“CHRISTMAS” Yeshua was born during the feast of Tabernacles. No-one knows the exact date. One thing is for sure, “YESHUA” was not born December 25th. The accepted date of Sept. 29, 2 BC. is the most probable day that Yeshua was born according to astronomers and worldly theologians. This date was during the fall “Feast of Tabernacles,” and that is the time when all true Believers should be celebrating the Feast of Suukot (Booths). The reason that there is no mention of the exact date of Yeshua’s birth is because of Jewish customs of Biblical times. In those days it was common to celebrate a persons date of “DEATH,” not their date of birth. Eccl. 7:1 “A good name is better than a good ointment, And the day of {one’s} death is better than the day of one’s birth.” This may seem strange to most, but it is a simple fact, and that is why Yeshua’s birthdate was not made obvious, but His date of death was. A logical look at the temperatures of Dec. 25th. will make it clear that because of the cold, shepherds would not be outside at night attending their sheep (Luke 2:8). In that area of the world it is normal to put sheep in a sheepfold shelter from Oct/Nov.-Feb. because of the temperatures. The remembrance of the birth of Yeshua (Jesus) Messiah, is to be properly celebrated at the time of the “Feast of Tabernacles” otherwise known as the “Feast of Booths”. Zech. 14:16 “Then it will come about that any who are left of all the nations that went against Jerusalem will go up from year to year to worship the King, Elohim of hosts, and to celebrate the Feast of Booths.” Mary and Joseph, as we know, were going to Bethlehem to pay their taxes and there was no room. As stated in the Gospel, “Pray that your flight be not in the winter”, the government at that time would not have made the people come from all over the country to pay their taxes in winter, this would be ridiculous (Luke 2:1-5). We also know that there were many people in Bethlehem because there was no room (Luke 2:7). This makes total sense if it was during the feast of Tabernacles, because people gathered from all over the area to celebrate the last feast of the year. Josephus said that Jerusalem normally had about 120,000 occupants, but during the feasts there could be as many as 2 million Jews gathered together. Although the Romans worshipped many gods, their most dominant god was the god of the Sun, (Nimrod/Sol). Semiramis commanded the pagans who worshipped her to keep Dec. 25 in honor of her little son god “Tammuz” and declared that day the birth date of the “Sun god”. This was a special day designated to Satan and his Sun god. It was a festive event, period of time, (Solstice), that went on for 7 days. Semiramis was told by her astrologers to use this date because it was the day of the year when the sun is at its farthest point away from the earth. The great Roman winter festival of Saturnalia was always celebrated from Dec. 17-24th., among the highest or holiest pagan celebration of the year. The birthday of Sol was said to be Dec. 25th. This grand festival of Rome was celebrated everywhere with blood sacrifices of babies, orgies, and drunkenness. The largest pagan sun worship group, called Mithraism, declared in their celebration that Dec. 25th. was their Nativity festival of the sun. The Natalis Invicti (Nativity of the rebirth of the 1

Christmas New Y copy - dasydministry.org New Y copy.pdf · “CHRISTMAS” Yeshua was born during the feast of Tabernacles. No-one knows the exact date. One thing is for sure, “YESHUA”

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Page 1: Christmas New Y copy - dasydministry.org New Y copy.pdf · “CHRISTMAS” Yeshua was born during the feast of Tabernacles. No-one knows the exact date. One thing is for sure, “YESHUA”

“CHRISTMAS” Yeshua was born during the feast of Tabernacles. No-one knows the exact date. One thing is for sure, “YESHUA” was not born December 25th. The accepted date of Sept. 29, 2 BC. is the most probable day that Yeshua was born according to astronomers and worldly theologians. This date was during the fall “Feast of Tabernacles,” and that is the time when all true Believers should be celebrating the Feast of Suukot (Booths). The reason that there is no mention of the exact date of Yeshua’s birth is because of Jewish customs of Biblical times. In those days it was common to celebrate a persons date of “DEATH,” not their date of birth. Eccl. 7:1 “A good name is better than a good ointment, And the day of {one’s} death is better than the day of one’s birth.” This may seem strange to most, but it is a simple fact, and that is why Yeshua’s birthdate was not made obvious, but His date of death was. A logical look at the temperatures of Dec. 25th. will make it clear that because of the cold, shepherds would not be outside at night attending their sheep (Luke 2:8). In that area of the world it is normal to put sheep in a sheepfold shelter from Oct/Nov.-Feb. because of the temperatures. The remembrance of the birth of Yeshua (Jesus) Messiah, is to be properly celebrated at the time of the “Feast of Tabernacles” otherwise known as the “Feast of

