THE MM TH1:K;\ MAIL. T!.!«..-» *t. rhllnrielphia. Correspondence of The Tribune. Philadelphia. March 6, p. M. Tbc Board of Bicker* did not transact any busi ffftt today :n consequence ot tbe dentil of 8olbmon sjjta, an o d an 1 respected mtmb> r. jtevreather thU ahernoon ia <.. a character the .ate bluing began to faii. as I predicttU in tny letter tDi> IT". TT''.. .' No lortigu arrivals or clearances to day *y The Rochester Democrat ray I Henry E.Mayer ot vVestfleld. Chautsuque c. nnty.svas found dead in his bed. at too Btoi'um Hi use. in that city, m Sunday mon ing On a post mortem examination bis Lean ««. found greatly enlarged, and weighed Mouncea He leaves a wile and two children. Telescope ri>a Hakvakd Colleoe.The great Telescope wl ich wasrxpected here fr.iin Germs ny zwxt JuDe. for the obssrvatory connected with Har vard 'loilegn. will, wo understand, be considerable c.e. lsyed uy reason of the death of one of the company who are constructing i:. This will be a srent disappointm.in t i.,many.it ia to t,e by far the largest la tee .. untrv. and will co*t a*H<ut seventeen thousand douars; add lo this th<" expense of the building recently completed, as tee ybs<rv*iory, and the wnoie expen,e of thc_observatory vrid amount to lui l> tuoussna üuiiars f Bost. Trav. iMPKISOsMf .NT FOR L-KUT.- TbO House of Dele gates of the Maryland Legislature has passed a on: abol¬ ishing imprif .rirr.eni f.r debt, except hi cases of evident fraud UOISEIWID MARKETS. Bipo.-ted fir The New-York Tribute. £AC?A^E5 .Hecent transactii ni in the sausage bu- jjjjcs have erected ibis aummer-savory branch ol our Produci vt; Industry lr.to a gn;it national question.sev¬ ers! links ot which iiave been discussed on the Hi : 'it the House ol Representatives. In tho general stagnation of the Household Markets.the high price of Eggs, th tendernefs ol young Veal und me quit mess of dead Hal: fem.we find a sensible and grateiul relief in turning to the st»l.s for Sausages and Imiring In expressive *t- '.seethe sobtl vrreaths of 'hat esculent vegetable to teffipllngly colled up and rifferltg to spring into one's verv iryiner pau foi tun siuht consideration ot ninepence a pound. Iu lact, nothing in market is now talked of hut .and tbe ßeueial topics of discussion iu the most nehcrcht political circles are the relative merits of .he Bologna, tho Black, the Spanish, tho beef aud the. Common Pork .-ausage. So far as we have been ena¬ bled to collect puolic opinion ou tuu subject, wo think the preference is at present given to tne genuine Ohio variety; and a great dual oi public curiosity is manifested ?oknow who has received tho con cruet for supplying tne House oi Representatives wit! this article. It is not yet generally known whether Sir Robert Peel bus made any special provisions (although it is clear that Hon. Mr. Sawyer didi as lo Sausages.n> r whether the dtatumeuts despatched by 'he British Minister which weut out in lbs Römer are to bo regarded as a connecting link be¬ tween the British policy and the Sausages despatched by the honorable gentleman from Ohio. At all events, it is very generally believed tht.t t1 c honorable gentleman's pariiainy ,jr Pork Suusaces mines from a patriotic desire lor prrimoti-g t'ie consumption ol H me Products, il notfrom even a more fraternal nd family feeling. Pub¬ lic excitement on ihi* sulject is constantly increasing, and nati yet u, no means reached its bight.and although yesterday wa* Fry-day. yet every body seemed to he iu sstcw ah ut Sausages. All other brunches of household trsde wer- unnoticed, anu public attention was conceu- (rated upon the transactions In Sausages.we are there¬ fore complied to bi ing our report.like the article which is tue occasion for so doiet; .to an abrupt termination COMMERCIAL A.M> MONEY MATTERS. ET For tali of Stockt <./ tkt Exeicnge, ut L<ui Pn3t Faioar, P. M. The Stock market wns bun. nut to-day and prices pnerally were well sustained. In Heading there was a large advance. Sales being made as hittu us 77 an ad¬ vance of Sj per cent This advance is not the result of on actual corner but of the operations of the bears no have told very sboit. Tne highly encouraging prospects Of tbe road for next year have also mi eneet to advance tbe market. Moreovei Juuu shares have rec-miy bt eM tslta uut of market ou English account. lu Exchange» there ia not much doing aud quot- stions are firm Sterling 8j ä>?i Franca 5 98Ir®5 27J. Quüders jVtZW Mirks Banc-. 3*4935] Rix Dollars M?tu":i. The receipts of the Harlem Railroad Company for the first two uionihs in each of the psstthr-e years have beeti ss annexed: January.Sft.649 1 0.0-55 11,409 14 percent. February.... "fit'o 7 425 6.703 17 percent. Total-ju,*7 17,170 20.112 The Lawrence Manufacturing Company at Low¬ ell have made a semi annual dividend of 10 percent, payable the ISth Ins.. The receipts ai the Philadelphia office of the Phil- scelpbls and Columbia Railroad for Feb. were.10 On 96 Previously.22:636 öl Whole amount since Nov. 30. 1345 .ÖJJ j.ie 17 Bills have been reported in the Massachusetts Le¬ gislature for railroads from Salem tnrough Danvers to Mrthuen ; North Adams to Vermont line Newburyport to Rowley Audover to Methuen Providence Railroad toPtwtucket. and to unite the Fitchburg and diaries town Branch. Bills have been re!used for the patal'el- Rmlroad from Bostoti to Watthsui «nd Lexington tto Cbaluisford. In reiatiuu to the par redemption bill just reported ta the House the Albany Citizen says : We see that the Committee on Hank* in tbe House liave reported a bill rtquirint? nil Hanks to keep their cir¬ culating Notra at oar in New-York. While the Commit¬ tee hsd their band in w hy did ttiey not extend tbe time. provision to the notes <¦! mr merchants in this city i A bill lo authorize the Graud Gulf Bank and Rail¬ road Company to sell their Road, has passed to a third reading lu the Mississippi Legislature. At New-Orlenns there hat. beeu on change in the money market. The rate ot interest out of doors for good short paper, ranges from 10 to 12 per cent, per an¬ num, but there is very little of this description offering at present, long paper Is not much In favor, and rather diäcuh io urgotiate. Texas Securities h ive beeu list, sad rales are a shade lower. There are hut few »ellei» iu ihe market Both Foreign and Domestic Exchanges have coi.tii.ucd to g»od demand, the market being rather rnod. rnte.y supplied. Sterling Bills range from t>} a 7 per cent p.eiuium, with a fraction more occasiona.iy for s vrry favorite »ignatuie. Franc»Continue to ru.e at SC3S sil 37j. iliHsou the Norm have been in very good re- Quest, and ihe rates are vor> arm at SsaSj per cent, du- count tor Oo day drafts ou New .\*oi k and B.istou, and at t » 1 per cent, discouni for cheeks at siitut. ¦Market* . CartfuUt KtporUä fur «V 'jVifenut. PatDAT, March 6 ASHES.A few sales of Pots have been made at 4 00 for old, and 4 l-j for new. Pearls ure 4 37s, with sai.s of 30 hhls. 'i he market is very lirm. COTTON.The sales to-day have beeu 1500 bales, ta- ksa tnost.y by manulacturor». al the full rates of yester- flsy. Speculators have also been looking about, aud picked up some small lots. We have by this afternoon's mail two days laicr ac counts front the South. In Charles!ou and Savannah, ties.ight decline which had been submitted to ou re¬ ceipt of the Cambna's accounts had been recovered.and toe markets In t'oih places were firm. The receipts of Cotton in both cities loi the previous week were very .mau. In New-Orleans ib,- market was hrm.without change in price. The receipts, at the last dates, were very .*-.-. FLOL'lt AN 1) ME iL.There is a a'^.d inquiry for the Esst, und the better feeling iu the market lor the last few d»\» continues. Holders ant generally firm a: i fill forCec see, ai -,. -, lOiü to 1500 bbis were made at Hgure, for the East, and home use. An iuereas« ioquu v for the K,st is looked for. Ol N Orleans. 500 Obis w.-rc h Id at 5 lil) tlat hoop we quote L2J tiSÖ i">, miiaa hoop $5 »$5^. In Southern then- is not much Georgetown ts >0 itiiuö i». Svi..» -hk) tdds Ball more at about $0 00. t.ve Hour is SJ 70 dS4 i.u ¦*h fair .1 .. - i y^i jkt.u-i a §3jt» tor Jersey Braodywlne Is fÄ024; nbds. Si6. 1>«S Meal $1.-J5 a std.j. Buckwhoet$3,75 a M in bbls.$l,75 .r.v; B7Jln «gs. and tu« market nesudy bare. "GRAIN'.A pa-rel ot Geoesee Wheat. 1300 bu.hcls. M»nce,t handa for shipment at 117; rts. (>: c .rri there »ratb. r more OtT< rim.-, and prlcos'are firm. Sales 1500 JJshels Jersey Yellow atfiScts; IflOOdo N or:< «Us at SjTg. fot distülingj uud-'ooodo White and ltkx) do isiiow souihcruou texnu not trsmspired. Acargaoi northern l>au sold at 45 cts, a prime lot, Jersey are 40 .vi barley is heli at t»S eta. WHTSKY-Sslcs 250 bbls Western a: i3 cu. Drudso '.aoilat^.'cts. HAY-Tfae market ts quiet at 75«90ctS for lair lots, naies Jto bales et c0 cts. HOI'.-.A sal.- of fO bales Western, for export, bas ^«30 cts°° ,*rm* n°l ,nSd* PUbMC The *,ltlr': Prfce ^raOCERIES.The "afkets .ire ven- firm, but the CabTv rov^:«r*rs*»ons. A sale of 100 bhds sour v-SOs \oiasst s ai 1} cts, 4 iakss. .*Jes-::i'^Cn?'^U C'tkKM y'«10cu; we hear of uo *l y" ofTh»o»hy. 30 bbls fsirsoldat«lö esn^ri\I?S'3"-,n !'"'« wc ;" "r rfnodiing doln. ex- > w.-.utc;:,;..;w:i::;. ^X^nt^*^' 200 bbls Country Prime 15W1I s ,9Tbl" and rum. Tierce Beel is lad go., pcs Wee^r» £ v.1ÜS te« nt cts. BMr«!^ Sjdea 7ri7i; Shoulder. 91 UI Lard wo note sales 350 tea at 6,37 eta. und 50 bbta at 7 cu. The demand is -or-d There 's some shipping tarroiry r.r < he»..>. and we note * S* M 7i»71 ct.. B«l« u with, ut change, rmd very rinn We quote Ohio 10211; W esu m Dairy 12316 cu- M .-.rt^lLD : At Buffalo, on th lal inat by Rev. Mr Ingersnll. WILLIAM HENRY HECOX Esq. to MUl E LOUSE CAMPBELL un Wedöeadej evening, the 4th Inat b> Re.\ Dr. De- win Ut eotiard C Window to Miss .Sarah Caroline TeUer ^ DIED On 1 bur-day Marrr. 5th. ' = 16. cd n short and severe illness. AÜALISE. wife of Ueu.-y L. Bulkley. aged if; year* 1 montu and Sonja. The reladv, .. friend* «r.d a-quaintance* ol the rami.j. are partiell arly ...wed to attend her tunera! res.denc f bet aahand. No. at Horath, street, "u BN. dav. Marc. Bth. at i dock, I" M. witaeut tatiön Al«> the n.em^.-ra uf tne followtnj »''Cetie« ÄogYand Society A pb« CM* »ff can**, So i. Aehlamd Wvision, No 1 fT, T No 92 I O Of R A-.*!"<-J Temple Of Honor. No 9*. 'r. of T and mernSer* of tbc various order* in K On%iursd»y. March Sth, JOHN WHITEHAND, (Butcher ; aged r;7 ye«r»- . , , The friend, of the iom\'y are re.p.-euully invited to aiteud ton lunerai w Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Irom tue house of hn aon-in-law. "J43 Walker-street. The Batchers and member* ot tne Fire Department are also Invited. On'Friday i/ier.n. ;n. 'Lb last CHARLE* DOB33. Jr. iu the 35:a yea.- of ble age. Hu friends a.,5 relatives, and those of hU father, Cnariea Dohbs, and of hi* brother i'rederiek. are invited to attend the luneral from hia lato residence. No. 61* Thlrd-etieer, on Sunday, at 4i o'clock. P. M. On the evening of the 6th met WALTER, only son of Julius and .-'arab A. Eulkley aged 2 years 1* months and ü.0 buys Hartford paper* please copy On Trureday evening. Maren 5th. EDWARD PAR- KtlR. son oi Horace und Eve .Ma'ia Everett, aged rive mouths ead 10 days. In Brooklyn, on Friday morning. 6:h last, after a linger¬ ing Illness, alias sarah M. WILSON. The lriends of the- deceased, and of her brother, Cbailes T. Wilson, are Invi« d to attend her iuoenU, this day. (Saturday.) at 3 o'clock, from tue residence of Samuel ft. Kelly, Ho. 10 Sid uey place, South Brooklyn. PASSENGERS ARRIVED 7. :U chip Atkburlon from Zfotrpool.iSr. James W. Hall, of New-York E. Wilson, J. Wilson of Ireland ; Tbos. Rjtiuiiis, England, and iU'J in the steerage. in llir. thi/i Hui,<juti j'ruvi Canton and Vacan.Mr. Elihu Dotj Elfaja C. Doty, Amela C. Doty, Mary S. Poblman, Wm. Poblman,Tang Keea, E-q. In the brig Aug .t>"; from Saeannah.W. S. Peck. p. B. I.aUd, E. Ogd/n. p.d.. Neils, and 5 in the steerage. MARINE JOURNAL. PORT _OF NEW-YORK. MiNIATURK ALMANAC. THIS dat. Tint su.v. run aiooN. itll ska. hlses..o «7 Sein ..ü ÖC Morn ...'J 59 Morn... 3 41 LATEST »ATKS. London .. .Feb. 7 Havre.Feb. 6 Liverpool.Feb. 8 Now-Orleans.Keb.irt SEE FOURTH PA G B. Arrived. .-'hip Houqna, Palmer, I'm Canton and Macao. Dec. 3d. with tet.s, silks, Sie. to A A Low it Brother. Vessels left, before rej. jrt'rd by the overland mail. Bhip Panama. NYork, sailed two days previous. Passed her on the -in, off Java ffcad. -it Ann McKim. lor NYork in 5 days. Captain Vaemer very sick. Feb. ifjih. lat 24, long 62, spoke bU:p St Paul, troru Manilla, for Sslem, 126 days OUt. jlark Harriet Thompson, Ti den, .is I'm Cuayama. pr, with molasses, to Aguire & Gal way. Has had ;. Pilot on board ii days. Itiig Augusta, Sherwood, iu'd* fm Savannah, with cot¬ ton und rice, lo Sturges & Clearuiun. Bri{ G ingi -. Wi son, fm Alexandria, (Egypt,) vild uct. and Gibraltar ._'-'.:b Dec with mdse, to Draper At Devlin, l-'eb. 14tn. lai 29, long 66, spoke sehr Esther .V Lnra. hence, ior Kingston, Jamaica, r< days out. richr Rebeeca, Collins, fm Wilmington. Del. with corn meal and Hour, to Allen St Paxon. Scbr Washington, Loclunsn, fm Virginia, oysters. Sehr Atlantic, ttu Huston in baliast. BivLOW.1 ship and J brigs unknown. SAILED.Ship Avalanche. MEMORANDA. The brij; Mary S Jones, from Rio Grande, reported yesterday by the Maroetic Telegraph, and published by some i-t the afternoon papers as being below, proves to be incorrect. Ship:, Independence, for Liverpool. Victoiia. for Lon¬ don, Tonquio, tor Canton, and bark Mudara, .'or Havana will sail to-daj weather permiiing. Toe steamers Hercules and Jacob l<- II yesterday tow¬ ed up the packet ships HottiDguer, Ashburton and Hu¬ guenot. Feb. 4ih. John F. Drummond, 2d oihccr of the ship Ashbunon, fell I rum tue top-gallant lorer.-astieoverboitt d ,oid was drowned. All exertions made to save him proved unsuccessful. The public vvhi liriir ia mind ibal Pbslou's liui. lo- vigorator ia ;!ie ouly article that re.tores the hair and eradi¬ cates scurf and djodruf. The other puffed nostrums of the day ate not worth the hotliea they ere put up In, as many a victim cat, testify, who atier tialng them, has been obliged 10 turn to Phalon for relief He warrants bis remedy to ac- compllsb all that be protnue« In his advertisement. What beuer salifscUon do you BSkf Tills Invaluanle article can be bad of E. Phalon, 214 Broadway, and of druggists and fancy dealers generally, city and country. Price, 50 cents per bot'.le, larcc size Si TnV.e none but Phalon's. Sanos's Sarsapiriul\..The niojdcintaias the elements of ine whole auun»l strnciu'?.fie^n and 0*>re, glans, mus¬ cles, tendons, the natls, the hair, und even the tunes ihem- Selves, -ire all su«taiu-~i oy the liio.id. VV'eii tj.en may n lie railed :he biieain ot life. In proportion to the purity of ihe fluid will he that of the su''sia:ice int which it it coniit'tial- !v chap ging. Corr ipi Mood, Instead of producta g healthy tletb, islikely enough to develop sores aud ulcers. When uiese appear, w-hrttiei in the Specific form of scrofula, an- scesa. ^c oi of ihe ordinary types, mere, is no ueiergeut u i.- believed, ibal will so rapidly ueutralire ticj virus iu the blood from winch ihey spuug. Sands's Sarsapariila. Prepare aid sold, wholesale anu retail, oy A. It. i: &. SA Mis, Wholes ue Druggists, 7y Kuiiou-st. 'g73 Broadw-ay and Ti East Broadway, Sew-York. Sold aiso by L)rncr' sts generally throughout the United States. Price SI per Dot¬ tle, or six liou.n* for As. C* Tbeneasou m now last approaching wh"n the con¬ dition o;' the ivstem should he attended to, aal ail impurities of the blood from couhnemeut, dissipation, tree iudulgence, .Vc eradicated. For this pnrpnse all melical science and thetiry have, given 10 Suriapanlla ihe pslm of victory Over at! otnsr remedie». ll ouly, therefore, remains lo be known whe.e lias celenrated preparation can he had in its greatest purity ana to Uie heat economy; this, depend upon it, is tit 21 Cortiand st, where ihe Extract of Sarsaparllia is sold in us purest and best form, and for one half less price lhan oiber* sell at. m7 2ieod Would VOU piesoi ve u auli aad comfort oy dry frtel. use ihe U.i of Taniilu on Ihe Boots, which douhle« tbeweai and keep* oui trie water. Tilts is ouly found al 21 Cortiand- st. _ ni7 Sleod L"r*~ Wh 'the person preferring rattier to suffer with Ihe rile* than pay U's. for Hay's Linnient aud the Balm of China, from 21 Cortlani-tl and have a perfect core war¬ ranted. tu7 iteod " it"* '.'"'«"i'iii'.t /: io.i-i .>/-¦., ,^c,t So.tp tor i!:r< cure of r*::n- ples Freck s, Ta Sallownesa, Eruptions, and all asin .lisn<iireiii"^is. al t' e on'.y .'e^ot. Ü7 Wa'.ker-sU 1st sl:>re FRDM Broadway, W coats :v case. Orecian Ha.r Dye, lt£rtublt t.-i»vt Route.forerlmaontag Lips and Ch-eks, Pvwtrc SuötiU lor rradieating ntptrfiutnu hau without inju- rylo the si.c. i.i.'j, ll'vur. lor lusiaiuy sca.ierlng redues* and ti i«hes irom Ibe face. Acoustic drops for curing deaf- ueaa, lie Vc. rii-.- above celebrate! preparations of D. 0 uraua's at - to be fo Ittd o-ily ihear ic mind) at 67 Wuiker- su latStoro .-'HUM Broadway. '. -s.»..E B. Tuuie, Assembly Buildings, Phtladel. phia; Jordan,ti MiUt-st. Boston ; C*rle*ou i Co. Lowe.I: Ivos, Salem. W. L. Oerrlsh, 'A. BedlO'd UuUd. Bnngor libs... Springfield; tir--.::. It Co Worceater i Myers. N. Haven dl if General Polices. t e»" ropulur Oratory..At the Pro*hytcri*n Church, Wllliaaisburg, Monday evening, March 9th, at 7j -i'cloca. By pa-ncu.ar request. Mr. Whitney will give his third anU iast Elocuti inary Eii ertatameui. Monday evening, ihe 9lb lusn Sut'jcct.Tfie Passions, illustrated dv exiracis from Sbakspearemad Milton, Oratorical Action and lutou&ucn of Raudolib, u Wolf Jim," Clay, ''Long John Weatwotth." vv w p, Henry, Uoosler Effusion*. Legate. U-. lieecber, Burgess, C. C. Cambreleng, etc. our. See Circu¬ lars. Other cdgageuifiUs prcclui- t:ie possibility of another Li cure. m7 .'tis . t>- Kellgions .Notice, -liev. J. P. UL RBEN. of Pb i- ,, will Preac. iu lue Methodist E. Church, corner of Madison a^el Ca'.bai ice-sis. ou Sundsy Morniug andEveniag M.r.-t.9:l'. S< rvice to couunence at half p.at It'o ciock a. :i. iiuu ". iu t'e Evening. It" Gr7*Course oi Lectures to the Yonnj;..The twei tv-second Iiectu.e of this Course w-.ti b-> dettvered by IheRev.JohaM. Macauley, iu the Norm DuUh Cnur- l,, William**! i-.uorrow (sabbalti) evening. Match S. Tue service w:i; commence at7 o'cloCK. Subject."Washing¬ ton ili^. Kii.-ud of Peace."_ It' Res. ib..-.. :.. Harris will preachin the Dot- renatlisl Church to K.tzabetli -t. ciiar Wu.ser. io-nior'ow moituu»- st - pa.t i". and ts the jveutug at 7 o'c.oct. Sub¬ ject ot ivenmg L.-cture, the" Phitesophy of Keform.' Tee t'ew.. w... 'j.; rented in ibis Church for the ensuing year on Mor Uiy vetu ::. it: -le.h ..:>'. It* . »>" HeV. .Hr. lltli vvood u .. ;.:e.igc if." i7;h!t! ti.e CO ose Ol ->?rt!to-.s to the x*oung, ia the P. E. Kree Church ol the Holy Evangelists, (V*- iewater-st.) to-monow even¬ ing, 8th inst. Service at 7 o'clock. Service also at It j A. M. and3P.M. m7 tThe Rev. Kriincis » lutou. Kector of Imman¬ uel V. .- ti «i'a.yu. wm pteacti lo ine young,tu tne Fieach Cnn:--:: ... in* Epiphany, lä-*SiantoassLbetwee-n Esstsx auil Noruis s-s on Minday" c--euiti;;, M-rch <?. Service to com¬ mence st o'cioc*. If VsT Free Dnltariau i ti inch..The new Society Met the Si iv. M*. We. ingl have regu.ar services at Co!uuib.a:i Hall, Oriu: i-sn iJriweeu Forsyth and El- .lr::,-!. -.cry Sintay, commencing a: LOj A M. and j P M_ m7 CIT Divine Sservlce iu French..By request, tas EveningSarvlceand Preaching me French Ccurcn Du Salm Sanveur win beocetorth o^.u t ieocn,tohegiuTo-mor- ro* . E.h Hist, at half ; c^t7 .. .