Christians, GOD’s First Responders An Interactive Christian Study Guide For Small Groups Written and Illustrated by Paul R. Martin Bible translation by Jeff Macy and Paul R. Martin

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GOD’s First Responders

An Interactive Christian Study Guide For Small Groups

Written and Illustrated by

Paul R. Martin

Bible translation by Jeff Macy and Paul R. Martin

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Chapter 1 Selection

Chapter 2 Academy

Chapter 3 Briefing

Chapter 4 Field Training

Chapter 5 Dispatch Calls

Chapter 6 Car Stops

Chapter 7 Pedestrian Checks

Chapter 8 Citizen Assist

Chapter 9 Law Enforcement

Chapter 10 Traffic Enforcement

Chapter 11 Children

Chapter 12 Pursuits

Chapter 13 Details

Chapter 14 Jail

Chapter 15 Internal Affairs

Chapter 16 Reports

Chapter 17 Court

Chapter 18 Rewards

Chapter 19 Code 7

Chapter 20 10-7

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You are in continuous training. GOD gave you your unique perspective, qualities, and attributes. It

doesn’t mean you are perfect yet! You will not be perfect until you arrive in Heaven as a permanent

resident. Until then, HE has a work to do in and through you. Yes, GOD wants to train you! HE wants

to make you perfect like HIS Son Jesus who is perfect in every way. HE will train you right where

you are and wherever life’s journey takes you.

Your FATHER will use people, places, and circumstances, to mold your character. HE will use the

bad and the good things that happen in your life. GOD will even use your bad choices and your

weaknesses to draw you closer to HIM. HE created you for HIMSELF! GOD takes great joy in you,

HIS precious and valued child.

One of the most powerful things GOD gave us is a free will. We have the choice to love GOD and

love others. We also have the power to reject GOD and even hate others. GOD has placed humanity

on earth not so we can destroy each other or do what is only in our own best interest. It is a part of

GOD’s great plan for us to choose HIM and life. HE also allows us to reject HIM and forever be

separated from HIMSELF. HE provided HIS Son Jesus as the “connect” with HIMSELF through the

shedding of HIS Son’s blood for our sins. All of this takes faith.

To be trained by GOD at the highest level, we need a Helper. That Helper is the Spirit of GOD.

It is HIS Spirit that first draws us to HIMSELF and then causes a spiritual birth when we give our

hearts to GOD. From this new birth, our training really begins. As we put our complete trust in HIM,

GOD reveals HIMSELF in a powerful way. It is a process of growth and training.

This study guide will help you stay focused on the task at hand as a Christian First Responder.

Your ability to learn is often the degree you are willing to learn and be transparent with GOD. Drawing

close to HIM will identify and defeat your wrong attitudes. It will remove barriers holding you back

from personal growth.

GOD wants to help you get into full service for HIM. HE wants to make you a First Responder to

a dying world and use you to reach others for HIM. Now why would an all-powerful GOD do that?

Because of love. We are HIS family. HE is our FATHER. As a son or daughter of GOD, we have a

role to play in this life. Ultimately, it is all GOD’s battle and HE has invited us to partner with HIM

in this struggle on earth.

This study guide makes parallels between a Police Officer (First Responder), and our Christian

walk. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your heart to hear and see what He wants to teach you through

this study guide. GOD has an awesome journey for you. HE is right there with you, every step of the

way! Let’s arrest evil and bring the Light of GOD’s love into humanity. Let your light shine as GOD

fills you with HIS love for HIMSELF and for others.

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Chapter 1

Getting Started

If you confess with your mouth Master Jesus and believe in your heart that

GOD raised Him from the dead you will be saved. Romans 10:9

If you want to become a police officer, you would have to fill out an application and submit a

resume. Many agencies prefer applicants with a college degree or military background. A clean record

and strong writing skills are needed. As you pass each test, you are invited to take the next test to

complete the process. You would have to take physical, written, oral, and psychological tests. A

background check and polygraph must be completed as part of your application. If you were an

applicant selected, you would have a final oral interview, usually with the Chief, Sheriff, or a

Commander. This whole process can take a long time. Very few individuals are selected to become

police officers.

“If” appears to be the connector between what you hope to accomplish and the next phase in that

process. GOD also requires some action on your part. If you truly love GOD, you will do your best to

love HIM and live for HIM. The good news is that GOD wants each one of us to be a First Responder

for HIM. Nobody gets rejected regardless of your background or training. Everyone is “hired” for

the task. It is entirely up to you how committed you want to be for HIS service. The more you live

for GOD, the more HE rewards you.