Booths”. Zech. 14:16 “Then it will come about that any who are left of all the nations that went against Jerusalem will go up from year to year to worship the King, Elohim of hosts, and to celebrate the Feast of Booths.” Mary and Joseph, as we know, were going to Bethlehem to pay their taxes and there was no room. As stated in the Gospel, “Pray that your flight be not in the winter”, the government at that time would not have made the people come from all over the country to pay their taxes in winter, this would be ridiculous (Luke 2:1-5). We also know that there were many people in Bethlehem because there was no room (Luke 2:7). This makes total sense if it was during the feast of Tabernacles, because people gathered from all over the area to celebrate the last feast of the year. Josephus said that Jerusalem normally had about 120,000 occupants, but during the feasts there could be as many as 2 million Jews

gathered together. Although the Romans worshipped many gods, their most dominant god was the god of the Sun, (Nimrod/Sol). Semiramis commanded the pagans who worshipped her to keep Dec. 25 in honor of her little son god “Tammuz” and declared that day the birth date of the “Sun god”. This was a special day designated to Satan and his Sun god. It was a festive event, period of time, (Solstice), that went on for 7 days. Semiramis was told by her astrologers to use this date because it was the day of the year when the sun is at its farthest point away from the earth. The great Roman winter festival of Saturnalia was always celebrated from Dec. 17-24th., among the highest or holiest pagan celebration of the year. The birthday of Sol was said to be Dec. 25th. This grand festival of Rome was celebrated everywhere with blood sacrifices of babies, orgies, and drunkenness. The largest pagan sun worship group, called Mithraism, declared in their celebration that Dec. 25th. was their Nativity festival of the sun. The Natalis Invicti (Nativity of the rebirth of the


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unconquered sun) is where the church of Rome came up with the word for Nativity Scenes, the supposed Son of Yah being born in a manger. Yeshua (The King Of The Jews) was born in a sukkah (booth) during the Feast of Booths (Sukkot) during the Feast season of Tabernacles. He was born sometime in the end of September (Tishri). Sukkah (Strongs #4908, or 168), tent, tabernacle, manger, temporary dwelling, is all the same word in Hebrew. As Yeshua was born in a Tabernacle, so too Yah dwelled in the Tabernacle surrounded by fire and smoke in the wilderness. The evening Yeshua was born the planet Jupiter was in conjunction with the King Star, announcing the birth of the Messiah. Jupiter (hal zedech) in Hebrew, means the righteous”. “This is the sign the Chaldean astronomers had been watching for for 500 years since the prophet Daniel revealed it to them. In the skies above that night when Yeshua was born there also appeared the constellation of Bethulah. In the constellation of what is now called Virgo, originally named “Bethulah” (meaning virgin in Hebrew), there is a star called Tzemach. In this constellation the woman is depicted as holding five branches in her one hand. Among these five branches is one star called Tzemach, meaning “branch”. Yeshua represents the righteous branch, the offspring of the woman. Yeshua was the offspring of the woman, the seed promised to Eve in the garden of Eden. Yah used an astronomical event, the alignment of these two constellations and their stars, to get the world’s attention as to the birth of Messiah Yeshua in His Tabernacle (sukkah) during the Feast Of Sukkot (Tabernacles). Many people assume there were three wise-men who came with gifts, but that is not a Biblical fact. No number of wise-men is mentioned in the Bible (Matt. 2:11). These Chaldean wise-men were called as such because they were dedicated men who studied Astronomy and were doing what the prophet Daniel said to do when these stars and constellations lined up 500 years prior to the occasion. In Israel the temperature of winter months, considered to be from Oct 1-March 1 varies on average in the daytime around 60-70 degrees F to 40-50 degrees F in the evening. Very few shepherds are out at night during these months because the sheep are protected in sheepfolds, and it is simply too cold to be out in the open. You will find sheepfolds spoken of in the Bible in numerous places, some of them being Numb. 32/24/35. Among the Sabean pagans of Arabia, the 24th. of December date was recognized as the birth date of the “Grand Deliverer”, or “Lord Moon”. These heathens regarded the moon as the visible symbol of the favorite object of their idolatry. No such festival as Christmas was ever heard of till the third century, and it wasn’t advanced and observed till the fourth century. The practice of giving gifts, came from the festival of Saturnalia, when the pagans gave gifts to one another to help celebrate the birth of the sun god, Sol. Uninformed Believers try to associate the giving of gifts to one another with the Wise men giving Yeshua gifts when He was born, but this cannot be correct. As per Matt 2:9-11 they gave gifts to Yeshua not to one another. The very word “CHRIST-MASS”, when separated, has “Christ” in it, but also “Mass”. This slang word Mass, could logically be referring to the elaborate ceremonies, prayers for the dead, transubstantiation rites (changing bread to body and wine to blood), and all other complicated pagan rituals of the Roman Catholic church, that take place during Mass (2Cor 11:3).


