstrsnsth aswarm wther comes on, creat an appetite and promothealthy dlaestion. Try Hold's Bsrsspaiilla and you willbe confined of Its peculiar merits. It Is th ldlsprtuK mtdiclno rlub'o. benvflclaJ, pleasant to tikeand gires full value for tb monty- -

MI was sll rtm down and unfit forbuilnoss. Iwas In-

duced tn take a bcttl of Hood's Sarsipsrilla, and itbuilt mo right npsotbat 1 was soon sble to rtsume work,I recommend It to all wboar aCllcted." 1). V. Ukatx,tonecuUer, No. 4 Martin at., Albany, .. V.N, II. Be sur to got

Hood's SarsaparillaSold by all druxidsta. SlialafortS, rrepared oolj byC. I. 1100D a UO., Apotheeartca, Ixiwell. Mass.




" NAD JY,"by KrsncoIsChssalgne, Composer of Kslki.

tireattsvt, i.ourly New O' stumes, ntenery, lo., lo,llHf vrrdtu OfMu (Jouom tttsr tipara.

Adtuitsiuu 50 o,. Including lioih Kotertatnmeutl.th 8T"TiiiAfTrii! conrcrHAvlEr

bouvonir Mstuieu Wdnt,JsT and Ssturday.Tim:. mom ii uK

THE STILL ALflR,H Josfpli rthur.

(' 1 co mt'tit oucctwdful pla of tbkas)D,MQallery, Vbc, Krsrv-- 0, j&c, ooo.t 7.V., til. 1.60.


Hy Arranginnt lt!i Mansjger Amhrr.V.Vii6- - JOHN A. KVKSN'H .Tif.W'SOOTH.; llClAuu'S ' WKUSrDAY,

MAY .'tfl'll. '"1I1UK IUI3II UEArtTa."



vi: aim: now uki i.ivino nrwcRiu.T (9bbb1HTDA.IIItltH Till! 1.ATK8T PAItlH AND .'MbVI.OMXIN .VOVIil.TILS IN Tm.1t.1IBD AND XiiSBSlVNTiti.M.iir.i i:n(ji.ihii hath anb yftMlitllNOII IION.NI.TS Itllt I.ADIRS ANB Xfflaiisi:s, alh novs' uats. ata tub ysBslM:vt:sr .iiaiuhials in floweiis. ;v1,bsss1uinnu.NH, t.acrh, i:tc, for TitiMJiiNa . jfflHUM', AND IIIFnllUD AT Tllli I.OWIJST ftsssssl

4m'cut m Vi . IOAvin to tho lateness of "Bseusun, nnd iu order to raise '(ijH

CASH, iavo Vi niiiko from our im-- ''li'Bported Cheviots, English Pin JflChecks. Serges, Corkscrews vfland Diagonals lHSuits to Order, $15. IThese goods nro imported . Jflexpressly for tho merchant 19tailoriiig trade, and are lflworth douhle tho nionoy.

AVe guurunteo a perfect lit? Hand full satisfaction. vjH

SHAGKMAN'S, 1152 and 154 Bowery. ,jfl


' BY UOWK ft IIUMMKL, ' .HlThe frutest criminal lawysra of the aft. We . faert- - JV.Hwith an lllnstration of the cuter of (bis wonderful book. ' vibbbb!entitled MINDANGERi OR, L1FF. IN NdWYOUK," Jwhich irtres tho hlitory of life in Hen York. 'All Who tlhare any dolre to know what la going on, andwlalitolook 'lichlml (hj curtain H i irlft li tn lusssn, ' &sHStinuld ft this hook. UIHM

Th? rrgtilnr prioe of ibis bo-)- Is &0 cents, bnt We Hill ttfaHsent! a copy by mall, postpaid, to any one who maattoaa OsbbbbbItills and snndsus 23 o?nts. We want agents to Hsell It In every town, to whom we make better termatbaaever offered heforo. You can soil Si'O copies without any "t )Htroub'e, and U you wl.l aend ls $12.5) we wilt send 109 fijlllcepks by rxpre&i at your expense, aud yoa can sell tbeta JbbbbIfor iffiU ciilly. If you don't want to order one bandred sbbbbbb1

send ns Z5 cenU for a sample copy ard yoa wUlflod (

whit we say to be true. It contains 275 pages and U tlHhaudsoniely bound In papurcoTnrs. Addresaaiofirietsa xand omittances to J. 6. OOILVIK. Pabllsher, , I V3H

r. O. Box 'i. 7C7. 67 Hose it. New York. aHg ".:sjHAMUSEfrlKNTS. J

BROADWAY SorTJ. I.. Hl'FI' ll'..ir I O.IWANV i Jbssbbs1

To.Minir at h. I Tin; minifo'd MATK. ' stlassl?flLiIAT AT ' ' Vtl" QbathN'W fllATBe " H