Regardless of the circumstances that brought you into existence here on Earth, GOD chose you

from the beginning of time. You are not an accident! It was by HIS supernatural hand that you came

into existence. GOD purposed that you would become HIS child. GOD has been watching you as HE

watches all of HIS creation. You do not have to put in an application, fill out a resume, or take any

tests for selection. A background check, security clearance or polygraph test is not needed. You

don’t have to pass a written or oral test, jump a wall, or shoot a weapon. What you should do is come

to GOD as a child. You should choose to love HIM. HE already loves you just like you are. GOD

desires a relationship with you through HIS Son Jesus. HE wants to have a close relationship with

you as a FATHER. GOD desires for you to live a healthy and happy life. This does not mean that your

life will be without struggles and challenges. The good news is that GOD will help you through HIS

Holy Spirit, HIS word, and even others. You should do your part though.

GOD has selected you. There is a process and you will face many life’s tests. Effort is required

on your part. Once you have enlisted and taken an oath with GOD, HE expects you to live for HIM;

righteously, publicly, and privately. GOD is a patient and loving FATHER. HE desires to train you

through HIS Holy Spirit and make you perfect like HIS Son Jesus. GOD knows that part of your

training process is a learning process. You will make mistakes but GOD is gracious and patient. HE

will not yell at you or make you pay for your mistakes. HE is loving and HE understands. GOD created

you from the beginning of time. You exist because of GOD. There is nothing that is hidden before

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HIM. Everything about you GOD created. GOD loves you so much HE gave you a free will to choose

HIM or reject HIM. HE does not force HIS love on anyone. HE wants you to choose HIM; choose

Life with HIM for all eternity. GOD sends HIS Spirit to pull on our hearts and draw us back to

HIMSELF. When we repent of our sins and give our lives to GOD, we have become born again. We

acknowledge Jesus as Lord and Savior and live for GOD.


• Believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior

• Get baptize

• Live for GOD


For all sinned and fail the glory of GOD.

Romans 3:23

1. Are you absolutely confident you are going to heaven? Explain?

2. Isn’t being a good person enough to make it to heaven? Why?

3. What does it mean to be “Saved”?

4. How do you live for GOD?

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Chapter 2

Basic Training

Therefore, be imitators of GOD as dear children.

Ephesians 5:1

You have got your foot in the door. Now it is time to begin the real training. You have arrived

at the Police Academy at 0 dark 30 and you don’t know what to expect. Everything starts exactly on

time. You line up in formation and the Tactical (TAC) Officers come out to “greet you.” It’s not a

warm, friendly, shake your hand greeting. The TAC Officers are in close proximity to your face and

are yelling orders at you. Your ears ring and your heart pounds in your chest. Your mind begins to

think, “What did I get myself into?” Everything you do is scrutinized under a microscope. Any mistake

you make is paid for with some form of physical and/or written consequences. The day is filled with

intense class instruction, verbal beatings, and lots of physical training. You determine in your mind

to not give up, no matter what! It’s a game of courage, strength, and endurance.

Most of us lead busy schedules with family, work, and everything in between. Starting your day

with GOD by thanking HIM, praying, reading HIS word or singing praises will set the tone for the

rest of your day. GOD is eager to see your face and hear your voice. HE will not be your drill

instructor ready to lay into you. With reverence, you can approach the CREATOR of the universe,

your FATHER, and have a special relationship with HIM. When you are able to create some sort of

routine or structure in your “closet” time with GOD is when you begin to see a high level of success

in your walk with HIM. Being consistent and flexible will create an atmosphere of hunger for HIM.

Training and discipline can be tough at times. The adversary is like a roaring lion looking for those

he can attack. Greater is GOD that is in you than the devil that is in the world. GOD isn’t looking to

exploit and expose your weaknesses. HE is not going to roll you out or make life miserable for you.

GOD wants to help you in every way to succeed. HE wants you on HIS team!


• Meditate on the bible

• Pray to GOD and ask HIS Spirit to help you

• Be thankful, praise, and worship HIM in everything you do

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And whatever you do, do from your soul as to the Master and not for people.

Colossians 3:23

1. Why is reading GOD’s word powerful in your life?

2. What does your daily conversation with GOD look like?

3. How do you get a Spirit of praise in your words and heart?

4. What are some immediate benefits of drawing close to GOD?

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Chapter 3


Stay awake and pray so that temptation will not enter into your mind. Truly

the spirit is zealous but the body is weak. Matthew 26:41

An officer starts his or her day in briefing. Roll call is taken. Officers are given specific

assignments. Information is relayed. Officers are given the opportunity to share information or ask

questions. Specific strategies from the upper ranks are relayed to the officers. BOLO’s (be on the

look-out), bulletins are given to the officers. Any other important information is discussed. Briefings

are a time to connect and cooperatively work together.