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Dec. 25th. was also the birthday of the Iranian goddess of light, known as “Mithra” or “Mitra”. Mithra was supposed to have been born in a cave on this date. She was supposed to have captured a sacred bull, and after sacrificing it, the sky was formed, and then the planets, earth, animals, and plants, thus she was in fact, the creator of all life. As the years went by, this date as we got to know as Christmas, was worshipped giving reverence to; Tammuz, Horus, Osiris, Sol, etc.. In 440 AD the church arbitrarily assigned “THIS” date as the birth of Jesus to accommodate the heathens. In years past “Christians” were actually forbid to celebrate this day, no wonder! The exact date of the birth of Yeshua is not known, but it was during the “Feast of Tabernacles/Booths” (when He came to tabernacle with us), in the Jewish (Lunar) month of “Tishri,” which corresponds to our months of Sept./Oct. Dec 25 is not the date of Messiah’s birth, it is the week of the “Sol Invictus” festival. This festival had been celebrated for over five hundred years before Yeshua even came along. Christmas is simply a continuation of the pagans festivals of Saturnalia, and Brumalia kept by the ancient Romans at the winter solstice. The festival was first referred to as “Saturnalia,” but was later changed by a Roman decree to “Brumalia”. When Catholic Priests and Nuns are making the sign of the cross, they are in fact pointing up and down (representing the winter and summer solstice), and pointing across their chest (representing the spring and summer equinox). These were pagan celebrations for pagan god’s. Some foolish people try to link the “sun god” worship of pagan Christmas to the birthday of Yeshua as “the Sun of righteousness”. These feasts were characterized by orgies and drunkenness for days on end. Constantine was under the influence of the demon spirit of “anti-Messiah” when this date was established, and this demon spirit is still alive and well in our pagan rooted proclaimed Christian churches of today. The Bible says fruit that comes from an unholy root is unholy. Christ-mas: Missa is Latin for “depart”. The word “mass” gets its origin there. It is the last word spoken in the Roman Catholic mass. Hidden in the word Christ-mas is “Christ-depart”. The word Christmas means “anointed depart” and is seen abbreviated as X-mas. The X stands for the Greek Christos. The word Christos is cognate with the Hindi Krista, the sun deity of Hindus. It means “shining one”. The Latin word Lucifer means “light bringer”. When the Mass was first said on midnight Dec. 24th. around the year 394 AD. it was the Mass of Christ, or Christmas. The religious machine of that time changed it from Baal’s birthday to the birthday of Jesus. The pagans loved it, and it became the biggest day of the year for the Roman Catholic institution. Who would dare go against this institution? Only the elect. The first official celebration of Christmas was by Bishop Juvenal in AD 534 in Rome, and it was officially introduced into Jerusalem in AD 440. In the years of early America it was against the civil law to celebrate the pagan holiday of Christmas. The Twelve Days of Christmas There is one Christmas carol that is baffling. What in the world do leaping lords, French hens, swimming swans, and especially that partridge who won't come out of the pear tree, have to do with Christmas? Here is the explanation:


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From l558 until l829, the Christians in England were not allowed to practice their faith openly. Someone during that era wrote this carol as a hidden message of faith. It has two levels of meaning; the surface meaning, plus a hidden meaning known only to members of that particular church. Each element in the carol has a code word for a religious reality which the children could remember. The partridge in a pear tree was Jesus Christ. Two turtle doves were the Old and Renewed Testaments. Three French hens stood for faith, hope and love. The four calling birds were the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The five golden rings recalled the Torah or Law, the first five books of the Old Testament. The six geese a-laying stood for the six days of creation. Seven swans a-swimming represented the sevenfold gifts of the Holy Spirit: Prophesy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Contribution, Leadership, and Mercy. The eight maids a milking were the eight beatitudes. Nine ladies dancing were the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace. Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-control. The ten lords a-leaping were the ten commandments. Eleven pipers piping stood for the eleven faithful disciples. Twelve drummers drumming symbolized the twelve points of belief in the Apostles' Creed.


THE TREE In ancient times there were tree worshipers, very similar to what we call today “tree huggers”, so-called environmentalists who worship “mother nature”, the created, instead of the “creator”. These heathens believed that special powers could be received from trees. Even so-called smart men like Aristotle and Plutarch honestly believed that trees could “reason” and had the ability of “thought” and “passion”. One can see how people who were foolish enough to believe these things, could then be easily lead to believe that there was a connection between the “life of man” and the “life of the tree”. Therefore, if the tree suffered, man would suffer, and vice versa. In order to give reverence to their god of the tree, they would decorate them for the winter solstice festival and worship them. The Bible talks about groves of trees being worshipped in 2Kgs. 17:16 “And they left all the commandments of Elohim their YHVH, and made them molten images, even two calves, and made a grove, and worshipped all the host of heaven, and served Baal.” These strange tree worshipers sometimes used to take and remove all the limbs off trees and


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honored them like obelisks for the worship of the Baal god, this is what the word “grove” referred to here, means. These tree worshipers were all over the world, including North America, where we know of Indian tribes worshipping “Totem poles” because they believed the poles had spirits in them. These tree worshipers carved symbols of eagles, snakes, ravens, frogs, and even men into their totem poles, and gave reverence to them. Many of these poles even have wings added to them. Some of this heathen worship still goes on today. Many Indian reserves, towns, cities, museums etc., display these heathen objects and give reverence to them, without even knowing they are blaspheming YHVH. These cursed objects are nothing more than a form of “obelisk” (erect penis) pointing to the sky in honor of Baal. If you have ever tried to explain to proclaimed christians about the christmas tree you will normally hear them say that they don’t

worship or bow down to the tree. This indeed sounds great, but realistically how do they get their presents from under the tree christmas eve or christmas morning? Do they not get down on their knees and bow before the obelisk, knowingly or not (Jer. 2:27)? Ignorance of the law is no excuse, ask any policeman when he pulls you over for speeding after you explain to him that you didn’t know what the speed limit was in the speed zone you were in. Ignorance of Yah’s torah (Law/instructions) is no excuse for celebrating pagan holidays. You will get a speeding ticket, ignorant or not! That speeding ticket in the spiritual side of things comes in the form of a curse. Yah told us clearly in His Word that He will curse us or bless us. Our actions determine whether we are cursed or blessed. You do the math. The Oak Christmas tree was first used as a Pagan custom 2000 years before Messiah was born. The tree symbolized the renewal of the human spirit. The Bible warned us of such heathen festivals. Jer. 10:1-4 “Hear the word which Elohim speaks to you, O house of Israel. Thus says Elohim, Do not learn the way of the nations, And do

not be terrified by the signs of the heavens Although the nations are terrified by them; For the customs of the peoples are delusion; The erect penis, christmas tree, is also symbolic of the Caduceus (wand of Hermes), or staff of Aesculapius and Asclepius, the symbol used for medical practices used around the world. This logo can be seen with either one or two snakes wrapped around a pole. It is often used as a symbol of the hippocratic oath.