BIJOU Ot'KIM. HOUSE. THIRD MOUTH. "' afjBMIIKI." Hire Ulxer's Oorceona Prodattlaes , r.'JjSBBJ

I.AT i uf llri ne1 Comia Cblnese Operaw MSBB1wi;its I im aim. op im'kint - ,Bbb1KttniDi;. S.15. Bit. Msta. a. Mar ItO. last nkfc aVafl


GTtAMiOl'KKA.HOUSK. Circla and Baloooyv Ml'r'laaBSsI

Sift KlKALFY'S DOLORES. I tA. . :WMKKXTWHKK-nOUHKTMANI- In MOaBABtV SdBas!rpilEATlthUOMtgiTK. !2:tbst.,bet.3dBdlVtaCs '": kelsssslX Mil UtAMC MAtU. .i..-5-

l uesdar nd Uarr Crockett. t?9b1tliawvk lb. KuralGnard. . ik iSleaBlfieit W'.e.T-Juti- A. btereasi A Narrow 11000. jbbSbbbI

fTcnlnc at 8.' bat. Usk at lWAI.IACIK'S. opera Company. ..IsiSBlTill: I. WO Oil THK TICRUf ilassl

I1Y bYl.KY KOSKNI-kLd-. ,' .aSBB

Seat s on sale tor Decoration Hay. Mat, and Ete'aT. lassslKTU AVE. TIIKATRE. Admurfon, 60s. H0 Krerr hfenliiaat S. Mitln Je 3sturdr 2." aasssl

"NATURAL GAS." 'JHDONNELLY. Gll'.AUD AND OREAT OOMPAJlT. 'HLX?bK.,i.!TiidKA;f0lii. tuc WIFE 'flhfsH.l3. Mat, bat, alls. fl BJiai BB1

" 'nitOQKLYX A31USBMKNTS. VfHE. R. Jacobs' Brooklyn Theatre JH



RAMK Sl'FCIALENdAGRMKNTOI' i!Bl'n ifi: McCarthy & ucualivs oompatTT S)tBin lu ihrt i',0 uieuuM irl.h Irlar. ,SB10 'IKUK lUlall UEAllTa. &flH

31 'W Sp.cUl Scenerr. Ureat SpeetaltlM. ta 7HEEAVE; AOADI- MY OK MUSIO, Hrooklrii"B,DT "'ISL -- Vek com. Mondsr, llr 21, .Wed. and MO. (JIB

1 wr tbe first tuue In Aluerlua. Mfliidrama. la four acta. SsBBlTHK. OLD OAK. .'JSH

A great eeasstlon. A c.ielullr Ml.oteJ oompanr aiassssslqlfBBJ


dr. cattanacivs unique i.ntboduotionto ioungmr.'blahi&

Great Sport Looked For nt Prospect To-Il-

McT,aahlln Still Hiding WellJohnny llrnann Confident Tlint He CanWMp Jnek Urmpaey .IllUe C'obnrn Wina Lively I'lght With Iliiah Iloylc.

