Chiral separations using capillary electrophoresis Citation for published version (APA): Ingelse, B. A. (1997). Chiral separations using capillary electrophoresis Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven DOI: 10.6100/IR492451 DOI: 10.6100/IR492451 Document status and date: Published: 01/01/1997 Document Version: Publisher’s PDF, also known as Version of Record (includes final page, issue and volume numbers) Please check the document version of this publication: • A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between the submitted version and the official published version of record. People interested in the research are advised to contact the author for the final version of the publication, or visit the DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review. • The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and page numbers. Link to publication General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal. If the publication is distributed under the terms of Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act, indicated by the “Taverne” license above, please follow below link for the End User Agreement: www.tue.nl/taverne Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us at: [email protected] providing details and we will investigate your claim. Download date: 09. Sep. 2019

Chiral separations using capillary electrophoresis - Pure · CHIRAL SEPARATIONS USING CAPILLARY ELECTROPHORESIS PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Technische

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Page 1: Chiral separations using capillary electrophoresis - Pure · CHIRAL SEPARATIONS USING CAPILLARY ELECTROPHORESIS PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Technische

Chiral separations using capillary electrophoresis

Citation for published version (APA):Ingelse, B. A. (1997). Chiral separations using capillary electrophoresis Eindhoven: Technische UniversiteitEindhoven DOI: 10.6100/IR492451


Document status and date:Published: 01/01/1997

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Page 3: Chiral separations using capillary electrophoresis - Pure · CHIRAL SEPARATIONS USING CAPILLARY ELECTROPHORESIS PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Technische



Page 4: Chiral separations using capillary electrophoresis - Pure · CHIRAL SEPARATIONS USING CAPILLARY ELECTROPHORESIS PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Technische

Ingelse, Benno A

Chiral separations using capillary electrophoresis I by Benno A.

Ingelse. - Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 1997.

Proefschrift. -

ISBN 90-386-0958-2

NUGI 813

Trefw.: capillaire elektroforese I stereoselectieve scheidingsmethoden

Subject headings: capillary electrophoresis I enantiomers

Page 5: Chiral separations using capillary electrophoresis - Pure · CHIRAL SEPARATIONS USING CAPILLARY ELECTROPHORESIS PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Technische




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Page 6: Chiral separations using capillary electrophoresis - Pure · CHIRAL SEPARATIONS USING CAPILLARY ELECTROPHORESIS PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Technische

Dit proefschrift is goedgekeurd door de promotoren:

prof.dr.ir. F.M. Everaerts


prof.dr.ir. C.A.M.G. Cramers


dr.ir. J.C. Reijenga

Page 7: Chiral separations using capillary electrophoresis - Pure · CHIRAL SEPARATIONS USING CAPILLARY ELECTROPHORESIS PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Technische





1.1 Introduction to electrophoresis 7

1.2 Electrophoretic mobility 8

1.3 Factors influencing resolution 9

1.4 Electroosmosis 12

1.5 Different modes of electrophoresis 13

1.6 Instrumentation 14


2.1 Introduction 19

2.2 Chiral selectors in CE 20

2.2. l Rules for chiral recognition 20

2.2.2 Cyclodextrins 21

2.2.3 Crown-ethers 24

2.2.4 Macrocyclic antibiotics 25

2.2.5 Proteins 25

2.2.6 Micelles 25

2.2. 7 Other chiral selectors 26

2.3 Determination of equilibrium constants of complex formation 26



3.1 lntroduction 35

3.2 Experimental 36

3.2.l Chemicals 36

3.2.2 Apparatus 37

3.2.3 Methods 37

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3.3 Results and 01s1cuss101fl __________________ 37

3.3.1 Effect of the concentration of EP-~-CD on the mobility of the analytes __ 39

3.3.2 Effect of the concentration of EP-~-CD on chiral recognition 42

3.3.3 Effect of buffer concentration on the resolution of the enantiomers 46

3.3.4 The effect of organic solvent added to the BGE 48

3.3.5 The effect of tèmperature 51

3.4 Conclusions 52


4.1 Introduction _____________________ 55

4.2 Experimental --------------------- 58 4.2.1 Equipment 58

4.2.2 Chemicals and sample preparation 58

4.2.3 Methods and electrophoretic systems 59

4.3 Results and discussion 60

4.3.1 Characterization of the ergot alkaloids 60

4.3.2 Comparison of stereoselectivity of different ergot alkaloids towards some

racemic organic acids. 63

4.3.3 Determination of the mobility of the analyte interacting with allyl-TER __ 64

4.3.4 Influence of the pH on stereoselectivity 68

4.3.5 Direct determination of formation constants 69

4.3.6 Reversed determination of the formation constants of mandelic acid 72

4.3.7 The influence ofMeOH on chiral separation 74

4.4 Conclusions 77



5.1 Introduction 79

5.2 Experimental 80

5.2.1 Chemicals 80

5.2.2 Apparatus 81

5.2.3 Methods 81


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5.3 Results and discmisi<J1n ___________________ 83

5.3. l DIME-P 84

5.3.2 TRIME-P 88

5.3.3 Neutral a- and P-cyclodextrin polymer 90

5.3.4 HP-P-CD 96

5.4 Coraclusioi:as __________________ 96


CHIRAL SEPARATIONS IN CE -------------- 99

6.1 Introduction ______________________ 99

6.2 Experimental --------------------- 101 6.2.l 101

6.2.2 Chemicals 101

6.2.3 Methods 101

6.3 Simulations of chiral separations _______________ 103

6.3.1 Chiral sub-menu 103

6.3.2 Calculation of migration behavior 105

6.3.3 Visualization of results 105

6.3.4 Selectivity vs. resolution 106

6.3.5 Comparison with literature results 107

6.3.6 Comparison with experimental results 108

6.3.6. l Determination of the pK values and mobility of mandelic acid and

terbutaline ---------------------- 108 Determination of formation constants 110

6.4 Temperature etTects and basic thermodynamics of the chiral separation of

ibuprofen enantiomers 118

6.4.l Effect oftemperature on BGE conductivity and pK 118

6.4.2 Effect of temperature on EOF 118

6.4.3 Effect of temperature on the mobility and pK. of ibuprofen 119

6.4.4 Determination of K2 of ibuprofen-~-CD at different temperatures 120

6.4.5 Determination of the average Ki of ibuprofen-P-CD at different temperatures _______________________ 122

6.4.6 The effect of temperature on selectivity 123

6.4.7 Thermodynamic model for K1 and 124


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6.5 Conclusions, ____________________ 129


7.1 Introduction ____________________ 131

7.2 Herbicides _____________________ 131

7 .2.1 Introduction 131

7.2.2 Experimenta1 132

7 .2.3 Results and discussion 133

7.3 Quality control of fenfluramine enantiomers ---------- 136 7 .3.1 lntroduction 136

7 .3.2 Experimental 136

7.3.3 Results and discussion 137

7.4 Determination of thiopental enantiomers in plasma ------- 140

7.4.1 lntroduction 140

7.4.2 Experimental 140

7.4.3 Results and discussion 141

7.5 Conclusions _______ ~------------ 144

ABSTRACT ____________________ l47







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What is chirality?

The word chiral originates from the Greek word "xetp", rneaning hand. The

left and right human hands are non-superimposable forms, that can be represented as

mirror images. An object is "handed" if it has an identical mirror image counterpart,

which cannot be superimposed onto itself. Analogously, a molecule is chiral if its

îdentical mîrror image counterpart cannot be superimposed onto itself.

Figure 1 shows two forms of mandelic acid. The two forms are not

superimposable. They are known as enantiomers or optica[ isomers. A 1: 1 mixture of

the two enantiomers is called a racemic mixture.



© yOOH



Enantiomers have identical physîcal and chemica]

properties, in an isotropic environment. lts

chirality is only observed when the molecule is

subjected to a chiral influence. A well known

example is the optica! rotation of polarîzed light.

Polarized light is rotated when passing through

solutions containing chiral molecules (but not

Figure 1 D(.) and L(+)-mandelic when passing through racemic mixtures). Optica! acid isorners rotate the light in an equal degree but in

opposite direction. If the enantiorner rotates the

light to the right, it will be indicated as dextrorotatory (Latin: dexter), "d" or "(+)".

Optica! isorners that rotate light to the left, on the other hand will be indicated as

levorotatory (Latin: laevus), "l" or"(-)". According to the Fischer convention [1] the

absolute configuration around a chiral center can be noted as D or L. This notation,

which is nowadays mainly used for amino acids and carbohydrates, correlates the

configuration of a chiral center to the configuration of D and L glyceraldehyde. The

RIS notation (from Latin; rectus (right) and sinister (left)), which has largely replaced

the DIL notation, is related to the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog convention [2], and can also be

used for molecules containing more than one chiral center.

Optica] activity was first discovered in 1815 by Jean-Baptiste Biot [3]. Louis

Pasteur was the first to separate enantiomers [4]. In 1848, he used a pair of tweezers

and a microscope to isolate the crystals of the optical isomers of tartaric acid.

Stereochemistry was further stimulated by Van't Hoff [5] and Le Bel [6]. They

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proposed that the four valences of the carbon atom are directed towards the vertices of

a tetrahedron with the carbon atom at its center.

The best known and easiest recognizable form of chirality is obtained when a

carbon atom possesses four different substituents, like mandelic acid (Figure 1 ). This

carbon is called a stereocenter or chiral center. This kind of chirality is not only

restricted to carbon chemistry. A1so nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus, and boron can

produce stable chiral centers. In this thesis, chirality caused by a chiral carbon center is

the main issue of attention. Formation of chiral axes (e.g. dialkenes) or planes (e.g.

binaphtol) can also cause chirality.

