Cholesterol Balance - Natural Cholesterol Balance and Control

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  • 8/16/2019 Cholesterol Balance - Natural Cholesterol Balance and Control


    But while cholesterol isn’t the enemy, you still

    want to maintain a balanced cholesterol profile,

    i.e. low in LDL, high in HDL and HDL to LDL

    ratio. Having a high HDL level is a scientifically

    validated way to stay healthy and reduce therisk of cardiovascular disease.

    The trouble is that most conventional medical

    practices think that the best way to deal with

    this is by prescribing cholesterol-destroying

    drugs called “statin drugs.” They are wrong.

    Statins are one of the most deadly drugs on

    the planet.

    For starters, statins may cause cancer. In fact,

    studies show that this could be a real long term

    danger for men and women currently takingstatins, but very little is heard about this risk.

    Secondly, statins can actually contribute to the

    cause of heart failure.

    Statins lower levels of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10),

    a crucial element for cellular energy productionin the mitochondria – the cellular “engine.”

    Since CoQ10 is needed by virtually every cell

    in the body – especially those cells that use the

    most energy like the heart and cardiovascular

    system, you can understand how much more

    risk statins create right off the bat.

    None of this is unknown to conventional

    practice. In fact, many doctors would argue

    that the very fact of declining CoQ10 levels is

    evidence that the statins are working! After

    all, they reason, that’s how you know the

    drug is being metabolized in the liver! And yet,

    if you were to suggest supplementing with

    CoQ10, I would guarantee that nine out of

    ten conventional medical practitioners would

    try to talk you out of it. Yet lack of CoQ10

    dramatically weakens the heart and reducesits ability to beat energetically.

    Here’s something else to think about: 5 million

    Americans have Congestive Heart Failure

    (CHF), and there are 500,000 new cases each

    year of this largely preventable, lifestyle-based

    disease. Sadly, half of those patients with CHFwill be dead within 5 years. And yet, statin

    Natural Cholesterol Balance and Control 

    To your good health,Terry... Naturally  

    or years we’ve been told that cholesterol is

    big problem. I don’t believe that’s really the

    ase. After all, cholesterol is not the enemy

    it’s a vitally important building block for

    verything from vitamin D to our sex hormones.

    Having said that, I do  believe in keeping a

    alance of cholesterol. Keeping our HDL to

    DL ratio healthy is one of the most important

    spects of cardio-vascular health. But having

    balance of cholesterol can be difficult.

    After all, our bodies produce cholesterol – as

    much as 1000 mg per day, so for anyone

    redisposed to having an imbalance, it can

    eel like an uphill battle.

    hat’s why I appreciate natural ingredients that

    on’t dramatically drop the cholesterol we trulyeed or damage the liver the way that statin

    rugs do. If you’re thinking about using statin

    rugs, please think again. I’d like to present

    ou with a much healthier alternative.

    Good” Cholesterol vs.

    Bad” CholesterolWhile this is simplifying things a bit, you canreak cholesterol into High-Density Lipoprotein

    holesterol (HDL or “good” cholesterol) and

    ow-Density Lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL or

    bad” cholesterol).

    Admittedly, my opinion about cholesterol is

    oing to differ quite a bit from a lot of established

    ractice, but let’s think of it this way: boosting

    HDL levels is a good idea, and you can’t do that

    with the Standard American Diet (SAD) with

    s emphasis on refined foods and sugars and

    oor balance of fatty acids.

    drug sales have increased to almost $20 b

    How can we say that we’re truly interest

    preventing disease with numbers like this?

    What Really Causes Heart Attack

    It Isn’t CholesterolDo you know what really causes h

    attacks? It isn’t cholesterol. It is oxidation

    inflammation. Consider what’s happenin

    the arteries. Cholesterol particles travel

    fine through the bloodstream. Inflamma

    changes cause damage to the lining of

    blood vessel, which attracts white blood c

    Inflammation causes oxidative damage.

    damage requires a bandaid. What does

    body use for the bandaid? LDL cholestOnly when LDL becomes oxidized does it b

    to form plaques in the wall of the artery. Blacholesterol for heart disease is like bla

    your bandaid for the scrape on your knee.

    HDL cholesterol, on the other hand, is pa

    the body’s repair  system. As it moves thr

    blood vessels and arteries, it scoops up

    cholesterol and returns it to the liver s

    can be broken down. That’s why balan

    your levels of HDL and LDL cholesterol –

    not putting your liver and health at risk

    statins – is so important. One way to do th

    to keep blood vessels and arteries flexiblehealthy so they are less affected by oxid

    Subscribe to a free weekly health newslette

    When in doubt, always consult your physician

     health care practitioner. This column is to pro

     you with information to maintain your health



    cholesterol, HDL, LDL, balance,

    flaxseed oil, flax, sterols, plant sterols,

    phytosterols, lipoprotein, ratio,statins, statin drugs, Mevacor, Zocor,

    Crestor, Lipitor, good cholesterol,

    bad cholesterol, omega-3, EPA,

    eicosapentaenoic acid



  • 8/16/2019 Cholesterol Balance - Natural Cholesterol Balance and Control


    Natural Cholesterol Balance and Control

    heart disease has long been associated with

    men, it is actually the second leading cause

    of mortality for women. In the Nurses’ Health

    Study, a massive 10-year follow-up study, the

    diets and instances of coronary risk factors of

    women ages 35 to 55 were examined. Theresearchers found that a higher intake of ALAcould reduce the risk of IHD. Additionally, one

    of the major benefits of ALA intake was noted

    in the National Heart, Lung, & Blood Institute

    Family Heart Study. In a cross-section test of

    over 4500 participants, ALA was shown to

    lower the risk of cardiovascular disease (CAD).