After briefing, officers go to their units, (police vehicles), or details to begin their shift. They

check and load their equipment. When they are ready to go in service, they advise dispatch.

The beginning of the day is a time you can make your priority list of things to do for GOD.

Sometimes this involves a cooperative effort with others. Try to have at a few people who are able

to partner with you and pray for you. They may not need to know all the details. Every day, be on

the look-out for ways to share Jesus and GOD’s love to others. Also, watch for possible hidden traps

of danger from the enemy. Share stories with other Believers that will encourage them in the Faith.

Remember to work together as Believers, be quick to forgive, and function as One Body of Christ

doing your part to advance HIS Kingdom.


• Work together to love others

• Encourage and be encouraged by other Christians

• Be ready to go in service for the King of kings

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Instead first search for GOD’s kingdom and HIS approval and all these will be

given to you. Matthew 6:33

1. How do you put GOD first to start your day?

2. What strategies do you use throughout your day?

3. How do you work together with others to achieve the same end result?

4. What hidden traps of the enemy are you watching for?

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Chapter 4

DO IT So be doers of the Word and not only hearers. Do not deceive yourselves.

James 1:22

When an officer is assigned to patrol, he or she is paired up with a training officer. The

training officer helps the new officer put into practice what the trainee has learned in the Police

Academy. Usually, the training officer has many years of experience. The training officer will first

demonstrate how to do things and then have the trainee do whatever is required as well. It is not

unusual for a trainee to have several different training officers. When the trainee successfully

passes training, the new officer will go solo. The training officer will shadow (follow), the trainee for

a week. If the trainee shows sufficient proficiency, he or she will then be signed off to continue

going solo as a regular patrol officer. Typically, a new officer will be on probation for a year.

There is great value in having a Christian mentor to help you learn and grow. You can glean from

their experiences and wisdom. When you have life challenges, that person can be a lifeline. GOD

sends people and Angels to help and protect us from danger. Your learning curve will accelerate as

you partner with a mature Christian. During these learning times, it is important to remove

distractions and focus on the task at hand. You want to watch, listen, and then go do it. It takes a

humble attitude and a willingness to learn. One of your goals should be to learn everything you can

from people. Another goal is to become a mentor to someone else. It all takes time and practice.


• Listen to godly instruction

• Learn everything you can from Christian mentors

• Practice doing GOD’s Word

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Trust in the LORD with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding,

but in all your ways acknowledge GOD and HE will direct your paths.

Proverbs 3:5

1. How is the Holy Spirit training and teaching you today?

2. How is GOD telling you what to do and giving direction?

3. What does “faith without works is dead” mean?

5. How do you know you are doing the right thing?

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Chapter 5

Calls for Service

So now travel, teaching every race to baptize them in the name of the FATHER,

and HIS Son, and the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19

You are in your police unit ready to go into service. You identify yourself by unit number to

dispatch which designates your beat (assigned work location). If there is a call in your area, dispatch

assigns you the call. You advise dispatch when you are on scene. As you handle the call, dispatch will

usually check your status to see if you are okay depending on the type and length of call. If you need

assistance, you advise dispatch who acts as a relay. When you complete the call, you advise dispatch

and make yourself available for your next call. This communication goes on simultaneously with all the

other units in service. You must continuously listen to your radio no matter what you are doing in case

you are dispatched a call.

GOD has assigned you a work area. HE wants you to represent HIM everywhere you go and handle

your assignments. The most important thing HE expects you to do is love others. HE wants you to

be patient, kind, compassionate, and understanding. HE uses HIS Holy Spirit to lead, direct, and help

you with others. Make yourself available to do HIS work and HIS will. As you trust in HIM and

follow HIS leading, HE will direct your steps. GOD will give you everything you need to accomplish

the task at hand.