Isa. 14:8 “Even the cypress trees rejoice over you, and the cedars of Lebanon, saying, ‘Since you were laid low, no tree cutter comes up against us.’ Here we see evergreen trees talked about. These are the trees cut down at christmas, used to celebrate the pagan holiday. Even creation itself cries out. Rom. 8:22-23 We know that until now, the whole creation has been groaning as with the pains of childbirth; and not


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only it, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we continue waiting eagerly to be made sons — that is, to have our whole bodies redeemed and set free.” Even the trees on earth will rejoice because no one comes to cut them down for the sake of idol worship. When we abuse nature, nature mourns, His whole creation groans. Isa. 14:12-13 (see also Rom. 8:22-23)“How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the earth, You who have weakened the nations!” “But you said in your heart, I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, And I will sit on the mount of assembly In the recesses of the north. In this verse Satan is called the “star of morning” for some strange reason. Many consider it to also be referring to the king of Babylon but it is actually a prophesy about Satan. The word translated “mount” is actually “moedim” in Hebrew, which means “seasons”. Yah told us to celebrate His Feasts according to the “moedim”, seasons of the year, as listed clearly in Lev. 23. Satan’s goal has always been to be the center of worship. If he can get ignorant people (especially those who claim to be believers in the bible), to follow all the pagan holidays like they do, he accomplishes his goal. He is the one they are worshipping and giving reverence to when then celebrate these heathen holy days, whether they understand it or not. Those who know better and still celebrate occult holidays are indeed pagans, there is no easy way to say it. Satan has and still does deceive the nations into celebrating pagan holy days, under the guise of what many call christianity. Most christians, because they are too lazy to read their bible, go along with these heathen celebrations even though in their heart and spirit they know better. In this day of increased knowledge there is no excuse whatsoever for any person claiming to love the Holy One of Israel to participate in such abominations. A Roman Catholic priest known as St. Bonafiss supposedly gets the credit for the first “Pagan Christian Christmas tree”. This pagan tradition took place around 700 AD; he chopped down an oak tree (terebinth, Hosea 4:13), being used by many heathens in worship. After he chopped it down, on the following day, a small young fir tree supposedly appeared in its place. He proclaimed: “the fir tree would from then on be the tree of Christmas, not the oak tree”. He said not a drop of blood will be shed tonight for this is the birth night of our Jesus. This tiny tree shall be the home tree, it is the wood of peace, it is the symbol of endless life, for its branches are ever green”. Another fable told of the Christmas tree, said that an evergreen tree sprang out from a dead stump, symbolizing Nimrod had come to life as his reincarnated son Tammuz. The Egyptians used a palm tree, and decorated it during the heathen feast of Saturnalia. The Scandinavian god Odin was believed to bestow special gifts at yuletide to those who approached his sacred fir tree. On Christmas day 1923 President Kalvin Coolidge presented the first electrically lit Christmas tree at the Whitehouse. ORNAMENTAL BALLS ON CHRISTMAS TREES...CHRISTMAS HAM Balls on christmas trees also represent the testicles (fertility) of Rah, Tammuz, being hung on their penis (the tree). Because Tammuz was supposedly killed by a boar, they took testicles from boars and dipped them in gold to hang them on a tree. Many people and churches have ham on Easter SUNday and Christmas because of the boar.