-Iocs. The mornuig Service »nd Preaching, as usual, "a French, al half past 10 o'cloca. corner ol Partt-rowand Naaaau-sX Scatsireu. It" ty The Kev. llr. Cheever wül ce.iver tne Uiird of his Course of Lectures on the Condluou of the W&; ie;»es, iu llie Carmine-si. l'rrsbyu-riaa Cti . ch, at the bind of V»r- lck-sl eaSa'.oalh eveine. ¦¦' ". . It" C^" C.riuid Temple oi xlo or.Son* of Tercper- ance S. oi N. Y . f oe omcers ana members of lOe Grand Teaipie are hereby noliaed to meet in regular session ou tnis e /oaing (Saturday) al b o'coca, al the Hall of me Sons of Temperance, Slö Broadway. EveryBepreaentativew-.il be pinctuai, as much importaut busin es* will be brought ap forecuou. By order [lt"l LUKE HASSERT. P. R. <&cnevai Notices. fr Spring Fashion for Hair Cuiiiiiir. l»>ti>. -" pi tu 10, nrojd-xy. N. B Chli ihe only e«iabtishmer." where clean b usn ji mod ¦¦>¦- go.h rer»-)n. ^ iu2 Imtj rjr foluinbl« I'lvisiun >o. 10, S. of T. Tork Morel s;B, 1S46 .1 be memhssfr o. Co'umhiaDivsiua No. 1S 3 oifTE "-'et«. no*.ed uiti h Deetto'i; oi ine n '-. wi Oe he d 6u Mouday evenlog next, the «tu ilsl .: hill* P*-»l t. o'clock, ai Id- Ro< :u corner La-petards l a-d Broadway, (eotreoce to Lisp*" sid.i The members are recoeal. to he punctual In their ainnda' *e, a* business of Importeure » ill belaid heforelhe rn'eUt.i'. By ord- r. 0co.T. Moriimcr, R- S. JAMES BARB tt P. it tv Ashland "'ivisloü >o. 17, 9. oi T.-Tbe m«-mbers uf t is Division are requrs'-ed to meet *t their Ht.i, crner ' t Orove and Hudson »t». ns Sunday, the S.a inst at 3 o'clock, P. M. to attend -he funeral of the wife oi Brotner H L. Bulklcy, P. W. p. of Asb.and L>ir..iou- Brothers uf the Order aie Invited to j on win es By order of J. MuNILAWS. W. F C. H. Day, R 3. _ If Ey A ?>criri«u it bthiif ol lbs Society for the of Poor Uro*. a a.. Sin». I. r.. ¦»:.. pri ached by Ute Re.'. L>r. Hutu.ii, in He Dutch Church, Warnm-jicn-tquare Sunda7 even Ii» next, March z h Ie»6. Ii« ' S. u HOFFMAN, Secretary. 1*3* Notice-Rev-D FJR->b-rtson win preach next Sir, «ibeveuicgoo ibequesi'.on. " W nsi are stgus o! Srabif- Uy and of De:ov in me original Government tad Iasriu- iiOuit of ou^ Country.' in the Coapri ot the The.-.\1 r-enunarv. rjoiverslty-plsce, near Eij|bih£t. Service will coomuMiCe at 7j o'cii-ca._ It" 'jp- Kcv. Or. Adonis .>.. preach a sermon Sabbath (to-morrow) evening, si ihr Chircb of the Pi gnin*. Brook¬ lyn. Sahire .'The inuueLCe of Calvir. is suggested ny ti late visit to Geneve. ~:.._ it' [p- clairvoyance !.Dr. S. S. Lyon and A. J. Davis, ¦.ine Poughbcepsie Clairvoyant," would hereby iuorm laeir patients and the public generally, that having removed from St Ve*ey.*L.'they iua>, ot. aud ai'.er Monday, Mare:. 9th. b- focid at73 Caosl-St. id tuor. The ciHirvuyant bulng now en,a^e- in ttie deuvery of a cour»e of Lectures an revelations whi.e in hi» magnetic »täte, there will, for too present, tie but one «UUn,1 .1 day for e_.IttatiOU ot pa¬ tients. Tn..se wishing to avail theinserres of hit remarka¬ ble powers will please ra a' .'cior.k A M. lii7 Ji.a- Bf" Astronomy.-hi o Hazeiune will Lecture ou Artrcnutuy at Uie \ auxnail attloorj, ou Tue»dsy evening ioe lieb inst. 7 u'ciocs. Tlie ruioeci will i>p illustrated by illuminated oia-rram* ,.'heaveti.y hodtes tn niollou aifoby uu- nivf US telescopic views olthe planets, nebula, i.e. Tickets Ui cents._ m73t.* SP* Prof. Durbin will Preach in Sabbath morning aha evening In the hi. _ Church, comer Msditon an^ Ca- therine-sts. : it" t3T Pro f. J. 0. Butler will preach the £igh_ « i'ie=..y eri. Cwirch i;c*i Saob&ih, Maren Sin, momtng and evening. Sat.je. 1 of the evening discourse, the Holy l\'ttk in St. Petei'sctRoine. ru7 it' t"s»* Second Lecture ou Oregon..Mr. C8s_._ Saxton ot ureson City, wtl delivei h nec.j'eupon Oregon at tin Leciere Koornof ine Society Lmrary, corner oi Broad¬ way and Leonard »u on .Mouda> evi uiui;, toe am of March, at 7} o"ciock. Mr. Saxtou was one of a party of four tit at crossed the Rocky Mountain* on horse «ck Irom Oregon City to Mis¬ souri In November last, aud who were plundered uy tbe Puwnee tribe of Indiana j He will uive a descriptlju uf ir.o Ounliy, its rlimste, soil, proluctions, the slate of religion atd cducatio::, witii au account Of lue tnlsstonaiies Ol duferin! donoliunb'.i >ns, .1 ,1 slalloEs, schools, ItC. X''. He will give a lull account of the incidents connected with his Journey from Oregon, aud niso a description of the mode of traveling of r. party of ZW emigrants, whom be accom- panied to Oregon. Ticsets 'or tms lecture can be had at the Soc.ety Li'oary. Price.cents._ m6 3_« Of Mcstuerls...D t»will d-live.- a courseol four Lectures to the citizens ol N. York.on the Philosophy of Mesn-erism. the present Wi ek, in Clinton Hall, on Tues¬ day. Wedn M lay, Tbarsdsyaad Saiurd^y everji_gs, March ¦>d! -Ith, 0.11 uuu 7.n. l)r. liods "*!li exuiain tlie causes of thewouderful phenomena produced.will explain n.o ie. .- losophy of clairvoyance and ihi co-eecting link betweeB mind aid matter. He win dwell on Spirit,its suhs'.aice and powers, and on u,e Infiut'u Spirit, his rreatiug energy, and out ol what ¦ ibsi u s worlds w ere created aud will -now tttat there is no inherent aitracticn tn matter. He vrill e\pia;u the importance of the Mesmeric science, aud produce some brilliaat aod wonderful experimentsin galvsnism, maer.cttsui, auu also in mesmerism. Tue Icciuie, ,vii, c .muit.-nc. each e ei.iti^ at prtsd'eiy 7 o'clock. Adhiisaloa 25 cants. no lusT vV'Tuiiill' ftSTProfs ilimii will deiner a Lecture on Sa'/>i-'; eveuiog next, at the Coliseum, Broaaway. riear ij.aud-st. in proof of Swedenborgs Divme Mission, and emoraciog uti answer io various objectiona Lecture Free, but collection teseu up at iherloso. To cotumeuce at half-past seven. m6 Uis" C'ä'* Important L,ett«'r trout Dr. li. Bsusttnan, ofZanesville, iinio. Let those «.'bothink that L)aiio>'« M laical 1'atn Extractor is a newEaiter* humbug iuai ihe followmg: Zanfisviu.-, January Son.. 1846. Mr. J. Hubbtü -Dea Sil. 1 .Ii-,, so;- DaBey*! 7.la_:- ca; i'aiu ilxtrsttor for the last luree years, and have found no I'Ucle. ihaihaa p.oved so raluaiary for the Piles, liurtjo. S^a.ds. Chife, Ague in ihe btci-'. hlrysipelas Inflammation, i.vcunatcd Ninnies, Sores or l.' cei». I know one case of Piles tnai had badled all remedies aud the skill ol our phy¬ sicians. The patient hud become so bad ihm be was unable to leave his tied, when he ut ,t DuUey'i Magical faxn L'r- tracter, aud in a short time tl effected au enure cures, aud he has not been troubled oiuer. There bare boen a number of other esses wiibiri my observation, In which n has had the sarn n-; i>y eli-Lis. Krom Ui-se lact» 1 consider it a valua¬ ble medicine I am.»ir, yours, Ac EL EASTMAN. General DepfU fm iht> uoiieti States (or-tno saieof the above salve, i. Fulton-st. Sun rtui.dmt;. N Y. ml oti» i ff' H. C. ShamwayjMiniature t'aiaier, No. OWi st¬ em Hotel, COItll m1--l 2*1 Iwls- C^".lolin Burdeil, Dentist, bss removed from the corner ot Broadway and hrauaun-sl. (formerly comer Chambers-sL and Broadway.) to No. L'uion-piace and square,Soothe.t side of the Park am cor. I4iii-st Kor ihe last two or ituee >eais, many of ins friends have, b' eit intaied. and he has had to bear ih- responsibility of operations a itdone n\ ui nself, which be win endeavor to correct he;rh:.c-. mh5 7us- ryr V. U. I'ulmer is tie autjiuuZJkmrilld .i£rnt o! moat ol tlie hest newspapers of ell Ihi clues and principal towns in ihe United States and Canada f >r which he receives ad- trrrisrrrirnfr and tu&scripdoas, an i u faliii empowered to g\ve receipt*. His Country Xcwspapcr Adi-ertvmg Agency is lu the Tri- Utiue Bmldtnas, and no ivk:re cl.r In New-Xork, where he u-uao it distinctly understood, thai oil order: intended lor his Agency, should tar ,.ddre.»»cu and where 'ho papers, rost ol advertistog. tue, may be suoo '. The Road to Wealth." a brief ireallse on Bdveri_u_h', may he had ai his othce. gratis. I7ftfil_ ;'?/*-* Hen fodworili's Private Dancing Schools No. 443 Broome-sL nea- Broadway. Polka, MaxurkB sue a.l other fasbiouable daucua taught '.n u correct sly if. d_ Sails* ff Wistar'si Halaam uf Wild Cherry..Ph-j.i- cians tia. e a natural ariilpaln.« io "PatentMedunnes," a_d aie very Justly opposed UI lie Use of the ih.iusa-d and one nostrums offered to the , -hiic as «n_m curt-alU for every species öi disease, si leasl uoul they have some evtuenc- la favor of then wonderful edicts: Sui hundreds of cases can be cited in whicu Wi,: r's Baissmof ild Cherry has hoeu rtcouiinecctcd and use ! with aisraed success. £x£i ta, Ms , Sept. 30th, 1B4Ö. This certifies that 1 have recommended the use of \Vb> lai s Balsam ol H'nu Cheiry for diseases of the Lnugs, for two years past, aud maoy botues io my knowledge have been u-iru by tnypaUenis, all with oeuc-cial resui. in two cases where it vas thjtistnt coufiun-d c-'usumpilon had t-.se pis " ll e Wud Ciierrv effeciej a cure. E. BOYDEN.Piiysician. The following is Crom the Sotilli Carolinian, puo.ished a: Columbia: WiSTaa's Balsam of Wild Ch_kk»..We semom re¬ sort io paieni Me-icnies, havm»; a ».real respeel tor thessi of Ihe medical profession, uui chance uireiv in our way ihe above named medicine, immediately sher Hie close ot ihe .ale session oi ihn Legislature, w lieu our lungs w ere almi ot dried up by the highly r_rtn*d ».tmospuere of on,- stove- warmed St-.te House. The Balsam immediately relieved us of a most harassing COUgtt, wmch threatened our nea l.n in a serious dt-yrte. W- .eei that w r are luileDieo to li tor some dueen pouuds of animal welgni.wn.cn addition be¬ ing once felt cannot be forjtJUeu. tie cart'rui auu io. the gtnuine Dr. Wisiak's Balsam >.r Wild Cueaar. None ij-uuiue unless u nas me New \V_rr-ca. winch always beers ihe.wnuen si^nature ot L Bi i rs. uii oiherssrecouuterfeiu. Stil H W. lu A/LE, Proprietor aue. Oeuernl AgeLt. Pi"lce 31 per boule, or i :.\ lor t»5. Soid. wholesale and retail, by A.B. J. Li Saucs, Lrug- ii_>ts,7ii f"ultju-st., -To Brcauway. and 77 East-Broadway, only agents for New--York, mi> Stcouts LEASY fit CO S Fashion run Spring, 1S46. The preference so universally manifested for our present slyle of Oentiem.u s iial», has decided us to continue the same '.or the season. LEaRY At CO. Hatters, Nos. S. 4 and 5 Astor House. New-York, Fsb. lam. ,a4-.: Circulars, descriptive oi tue peculiarity oi our style,for¬ warded by addreseu-g US p -si-pai i. idftfis Gentlemen's Sntu. Spring Fashions. BIRD, cor. Fine and Nassau ..»..wci.c.:. ..'» n >ts of me spring pattern, uniting much ele^anc and beauty o! sty le, are n v.- reedy for exantinatioc _u salcby the subscriber. SOf luAs* BiltD Cor. Pine and Nassau s's. BEEBE 4c COSTAR, 15Ü B*'_way, r'C*~ Will incrodnee ibe Spring Faahloo for G tlemec's Hals Muco 7i:i. l»4u. Ulf istf F. H. AMI DON L:'~ Uoirs to iutorir, - ..- i t> ... t__. Ha. csia. luiiment. emoved Dom corner of Wail ami Nrs- oau streets to No. 177 Broadway, JJieertij opjiojihr trie Hmoard H^teL Tue ¦ery .ta-.i a, «.iu_^e w u._ lias for Ui_y year*been extended tj i.,tn al tit* o.u si_.iu. 1* uu.y appiectaied. And his arntugemeuts are now such, as enante Inm to udnr every inducemeui for acoutinuaiiun ol tio *_)o. His cele¬ brated fine Ke.trer Castor and Moles'\in .'lots, w hich are too well knows to i-eea commendation, wni ue found sud far- tiwr improved antt-beanaded. a.sj. q>cornplele assorunen; of geutrernen's, youth s and children's caps, umbrri.as, i.e. atmovteraie pr.c/s. N. J. Oeukemeu's Hois of tae SprJ lg fastuoa are now resdy. ilfw* SMW&F S^Geniu'a FaslUonubie ilats tor the ensuing Spring ore now ready lor .asi-eciiou at 2U Broadway, op- posiie St Paui'o Church._2S12wis' . v" Gentlemen's Hate .Sp lag Fashion.WAT¬ SON A CO.. ij4 CUaltiaru si T. Sprint, Style Hals are new rc_y lorius.iecüoi; at ihe . eenbers. :. jmtsl lSATu WATSON CO i.sCm usas.. BAHSOW'S PATENT COOKJNor KAhiGE. THIS RANGE, which Is now acknowledged superior to all others tn use. is tor saIS by tue subscnher» References >;iveu lo is:-n ot ri'st »tandiog in tnocontnuatty who ha%e la.-m inuse. ROLLHADS kt. ABENDROTH. iu4 imisrou*_it.i Water A l'«»TlitL"Attic.-"?* .>a.Is,Ut) Cainenue-st, ^s- IT taiiitstiou m l£4o..All lurUic.ne* ,u uus esioOosnmenl warranted ^euu.uc. No uuys jr in-Aperi-nctd ,uuu* m=n irrtfct s.iusc: o w.vi on ca»tumci». Tu» ane»t Sweu- UhLeäcbe« :or »a.e or oep.^eu Uy expeneuced persjn W3L '.VaTSON, CnemiH i i'narmaceuit*t, mS ImeO lls* From a. Garuer.'* .J7i Oxforu-st. L nd-»n. »Jül i7~ÜA D L K9>.B nianclä mead soup or turreen ia- IO dies, manufacmred and for sale at 6 Buritng-sUp, by m7 It BOARDMAN it HART. öitnations, &t. CöanUö. \VANTKU-l rtmtU3M!*-r!i g emTdrea ol * softs, "* <'l- »-*: -»>* .. eutj 10 !._.. ,y. about _.-e* __ure- ith--.-I :.-oni .lolly ru.-r.-i ut tc»u -l: wuh f.- r i,. w_om libeia wagt* J er., ar.- :uplo:.rneut ... Vv-- and wh-r- esi wd .'muels cheap. Appfjto ni7_r_K. fc D. M. ST Eh Hing l7 s«»*_».-_ >T_Sl»-P.y a re-j-ciai.,. W.lu,.lnlv Uno u cot*. ia « pn'-»'" fun .., - ho anderswo er b istni ..>. an! oiu frodne« ?.-oo r-fereoe* if o orru Ad ply nii- U ib-r cor. cd öwewlcn. Noboar jin- r»<u,e- K--PT n-->i i?' y_ -7 2" tV U»l !w - ., ~~. »» isl 18 Ct nUcr-s- a*»-. Caaniber».,!. :i.7 U* Alth l Alb ary e-'OUs s»irr_ia_ a al.t.;_.u. wq0 ..^ e-.ve .vi-i -ory refaence. .-, .. ,:.ar..tt}, Md i-l y may iitit"-w » "Q"* "' A r- rt n; u_. . fjjr» m7 .... LOST..Tue person who l«uk Curp-i Bag tnrou.ft D - >».-. fiwoiHr.«: trs-.no. between vt rme l'laic» a.d ou luesusv last. ..»... ua.ig-- ji« j»-2,r r.v Sending US« »uneu> Wo.tri -.-». i'.roi way. T_e natne - :.pvn a res. pl-'.r < n ;- ,^ Ul7 a,;,- IF ÜTQTwb 7,üm3 üSeptember _utfor a married I .d.. ±U u (ir s öoj-srnceper, hu co: ire: »viltl ii-.v o-'e intw rrtOfjs reqairein-n:., ., may o-,- ,-roa, occ '., _ddre**-lg. v- 110 real name j_d reaidence. £. D L. at - p.:_Ii ,. v-14 I it It I 1J L";V "I r*!*0" ^*»»«v<st*.ua JUHIS M. hV'BlaQ.N, ;,u WaB-at. jjcaröiiuj. BU AH-0 WA't'ThU-A . emu and b. wife wUh par tot and bed-roi-ro wiij Los-*:, n troUerate lerms betwe=u Bouaton »t-d li>tn »ta s. a permanent aome,»n- l-lac. fj. A dre?» l>ux Po» u:r. e. _ir 'l'VVu UK XHttKii aam.e KenUeeaeucan beaecom- j wii .f Br C.'tE../ ..E.-.L-:.i^ FOB CHE MILLION AT \a tt g&Ac-AM'ä' UTJSaAttY Dr.i'ur. Tntiuae »« . r> Ii' ,r. .Nie-au-'t--Ii.e A»Cent of Mount Ararat Ii. Li.. . ii.ruM.i.N.i"' i Ui i-ic Brat :.ine; WÜb ll.untt.:.oLJ. 3 .... ..».iw. .>: OnoOl ; ,e ,i,o«t U-lerejUa. »pul* insu- doned ioBoi) Writ i price cu. it-eKe'ryttu^ä w iu. ZO LiiuuatiOM, by A.laa.a, a rieb I-Ook fol cubd.ou , ,-rice.'" CU. To« loe Bu..o. - jus PeccaüUIIoea, by OoaT. De Tiuetia. hU.a.T ufAb Kornau.:«.-1 I H.niory. ic price 'is cla. Weltbam, a KoveJ, by Leilcb KJicble, siiinoroi ine Koj- t,cr .ii iu-: iiaiuc,i.c ; p.-Cj .> et«. Tae Oieuu o Ueuiuuia, u.i .i'.»:ortc4; I-ovoi, ly Mra. u^re. auioor o: ilouier» auu Daughters, i.e. price 2o cts. -i ixV. . Feliow so : f orag-ag r-e:cr. i.y J. H. Iiigraiam, suibur ... no Miuouif mau, price iüj et». , :. iiyateilc* ol t:ie t>au». .... by.T. B Thorpe( wiih IlittalraUuoij t'ri^e j'ci«. 1.. Mother, by X. S. Arthur t price ü cts. fCntcaerbocker Mag»iine for March, (-rauaiii auu iNatiouai ^la^t/.Lej iur March. The tiaUo»uppded >t Lbelowest rate, oy 1^7 W. ti. uit lH"AM,TrU>una tijiiu.ng«, Xaaaau-su .NEW-yOHK AND EALTIMOHB g- HEAP P ITIO.S DErurs.-vv'M. TAYLOR a^.-c CO NO. A M 'U-e. tiaVe. ml ine Cri-:ae Literalu:t- of iy :ia far .<» puohsbec, Also, sit Um Weeaiy papers New-Ifork, Boston, Philadelphia ard Bsiiiiucre, wmeb they »uppiy ai wbolosaje or retain The ectern Continent, euued by Para Benjamin, for in.- week h a n.osi iijteie»!^^ number. The rontents are numeroui and varied ia ^aci, it is the best ep-clmeu of a weekly paper in ibe country. Terms h cenu per numb»r. ©.ayear. The Ivnlckerb icacr for Maren.price on els. iijur» Merchant's iiia.;'.2. .e lo, March.5*Jen. ¦.<»,...'- Lilv'a Bo >S "or March.US -la. No BHarpers' .»e.v Miscellany fur.Maieu. i'ct*. r-.rj Bo a. Illustrated Oy Adams-o-'cts. bauL>^!.:'iltdiuij of lue Usiormauou, 4li, roh.price 1^5 els. Oouuo o7- cts. i-..- ;. ifears After, aseqnel io iJio Three Guardsmen, by Du.iia:- i nis is .-.i'.eu.j a y real novel,equauy lutei- csiiu^ as the Guardsmen. A Cure for I0d litur-acne. a pio» iu live ucls. This makes N«.i4ul tue BUnUatd Dian.a.l.jcts. l b i Meruucout ot Pom-Amr, a weli-writteu Dovei, from the Grn.iuu ul Hsuf. price I2| Cl*. Every ibiag iu iuu Cheap Putiucaiiun line may be bad at the lowest wholesale ort. ad pi.eesai o.T VVM PAY LOR ü Co.'S, Mo. 2 Astor Huuse. ITrJW htllJ-C > E .ViPAPEHS, itC. AT i-L'aObaj, BTRtNuER si no's .Trie Ascent of -fra. M ,nrii Ararat, IraDslatcd IromthdRuaaian, by Cooiey, ¦vidi Map and Wood Cuts. Piice Sn cents. G'iuey s L.(.j;"» B oaiorMaren.£Scents. i..Uairaicd »'"«.ry Book, SU Eagraviusts, by Adams. 50 ncuts. D'AuUigne's History oftbe Reformatton,ToL IV.i5 cents. Walibam, by Leilcb Rit- t-ie. :A couu. Jso. Meto : ii> Lo. ,witn o,ij;ija. reuuniscences of By- ron, air itoncit Peel, xc Ir Jin lue Erencn of Alexscdte llu- inas.coots. WEEKLY PAPERS, laeiuding Gpu. Morris's Natioi al Press," the Boston, PhuaOelpiuaand Baltimore b«b dumadala, lor sale, whoie- oa.i sn I reiali by BURGESB, STRINGER v CO, it 22a Broadway, cor. Ann .'. JUST PUBLISHED, a AE»\ ¦.Ulliw.a Oe" CUlUUSlTLES Of LITER.;- X*. 1_-iiE« "l Uie Lltirary ciaracier lllusiratol. By I. c. D'lsas'., i.t.i, D, C. L. e. h. .V. Wim Curiosities ol AMEaiCaM Li r-...vi L .-.r. By Koros W. GaiSWOLO. .i uew ediiloa oi uns splendid work is now mauy for uio trade. In one very large royal bctayo voiume. E.e^ant.y aoue up m cloth. Price mi slag e copies S-tt >i. A iinert! diaenuntm BooasellerH. UK.l-.EI.Ky .v McBLKATH. 1MEW-YOÄR ..Er_n.LV TRIBONB. I lONTJSNTS s'Oil SATURuaY, MAit.il 7.-1. PO- Vy ETRY.rho l-alcou, bj i. it. Lowell; Richter; To Ronge, by J. (J Whttuer: :i*be White r-quab, !-y M. A. Timiarab: iUemnoo; Mother, to thee 1 '.um, by C. D. Sm¬ art, To a Laiy li. EDlTURIA-r-The W'lu^s iu Cou- giess.Tue i'u'iu Organiam; Donation Parties The Con¬ vention; Mason aud CosteUo; Tuoso Evp.'esses.ouce more; 1824 and 184-; Religion, Morality, Temperance and Civil Government; Party Names; New-Vom aim me Ex- ci-e Law, Do we need a L>0al Belornn, i.e. i.e. 111. POL1 l ICaL.Ne.» Vor* Town KiecUou-.Cheiuuog, Sleuben und JedersonCos.; Rochester; Cortiand County Madison; Dutches*, tV. NtbVfium Texas an- Mex.Co; rioni ,Mew-Z-u:« nd, Kroui Catnpeaeby ; linpoii- aaitromSi. Domingo; f rom Sttu'.a Ke; Appuiulmenns i.y tne Prealaeni; Correspondence of Tue Tnnuue iioiu Tesi- b^, AJbaay, _.-.»-.x i . new-Bedford, Cieuesee C >., tV"a»u- mgloo Paocntoi.n&s or Co.Nuar.ss. innu our Itogular Cor- respouuenl; Ncw-VoHK Ltu.aLsinat j 'fnlngs in Wash¬ ing.on. i.e. V. MISCELLANEVJUS. Jsraiit's. Visible'. Review oi Messrs Cbeevei and Lewis's' Defence of Capi- lai Puuisri.nen.'; Wattntd Vult, ortbe Twine, uy Jean Paul K.enter. wnti Lxirsc'.s An Eagle-eyed Ulanco at England; Kxirr.c's from a " Leeiureon tue BtuUy of the Geiniau Lau- guage"; i'js Excise C .es.UM-No lV\ Ureguo Ueoaie m UM L'- S. neuale. The ttlCslsUes.lne Bilde,and VVttr Hose and Blanche" Clinton Countj '.'¦'.._¦ Sentuuent; i. lorm.Coinuioii-seuse Proposition; Henry Clay and the Gj.u sun ailvi r Ariisaus oi New-Y >rk Ueolh ofMr Pleas- sets; Li l-ra-iis Cuiiosiiies o! Luerature; OverIneOcean, or Ui.tiipsesui 1'iavel in Mu^y Lands; Indians in Europe AVVaiuing lo Speculator*j Mr. nrownson's Leeture; The Pre.s.rleligiuus Sennmcol in Kemucay, from C. M. Clay's True American; Kam end the Pulpit! British India a* it .s; iii»-Saonwii n UUtnd*: City luuu*.from Tue Uai.y Tnliuue. VI. COStStlfiRClAL lisTLLLliiENCE.Pio- duee. oloekr. Money, CaiUe ,il_iKen Smgle copies, pu. up in wrappers for me Mcan he OOtS ued at UM Uesa.pi ICO OJ e -ULS. ty TERalB.85i per year. All suosenpnons payable itilexiou ui advance. Add>ee» GlltELfcV ti McELKATH,TribuneBuUdings, Cor. Buruceand Nassau sis. opposite the City Hall. Ü.NE OF THti 3_._r EN THtTcti Y 'OHE SUMUAY TIMES -. NOaH'S WEEKLY MES- X senger, will be pniiur-ieu lo-morrow, at Jso. 162 iNinu- sL uexi dour lo Hie Trinune nuiiciluifs. COKTEMTS: Poetry..Music.Poor Alu.-ie. U. i6-in.«f .Uuceilany .Ta.c. and 'i'radiuons of the Cliy ot New-itora, No. 14 j rtie eLou- ol Long uiauu, Augaat, 1776; Leeture iu me Black Mail Family.a-ia Mis. Caudle; £4r a:ie ."ilr». B. Hive »eeu 10 VVas.'nuglon. S.C. Selected.A Paaitl tc la i.o, Ihe late ThO*. Hayces Bay- Ij i be », au.aru'- Fi/Slaod Lasl ijood UlaLer; Eugene Sue: ine Unknown; "Them auje-Strmgo''i Randum Readfogs; xc ate. ate. >.d::onalir..