    One of the very important ways it does this

    is by supporting a strong, healthy heartbeat

    and rhythm. And, another study found further

    evidence of the benefit of ALA showing that it

    lowers fasting serum triglyceride levels.

    Plant Sterols – A Simple, But

    Clever IngredientIf you follow developments in the health

    food industry, or have heard of more recent

    developments in what are called ‘functional

    foods’, you’ve probably heard about plant

    sterols (also called ‘phytosterols’).

    Plant sterols actually work on a very simple

    principal. They take over the sites in theintestines, where cholesterol would be either

    absorbed or reabsorbed. Plant sterols are

    shaped so much like cholesterol that they fit

    perfectly into spots – the “parking places”, orperhaps “driveways” through which cholesterol

    would normally absorb.

    Plant sterols also help prevent the re-absorption

    of old, used-up cholesterol that our body is

    trying to excrete. Once our liver dumps this

    waste cholesterol into our intestines, it really

    needs to latch onto a fiber source to carry it outof the body. If you’re not getting a lot of fiber in

    your diet that day, it gets  reabsorbed , which

    can be an unhealthy circumstance. Remember,

    the body creates about 80% of your cholesterol,

    so this isn’t always just coming from food

    sources. In fact, someone following a vegan/ 

    vegetarian diet can have better cholesterol

    balance by using phytosterols!

    tress and inflammation, and to reduce levels

    f chronic inflammation in your body. The other

    s to gently and naturally reduce the amount of

    holesterol your body absorbs and more impor-

    antly, reabsorbs, through the digestive system.

    here are two ingredients that do just that:

    lpha-linolenic acid and plant sterols.

    Alpha-linolenic Acid – A Plant-ourced Omega-3 Fatty Acid

    Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is an omega-3 fatty

    cid found in leafy green vegetables, almonds,

    walnuts, and especially flaxseeds.

    One of the best sources of alpha-linolenic

    cid is flaxseed ( Linium usitatissimum) oil. Thismega-3 fatty acid acts as an anti-inflammatory

    nd helps keep the cellular structure of blood

    essels and arteries healthy and flexible.

    A small amount of the alpha-linolenic acid from

    axseed oil is converted to eicosapentaenoic

    cid (EPA) in the body. Some research has

    hown that it can convert to smaller amounts of

    DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) as well, although

    ot as consistently. Omega-3s are immensely

    mportant to cardiovascular health. They not

    nly keep blood vessels supple and flexiblewhich reduces blood pressure) they reduce the

    ccumulation or “aggregation” of blood platelets

    hat lead to clogged arteries by reducing the

    utput of prostaglandin thromboxane A(2), an

    nflammatory signaling molecule in the body.

    However, ALA also has healthy properties

    without   being converted to EPA and DHA.

    One of the clinical studies establishing ank between alpha-linolenic acid and heart

    ealth showed that it reduced inflammation,

    owered levels of C-reactive protein (a marker ofnflammation) and decreased levels of vascular

    ell adhesion molecules – the very molecules

    hat, when inflamed from oxidative stress, can

    nd up creating the blocked blood vessels that

    ause atherosclerosis.

    Alpha-linolenic acid also lowers the risk of

    schemic heart disease (IHD) in women. Although

     You Don’t Need Statins!There are a number of things you can do

    affect your cholesterol balance. One is exer

    Choose an activity that you really enjoy

    stick with it. When your weight is hea

    your body has a better chance of kee

    your LDL where it should be. Not sure w

    to begin? Check out my article, “Short B

    Exercise vs. Conventional Exercising.”

    Only eat whole, unrefined foods. Avoid

    sweeteners and refined grains. Not only

    refined carbohydrates keep you fat (which

    don’t  do, despite the conventional “fat pho

    out there), they also raise your triglyc

    levels and get you on the road to typ

    diabetes or metabolic syndrome. Either wprocessed foods cause a lot of inflammatio

    the body, and throws a healthy LDL/HDL

    completely out of balance.

    Another big lifestyle change is to stop smo

    Aside from its damage to your cells

    respiratory system, cigarette smoking ca

    inflammation and oxidative stress throug

    the cardiovascular system that can lea

    hardened and clogged arteries.

    If you are struggling with an HDLimbalance, I recommend at least 1200 m

    alpha-linolenic acid from pure Nordic flax

    oil combined with 900 mg of plant sterols

    day. I think these natural ingredients m

    good sense. Add them to your regimen,

    see if they work to get your HDL and

    ratio to a much better place. Reducing

    eliminating risks for heart disease is one o

    best ways you can avoid disability as you

    and can lengthen your life span significa

    It pays to pay attention to your heart. 


    Terry recommends a product with thes


    Plant Sterols 900 m

    In a base of Pure Nordic Flax Seed Oil

    containing Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA)