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These pagan people associated an oak tree with the celebration of their sun god. They created a ritual of decorating the oak tree with balls representing the sun god. They hung balls and ornaments, around their homes in honor of the Baal sun god. These ornaments represented the bright sun god. Today people put ornaments on their pagan Christmas trees and hang lights all over their house in celebration and honor of the heathen god of the sun, without even knowing it. They actually believe they are celebrating Messiah’s birth. Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest. Since you have forgotten the law of your YHVH, I also will forget your children.” Because it is wood cut from the forest, The

work of the hands of a craftsmen with a cutting tool. “They decorate {it} with silver and with gold; They fasten it with nails and with hammers So that it will not totter.” Does this remind you of Christmas trees? THE YULE LOG The Yule Log gets its origin from the leftover bones of the bon-fires that the pagans had to burn children. It means “child bone”. The “yule log” represented the Stump of Nimrod, deified as the Sun god, but cut down by his enemies. The Christmas tree is Nimrod redivivus, (the slain god come back to life). The “yule log” came from tree worshippers of Denmark and Sweden, for whom two months of the year, Dec. and Jan., were called “the former yule” and “the after yule”, stemming from the word “geol”, meaning coming before or after the winter solstice. The yule log simply meant the “solstice log”, or the ceremony of cutting trees out of the forest, burning their bases and trunks in fires, while stationing the smaller trees inside the homes, gaily decorated in commemoration of the heathen solstice festival. From these ancient pagan worshippers who celebrated their winter solstice in honor of their pagan gods with orgies, feasting and rejoicing, the word “yule” first attached itself to their log stemming from ancient tree worship. It gradually came to connote the season, and today is found in music, poetry, etc., as “yuletide”, or the “Christmas” season. The custom of burning the yule log was said to have begun with the Scandinavians who worshipped the god “Thor”, often called the “god of Thunder”. They burned the yule log once a year in reverence to Thor during the winter solstice. SANTA (SATAN) It’s safe to say that in our society today there is little or no emphasis put on Messiah at Christmas. The emphasis is clearly put on Santa Clause. I believe the following is the reason. Many years ago the heathens made an agreement with the early Christians and adopted various names for their pagan holidays. Christmas is a perfect example of the results of paganism coming into Christianity and contaminating it. Some say that the early Believers meant well when they took the heathen celebration of Saturnalia and made it into a Christian celebration of the birth of Messiah, but I believe that not only did Satan cause this to happen in the first place, but he once again got involved in it after it was


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changed to a supposed Biblical celebration. Satan has his slimy finger in everything pagan, and I believe it is hugely evident during the heathen festival of Christmas by means of Santa Clause. Santa, having become the main focus of Christmas, is not a coincidence like some would have you believe. Satan's handiwork is clearly visible in the very word “SANTA”. Look closely at this word and you will see his fingerprints, (SATAN). The true meaning of the pagan Santa is obscure, but it is believed that he was the Bishop of Myra during the reign of Diocletian, and was persecuted and tortured for his faith. His was allegedly present at the Council of Nicea. As one legend has it, St. Nicholas rescued and supernaturally restored three youths that had been cut up and sealed in a salted tub by an innkeeper in who’s inn they were lodging. Have you ever noticed Santa’s hat is always shown bent over. Santa’s hat is that of a wizard/witch, bent over. Another legend says St. Nicholas bestowed dowries upon three daughters of an impoverished person that was about to give his girls over to prostitution to survive. These dowries were considered presents and therefore the giving of presents was transferred over to Christmas day. In 1823 a poet minister, Clement C. Moore wrote a poem called “A Visit From St. Nicholas,” which was later changed to “The Night Before Christmas”. There are over 400 churches in England today that are dedicated to St. Nicholas. Millions of Christians today “LIE” to their children every Christmas morning about presents from Satan/Santa. Is this what a Believer should do to his children? These people perpetuate a problem by going along with pagan customs in the name of Christianity. They conceal the truth about YHVH from their children by mixing it with fables. This again is taking YHVH’S name in vain, whether you like it or not, it is poison. When these children grow up and find out that their parents were lying to them about Santa, they will have cause to question whether or not their parents are lying about this “Jesus stuff” too. No one wants to be a grinch, but the truth must be spoken to our children so they can in turn teach their children. MISTLETOE