Consequences of chirality Probably the best example of chiral influence is given by nature. Most

recognition systerns in nature (e.g. enzymes, receptors) distinguish between

enantiomers. It is well known that the enantiomers of chiral pharmaceuticals can

behave very different in the human body. The (-)-enantiomer of the ~-blocker

propranolol is about 100 times more active than the (+)-form. Another example is

given by the thalidomide (softenon) tragedy in the early 1960s. Thalidomide was

administered as a racemate. However, only the (R)-(+)-enantiomer possessed the sleep

inducing action. The S-(-)-enantiomer possessed teratogenic action, responsible for

serious malformation in newborn babies of women who took the drug during

pregnancy. Recently, it bas been reported that among 523 natura! and semi-synthetic

drugs, 98.8% are chiral and 98.4% of them are sold as a single isomer, while in case of

the 1327 synthetic drugs, chiral compounds represent 39.8% and only 11.6% of them

are sold as a single enantiomer [7]. Ariëns [8] emphasized the need for administration

of the optically pure active drug (the eutomer), calling the "inactive" drug enantiomer

(the distomer) "isomerie ballast".

A sirnilar problem is encountered in the agrochemical industry. A report in

1981 [9] showed that of the 550 pesticides, 98% were synthetic products of which

17% were shown to be chiral. Only 8% of these chiral synthetic pesticides were

marketed as single isomers.

The properties of products from the food and drink industry can also be highly

dependent on enantiomeric composition. For example, the S-isomer of asparagine bas a

bitter taste while the R-isomer tastes sweet. Asparagine is a precursor to the sweetener



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Separation of optical isomers

These examples underline the need for chiral separation methods, preparative

as well as analytical. Enantiomers can be separated either by the direct or the indirect

separation rnethod. The indirect separation rnethod is based on the formation of a

covalent bond between the optical antipodes on the one hand and a pure chiral

compound, called the chiral selector, on the other hand. This chemica] reaction will

result in a product consisting of two isomerie compounds which are not mirror images

anymore. They are known as diastereoisomers and they can, in principle, be separated

by any analytica! method using an achiral separation mechanism. This method is, first

of all, time consuming since sample pretreatment involving a chemica! reaction is

necessary. Secondly, the chiral selector has to be very pure, since optica! impurity will

result in two more diastereomeric products.

In the direct separation mode, the separation of the optica! isomers is based

upon complex formation between the enantiomers and a chiral selector, resulting in the

formation of labile diastereoisomers. Separation can be accomplished if the complexes

possess different stability constants. The afore mentioned disadvantages do not apply

for the direct separation mode. The chiral purity of the selector only influences the

resolution. It has been shown that relatively good results can be obtained using a chiral

selector containing up to 10% of its antipode [ 10).

Analytica! methods used so far for the enantiomeric separation include high

performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) [l l-13], thin-layer chromatography

(TLC) [14], gas chromatography (GC) [15], supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC)

[16], and capillary electrophoresis (CE) [17-30]. The application of gas

chromatography is mainly restricted to more volatile compounds. Therefore, until now,

the method of choice for the separation of more polar compounds, as are most drugs,

is HPLC. The main drawback of CE compared to HPLC is that until now, CE bas not

shown to be useful as a preparative separation tool. Another advantage of HPLC over

CE is the low detection limit, due to the much Jonger path length of the detection cell

and the much higher injection volume. However, the very high efficiencies usually

obtained in CE, and the ease of method development, make it a very good alternative

for analytica! separation of enantiomers. Other advantages of CE over HPLC are the

low consumption of both analyte and chiral selector and the short analysis times.

Moreover, CE has no need for expensive chiral stationary phases, since the chiral

selector is simply added to the buffer. Alternatively, CE might be very useful for the

rapid screening of novel chiral selectors, thus avoiding the waist of the laborious

synthesis of new chiral HPLC stationary pha<>es.


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Despite the many studies already published on the subject of chiral separations

using CE, little is known about the fundamental aspects and hardly any data is available

on complex formation equilibria, resulting in chiral separation. The primary aim of this

thesis was to obtain a better insight into the chiral separation mechanism and to

characterize and quantify the above mentioned equilibria. This knowledge should result

in a better understanding of the capillary electrophoretic separation of optica\ isomers.

Chapter 1 describes the principles of capillary electrophoretic separations. Factors

intluencing mobility, such as the pH and complexing agents, are discussed. In the work

presented in this thesis, complexing agents are required for the separation of


Chapter 2 describes the chiral separation mechanism. A survey is presented of the

most important chiral selectors, applied in CE. A genera! model is presented to

determine formation constants between neutra! chiral selectors and optica] isomers.

Chapter 3 describes the use of a neutral 1)-cyclodextrin polymer as chiral selector in

CE. Factors intluencing mobility and resolution, such as concentration of the chiral

selector, organic modifier content and ionic strength of the background electrolyte

(BGE), and temperature are investigated.

Chapter 4 introduces ergot alkaloids as chiral selectors in CE. Different ergot

alkaloids are studied and compared. with respect to their enantioselectivity towards

some chiral organic acids. The effects of pH, and the addition of MeOH to the BGE

were investigated. The formation constants of the dissociated and the non-dissociated

chiral acids were detennined.

Chapter 5 discusses the intluence of the nature of the buffer on chiral separations.

Different (modified) cyclodextrins (CD's) are applied for the separation of some

sulfonamide enantiomers. Formation constants are determined in different electrolyte

systems. The intluence of the co-migrating buffer anion on the formation constant and

enantioselectivity is discussed.

In Chapter 6, the use of a steady-state simulation program for CE, extended with a

sub-menu for chiral interaction is demonstrated. From mobility determinations at

different temperatures and CD-concentrations, it was possible to calculate some basic

therrnodynamic parameters concemed with complex fonnation.

Chapter 7 illustrates the potential of CE for chiral analyses of various cornpounds in

different matrices. The detennination of drug enantiomers is shown in pharmaceutical

formulations and in human plasma.


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N.V. Alllinger, M.P. Cava, D.C. De Jongh, C.R. Johnson, N.A. Lebel, C.L.

Stevens, Eds., Organic Chemistry, Worth Publishers, New York, 1976, 98-101

2 R.S. Cahn, C.K. lnghold, V. Prelog, The specification of asymmetrie

configuration in organic chemistry. Experientia, 12 (1956) 81

3 D.E. Drayer, Drug stereochemistry: analytica] methods and pharmacology,

l.W. Wainer and D.E. Drayer Eds., Marcel Dekker, New York, 1988, 3-29

4 L. Pasteur, Comptes Rendus del' Academie des Sciences, 6 ( 1848) 535

5 J.H. Van't Hoff, Arch Netherland Sci Extracts et Naturelles, 9 (1874) 445

6 J.A. Le Bel, Bull Sci Chimique de France, 22 (1874) 337

7 J.S. Millership and A. Fitzpatrick, Chirality, 5 (1993) 573

8 E.J. Ariëns, Stereochemistry, a basis for sophisticated nonsense in

pharmacokinetics and clinical pharmacology, Eur. J. Clin. Pharmacol., 26

(1984) 663

9 E.Y. Spencer, Guide to chemicals used in erop protection. Ottawa, Canadian

Govt. Publ. Centre, 7th ed., 1981

10 S. Fanali, M. Cristalli, R. Vespalec and P. Bocek, in A. Chrambach, M.J.

Dunn and B.J. Radola (Editors), Advances in Electrophoresis, VCH,

Weinheim, 1994, 3

11 J. Debowski, D. Sybilska and J. Jurczak, J. Chromatogr., 282 (1983) 83

12 T..J. Ward and D.W. Armstrong, J. Liq. Chromatogr., 9 (1986) 407

13 G. Blaschke, J. Liq. Chromatogr" 9 (1986) 341

14 D.W. Armstrong, Faulkner, Jr., and S.M. Han, J. Chromatogr., 452 (1988) 323

15 C.P. Granville, B. Gebreke, W.A. Konig and I.W. Wainer, J. Chromatogr., 622


16 S. Hara, A. Dobashi, K. Kinoshita, T. Hondo, M. Saito, and M. Senda,

J. Chromatogr., 1986 (371) 153

17 T. Schmitt and H. Engelhardt, Chromatographia, 37 (1993) 247

18 A. Nardi, A. Eliseev, P. Bocek and S. Fanali, J. Chromatogr., 638 (1993) 247

19 R. Vespalec, V. Sustacek and P. Bocek, J. Chromatogr., 638 (1993) 255

20 L. Valtcheva, J. Mohammed, G. Pettersson and S. Hjerten, J. Chromatogr.,

638 (1993) 263

21 R. Kuhn, F. Stoekklin and F. Emi, Chromatographia, 33 (1992) 32

22 R. Kuhn and S. Hoffstetter-Kuhn, Chromatographia, 34 (1992) 505

23 E. Hohne, G.J. Krauss and G. Gubitz, J. High Resolut. Chromatogr" 15 (1992)


24 S. Busch, J.C. Kraak and H. Poppe, J. Chromatogr" 635 (1993) 119

25 H. Nishi, T. Fukuyama, M. Matsuo and S. Terabe, J. Microcol. Sep"1 (1989)



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26 S. Terabe, H. Shibata and Y. Miyashita, J. Chromatogr., 480 (1989) 403

27 P. Gozel, E. Gasmann, H. Michelsen and R.N. Zare, Anal. Chem., 59 (1987)


28 S. Fanali, L. Ossicini, F. Foret and P. Bocek, J. Microcol. Sep., l ( 1989) 190

29 A. Guttman, A. Paulus, A.S. Cohen, N. Grinberg and B.L. Karger, J.

Chromatogr., 448 (1988) 41

30 S. Fanali, J. Chromatogr" 474 (1989) 441


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This chapter describes the principles of capillary electrophoresis. The basic concept

of electrophoretic mobility is explained. Furthennore, factors influencing the mobility

and basic parameters, such as resolution and efficiency, are described.