\^in Glorious B. a-iing The Bucket Club; Burning ut the FrigslePhiladelphia; ..-losing ui me Stoca- .n< t. oi res'ouoei.i i-; A None Bcqiesl; stale Priming: atarrisgeIn Jest; Ums Navigation; The Vurgtnla Due.: vVri.a hs and Bot|-eis Answers lo Correspondents; Lit- erary Noocaw; _.a e Foreign News-, Toeatrical Intel..- geace; Locoi News; Late W'asUlu^lou Corresponaenee, kbttf. .C Uffi^e iu-.Sas-.__-s. Iii at f! jor, up stairs. in It .NOAti. ilc^.Na UkjW ARD. Ap L1GÜT.CHEAf Li-Hl' 1 elNE ARTICLE ol (VTntei li.e_c_«vi Lamp^OU at t*. .per K-ll-"- ; p_r_ s^.ru. Ca_-.es at _j c_s. per ib; Tal¬ low ao. al J and lo eis. For sue uy J. U. r'U .v'LER, S30 Greenwtcb-su corner Murray, and 4-- Greenwich, corner Ve-try_inj lw:s- STRAW BOMNBTSI 8CilAi'iN No. U Jolin-sL (nrai Broadway) nas on . hand a «ei.: assortm-u: of fasaioneu e Suraw Bouneu- which will be soldal .he .o west casu price*. S-lUlaan are ;nv.led ui examine my good* before purchasin« ejewnere. iu7 -meodi-_ ,r. e -nttsli ^r«>C'K juat arrived..Peach rJ^Tt, I a/s orchard, led a-:., sui-il. -:. S-1.73. Large nui IM »..i-l s.jve rigs 'Ken So.7--. Large slove S?, ts'eil rcreenexl and delivered tree ol cartage Tai» is a r.ist raie arueie. perlectly ury, and coSsum_rs may rel) BpOB DOtamlog Uio very oeot ol Coal at tuese pnees, si oIMr'aU.Va Coal Void, 7r3 anil 7<J Tnoujp»on-*i. one door tieiow spiing-at._tu7 lwgtUi i PL'KDIE solicits the attention of Ue_ie.-s to his spieud-X-Ss nent.: L lies' DressTna.u_.ngs, vut gimp-, UuiU-ns. fi_3g_s,COtds, U-rsels, 9-C. American M*nn- tacture*! Order* lor C-rrlage and s eau-ooa. upholslerj pal as-- tl _S.e . r ¦: eicculed. nupcr.or wois- ie_ .api.» for sb-dcs, otiomans, Ac Country orders attend¬ ee -D u. iact-r>, K'J WU-UUU-aL m7 aOf_t_lf»t- STISJSJL. lie* -ipnng Steel, sS-oned i_7 i ij sadS r. r sale Ml_.ll.UA.'., AT'-^ATER i. LO. m7 corner of Futton and Cblf sts. |>i_A'A'J-Ai jLjOCüä.Sus-r-piaiei lucks um» and X s. assorle- s:-rs dj. ptl erns. ,r s'i.e wn.-ie.a.e and rchsl n _..i....s..e. :<y BO_u_.DMAN it HART. X»k. »V VtiXt f \ t r. 1 --i .... ewiertnw- eel*, fors_Ue_xioW-pnees,at toe üii.l__n:»-w_ e «iure 'ttO._i.JMAN -. UAKf, 6 nuii.u<-aiip. m7 1.Ur01tTA> -' TO I'll Y^lt'l A>- andDruggists. "_'j_rie oil and wen eslaOllsheo Diu^' Swe, so long and -.. ljeiy aaown " The _.. _ery Meaidne sure, 280 Bow- t. j." ,s o.r s-.- . Ufa the M .:s in tra le. __n__resJ_e. ujgemer w .IS tne bull tings "UU etgtm en years' ease Of die ground, 'i tiue enough, sure'., to uiaie two snug fortune* The huiloings cousirtof a iwo story erir* nouse, with a three story fraii.e bu u;.'s. _c_rr:. in die rear. Tue store .= Large, nas a _-e front, a_d Well hit*- jp w:m every coa- -ebieiire for aOTUggist or puy r .n_r. or Po.i:: Is Coxg a f...r uus-cess w.en may Uout-.cl in s year, and nut u.rasanl room ur uu office ou lue same tl jor in Jje rear, li is u.so *j_d»;_ua lor tue s_e ot soua wuu.r. and a I _rge ousiness was deue la tna; uruuc l_e p_e: season. au. apari tre-ia x; many »d-'aai-^ei of ueia^ .ocaied in tue Bow cry o-e >.; r .' met.sat nUalue:. s.re-. is of UUs greai aud growing dty.am] ul _av,_iÄ- ne^a occupied as a drug ,. .is im ue_ri> t-reuty jears.it u-rive* asdlttooal va.ue ii__J 11» tie-ng' ine estaO isnaier-t wtiere BoU-.su » ceis-ra-eo sireuigUien.mg riasicts bsve t-een HSSBMi ytU.red Sad so.i fot so uUu. ye.rs. a-d -.vnicii. Irom tüe extensive _dvertlaii g _iven to tnem a. U einer a: lieics. aas gi*eu the bi.-re b ce tniil, Seldom surpassed. There _r- omer importan: _uv»ntage* connecten tnere- wltB. wa.-Ui :u»:e snown m a_ interview, lue su_- scrt i'ers tncrti-l-^ uiauulscturiug __d olfler inteiesls re¬ quiting tf* undivided sneanim, u tan reejoo why me place i_Offered lor = id. Tu_i is ee.tainij a rate- opportun.!.} lor one or two euie.pris_-g JU_.; inei. * im a c-yliai of a iew thtniSS"-4 dO-ÜO-i «I-.: -.so *c--_e_. Aiauou lo! a pUys.- c___, aud wc.; worthy .e aUenu.n of gi_du____. Posses¬ sion gi'eu abeut the r.iel of A, ru. or *o_k_r a deal rod. For farmer particuj-ts apply at .' the Bowery' Medictne Slore, -00 Bowery," New-York, [if] N. W. BADEAL' ßooke. published this MOKNINO. D!AU3IuNE's HIS1 OBJf Or* THE BEFORMATION V >lnme !, «rhfa » rira.t of the Author, price 25 cm:»: h%iiclothS7j c-f v «TE!fT3 v r THt VoLCME .The firü halfofthe volume, gpa icuhtr, ohoacd» in Interesting _d curious matter. Tr. opening :n th- author's best stvie. itovi IS.Th- Protest sc :*>e Cocferecc«. flSS6-1529.) .. :4.Th- Augsuur.- C< n-"-»sion, [1530 " 15.Swrz-r.au-: -Cocq test oftbe R;tormaricn, ('.526 -Iö3ui ¦. 16-S Au:-.-r:_. fjaustrophe, (152S-l."ciO ) Th « roliae cjctiici las must inportan; epccbs of the R-:" inuaitou. One Thousand Copies will be sold lu New-Y .ri ihn day. Call early- WM. U. GRAHAM. Tr.j.e Buildings, opp. s: e the Park. A'«->, published this rr-.orr.Ing.godevs HDY's book for March. CW ("n-ners cvl! at itteTriruine Off.ce. Tne Trad-supplied w:ih all the n«« pt-bMcattor.« at the lowest prices. WM. ri. GRAHAM, irC ¦'. - Tribune Buildings NOW HEADY, *PHE 4TH No. OF MORRIS'S NATIONAL PRESS. A I Journal for Borne. The Number of this superb Fam¬ ily Newspaper for the pres-ni wt-eK now rep.ay. Tue content« am f the niost j'.trir.in a i and Interesting eharac- ler.sparshng. hnghl and Deauuful. Amoug iheiii are the :'.> ....«od*, (jri^tr.ti Poems; Review ,,r New Booss: An mpnh_?Md Romane-* rier.i..g niertt. Letter from tn« Continent of Europe A Sketch of Dautei Bo.in Fable« from thts German; Triflings about Town: Reetews of Ma¬ tte trie, Fine Art»; '-ems of pot-try and Prose; Choice :>.. lav Readme ; The New« rrom Washington The News f-y the Toronto; Original Tslas and *>«etcnes; Anumt eroi* Editorial Arucies up.,:; various subjects; A Chronic e of is Tiniest A Sprinslma" of Anecdote and Gossip: The Fashions for Mai. A t er tifn supply of Varieties: The Flos -" Conversation of ice Hour: Curi :- *'a.:s; Vakt. ,ihi.< Inlorniaiion; a bans-Note List: Various useful tables; A Calenna- for t:,- Werk: Three Leiters wriuert on the Road, being allot Dickscs'a last uew wors, as far as re* celled. Stibscriptions oulv S2; single copies ?x cents. Ail the Cumbers i t this super und universally popular tourual ?e obtained fro::: ihe commencemen'. If immediate ap- plication he made at the office of publica':, n. 142 Fu,ion-sL BURGESS, .STRINGER A CO. i ._Eroad-.vav, corner of Ann-sL FOURTH VOLUME OF D'AUBl »NE » HISTORY JF THE REFORMA¬ TION, illustrate,! with two tine steel -portraits, one of be author, and the other of Luther as he appeared before tne Diet ut Worms. Cheap edition, half cloth, :,tj ceuia. Edition in full cloth, 50 cents. Best edition, thick paper, extra cloth. 7b cents. COPTE-ITS OF THE VOLUME. Tne Protest and Conference, 1516.U29 The Augsburg Confession, l5Cn. Switzerland.Conquest ot the Reformation, 1526 . 1330. '. Catastrophe 15*3.1530. F.t Sil- by SAXro\'s- MILES. 205 Broadway. mS this PUBLISHED THIS DAY, BV WM. TAYLOR .v CO. N> 2 Aslor House. Twenty Ve-irs After: or. The Three Musqastalres, a Sequel to the Three Guardsmen, by Alexander Dumas, translated from ih» French by M E. P." in 2 Parts.I'art L 23 cent*. The Three Guardsmen was pronounced by all to be Du- okt'i ereat mast-r p The sequel to t.te same will be found equally interesting, and w-e need not ask toe admirers of theTnree Ousri)sii,e;i to be sure ami read the sequel. Also. The Mendicant of ihe Pont des Arts, a Tale, by Win Haun*, translated from the German- This exceedingly interesting novel forms No 2 of the Se¬ lect Library of 'Jerinia Tales, published at tue low price of L2A cents Just Puhhshed.Count Julien: or. The List Days of the Goth, an Historical R ntisr.ee. by W. Gilmore Simms, au- lor oi ¦''»ly Rivers," .. Cbe VVni.nw," fac. Itc. complete for JTJ ,-er.ts. Published an t for sal- hv int) WM TAYLOR v Clj. No 2Astor House. -IeVs-'theologicax books" J' ST IMPORTED..Hswki.'s Allsnon» of Church of E-ig. in America,**. Ms: ^'s Sermon-., Voi. 2, >2 50. Blomfieisi's Sermons, second series, Si 75. Marsden's Hulseun Lectures. S2. Waddlnglon'sComn union -.vim the Saviour, Si 25. Kotiert Halt's .Miscellaneous Works, 1 tblcs voi. I'2mo. 31 =>". Fsberen Propuelical Passages of Scripture, 2 vs. 8vo. Brogden'f Catholic Safeiruards, Vol. 1, $1 50. Rsveridge on the Thirty-nine Articles, new ed. svo. Si. Worsle>'a Province of Intellect in Relix'im, §2 75. Nlmsbi, a S i'ttiion of Scriptum; Geol --v. z vs. 870. S4. 13i. ion's Lectures on Ecclesiastical Ht-i-iry.JM ed S2 50. Universal History oo Scrip ur«l Principles. Vol. 2, Si 75. Gresl»y'» Cooiston UalLi Ei gUshoian's Lib. No.SijS1 50. Diftby's Mores CatbolicLnew ed. Voi I, iariteavo. f50, itoecoe' Life of he ihe Tenth, new ed. thick 12mo. 3l 5u. WI'.KYAt 1 -UTNAM. 161 Broadway. Who luv« Published Cueeveraiid Lewis on Capital Punishmeni, 12mo. Si 50. Voltaire and Rousseau against ihe Aili-ista, 50 ccnis. Itihliolbeca Sacra No. 9, (Fehtnary,) 81. .1:: kh oa the Oath, It*.oi 62i cents. Tne " Puiitan Divines," Vol. l.i Buuyan's Writings,) 12mo PUBLISHED THIS DAY. 5S V WM TAYLOR, No 2 tstor House, Twenty Yev» > After, or The Tar;. Mousquetaires, beluga Sequel to The Phree G isrdsnien, hy Alexander Dumas, irausiaterf from the French by E. P..in two parts. Part 1. price 25 cents. T' e Tr.re-t (fuardsm-u was pronounced iyail to hs Du- mas1 i-re,-.i master-piece. The Sequel srtll he found equally Interestiog Uierefore we need not a»k the admirers oi The Three Guardsmen to be sure and r-sd ihe Sequel. Ats..T ie Mendicant ofPont.Des.Art»,« tale, by Wm. 11 ion*, iraits Me.| from the G-rma*!. Th's exceedingly in- l"--esitni» novel 'orrns No. 2 of the .-'elect Library of German Tales. published at ihe low prte*>of 12» cents. JUST PUBLISHED, Count Julian, or The Last Days of the Goth, an Histori¬ cal Romane-, hv W Gl more Sims, amhor of . Guy Rivers,' 'The Yemsssse, Sic complete.price37Jcents, Pu'dished a: -r raie oy WM. TAYLOR, No. 2 As'.or House. SCHOOL BOOKS PUBLISHED BY PRATT, VvoODFOKD it CO. 150 Pean s'. 11| icy - Seh ol Oeography and Atlas, Comstock's Phllos- ophy, and Comstock's other works, including Chemistry, B ituny, Phv-stologv, G 'olo.'y and Mineralogy; Bulllons's admired sines of G.-ammaro, English, Latin and Greek. al«o, Lava Reader,'Latin Lessons and Cj-sar: (Greek Raa- «: issued ist oi'May.) B.-niley*. Pictorial SDelllaf Bond ; CooperV Virgil; Gallardet's School and Family Dictbinary. P. W. it CO. also publish Family Bibles. Rollins s and Jo- sephus's Histories, and Rohoison's History of England,and si up at ail ttiiiea for saie a line assortment of Blank Books, Paper, Quills, Steel Pens an 1 other Stationery, and School and Classical Books geuera.ly. which they offer lo booksals |er* and ¦aontry dealers atibe lowest market price, ml Imis ' D~R. ARN OL D 'b LIFE * ND (inRRKSPuNUENCM -Anew edliioo, large type, fa. I). APPLETON CO wiii pubh-.i on Saturday the Life and Corresp uc-..'Tis Arnold, D.D. late Regius Professor of Modern History iu the Unlvei stty of Oxford. »¦ d heid nn<ler of Rugby School, by ihe Rev. Arthur P. Smnley, M. A. 2d American, from the 7tu London edition. complete io one handsome 8vo. volume. Price $2. *' This work should be iu the hn.ds of every one who lives and thinks '. jr his ric-e and for his religion; not so much as a guide for action, us ati'irding a stimulant to intellectual and moral red-ction. [Prot. Churchman, '. We have rarely had occasion to nonce a work that we could so warmly and unreservedly recoii insad as this. . - . Thi greater part of the volume consists of letters to familiar friends, on the thousand topics of general li'erature, re- Ugton, morals, history and matters of every day Interest " (Bu'tTtl') Ctj. Adv. " HtSielters are deep.y instructive and fascinndng." [Albany Adv. .' Ii Is a work lu wh.-b the scholar, tbo ptuliaouher and the Christian wid be alike itterested " [Albany Argus. D. A. it CO. have reo rtly published, Dr. Arnold's History of Home, 2 v>ls. Svo- 85. Do. Lectures on Mcslern History, 12mo- 81 25. Do. Miscelianecitis Works, 1 voi 8vo. 82. Do. Rugby School Sermons. 12mo. 75 els. IN PREsS, Dr. Arnold's History of iheRon-.in Commonwealth, 1 vol. Ivo. Arnold's History of the Ron-.in Commonwealth, 1 v< ir.6 tWa DOWLINO-'S HOMANISM, illlstkatf.o. J'ist Pub -.dliel. Tenth Edition OF THIS POPI 1..VR AND BEAUTIFUL VOLLME, with hi splendid engravings Ulnstrative of Romanism; in handsome ornamental binding. Cheever's Lectures on ihe Pilgrim's Pro/ress. Fourth edition, With numerous sie^l eoernviugs. Heal and elegant Bookbtndtjig, in ah tu varieties, E. W. bos iu preparation die most beanilful and costiy styles if Pictorial Bindings for HarpePs lliumutated Bmhs, at :h« Cheap Bookstore and rtlnderv, 114 Fl..:ou-»l 19f jatf_ hi -v A LKER. 114 Kuiton-sL TOLA WYE R s ~S a A T E a M £ N r* p GLITICIAJV s" HL'RLBL'T ON HUMAN RM.'-HTS.-Es^avs on Human Rights and their PoiiUcai Guarauties. by £. P. Hurli-ul, Ksij. Counselor at L iw, in the City of New-York. C'iiarearji .Chapter I..The Onsi*n of Human Rlguis; Cnap. II..The true Function of Government; Chap. III..The Constitution of Government; Chap. IV..Constiiutioual Limitations and Prohibitions; C:uip. V..Constitutional Limitations cootinue»!; Chap. VL.The Elective Franchise , Chap. Ml..Rights Emanating from the Sentiments and Af- feeoons; Chap. VTIL.The Rtghs oi Women; Chap. IX.. The Right of Property and its Mora) Relations; Chap. X.. Intellectual Property. Puhhshed by OREELEY It McELRATH, and for sale at the Tnhnne Orrice, i.v Nassau-si. Price 50 ctcis. o?7 iDintcr i'asiiions. FALL ANi) vriNTER GOODsi. vv'"**- T- JENNINGS At CO. Drasers and Tai.oi.. Id t" porters of Coins and Casslineres, Vesungs, itc., 2ai Broadway. Amern at. Ho.»1, opposite the i*->uciaic. are it. receiptofaa eztensls a n^s'jr.-neut of iovr gi>cds for Fail a^c a q; wear. comprislnr.'Frencb and English Clotiis for Dress and If roci Coals C»s»"neres '.) a great variety of styles S.Il. Satin Merino ind Vehrel Vesunys. Milled Cloths. Fweeds U-. tot OrerCoals, which will oe made up io urde' mrouch the aid of a* eraclent a corps of culler, as can be found tn the country, an essential point in 'be economy lo weich we would direct, and la rerfdering ibe Sty .-nanu .-r ¦¦< our garments such as must salisly the rAiscnicicaang. ixt ,-.r views of cheapness ore uot based on uhe production of any otner than lint rate garments. Sucn as have sustained our system of small pm«ls and quick r -:-.rt:s. and prompted ihe sohci'-a'i'.u a ,%iil from tnose wuo would reofcy e-Vec: a saviug of the extra ptr ceUJi^e :ev,ed unuer lh^er~ttt system. Tb» at:..-., udirected the -"a^ta: >ocs cepartm»tit xait continue to offer inducottiecu '.o tho»o who apprectste » f.i r-j l.'< :. \.f ease aL i eiegaoce. in o.idtt;oB M the usual nosurtnieni of goods Sep. r .he trtrdeswe save a. 3 .. -xd ready made Dress aud Frocs Coats', PantaliHiss, Vests, itc io answer toe requirements 01 Liose w co, in cases of emergency,may require a first rate suu. .\iso. Fancy D ress Anir! js ir ^reat variety; Scarfs, Cravats Handkerchiefs, 0!,v<e». Suspenders. Hosiery. Cnder-Vesu, L'rswers. Lie *= oi l Id-rli.: Sh^-.s. Collars, Lc Ac s2U ti VERCOATü», Cloaks, Winter Precis, !tt in various n-w styles, for sale, ready made, at 21! Broadway. yis-' WM T IVKN't'-MO "i Cs 0 l'AI CillersX vttf PunitlcS losued by tno Ma¬ li. Bsh-0 Life Insurance C-.mpony. u Febriary, 1»46, Office No. 1L WtsU st. Whole number of pohcies..»* Preminms.«20.293 93 T i Mercr.aud arid Traders.LG.To S-aCaptairutMarintrs. 2 Manafacmrers....l Eugineer. 1 .Mechanics...61 Hjtel-keepers Cierks.23, T-rochrrs.5 3rokcr*.3j Clergyrn-n.7 Auctioneers.2 FnbllC llflicers..a i'srun»n. IJ Presides:is Secretaries 4 Fanssens..*\ Cashiers-.2 Er.lor. It Ladi-s.13 Pnvsicisns.. Geailemsm.2 Attorneys.*] erfafits.4 Total.236 ROBERT L. PATTERSON, President. B. C. MiLi-za, Secretary. J. L. Loan, Agent. James STswaaT, M. D. Medical ElgnfasSC. mi lwis AURKICAN .HCSKCM-Evei-T.!», an -. .._.< Uns we.--. eoci_:e_c__g Monday.March S.Sp.eelid per- furumnrts» c-erv »miiiiji al 74, and Wednesday a_. 1 ..aiii'- day afteru- m . al > duck..The muagar wUl c ..iuuwr wm uj__3 Scnpiure Sceuea, embracing tcp.-e-.i_- tattupi ol K iota. i ,.. -;,_e an- Jcf_»_. in. t,.-, , added -_u Portrait, o: tike >,.e»: Me_ of Am-rx-. aw^SSSF^'ä? Q^ %rMled 0_-_-ri«.Slgnur Bim. u, ....dro Oxygon Microscope. MaUuie B icKW-U, lb. fa- t-o-« Tele, . b-__,y ei.»». Blowing/; Grand Co*- raofia-a, De aier it,, v.^ v..^ _. AJuiwu, ->ceuu. Cnuj-eu i_na_t '.P. 1^cb__- OSflTOKiO OF SilMSON ."HE SQAKL) OF MANAGERS o'um New.York Sacred A M_»lc Society ba«e the pleasure u> announce urn u*j 2d performance of Hände.'» Grand Oiv.uno of Satnsou will las e p sc- o_ Wodnssdsy evening, I lib ln._ _t ti^j Tabernacle Kail particular- of this perform _oce wut >p. pear in a f-i .-.>'-. in inn nU-W ibe public U Lnformed that - mm of t_e beat proic-aslona. uienl w the oai-try are engaged 10 sustain the pn-epei solo part* This Oratorio wtti be succeeded r»y ihw " Seven Sleepers," Dane" aud tie.' Messfab,» :;, :::» course of a lew week*. Tue term* of i:m'n:_i »* -On-perfonning tneeabsrsare sx- cee :u:; ly U n rah e. and persons ieadroo* of J -imag theSa- ered Music Sodecy as »uch, are reqiested" to leave tbeir names w.:r. I. P. IVr_:_*. No. 1 Wall-at or George Wan- .oes. -: t ___:-$_ wiiere ihev wul receive their adtniMioo tlciet*. m* 4Us" j THE tJNTOIlTSrS' i-IFTH ÄSNTJ AL~BAI_J_Ti &A71LL '-o Leid at tits Apollo Saloon, IIS Broadway, oa »" ... i evemugof Monday,lue 9 a Ol Hard isL ou which 0Cc_»iju Wallace ¦ ceie_ra.ed Bra-* Band, ied ay Mr. Ken- d__, engaged. -io pa na will je spared oy Lie commit- lee to mate .nuj one ot l_e »: bills of '.be »e.soa. The Unionist* Invite their tr.end* lojooi Uicm ou tin* occasion wuaoui regard lo party . acta may be bad at eiuiei of the following places.. Broadway House, Ash.and House, corner Canal and Broadway Ino üogaiia. cor. UuJtoa soi Mor- cer»i-s, Normern Exautuge,, No. 27. Blee_sor-*L and Moo- roe Ua.i. cor. ol Pean and Centre or of eitiier of tte COMMITTEE. 0. W. Brennen, Ctiaa. Co.*. RobL D. Uoirnea, Ja.. McUonuugn. A. B. \ acdet_c-e, Alex. J_ca»ou, George Fiaby, RobL a. Co ..ur, Lewi» De .LugeiU. [ Wiuiatn Aj-ierson. (JA EN W. B REN NAN. Cb airman Roar. Ii. H.i_.v._..^eeri._>rv. ui_ iw OITY OF ELMS. npHE EXHIBITION OF THIS MODEL, toreiber wiib x Models of tbe Public Buildings of New-Yora and the Mormon Temple ai Nauvoo, wt_ ie:u_ii opea :or t*hort time luuger at the Granne Bull nug. Ticket* _j cent*. E. PORT Erl oELDEN. Propiietor. E. B. CUNNINGHAM, Supennu;_deat of Exhibition. The proprietor i* now constructing at li-O Broadway, a MODEL OF NEW-YORK, rep.e*ecnug in cajved wood every Li. .lieg »hed. troe and ouier ohjeci ir. the Great Me.ropo.n of America, which will be Couip.eled in a few moulh*. Abovo Liu* mo-el WlB be a Canopy, on which will be delineated view* of public build- lugs, aces of bustnessi uianutaciorie*. private reaidencc*. hotels, .teamUoa-i, itc. rang lug from 10 to SO inches lu lengUi. for which a moderaie couipeu*alion will be charged. Ua. -.ug uow »o nearly completed a Model of New-York, tae proprietor will eithor sell or give a lease of the Model of New-Haven, _.c Uif.e- Uour», from 2 to P. M. E. PORTER BELDEN, :<"" Broadway. Ul 3 Sliseod' HORSEBACK SSSItÖISlI Klliott'i .:r for Horsrhuci Efrrcuc. IVO PttRaON oi «edeotary r.an.i-, and e*pecially no 1" invalid, «bou d neglect hi examine Mr. Elliott'. Pa- ior Exaaciaea. Ali physicians who bave»eeu H recom¬ mend It to mose 1u Lend 01 a heaohlul exercise. urder* sent to lad Maraet-sL Newark, N. J. wih be prompt!y a'.te.iiied to. Puces 01 liie Patent Abrrrcvcr range iroin Si- lo S_3. _bl liueodis" jV r. v»-\«nciv (..vl.i.haV o_r FlAfei .Vitt».. 11 Tbl* Gallery win nerealtei lie open on Mouday and Pue*day evenings lor liie sccommodatioa of those who cau- oot visit luiing the day. Un S uuruays it is opea free to the children attending the puouc »_üo_is, accompanied by their teachers. Arraugeinent* lo admit school* cau be made wob ih doorkeeper, m2 twis- iUrs vbooos. VKW SPRING t;«M>l)«».