HILK a hilf-doze- n

yJjjtiJA jjwjf sPorl'uB men wero8cnt t n tablo in anrW yRffltVi

V y ffisff "Ptown cafe tho otherJkv TiSli evening, young Mr."(S """1 Blame, who is hecom- -

a ing quite a fifteen-bal- l

iKf Pool expert, nnd Dr.-- y2jb: Qibbs walked up to7A ,L&nlz the bar. They wore

BaT' thoro Joined by Dr.rwjjligj;. lr Cnttonach. Dr. Gibbs,

9iDm!atH course, well acquainted

'Wslil1' dential candidate's1 I "BOlll naked ; Well,

Doctor, aud how willBlaino get doyn to tbo Ccdarhurst races

"I'm blamed if I know,"tho ' vot," who is a Democrat clear

through, and who thought that referencewas mado to Blaino, sr. " I guess he'llhave to walk." Tho young Now Knglanderlooked surprised nnd Dr. Oihbs half laughedas he murmured : ' Mr. Blaino, Dr. Cattn-nac-

Dr. Cnttonach, Mr. Blaino." Thohorso doctor began to change color some,where about tho top of his standing collar,and his florid countenance was suffused in aninstant. He took tho easiest way out of it byringing tho boll for a waiter.

Tho Falcon Stokes and the Clover Stakespromise, great sport at Prospect Park for to-day as does the Bockaway Urccn Stcoplochasoat Ccdarhurst The BrooklynDerby for thrco-ycar-ol- and the Lawnviqwhandicap will bo run at Qravesentl

Thoro is great intcrost in the struggles.,

The riding of Jimmy McLaughlin does notsem to have, gouo bnck much this season, iusuite of the stories of his troubles. Ho won,three s'raight racos twico last weok at thoBrooklyn Jockey Club's meotlng. Tho firstof these successful days saw him capture thofirst, socond and third races ou tho .card, andthe last, the fourth, fifth and sixth races.

It is said that Johnny Beagan still thinksthat ho could defeat Jack Dempspy if Demp-so- y

would give him n chance under Queens-borr- y

rules. It will bo remembered byreaders of TnE Evening Wor.LD sportingcolumn that Beagcn Baid boforo tho fightwith Dempsoy that ho would surpritio thoKonpariol.when it camo to London prize-rin- g

rules, as ho could oulwrestle him.

Capt. J. H. Coster, Philip Dwyor and Col.Bimmons are tho gentlomen who in Judge,incut ou Mr. Woodford. tho owuor of the racehorse Barnuin, aud Jockey Nelson. Tho de.cision is generally approved. The only thingis now how long boiore all three will bo re-instated.

The paragraph in Saturday's EveninoWould sporting column in which roferencowas mado to tho Dempsoy and McCaffrey set-t- o

should lia-v- read that Dempsoy kopt tohis opponent's lejt side.

A Tory good fight took placo early yester-day morning between Miko Coburn.of Phila-delphia, who scalod lis pounds, and HughBoyle, of Elizabeth, who woighed 114 pounds.Bob Stoll, tho amateur champion performeron the rjngs, was tho timekeeper. Tho con-tent lasted through twenty-thro- e rouuds,occupying one hour and vhfrty-on- o minutes,when Boyle, who had hurt bis leg badly, re.fused to continue. The purse was givenCoburn.

S. 8. Brown's Masterpiece .is going verywell of late, and is said to linvo n goodchance in tho Suburban. Mike Donoher hasthis horse's running qualities.

Jake Kilrain has written to Biehnrd K.Fox, his bnoker. Faying that hewill sail forhomo on tho second Saturday iu July. Heannounces his intention of defending thechampionship belt against nil comers.

Michael Eastman, the fastest nowspnperfolder employed by tho New York NewsCompany, has challenged A. Van Booyen.who recently won Bichard K. Fox's goldmodal in a uewspaper-folvlin- g contest, to afolding match for any amount of money.


"Murder!""I'LL KILL HIM!"

One of the most atrocious as well a unprovokedmurdert took place last night within the localitycircumscribed by the lines of our appended dia-

gram:.i -


C Umbrella.B Door where murderer entered.K Stove through which mnrcerer escaped.


A Fourteenth Street Tneatre, where the greil" Still Alarm " la playing to delighted audiences. .

DIKD.'MEKIIAN.-- On Sunday, Mar 20. Katii P., dauibUr

ot John Meaban, aged IU rears and 9 month.IUlatlT0t and friends fettled to strand fanerftl at

10.30 A, M. on Tueadar, fldtnst,, from reudance,415 East 17th st., tbenoa to Gnurch of ths launui.lataCooeeptlon, Kaat ltlb St., whera requiem mtawill bn offered up for tn repoa of ber aouL Inter-ment at Calvary,


Atroolet Theatre "The Arabian Mights" willcontinue this week, as the altractnn. It la a very(to,id eateriatnmeot, aud the specialties introducedare rattlculatiy Interesting.