1.1 Introduction to electrophoresis

Electrophoresis is the separation principle in which charged particles or

molecules are separated under the influence of an external electric field. Already at the

beginning of the last century, von Reuss performed the first electrophoretic

experiments [l]. Today exactly 100 years ago, Kohlrausch developed his regulating

functions [2], which made it possible to theoretically describe all electrophoretic

methods. Electrophoresis has, since then, been mainly applied for the separation of

large biomolecules like DNA and proteins, using stabilizing and sieving media such as

gels. The introduction of narrow bore tubes as an anti-convective medium made it

possible to use free solutions in stead of these gels. Hjertén describes the use of a

rotating glass tube of 3 mm inner diameter (l.D.) [3]. Smaller I.D. capillaries were

successfully applied by Everaerts [4] and Virtanen [5]. The reduction of the I.D.

allowed the use of higher electric field strengths, resulting in higher efficiencies and

shorter times of analysis. Mikkers et al. [6,7) showed that the high efficiencies,

theoretically described by Giddings [8], could be achieved. Jorgenson [9] used 75 µm

LD. glass capillaries, in which longitudinal diffusion was shown to be practically the

only source of band broadening. Capillary electrophoresis (CE) has since then proven

to be a highly efficient, analytica! separation tool, not only for the separation of

macromolecules but also for smaller molecules. Fundamental studies as well as

numerous applications have been reported in the last decade. A survey is presented in

reviews [ 10, 11) and textbooks [ 12-15).


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1.2 Electrophoretic mobility

The velocity of solute molecules (v, [m.s-1] ) will be proportional to the applied

electric field (E, [V.m"1]) and the electrophoretic mobility (µ, [m2.V-1.s·1

] ):

v=µ E (1-1)

The electrophoretic mobility is dependent on both the charge (q, [C] ) and the radius

(r, [m] ) of the particle. The electric force (F,1 , [N] ) equals:

F,1 =qE (1-2)

In steady state, the electric force is counter balanced by the friction force (F1) which



Eq. (1-3) is known as Stokes' law, in which 1J [N.m"2.s] is the dynarnic viscosity of the

surrounding medium. Assuming constant velocity:


and thus follows for the mobility at infinite dilution (µ0):

0 v q µ =-=-

E 61r17r (1-5)

lt should be noted that Stokes' law is only valid for rigid spherical particles, having a

homologous charge distribution. Most molecules do not meet these conditions. In

genera!, it can be concluded that the mobility of a molecule is related to its charge to

mass ratio.

At finite dilution, other forces should be taken into account, originating from

the relaxation and retardation effects. A quantitative description of these effects is

given by Debye, Hückel and Onsager [16]. The mobility at finite dilution (µ) is shown

to decrease, with increasing concentration of the BGE.


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Another parameter which influences the mobility is the temperature.

Electrophoretic mobilities increase at a rate of approximately 2% °C1 • Obviously,

temperature not only influences the mobility, but also equilibrium constants, such as

pK-values and complex formation constants, which can have a major influence on

electrophoretic separations of ions.

The mobility of any molecule can be altered by changing its charge to mass

ratio. This ratio can be changed due to e.g. acid dissociation or complex formation.

Obviously, the mobility of a dissociated acid will differ from that of the non-dissociated

form. Analogously, the mobility of cations such as potassium or amino compounds will

decrease upon complex formation with (neutra!) crown ethers. The ejfective mobility

(µett) can be expressed as a summation of the products of the concentration of the

different subspecies relative to the analytica! concentration (a) and the mobilities of

these subspecies [17]:

( 1-6)

This equation is important in order to understand the chiral separation mechanism, as

further explained in the next chapter.

1.3 Factors influencing resolution

The quality of a separation of two eomponents (1 and 2) is described by its

resolution (Rs), defined as:


in which tm [s] is the migration time and er [s] is the standard deviation of the peak (<f

is the peak variance).

The value of the numerator can be increased by increasing the effective mobility

difference, which is a measure for the selectivity. In the previous section, it is discussed

briefly how to influence the effective mobility. Obviously, separation of weak acids or

bases can be optimized through pH-optimization. Analogously, separation of (optica!)

isomers can be optimized by the addition of the optimum amount of a suitable

complexing agent. The Jatter will be discussed extensively in chapter 2.


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In order to optimize resolution, also the denominator of eq. ( 1-7} should be

minimized. The peak variance or band broadening can be characterized by the

efficiency. The efficiency is quantified by the number of theoretica! plates (N):


where Id is the length [m] of the separation tube until the point of detection and <J is the

standard deviation [m]. Assuming that variances of independent sources of band

broadening are additive, the total peak variance will be:

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 C1tot =(Jinj +C1det +O', +O'ther +O'dif +<Jcnnc +O'EOF

a1!i = variance due to injection

a;er = variance due to the width of the detector slit,

a; = variance due to the time constant of the detector

a,!,, = variance due to thermal dispersion

aJif = variance due to longitudinal diffusion

a;onc = variance due to electromigration dispersion

aioF = variance due to electroosmosis


The dispersion due to injection is, in the ideal case, proportional to the square of the

length of a (stacked) sample plug. Analogously, dispersion due to detector slit width is

proportional to the square of the slit width. Also the square of the time constant of the

detector is proportional to the peak variance.

Limited heat dissipation is the main problem encountered in fused silica

capillaries at elevated current densities. Since heat is only dissipated at the inner

surface wall of the capillary, while heat is produced throughout the separation medium,

a parabolic heat profile across the capillary will exist. Consequently, sample

constituents which are migrating in the warmer center of the capillary, will have higher

velocities than identical ions, migrating in the same zone, but close to the capillary

wall. This will cause unwanted zone broadening, referred to as thermal dispersion.

Reduction of the 1.D. will result in reduced thermal dispersion, according to Ref. [5].

Longitudinal diffusion is related to the diffusion coefficient (D [m2 s·1n by the

Einstein relation:


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In diluted solutions, the diffusion coefficient is related to the mobility at infinite dilution

by the Nemst-Einstein relation:

µ 0 RT D:::--

zF (1-11)

in which R is the gas constant [J K 1 mor1], T is temperature [K], z is the charge

number and Fis Faradays constant [C mor1]. If, in the ideal case, Jongitudinal diffusion

would be the only source of band broadening, and assuming IJ "" l1, a simp Je re lat ion for

the efficiency can be derived [9]:

N = 2D

Combining eq. (1-11) and (1-12), and assuming µ = µ0:

zVF N=




Eq. (1-13) shows that the efficiency is proportional to the applied voltage (V, [V]). In

the above mentioned ideal case, increasing voltage will result in an increased efficiency.

Dispersion due to electroosmosis is considered negligible in open

electrophoretic systems, assuming an ideal plug flow (see section 1.4). However,

electroosmosis might cause band broadening if the plug flow is not constant

throughout the separation system.

Dispersion due to electromigration is caused by a mobility difference between

sample ions and co-ions in the BOE. This will result in triangularly shaped peaks [6].

Electrodispersion can seriously decrease resolution. As an example, it has been shown

that mobility matching between optica! isorners on the one hand and the co-migrating

ion on the other hand can greatly improve chiral resolution [18]. Obviously the

resolution of other ( difficult) separations can be improved similarly. All above

mentioned sources of band broadening are discussed in more detail in Ref. [ 19).

The last section gave a brief overview of several factors influencing the

efficiency. The most obvious way to improve the efficiency is, according to eq. (l-13),

increasing the voltage. Unfortunately, voltage cannot be endlessly increased. lncreasing


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voltages lead to an increased heat generation and consequently to increased thermal


Besides this effect, deficient heat dissipation can even cause the separation

medium to boil. Heat formation is enforced by the increased mobilities, leading again

to higher currents, and thus to more heat formation, etc .. Obviously, boiling of the

separation medium will result in a total break-down of the system.

The most effective solution to combine high voltages with limited heat

dissipation is to reduce the tubes inner diameter (LD.). First of all, the ratio between

tube surface area and tube volume will increase, resulting in a more efficient heat

dissipation. Reducing the l.D. will also have a very beneficia! effect on thermal

dispersion [5). Consequently, the use of capillaries allows the use of high voltages,

which will simultaneously result in high plate numbers and short analysis times.

1.4 Electroosmosis

Electroosmosis is known as the flow of an electrolyte solution caused by an

electric field across a capillary. If a fused silica capillary wal! is in contact with a

solution, the wall will be negatively charged, due to dissociation of the silanol groups.

Consequently, the wall will attract cations from the solution, resulting in the formation

of an electric double layer adjacent to the capillary surface. If an electric field is applied

across the capillary length, the mobile part of this double layer will start rnigrating

towards the cathode. Tuis results in a flow of the electrolyte solution, called the

electroosmotic flow or EOF. The most pronounced property of the EOF is the flat

flow profile, compared with the parabolic flow profile of hydrodynarnic flows,

common in chromatography. The flat flow profile will result in a decreased band

broadening compared to e.g. open tubular liquid chromatography (OTLC). The

mobility of the EOF (µEoF) is found from the Helmholtz-Smoluchowski equation [20]:


where Ç is the potential of the capillary surface [V] and e is the dielectric constant of

the solvent [C2.J1.m-1).