• Talk with GOD about what is going on with you

• Let HIM know when you need help

• Listen carefully for HIS voice

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My sheep hear My Voice and I know them, so they follow Me. John 10:27

1. How do you stay focused and listen for GOD’s voice when HE calls you?

2. What calls for service have you not responded to?

3. What distractions are keeping you from hearing HIM clearly?

4. What can you do to improve listening to GOD?

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Chapter 6

Road safety And Jesus answered saying someone went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, but

robbers surrounded him and stripped off his clothing. And they attacked,

wounding him and they went away leaving him remaining half dead. Luke 10:30

Car stops are often the most fun and dangerous part of police work. Traffic enforcement helps

to maintain public safety and saves lives. Many times, during these car stops, criminals are

apprehended. Unfortunately, there are some individuals in society that do not care about the safety

and welfare of others. They actually plan and look for opportunities to take advantage of other

people. They will get into a vehicle intoxicated or under the influence of drugs with no regard for

the safety of others or themselves. Often, officers can observe erratic driving behavior and are

able to stop these individuals. It is this intervention by police officers that gives people an

opportunity to make better choices.

Christians sometimes fall victim to being attacked and hurt by others. As with officers, they are

targets to groups of people who are offended by Believers in Jesus and the Word of GOD. We must

be vigilant and cautious for attacks against us.

In Jesus’ times, it was obvious to recognize people like Herod who was evil and murdered innocent

people including babies. (Joseph, Mary and Jesus had to leave the country to flee for their safety.)

The enemy also uses people like the religious leaders who Jesus called, “A brood of vipers.” Their

attacks against God’s people were craftier and least suspected since they were supposed to be

representing the leadership of GOD’s people. We have to remember that satan can use anyone;

Pastors, teachers, family members, friends, etc., to come against us. GOD wants us to pray for our

enemies and bless those who curse us. This doesn’t mean GOD wants us to let them abuse or hurt us.

Know your rights as a child of GOD and protect yourself.


• Call upon GOD’s Angels to protect you from harm

• Ask GOD to intervene on your behalf

• Pray to GOD for discernment and safety

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The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer, my GOD, my

strength, in Whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and

my high tower. Psalm 18:2

1. Has GOD used anyone to help you?

2. Have you had any Angel experiences?

3. How can GOD protect you?

4. Why do bad things happen to Christians?

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Chapter 7

Stop and Talk

And realize a man named Zacchaeus who was also a commanding officer of the

tax collectors that was also rich, and he sought to see who Jesus was but he

could not from the crowd because he was short by height. Luke 19:2,3

Contacting people on foot is a normal duty for police officers in their community. Person-to-person

contact is a powerful communication tool to build trust between law enforcement and the community.

Officers frequently contact tourist, business people, and citizens who are out in their

community. Many times, officers will be notified of subjects on foot committing crimes. Sometimes

officers can make observations of persons engaged in unusual activities which results in an

arrest. Usually, people up to no good act like it.

Many times, throughout the bible, GOD chose what seemed like the least likely person to represent

HIM. Keep your eyes open for these kinds of people that GOD is using to advance HIS Kingdom. It

is easy to pass judgement on people because of their economic status, race, religious beliefs, position,

etc. Ask GOD for divine appointments and talk with people with compassion and humility.


• Look for opportunities to share your faith with others

• Pray for those who are doing wrong behavior

• Without judgement, show Christ-like love

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Jesus said to him, “I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to

the FATHER except through Me.” John 14:6

1. When was the last time you talked with someone who wanted to give their life to GOD?

2. Who was the last person you introduced to Jesus?

3. What do you think draws people to GOD?

4. How would you like to change a person's life in a positive way?

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Chapter 8

Helping others

If any one of you wants to be first they will be everyone’s servant.

Mark 10:44 One quality all good officers possess is the attitude of a servant. It is this desire to protect and

serve that drives each officer to perform their duties. Police work is one of the few occupations

where an officer will put himself or herself in the most dangerous situation to protect people; in most

cases, someone they have never met. Officers look for people who need special assistance such as a

stranded motorist, lost elderly person, or injured child. They reach out to those in their community

one person at a time with no expectation of anything in return.

One of the most rewarding things you can do as a person is help others in need. Maybe it is giving

an encouraging word, holding a door opened, letting someone go first, volunteering at church or a local

school, or visiting an elderly person. There are so many ways to serve others and to greatly bless

people’s lives.