Prof. Hsrtl's nine Viennese "lady fencers "areat the Eden Musee, where Erdeirl Nacn'a Hun-girla- n

orchestra can alto be heard. Noouecaucomplain that there is Isck of entettslnment at theEden Musee.

"The Wlle'Ms still at the I.vccdm, bnt will notremtln there mud' looser. U hen it Is withdrawnIt will have nearly reached Its two Hundred and illMen periouiHuo. 'Ihcrc It n lure- a.ivttnco .ilc.Tiie success of this play baa been simply marvel-Io-

tlrockroann's monkey theatro company, with Itmonkey actor, fouler, nots and douals stilt at theMar theatre. Thpy are a ureal attraction to thechildren, who fnqueni the Star In ureal numbers.The iniiillgenro ot I ho animals and their wouder-u- l

training cannot fall to Impress everybody.There are m illueea every atlernuuu.

"The Stll Alarm" Is sun ! the Fourteenthfiltott Theatre, whero It lias now had a .ons anilsucceaafitl run. Harry Lacy as Jack M my, HlphDeltuore it Jonn Bird and Mrs.Srldrn Irwin aa Mrs.ll..nley do sonic very good work, 'I he realism nttup i erforntaui e It received each night with a ooJdeal of enthutlaam.

At the Broadwar Theatre Mls Lillian Ruiielland Ml-- a Camllle D'Arvllleailll nightly Impersouatet oe two cliarnilugir relractnry wives, Aolla andlnrz, In " The ljueeu'a Male." Tno excellent billot faro which tbe Broadway offer ha- - bren aud isduly appreciated. "'Ihe tuteu'a Matn" will

run until Mintctnber Willi irrpat fiirllttr.Mitt HotlnaVoVea will not play at Daly's theatreht out of compliment to Lester Wnllack a

datntfuct. which I all the more to bo appreciatedfrom ti.e fact that Ml Vokea Is uolog an enormousbuainos. however, shu will inn ear la"AUameof Cards," "My Mlultier'a HUP' audfortne Urat time here "A Rough Diamond."

Manager 11. R. Jaoods, that mort cnterpr almr ofthea rtcal manager, ho taken the Tballu Theatiefur a limited reason, owing to tho fact that tie hasclosed hts Third Aveuun Tnca'ru for rcnatra.

the home of Herman attractions win ho de-voted to the elucidation ot piay by John A. Stevenscalled "Uukuown." Popular price will prevail.

Frank Mayo will appear Iu three different playsthis week at the Thottre Comtqur, Harlem. 'I notheatre will bo closed by a gr, cefui act ontho part of Manancr Hart, in order that Mr. .Maomay appear at me Wailack tiailmonlal perform-ance. .Mr. Mayo Is a strong sctor, ami he will un-doubtedly crowd tho Theatre Couilque during therotlol tho week.

Mist Katn Claxton will begin her second and listweek at rllblo'a In "Tho World AaatuBtHer." Her bnaluess during tte past tlx days oatbeen extremely profitable. Thlt wrca every ladyaud chdii who attends the matinee or ermine

will be pretcnttd w th a bux contulnlnira brick or Mlu Claxion will be fol-lowed at Nl lo's by Ilallcu and Uatt in a big vari-ety entertainment.

' A Possible Cats " It still at the Madison SquareTheatre, where Manager J. M. Hill Is lertecflyaallstlod with Its succeas. M. A. Kennedy still ap-pears as Olio Drlncktrnoff, Miss Uenerlare Lyttonat violet Mend iza, .list Daisy DorrasKtheiSoner,and Mlsa Louise Rial at Mrs. Cyrus Vtlahton. Theamusing complication of "A Possible Caso" keowthe auuienre in perpetual Rood humor, and wnena piece can do tnat, It la safe to prophesy aucccis.An audience lores to laugh heartily.