-J. C. BOOTH St CO. 11 Drapers and Tailors, 1.7 Roadway, J doors lelow the franklin House, have just received through tholr agenl in Paris, a lot of choice pati-ru* Boojean'S fancy elastic Cassi- tneres, am uew st.les French Cashmere aui Marseille* Ves ing*, io which sbey would invite purttcuiar attention. Also, a tot ot noe Bloley'i aui Slmoni's BroaJcioths, an colors,ol soft, pliable textures, e\_c.,y su.ted for Spring Frock and Dress Coa s. The subscribers are also manufacturing a new style of Spring Sara, wnich Ihey ofer lor saie, ready-made, or to unit,-, si very moderate prices. Always ou hand a large assjrtumni of fancy articles, ready-made Linen, Hosiery,Oloves, UmbrellssJ Cane-Cm- Lr> oa«, _.c. ail of superior quality, most of ihetn being ma le exclusively for Ihi* ecablishmcuL tn7 it W l.iVlTsTvr s»"-*U_.>ts7^No. ty Bro-rTsl. offer ior ** i.;----u i:-..es Broid Clo-.nj, wool-dyed black, blue, b ow n, drab, C-dei-mixe i, lore/-,-, creeu, xc Iroin the Web¬ ster ftltll, an i oiuui wed known manufactories. lu ca.- colt hi aud wool Tweeds ol ail styles. Su -i Keulucky Jean», gold mixed, browo mixed, olive, i I and black inive.i. fr.iui tl,o Keuueliec raciory. 101 do Bleocaed Goods, comprising .i u > M.ei -ui:ster goods »s, 4, j( l.i. and 7.3 Loug Codi*, C'Lsendsred aud Beetle liuish. SO do Pocbo-aot Shuliugs. _u do Lippm do. lU do Anegbaula do. *i tiale* Brown -Oeeting* of Lockwood, Jewett City, Her- kimer, Globe, Harrison,Manehealer and ramuy t lam,'. 100 Drtu- .Lima*, Nonol* aud .nerriinii l stamp, liri do Ticks.Auioakeoga, a, B, Walpoie's, Rochester, ic. tut of ail wuliiis and qusuties. eases Paul iloon Stull« ot de»ir;tb.<- at) li 100 do Silvias anl C'uiiiati«, asBoited coiot«, iwn.ed and plain ofall qualinea. gji) do New style Spring Prmts, bsndsome styles and pattei'iis. _4f 1ml* AT WATER,' GOULD & CO." " DESIRE uiu ailentlua of bu^er* in tnis market to their stock of Foreign and Doine-llc Dry Go-'ds. Prices tfor cosh or acceptable paper J shaU ue in_do satisfactory. No. 14 Wall-si n-..r lli..ad--av. gal' .'ml.' MUNTllLV llUfUUT for February üf the New. -ora Medical and bur^ical Insiilute, No. 75 Cham- bers-st. Cases Sccc_-.rfLLV TkeaThd. .' Diarrh'ea. J Passing blcod (urethra) 4 Case* of grav.-L ri Acuie Rbeuma- ii*m leel disease. J Erysipelas (face). I uses of primär) itousuuipuon ar- 4 Clironic Rhcuma-i re.ied. ii« n J Cases dysentery. i Coses of gleeL i Cases of puln "lu 8 Ca-es of pain i-l CSest in uruihrL 1 Krartuiof lueleg Operaituas foi iiyüroiele. 1 Discharges from ear. 1 Hip joint dU.ase under U e .iuieut 4 L'Icerated le^s ol I long slandin, ,1 .s, -->-¦¦- iL onus cured by _n upe- raiiun. j Diseased ton.li* lemoved. 1 Oporauoii for Cs- tnio in ano. 2 Uperat-on* to re¬ move polypi from nose. .... in ol, l Torpid Liver, the chest to de-|3 Piupiuiiou ol the tio*rL Under treatmeoL uJ Case* «eminal weakness. s I. iceraied sore ihroali fleadachcscured. I Case* o( barbers' aide. |'i Co-iiveness, | beb. 4 Greatdebilityan 1: ih Primary cliancreju Casetofinteslinal loss of appetite'- Caiesol pleurisy. worm*, from ltnpropei|i Casus midwifery J Bk-ediug from babtUJ. Case* gonorrbiea luug*. j C cable to bold I Cases of pile*. 11 Cbse of colic, taeir water. !o Vaccinated. fl Case* dyspepsia. j Secondary Vene-1 i Suppression of'a AtTecllon* of tkm leal. I moii.te*.I S^'-.nssFi L Oplhatioss Aao CuaEs. 1 Diseased elbow A Cases of mjuri-*. 11 Ea.argeJ pros- j'iiot under ti Tic i'/ureux ol lalo gland umlor Ihu see cured by Irealuieal. ) _.i:;iure» cured! leut jving a pievtl Sp.'ained ankle. of aw boue'. .' I'vu.u* removed 2 Large abscesses opened. J Venereal warts removed. S I riuuiun in uro- thra. t Operatioos fur tquinüng. i be poor atiendad to sens ecc 4 aod in me afternoon. N. B. This lastttulioii is nul counccled with any other in mis city. II. BOSTWICK, M. D. Ui7 IW Atiemiln^ Physician aud Surgeon. DR. L.ENNEO'S COUGH FILLS. LfcT THE SICK K_A0! rViilS U'ONDEltrLL KEMtDY is carry ng oil before _L it i_r the exuauruiuary cures it Is peilorunug. Asaspe- Cific for Caugb*, Cold*, Consumption, and all Diseases ol Hie Lungs »ud tbeir appeotagrs, wbtL'ier rb.- nie or loiiam- Diatory, it will not fall to supersede all otner i-.iu-il.es People dare not crtdu iho wurjderful cures effected ny tnese Pili» in u m jst lncredib.e short space ol tune; but the. evt- deuce of uielr power is too strung lo tie realste-. Two or three deaeo wui rare the worst Cold, and tney may be given to ail ages, wnn periect success Keod the tollowmg LETTER FROM THE REV. MR. ARNOLD. Ma. J. Wi.acHtsT-it. My Dear Sir Tue Cough Pill* Invented by the celebrated Dr. Leinnec, of Pans, Whicb you were so km- as io recom. menu to my notice, 1 uave found on examination and ma! ij be a most valuaoi- »pe-eihe f have given ihem a loir trial, and am »ailsn»d mat joa bare not overrated their value. The most inveterate Cough Ibey will cure in a few days. In my own cose they removed a most dl*tre*stcg affection of tne throai and lung* la an incredible short .Una. Tu lr operation is most rational, an 1 in case* ol bleeding at mo lungs must produce aumiraolo resul is. They determine the blood to me »Ps_i_co prevent any undue pressure upon ihh diseased pan, and oeatroy lha. fever which U so laud to the lungs, and which Is me real cause of L'-nsump- lion. I Cscnoiln mis none say uU Lhal migni ue said in their favor : but 1 firmly bedeve they a* muco surpass all tee popular noiiruMi* of the 'lay as a cure of Coughs, Cold*, Broncmtis.Cousuiuptiou, lie., as the sun surpasses the stars ._ or.gct.e-s. Meat truly yours. A. C. L. ARNOLD. New-York, March , I84B. 13T a nd, wBole-ale and retail, by J. WINCHESTER, fjh-ueval Agent, at the Golden Rule Odice, 24 A_n-su Auso, at AXKoitD ->, No. 168 Bowery. In Brooklyn, at Mrs. COuLEk 'S, I7d Foilonest, corner of pineapple. Price Si a -or. won un dlr.-c.loua. It* f _e O tauine Pr-.-pa'altoO. DR StVAY.sE'S COMPOOO -is..- OF WH.n CHLSSY CONaLMPTlVtS, OR taose wcose luuga ore aöecled s.ightly, should taae file Syrup wuhoul delay, by which ihey may prevent tue hxiag ol tual dire disea-e luliy auu r.rinly How nn- poi -^uit uieu, uj avoid ;'_ Never uve a day with a cougb wl.euiuis ayrup can ue had,__d you are neariy certain, *riU o.-opercare, to avoid destrucuoo by CuUiuin,. Hon. DR. SaVAYNE'B OOMroUM) BKi-LP OS WILD CtlLi'.KV. ill. acojipound of VV^ensb.e reraed.ea i it Is called Wild Cherry, n-.-c-dse lUut Jir.i.'.e Is tue baoiaot me piepa. au- u. 1.1» so comumed .1th ottier mgr-Ulenl* ISai the uunusl efU- ciency given lo its good quaaues; as » «upporter and pre¬ server of lbs powers an l uncuons of life, n has no equal. Cactiom..Ail preparanon* of Wild Cherry, except Dr. swsyue'*, are netiuou* and eouuterleii, ana spruog up year* after tru* vaiuabie remedy fiad mtrod-Ced luell Into me nu aautber; Oxcxttort, be not deceived oy the many "B_i__a" and "apunou* Mixtures," n.i try tae genuine and ne cured. Prepared on/y-y Dr.SwAT.at, N. W. cor- net of cigata and rtaCd strecui, I'ailadeishia. Sold w-uiesaieaud reuul at Chariea H. King's, (late Dr. 182 Broadw»y, corner of .-». and at Drug s j.-e» 118 Bowery, 771 Broadway, -ij B.-.-ccaer-si., lb Hud- und irii G'und-sL_2-1 lmeo-i»* HAiCDWAxtE. UAiK FiBATING, Calico Doc¬ tors, fcc at Agent*' Price*; laole and rocket Cutlery o all patterns; superior C. S. .- ..-.-< of a.1 «.:. ..-. hlnob, Pad, Trin* aud L. . ¦- Lock*; Trace, Log and Ox Cualns, Ate. *LC Ail sizes of superior Hour Seeting, and ssaorieel nuiuuer* oi Pruitets' Doctor*, A.c. JNO. A. NEWhOULD, Bj6 dtiseo i -_jo Jobu sL (up sla.'s.) »» INISUVV BliAi>t-B ouaneeroii prcpoxatiou, m- »' 'ented. manu scture-r and »o!d, who less.e and retail, el .aiveiy by tL f WEdrj,*! percent caeaper, equally nv.uti ul, and far more durable Ulan the r'reocn. tV~ K_c- ljr> No. 71 Dlvislou-*L 3rd »lory of the Sacken Buildm_»- N. B..Tne »toro is -tis Pe*xi-*L Jour doors Sound oi Cuaiaam. m7 2wta i nptl iAlLU_t3.A Counter L2 teel long, s i_-i"w^- JL with 8 drawers and a mahogany top, euitaoie for » ES" ior-acuiing board. Forsaleby Cikö- *". BfA YettUu i^j_nhr* I JUcsl.lri RICHARDS, Auctioneer. BY HAN tin, rill Ii IHU.-< OY f UAVT..Hiott :X Broadway..Liberal Cut Advances made on ooo- ..rwcafo' AucUo* Sale*. NEW. YORK SP.UNO TRAUE SALE Tu commence Monday, Marcä j>j. Tue 's; cataiogoe of tin* important sale to the trade '.» now ready at lim auction room. A »tx-oDd catalogue w til be issued on the inoraiug of ia'», invoice* of oooaa, stationery, i.e. for insertion soocld be :urm*acd o«j« w««a pi ev'.ou*. cuivru;»« (X CO. aucuog and UotMaaimM Säe a .chsuts, Noa.us rmior>«t. andMAnn-at Liber si ad¬ vance* made oo c«^^^ ^ Kuaot rvUr:iA Al Pr.vaie ao^e-^Ooo Bostoa Rockers. Bk -saitiMs* M. MlhjWWefgg THURSDAY, March » ia*b. At 12 o'clock, ai lite store of O. Lee Kesten'«. Palen No Jacob-«-. .--»-. s *°l,k '-. »thm_5000 aide« Hemlock aad Oak Tanne bole L-auxK_wlUl oüler articles in i£" Hoe. ai mi .. WO AY. Marcb 13. At loj o-doea. ai store No. 21 Adbertjr-sl. naUWAMt, Ct ri-aar. *.c-Oa a credit oisut months for approved enJorsed notee-y» pae»^ Mrj i^of trssh Imported b.rmiughata and Oberhaid Good*, cotuisticg or uoiO and pocaei cuuery, ou-cbor. shoe and bread anive*. mes, Butchers drawing s.uiv»*,pUi«^b»»t,cupboard a. uuna locos, dial*, lea trays anil waiters, curry comb», tea sett.**, sauce pans, turned and euanteled, rices, trace,log «od harter chains, Carolina hoes, patent arid cot*ton trait*, caadie- si cas, ¦>...:. ,. Oerinan silver and iron tea aad uo.e spoucs. Hritaunla do. lonocco boxes, table bulls. James's wood screws, round and square bolls, etc. etc Catalogues and goods ready for examination three days before (he sale. Tire above stock are fresh goods and m complete order Everv lot will be - .d without reserve. THURSDAY. .March ;.\ 1k43, Ai L6J O'clock, ai the »--re of T. St B, Stout, No. it r'erry-s. Leau-er. Ice. .oow sides of Sole Leather.100 dozen an* iahed Call - tins. n ... other article* in the line, uc a credit ot b mount*. U. UL'CLUIEaC, AUCUoueer. GOLD VVATCU»..-», Eugnsa and Kiench Jewelry, fancy Ooods ttc.TUTVlsE^fc DDCLUZCAU wui sell This D*>, al isli-pasi 10 O'clock, at me Aucuou Room. No. 230 fee an sAiausive assonoK-ut of hoe ..c«-... -ca»- eu gold delaciied .e.er, anchor e*capeuiettl and leptue watches, suitable lor gentlemen's pnvate use, all oi uv? inauutacuue of RoskeU, M. J. t'ubias, Jobasuus. Kobinsou. Also, Jewelry, i.e. con*isung of a general s^suruueat of Eugisa *uJ *r"cn< li Jeweirv, Fancy Ooods. Itc li» E." H. LL'DLOVV", Auctioaeer. \1.1UULK ."rlANTi.l.S-Auciijn Noiico. E. 11. i'luL'di.üW s> CO. will sell on Mondsy, March 9, stTt >', iai tue Marble Yard No. 7J 8ia-eveuue, near 15lb-*i. 24 sp.eudid Egj j: and \ oui Marbio Man.et* of didcrrni pai.erm. >ste positive.terms cash. Cs/* rhs Knlcaorhucser ,._e oi o.iÄes pass the place "¦' "_013) JLiofilDji Action öoiß0. BY V. P. o* ü. ttlCH, 211 Broad stioc., opposite Foster s w .: ,rf, Boston. WEDNESDAY, March 4. Leather, Skins, Jtc.Sole and upper leather, calf-Uuing, binuuig and morocco skins, and other shoe stock. WEDNESDAY, March 18. [Semi-Annual Bale J Boots, Snots, BaoasJM AJtD Hat»..2000 cases Boots, Shoes, Brogacs and Hats. mWAl'kK ruVVKR-rw ba.e Sa:« or Leaoe.At Uytierö-y.L l .communicationby stesunbOat Stotou overy day.now used lor a saw inui, which is new and incompieiu order.butldiug it) feet by 16 Uses. fail of water 14 teei. Apply No. « Janies-sl. or 17 Collage-piece. New-Yoik City._m7 is' MTO IshlT.The modern buut three-story brick House No. uti Fourth-sL near the Slxth-aveuue, iroui ihe hrsioi May ueaL It is daubed u the Oe.i u:an- ner, wiui maroio mantel* throughout, p.ale glsss, plated lurniture, Jtc Said house was built lor ine occupancy of a former owner; and is a hist rale house. Jteut wld be mod- eraiB lo a good lenaul, and a Rase for two or three years will im given llrequiied. Apply lo P. CLENDENEN, No. U>2 tl..itidge-su or lo SAMt Et, uu.u UoN, No. Sj fine¬ st._Bfl 2wu* MTU 1.1. r 1 Ii- upper part oi .< lieal i..iee-stoi y House lu OreenwictiHil. beiow Canal, consisting of two tooni» and bed-room on sccolu lioor, and one bed-room on Uie third, wuli back beseuieuu Rent luw to a dc» nb.e Umlty. For lartber latoriuatlou and privilege to sej u, app.y al as Liboriy *L up sl^us. ni7 Ai" l'«tl> A 1-jK SAlsh.ttUasOttrsk-rTho Iwo s.ory brick house aad icsie of the iot No. 47D Hudsou- .u on the West side, near .at. Euae s (Jnurv-n. ilouse lu perfect order, a id uewiy puuiied Insidu and ouuide; Use io. .11 feel by Wl feet, w.ui an L ou Cbrtstopber-sl. to teei by al et, ou u-ase nom Uie Corporalloa oi Trmliy Church for 2, yeats from ist of May negl. at a ground rent <¦[ 12* dol¬ lars per H.uuuu1, auda reaawsi oi 2l years, the premises let for abuui SiJO. Apply lo ANTHONY J. BLJtlr.CK.ER, No. 7 Broad-si-_m7 |w Ä1U Ail4T.From ine tirslof May ueal.The upper part oi mo house odd Broadway, suitable for a suisil laintly. or a tight business. Rent 3«bti per annum. App.y Uj H. KERNUX'. let Bioadway._m7 7l eft-, l o 1. h. »'.A sui*ii Hau,u house No. Ml Vaiiuewr-iel* KH au ÜlUUise al thn orbco of IhoEilo Railrued foul Of ¦ " Dune-si. ai 2 o.thuaiaS j. haul m7tf g^Ts TU ijbl'l'. F'rom lue 1st oi May, a iissli two story house, Mrlib 4 toi« oi grouud, plessaniiy silusled ou m ajd-si. near the Bioomiugdale Road, win bo reuied or t< a-ej al a reasouau.e real lo a responsiu.e teuacL Apply io James l. jacivson. Oll 2W Iron Founder, Si3 asddu aianloD-si. *if Ott. sAliK.At WUusmsburgb, near Orsnd-st Kerry, i> lots ot grouud, with slube, uulldiug on, mied up in complete uiuer, wim now si. am engine and boiler, cupola, tools, Jtc m com jlele order lo carry ua the foundry oustueas. Tbree-tourih* ol the money will remain on muugagu al per ceuu Will be sold low it applied for imm-aiiate.y. Apply lo JAMES L. JACKSON, UlJ i*" Assignee, No. ü.3 and U.o gUSWOaSt iTtuuitii irt KljuTot>-»TrTi»nLT£'F.To Est ¦j Irom the 1st of May next, Uie beck room ou tire 2d floor ""of the store No. Ii2 Iuiuo-«u uext Nassau. Inquire of JOHN J. BROWN St cu. oa the piemises. Sb7 M'l'U J.c.1' A biusU lauiuy lu XWettW-SL near the äuttn-avenue, bavmg more room luau thuy wish to occupy, would be Willing, from the nrsl oi Msy. to let all lue second floor, consisting of two large rooms, two Ueurooins, three ctoaeu, wllh ouier privileges. Tue uuuse has a counter cellar, the Crolun water lo it, with a large I yard, Ate. Real SIloO. For farther particulars call at Crvs- ,-y'» book aiid peri jdlcal store, No. i>9 Exchanga BuildUg, entrance in Wiiiiuiu-ah m6 aiis- FisÄt SAL/I UtC TU l.KT-l'he lure, -story modern Bnca House, Nu. 26 Pise, corner o( Henry- st. Apply at No. 44 Uenry-sk ml Ulf mWAN Fltij TU Ith.NT- A two-sojry ones House, In a good rieighoorhood in Um Easteru secllou of the Lily, not above Uran,l or Cilutou sla. Apply al Mo. 365 i'oari, corner of Fullon-sL ui4 lslf mill 1. fc. i' irom tho iirst day ot May uexi.- i'liu two story hrtck dwelling house, No. 707 Brosdwsy, with an alley leading Uirougb ou to Mercer-sL The above bouse is replete with every convenience: has alargefiuil Saiden in Um rear, will be altered Into a store if desired. It may be seeu every day betweeu tho hours of 12 and 3 o'clock. For terms apply to A. iL CUSHMAN, £S( jstf No. im Peeri-st. or No. M West Itrtbst. JUDSON'S"HOTEL. MTHE SUBbLKIBER (Isle of the City Hotel, Hart- foiS c.i wui, on or before the 2Ulh of March, Instant, opun to tho Public the new and splendid Hotel, No. bt Uro;idway,(oear TnnUy Church,) which has just been com¬ pleted by Harrison Siepoeus, Esq. of Montreal. This bouse u oau of the largest ru Uie City, and will be furnished tnrougiioui wltb enuroly now fuiolure, In a style probably not surpassed by any similar estabitabuiunt in the country. The ucuersigoed will endeavor In all tbinga lo pioffiuto the cuuifuri and coiiveaieuce of those who may honor bun with a visit, and hopes thai his long experience lu the business will enable buu to merits share of public tuvor. nil) lJieodls-_CURTIS JUD80N. mUOTTAttl. ZS TilAsCUCftTltra lor sale, situ- ated on Long island, on ihe ilusfawick ondNewiown lurnpike, four miles from WUUsmsburgh Perry, by way oi ine Mospeth-aveoue. Stages pass four tunes a dsy, good Schools and Churches wtiiiin hail a mile. Tbe Cottsge is gou<l repair, one slary, three rooms, four bexlroomsaad altcneu, a wed and cislera at Ine kllcheo door, out-houses suitable for the piaco, six acrasof the very i,est of land, bar- lag been use<i fo/ nearly MU year* for raising early vegetsv- bies ; locust and o her shade trees; 7u or 80 fruit trees lit (uil hearing, apple, pear and cnerry about three hundred young fruit trees just begiuuing lo bear, well aelecuso by expert- enced gardeners, rompnsmg all thn varieties, such as spple, pear, pescb, cherry, pttui, ac ttc; the garde n u well stock- ed wita smalt trulls aad howois.tho piece is surrounded by a in ;h piciol fence, put a p at at an expense of over **x>j two in uds can remain un bond and mortgage. Apply al 47 Boud-Kt._ W TaTnAtdiUtf CUL-NTAtY »JSAX TU LET..One ol tho mos i bcauuiul siuiauotis ou this Island, cuuialuhig sbual ¦ix acre* of land. Ou the premise* Is s Large and convenient dwelling, with uul-bouses complete. The grounds are In period order and every way filled for a geo- ice, residence. Toe property Is siiAuöod on the Sth-avenae, upon nigh ground, having a commanding view of the East Rtver for some distance, the Long island shore, and Over» looking Westchesler County for a great distance. Will be lei low to a good tenant, or will be sold or excaanged for Improved city property. For farther particulars sppiy to dl* auwiiif W. ft SEYMOUR, 3 CtisAhaAU-aquaro. Ä.--TO UK A NU OWELL.1.NU TU Is ET.AI HsaneM.One of those three story brick from nouses, wim stores auachexl, situsled m the central and bust- ueas pan of Harlem, on the east side of 3d.avenue, between VUii and 124th sis. Said bouse is fiaiaoed complete, with every convenience fur s respectable lamUy. Stages peas Uie uoor every half tour. Real moderate to a goutf leaaos. Ap^.y tu J. T. JACOBS, IJtin-st, near dd avenue. N. B..For sale coesp, looo yards luxurious garden box foredgings. Apply as above._'it ItttlS* JO JLITI flsauinwil snd celisr of store No. 11 rjpruce-si., possession given iiniuedistely. Inquire of O. J. Price, ;¦>; East Broadway, or at tee Tribune of- Itce. ¦>3,rf," 1 -.» mAiXClibUs No. ibu Ofoetiwirn-st. introduces bis Spring FoanioO for OeuLoinen'* Hats On Fr.day. Marrj,6tri, 1846._Bi7 6us CÜEAJ? BOOXh AMS SHOES. 114 FtinTOS-sTrutST. tuTHE SL'BSCRlBEK requests those genUemen In iE want of hondaome Boobs snd Shoes al very reduced U prices, to coil at uis old established stand and examine sstwV a large assorluient, which will induce them to give hira Uu caslotlL Tue unprecedetiled increase of bis business nun .; the list year pruv«* that his articles give universal ..... '. .io:.. Diess boot* from >%Z 5t) to 96, warranted to .seer Weil. made of iba treat French calf and ander bis lav ale supervision. Shoes hum Bl 25 to 92 50. every uiner arliclu m U* due at equally low prices. Customers' hoots ou. saves maue lu order at the soonest nubce, guar- _: lu n: handsomely and easily. Drawings taken of lue feet and * pair of utsu made aad kept expresaiy for each customer. I N. B .Boys' Boots of all descriptions. Southern sad W esiem wholesale orders punctually attended. JOHN L. W ATKINd.ill Kiiltoorst I Irl imi»TTAS_Isatween Naosau sod Datei *** BV UiCUJs.it Ol Jona J. Taylor, Es«. . Supreme C-^uri Oomu.u«toner, residing m Owogo, Tlof» ly, -Novice l* hereby given that an ollacina»«11' against the estate of Knapp Burcb. BsSsrsSrlsss>¦swjwssjbs, in tho County of T.oga, an ^^-,3^^»^ on due proof made to the ssJdJ.uP/^^^,,^ .. ^ er, pursuant lo the directions of "£535 or nc-a-rosldent Mc£oiSstUa against ah.cx-nd^. ^ ^ ,ür lbe p«.»^ & debtori," ana that the pgJJ Burca appear an t discharge hi* debts,unless ^r.^~Ji*v, within ihrce nioott.from such atlacniacni olij ucilcei and thai the paymmi of the first Puu''c"f^5c.ivery of any propeny belossrlog u> the any Ceot* »^j^ cf for bis u.e, and the transfer o: any pro- said deb*"- purpose whslevwr, are torbtcaoo by D.l^^4a/ch2d,134e »aw su. .»« s SWEET, Atfy for Attaching Creditors, o7 i»w3ai_Qwogu. Tiog* Ooanty, M- Y. sTÄJÄMAWliJV JFS^A**«K4M »CAJLM», war- V raaied perfectly and perassaeady correct, for sate oy JJtTS^y ^ *AtR«ANICri A CO. ai W.ll^s P~ BBtStlX&l FKNWJMII.-D» rolis of ^-iCT Ceois cwhebs4MtD*VtiJawofies). W

Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 20. · THEMMTH1:K;\ MAIL. T!.!«..-» *t. rhllnrielphia. Correspondence of TheTribune. Philadelphia. March6, p. M. TbcBoard of Bicker* did not transact

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Page 1: Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 20. · THEMMTH1:K;\ MAIL. T!.!«..-» *t. rhllnrielphia. Correspondence of TheTribune. Philadelphia. March6, p. M. TbcBoard of Bicker* did not transact

THE MM TH1:K;\ MAIL.T!.!«..-» *t. rhllnrielphia.

Correspondence of The Tribune.Philadelphia. March 6, p. M.

Tbc Board of Bicker* did not transact any busi

ffftt today :n consequence ot tbe dentil of 8olbmonsjjta, an o d an 1 respected mtmb> r.

jtevreather thU ahernoon ia <.. a character the.ate bluing began to faii. as I predicttU in tny lettertDi> IT". TT''.. .'

No lortigu arrivals or clearances to day

*yThe Rochester Democrat ray I Henry E.Mayerot vVestfleld. Chautsuque c. nnty.svas found dead in his

bed. at too Btoi'um Hi use. in that city, m Sunday moning On a post mortem examination bis Lean ««. foundgreatly enlarged, and weighed Mouncea He leaves a

wile and two children.

Telescope ri>a Hakvakd Colleoe.Thegreat Telescope wl ich wasrxpected here fr.iin Germsny zwxt JuDe. for the obssrvatory connected with Harvard 'loilegn. will, wo understand, be considerable c.e.

lsyed uy reason of the death of one of the company whoare constructing i:. This will be a srent disappointm.in t

i.,many.it ia to t,e by far the largest la tee .. untrv. and

will co*t a*H<ut seventeen thousand douars; add lo thisth<" expense of the building recently completed, as tee

ybs<rv*iory, and the wnoie expen,e of thc_observatoryvrid amount to lui l> tuoussna üuiiars f Bost. Trav.

iMPKISOsMf .NT FOR L-KUT.- TbO House of Delegates of the Maryland Legislature has passed a on: abol¬

ishing imprif .rirr.eni f.r debt, except hi cases of evidentfraud


Bipo.-ted fir The New-York Tribute.

£AC?A^E5 .Hecent transactii ni in the sausage bu-

jjjjcs have erected ibis aummer-savory branch ol our

Produci vt; Industry lr.to a gn;it national question.sev¬ers! links ot which iiave been discussed on the Hi : 'it

the House ol Representatives. In tho general stagnationof the Household Markets.the high price of Eggs, th

tendernefs ol young Veal und me quit mess of dead Hal:

fem.we find a sensible and grateiul relief in turning to

the st»l.s for Sausages and Imiring In expressive *t-

'.seethe sobtl vrreaths of 'hat esculent vegetable to

teffipllngly colled up and rifferltg to spring into one's

verv iryiner pau foi tun siuht consideration ot ninepencea pound. Iu lact, nothing in market is now talked of hut

.and tbe ßeueial topics of discussion iu the

most nehcrcht political circles are the relative merits of.he Bologna, tho Black, the Spanish, tho beef aud the.

Common Pork .-ausage. So far as we have been ena¬

bled to collect puolic opinion ou tuu subject, wo thinkthe preference is at present given to tne genuine Ohio

variety; and a great dual oi public curiosity is manifested?oknow who has received tho con cruet for supplying tne

House oi Representatives wit! this article. It is not yet

generally known whether Sir Robert Peel bus made any

special provisions (although it is clear that Hon. Mr.

Sawyer didi as lo Sausages.n> r whether the dtatumeuts

despatched by 'he British Minister which weut out in

lbs Römer are to bo regarded as a connecting link be¬

tween the British policy and the Sausages despatched bythe honorable gentleman from Ohio. At all events, it is

very generally believed tht.t t1 c honorable gentleman'spariiainy ,jr Pork Suusaces mines from a patriotic desirelor prrimoti-g t'ie consumption ol H me Products, il

notfrom even a more fraternal nd family feeling. Pub¬lic excitement on ihi* sulject is constantly increasing,and nati yet u, no means reached its bight.and althoughyesterday wa* Fry-day. yet every body seemed to he iu

sstcw ah ut Sausages. All other brunches of householdtrsde wer- unnoticed, anu public attention was conceu-

(rated upon the transactions In Sausages.we are there¬fore complied to bi ing our report.like the article whichis tue occasion for so doiet; .to an abrupt termination

COMMERCIAL A.M> MONEY MATTERS.ET For tali of Stockt <./ tkt Exeicnge, ut L<ui Pn3t

Faioar, P. M.The Stock market wns bun. nut to-day and prices

pnerally were well sustained. In Heading there was a

large advance. Sales being made as hittu us 77 an ad¬vance of Sj per cent This advance is not the result ofon actual corner but of the operations of the bears v» no

have told very sboit. Tne highly encouraging prospectsOf tbe road for next year have also mi eneet to advancetbe market. Moreovei Juuu shares have rec-miy bt eMtslta uut of market ou English account.

lu Exchange» there ia not much doing aud quot-stions are firm Sterling 8j ä>?i Franca 5 98Ir®5 27J.Quüders jVtZW Mirks Banc-. 3*4935] Rix DollarsM?tu":i.The receipts of the Harlem Railroad Company for

the first two uionihs in each of the psstthr-e years havebeeti ss annexed:January.Sft.649 1 0.0-55 11,409 14 percent.February.... "fit'o 7 425 6.703 17 percent.Total-ju,*7 17,170 20.112The Lawrence Manufacturing Company at Low¬

ell have made a semi annual dividend of 10 percent,payable the ISth Ins..The receipts ai the Philadelphia office of the Phil-

scelpbls and Columbia Railroad for Feb. were.10 On 96Previously.22:636 ölWhole amount since Nov. 30. 1345 .ÖJJ j.ie 17

Bills have been reported in the Massachusetts Le¬gislature for railroads from Salem tnrough Danvers to

Mrthuen ; North Adams to Vermont line Newburyportto Rowley Audover to Methuen Providence RailroadtoPtwtucket. and to unite the Fitchburg and diariestown Branch. Bills have been re!used for the patal'el-Rmlroad from Bostoti to Watthsui «nd Lexington ttoCbaluisford.In reiatiuu to the par redemption bill just reported

ta the House the Albany Citizen says :

We see that the Committee on Hank* in tbe Houseliave reported a bill rtquirint? nil Hanks to keep their cir¬culating Notra at oar in New-York. While the Commit¬tee hsd their band in w hy did ttiey not extend tbe time.

provision to the notes <¦! mr merchants in this city i

A bill lo authorize the Graud Gulf Bank and Rail¬road Company to sell their Road, has passed to a third

reading lu the Mississippi Legislature.At New-Orlenns there hat. beeu on change in the

money market. The rate ot interest out of doors for

good short paper, ranges from 10 to 12 per cent, per an¬

num, but there is very little of this description offeringat present, long paper Is not much In favor, and ratherdiäcuh io urgotiate. Texas Securities h ive beeu list,sad rales are a shade lower. There are hut few »ellei»iu ihe market Both Foreign and Domestic Exchangeshave coi.tii.ucd to g»od demand, the market being ratherrnod. rnte.y supplied. Sterling Bills range from t>} a 7

per cent p.eiuium, with afraction more occasiona.iy fors vrry favorite »ignatuie. Franc»Continue to ru.e at SC3Ssil 37j. iliHsou the Norm have been in very good re-

Quest, and ihe rates are vor> arm at SsaSj per cent, du-count tor Oo day drafts ou New .\*oi k and B.istou, and at

t » 1 per cent, discouni for cheeks at siitut.

¦Market*. CartfuUt KtporUä fur «V 'jVifenut.PatDAT, March 6

ASHES.A few sales of Pots have been made at 4 00for old, and 4 l-j for new. Pearls ure 4 37s, with sai.sof 30 hhls. 'i he market is very lirm.COTTON.The sales to-day have beeu 1500 bales, ta-

ksa tnost.y by manulacturor». al the full rates of yester-flsy. Speculators have also been looking about, audpicked up some small lots.We have by this afternoon's mail two days laicr ac

counts front the South. In Charles!ou and Savannah,ties.ight decline which had been submitted to ou re¬

ceipt of the Cambna's accounts had been recovered.andtoe markets In t'oih places were firm. The receipts ofCotton in both cities loi the previous week were very.mau. In New-Orleans ib,- market was hrm.withoutchange in price. The receipts, at the last dates, werevery .*-.-.

FLOL'lt AN 1) ME iL.There is a a'^.d inquiry for theEsst, und the better feeling iu the market lor the lastfew d»\» continues. Holders ant generally firm a: i fillforCec see, ai -,. -, lOiü to 1500 bbis were made at

Hgure, for the East, and home use. An iuereas«ioquu v for the K,st is looked for. Ol N Orleans. 500Obis w.-rc h Id at 5 lil) tlat hoop we quote $Ö L2J tiSÖ i">,miiaa hoop $5 »$5^. In Southern then- is not much

Georgetown ts >0 itiiuö i». Svi..» -hk) tddsBall more at about $0 00. t.ve Hour is SJ 70 dS4 i.u¦*h fair .1 .. - i y^i jkt.u-i a §3jt» tor JerseyBraodywlne Is fÄ024; nbds. Si6. 1>«S Meal $1.-J5 astd.j. Buckwhoet$3,75 a M in bbls.$l,75 .r.v; B7Jln«gs. and tu« market nesudy bare."GRAIN'.A pa-rel ot Geoesee Wheat. 1300 bu.hcls.M»nce,t handa for shipment at 117; rts. (>: c .rri there»ratb. r more OtT< rim.-, and prlcos'are firm. Sales 1500JJshels Jersey Yellow atfiScts; IflOOdo N or:< «Us at

SjTg. fot distülingj uud-'ooodo White and ltkx) doisiiow souihcruou texnu not trsmspired. Acargaoinorthern l>au sold at 45 cts, a prime lot, Jersey are 40.vi barley is heli at t»S eta.WHTSKY-Sslcs 250 bbls Western a: i3 cu. Drudso

'.aoilat^.'cts.HAY-Tfae market ts quiet at 75«90ctS for lair lots,

naies Jto bales et c0 cts.HOI'.-.A sal.- of fO bales Western, for export, bas

^«30 cts°° ,*rm* n°l ,nSd* PUbMC The *,ltlr': Prfce^raOCERIES.The "afkets .ire ven- firm, but theCabTv rov^:«r*rs*»ons. A sale of 100 bhds sourv-SOs \oiasst s ai 1} cts, 4 iakss.

.*Jes-::i'^Cn?'^U C'tkKM y'«10cu; we hear of uo

*l y" ofTh»o»hy. 30 bbls fsirsoldat«löesn^ri\I?S'3"-,n !'"'« wc ;" "r rfnodiing doln. ex-

5« > w.-.utc;:,;..;w:i::;.^X^nt^*^' 200 bbls Country Prime15W1I s

,9Tbl" and rum. Tierce Beel is

lad go., pcs Wee^r» £ v.1ÜS te« nt cts.

BMr«!^ Sjdea 7ri7i; Shoulder.91 UI Lard wo note sales 350

tea at 6,37 eta. und 50 bbta at 7 cu. The demand is-or-d There 's some shipping tarroiry r.r < he»..>. and

we note * S* M 7i»71 ct.. B«l« u with, ut change,rmd very rinn We quote Ohio 10211; W esu m Dairy12316 cu-

M .-.rt^lLD :

At Buffalo, on th lal inat by Rev. Mr Ingersnll.WILLIAM HENRY HECOX Esq. to MUl E LOUSECAMPBELLun Wedöeadej evening, the 4th Inat b> Re.\ Dr. De-

win Ut eotiard C Window to Miss .Sarah CarolineTeUer


DIEDOn 1 bur-day Marrr. 5th. ' = 16. cd n short and severe

illness. AÜALISE. wife of Ueu.-y L. Bulkley. aged if;

year* 1 montu and Sonja.The reladv, .. friend* «r.d a-quaintance* ol the rami.j.

are partiell arly ...wed to attend her tunera!res.denc f bet aahand. No. at Horath, street, "u BN.

dav. Marc. Bth. at i dock, I" M. witaeut

tatiön Al«> the n.em^.-ra uf tne followtnj »''Cetie«

ÄogYand Society A pb« CM*»ffcan**, So i. Aehlamd Wvision, No 1 fT,T No 92 I O Of R A-.*!"<-J Temple Of Honor.No 9*. 'r. of T and mernSer* of tbc various order* in

K On%iursd»y. March Sth, JOHN WHITEHAND,(Butcher ; aged r;7 ye«r»- . , ,

The friend, of the iom\'y are re.p.-euully invited to

aiteud ton lunerai w Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock.Irom tue house of hn aon-in-law. "J43 Walker-street.The Batchers and member* ot tne Fire Department are

also Invited.On'Friday i/ier.n. ;n. 'Lb last CHARLE* DOB33. Jr.

iu the 35:a yea.- of ble age.Hu friends a.,5 relatives, and those of hU father,

Cnariea Dohbs, and of hi* brother i'rederiek. are invitedto attend the luneral from hia lato residence. No. 61*Thlrd-etieer, on Sunday, at 4i o'clock. P. M.On the evening of the 6th met WALTER, only son of

Julius and .-'arab A. Eulkley aged 2 years 1* months andü.0 buys Hartford paper* please copyOn Trureday evening. Maren 5th. EDWARD PAR-

KtlR. son oi Horace und Eve .Ma'ia Everett, aged rivemouths ead 10 days.

In Brooklyn, on Friday morning. 6:h last, after a linger¬ing Illness, alias sarah M. WILSON.The lriends of the- deceased, and of her brother,

Cbailes T. Wilson, are Invi« d to attend her iuoenU, thisday. (Saturday.) at 3 o'clock, from tue residence ofSamuel ft. Kelly, Ho. 10 Sid uey place, South Brooklyn.

PASSENGERS ARRIVED7. :U chip Atkburlon from Zfotrpool.iSr. James W.

Hall, of New-York E. Wilson, J. Wilson of Ireland ;Tbos. Rjtiuiiis, England, and iU'J in the steerage.

in llir. thi/i Hui,<juti j'ruvi Canton and Vacan.Mr. ElihuDotj Elfaja C. Doty, Amela C. Doty, Mary S. Poblman,Wm. Poblman,Tang Keea, E-q.

In the brig Aug .t>"; from Saeannah.W. S. Peck. p. B.I.aUd, E. Ogd/n. p.d.. Neils, and 5 in the steerage.



Tint su.v. run aiooN. itll ska.hlses..o «7 Sein ..ü ÖC Morn ...'J 59 Morn... 3 41

LATEST »ATKS.London .. .Feb. 7 Havre.Feb. 6Liverpool.Feb. 8 Now-Orleans.Keb.irt


Arrived..-'hip Houqna, Palmer, I'm Canton and Macao. Dec. 3d.

with tet.s, silks, Sie. to A A Low it Brother. Vesselsleft, before rej. jrt'rd by the overland mail. Bhip Panama.NYork, sailed two days previous. Passed her on the-in, off Java ffcad. -it Ann McKim. lor NYork in 5

days. Captain Vaemer very sick. Feb. ifjih. lat 24, long62, spoke bU:p St Paul, troru Manilla, for Sslem, 126days OUt.

jlark Harriet Thompson, Ti den, .is I'm Cuayama.pr, with molasses, to Aguire & Galway. Has had ;.

Pilot on board ii days.Itiig Augusta, Sherwood, iu'd* fm Savannah, with cot¬

ton und rice, lo Sturges & Clearuiun.Bri{ G ingi -. Wi son, fm Alexandria, (Egypt,) vild uct.

and Gibraltar ._'-'.:b Dec with mdse, to Draper At Devlin,l-'eb. 14tn. lai 29, long 66, spoke sehr Esther .V Lnra.hence, ior Kingston, Jamaica, r< days out.

richr Rebeeca, Collins, fm Wilmington. Del. with corn

meal and Hour, to Allen St Paxon.Scbr Washington, Loclunsn, fm Virginia, oysters.Sehr Atlantic, ttu Huston in baliast.BivLOW.1 ship and J brigs unknown.

SAILED.Ship Avalanche.

MEMORANDA.The brij; Mary S Jones, from Rio Grande, reported

yesterday by the Maroetic Telegraph, and published bysome i-t the afternoon papers as being below, proves tobe incorrect.

Ship:, Independence, for Liverpool. Victoiia. for Lon¬don, Tonquio, tor Canton, and bark Mudara, .'or Havanawill sail to-daj weather permiiing.Toe steamers Hercules and Jacob l<- II yesterday tow¬

ed up the packet ships HottiDguer, Ashburton and Hu¬guenot.

Feb. 4ih. John F. Drummond, 2d oihccr of the shipAshbunon, fell Irum tue top-gallant lorer.-astieoverboitt d,oid was drowned. All exertions made to save himproved unsuccessful.

The public vvhi liriir ia mind ibal Pbslou's liui. lo-vigorator ia ;!ie ouly article that re.tores the hair and eradi¬cates scurf and djodruf. The other puffed nostrums of theday ate not worth the hotliea they ere put up In, as many a

victim cat, testify, who atier tialng them, has been obliged10 turn to Phalon for relief He warrants bis remedy to ac-

compllsb all that be protnue« In his advertisement. Whatbeuer salifscUon do you BSkf Tills Invaluanle article canbe bad of E. Phalon, 214 Broadway, and of druggists and

fancy dealers generally, city and country. Price, 50 cents

per bot'.le, larcc size Si TnV.e none but Phalon's.Sanos's Sarsapiriul\..The niojdcintaias the elements

of ine whole auun»l strnciu'?.fie^n and 0*>re, glans, mus¬cles, tendons, the natls, the hair, und even the tunes ihem-Selves, -ire all su«taiu-~i oy the liio.id. VV'eii tj.en may n lierailed :he biieain ot life. In proportion to the purity of ihefluid will he that of the su''sia:ice int which it it coniit'tial-!v chap ging. Corr ipi Mood, Instead of producta g healthytletb, islikely enough to develop sores aud ulcers. Whenuiese appear, w-hrttiei in the Specific form of scrofula, an-scesa. ^c oi of ihe ordinary types, mere, is no ueiergeut ui.- believed, ibal will so rapidly ueutralire ticj virus iu theblood from winch ihey spuug. a» Sands's Sarsapariila.

Prepare aid sold, wholesale anu retail, oy A. It. i: &.SA Mis, Wholes ue Druggists, 7y Kuiiou-st. 'g73 Broadw-ayand Ti East Broadway, Sew-York. Sold aiso by L)rncr' stsgenerally throughout the United States. Price SI per Dot¬tle, or six liou.n* for As.

C* Tbeneasou m now last approaching wh"n the con¬dition o;' the ivstem should he attended to, aal ail impuritiesof the blood from couhnemeut, dissipation, tree iudulgence,.Vc eradicated. For this pnrpnse all melical science andthetiry have, given 10 Suriapanlla ihe pslm of victory Overat! otnsr remedie». ll ouly, therefore, remains lo be knownwhe.e lias celenrated preparation can he had in its greatestpurity ana to Uie heat economy; this, depend upon it, is tit21 Cortiand st, where ihe Extract of Sarsaparllia is sold inus purest and best form, and for one half less price lhanoiber* sell at. m7 2ieod

Would VOU piesoi ve u auli aad comfort oy dry frtel.use ihe U.i of Taniilu on Ihe Boots, which douhle« tbeweaiand keep* oui trie water. Tilts is ouly found al 21 Cortiand-


ni7 SleodL"r*~ Wh 'the person preferring rattier to suffer with

Ihe rile* than pay U's. for Hay's Linnient aud the Balm ofChina, from 21 Cortlani-tl and have a perfect core war¬ranted. tu7 iteod

" it"* '.'"'«"i'iii'.t /: io.i-i .>/-¦., ,^c,t So.tp tor i!:r< cure of r*::n-ples Freck s, Ta Sallownesa, Eruptions, and all asin.lisn<iireiii"^is. al t' e on'.y .'e^ot. Ü7 Wa'.ker-sU 1st sl:>reFRDM Broadway, W coats :v case. Orecian Ha.r Dye,lt£rtublt t.-i»vt Route.forerlmaontag Lips and Ch-eks,Pvwtrc SuötiU lor rradieating ntptrfiutnu hau without inju-rylo the si.c. i.i.'j, ll'vur. lor lusiaiuy sca.ierlng redues*and ti i«hes irom Ibe face. Acoustic drops for curing deaf-ueaa, lie Vc. rii-.- above celebrate! preparations of D.0 uraua's at - to be fo Ittd o-ily ihear ic mind) at 67 Wuiker-su latStoro .-'HUM Broadway.

'. -s.»..E B. Tuuie, Assembly Buildings, Phtladel.phia; Jordan,ti MiUt-st. Boston ; C*rle*ou i Co. Lowe.I:Ivos, Salem. W. L. Oerrlsh, 'A. BedlO'd UuUd. Bnngorlibs... Springfield; tir--.::. It Co Worceater i Myers. N.Haven dl if

General Polices.t e»" ropulur Oratory..At the Pro*hytcri*n Church,

Wllliaaisburg, Monday evening, March 9th, at 7j -i'cloca.By pa-ncu.ar request. Mr. Whitney will give his third anUiast Elocuti inary Eii ertatameui. Monday evening, ihe 9lblusn Sut'jcct.Tfie Passions, illustrated dv exiracis fromSbakspearemad Milton, Oratorical Action and lutou&ucn ofRaudolib, u WolfJim," Clay, ''Long John Weatwotth."vv w p, Henry, Uoosler Effusion*. Legate. U-.lieecber, Burgess, C. C. Cambreleng, etc. our. See Circu¬lars. Other cdgageuifiUs prcclui- t:ie possibility of another

Li cure. m7 .'tis

. t>- Kellgions .Notice, -liev. J. P. UL RBEN. ofPb i- ,, will Preac. iu lue Methodist E. Church,corner of Madison a^el Ca'.bai ice-sis. ou Sundsy MorniugandEveniag M.r.-t.9:l'. S< rvice to couunence at half p.atIt'o ciock a. :i. iiuu ". iu t'e Evening. It"

Gr7*Course oi Lectures to the Yonnj;..Thetwei tv-second Iiectu.e of this Course w-.ti b-> dettvered byIheRev.JohaM. Macauley, iu the Norm DuUh Cnur- l,,William**! i-.uorrow (sabbalti) evening. Match S. Tueservice w:i; commence at7 o'cloCK. Subject."Washing¬ton ili^. Kii.-ud of Peace."_ It'

Res. ib..-.. :.. Harris will preachin the Dot-renatlisl Church to K.tzabetli -t. ciiar Wu.ser. io-nior'owmoituu»- st - pa.t i". and ts the jveutug at 7 o'c.oct. Sub¬ject ot ivenmg L.-cture, the" Phitesophy of Keform.' Teet'ew.. w... 'j.; rented in ibis Church for the ensuing year onMor Uiy vetu ::. it: -le.h ..:>'. It*

. »>" HeV. .Hr. lltli vvood u .. ;.:e.igc if." i7;h!t! ti.eCO ose Ol ->?rt!to-.s to the x*oung, ia the P. E. Kree Churchol the Holy Evangelists, (V*- iewater-st.) to-monow even¬ing, 8th inst. Service at 7 o'clock. Service also at It j A.M. and3P.M. m7tThe Rev. Kriincis » lutou. Kector of Imman¬

uel V. .- ti «i'a.yu. wm pteacti lo ine young,tu tne FieachCnn:--:: ... in* Epiphany, lä-*SiantoassLbetwee-n Esstsx auilNoruis s-s on Minday" c--euiti;;, M-rch <?. Service to com¬mence st 7» o'cioc*. IfVsT Free Dnltariau i ti inch..The new SocietyMet the Si iv. M*. We. ingl have regu.ar services

at Co!uuib.a:i Hall, Oriu: i-sn iJriweeu Forsyth and El-.lr::,-!. -.cry Sintay, commencing a: LOj A M. and jPM_ m7CIT Divine Sservlce iu French..By request, tas

EveningSarvlceand Preaching me French Ccurcn DuSalm Sanveur win beocetorth o^.u t ieocn,tohegiuTo-mor-ro* . E.h Hist, at half ; c^t7 .. .-Iocs. The mornuig Service»nd Preaching, as usual, "a French, al half past 10 o'cloca.corner ol Partt-rowand Naaaau-sX Scatsireu. It"

ty The Kev. llr. Cheever wül ce.iver tne Uiird ofhis Course of Lectures on the Condluou of the W&; ie;»es,iu llie Carmine-si. l'rrsbyu-riaa Cti . ch, at the bind of V»r-lck-sl eaSa'.oalh eveine. ¦¦' ". . It"C^" C.riuid Temple oi xlo or.Son* of Tercper-

ance S. oi N. Y . foe omcers ana members of lOe GrandTeaipie are hereby noliaed to meet in regular session outnis e /oaing (Saturday) al b o'coca, al the Hall of me Sonsof Temperance, Slö Broadway. EveryBepreaentativew-.ilbe pinctuai, as much importaut busin es* will be brought apforecuou. By order [lt"l LUKE HASSERT. P. R.

<&cnevai Notices.fr Spring Fashion for Hair Cuiiiiiir. l»>ti>.-" pi tu 10, nrojd-xy.N. B Chli i« ihe only e«iabtishmer." where clean b usn

ji mod ¦¦>¦- go.h rer»-)n.^

iu2 Imtj

rjr foluinbl« I'lvisiun >o. 10, S. of T.Tork Morel s;B, 1S46 .1 be memhssfr o. Co'umhiaDivsiuaNo. 1S 3 oifTE "-'et«. no*.ed uiti h Deetto'i; oi inen '-. wi Oe he d 6u Mouday evenlog next, the «tu ilsl

.: hill* P*-»l t. o'clock, ai Id- Ro< :u corner La-petardsl a-dBroadway, (eotreoce to Lisp*" sid.i The members arerecoeal. to he punctual In their ainnda' *e, a* business ofImporteure » ill belaid heforelhe rn'eUt.i'. By ord- r.

0co.T. Moriimcr, R- S. JAMES BARB tt P. it

tv Ashland "'ivisloü >o. 17, 9. oi T.-Tbem«-mbers uf t is Division are requrs'-ed to meet *t theirHt.i, crner ' t Orove and Hudson »t». ns Sunday, the S.ainst at 3 o'clock, P. M. to attend -he funeral of the wife oiBrotner H L. Bulklcy, P. W. p. of Asb.and L>ir..iou-Brothers uf the Order aie Invited to j on win es

By order of J. MuNILAWS. W. FC. H. Day, R 3.