The mobility of the EOF will be superimposed on the electrophoretic mobility

of the solute molecules, resulting in the apparent mobility of the analyte {µaj,p):


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( 1-15)

If the magnitude of the EOF is sufficiently high, it is possible to give both cations and

anions a net velocity in the direction of the cathode. Consequently, it is possible to

detect both anions and cations in one single electrophoretic run.

In some cases it is desirable to suppress the EOF. Efficient ways to suppress

the EOF are the reduction of (and increasing the viscosity near the wall. Modification

of the capillary surface by covalent linking of the silanol groups with polyacrylamide

has proven to be a useful method to simultaneously obtain both desired effects [21].

1.5 Different modes of electrophoresis

Four main electrophoretic techniques can be distinguished. The most popular

and most widely applied mode is zone electrophoresis (ZE). In ZE, a minute amount of

sample is introduced in the separation system, which is filled with one electrolyte. This

electrolyte is called the background electrolyte (BGE). After applying an electric field

across the separation system, all analytes will start migrating in distinct zones, with

different velocities. A high value of the EOF allows the separation of both anions and

cation in one single run, using ZE.

In rnoving boundary electrophoresis, the separation system is filled with a so

called leading electrolyte. The sample is introduced at the beginning of the separation

compartrnent. The leading electrolyte consists of a co-ion having a higher mobility than

the separands. After applying the voltage, the most mobile analyte will form a pure

zone, followed by a mixed zone consisting of the most mobile and the second most

mobile analyte. According to the Kohlrausch regulation function, the concentration of

the components in the zones are adapted to the concentration of the leading

electrolyte. The boundaries between the zones have self-correcting properties, due to

differences in electric field strength between the zones. The boundary between the

leading zone and the first pure zone can be considered as an isotachophoretic

boundary. In a single run, moving boundary electrophoresis is only applicable to either

anions or cations.

In isotachophoresis (ITP) a discrete amount of sample is sandwîched in

between a leading electrolyte and a terrninating electrolyte. Generally, similar to

rnoving boundary electrophoresis, only anîons or cations can be separated. The leading


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electrolyte consists of a so called leading-ion, having a higher mobility than any of the

separands. The terminating ion, on the other hand, has the Iowest rnobility. In steady

state, all components will rnigrate with equal velocities in consecutive zones, in order

of their mobility. The Jeading ion will rnigrate in front. As in rnoving boundary

electrophoresis, the concentration of the components in the zones are adapted to the

concentration of the leading electrolyte. Likewise, the boundaries between the distinct

zones have self-correcting properties.

In isoelectric focusing, the BGE consists of ampholytes which will create a pH­

gradient along the separation tube. The amphiprotic sample components will rnigrate

through the pH-gradient until the place where the pH equals their isoprotic point,

which approaches their isoelectric point (pi). At the isoprotic point, the effective

velocity of the analytes will be zero, and consequently they will stop rnigrating.

Isoelectric focusing allows separation of e.g. proteins, due to differences in pl-values.

As mentioned before, most people using capillary electrophoretic techniques

apply ZE. However, it should be noted that in the initia! phase of almost any

electrophoretic separation, the moving boundary principle is present.

Micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC), or rnicellar electrokinetic

capillary chromatography (MECC) allows the separation of neutral molecules [22, 23].

A surfactant is added to the BGE in a concentration higher than its critica] micelle

concentration (CMC). These rnicelles will act as a pseudo-stationary phase.

Components will be separated due to a distribution equilibrium between the rnicellar

phase and the aqueous phase, both of which move at different velocities.

1.6 Instrumentation

The most important modes of CE, as discussed in the last section, can be

executed in the same equipment. Basically, the equipment consists of a high voltage

power supply, a separation tube, an injection module, a detector and a data collection

system. Figure 1.1 schematically shows an electrophoretic separation system.

Generally, for the electrophoretic experiments, presented in this thesis, a

P/ACE 2200 (Beckman, Palo Alto, CA) was used. The Beckman instrument is fully

automated, and consists of, besides the earlier mentioned features common for all

electrophoretic separation systerns, an auto sampler and a Iiquid cooled capillary

cartridge. The Jatter aJlows temperature control between 20°C and 50°C.


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Fused silica capillaries, with an inner diameter of 50 or 75 µm were

used as separation tubes. The required minimum length was about 27 cm. Prior to use,

new capillaries were rinsed for approximately 30 minutes with a 1 M KOH solution.

For some applications, the capillary inner wall was coated with linear polyacryl amide,

according to the procedure described elsewhere [24]. The coating procedure could be

fully automated, using the PI ACE 2200.

power supply-=-

-- - - - -- -- -- ... __ - -- --- - -1

detector ---------

~electrolyte vessels--->

1 1 1

data collection

Figure 1.1 Schematic representation of a capillary electrophoretic separation system

The high voltage power supply is capable of delivering voltages ranging from 1

kV up to 30 kV, and currents up to 250 µA. In most experiments, electric field

strengths were about 500 Vim, resulting in currents of 5-50 µA. The P/ACE control

software allows separations to be performed at either constant voltage, constant

current or constant power. Generally, the constant voltage mode was selected.

Samples can be introduced either hydrodynamically or electrokinetically. The

former method results in more reproducible data, and was therefore selected for most


The Beckman instrument is standard equipped with a selectable wavelength

UV absorbance detector. On line detection is made possible by removing a short


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section of the protective non-transparent polyimide coating from the capillary.

Generally applied wavelengths were 200 nm, 214 nm, 230 nm, 254 nm, and 280 nm.

The separation method is fully controlled by the P/ ACE control software. Data

collected with this software were generally analyzed by Caesar for Windows. The

algorithm of this software was developed by Wanders [25].


l F. von Reuss, Comment. Soc. Phys. Univ. Mosquensem, 1 (1808) 141

2 F. Kohlrausch, Ann. Phys. (Leipzig), 62 (1897) 209

3 S. Hjertén, Chromatogr. Rev" 9 (1967) 122

4 F.M. Everaerts and W.M.L. Hoving-Keulemans, Sci. Tools, 17 (1970) 25

5 R. Virtanen, Acta Polytech. Scand" 123 (1974) 1

6 F.E.P. Mikk.ers, F.M. Everaerts and Th.P.E.M. Verheggen, J. Chromatogr.,

169 (1979) 1

7 F.E.P. Mikk.ers, F.M. Everaerts and Th.P.E.M. Verheggen, J. Chromatogr"

169 (1979) 11

8 J.C. Giddings, Separ. Sci., 4 (1969) 181

9 J.W. Jorgenson and K.D. Lukacs, Anal. Chem" 53 (1981) 1298

10 W.G. Kuhr and C.A. Monnig, Anal. Chem., 64 (1992) 389R

11 C.A. Monnig and R.T. Kennedy, Anal. Chem., 66 (1994) 280R

12 S.F.Y. Li (Ed.), Capillary Electrophoresis, J. Chromatogr. Libr" vol. 52,

Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1992

13 P.D.Grossman and J.C. Colbum (Eds.), Capillary Electrophoresis, Academie

Press, San Diego, 1992

14 N.A. Guzman (Ed.), Capillary Electrophoretic Technology, Chromatogr. Sci.

series, vol 64, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1993

15 R. Weinherger, Practical Capillary Electrophoresis, Academie Press,

San Diego, 1992

16. H. Falkenhagen, Elektrolyte, Verlag von S. Hirzel, Leipzig, 1932

17 Tiselius, Nova Acta Reg. Soc. Sve. Sci., Upsala, 4, 7 no 4 (1930)

18 Y.Y. Rawjee, R.L. Williams and G. Vigh, Anal. Chem" 66 (1994) 3777

19 J.C. Reijenga, E. Kenndler, J. Chromatogr. A, 659 (1994) 403

20 S. Hjertén, Chromatogr. Rev" 9 (1967) 122

21 S. Hjertén, J. Chromatogr., 347 (1985) 191


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22 S. Terabe, K. Otsuka, K. Ichikawa, A. Tsuchiya and T. Ando, Anal. Chem.,

56 ( 1984) 111

23 P. Muijselaar, thesis, Eindhoven University ofTechnology, Eindhoven, 1996

24 M.J. van der Schans, J.L. Beckers, M.C. Molling and F.M. Everaerts,

J. Chromatogr. A, 717 (1995) 139

25 B.J. Wanders, thesis, Eindhoven University ofTechnology, Eindhoven, 1993


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In this chapter, the basic principles of the chiral separation process in CE are

described. Chiral separation is based upon the f onnation of diastereomeric

complexes between the optica/ isomer and a chiral selector. Chiral separation can be

obtained only if these complexes have different equilibrium constants of complex

fonnation. A genera/ model is presented to detennine these fonnation constants.

Furthennore, an overview of the most commonly used chiral selectors in CE is


2.1 Introduction

As mentioned in the introductory chapter, separation of racemic mixtures can

be accomplished either by the direct or by the indirect separation mechanism. The

indirect separation mode in CE has been mainly applied for the enantiomeric separation

of amino acids [1-3]. However, in these cases, electrokinetic chromatography (EKC)

had to be employed, either by the addition of sodium dodecyl (SDS) micelles [l] or by

the addition of a chiral polymer; polyvinylpyrrolidone [2,3]. The separation of D- and

L-carnitinine, on the other hand, bas been performed after derivatization with (-)-[ 1-

fluorenyl)ethyl]chloroformate (FLEC) in a 50 mM phosphate buffer at pH 2.6 without

any additives. However, also in this case, resolution could be improved by the addition

of 20 mM of the surfactant tetrabutylammonium bromide [4]. Generally, it can be

concluded that most electrophoretic separations of diastereorneric compounds are

performed using MEKC, in order to optimize selectivity. Since the actual separation

rnechanism of the indirect separation method is achiral, this thesis only deals with the

direct separation method.