Loult Harrlson'a tongs In " Tho Pearl of Pekln "go with considerable vim, and chut excellentcomedian doet not tender them lets Interettlng byftequont repetition. "Slunor r, thellatitone Slnuer." la fonnr and olerrrty sung. MiksIrene Verona. Mlas Clarett Vanderbtlt.Mlta Carriollehr, Jllaa Urace Wilson, Mist Henna KlechandP t lip Branaon ilo good work and havo manyfrlouds. "The Pearl of Prfciu" will soon be

by a mutlctl comedy called "Town Lots.'- -

The solution of thst knotty problem, "TneLady.or tho Tiger?" gois on every nignt at Wailack'Theatre, much to tno delectation of the audience.Ihe optra la drawing very nlcHy indeed, uud willluu lur a long time to come. De Wolf Hopper hasnever done such excellent work. Wnllo he la onthe stage theru It continuous laughter. Mine.Cottrelly as tho giddy maiden Polyxena does tomecapital work. 'Ihe aceuery tnd costumes areicrcatly appreciated. Coi. Joan A. McCaull nevertlnon nnvlblnir ' bv halvAa. o

Frank Moran's San Francisco Mlnstrelf, wllhBilly Birch In amlsblo prominence, win begin thothird and last week of their succeEsful enkngementat Tony Paator' Harrlnitton and Joni,.aon, tha song and dauoa team; Woods, Shattuck,Dougherty and JohnBon, the Alsnltaitan Quartet;J. M. Woods, the popular singer, nnd a thrillingdramatic burlesque," entitled "Steal the Alarm,"will be tbe feature. Iu MM burlesque IlugneyDougheity, J. Harrington, Billy Bircn, Frank. Bu-nion', J. M. Woods, A. Johnson and Jack Catseke part.' Natural Qas " Is still emitting Its radlsnco at

the Filth Avnuue Theatre, where it teems to haveetlled down comlortaulr. Means. Donnelly,

Olrard and craven nt 111 continue to please audiencewith their vigorous specialtiea. Mlas Amy Amesand Ml-- s Jennie Yciinana could carry the piece, oraoy piece, alone. "Natural Oaa"iB not much ad-dicted to plot, but by the abundant an i Incessantlaughter which greets tne performame each nightIt la evidently Juat at well without ooe. it willcontinue for some time to come at the Fifth Ave.nue Tneatre.

Taat charmln? ltttle disciple or tbe poetry ofmotion, Aillc Franccsclna Pari, will bo at Ihe(irauu Opera-lloni- o wltn MDolorea,"Klrally'a hpednculur production, whlrh waa re-cently seen at Nlblo's. "Ilolona" has a Mronjralory tn tell and two dellglnful ballets to unlold."Dieadlnu," in wblr.n groups arranged to looklike DrcsJcn china nil the atage, Is a must ilciur-csuu- o

piece of work. Mile. Purls pirouettes andsmiles and cnarins tho audience. She wears ab'acknrras and is small and attractive looking.'Slit is oijj of tho diatinct hits Of tho performance

"Nadjy "nt IbeCaMno, has packed that build.Ing niKlniy since Wedueeday, and aticr 8 o'clock Itwas impossible to obtain tickets for love or money.Mr. Aronson tnlnl that Cbastatgus's latest willeasily mil all sun mcr, so that his mind Is

oasy for the present. All the ltttloroughncaes" always Incidental to a flrat nlglit

perlormanue have beon mooihcd away, audiSnoJy " runs flong pleasantly and easily. 'Ie

n will be opened alter tne per-ioral ince. The garden will be brlgntly Illumi-nated ambflowcra, planta, shrnbs and fountains willnot be wanting. Mr. Arouson's increased orcliialrawill give selections from Strauat's new opera,"bimDllclui," Czlbulka's "Glucittrlltcr," audMtllocker's "Slebeu b'hwaben."

Hroohlyn Tlirntrea."True Irish Hearis, " a romantic drama, will be

presented at 11. It. Jhcodss Brooklyn theatreand ihroughost tbo week. Tne leading

part will be snatalnm by J. P. Suiilvon. the castwill Include D..U Mc''anhy aud Kitty Colrtnan.There will be new acencry and some excellentmusical features will be introduced.

At tho Lee Avenne Academy of Mnslc "The OldOak," it new English melodrama by Paul Mernt,wdl be ri en f r tbe first time. The ttorydeals will a murder around wnlch there Is a greatdeal of Interesting mystery, whUb la, of course,dexterously cleared away before the nual fall ofthe curtain. The cast will Include Miss HenriettaVaders, Archibald Cowper, Jnllns Kahn, FredHooker, Charles 11. Hradthaw.Otorgc 8. Flaming,Edward Knott, Mlti Ida Andiraon and Adel Gray.