Ey A ?>criri«u it bthiif ol lbs Society for the ofPoor Uro*. a a.. Sin». I. r.. ¦»:.. pri ached by UteRe.'. L>r. Hutu.ii, in He Dutch Church, Warnm-jicn-tquareSunda7 even Ii» next, March z h Ie»6.


S. u HOFFMAN, Secretary.1*3* Notice-Rev-D FJR->b-rtson win preach next

Sir, «ibeveuicgoo ibequesi'.on. " W nsi are stgus o! Srabif-Uy and of De:ov in me original Government tad Iasriu-iiOuit of ou^ Country.' in the Coapri ot the The.-.\1r-enunarv. rjoiverslty-plsce, near Eij|bih£t. Service willcoomuMiCe at 7j o'cii-ca._ It"

'jp- Kcv. Or. Adonis .>.. preach a sermon Sabbath(to-morrow) evening, si ihr Chircb of the Pi gnin*. Brook¬lyn. Sahire .'The inuueLCe of Calvir. is suggested ny ti

late visit to Geneve. ~:.._ it'

[p- clairvoyance !.Dr. S. S. Lyon and A. J. Davis,¦.ine Poughbcepsie Clairvoyant," would hereby iuormlaeir patients and the public generally, that having removedfrom St Ve*ey.*L.'they iua>, ot. aud ai'.er Monday, Mare:.9th. b- focid at73 Caosl-St. id tuor. The ciHirvuyant bulngnow en,a^e- in ttie deuvery of a cour»e of Lectures anrevelations whi.e in hi» magnetic »täte, there will, for too

present, tie but one «UUn,1 .1 day for e_.IttatiOU ot pa¬tients. Tn..se wishing to avail theinserres of hit remarka¬ble powers will please ra a' I» .'cior.k A M. lii7 Ji.a-

Bf" Astronomy.-hi o Hazeiune will Lecture ou

Artrcnutuy at Uie \ auxnail attloorj, ou Tue»dsy evening ioelieb inst. 7 u'ciocs.Tlie ruioeci will i>p illustrated by illuminated oia-rram*

,.'heaveti.y hodtes tn niollou aifoby uu-nivf US telescopic views olthe planets, nebula, i.e. TicketsUi cents._ m73t.*

SP* Prof. Durbin will Preach in Sabbath morningaha evening In the hi._ Church, comer Msditon an^ Ca-therine-sts. : it"

t3T Pro f. J. 0. Butler will preach the £igh_«i'ie=..y eri. Cwirch i;c*i Saob&ih, Maren Sin, momtng andevening. Sat.je. 1 of the evening discourse, the Holy l\'ttkin St. Petei'sctRoine. ru7 it'

t"s»* Second Lecture ou Oregon..Mr. C8s_._Saxton ot ureson City, wtl delivei h nec.j'eupon Oregonat tin Leciere Koornof ine Society Lmrary, corner oi Broad¬way and Leonard »u on .Mouda> evi uiui;, toe am of March,at 7} o"ciock.Mr. Saxtou was one of a party of four tit at crossed the

Rocky Mountain* on horse «ck Irom Oregon City to Mis¬souri In November last, aud who were plundered uy tbePuwnee tribe of Indiana jHe will uive a descriptlju uf ir.o Ounliy, its rlimste, soil,

proluctions, the slate of religion atd cducatio::, witii au

account Of lue tnlsstonaiies Ol duferin! donoliunb'.i >ns, .1 ,1

slalloEs, schools, ItC. X''.He will give a lull account of the incidents connected with

hisJourney from Oregon, aud niso a description of the modeof traveling of r. party of ZW emigrants, whom be accom-panied to Oregon.Ticsets 'or tms lecture can be had at the Soc.ety Li'oary.

Price.cents._ m6 3_«

Of Mcstuerls...D t»will d-live.- a courseolfour Lectures to the citizens ol N. York.on the Philosophyof Mesn-erism. the present Wi ek, in Clinton Hall, on Tues¬day. Wedn M lay, Tbarsdsyaad Saiurd^y everji_gs, March¦>d! -Ith, 0.11 uuu 7.n. l)r. liods "*!li exuiain tlie causes ofthewouderful phenomena produced.will explain n.o ie. .-

losophy of clairvoyance and ihi co-eecting link betweeBmind aid matter.He win dwell on Spirit,its suhs'.aice and powers, and

on u,e Infiut'u Spirit, his rreatiug energy, and out ol what¦ ibsi u s worlds w ere created aud will -now tttat there isno inherent aitracticn tn matter.He vrill e\pia;u the importance of the Mesmeric science,

aud produce some brilliaat aod wonderful experimentsingalvsnism, maer.cttsui, auu also in mesmerism.Tue Icciuie, ,vii, c .muit.-nc. each e ei.iti^ at prtsd'eiy 7

o'clock. Adhiisaloa 25 cants. no lusT vV'Tuiiill'

ftSTProfs ilimii will deiner a Lecture on Sa'/>i-';eveuiog next, at the Coliseum, Broaaway. riear ij.aud-st.in proof of Swedenborgs Divme Mission, and emoracioguti answer io various objectionaLecture Free, but collection teseu up at iherloso. To

cotumeuce at half-past seven. m6 Uis"

C'ä'* Important L,ett«'r trout Dr. li. Bsusttnan,ofZanesville, iinio. Let those «.'bothink that L)aiio>'«M laical 1'atn Extractor is a newEaiter* humbug iuai ihefollowmg:

Zanfisviu.-, January Son.. 1846.Mr. J. Hubbtü -Dea Sil. 1 .Ii-,, so;- DaBey*! 7.la_:-

ca; i'aiu ilxtrsttor for the last luree years, and have foundno I'Ucle. ihaihaa p.oved so raluaiary for the Piles, liurtjo.S^a.ds. Chife, Ague in ihe btci-'. hlrysipelas Inflammation,i.vcunatcd Ninnies, Sores or l.' cei». I know one case ofPiles tnai had badled all remedies aud the skill ol our phy¬sicians. The patient hud become so bad ihm be was unableto leave his tied, when he ut ,t DuUey'i Magical faxn L'r-tracter, aud in a short time tl effected au enure cures, aud hehas not been troubled oiuer. There bare boen a number ofother esses wiibiri my observation, In which n has had thesarn n-; i>y eli-Lis. Krom Ui-se lact» 1 consider it a valua¬ble medicine I am.»ir, yours, Ac EL EASTMAN.General DepfU fm iht> uoiieti States (or-tno saieof the

above salve, i. Fulton-st. Sun rtui.dmt;. N Y. ml oti»

i ff' H. C. ShamwayjMiniature t'aiaier, No. OWi st¬em Hotel, COItll m1--l 2*1 Iwls-

C^".lolin Burdeil, Dentist, bss removed from thecorner ot Broadway and hrauaun-sl. (formerly comerChambers-sL and Broadway.) to No. L'uion-piace andsquare,Soothe.t side of the Park am cor. I4iii-stKor ihe lasttwo or ituee >eais, many of ins friends have,

b' eit intaied. and he has had to bear ih- responsibility ofoperations a itdone n\ ui nself, which be win endeavor tocorrect he;rh:.c-. mh5 7us-

ryr V. U. I'ulmer is tie autjiuuZJkmrilld .i£rnt o! moatol tlie hest newspapers of ell Ihi clues and principal townsin ihe United States and Canada f >r which he receives ad-trrrisrrrirnfr and tu&scripdoas, an i u faliii empowered to g\vereceipt*.His Country Xcwspapcr Adi-ertvmg Agency is lu the Tri-

Utiue Bmldtnas, and no ivk:re cl.r In New-Xork, where heu-uao it distinctly understood, thai oil order: intended lor hisAgency, should tar ,.ddre.»»cu and where 'ho papers, rostol advertistog. tue, may be suoo '. The Road to Wealth." a

brief ireallse on Bdveri_u_h', may he had ai his othce. gratis.I7ftfil_;'?/*-* Hen fodworili's Private Dancing Schools

No. 443 Broome-sL nea- Broadway. Polka, MaxurkB suea.l other fasbiouable daucua taught '.n u correct sly if.d_ Sails*

ff Wistar'si Halaam uf Wild Cherry..Ph-j.i-cians tia. e a natural ariilpaln.« io "PatentMedunnes," a_daie very Justly opposed UI lie Use of the ih.iusa-d and onenostrums offered to the , -hiic as «n_m curt-alU for everyspecies öi disease, si leasl uoul they have some evtuenc- lafavor of then wonderful edicts: Sui hundreds of cases can

be cited in whicu Wi,: r's Baissmof ild Cherry has hoeurtcouiinecctcd and use ! with aisraed success.

£x£i ta, Ms , Sept. 30th, 1B4Ö.This certifies that 1 have recommended the use of \Vb>

lai s Balsam ol H'nu Cheiry for diseases of the Lnugs, fortwo years past, aud maoy botues io my knowledge havebeen u-iru by tnypaUenis, all with oeuc-cial resui. intwo cases where it vas thjtistnt coufiun-d c-'usumpilon hadt-.se pis " ll e Wud Ciierrv effeciej a cure.

E. BOYDEN.Piiysician.The following is Crom the Sotilli Carolinian, puo.ished a:

Columbia:WiSTaa's Balsam of Wild Ch_kk»..We semom re¬

sort io paieni Me-icnies, havm»; a ».real respeel tor thessiof Ihe medical profession, uui chance uireiv in our way ihe

above named medicine, immediately sher Hie close ot ihe.ale session oi ihn Legislature, w lieu our lungs w ere almi otdried up by the highly r_rtn*d ».tmospuere of on,- stove-warmed St-.te House. The Balsam immediately relievedus of a most harassing COUgtt, wmch threatened our nea l.nin a serious dt-yrte. W- .eei that w r are luileDieo to li torsome dueen pouuds of animal welgni.wn.cn addition be¬

ing once felt cannot be forjtJUeu.tie cart'rui auu io. the gtnuine Dr. Wisiak's Balsam >.r

Wild Cueaar. None ij-uuiue unless u nas me New\V_rr-ca. winch always beers ihe.wnuen si^nature ot LBi i rs. uii oiherssrecouuterfeiu.

Stil H W. lu A/LE, Proprietor aue. Oeuernl AgeLt.Pi"lce 31 per boule, or i :.\ lor t»5.Soid. wholesale and retail, by A.B. J. Li Saucs, Lrug-

ii_>ts,7ii f"ultju-st., -To Brcauway. and 77 East-Broadway,only agents for New--York, mi> Stcouts

LEASY fit CO SFashion run Spring, 1S46.

The preference so universally manifestedfor our present slyle of Oentiem.u s iial», has decided us tocontinue the same '.or the season.LEaRY At CO. Hatters, Nos. S. 4 and 5 Astor House.New-York, Fsb. lam. ,a4-.:

Circulars, descriptive oi tue peculiarity oi our style,for¬warded by addreseu-g US p -si-pai i. idftfis

Gentlemen's Sntu. Spring Fashions.BIRD,cor. Fine and Nassau ..»..wci.c.:. ..'» n >ts of me springpattern, uniting much ele^anc and beauty o! sty le, are n v.-

reedy for exantinatioc _u salcby the subscriber.SOf luAs* BiltD Cor. Pine and Nassau s's.

BEEBE 4c COSTAR,15Ü B*'_way,

r'C*~ Will incrodnee ibe Spring Faahloo for Gtlemec's Hals Muco 7i:i. l»4u. Ulf istf

F. H. AMIDONL:'~ Uoirs to iutorir, - ..- i t> ... t__.

Ha. csia. luiiment. emoved Dom corner of Wail ami Nrs-oau streets to

No. 177 Broadway,JJieertij opjiojihr trie Hmoard H^teLTue ¦ery .ta-.i a, «.iu_^e w u._ lias for Ui_y year*beenextended tj i.,tn al tit* o.u si_.iu. 1* uu.y appiectaied. And

his arntugemeuts are now such, as enante Inm to udnrevery inducemeui for acoutinuaiiun ol tio *_)o. His cele¬brated fine Ke.trer Castor and Moles'\in .'lots, w hich are toowell knows to i-eea commendation, wni ue found sud far-tiwr improved antt-beanaded. a.sj. q>cornplele assorunen;of geutrernen's, youth s and children's caps, umbrri.as, i.e.atmovteraie pr.c/s. N. J. Oeukemeu's Hois of tae SprJ lgfastuoa are now resdy. ilfw* SMW&FS^Geniu'a FaslUonubie ilats tor the ensuing

Spring ore now ready lor .asi-eciiou at 2U Broadway, op-posiie St Paui'o Church._2S12wis'

. v" Gentlemen's Hate .Sp lag Fashion.WAT¬SON A CO.. ij4 CUaltiaru si T. Sprint, Style Hals arenew rc_y lorius.iecüoi; atihe. eenbers.

:. jmtsl lSATu WATSON CO i.sCm usas..


THIS RANGE, which Is now acknowledged superior toall others tn use. is tor saIS by tue subscnher»

References >;iveu lo is:-n ot ri'st »tandiog in tnocontnuattywho ha%e la.-m inuse. ROLLHADS kt.ABENDROTH.

iu4 imisrou*_it.i WaterA l'«»TlitL"Attic.-"?* .>a.Is,Ut) Cainenue-st, ^s-

IT taiiitstiou m l£4o..All lurUic.ne* ,u uus esioOosnmenlwarranted ^euu.uc. No uuys jr in-Aperi-nctd ,uuu* m=nirrtfct s.iusc: o w.vi on ca»tumci». Tu» ane»t Sweu-UhLeäcbe« :or »a.e or oep.^eu Uy expeneuced persjn

W3L '.VaTSON, CnemiH i i'narmaceuit*t,mS ImeO lls* From a. Garuer.'* .J7i Oxforu-st. L nd-»n.

»Jül i7~ÜADLK9>.B nianclä mead soup or turreen ia-IO dies, manufacmred and for sale at 6 Buritng-sUp, bym7It BOARDMAN it HART.

öitnations, &t. CöanUö.\VANTKU-l rtmtU3M!*-r!i g emTdrea ol * softs,"* <'l- »-*: -»>* .. eutj 10 !._.. ,y. about _.-e* __ure-ith--.-I :.-oni .lolly ru.-r.-i ut tc»u -l: wuh f.- r i,. w_omlibeia wagt* J er., ar.- :uplo:.rneut ... Vv-- andwh-r- esi wd .'muels cheap. Appfjtoni7_r_K. fc D. M. STEh Hing l7 s«»*_».-_

W« >T_Sl»-P.y a re-j-ciai.,. W.lu,.lnlvUno u cot*. ia « pn'-»'" fun .., - ho anderswo er

b istni ..>. an! oiu frodne« ?.-oo r-fereoe* if o orru Adply nii- U ib-r cor. cd öwewlcn. Noboar jin- r»<u,e-K--PT n-->i i?' y_ -7 2"tV U»l !w -

., ~~.»» isl 18 Ct nUcr-s- a*»-. Caaniber».,!. :i.7 U*

Alth l Alb ary e-'OUs s»irr_ia_ a al.t.;_.u. wq0 ..^e-.ve .vi-i -ory refaence. .-, .. ,:.ar..tt}, Md

i- l y may iitit"-w » "Q"* "' A r- rt n; u_. . fjjr» m7 ....

LOST..Tue person who l«uk Curp-i Bag tnrou.ftD - >».-. fiwoiHr.«: trs-.no. between vt rme l'laic»

a.d m« ou luesusv last. ..»... ua.ig-- ji« j»-2,r r.vSending US« »uneu> Wo.tri -.-». i'.roi way. T_e natne i»

- :.pvn a res. pl-'.r < n ;- ,^ Ul7 a,;,-

IF ÜTQTwb 7,üm3 üSeptember _utfor a marriedI .d.. ±U u (ir s öoj-srnceper, hu co: ire: »viltlii-.v o-'e intw rrtOfjs reqairein-n:., ., may o-,- ,-roa, occ'., _ddre**-lg. v- 110 real name j_d reaidence. £. D L. at

- p.:_Ii ,.

v-14 I it It I 1J L";V "I r*!*0" ^*»»«v<st*.uaJUHIS M. hV'BlaQ.N, ;,u WaB-at.

jjcaröiiuj.BU AH-0 WA't'ThU-A . emu and b. wife wUh

.» par tot and bed-roi-ro wiij Los-*:, n troUerate lermsbetwe=u Bouaton »t-d li>tn »ta s. a permanent aome,»n-l-lac. fj. A dre?» l>ux Po» u:r. e. _ir'l'VVu UK XHttKii aam.e KenUeeaeucan beaecom-

j wii.f Br

C.'tE../ ..E.-.L-:.i^ FOB CHE MILLION AT\a tt g&Ac-AM'ä' UTJSaAttY Dr.i'ur. Tntiuae»« . r> Ii' ,r. .Nie-au-'t--Ii.e A»Cent of Mount Ararat

Ii. Li.. . ii.ruM.i.N.i"' i Ui i-ic Brat :.ine; WÜb ll.untt.:.oLJ.3 .... ..».iw. .>: OnoOl ; ,e ,i,o«t U-lerejUa. »pul* insu-doned ioBoi) Writ i price 5ö cu.

it-eKe'ryttu^ä w iu. ZO LiiuuatiOM, by A.laa.a, a riebI-Ook fol cubd.ou , ,-rice.'" CU.To« loe Bu..o. - jus PeccaüUIIoea, by OoaT. De

Tiuetia. hU.a.T ufAb Kornau.:«.-1 I H.niory. ic price 'is cla.Weltbam, a KoveJ, by Leilcb KJicble, siiinoroi ine Koj-

t,cr .ii iu-: iiaiuc,i.c ; p.-Cj .> et«.Tae Oieuu o Ueuiuuia, u.i .i'.»:ortc4; I-ovoi, ly Mra.

u^re. auioor o: ilouier» auu Daughters, i.e. price 2o cts.-i ixV. . Feliow so : forag-ag r-e:cr. i.y J. H. Iiigraiam,

suibur ... no Miuouif mau, price iüj et».

, :. iiyateilc* ol t:ie t>au». .... by.T. B Thorpe( wiihIlittalraUuoij t'ri^e j'ci«.

1.. Mother, by X. S. Arthur t price ü cts.fCntcaerbocker Mag»iine for March,(-rauaiii auu iNatiouai ^la^t/.Lej iur March.The tiaUo»uppded >t Lbelowest rate, oy1^7 W. ti. uit lH"AM,TrU>una tijiiu.ng«, Xaaaau-su

.NEW-yOHK AND EALTIMOHBg- HEAP P ITIO.S DErurs.-vv'M. TAYLORa^.-c CO NO. A M 'U-e. tiaVe. ml ine Cri-:ae Literalu:t-of i« iy :ia far .<» puohsbec, Also, sit Um Weeaiy papers

New-Ifork, Boston, Philadelphia ard Bsiiiiucre, wmebthey »uppiy ai wbolosaje or retainThe v« ectern Continent, euued by Para Benjamin, for

in.- week h a n.osi iijteie»!^^ number. The rontents arenumeroui and varied ia ^aci, it is the best ep-clmeu of a

weekly paper in ibe country. Terms h cenu per numb»r.©.ayear.The Ivnlckerb icacr for Maren.price on els.iijur» Merchant's iiia.;'.2. .e lo, March.5*Jen.¦.<»,...'- Lilv'a Bo >S "or March.US -la.

No BHarpers' .»e.v Miscellany fur.Maieu.i'ct*.r-.rj Bo a. Illustrated Oy Adams-o-'cts.bauL>^!.:'iltdiuij of lue Usiormauou, 4li, roh.price

1^5 els. Oouuo o7- cts.i-..- ;. ifears After, aseqnel io iJio Three Guardsmen,

by Du.iia:- i nis is .-.i'.eu.j a y real novel,equauy lutei-csiiu^ as the Guardsmen.A Cure for I0d litur-acne. a pio» iu live ucls. This makes

N«.i4ul tue BUnUatd Dian.a.l.jcts.l b i Meruucout ot Pom-Amr, a weli-writteu Dovei, from

the Grn.iuu ul Hsuf. price I2| Cl*.Every ibiag iu iuu Cheap Putiucaiiun line may be bad at

the lowest wholesale ort. ad pi.eesaio.T VVM PAYLOR ü Co.'S, Mo. 2Astor Huuse.

ITrJW htllJ-C > E .ViPAPEHS, itC.AT i-L'aObaj, BTRtNuER si no's .Trie Ascent of

-fra. M ,nrii Ararat, IraDslatcd IromthdRuaaian, by Cooiey,¦vidi Mapand Wood Cuts. Piice Sn cents.G'iuey s L.(.j;"» B oaiorMaren.£Scents.

i..Uairaicd »'"«.ry Book, SU Eagraviusts, by Adams.50 ncuts.

D'AuUigne's History oftbe Reformatton,ToL IV.i5 cents.Walibam, by Leilcb Rit- t-ie. :A couu.Jso. Meto : ii> Lo. ,witn o,ij;ija. reuuniscences of By-

ron, air itoncit Peel, xc Ir Jin lue Erencn of Alexscdte llu-inas.coots.

WEEKLY PAPERS,laeiuding Gpu. Morris's Natioi al Press," the Boston,

PhuaOelpiuaand Baltimore b«b dumadala, lor sale, whoie-oa.i sn I reiali by BURGESB, STRINGER v CO,

it 22a Broadway, cor. Ann .'.

JUST PUBLISHED,a AE»\ ¦.Ulliw.a Oe" CUlUUSlTLES Of LITER.;-X*. 1_-iiE« "l Uie Lltirary ciaracier lllusiratol. By I.c. D'lsas'., i.t.i, D, C. L. e. h. .V. Wim Curiosities olAMEaiCaM Li r-...vi L .-.r. By KorosW. GaiSWOLO.

.i uew ediiloa oi uns splendid work is now mauy for uiotrade. In one very large royal bctayo voiume. E.e^ant.yaoue up m cloth. Price mi slag e copies S-tt >i. A iinert!diaenuntm BooasellerH. UK.l-.EI.Ky .v McBLKATH.

1MEW-YOÄR ..Er_n.LV TRIBONB.I lONTJSNTS s'Oil SATURuaY, MAit.il 7.-1. PO-Vy ETRY.rho l-alcou, bj i. it. Lowell; Richter; ToRonge, by J. (J Whttuer: :i*be White r-quab, !-y M. A.Timiarab: iUemnoo; Mother, to thee 1 '.um, by C. D. Sm¬art, To a Laiy li. EDlTURIA-r-The W'lu^s iu Cou-giess.Tue i'u'iu Organiam; Donation Parties The Con¬vention; Mason aud CosteUo; Tuoso Evp.'esses.oucemore; 1824 and 184-; Religion, Morality, Temperance andCivil Government; Party Names; New-Vom aim me Ex-ci-e Law, Do we need a L>0al Belornn, i.e. i.e. 111.POL1 l ICaL.Ne.» Vor* Town KiecUou-.Cheiuuog,Sleuben und JedersonCos.; Rochester; Cortiand CountyMadison; Dutches*, tV. NtbVfium Texas an-

Mex.Co; rioni ,Mew-Z-u:« nd, Kroui Catnpeaeby ; linpoii-aaitromSi. Domingo; f rom Sttu'.a Ke; Appuiulmenns i.ytne Prealaeni; Correspondence of Tue Tnnuue iioiu Tesi-b^, AJbaay, _.-.»-.x i . new-Bedford, Cieuesee C >., tV"a»u-mgloo Paocntoi.n&s or Co.Nuar.ss. innu our Itogular Cor-respouuenl; Ncw-VoHK Ltu.aLsinat j 'fnlngs in Wash¬ing.on. i.e. V. MISCELLANEVJUS. Jsraiit's. Visible'.Review oi Messrs Cbeevei and Lewis's' Defence of Capi-lai Puuisri.nen.'; Wattntd Vult, ortbe Twine, uy Jean PaulK.enter. wnti Lxirsc'.s An Eagle-eyed Ulanco at England;Kxirr.c's from a " Leeiureon tue BtuUy of the Geiniau Lau-guage"; i'js Excise C .es.UM-No lV\ Ureguo Ueoaie mUM L'- S. neuale. The ttlCslsUes.lne Bilde,and VVttr Hoseand Blanche" Clinton Countj '.'¦'.._¦ Sentuuent; i.

lorm.Coinuioii-seuse Proposition; Henry Clay and theGj.u sun ailvi r Ariisaus oi New-Y >rk Ueolh ofMr Pleas-sets; Li l-ra-iis Cuiiosiiies o! Luerature; OverIneOcean,or Ui.tiipsesui 1'iavel in Mu^y Lands; Indians in Europe

AVVaiuing lo Speculator*j Mr. nrownson's Leeture;The Pre.s.rleligiuus Sennmcol in Kemucay, from C. M.Clay's True American; Kam end the Pulpit! British Indiaa* it .s; iii»-Saonwii n UUtnd*: City luuu*.from Tue Uai.yTnliuue. VI. COStStlfiRClAL lisTLLLliiENCE.Pio-duee. oloekr. Money, CaiUe ,il_iKenSmgle copies, pu. up in wrappers for me Mcan he

OOtS ued at UM Uesa.pi ICO OJ e -ULS.

ty TERalB.85i per year. All suosenpnons payableitilexiou ui advance. Add>ee»

GlltELfcV ti McELKATH,TribuneBuUdings,Cor. Buruceand Nassau sis. opposite the City Hall.

Ü.NE OF THti 3_._r EN THtTcti Y'OHE SUMUAY TIMES -. NOaH'S WEEKLY MES-X senger, will be pniiur-ieu lo-morrow, at Jso. 162 iNinu-sL uexi dour lo Hie Trinune nuiiciluifs.

COKTEMTS:Poetry..Music.Poor Alu.-ie.U. i6-in.«f .Uuceilany .Ta.c. and 'i'radiuons of the Cliy ot

New-itora, No. 14 j rtie eLou- ol Long uiauu, Augaat,1776; Leeture iu me Black Mail Family.a-ia Mis. Caudle;£4r a:ie ."ilr». B. Hive »eeu 10 VVas.'nuglon. S.C.Selected.A Paaitl tc la i.o, Ihe late ThO*. Hayces Bay-

Ij i be », au.aru'- Fi/Slaod Lasl ijood UlaLer; EugeneSue: ine Unknown; "Them auje-Strmgo''i RandumReadfogs; xc ate. ate.