• Ask GOD to give you a servant’s heart

• Pray for divine appointments to demonstrate GOD's love to others

• Focus on the needs of others by giving your time and energy to serve

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DEBRIEF No-one has greater love than this; someone lays down their life for their

friends. John 15:13

1. Describe one person you know who is an example of a great servant?

2. What can you do today and this week to be a great servant?

3. Besides Jesus, whom do you admire as a great servant in the bible? Why?

4. How do you think GOD will reward you on earth and in Heaven for being a servant of all?

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Chapter 9

Boundaries "Do not think that I came to make the Laws or the prophets useless. I come

not to make useless but to complete them." Matthew 5:17 Police officers carry a penal code book with them in their police units that is a couple of inches

thick. Included in this book are penal codes, vehicle codes, health and safety codes, etc. They are

very familiar with how to look up violations of law. In fact, most officers have hundreds of them

memorized. They operate only within the scope of the law or risk civil liability, criminal prosecution,

and termination. It is the law that gives them the power to uphold it. The law is well defined yet

pliable within court interpretation. Officers are expected to know the law, follow its guidelines, and

apply them with equity. They are expected to enforce the laws with fairness and justice.

GOD gives us healthy boundaries as Christians to protect us. HE chose people throughout history,

some good and some bad, to show us in HIS Word the right way to live for HIM. Jesus always

submitted His will to the FATHER’s will, even suffering and dying on a cross. When we step outside

of HIS walls of protection, we are very vulnerable to failure. It may appear when some people live

their way, there is success. Sin has its reward only for a season and then there is a consequence.

Ultimately, their choices will either have a good or bad result in their life. It is better to do the

right thing and do GOD’s will. HE has our best interests in mind and it is for our benefit.


• GOD’s law protects you

• Ask GOD to do HIS will in your life

• Recognize what is not GOD’s will but yours

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Justice and judgement are the established place of YOUR Throne; goodness

and truth shall go before YOUR FACE.

Psalms 89:14

1. Have you ever felt you've been treated unjustly? Explain?

2. How has GOD's law benefited you?

3. How are you able to forgive somebody that has wronged you?

4. What have you done to make something right to somebody you wronged?

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Chapter 10

Safe Roads “For narrow is the gate and strait is the Way that leads to real Life. And few

are those who find it.” Matthew 7:14

Almost every officer does some form of traffic enforcement within their city. Some cities have

officers specifically assigned to traffic enforcement. As large groups of people move about the city

in vehicles, it is necessary to control traffic movement for the smooth operation of traffic flow.

Most individuals follow the traffic laws. The greatest number of violations occur because of excessive

speed. Usually, traffic collisions are a result of unsafe speed, inattention, or drivers under the

influence of alcohol/drugs. Officers encourage drivers to slow down, stay alert, and drive safe. It

could save your life or somebody else’s life.

It is easy to go with the flow of the world. GOD wants us to go with HIS flow. This will be met

with resistance, persecution, and hostility from the enemy through lost people. Take the path that

leads to Life. Jesus said His yoke is easy. Let Him carry your load and rely on the power of the Holy

Spirit operating in your life.


• Law and Order was designed by GOD

• Recognize GOD’s path verses the world’s path

• What may be safe for you may be dangerous for others

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How they told you that there will be mockers during the last times walking

after their own ungodly ambitions.

Jude 1:18

1. What guidelines has GOD put in place to keep you safe?

2. How can you encourage others to do the right thing?

3. If someone has caused you offense, how can you overcome this?

4. When someone is in your space, how do you respond?

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Chapter 11

Future So Jesus said, "Do not send the little children away or prevent them from

coming to Me. The Kingdom of Heaven is for these kind.” Matthew 19:14

Children have become the target of vicious crimes. Most cities now have officers specifically

assigned to their schools to protect the children. These school resource officers (SRO), are valuable

police positions to connect with young children. SRO's are an intricate part of school campuses. They

help turn children away from drugs, gangs, and criminal activity through education. SRO's help with

guidance, instruction, and role modeling for the young children. They provide a safer learning

environment on and around the school campuses. SRO's are a powerful defense against those who

would purposely try to hurt children. Their physical presence can deter or immediately neutralize a

threat against children and faculty.

GOD wants us to have child-like faith. HE wants us to trust HIM with our lives and daily decisions.

When we try to do it on our own, it gets messed up. We can rest in the fact that GOD is our DADDY

and knows what HE is doing in our lives.


• Come to GOD as a child

• Walk humbly before HIM

• Let the Holy Spirit lead you

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Therefore, be humble under the mighty hand of GOD that HE will lift you up

at a proper time. 1 Peter 5:6

1. What can you do to help protect GOD's children?

2. How do you come before GOD like a child?

3. When was the last time you were humbled?

4. What attribute did you have as a child that you would like to have back?

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Chapter 12

You can run but you can’t hide So now you are no longer strangers and foreigners, instead, fellow citizens,

the Saints and the household of GOD. Ephesians 2:19

In the police academy, officers are trained to chase a suspect in a vehicle at high rates of speed.