"Hit Lordship, Ihe new comedy by L'dnlnAtwell, will be given at theAmpnloii Academy to-morrow nlglit. Mr. Atwll' play looks aa thoughit were going to be Interesting, It such a propnecyIt worth anrthing. He r.as second a thoroughlyexcellent cant, Including Mlas Grace Thorns

Coultsr, Mist Virginia Bnohtnan, Harry Fltt,Charles n. Wtllta, ltus-e- ll batactl, H. .Miller Kent,Charles UowstT, Lytandrr tnompson and MarkTrice.


Pupil Who Will Plnl.U Their Kindles InNo. 24, TO, 48 nnd 33.

Tin: Evenino Wom.n y eontlutics itslist of thoprobablo graduates tit tlm pttblloschools. This time tho Industrious graduat-ing classes of (Inunmnr Schools 21, 73, 49 andftlarogltou. ,

Miss M. A, McCoskor is the Principal ofthe girls' department of Grammar SchoolNo. 21. Miss II. D, Ilognn is tho toneher oftho gruduntiug class. Tho uilsies of thiHclnssnro;

lleriha 1 edkowllnkl, Jmephlnc llatlciuteln,r.inma Hylve-tc- Pauline Abrauir, (loldio Uoiu-uia-

Anule Siiapiro, Ho ecca silver.The young ladies of this school havo re-

ceived their iiiditulnnry instructions inlitiusuworK, nnd probably by next week theywill hnvo romo practical instruction, nsovervthiiu postiblo is being dutio to get tho" kitchen " in rvndiucstt.

For twenty-tlv- o years J. T. Boyle has beenPrincipal of (iratutimr School No. 70. JohnDemoiest has been iu tho oditratlounl de.purtmciit for llfteen jenrs. He is the teucherof tho graduating class. His pupils nro :

Bernaud lllankford, Jacob flcruittln, J ico) C.liraud, Alexander C Betovakv. Solumon Cohn,Julias Cohen, Jacob Cnaaanowltz, Israel Cohen,Louu Kliailierg, Chsrlrs- - Faust, Muses Fnkel-brani- t,

Isaac Harris William F. Ilirachinau, Abra-ham Jacobs, H itnuel Kupplcr, Ju Ills Kramer,Louis Levy, Plncns Levy, Jacob Levy, Ch .ileaLubln, David Man-o- Abraham Meyer, FrankMcHweoney, Jacob No idle, Jire Hlttenbcr, JacobRich, Moset Jacob Itoaeunlat, JacabMlverstone, Sinuitl Samuels Ileni.ati MmpMiii,Jacob W'lastiaum, Hymau Willcnbvrg, Abraitamvt linen, William Wagner.

Grnm mar School No. i9, in West Twenty,eighth strcot, near Sixth ntcnuo, isn largonnd well. equipped building, Tho Principalis Miss M. 1. Claw son. Mm. M. A. Colwcll,tho Yicp.Principal, tutches tho highest class,nnd is laboring energetically to turn out agood. sized graduating ;lan this year. Thonamos of tho probable graduntes nro:

Minnie Andorsnn, Murr Brnthora, Saiah Becker,Anule Carov, Kittle Cnnen, Krne Fiack, CalhSrlneHaggerty, Amelia llalllwell, Marie Irwlu, EmmaKuntr, Mary Leonard, Kale Madden, May Murphy,Jennie Ptlce and Blanche Wendell.

Qrainmar School No. 3J, in Twcnty-elpht- h

street, near Ninth atomic, accommodatesmora than thirteen hundred children. ThoPrincipal, Miss 0. M. Kdlntiuds. has boen inhor present position about twenty years. Shodelights in praising tho ndmirablo work donoby some of tho girls ot tho graduating classthis year. Among thoso whom she has men.tioncd aro ;

Mary K. Martin, held of the class j pheba A.Hay. leu, Mary Bidwell, Mabel M. Mason, Theresaft. Connor, Kilrtl Collins, Anna Bradley, AnnaMenken, Joale K. Taylor and Mary E. Btyans.