Successful application of the direct separation method involves interaction

between the optica! isomers on the one hand and a chiral selector on the other hand. In

most cases, the chiral selector is simply added to the BGE [5-8]. Chiral selectors can

also be incorporated or bound to a gel matrix [9,10], or bound to the capillary wal]

[l l]. Interaction between analytes and the chiral sclector will depend on the stability of

the diastereomeric complex formed. In case the chiral selector is either bound to the

capillary surface or incorporated or bound to a gel matrix, the net velocity of the


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complex will be zero. In case the chiral selector is added to the BGE, the net velocity

of the complex will not necessarily be zero, but (in most cases) differ from the velocity

of the free analyte. Therefore, complex formation will result in an average velocity of

the analyte, which is different from the velocity of the free analyte. As a consequence,

a difference in complex stability between two optical antipodes, will result in a

difference in the average velocity of these compounds. In order to maximize

enantioselectivity, one should obviously maximize this difference in average velocity

between the two optica! antipodes.

The resolution attainable in any separation system is a function of both

selectivity and efficiency. As mentioned earlier, efficiencies obtained usually in CE are

very high and exceed the values usually obtained in HPLC. Some factors influencing

efficiency have been discussed in more detail in section 1.3. Selectivity is influenced by

chemica] and physical parameters. Parameters influencing enantioselectivity include the

pH of the BGE, the nature and concentration of chiral selector present in the BGE and

the capillary temperature. Obviously. the structure of the chiral selector will have a

decisive influence on the separation. The next section will give a brief survey of the

existing chiral selectors and their application in CE. In section 2.3, the chiral separation

mechanism will be discussed in detail using a mathematica! model which describes

mobility differences as a function of the pH and the concentration of the chiral selector.

2.2 Chiral selectors in CE

2.2.J Rules /or chiral recognition

In order to separate optica) isomers it is necessary to introduce a chiral element

into the separation process. For CE, this chiral element or chiralselector will, in most

cases, be added to the BGE. The addition however, of a chiral selector to a

electrophoretic system does not guarantee the successful separation of all optica]

isomers. The most important rule for chiral recognition is that the chiral selector must

be compatible in size and structure to the racemate; a minimum of three molecular

interactions bas to occur. These interactions can be both attractive or repulsive.

Possible modes of interaction include:

• Ion-ion bonds;

• Dipole-dipole bonds like hydrogen bonds;

• Van der Waals forces;

• Ion-dipole bonds.


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Furthermore, only one of the two enantiomers needs to interact with the chiral se lector

via the three-point minimum mode. Not all interactions between the chiral selector and

the solute will meet this criterion; also achiral înteractions will occur. In these cases,

separation optimization should be accomplished by maximizing the 3-point 'chiral­

interactions' at the expense of the non-chiral interactions.

2.2.2 Cyclodextrins

Cyclodextrins (CD's) are by far the most popular chiral selectors used in CE

and wil! therefore be discussed in more detail than the other chiral selectors mentioned

in this section. CD's are torus-


HOH 2c/2o;~~

Uoy v" HOH~O OH CH20H


OH !!HO o



HOH,c o~o 0


Figure 2.1 Structure of [3-cyclodextrin

hydroxyl groups.

shaped cyclic D-gluco­

oligosaecharides produced form

starch by enzymatic degradation.

Although CD's containing

between 6 to 12 D( + )-glucopyranose units have been

isolated, only those containing 6

(a-CD), 7 (~-CD) or 8 (y-CD)

residues are currently used. The

interior of the CD cavity is

relatively hydrophobie, while the

outside rim is more hydrophilic.

The rim on the wider side of the

CD cavity contains the chiral

secondary hydroxyl groups, while

the opposite smaller opening is

occupied by achiral primary

Figure 2.1 shows the structure of ~-CD, while the dimensions are sehematically

shown in T ABLE 2.1. The size of the hydrophobic cavity is sueh that, in genera!, the

a-CD can aeeommodate a single phenyl ring, while ~-CD and y-CD can aceommodate

substituted single- and multiple ring systems. This inelusion alone is not enough for

chiral recognitîon: interaction between substituents on the asymmetrie center of the

analyte and the hydroxyl groups on the CD-rim are responsible for chiral recognition.

The mechanism of inclusion complexation in CE is schematically shown in Figure 2.2.


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CD Dimensions Cavity Molecular Specific Solubility

volume mass optical in water

Á A3 (g/mol) rotation at 25°C

[a]~ (g /100 ml)

a b c

a. 5.7 13.7 7.8 174 972 +150 14.5

~ 7.8 15.3 7.8 262 1135 +162 l.85

y 9.5 16.9 7.8 427 1297 +177 23.2

Inclusion complex fonnation and the size of the analyte's binding constant to

the cyclodextrin are determined by several different factors. The most important

factors are the 'hydrophobic effect', which induces the apolar portion of the molecule

to preferentially reside in the cyclodextrin cavity, and hydrogen bonding between

appropriate polar segments of the guest molecule and the secondary hydroxyl groups

at the mouth of the cyclodextrin cavity. Other factors which can influence complex

formation are Van der Waals interactions, release of high energy water from the CD

cavity and a change in ring strain upon complexation.


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Figure 2.2 Schematic representation of the mechanism of inclusion complexation

with neutra! cyclodextrins in CE

Besides the already mentioned native cyclodextrins, a wide range of modified

cyclodextrins is comrnercially available. Actually, the first attempt to perform chiral

separation using CE was by the group of Smolkova-Keulemansova [ 12] using modified

cyclodextrins. They used ITP with the addition of dimethylated (DIME-8) or

trimethylated (TRIME-8) ~-cyclodextrin to the leading electrolyte. For DIME-8 and

TRIME-8, the hydroxyl groups on the CD-rim are (partially in case of DIME-B)

replaced by methoxy groups. Another modification comprises hydroxypropylated CD's

(HP-a-CD, HP-~-CD or HP-y-CD) [13], in which the various hydroxyl groups are

substituted by (O-C3H10H) moieties. The above mentioned modifications of the native

cyclodextrins obviously lead to a different stereoselectivity, but also to an improved

solubility. As mentioned earlier, the solubility of native ~-CD in water is not more than

16 mM, whereas e.g. the solubility of DIME-8 is as much as 200 mM. Depending on

the magnitude of the formation constants (see section 2.3), solubility can have a

limiting effect on chiral resolution.

Hydroxyl groups on the cyclodextrin rim can also be substituted by charged or

chargeable groups [14,15]. Firstly, the introduction of chargeable groups will result in

an increased solubility. Secondly, the use of these modified CD's allows the separation


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of uncharged species. Furthermore, the separation mechanism is altered by the

introduction of electrostatic interactions. Finally, the use of chiral selectors carrying a

charge opposite to that of the analytes can greatly improve the mobility difference

between the two optical antipodes.This is explained in section 2.3.

The following chapter describes the use of uncharged ~-CD polymer for chiral

drug separation by CE. A negatively charged ~-CD polymer has been applied

successfully by Aturki and Fanali [16] for the separation of basic compounds of

pharmaceutical interest. Recent reviews give an excellent survey of the use of CD's in

CE including hundreds of references [ 17, 18]

2.2.3 Crown-ethers

Crown-ethers are macrocyclic polyethers capable of forming host-guest

complexes with especially inorganic and organic cations. Modification of the crown­

ether by the introduction of four carboxylic groups makes it possible to use this class

of compounds as chiral selectors in CE.

The crown-ether can incorporate protonated primary amino compounds by

formation of ion-dipole bonds with the oxygen atoms of the chiral selector (Figure

2.3). The chiral crown-ether (18-crown-6-ether tetracarboxylic acid) can be used for

the chiral separation of several basic compounds [19].

Figure 2.3 Structure of the complex formed between 18-crown-6 and a protonated

primary amino compound


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2.2.4 Macrocyclic antihiotics

A new, very promising class of chiral selectors are the macrocyclic antibiotics.

Vancomycin, rifamycin B and ristocetin A have proven to be highly selective towards

the enantiomers of a broad class of compounds [20-22]. These antibiotics are

amphilytic, and are strong UV-absorbers. However, in most cases, detection of the

analytes is not disturbed by the high background absorption of the chiral selector since

only very low concentrations of the antibiotics are needed. The chiral recognition is

obtained mainly by charge-charge interactions, hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic

inclusion and 1t-1t interactions. These interactions can be either attractive or repulsive.

2.2.5 Proteins

Also proteins have been applied successfully as chiral selectors in CE. One of

the characteristics of proteins is the isoprotic and the isoelectric point, pl. The protein

will be positively charged if pH < pl, and negatively charged if pH > pl. This indicates

that the pH will be a very important operating parameter for the optimization of chiral

selectivity. Similar to the charged CD-derivatives, it is possible to separate both

charged and uncharged species using this chiral selector. Among the many proteins

used as chiral selector in CE, bovine serum albumin (BSA) is most widely applied

[23,24]. The mechanism, involved in chiral recognition is comparable with that of

macrocyclic antibiotics.

2.2.6 Micelles

Micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) was first introduced by

Terabe et al.[25] for the separation of non-charged compounds. Terabe's group was

also the first to use chiral surfactants as micellar phase for the separation of optica]

isomers [26]. Both natura! surfactants such as bile salts, as wel! as optically active

amino-acid derived synthetic surfactants have been used as chiral selector in CE. New

chiral surfactants often have a low critica] micelle concentration, are highly soluble and

can be synthesized in both the L- and D-form [27]. The last feature makes it possible

to easily change the migration order of the optica] isomers. For the determination of

the optica! purity of e.g. drugs, it is highly favorable that the minor component

migrates in front of the major component.