>.d::onalir..\^in Glorious B. a-iing The Bucket Club;Burning ut the FrigslePhiladelphia; ..-losing ui me Stoca-.n< t. oi res'ouoei.i i-; A None Bcqiesl; stale Priming:atarrisgeIn Jest; Ums Navigation; The Vurgtnla Due.:vVri.a hs and Bot|-eis Answers lo Correspondents; Lit-

erary Noocaw; _.a e Foreign News-, Toeatrical Intel..-geace; Locoi News; Late W'asUlu^lou Corresponaenee,kbttf. .C Uffi^e iu-.Sas-.__-s. Iii at f! jor, up stairs.

in It .NOAti. ilc^.Na UkjW ARD.

ApL1GÜT.CHEAf Li-Hl' 1

elNE ARTICLE ol (VTntei li.e_c_«vi Lamp^OU at t*..per K-ll-"- ; p_r_ s^.ru. Ca_-.es at _j c_s. per ib; Tal¬

low ao. al J and lo eis. For sue uy J. U. r'U .v'LER, S30Greenwtcb-su corner Murray, and 4-- Greenwich, corner

Ve-try_inj lw:s-


8CilAi'iN No. U Jolin-sL (nrai Broadway) nas on. hand a «ei.: assortm-u: of fasaioneu e Suraw Bouneu-

which will be soldal .he .o west casu price*. S-lUlaan are

;nv.led ui examine my good* before purchasin« ejewnere.iu7 -meodi-_

,r. e -nttsli ^r«>C'K juat arrived..PeachrJ^Tt, I a/s orchard, led a-:., sui-il. -:. S-1.73. Large nui

IM »..i-l s.jve rigs 'Ken So.7--. Large slove

S?, ts'eil rcreenexl and delivered tree ol cartage Tai» is a

r.ist raie arueie. perlectly ury, and coSsum_rs may rel)BpOB DOtamlog Uio very oeot ol Coal at tuese pnees, sioIMr'aU.Va Coal Void, 7r3 anil 7<J Tnoujp»on-*i. one

door tieiow spiing-at._tu7 lwgtUi

i PL'KDIE solicits the attention of Ue_ie.-s to hisspieud-X-Ss nent.: L lies' DressTna.u_.ngs, vut

gimp-, UuiU-ns. fi_3g_s,COtds, U-rsels, 9-C. American M*nn-tacture*! Order* lor C-rrlage and s eau-ooa. upholslerj

pal as-- tl_S.e . r ¦: eicculed. nupcr.or wois-

ie_ .api.» for sb-dcs, otiomans, Ac Country orders attend¬ee -D u. iact-r>, K'J WU-UUU-aL m7

aOf_t_lf»t- STISJSJL. lie* -ipnng Steel, sS-onedi_7 i ij sadS r. r sale

Ml_.ll.UA.'., AT'-^ATER i. LO.m7 corner of Futton and Cblf sts.

|>i_A'A'J-Ai jLjOCüä.Sus-r-piaiei lucks t« um» andX s. assorle- s:-rs dj. ptl erns. ,r s'i.e wn.-ie.a.e andrchsl n _..i....s..e. :<y BO_u_.DMAN it HART.

X»k. »V VtiXt f \ V» t r. 1 --i .... ewiertnw-eel*, fors_Ue_xioW-pnees,at toe üii.l__n:»-w_ e «iure

'ttO._i.JMAN -. UAKf, 6 nuii.u<-aiip. m7

1.Ur01tTA> -' TO I'll Y^lt'l A>- andDruggists."_'j_rie oil and wen eslaOllsheo Diu^' Swe, so long and

-.. ljeiy aaown a» " The _.. _ery Meaidne sure, 280 Bow-t. j." ,s o.r s-.- . Ufa the M .:s in tra le. __n__resJ_e. ujgemerw .IS tne bull tings "UU etgtm en years' ease Of die ground,'i tiue enough, sure'., to uiaie two snug fortune*The huiloings cousirtof a iwo story erir* nouse, with a

three story fraii.e bu u;.'s. _c_rr:. in die rear. Tue store.= Large, nas a _-e front, a_d Well hit*- jp w:m every coa-

-ebieiire for aOTUggist or puy r .n_r. or Po.i:: Is Coxg a

f...r uus-cess w.en may Uout-.cl in s year, and nutu.rasanl room ur uu office ou lue same tl jor in Jje rear, liis u.so *j_d»;_ua lor tue s_e ot soua wuu.r. and a I _rgeousiness was deue la tna; uruuc l_e p_e: season.

au. apari tre-ia x; many »d-'aai-^ei of ueia^ .ocaied in

tue Bow cry o-e >.; r .' met.sat nUalue:. s.re-. is of UUs

greai aud growing dty.am] ul _av,_iÄ- ne^a occupied as a

drug ,. .is im ue_ri> t-reuty jears.it u-rive* asdlttooalva.ue ii__J 11» tie-ng' ine estaO isnaier-t wtiere BoU-.su »

ceis-ra-eo sireuigUien.mg riasicts bsve t-een HSSBMi ytU.redSad so.i fot so uUu. ye.rs. a-d -.vnicii. Irom tüe extensive_dvertlaii g _iven to tnem a. U einer a: lieics. aas gi*eu the

bi.-re b ce tniil, Seldom surpassed.There _r- omer importan: _uv»ntage* connecten tnere-

wltB. wa.-Ui :u»:e snown m a_ interview, lue su_-

scrt i'ers tncrti-l-^ uiauulscturiug __d olfler inteiesls re¬

quiting tf* undivided sneanim, u tan reejoo why me placei_Offered lor = id. Tu_i is ee.tainij a rate- opportun.!.} lor

one or two euie.pris_-g JU_.; inei. * im a c-yliai of a iewthtniSS"-4 dO-ÜO-i «I-.: -.so *c--_e_. Aiauou lo! a pUys.-c___, aud wc.; worthy .e aUenu.n of gi_du____. Posses¬sion gi'eu abeut the r.iel of A, ru. or *o_k_r a deal rod.For farmer particuj-ts apply at .' the Bowery' Medictne

Slore, -00 Bowery," New-York, [if] N. W. BADEAL'

ßooke.published this MOKNINO.

D!AU3IuNE's HIS1 OBJf Or* THE BEFORMATIONV >lnme !, «rhfa » rira.t of the Author, price 25

cm:»: h%iiclothS7j c-f v

«TE!fT3 v r THt VoLCME .The firü halfofthe volume,gpa icuhtr, ohoacd» in Interesting _d curious matter.Tr. opening i« :n th- author's best stvie.itovi IS.Th- Protest sc :*>e Cocferecc«. flSS6-1529.)

.. :4.Th- Augsuur.- C< n-"-»sion, [1530" 15.Swrz-r.au-: -Cocq test oftbe R;tormaricn, ('.526

-Iö3ui¦. 16-S Au:-.-r:_. fjaustrophe, (152S-l."ciO )Th « roliae cjctiici las must inportan; epccbs of the

R-:" inuaitou.One Thousand Copies will be sold lu New-Y .ri ihn day.Call early- WM. U. GRAHAM.

Tr.j.e Buildings, opp. s: e the Park.

A'«->, published this rr-.orr.Ing.godevs HDY's bookfor March.CW ("n-ners cvl! at itteTriruine Off.ce.Tne Trad-supplied w:ih all the n«« pt-bMcattor.« at the

lowest prices. WM. ri. GRAHAM,irC¦'. - Tribune Buildings

NOW HEADY,*PHE 4TH No. OF MORRIS'S NATIONAL PRESS. AI Journal for Borne. The Number of this superb Fam¬

ily Newspaper for the pres-ni wt-eK :« now rep.ay. Tuecontent« am f the niost j'.trir.in a i and Interesting eharac-ler.sparshng. hnghl and Deauuful. Amoug iheiii are the:'.> ....«od*, (jri^tr.ti Poems; Review ,,r New Booss: Anmpnh_?Md Romane-* rier.i..g niertt. Letter from tn«Continent of Europe A Sketch of Dautei Bo.in Fable«from thts German; Triflings about Town: Reetews of Ma¬tte trie, Fine Art»; '-ems of pot-try and Prose; Choice:>.. lav Readme ; The New« rrom Washington The Newsf-y the Toronto; Original Tslas and *>«etcnes; Anumt eroi*Editorial Arucies up.,:; various subjects; A Chronic e of

is Tiniest A Sprinslma" of Anecdote and Gossip: TheFashions for Mai. A t er tifn supply of Varieties: TheFlos -" Conversation of ice Hour: Curi :- *'a.:s; Vakt.,ihi.< Inlorniaiion; a bans-Note List: Various useful tables;A Calenna- for t:,- Werk: Three Leiters wriuert on theRoad, being allot Dickscs'a last uew wors, as far as re*

celled.Stibscriptions oulv S2; single copies ?x cents. Ail theCumbers i t this super und universally popular tourual

?e obtained fro::: ihe commencemen'. If immediate ap-plication he made at the office of publica':, n. 142 Fu,ion-sL

BURGESS, .STRINGER A CO.i ._Eroad-.vav, corner of Ann-sL


OF D'AUBl »NE » HISTORY JF THE REFORMA¬TION, illustrate,! with two tine steel -portraits, one of

be author, and the other of Luther as he appeared beforetne Diet ut Worms.Cheap edition, half cloth, :,tj ceuia.Edition in full cloth, 50 cents.Best edition, thick paper, extra cloth. 7b cents.

COPTE-ITS OF THE VOLUME.Tne Protest and Conference, 1516.U29The Augsburg Confession, l5Cn.Switzerland.Conquest ot the Reformation, 1526. 1330.

'. Catastrophe 15*3.1530.F.t Sil- by SAXro\'s- MILES. 205 Broadway. mS this

PUBLISHED THIS DAY,BV WM. TAYLOR .v CO. N> 2 Aslor House. Twenty

Ve-irs After: or. The Three Musqastalres, a Sequel tothe Three Guardsmen, by Alexander Dumas, translatedfrom ih» French by M E. P." in 2 Parts.I'art L 23 cent*.The Three Guardsmen was pronounced by all to be Du-

okt'i ereat mast-r p The sequel to t.te same will befound equally interesting, and w-e need not ask toe admirersof theTnree Ousri)sii,e;i to be sure ami read the sequel.

Also. The Mendicant of ihe Pont des Arts, a Tale, byWin Haun*, translated from the German-This exceedingly interesting novel forms No 2 of the Se¬

lect Library of 'Jerinia Tales, published at tue low price ofL2A centsJust Puhhshed.Count Julien: or. The List Days of the

Goth, an Historical R ntisr.ee. by W. Gilmore Simms, au-lor oi ¦''»ly Rivers," .. Cbe VVni.nw," fac. Itc. complete forJTJ ,-er.ts. Published an t for sal- hv

int) WM TAYLOR v Clj. No 2Astor House.

-IeVs-'theologicax books"J' ST IMPORTED..Hswki.'s Allsnon» of Church of

E-ig. in America,**.Ms: ^'s Sermon-., Voi. 2, >2 50.Blomfieisi's Sermons, second series, Si 75.Marsden's Hulseun Lectures. S2.Waddlnglon'sComn union -.vim the Saviour, Si 25.Kotiert Halt's .Miscellaneous Works, 1 tblcs voi. I'2mo.

31 =>".Fsberen Propuelical Passages of Scripture, 2 vs. 8vo.

Brogden'f Catholic Safeiruards, Vol. 1, $1 50.Rsveridge on the Thirty-nine Articles, new ed. svo. Si.Worsle>'a Province of Intellect in Relix'im, §2 75.Nlmsbi, a S i'ttiion of Scriptum; Geol --v. z vs. 870. S4.13i. ion's Lectures on Ecclesiastical Ht-i-iry.JM ed S2 50.Universal History oo Scrip ur«l Principles. Vol. 2, Si 75.Gresl»y'» Cooiston UalLi Ei gUshoian's Lib. No.SijS1 50.Diftby's Mores CatbolicLnew ed. Voi I, iariteavo. f50,itoecoe' Life of he ihe Tenth, new ed. thick 12mo. 3l 5u.

WI'.KYAt 1-UTNAM. 161 Broadway.Who luv« Published

Cueeveraiid Lewis on Capital Punishmeni, 12mo. Si 50.Voltaire and Rousseau against ihe Aili-ista, 50 ccnis.Itihliolbeca Sacra No. 9, (Fehtnary,) 81..1:: kh oa the Oath, It*.oi 62i cents.Tne " Puiitan Divines," Vol. l.i Buuyan's Writings,) 12mo

PUBLISHED THIS DAY.5S V WM TAYLOR, No 2 tstor House, Twenty Yev»> After, or The Tar;. Mousquetaires, beluga Sequel to

The Phree G isrdsnien, hy Alexander Dumas, irausiaterffrom the French by E. P..in two parts. Part 1.price 25cents.T' e Tr.re-t (fuardsm-u was pronounced iyail to hs Du-

mas1 i-re,-.i master-piece. The Sequel srtll he found equallyInterestiog Uierefore we need not a»k the admirers oi TheThree Guardsmen to be sure and r-sd ihe Sequel.Ats..T ie Mendicant ofPont.Des.Art»,« tale, by Wm.

11 ion*, iraits Me.| from the G-rma*!. Th's exceedingly in-l"--esitni» novel 'orrns No. 2 of the .-'elect Library of GermanTales. published at ihe low prte*>of 12» cents.

JUST PUBLISHED,Count Julian, or The Last Days of the Goth, an Histori¬

cal Romane-, hv W Gl more Sims, amhor of . Guy Rivers,''The Yemsssse, Sic complete.price37Jcents, Pu'disheda: -r raie oy WM. TAYLOR, No. 2 As'.or House.



11| icy - Seh ol Oeography and Atlas, Comstock's Phllos-ophy, and Comstock's other works, including Chemistry,B ituny, Phv-stologv, G 'olo.'y and Mineralogy; Bulllons'sadmired sines of G.-ammaro, English, Latin and Greek.al«o, Lava Reader,'Latin Lessons and Cj-sar: (Greek Raa-

«: n« issued ist oi'May.) B.-niley*. Pictorial SDelllafBond ; CooperV Virgil; Gallardet's School and FamilyDictbinary.

P. W. it CO. also publish Family Bibles. Rollins s and Jo-sephus's Histories, and Rohoison's History of England,andsi up at ail ttiiiea for saie a line assortment of Blank Books,Paper, Quills, Steel Pens an 1 other Stationery, and Schooland Classical Books geuera.ly. which they offer lo booksals|er* and ¦aontry dealers atibe lowest market price, ml Imis

' D~R. ARNOL D 'b LIFE* ND (inRRKSPuNUENCM -Anew edliioo, large type,fa. I). APPLETON CO wiii pubh-.i on Saturday theLife and Corresp uc-..'Tis Arnold, D.D. late RegiusProfessor of Modern History iu the Unlvei stty of Oxford.»¦ d heid nn<ler of Rugby School, by ihe Rev. Arthur P.Smnley, M. A. 2d American, from the 7tu London edition.complete io one handsome 8vo. volume. Price $2.

*' This work should be iu the hn.ds of every one wholives and thinks '.jr his ric-e and for his religion; not so muchas a guide for action, us ati'irding a stimulant to intellectualand moral red-ction. [Prot. Churchman,

'. We have rarely had occasion to nonce a work that wecould so warmly and unreservedly recoii insad as this. . - .

Thi greater part of the volume consists of letters to familiarfriends, on the thousand topics of general li'erature, re-

Ugton, morals, history and matters of every day Interest "

(Bu'tTtl') Ctj. Adv." HtSielters are deep.y instructive and fascinndng."

[Albany Adv..' Ii Is a work lu wh.-b the scholar, tbo ptuliaouher and

the Christian wid be alike itterested " [Albany Argus.D. A. it CO. have reo rtly published, Dr. Arnold's History

of Home, 2 v>ls. Svo- 85.Do. Lectures on Mcslern History, 12mo- 81 25.Do. Miscelianecitis Works, 1 voi 8vo. 82.Do. Rugby School Sermons. 12mo. 75 els.

IN PREsS,Dr. Arnold's History of iheRon-.in Commonwealth, 1 vol.

Ivo.Arnold's History of the Ron-.in Commonwealth, 1 v<


illlstkatf.o.J'ist Pub -.dliel. Tenth Edition

OF THIS POPI 1..VR AND BEAUTIFUL VOLLME,with hi splendid engravings Ulnstrative of Romanism;

in handsome ornamental binding.Cheever's Lectures on ihe Pilgrim's Pro/ress. Fourth

edition, With numerous sie^l eoernviugs.Heal and elegant Bookbtndtjig, in ah tu varieties,E. W. bos iu preparation die most beanilful and costiy

styles if Pictorial Bindings for HarpePs lliumutated Bmhs,at :h« Cheap Bookstore and rtlnderv, 114 Fl..:ou-»l

19fjatf_ hi -v A LKER. 114 Kuiton-sL


Rights and their PoiiUcai Guarauties. by £. P. Hurli-ul,Ksij. Counselor at L iw, in the City of New-York.

C'iiarearji .Chapter I..The Onsi*n of Human Rlguis; Cnap.II..The true Function of Government; Chap. III..TheConstitution of Government; Chap. IV..ConstiiutioualLimitations and Prohibitions; C:uip. V..ConstitutionalLimitations cootinue»!; Chap. VL.The Elective Franchise ,

Chap. Ml..Rights Emanating from the Sentiments and Af-feeoons; Chap. VTIL.The Rtghs oi Women; Chap. IX..The Right of Property and its Mora) Relations; Chap. X..Intellectual Property.Puhhshed by OREELEY It McELRATH, and for sale

at the Tnhnne Orrice, i.v Nassau-si. Price 50 ctcis. o?7

iDintcr i'asiiions.FALL ANi) vriNTER GOODsi.

vv'"**- T- JENNINGS At CO. Drasers and Tai.oi.. Idt" porters of Coins and Casslineres, Vesungs, itc., 2aiBroadway. Amern at. Ho.»1, opposite the i*->uciaic. are it.

receiptofaa eztensls a n^s'jr.-neut of iovr gi>cds for Fail a^ca q; wear. comprislnr.'Frencb and English Clotiis forDress and If roci Coals C»s»"neres '.) a great variety of stylesS.Il. Satin Merino ind Vehrel Vesunys. Milled Cloths.Fweeds U-. tot OrerCoals, which will oe made upio urde' mrouch the aid of a* eraclent a corps of culler,

as can be found tn the country, an essential point in 'beeconomy lo weich we would direct, and la rerfdering ibeSty .-nanu .-r ¦¦< our garments such as must salisly therAiscnicicaang. ixt ,-.r views of cheapness ore uot basedon uhe production of any otner than lint rate garments.Sucn as have sustained our system of small pm«ls and quickr -:-.rt:s. and prompted ihe sohci'-a'i'.u a ,%iil from tnosewuo would reofcy e-Vec: a saviug of the extra ptr ceUJi^e:ev,ed unuer lh^er~ttt system.Tb» at:..-., udirected the -"a^ta: >ocs cepartm»tit xait

continue to offer inducottiecu '.o tho»o who apprectste » f.ir-j l.'< :. \.f ease aL i eiegaoce.

in o.idtt;oB M the usual nosurtnieni of goods Sep. r .he

trtrdeswe save a. .» 3 .. -xd ready made Dress aud FrocsCoats', PantaliHiss, Vests, itc io answer toe requirements 01Liose w co, in cases of emergency,may require a first rate suu..\iso. Fancy D ress Anir! js ir ^reat variety; Scarfs, CravatsHandkerchiefs, 0!,v<e». Suspenders. Hosiery. Cnder-Vesu,L'rswers. Lie *= oi l Id-rli.: Sh^-.s. Collars, Lc Ac s2U ti

VERCOATü», Cloaks, Winter Precis, !tt in variousn-w styles, for sale, ready made, at 21! Broadway.

yis-'WM T IVKN't'-MO "i Cs0

l'AI CillersX vttf PunitlcS losued by tno Ma¬li. Bsh-0 Life Insurance C-.mpony. u Febriary, 1»46,

Office No. 1L WtsU st.Whole number of pohcies..»*Preminms.«20.293 93

T i Mercr.aud arid Traders.LG.To S-aCaptairutMarintrs. 2Manafacmrers....l Eugineer. 1.Mechanics...61 Hjtel-keepersCierks.23, T-rochrrs.53rokcr*.3j Clergyrn-n.7Auctioneers.2 FnbllC llflicers..ai'srun»n. IJ Presides:is Secretaries 4

Fanssens..*\ Cashiers-.2Er.lor. It Ladi-s.13Pnvsicisns.. Geailemsm.2Attorneys.*] erfafits.4

Total.236ROBERT L. PATTERSON, President.

B. C. MiLi-za, Secretary.J. L. Loan, Agent.James STswaaT, M. D. Medical ElgnfasSC. mi lwis

AURKICAN .HCSKCM-Evei-T.!», an -. .._.<Uns we.--. eoci_:e_c__g Monday.March S.Sp.eelid per-

furumnrts» c-erv »miiiiji al 74, and Wednesday a_. 1 ..aiii'-day afteru- m . al > duck..Themuagar wUl c..iuuwr wm uj__3 Scnpiure Sceuea, embracing tcp.-e-.i_-tattupi ol K iota. i ,.. -;,_e an- Jcf_»_. in. t,.-,

, added -_u Portrait, o: tike >,.e»: Me_ of Am-rx-.aw^SSSF^'ä? Q^ %rMled 0_-_-ri«.Slgnur Bim. u,....dro Oxygon Microscope. MaUuie B icKW-U, lb. fa-t-o-« Tele, . b-__,y ei.»». Blowing/; Grand Co*-raofia-a, De aier it,, v.^ v..^ _.

AJuiwu, ->ceuu. Cnuj-eu i_na_t '.P. 1^cb__-OSflTOKiO OF SilMSON

."HE SQAKL) OF MANAGERS o'um New.York SacredA M_»lc Society ba«e the pleasure u> announce urn u*j2d performance of Hände.'» Grand Oiv.uno of Satnsouwill las e p sc- o_ Wodnssdsy evening, I lib ln._ _t ti^jTabernacle Kail particular- of this perform _oce wut >p.pear in a f-i .-.>'-. in inn nU-W ibe publicU Lnformed that - mm of t_e beat proic-aslona. uienl w theoai-try are engaged 10 sustain the pn-epei solo part*This Oratorio wtti be succeeded r»y ihw " Seven Sleepers,"Dane" aud tie.' Messfab,» :;, :::» course of a lew week*.

Tue term* of i:m'n:_i »* -On-perfonning tneeabsrsare sx-cee :u:; ly U n rah e. and persons ieadroo* of J -imag theSa-ered Music Sodecy as »uch, are reqiested" to leave tbeirnames w.:r. I. P. IVr_:_*. No. 1 Wall-at or George Wan-.oes. -: t ___:-$_ wiiere ihev wul receive their adtniMiootlciet*. m* 4Us" jTHE tJNTOIlTSrS' i-IFTH ÄSNTJAL~BAI_J_Ti&A71LL '-o Leid at tits Apollo Saloon, IIS Broadway, oa»" ... i evemugof Monday,lue 9 a Ol Hard isL ou which

0Cc_»iju Wallace ¦ ceie_ra.ed Bra-* Band, ied ay Mr. Ken-d__, i» engaged. -io pa na will je spared oy Lie commit-lee to mate .nuj one ot l_e »: bills of '.be »e.soa. TheUnionist* Invite their tr.end* lojooi Uicm ou tin* occasionwuaoui regard lo party

. acta may be bad at eiuiei of the following places..Broadway House, Ash.and House, cornerCanal and Broadway Ino üogaiia. cor. UuJtoa soi Mor-cer»i-s, Normern Exautuge,, No. 27. Blee_sor-*L and Moo-roe Ua.i. cor. ol Pean and Centre or of eitiier of tte

COMMITTEE.0. W. Brennen, Ctiaa. Co.*. RobL D. Uoirnea,Ja.. McUonuugn. A. B. \ acdet_c-e, Alex. J_ca»ou,George Fiaby, RobL a. Co ..ur, Lewi» De .LugeiU.

[ Wiuiatn Aj-ierson.(JA EN W. BRENNAN. Cb airman

Roar. Ii. H.i_.v._..^eeri._>rv. ui_ iwOITY OF ELMS.

npHE EXHIBITION OF THIS MODEL, toreiber wiibx Models oftbe Public Buildings of New-Yora and theMormonTemple ai Nauvoo, wt_ ie:u_ii opea :or t*horttime luuger at the Granne Bull nug. Ticket* _j cent*.


Supennu;_deat of Exhibition.The proprietor i* now constructing at li-O Broadway, a

MODEL OF NEW-YORK,rep.e*ecnug in cajved wood every Li. .lieg »hed. troe andouier ohjeci ir. the Great Me.ropo.n of America, which willbe Couip.eled in a few moulh*. Abovo Liu* mo-el WlB be a

Canopy, on which will be delineated view* of public build-lugs, aces of bustnessi uianutaciorie*. private reaidencc*.hotels, .teamUoa-i, itc. rang lug from 10 to SO inches lu

lengUi. for which a moderaie couipeu*alion will becharged.Ua. -.ug uow »o nearly completed a Model of New-York,

tae proprietor will eithor sell or give a lease of the Modelof New-Haven, _.c

Uif.e- Uour», from 2 to P. M.E. PORTER BELDEN, :<"" Broadway.