Tho young ladies montioned above are pro-nounced oicollent students. Tha probablegraduates are:

Aunie F. Knckton, Mary A. Louis, Hannah A.Shea, Nellie, V. Bird, Rose O. Meyers, Amelia P,Goetsch, Frances Karaoagti, Mary K. lironu. Nel-lie L. Hyatt, Anna K. Moirow, Alary A. Smith,Jenn-tt- i Ktrkland, Neva KM red, Auuie F. C. Itat-fert-y,

K. L. Thomas, Aunle P. westrrfloid, EllenM. Dawaon, Kmtita M. Wholbcrg, earalt blmpion,Dora a.amlock, Tneresa J. Donnelly, Ldilan UacK-lan- d,

tneresa.M. Boyer, Margaret Q. O'Brien andMargaret Armstrong.

The Wnllnck IlrnrntTho teillmonlil benefit to Lester Wailack at the

Metropolitan Opera-Hous- o this evening win, s,

be the moit Interesting event of an Interest-In- g

theatrical season. From a Ouanclal point ofview the performance will also be noteworthy. Itis estimated that from tso.ooo to fis.ovu will ber'al'Ecd. Tho oast is something in remember luIhe time to cotno. It comprises Edwin Booth ssHamlet, Lawience Barrett aa the Ghost, FrankMayo as King Claudius, John Gilbert atPoloiilut, Keen Piyrapion as Laertes,Charles Han lord aa Koscncrantz, Daw.rence nanley as Gnllderatcrn, John A.Lantiaa Horatio, Charles Koehler as Oarlc, Kdwln1L Vaudeipelt a Marcellas, Kelc-- y asBern rJo, Frank Mordaant ss Francisco, Jo.ei.hWheelock und Millies Levtck a tlrat and secondactor, rep;ctlvely; Joseph Jefferson as ihe Uralgravrdigger; W. J. Florence aa the second gravo-iLtge- r,

Harry RJwsrda a the priest, Mme. HelenaMoilJoaK as Ophelia; Mlsa Gertrude Kelln.g ns theQuern.and Mlaa ltoo Coghlau ns the player quecc.there will be u number ot prominent Udlei andgentlemen of tbe prod ss.on us auxiliaries, Thoattain will rl.o prompily at S o'clock.

niannorr Ainbrrat'a Knrreaafiil Seaeon.Malinger Gustavo Amberg closed hit season at

Ihe Thalia Theatre on Saturday night, when he hada licuetlt at tnat house. Tbo piece produced were" jihofreuilen," a three-ac- t cometyr by A. VouWinlnrleld, and Zaltz'a operetta, ' Manntcnalt anBord." In tutu Miss Von Jauusckouky and Ferdi-nand Sciiuelz nan. Manager Amberg made aspeech tnanknig his patrons for the nut port withwmcli he had been favored. Ilo said that the post'aeatoa was the most prosperous one known in I hohistory of Gcrman-Aiuurlca- n theatrical erenta.He announced thai thero would be two excollentGerman theatres In tno autumn. Durluir. the pastseason al the Tnnlla Theatro Manager Ambergpro-durr- d

serentr-eigh- t pieces, Including trsgedr,melodrama, farce, comedy, comic opera, grandopera and burlesque.


lie llxprel tn be nt IIU Plaice In niadleontqnure on Tnrsdnr,

farrctaL to Tnat wont.n.1St. Jons, N. JJ.. Moy 21. (reorrjo Francis

Train took a last look at Canadian soil lastnifiht, when bo took a train for Hoiton.

Ho expects to bo in Madison Btniaro, NewYork, on Tuesday, after n six months'


A Colored (irnrge Wnalilnatnn.Miss Mar; E. Waahlngtod, tscortcd by rollce-ma- u

Alonzo Powell, of the Madison street station,paid a short visit to I'ollco Hcaduaricrs ltts even-i- n.

Attir a brlel lutnviaw with the Chlif of thebureau ol Inform .Hon, Miss Washington rocamethe sueMol Ma'ron Web. Later on ncr fiither,Mr. Washington, jint In an afpojraLoan I took young lady home to titer illy resi-dent e, UTlinmi street, Mi,i V. una a lust child,and ber lather la a gentleman of color.