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2.2. 7 Other chiral selectors

Many other classes of compounds have been used as chiral selectors in CE. The

most important group, not mentioned so far, is probably the oligosaccharides

consisting of rnaltodextrin, heparin and dextran sulphate. As mentioned before, some

recent comprehensive reviews give an excellent survey on the state of the art of chiral

separations in CE [17,18,28]. Chapter 4 of this thesis will introduce ergot alk:aloids as

a novel class of chiral selectors in CE.

2.3 Determination of equilibrium constants of complex fonnation

In several early studies on chiral separations using CE, it was shown that the

concentration of the chiral selector influences the mobility of the optical antipodes

[6,29,30]. Moreover, it was shown that optical resolution varied with the

concentration of the chiral selector, and that resolution could reach a maximum value

at a certain optimum concentration of the chiral buffer additive.

A recent study of Rundlett and Armstrong [31] presents a survey of possible

approaches to determine formation constants. Wren and Rowe were the first .to apply

CE for the determination of formation constants between chiral analytes and

cyclodextrins [32]. Rawjee et al. [33] extended this model by including the pH as a

separation parameter. In both models, it is assumed that the concentration of the buffer

is much higher than the concentration of the CD, and that the concentratîon of the CD

is much higher than that of the analyte. The consequence of thîs assumption is that

practically all the CD will exist as CD-buffer complex, or in other words, the analytica)

concentration of CD is practically the same as the concentration of the CD-buffer

complex and wiU remain more or less constant, whether the analyte is present or not.

For this reason, the term CD and [CD] will be used in stead of the more proper terms

CD-buffer and its concentration [CD-buffer]. Chapter 5 will discuss the influence of

the buffer composition on complex formation in CE in more detail.

The model will focus on the complex formation between a racemic acid (HS

and HR) and CD. lt should be noted however that this model is not only applicable to

CD's, hut also to other chiral selectors, if the above mentioned condition, concerning

the concentration of the selector-buffer complex, is valid. The following equations


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show the acid dissociation and complex formation equilibria with the corresponding

equilibrium constants:

KHR [W][Hp+]

[HR] (2-1)

KHS [S-][Hp+]

[HS] (2-2)


HRCD - [HR][CD] (2-3)

K :::: _[_RC_D_-_] RCD- [W ][CD]



HSCD - [HS][CD] (2-5)

s- +CD+-+ SCD- (2-6)

The acid dissociation constants of both optica! isomers are assumed identical and will

from now on be expressed as Ka. The analytica! concentration of HR and HS (C8 R and

CHs) can be expressed as:

CHs = [HSJ + [SJ + [HSCDJ + [SCDJ (2-7)

CHR =[HR]+ [RJ + [HRCDJ + [RCDJ (2-8)

The mole fractions of the negatively charged species are:

as· = [S] 1 CHs (2-9)



asco- = [SCD-} 1 CHs (2-12)


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By substituting eq. (2-1)-(2-6) in eq. (2-7)-(2-12), it is possible to eliminate the molar

concentrations of the acid related species:

( 2-13)

( 2-14)


(2-16) asco- = [H30+] 1 + KSCD_[CD]+-K-(1 + KHSCD[CD])


The effective mobilities of the optical isomers can be expressed as the mole-fraction

weighed ionic mobilities of the respective (charged) species (see eq. (1-6)),

(µR_ ,µ5_ ,µRm- ,µsco- ). The effective mobilities of the fully dissociated acids s- and K

( µ5

_ ,µR_) are equal, and from here on referred to asµ_.



These equations, combined with the expressions for the mole fractions of the

negatively charged species (eq. (2-13)-(2-16)), yield:


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µRCD-1 +--KRCD [CD)

µ~ff = µ_ --------------­[H,0+]

1+ KRCD_[CDJ+~(l + KHRCD[CD]) a

µ;tr = µ_ ------'--------­[H,0+]

1 + KSCD_ [CD] +-·--(1 + KHSCD[CD]) Ka




Several definitions can be used to express (chiral) selectivity in CE. In this thesis we

will use:

• S, defined as the ratio of the effective mobility difference and the mean effective


• SF, the separation factor, defined as the ratio of the equilibrium constants of

complex formation;

• ARts, defined as the ratio of the effective mobilities of both optical isomers.

For the sake of convenience, ARts, was chosen to express chiral selectivity. If we

introduce the relative complex mobility ( M' ):

M' R


M' = µSCD s µ_

we obtain:




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From eq. (2-23) it can be seen that chiral selectivity is a function of the relative

complex mobility, the cyclodextrin concentration, the degree of dissociation of the

chiral acid, and the equilibrium constants of complex formation of both the dissociated

and the non-dissociated acid. Similar expressions can be derived for basic compounds

[34]. The mobility of the basic optica! isomer R (or HR") can be described as:

µf µ+ [on-1 1 + KHRCD'[CD] +--(1 + KRcv[CDJ)


( 2-24)

in which µ+ is the mobility of the fully protonated basic enantiomer, in absence

of a chiral selector, and Kb is the base dissociation constant. In genera!, the mobilities

of the fully charged ions are referred to as Jlo.

Three different types of chiral interaction can be discriminated [33,35,36]:

• Type 0 or non-selective interactions; neither the charged nor the non-charged

enantiomers interact selectively with the chiral selector;

• Type l or desionoselective interactions; only the non-dissociated optica! antipodes

interact selectively with the chiral selector;

• Type II or ionoselective interaction; only the charged forms (the dissociated

solutes) interact selectively with the chiral selector;

• Type lil or duoselective; both the charged and the non-charged species interact

selectively with the chiral selector.

In genera!, K1 is used to quantify interaction between a chiral selector and a

non-dissociated acid or a non-protonated base, whereas Ki is used to describe the

interaction between the chiral selector and the dissociated acid or protonated base. Kc

can also be used to quantify complex formation.

Figure 2.4 shows the chiral selectivity plot of a ionoselective compound

interacting with a cyclodextrin with realistic values for the chiral parameters. From this

plot it can be seen that the migration order of the optica) isomers can be reversed by

changing the concentration of CD or the pH of the BGE. The Jatter will influence the

degree of dissociation a. This is only observed for ionoselective and duoselective

interactions. Reversal of the migration order of the optica! isomers by changing either

the pH or the CD-concentration is not possible for non-ionoselective interactions.

The equation derived by Wren and Rowe [32], which describes the mobility of

the optica! isomers interacting with a chiral selector, is found if full dissociation or


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protonation of the acidic respectively basic compounds is assumed, i.e. [H30+]/K. resp.

[Off]/Kb « 1 (see eq. (2-19), (2-20) and (2-24)). For acids it follows:

( 2-25)

1.10 1.10




1.00 ~

< 0.95

~ < 0.95




Figure 2.4 Three-dimensional chiral selectivity suiface for an ionoselective chiral

compound. KHRCD =KHscD =500, M;_ M;_ = 0.25, KRcD- = 100, KsCD 120.

And, with the commonly valid assumption thatµRCD- µsCD-, it follows that

the mobility difference between the optica] antipodes can be expressed as:


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( 2-26)

where JJ-c is the mobility of complex. Tuis equation is valid, both for anions as well as

for cations. A closer look to this equation learns that the mobility difference of the two

enantiomers is linearly proportional to the mobility difference between the free (µ., µ+

or µo) and complexed (JJ-c) species. This explains the high selectivities usually obtained

by employing CD's, carrying a charge opposite to that of the analyte. The optimum

CD-concentration, resulting in a maximum mobility difference of both optica! isorners

is found when:

i)Aµelf iJ[CD) =O

and thus follows:


( 2-28)

For the exarnple given in Figure 2.4, this results in [CD]op1= 11 mM (assuming full

dissociation of the acidic analyte ).


1. H. Nishi, T. Fukuyama and M. Matsuo, J. Microcol. Separ., 2 ( 1990) 234

2. W. Schutzner, S. Fanali, A. Rizzi and E. Kenndler, J. Chrornatogr" 639 (1993)


3. W. Schutzner, G. Caponecchi, S. Fanali, A. Rizzi and E. Kenndler,

Electrophoresis, 15 (1994) 769

4. C. Vogt, A. Georgi and G. Werner, Chromatographia, 40 (1995) 287

5. S. Terabe, Trends Anal. Chem" 8 (1989) 129

6. S. Fanali, J. Chrornatogr" 474 (1989) 441

7. K.D. Altria, D.M. Goodall and M.M. Rogan, Chrornatographia, 37 (1993) 475

8. R. Kuhn and S. Hoffstetter-Kuhn, Chromatographia, 34 (1992) 505


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9. A. Guttman, A. Paulus, A.S. Cohen, N. Grinberg and B.L. Karger, J.