This training helps officers with their driving skills and gives them a better understanding of their

vehicle limitations. In does not take long for brakes to overheat and subsequent loss of control of

their police car. Additionally, it helps them to coordinate teamwork and multitasking while chasing a

fleeing vehicle. Officers must manage their adrenaline and feel reasonably comfortable driving fast,

so they can think clearly. Even with all this training, chasing a real suspect is dangerous and


Chase after GOD and HIS Kingdom, not the temporal things of the world. Keep your focus on

HIM and things above. Don’t let GOD get away from your life. Pursue HIM with all your strength.


• Let GOD help you with your moments of stress

• Be comfortable in yourself to do your best for HIM

• Think and plan ahead where HE may take you

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And Jesus said to him, "Love GOD your MASTER with all your heart and with

all your soul and with all your mind."

Matthew 22:37

1. What are you chasing after in life?

2. How do you love GOD with all your mind, will and emotions?

3. How do you love GOD with your thought process?

4. How do you love GOD with all your strength?

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Chapter 13


God saw that he turned away from seeing; God called to him from the bush’s

middle, “Moses, Moses.” He replied, “Here I am.” Exodus 3:4

As officers become proficient in their jobs, there are many different details they can do. For

example, there are Traffic enforcement, DRE (drug recognition expert), DUI (driving under the

influence of drugs/alcohol) enforcement officer, Gangs, SRO, SWAT, Investigations, Air Division,

Boat/beach division, (Scuba) Dive team, Narcotics, and many others. It is this diversity that appeals

to so many officers as they are able to pursue specific areas of enforcement with high levels of

proficiency. As a result, most officers enjoy the challenge of their job and spend a career in service.

You are here on earth on assignment. That doesn’t mean you must have some Christian title such

as a Pastor, Evangelist, etc. You may be an officer, government worker, student, or waitress.

Whatever occupation or position you have, GOD is using you right where you are. HE wants you to

positively impact the world for HIM and bring HIM glory through your life. Always do your best as

a representative of GOD.


• GOD has given you special skills to help others

• GOD will connect you with the right people and resources

• Enjoy your journey and what HE has called you to do

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And you are bodies of the Anointed One and members in parts. 1 Corinthians

12:27 1. What is your gift from GOD?

2. How do you use your gift to bring HIM glory?

3. What special gifts do you see in others?

4. What gift would you like to have from GOD?

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Chapter 14


Jesus replied to them, "Truly, truly I say to you that whoever does sin is a

slave to sin.” John 8:34

"Take them to jail, write 'em tickets, or both," one Sergeant would say at the end of every

briefing. It was a reminder to the officers to do their jobs and enforce the laws. Officers are the

fine line between social order and complete chaos. The citizens of Los Angeles saw this when officers

withdrew from areas during the Rodney King riots. Numerous businesses were looted and

purposefully set on fire. Police and fire fighters were shot at as they tried to respond to calls. People

were dragged out of their vehicles and beaten by a mob, etc. A law without enforcement is a

worthless law. There must be enforcement or consequences to traffic and criminal violations.

Officers are given the discretion to make judgement calls when enforcing laws. For example, if a

person was pulled over for speeding and was going to the hospital with an obvious medical emergency,

the officer is probably not going to detain that person and write them a ticket. However, an

emergency doesn’t give a person the right to drive recklessly and endanger others. Officers must

know when to exercise the letter of the law verses the spirit of the law.

GOD knows our hearts and our motives. HE knows the difference between godly repentance and

being sorry because you got caught. Any consequence of your sin is initiated by you and completed

by GOD. HE has tremendous love and grace for you. HE does not want you to purposely sin and test

HIS grace. GOD disciplines those HE loves.


• Identify a sin that is trying to keep you a slave today

• GOD will judge every person

• GOD sees all hidden things including your thoughts

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Just as HE chose us with HIM before the foundation of the world, we are to

be holy and unblameable before HIM in love. Ephesians 1:4

1. How are you a prisoner or bond servant of Jesus?

2. How are you set free from sin?

3. What does it mean to be a slave to sin?

4. How can you help others be set free?

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Chapter 15

Accountability GOD looks down from Heaven upon the children of men, to see if there are

any who understand, who seek GOD. Psalm 53:2

Officers are held to a higher standard than the rest of society. If an officer makes a mistake,

he or she cannot fall back on the excuses of, "I forgot, I didn't know, or I was half asleep from

working 16 hours straight." Misjudgment or a mistake can have significant consequences for the

officer, city liability, and public safety. If an officer lies, he or she is usually terminated and could

face criminal charges. A bad response or perceived wrong response by an officer's actions can incite

community protest or worse, violence against those hired to protect all of us. Everything is

scrutinized both internally and externally.