Klliott'i .:r for Horsrhuci Efrrcuc.IVO PttRaON oi «edeotary r.an.i-, and e*pecially no1" invalid, «bou d neglect hi examine Mr. Elliott'. Pa-ior Exaaciaea. Ali physicians who bave»eeu H recom¬mend It to mose 1u Lend 01 a heaohlul exercise.urder* sent to lad Maraet-sL Newark, N. J. wih be

prompt!y a'.te.iiied to. Puces 01 liie Patent Abrrrcvcr rangeiroin Si- lo S_3. _bl liueodis"

jV r. v»-\«nciv (..vl.i.haV o_r FlAfei .Vitt»..11 Tbl* Gallery win nerealtei lie open on Mouday andPue*day evenings lor liie sccommodatioa of those who cau-oot visit luiing the day. Un S uuruays it is opea free tothe children attending the puouc »_üo_is, accompanied bytheir teachers. Arraugeinent* lo admit school* cau be madewob ih doorkeeper, m2 twis-

iUrs vbooos.VKW SPRING t;«M>l)«».-J. C. BOOTH St CO.11 Drapers and Tailors, 1.7 Roadway, J doors lelow thefranklin House, have just received through tholr agenl inParis, a lot of choice pati-ru* Boojean'S fancy elastic Cassi-tneres, am uew st.les French Cashmere aui Marseille*Ves ing*, io which sbey would invite purttcuiar attention.Also, a tot ot noe Bloley'i aui Slmoni's BroaJcioths, an

colors,ol soft, pliable textures, e\_c.,y su.ted for SpringFrock and Dress Coa s.The subscribers are also manufacturing a new style of

Spring Sara, wnich Ihey ofer lor saie, ready-made, or tounit,-, si very moderate prices.Always ou hand a large assjrtumni of fancy articles,

ready-made Linen, Hosiery,Oloves, UmbrellssJ Cane-Cm-Lr> oa«, _.c. ail of superior quality, most of ihetn beingma le exclusively for Ihi* ecablishmcuL tn7 it

W l.iVlTsTvr s»"-*U_.>ts7^No. ty Bro-rTsl. offer ior** i.;----u i:-..es Broid Clo-.nj, wool-dyed black, blue,b ow n, drab, C-dei-mixe i, lore/-,-, creeu, xc Iroin the Web¬ster ftltll, an i oiuui wed known manufactories.lu ca.- colt hi aud wool Tweeds ol ail styles.Su -i Keulucky Jean», gold mixed, browo mixed, olive,

i I and black inive.i. fr.iui tl,o Keuueliecraciory.

101 do Bleocaed Goods, comprising.i u > M.ei -ui:ster goods »s, 4, j( l.i. and 7.3 Loug

Codi*, C'Lsendsred aud Beetle liuish.SO do Pocbo-aot Shuliugs._u do Lippm do.lU do Anegbaula do.

*i tiale*Brown -Oeeting* ofLockwood, Jewett City, Her-kimer, Globe, Harrison,Manehealerand ramuyt lam,'.

100 Drtu- .Lima*, Nonol* aud .nerriinii l stamp,liri do Ticks.Auioakeoga, a, B, Walpoie's, Rochester,

ic. tut of ail wuliiis and qusuties.iö eases Paul iloon Stull« ot de»ir;tb.<- at) li100 do Silvias anl C'uiiiati«, asBoited coiot«, iwn.ed and

plain ofall qualinea.gji) do New style Spring Prmts, bsndsome styles and

pattei'iis. _4f 1ml*


DESIRE uiu ailentlua of bu^er* in tnis market to theirstock of Foreign and Doine-llc Dry Go-'ds. Prices tfor

cosh or acceptable paper J shaU ue in_do satisfactory. No. 14Wall-si n-..r lli..ad--av.gal' .'ml.'

MUNTllLV llUfUUT for February üf the New.-ora Medical and bur^ical Insiilute, No. 75 Cham-

bers-st.Cases Sccc_-.rfLLV TkeaThd.

.' Diarrh'ea.J Passing blcod

(urethra)4 Case* of grav.-Lri Acuie Rbeuma-


leel disease.J Erysipelas (face).I uses of primär)itousuuipuon ar-

4 Clironic Rhcuma-i re.ied.ii« n J Cases dysentery.

i Coses of gleeL i Cases of puln "lu8 Ca-es of pain i-l CSest

in uruihrL1 Krartuiof luelegOperaituas foiiiyüroiele.

1 Discharges fromear.

1 Hip joint dU.aseunder U e .iuieut

4 L'Icerated le^s olI long slandin,

,1 .s, -->-¦¦- iL onuscured by _n upe-raiiun.

j Diseased ton.li*lemoved.

1 Oporauoii for Cs-tnio in ano.

2 Uperat-on* to re¬move polypi fromnose.

.... in ol, l Torpid Liver,the chest to de-|3 Piupiuiiou ol the

tio*rLUnder treatmeoL

uJ Case* «eminalweakness.

s I. iceraied soreihroalifleadachcscured.

I Case* o( barbers'aide. |'i Co-iiveness, | beb.

4 Greatdebilityan 1: ih Primary cliancreju Casetofinteslinalloss of appetite'- Caiesol pleurisy. worm*,from ltnpropei|i Casus midwifery J Bk-ediug frombabtUJ. Case* gonorrbiea luug*.

j C cable to bold I Cases of pile*. 11 Cbse of colic,taeir water. !o Vaccinated. fl Case* dyspepsia.

j Secondary Vene-1 i Suppression of'a AtTecllon* of tkmleal.I moii.te*.I

S^'-.nssFi L Oplhatioss Aao CuaEs.1 Diseased elbowA Cases ofmjuri-*. 11 Ea.argeJ pros-

j'iiot under ti Tic i'/ureux ol lalo gland umlorIhu see cured by Irealuieal.

) _.i:;iure» cured! leut jving a pievtl Sp.'ained ankle.of aw boue'.

.' I'vu.u* removed2 Large abscessesopened.

J Venereal wartsremoved.

S I riuuiun in uro-thra.

t Operatioos furtquinüng.

i be poor atiendad to sens ecc 4 aod in me afternoon.N. B. This lastttulioii is nul counccled with any other in

miscity. II. BOSTWICK, M. D.Ui7 IW Atiemiln^ Physician aud Surgeon.


rViilS U'ONDEltrLL KEMtDY is carry ng oil before_L it i_r the exuauruiuary cures it Is peilorunug. Asaspe-Cific for Caugb*, Cold*, Consumption, and all Diseases olHie Lungs »ud tbeir appeotagrs, wbtL'ier rb.- nie or loiiam-Diatory, it will not fall to supersede all otner i-.iu-il.esPeople dare not crtdu iho wurjderful cures effected ny tnese

Pili» in u m jst lncredib.e short space ol tune; but the. evt-deuce of uielr power is too strung lo tie realste-. Two or

three deaeo wui rare the worst Cold, and tney may be givento ail ages, wnn periect success Keod the tollowmg

LETTER FROM THE REV. MR. ARNOLD.Ma. J. Wi.acHtsT-it.My Dear Sir Tue Cough Pill* Invented by the celebrated

Dr. Leinnec, of Pans, Whicb you were so km- as io recom.

menu to my notice, 1 uave found on examination and ma!ij be a most valuaoi- »pe-eihe f have given ihem a loir

trial, and am »ailsn»d mat joa bare not overrated theirvalue. The most inveterate Cough Ibey will cure in a few

days. In my own cose they removed a most dl*tre*stcgaffection of tne throai and lung* la an incredible short .Una.

Tu lr operation is most rational, an 1 in case* ol bleeding at

mo lungs must produce aumiraolo resul is. They determine

the blood to me »Ps_i_co prevent any undue pressureupon ihh diseased pan, and oeatroy lha. fever which U so

laud to the lungs, and which Is me real cause of L'-nsump-lion. I Cscnoiln mis none say uU Lhal migni ue said in their

favor : but 1 firmly bedeve they a* muco surpass all tee

popular noiiruMi* of the 'lay as a cure of Coughs, Cold*,Broncmtis.Cousuiuptiou, lie., as the sun surpasses the stars

._ or.gct.e-s. Meat truly yours. A. C. L. ARNOLD.New-York, March , I84B.13T a nd, wBole-ale and retail, by J. WINCHESTER,

fjh-ueval Agent, at the Golden Rule Odice, 24 A_n-su Auso,at AXKoitD ->, No. 168 Bowery. In Brooklyn, at Mrs.COuLEk 'S, I7d Foilonest, corner of pineapple. Price Si a

-or. won un dlr.-c.loua. It*

f_e O tauine Pr-.-pa'altoO.DR StVAY.sE'S


OR taose wcose luuga ore aöecled s.ightly, should taae

file Syrup wuhoul delay, by which ihey may preventtue hxiag ol tual dire disea-e luliy auu r.rinly How nn-

poi -^uit uieu, uj avoid ;'_ Never uve a day with a cougbwl.euiuis ayrup can ue had,__d you are neariy certain,*riU o.-opercare, to avoid destrucuoo by CuUiuin,. Hon.


ill. acojipound of VV^ensb.e reraed.ea i it Is called WildCherry, n-.-c-dse lUut Jir.i.'.e Is tue baoiaot me piepa. au- u.

1.1» so comumed .1th ottier mgr-Ulenl* ISai the uunusl efU-ciency 1« given lo its good quaaues; as » «upporter and pre¬server of lbs powers an l uncuons of life, n has no equal.Cactiom..Ail preparanon* of Wild Cherry, except Dr.

swsyue'*, are netiuou* and eouuterleii, ana spruog upyear* after tru* vaiuabie remedy fiad mtrod-Ced luell Intome nu aautber; Oxcxttort, be not deceived oy the many"B_i__a" and "apunou* Mixtures," n.i try tae genuineand ne cured. Prepared on/y-y Dr.SwAT.at, N. W. cor-

net of cigata and rtaCd strecui, I'ailadeishia.Sold w-uiesaieaud reuul at Chariea H. King's, (late Dr.

182 Broadw»y, corner of .-». and at Drugs j.-e» 118 Bowery, 771 Broadway, -ij B.-.-ccaer-si., lb Hud-

und irii G'und-sL_2-1 lmeo-i»*

HAiCDWAxtE. UAiK FiBATING, Calico Doc¬tors, fcc at Agent*' Price*; laole and rocket Cutlery

o all patterns; superior C. S. .- ..-.-< of a.1 «.:. ..-. hlnob,Pad, Trin* aud L. . ¦- Lock*; Trace, Log and Ox Cualns,Ate. *LC Ail sizes of superior Hour Seeting, and ssaorieelnuiuuer* oi Pruitets' Doctor*, A.c. JNO. A. NEWhOULD,

Bj6 dtiseo i -_jo Jobu sL (up sla.'s.)»» INISUVV BliAi>t-B ouaneeroii prcpoxatiou, m-»' 'ented. manu scture-r and »o!d, who less.e and retail,

el .aiveiy by tL f WEdrj,*! percent caeaper, equallynv.uti ul, and far more durable Ulan the r'reocn. tV~ K_c-ljr> No. 71 Dlvislou-*L 3rd »lory of the Sacken Buildm_»-N. B..Tne »toro is -tis Pe*xi-*L Jour doors Sound oi

Cuaiaam. m7 2wta i

nptl iAlLU_t3.A Counter L2 teel long, s i_-i"w^-JL with 8 drawers and a mahogany top, euitaoie for » ES"ior-acuiing board. Forsaleby Cikö- *".BfA YettUui^j_nhr* I

JUcsl.lri RICHARDS, Auctioneer.

BY HAN tin, rill Ii IHU.-< OY fUAVT..Hiott:X Broadway..Liberal Cut Advances made on ooo-

..rwcafo' AucUo* Sale*.NEW.YORK SP.UNO TRAUE SALE

Tu commence Monday, Marcä j>j.Tue 's; cataiogoe of tin* important sale to the trade '.»

now ready at lim auction room.A »tx-oDd catalogue w til be issued on the inoraiug of ia'»,

invoice* of oooaa, stationery, i.e. for insertion soocld be:urm*acd o«j« w««a pi ev'.ou*.

cuivru;»« (X CO. aucuog and UotMaaimM Säea .chsuts, Noa.us rmior>«t. andMAnn-at Liber si ad¬vance* made ooc«^^^^ Kuaot rvUr:iAAl Pr.vaie ao^e-^Ooo Bostoa Rockers.

Bk -saitiMs* M. MlhjWWefggTHURSDAY, March » ia*b.At 12 o'clock, ai lite store of O. Lee Kesten'«. Palen No


s *°l,k '-. »thm_5000 aide« Hemlock aad Oak Tannebole L-auxK_wlUl oüler articles in i£" Hoe.

ai mi ..WOAY. Marcb 13.

At loj o-doea. ai store No. 21 Adbertjr-sl.naUWAMt, Ct ri-aar. *.c-Oa a credit oisut monthsfor approved enJorsed notee-y» pae»^ Mrj i^of trsshImported b.rmiughata and Oberhaid Good*, cotuisticg oruoiO and pocaei cuuery, ou-cbor. shoe and bread anive*.mes, Butchers drawing s.uiv»*,pUi«^b»»t,cupboard a. uunalocos, dial*, lea trays anil waiters, curry comb», tea sett.**,sauce pans, turned and euanteled, rices, trace,log «od harterchains, Carolina hoes, patent arid cot*ton trait*, caadie-si cas, ¦>...:. ,. Oerinan silver and iron tea aad uo.e spoucs.Hritaunla do. lonocco boxes, table bulls. James's woodscrews, round and square bolls, etc. etcCatalogues and goods ready for examination three days

before (he sale.Tire above stock are fresh goods and m complete order

Everv lot will be - .d without reserve.THURSDAY. .March ;.\ 1k43,

Ai L6J O'clock, ai the »--re of T. St B, Stout, No. it r'erry-s.Leau-er. Ice. .oow sides of Sole Leather.100 dozen an*

iahed Call - tins. n ... other article* in the line, uc a creditot b mount*.


GOLD VVATCU»..-», Eugnsa and Kiench Jewelry,fancy Ooods ttc.TUTVlsE^fc DDCLUZCAU wui

sell This D*>, al isli-pasi 10 O'clock, at me Aucuou Room.No. 230 fee an sAiausive assonoK-ut of hoe ..c«-... -ca»-eu gold delaciied .e.er, anchor e*capeuiettl and leptuewatches, suitable lor gentlemen's pnvate use, all oi uv?inauutacuue of RoskeU, M. J. t'ubias, Jobasuus. Kobinsou.Also, Jewelry, i.e. con*isung of a general s^suruueat of

Eugisa *uJ *r"cn< li Jeweirv, Fancy Ooods. Itc li»E." H. LL'DLOVV", Auctioaeer.

\1.1UULK ."rlANTi.l.S-Auciijn Noiico. E. 11.i'luL'di.üW s> CO. will sell on Mondsy, March 9, stTt>',iai tue Marble Yard No. 7J 8ia-eveuue, near 15lb-*i.24 sp.eudid Egj j: and \ oui Marbio Man.et* of didcrrnipai.erm. >ste positive.terms cash.

Cs/* rhs Knlcaorhucser ,._e oi o.iÄes pass the place"¦' "_013)

JLiofilDji Action öoiß0.BY V. P. o* ü. ttlCH, 211 Broad stioc., opposite

Foster s w .: ,rf, Boston.WEDNESDAY, March 4.

Leather, Skins,Jtc.Soleand upper leather, calf-Uuing,binuuig and morocco skins, and other shoe stock.

WEDNESDAY, March 18.[Semi-Annual Bale J

Boots, Snots, BaoasJM AJtD Hat»..2000 cases Boots,Shoes, Brogacs and Hats.

mWAl'kK ruVVKR-rw ba.e Sa:« or Leaoe.AtUytierö-y.L l .communicationby stesunbOat Stotouovery day.now used lor a saw inui, which is new

and incompieiu order.butldiug it) feet by 16 Uses. fail ofwater 14 teei. Apply No. « Janies-sl. or 17 Collage-piece.New-Yoik City._m7 is'

MTO IshlT.The modern buut three-story brickHouse No. uti Fourth-sL near the Slxth-aveuue, irouiihe hrsioi May ueaL It is daubed u the Oe.i u:an-

ner, wiui maroio mantel* throughout, p.ale glsss, platedlurniture, Jtc Said house was built lor ine occupancy of a

former owner; and is a hist rale house. Jteut wld be mod-eraiB lo a good lenaul, and a Rase for two or three yearswill im given llrequiied. Apply lo P. CLENDENEN, No.U>2 tl..itidge-su or lo SAMt Et, uu.u UoN, No. Sj fine¬

st._Bfl 2wu*MTU 1.1. r 1 Ii- upper part oi .< lieal i..iee-stoi y

House lu OreenwictiHil. beiow Canal, consisting oftwo tooni» and bed-room on sccolu lioor, and one

bed-room on Uie third, wuli back beseuieuu Rent luw to a

dc» nb.e Umlty. For lartber latoriuatlou and privilege tosej u, app.y al as Liboriy *L up sl^us. ni7

Ai" l'«tl> A 1-jK SAlsh.ttUasOttrsk-rTho Iwo

s.ory brick house aad icsie of the iot No. 47D Hudsou-.u on the West side, near .at. Euae s (Jnurv-n. ilouse

lu perfect order, a id uewiy puuiied Insidu and ouuide; Useio. .11 feel by Wl feet, w.ui an L ou Cbrtstopber-sl. to teei byal et, ou u-ase nom Uie Corporalloa oi Trmliy Church for2, yeats from ist of May negl. at a ground rent <¦[ 12* dol¬lars per H.uuuu1, auda reaawsi oi 2l years, the premises letfor abuui SiJO. Apply lo ANTHONY J. BLJtlr.CK.ER,No. 7 Broad-si-_m7 |w

Ä1U Ail4T.From ine tirslof May ueal.The upperpart oi mo house odd Broadway, suitable for a suisillaintly. or a tight business. Rent 3«bti per annum.

App.y Uj H. KERNUX'. let Bioadway._m7 7l

eft-, l o 1. h. »'.A sui*ii Hau,u house No. Ml Vaiiuewr-iel*KH au ÜlUUise al thn orbco of IhoEilo Railrued foul Of¦ " Dune-si. ai 2 o.thuaiaS j. haul m7tfg^Ts TU ijbl'l'. F'rom lue 1st oi May, a iissli two story

house, Mrlib 4 toi« oi grouud, plessaniiy silusled oum ajd-si. near the Bioomiugdale Road, win bo reuied or

t< a-ej al a reasouau.e real lo a responsiu.e teuacL Applyio James l. jacivson.

Oll 2W Iron Founder, Si3 asddu aianloD-si.

*ifOtt. sAliK.At WUusmsburgb, near Orsnd-stKerry, i> lots ot grouud, with slube, uulldiug on, miedup in complete uiuer, wim now si. am engine and

boiler, cupola, tools, Jtc m com jlele order lo carry ua thefoundry oustueas. Tbree-tourih* ol the money will remainon muugagu al per ceuu Will be sold low it applied forimm-aiiate.y. Apply lo JAMES L. JACKSON,

UlJ i*" Assignee, No. ü.3 and U.o gUSWOaStiTtuuitii irt KljuTot>-»TrTi»nLT£'F.To Est¦j Irom the 1st of May next, Uie beck room ou tire 2d floor""of the store No. Ii2 Iuiuo-«u uext Nassau. Inquire

of JOHN J. BROWN St cu. oa the piemises. Sb7M'l'U J.c.1' A biusU lauiuy lu XWettW-SL near the

äuttn-avenue, bavmg more room luau thuy wish to

occupy, would be Willing, from the nrsl oi Msy. tolet all lue second floor, consisting of two large rooms, twoUeurooins, three ctoaeu, wllh ouier privileges. Tue uuusehas a counter cellar, the Crolun water lo it, with a large

I yard, Ate. Real SIloO. For farther particulars call at Crvs-,-y'» book aiid peri jdlcal store, No. i>9 Exchanga BuildUg,entrance in Wiiiiuiu-ah m6 aiis-

FisÄt SAL/I UtC TU l.KT-l'he lure, -storymodern Bnca House, Nu. 26 Pise, corner o( Henry-st. Apply at No. 44 Uenry-sk ml Ulf

mWAN FltijTU Ith.NT- A two-sojry ones House,In a good rieighoorhood in Um Easteru secllou of theLily, not above Uran,l or Cilutou sla. Apply al Mo.

365 i'oari, corner of Fullon-sL ui4 lslfmill 1. fc. i' irom tho iirst day ot May uexi.- i'liu two

story hrtck dwelling house, No. 707 Brosdwsy, withan alley leading Uirougb ou to Mercer-sL The above

bouse is replete with every convenience: has alargefiuilSaiden in Um rear, will be altered Into a store if desired.It may be seeu every day betweeu tho hours of 12 and 3o'clock. For terms apply to A. iL CUSHMAN,£S( jstf No. im Peeri-st. or No. M West Itrtbst.

JUDSON'S"HOTEL.MTHE SUBbLKIBER (Isle of the City Hotel, Hart-

foiS c.i wui, on or before the 2Ulh of March, Instant,opun to tho Public the new and splendid Hotel, No. bt

Uro;idway,(oear TnnUy Church,) which has just been com¬pleted by Harrison Siepoeus, Esq. of Montreal. This bouseu oau of the largest ru Uie City, and will be furnishedtnrougiioui wltb enuroly now fuiolure, In a style probablynot surpassed by any similar estabitabuiunt in the country.The ucuersigoed will endeavor In all tbinga lo pioffiuto thecuuifuri and coiiveaieuce of those who may honor bun witha visit, and hopes thai his long experience lu the businesswill enable buu to merits share of public tuvor.

nil) lJieodls-_CURTIS JUD80N.mUOTTAttl. ZS TilAsCUCftTltra lor sale, situ-

ated on Long island, on ihe ilusfawick ondNewiownlurnpike, four miles from WUUsmsburgh Perry, by

way oi ine Mospeth-aveoue. Stages pass four tunes a dsy,good Schools and Churches wtiiiin hail a mile. Tbe Cottsgeis gou<l repair, one slary, three rooms, four bexlroomsaadaltcneu, a wed and cislera at Ine kllcheo door, out-housessuitable for the piaco, six acrasof the very i,est of land, bar-

lag been use<i fo/ nearly MU year* for raising early vegetsv-bies ; locust and o her shade trees; 7u or 80 fruit trees lit (uilhearing, apple, pear and cnerry about three hundred youngfruit trees just begiuuing lo bear, well aelecuso by expert-enced gardeners, rompnsmg all thn varieties, such as spple,pear, pescb, cherry, pttui, ac ttc; the gardenu well stock-ed wita smalt trulls aad howois.tho piece is surroundedby a in ;h piciol fence, put a p at at an expense of over **x>jtwo in uds can remain un bond and mortgage. Apply al 47

Boud-Kt._ W TaTnAtdiUtf

CUL-NTAtY »JSAX TU LET..One ol tho mos i

bcauuiul siuiauotis ou this Island, cuuialuhig sbual¦ix acre* of land. Ou the premise* Is s Large and

convenient dwelling, with uul-bouses complete. Thegrounds are In period order and every way filled for a geo-ice, residence. Toe property Is siiAuöod on the Sth-avenae,upon nigh ground, having a commanding view of the EastRtver for some distance, the Long island shore, and Over»looking Westchesler County for a great distance. Will belei low to a good tenant, or will be sold or excaanged forImproved city property. For farther particulars sppiy todl* auwiiif W. ft SEYMOUR, 3 CtisAhaAU-aquaro.

Ä.--TOUK A NU OWELL.1.NU TU IsET.AIHsaneM.One ofthose three story brick from nouses,wim stores auachexl, situsled m the central and bust-

ueas pan of Harlem, on the east side of 3d.avenue, betweenVUii and 124th sis. Said bouse is fiaiaoed complete, withevery convenience fur s respectable lamUy. Stages peasUie uoor every half tour. Real moderate to a goutf leaaos.

Ap^.y tu J. T. JACOBS, IJtin-st, near dd avenue.

N. B..For sale coesp, looo yards luxurious garden box

foredgings. Apply as above._'it ItttlS*

JO JLITI flsauinwil snd celisr of store No. 11rjpruce-si., possession given iiniuedistely. Inquire ofO. J. Price, ;¦>; East Broadway, or at tee Tribune of-

Itce. ¦>3,rf,"1 -.»

mAiXClibUs No. ibu Ofoetiwirn-st. introduces bisSpring FoanioO for OeuLoinen'* Hats On Fr.day.Marrj,6tri, 1846._Bi7 6us


tuTHE SL'BSCRlBEK requests those genUemen IniE want of hondaome Boobs snd Shoes al very reducedU prices, to coil at uis old established stand and examine

sstwV a large assorluient,which will induce them to give hiraUu caslotlL Tue unprecedetiled increase of bis businessnun .; the list year pruv«* that his articles give universal..... '. .io:.. Diess boot* from >%Z 5t) to 96, warranted to.seer Weil. made of iba treat French calf and ander bis lav

ale supervision. Shoes hum Bl 25 to 92 50. everyuiner arliclu m U* due at equally low prices. Customers'hoots ou. saves maue lu order at the soonest nubce, guar-_: lu n: handsomely and easily. Drawings taken oflue feet and * pair of utsu made aad kept expresaiy for eachcustomer.

I N. B .Boys' Boots of all descriptions. Southern sadW esiem wholesale orders punctually attended.

JOHN L. W ATKINd.ill KiiltoorstI Irl imi»TTAS_Isatween Naosau sod Datei ***

BV UiCUJs.it Ol Jona J. Taylor, Es«. . SupremeC-^uri Oomu.u«toner, residing m Owogo, Tlof»

ly, -Novice l* hereby given that an ollacina»«11'against the estate of Knapp Burcb. BsSsrsSrlsss>¦swjwssjbs,in tho County of T.oga, an ^^-,3^^»^on due proof made to the ssJdJ.uP/^^^,,^ ..^er, pursuant lo the directions of"£535 or nc-a-rosldentMc£oiSstUa against ah.cx-nd^. ^^ ,ür lbe p«.»^ &debtori," ana that the pgJJ Burca appear an t dischargehi* debts,unless u» ^r.^~Ji*v, within ihrce nioott.fromsuch atlacniacni olij ucilcei and thai the paymmi ofthe first Puu''c"f^5c.ivery of any propeny belossrlog u> theany Ceot* »^j^ cf for bis u.e, and the transfer o: any pro-said deb*"- "»

purpose whslevwr, are torbtcaoo byD.l^^4a/ch2d,134e»aw su..»« s SWEET, Atfy for Attaching Creditors,o7 i»w3ai_Qwogu. Tiog* Ooanty, M- Y.


V raaied perfectly and perassaeady correct, for sate oyJJtTS^y^ *AtR«ANICri A CO. ai W.ll^s

P~BBtStlX&l FKNWJMII.-D» rolis of ^-iCT Ceoiscwhebs4MtD*VtiJawofies). W