Chromatogr" 488 (1988) 41

10. I.D. Cruzado and G. Vigh, J. Chromatogr" 608 (1992) 421

ll. S. Mayer and V. Schurig, J. High Resol. Chromatogr" 15 (1992) 129

12. J. Snopek, 1. Jelinek and E. Smolkova-Keulemansova, J. Chromatogr.


13. B. Chankvetadze, G. Endresz and G. Blaschke, J. Chromatogr. A, 700 (1995)


14. C. Dette, S. Ebel and S. Terabe, Electrophoresis, 15 (1994) 799

15. C. Desiderio and S. Fanali, J. Chrornatogr. A, 716 (1995) 183

16. A. Aturki and S. Fanali, J. Chrornatogr. A, 680 (1994) 137

17. H. Nishi and S. Terabe, J. Chromatogr. A, 694 (1995) 245

18. S. Fanali, J. Chromatogr. A, 735 (1996) 77

19. R. Kuhn, F. Emi, T. Bereuter and J. Hausler, Anal. Chem" 64 (1992) 2815

20. D.W. Armstrong, Y.B. Tang, S.S. Chen Y.W. Zhou, C. Bagwill and J.R. Chen,

Anal. Chem., 66 (1994) 1473

21. D.W. Armstrong, K.L. Rundlett and J.R. Chen, Chirality, 6 (1994) 496

22. D.W. Armstrong, K.L. Rundlett and G.L. Reid, Anal. Chem., 66 (1994) 1690

23. S. Busch, Kraak and H. Poppe, J. Chromatogr., 635 (1993) 119

24. Y. Tanaka and S. Terabe, J. Chromatogr. A, 694 (1995) 277

25. S. Terabe, K. Otsuka, K. Ichikawa, A. Tsuchiya and T. Ando, Anal. Chem" 56

(1984) 111

26. S. Terabe, H. Shibata and Y. Miyashita, J. Chromatogr., 480 (1989) 403

27. D.C. Tickle, G.N. Okafo, P. Camilleri, R.F.D. Jones and A.J. Kirbu, Anal.

Chem., 66 (1994) 4121

28. H. Nishi, J. Chromatogr. A, 735 (1996) 57

29. S. Fanali, J. Chromatogr., 545 (1991) 437

30. H. Nishi, T. Fukuyama ans D. Terabe, J. Chromatogr" 553 (1991) 503

31 K.L. Rundlett and D.W. Armstrong, J. Chromatogr. A, 721 (1996) 173

32. S.A.C. Wren and R.C. Rowe, J. Chromatogr" 603 (1992) 235

33. Y.Y. Rawjee, D.U. Staerk and G. Vigh, J. Chromatogr., 635 (1993) 291

34. Y.Y. Rawjee, R.L. Williams and G. Vigh, J. Chromatogr. A, 652 (1993) 233

35. Y.Y. Rawjee, R.L. Williams, L.A. Buckingham and G. Vigh, J. Chromatogr. A,

688 (1994) 273.

36. J.C. Reijenga, B.A. Ingelse and F.M. Everaerts, J. Chromatogr. A, in press


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The separation of the enantiomers of several basic compounds of phannaceutical

interest and three tryptophan derivatives was investigated by capillary electrophoresis

employing a soluble neutral {3-cyclodextrin polymer. The eff ects of the composition of

the background electrolyte on the effective mobility and the resolution and selectivity

of the optica! isomers were examined. An increased concentration of the chiral

polymer led to a decreased mobility of the analytes. Both selectivity and resolution

were influenced by the concentration of the {3-cyclodextrin polymer. Also, it was

shmvn that increasing the ionic strength of the background electrolyte could lead to

increased resolution. The addition of different organic additives to the background

electrolyte generally resulted in a decrease of resolution. However, in some cases,

e.g. ephedrine, the organic solvent proved to be essential to achieve enantiomeric

separation. Furthennore, the influence of the capillary temperature on the resolution

of the racemic analytes was investigated. lncrease of temperature had a deleterious

effect on the resolution of the enantiomers. For ephedrine however, relatively high

temperatures proved to be advantageousfor the resolution of the optica[ isomers.

The study presented in this chapter has resulted in the following publications:

B.A. lngelse, F.M. Everaerts, C. Desiderio and S. Fanali, J. Chromatogr. A, 709 (1995) 89-98

B.A. Ingelse F.M. Everaerts, J. Sevcik, Z Stransky and S. Fanali. J. High Res. Chromalogr" 18 (1995)


J. Sevcik, Z. Stransky, B.A. Ingelse and K. Lemr, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 14

(1996) 1089-1094

3.1 Introduction

The development of new chiral substances, especially in the pharmaceutical

field, places increasing demands on analytica! methods, for the separation of these


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kinds of isomers for, e.g., the chiral purity control of drugs and pharmacokinetic


When cyclodextrins (CD's) or their derivatives are used for the separation of

optica! isomers, the chiral resolution is based on selective inclusion complexation with

analytes. Hydrophobic interactions between analytes and the CD cavity and hydrogen

bonding between analytes and the hydroxy (or modified) groups on the CD rim can

lead to the formation of labile diastereomeric cömplexes with different stability

constants. The optica! isomer that forms the most stable complex with the neutra] CD

wil! migrate with the lowest effective mobility.

Cyclodextrins have been widely applied as chiral selectors in CE for many

applications [1-4]. Derivatization ofCD's can change both selectivity and solubility. A

chargeable ~-cyclodextrin polymer was used for the enantiomeric resolution of several

basic compounds [5]. Nishi et al. studied the enantiomeric resolution of trimetoquinol

and related substances using uncharged ~-cyclodextrin polymer (EP-~-CD). This

polymer consists of ~-cyclodextrin cross-linked with epichlorohydrin. A similar

polymer has been used earlier in HPLC for the chiral recognition of warfarin and

dansylated amino acids [6].

CE has proven to be a powerful technique for the separation of the optica!

isomers of drugs, as extensively reviewed by Nishi and Terabe [7,8] and Fanali [9]. In

this study, the use of chiral ~-CD polymer for the separation of enantiomers of several

basic compounds of pharmaceutical interest, was investigated by CE. The effect of the

polymer concentration on the effective mobility, the resolution and the selectivity was

studied. Furthermore the role of the organic solvent added to the BGE, the ionic

strength and composition of the BGE, and the capillary temperature were examined.

3.2 Experimental

3.2.1 Chemicals

Soluble ~-cyclodextrin polymer (EP-~-CD) was purchased from Cyclolab

(Budapest, Hungary). The characteristics of the polymer were: molecular weight m = 3000-5000; cyclodextrin content: 58.2 %; solubility in water: 40-50%; cross linking

agent: epichlorohydrin. All standards were of analytica! grade and were obtained from

Sigma (St. Louis, MO, USA). The structures of the analytes are shown in Figure 3.1.


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3.2.2 Apparatus

A P/ACE 2200 capillary electrophoresis system (Beckman, Fullerton, CA) was

used for all the experiments in the temperature range from 20°C up to 50°C. The

Beckman instrument used an untreated fused-silica capillary, 370 mm x 50 µm LD.,

with an effective length of 300 mm. The UV-detector was operated at 214 nm.

3.2.3 Methods

All solutions were prepared in demineralized water. For most of the

electrophoretic experiments a 50 mM phosphate buffer, pH 2.5, was used. The buffer

was prepared by titrating a 50 mM phosphoric acid solution with NaOH. The

background electrolyte (BGE) containing EP-P-CD was filtered before use with a 0.45

µm pore size filter (Lida, Kenasha, WI). The concentration of the analyzed standards

was 5. l0.5M. The applied voltage was 15 kV. Before every electrophoretic run, the

capillary was rinsed with 10 mM KOH for two minutes and with phosphate buffer

(without EP-P-CD) for two minutes. Before applying the sample, the capillary was

rinsed with BGE containing a specific EP-P-CD concentration for 20 seconds. No

polymer was present in the electrode vials during separation. In this setup, only a few

µl of BGE containing the chiral polymer were needed per analysis. The absolute

consumption of EP-P-CD per analysis was less than 1 mg. All experiments were

performed at 20°C, except for the experiments to study the influence of temperature

on chiral separation.

3.3 Results and discussion

Different basic cornpounds of pharmaceutical interest, namely a-adrenergic

agonîsts (ephedrine, epinephrine and norepinephrine), P-adrenergic agonists

{isoproterenol, terbutaline and clenbuterol), P-adrenergic blockers (atenolol,

metoprolol, oxprenolol and propranolol), anaesthetics (ketamine and bupivacaine),

anorexie (norephedrine and methamphetamine) and tryptophan methyl, ethyl and butyl

esters were selected for the electrophoretic experiments. Deprenyl, methamphetamine

and ephedrine are known as drugs of abuse. These compounds represent particular

steps of the synthesis of R-(-) deprenyl (selegiline), where ephedrine is the starting

compound and methamphetamine an intermediate.


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ó CH3

Ç,-a<,.o-CH, Metoprolol


Q)5 Cl




OH Terbutaline

cq ~Hl CH2-CH-COOCH3

Tryptophan methyl ester

~CH,-CH-CH, ~-,-










r--.Nis. ~. NH2


Tryptophan ethyl ester

Figure 3.1 Structures of the studied compounds.



CH, OH-CH-CH:_NH-CH, © .


NH 2

OH-CH-CH-CH, ©. Norephedrine



f""r-N\ ~. NH2


Tryptophan bntyl ester

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3.3.1 Effect of the concentration of EP-fj-CD on the mobility of the analytes

The racerrric mixtures were run in a phosphate buffer at pH 2.5 in the absence

of chiral additive. Owing to the protonation of the basic nitrogen atom, the analytes

moved towards the cathode. (The pKa values of most of these analytes vary in between

8 and 10, and therefore full protonation can be assumed). As expected, no

enantiomeric separation was obtained.

Under the experimental operating conditions (pH 2.5), the electroosmotic flow

(EOF) was relatively low compared to the effective mobility of the analytes. In order

to separate the optica) isomers, the BGE was supported with different amounts of EP­

P-CD. Upon addition of EP-P-CD, the EOF decreased even more. This is partly

explained by the increased viscosity of the BGE upon addition of the polymer. Another

explanation rrright be the absorption of EP-~-CD to the capillary surface. The effect of

the polyrner concentration on the velocity of the electroosmotic flow is shown in

Figure 3.2.

0 50 100 150 200

conc. EP·P·CD [mg/ml]

Figure 3.2 Effect of the concentration of EP-/3-CD on the electroosmotic flow. BGE:

50 mM phosphate, pH 2.5. Capillary 37 cm x 50 µm, effective length 30 cm.