People of the world are watching you and your Christian walk. They are making judgements about

your faith and how you live. Also, they are listening to how you talk and behave. You don’t live by

their standards, but GOD’s. Don’t put unrealistic expectations on yourself that somehow you are

going to be perfect. Even the religious leaders condemned and criticized Jesus when he hung out

with sinners. Jesus said he came to heal the sick not the healthy. Be the person that people look up

to and admire because of what GOD is doing through you. Always give GOD the credit for what HE

does in your life.


• GOD watches everyone

• GOD holds everyone accountable

• Live an honorable life that is pleasing to GOD

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For the LORD corrects those HE loves, just as a father corrects a child in

whom he delights. Proverbs 3:12

1. How has GOD corrected you?

2. What is the consequence of sin?

3. How is your sin paid for?

4. How does sin affect others?

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Chapter 16

Documentation And whoever was not found written in the Scroll of Life was thrown into the

lake of fire. Revelations 20:15

The minute an officer starts his or her shift, it is recorded in written form and with the dispatch

computer. For police officers, it's all about documentation. There are many types of reports such

as criminal reports, missing person, lost property, runaway, traffic collision, DUI, and others that

officers need to know how to write. Officers handle hundreds of calls and accurate report writing is

absolutely necessary. Everything an officer writes on a pad and into a report becomes legal

information accessible by the court. Asking the right questions and putting that information in a

report can make the difference for investigators to solve cases.

You are in the business of serving King Jesus and are a part of His team. Teams that have high

level success have high level communication and cooperation. Often your biggest hindrance is you. It

takes effort to connect and communicate with GOD and others. Your communication should be in oral

and written form if you are able. It will help you keep on track. It will remind you of where you are

and where you need to go. GOD’s Angels and your co-laborers are busy doing HIS business and

documenting what is transpiring in your life.


• Daily journal with GOD

• Write down your dreams and ask for interpretation

• Deliberately study GOD’s word

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This is what the LORD, the GOD of Israel, says: "Write in a book all the

words I have spoken to you."

Jeremiah 30:2

1. Do you write down what GOD tells you?

2. Do you keep a Daily Journal?

3. Why is it important to write things down?

4. What is the most important thing you've ever written down?

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Chapter 17

Justice A single day in your courts is better than a thousand

anywhere else! I would rather be a gatekeeper in the

House of my GOD than live the good life in the home of

the wicked. Psalm 84:10

Officers are often in court for different cases. There are generally three different courts;

civil, criminal, and traffic court. When an officer receives a subpoena, (written mandatory

appearance), he or she is required to appear in court. Depending on the case, some cases are lengthy

and some cases get plea bargained or dismissed before it goes to trial. When an officer is on the

witness stand, it can be very stressful as he or she is asked many detailed questions about a case

that typically occurred more than six months prior to testifying.

Jesus is our advocate. He is at the right hand of the FATHER standing against the accuser. He

has already paid the penalty of our sin on the cross for any wrong doing we have done. Additionally,

Jesus works on our behalf in the Heavenly Courts for justice in our lives.


• GOD’s justice is perfect

• We must be ready on all occasions to account for our faith

• GOD gives us a Spirit of Peace and Truth

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Anyone doing sin also violates the Law, for sin is lawlessness. 1 John 3:4

1. How is GOD our JUDGE?

2. How will our works be tested by fire?

3. Will our sins be remembered by GOD?

4. Is there any unforgivable sin?

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Chapter 18

Affirmation But without faith it is impossible to please GOD for you must come believing that HE is and

rewards those seeking HIM. Hebrews 11:6

Officers many times do heroic acts with no acknowledgement or recognition for their deeds.

Most officers will say when they are recognized, "I was just doing my job." Whether officers admit

it or not, recognition and reward for their hard work is invaluable. Rewards create a morale boost

within departments. It is a tangible way of telling officers we value you, we honor you, and we thank

you for your service to our community.

There are many Christians who work tirelessly to help others. It may seem their work is done

without recognition or reward. However, we have a great cloud of Witnesses in Heaven who watch

everything we do for HIM. Our CREATOR is watching everything we do for HIM. GOD is storing up

treasures beyond comprehension or imagination for those who love HIM. As we work for GOD, HE

blesses us here on earth and for all eternity with heavenly rewards.