The “mistletoe” stood for the divine branch that grew from the stump of Nimrod. A branch that supposedly came from heaven and grew upon a tree that sprung out of the earth. The Druids believed the mistletoe bough to stood for the Messiah. In 200BC Druids used mistletoe. The Druid pagan priests of Scotland prepared a pulp from a plant known in Scandinavia as “mistletoe” into a draft (drink), and used it as a cure for sterility. The mistletoe plant produces

its berries during the winter months. Mistletoe is a parasitic plant that grows off other plants. This is not coincidental, Satan is a parasite. WREATHS Wreaths represent Nimrod. They are trees, or tree branches in the shape of the sun. Rome was originally called Saturnia, the city of Saturn. Saturn was the father of gods, also called the father of Zeus (alias Jupiter). Saturn was also known as Kronos (Belus, or Baal), the first King of Babylon. A week of feasting was held in Rome, dedicated to saturn,


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called Saturnalia. It lasted from Dec. 17-23 and it was generally admitted to have preceded the birthday of the Sun-deity on Dec. 25. It was known for its exuberant festivities, given to drunkenness and revelry, being a time for giving presents in the form of “images” to one another, especially to children. This was the origin of the Christmas custom of giving dolls to little girls. Another explanation is that the wreath represents the vagina (crotch), the red berries represent blood, and the white berries represent sperm. HOLLY Holly was first used to chase away evil spirits from Pagan rituals. On December 25th. 336 AD the first recorded Christian celebration of Christmas took place in the Vatican in Rome, the nest of the anti-Christ. On Dec. 25 in 1818 the most famous Christmas song, Silent Night was sung for the first time. On Christmas day in 1223 St. Francis of Acecees assembled the first nativity scene. Noel means “No El”. In Hebrew, El is a title for Yahveh (God). NEW YEARS Druids celebrated “New Years Eve” over 4,000 years ago. The earliest known record of a New Years Festival is from 2000 BC. in Mesopotamia, when it was called Akitu, when the new moon was nearest the spring equinox (mid March Babylonian) or nearest the autumn equinox (mid Sept. Assyria). The New Year began for the Phoenicians and Persians with the autumn equinox Sept. 21st. and for Greeks, (until the 5th. century BC), with the winter solstice festival we now call Christmas, beginning Dec. 21st. By the Roman republican calendar the year began March 1st. After 153 BC. the official date was changed to Jan. 1st. and this was confirmed by the “Julian calendar” in

46 BC. Five thousand years ago the Mesopotamian Sumerians and Babylonians celebrated the renewal of life sustaining rains in the month of “Nisan”. Some cities celebrated the heathen tradition in the autumn (month of Tishri). They sacrificed grain and other foods and dedicated these things to the god’s “Tammuz”, otherwise known as Dumuzi, Marduk, etc., the fertility deities at a ziggurat temple tower. They celebrated with orgies, feasting, dancing, and other appropriate pagan rituals of the time. They celebrated the origin of the cosmos and the re-creation, reincarnation of the gods Nimrod and Tammuz,

under different names. The New Years celebration was officially adopted by the Roman Catholic church in 1582 and has simply been another on the list of so-called Christian holidays ordained by Satan himself throughout the centuries. Exod. 12:1-2 “Now Yah said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, “This month shall be the beginning of months for you; it is to be the first month of the year to you.” Yahveh is talking about the month of Passover, the month of Nissan. Nissan (March/April) is the beginning of the year according to the Almighty’s lunar calendar.


Page 10: Christmas New Y copy - dasydministry.org New Y copy.pdf · “CHRISTMAS” Yeshua was born during the feast of Tabernacles. No-one knows the exact date. One thing is for sure, “YESHUA”

DASYD MINISTRY "DO AS YESHUA DID" dasydministry.org Jerry Hennig (Feb/20) excerpt from Pag Book.