• GOD will reward you for everything you do for HIM

• GOD will reward you for everything you do for others

• GOD looks forward to rewarding you in Heaven

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For the LORD GOD is a sun and shield; The LORD bestows grace, honor, and

riches; No good thing will HE withhold from those who walk uprightly.

Psalm 84:11 1. What good things do you think GOD has prepared for you?

2. What is the greatest reward GOD can give you?

3. How can you reward somebody for doing something good?

4. What heroic thing have you witnessed somebody do?

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Chapter 19

Eat How sweet YOUR Words taste to me; They are sweeter than honey.

Psalm 119:103

Most of the time, officers are running around trying to handle their calls and getting their

paperwork done. A nice break time in the day is lunch time. Often times though, as an officer goes to

lunch, he or she gets interrupted with another call. Many times, officers will get together to eat since

they spend most of their day alone. The public will frequently approach them at lunch regarding some

question or problem. Eating on the run is normal for officers.

It seems Christians often fall into the trap of doing more and more for their church and forget

to take a break. Being a leader can become very demanding with endless needs. There has to be time

to slow down, stop, and enjoy the simple things like eating together.


• GOD is preparing a great wedding feast for all who are saved

• Enter GOD’s peaceful place

• GOD will provide all your needs

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And my GOD will supply all your needs as is to HIS wealth in glory by the

anointed One Jesus. Philippians 4:19

1. How has GOD met your needs today?

2. Have you ever met anyone who starved to death because they didn't have any food?

3. What do you think the wedding feast is going to be like in Heaven?

4. If you were to have a feast today, who would you invite? Why?

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Chapter 20

Out of service Do you not know that runners in a race all run but truly one receives the

prize? So run so that to get it. 1 Corinthians 9:24

From the very beginning, candidates for officer competed against each other to get their

position. Throughout their careers, they competed for details, rank promotions, and perhaps

unofficially to be the best officer. Hopefully, an officer is able to make it through a career alive and

not too banged up. It is a hazardous occupation because of the long days, odd hours, stress, and

working in a dangerous environment. Officers take one day at a time and give their best every

day. For this we honor them and say thank you!

Perhaps the greatest gift we can give to another human is leading them to eternal life through a

relationship with GOD’s Son, Jesus. In police work, officers who save other’s lives from death are

heroes. In Heaven, Christians who save people from the pits of hell for all eternity are heroes in

Heaven. When one person gives their life to GOD, all the Angels in Heaven rejoice and their name is

written in the eternal book of life. All you have to do is believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior, be

baptized, receive the Holy Spirit, and live for GOD. This is the public declaration and covenant you

are making with GOD to love HIM.

The day is coming when your time on earth will be done. The good news is in a split second you will

be in Heaven in a perfect body. All the junk of the world will be gone and you will be overwhelmed

with joy. All remembrance of the bad things on earth will be erased. You will be in the perfect

climate and atmosphere of Heaven with GOD’s presence everywhere. Until then, train hard and train

with purpose!


• GOD’s plan for your life is perfect

• HE wants you to do your best

• GOD is always with you

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Think about things above not things on the earth. For you died and your life

is covered with the Anointed One to GOD. When the Anointed One who is our

Life appears, then you will also appear with Him in Glory. Colossians 3:2-4

1. How does your eternal perspective affect your daily life?

2. If you knew your race was over at the end of the day, how would you prepare to meet your


3. What last thing would you make right before going out of service?

4. If today was your best day ever, what would it look like?

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Paul R. Martin is a retired Deputy Sheriff of 21 years in Orange County, California, and served two

years as a Mohave County Adult Probation Officer in Arizona. He is the creator of “Cop's Corner”

police board game available for purchase at FlashOver Graphics, KRMC Gift Boutique, and Mailboxes

NET in Kingman, Arizona. It is also available on Etsy.com and copscornergame.com.

Paul is a Chief Executive Officer for PTSD2HEALTH (ptsd2Health.com), a religious nonprofit

charitable organization. If you would like to make a tax-deductible gift to help people with PTSD

counseling, equine-assisted psychotherapy, or substance addiction counseling, please make your check

to PTSD2HEALTH (Corporate #C4082561) at P.O. Box 103, Twin Peaks, CA 92391 or donate on-line.

His desire is to build positive, healthy relationships in families and our communities. Thank you for

your love and support!

Scripture verses used in this text were translated by Jeff Macy ([email protected]), from

the original 1611 King James version and was used by permission.

If you wish to contact Paul, do so at P.O. Box 6808 Kingman, AZ 86402 or [email protected]

Honor the LORD GOD and HIS Son Jesus in everything you think, say, and do. Have a blessed day!