Separation voltage: 15 kV. Capillary temperature: 20°C.


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0 50 100

coru:. EP·~·CD [mg/ml]


--Methamphetamine ....-Clenbuterol

150 200

Figure 3.3 Effect of the concentration of EP-fJ.CD on the effective mobility of

methamphetamine, deprenyl and clenbuterol. Experimental conditions as in Figure





"~ 15 e

" . ... ~ lO

J 5


0 20 40 60

oom:. EP·J\..CD [mg/ml]


-tl- Atenolol



80 100

Figure 3.4 Effect of the EP·f3·CD polymer concentration on the effective mobility of

f3·adrenergic blockers. Experimental conditions as in Figure 3.2.


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Figure 3.3 shows the effect of the concentration of the chiral polymer added to the

BGE, on the effective mobility of racemic deprenyl, methamphetamine and clenbuterol.

The effective mobilities were not corrected for changes in electrolyte viscosity, since,

in this study, complexation is not expressed in a quantitative way. An increase in the

concentration of EP-~-CD leads to a genera) decrease of the mobility of the analytes.

The analytes form labile diastereomeric complexes with the cyclodextrin polymer

during the electrophoretic run, which causes a decrease of the electrophoretic mobility.

This decrease depends mainly on the concentration of the chiral selector and on the

stability constant of the complex formed. Also for all the other analytes, the mobility

was determined as a function of the EP-~-CD concentration.

According to the results presented in Figure 3.4 the formation constants of EP­

~-CD towards the ~-adrenergic blockers decreases in the order propranolol ""

metoprolol > atenolol "' oxprenolol. (In this figure, no distinction is made between the

mobility of the (+) and (-)-isomers). Wren and Rowe (10] proposed to relate the

interaction between ~-blockers and cyclodextrins to the hydrophobicity of the analytes.

This means that the most hydrophobic compound has the strongest interaction with the

hydrophobic cavity of the CD, and hence will have the largest value of formation

constant. The influence of the hydrophobicity of the . analytes on the inclusion

complexation is best illustrated by the results obtained with the methyl, ethyl, and butyl

ester of tryptophan.

Figure 3.5 shows the effect of the polymer concentration on the effective

mobility of these tryptophan derivatives. The strongest complexation was observed for

the most hydrophobic ester (TBE), whereas the most hydrophilic ester (TME) showed

the weakest interaction with EP-~-CD. This behavior is in accordance with that

described in Ref. [ t O]. Also in this case, an increase in the concentration of the

complexing additive caused a genera) decrease in the effective mobility of all three

esters. A similar effect was obtained for the two anesthetic cornpounds studied, where

bupivacaine was more retarded than ketamine.


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'iii' "'t:. 15 E

" . ... - IO ~



0 20 40 60 80 100

com:. EP·f}-CD [mg/mlJ

Figure 3.5 Dependence of the effective mobility of three tryptophan esters on the

concentration of EP-/3-CD. Different mobilities between the optica/ isomers of TBE are

indicated with the solid and dotted lines. Experimental conditions as in Figure 3.2.

Symbols as in TABLE 3.1.

3.3.2 Effect of the concentration of EP-{3-CD on chiral recognition

To study the chiral recognition of the polymer, the analyses were performed

using a BGE at pH 2.5 supported with different amounts of EP-1}-CD in the range of

0-200 mg/ml. The amount of l}-cyclodextrin units per milligram of polymer could be

calculated according to the specification of the manufacturer (CD content 58.2 %

wlw). Consequently, taking into account the molecular weight of P-CD (m = 1135

g/mol), 200 mg/ml EP-P-CD should be compared with 100 mM (or 100 meq/ml) P­CD. In aqueous BGE's, !}-CD is soluble up to 20 mM.

Resolution was obtained for all the analytes, except for ephedrine and

metoprolol. Propranolol, norephedrine and oxprenolol were only partly resolved

(resolution up to 0.8) whereas the maximum resolution for the optica! isomers of

atenolol was smaller than 0.5.

Figure 3.6 shows the effect of the concentration of EP-1}-CD on the selectivity

(S) as defined by the ratio of the mobility difference and the effective mobllity of the

butyl, ethyl, and methyl ester of tryptophan, in the concentration range of 0- l 00 mg

EP-1}-CD I ml. An increase in the concentration of P-cyclodextrin polymer added to

the BGE at pH 2.5 led to a genera] increase in resolution and selectivity for the methyl


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and ethyl ester of tryptophan. The butyl ester shows a clear maximum in selectivity.

The data presented in this figure confirm the previous findings [ 11] and the theoretica!

model discussed by Wren and Rowe [12] concerning the existence of a maximum in

selectivity at a certain concentration of chiral selector.

This maximum in selectivity is only observed for TBE and propranolol in the

examined range of concentration of chiral selector, as can be found in T ABLE 3.1.

Consequently, according to Ref. [10], it can be concluded that complex formation with

these compounds ·is stronger than with all the other analytes which show optica]





no organic solvent 10% methanol 30% methanol

EP-~-CD 10 20 50 100 200 20 50 100 200 100 150 300


Deprenyl 0.006 0.016 0.027 0.036 0.048 0.010 0.018 0.028 0.034 0.020 0.029 -

Amphetamine 0 0.013 0.023 0.032 0.044 0.008 0.017 0.024 0.038 0.017 0.019 -

Clenbuterol 0.010 0.019 0.037 0.047 0.064 0.014 0.021 0.045 0.053 0.040 - -

Propranolol 0.011 0.016 0.015 0.010 0 0.014 0.016 0.015 0 0.025 - -

Terbutaline 0.034 0.056 0.087 0.099 - - 0.054 0.085 - 0.066 - -

TBE' 0.056 0.062 0.062 0.041 - - 0.045 0.046 - 0.042 - -

TEEb 0.009 0.015 0.023 0.031 - - 0.019 0.028 - 0.027 - -

TME' 0.004 0.010 0.012 0.021 - - 0.014 0.021 - 0.020 - -

i-Proterenol 0.004 0.010 0.023 0.031 - - 0.016 0.025 - 0.024 0.025 -

Ephedrine 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.006 0.010 0.019

Norephedrine 0 0 0.005 0.010 0.013 - 0.004 0 - 0.009 0.015 0.026

Epinephrine 0 0.009 0.013 0.021 0.034 0 0.009 0.016 0.031 0.009 0.017 0.020

Norepinephrine 0 0.003 0.011 0.017 - - 0.006 0.011 - 0.004 0.009 0.023

Ketamine 0 0 0.007 0.014 0.020 - 0 0.010 - 0.006 0.009 -

Atenolol 0 0 0 0.006 - - 0 0.004 - 0.004 0.007 -

Bupivacaine 0 0 0 0.011 0.019 - 0 0.008 - 0 0.006 -

Metoprolol 0 0 0 0 - - 0 0 - 0.005 0.007 0

Oxprenolol 0 0 0.008 0.011 0.013 - 0 0.009 - 0.008 0.009 -

a) tryptophan butyl ester

b) tryptophan ethyl ester

c) tryptophan methyl ester

Metoprolol and ephedrine might still form stronger complexes with the polymer,

without forming enantioselective complexes.






















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~ 0.04 Ie ... 'S! 0.03

~ ;;J 0.02



0 20 40 60

oonc. EP·P·CD [mg/ml]


..,._TBE --TEE ....... TME


Figure 3.6 Selectivity of tryptophan esters versus concentration EP-/3-CD.

Experimental conditions and symbols as in Figure 3.2 and TABLE 3.1.

Figure 3.7 shows chiral separation of the tryptophan esters in presence of 20

mg/ml EP-P-CD. Another example of the separating power of EP-(3-CD is shown in

Figure 3.8. This electropherogram shows the enantiomeric separation of deprenyl,

amphetamine and clenbuterol, using a BGE containing 200 mg/ml EP-P-CD.

The migration order of the enantiomers was verified for deprenyl,

methamphetamine, propranolol, epinephrine, norepinephrine, isoproterenol and the

methyl and ethyl ester of tryptophan by spiking the racemic mixtures with optically

pure isomers (commercially available) and performing electrophoretic experiments.

The L-isomers of the tryptophan esters moved faster than the D-forms. For the other

analytes, the (-)-enantiomers rnoved faster than the ( + )-enantiomers, indicating that the

( + )-antipodes formed complexes with higher stability constants than their optica)


The enantiomeric separation power of EP-P-CD was compared with that of

native P-CD. The resolution of propranolol, terbutaline, tryptophan butyl ester and

epinephrine obtained at 2.5, 5, 10, and 20 mM P-CD was compared with the resolution

obtained at 5, 10, 20 and 50 mg/ml EP-P-CD (50 mg/ml of EP-P-CD should be

compared with 25 mM P-CD but aqueous solutions of > 20 mM P-CD cannot be



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s 0.0045 ~

TEE " " TBE c " -= " j

0.0005 <

-0.0035 +------+-----1-------+-------l 0 10 15 20


Figure 3. 7 Electropherograms for the enantiomeric separation of racemic mixtures of

tryptophan esters. BGE: 50 mM phosphate buffer, pH 2.5 containing 20 mglml EP-{3-

CD. Other experimental conditions as in Figure 3.2. Symbols as in TABLE 3.1.


s 0.0005 ~ " "

i < -0.0015



-0.0035 -+------+------+------+------+------!

0 5 10 15 20 25


Figure 3.8 Electropherogram of the enantiomeric separation of methamphetamine

(MAT), deprenyl (DEP) and clenbuterol (CLE). BGE: 50 mM phosphate buffer

containing 200 mglml EP-{3-CD. Other experimental conditions as in Figure 3.2.

Propranolol and the butyl ester of tryptophan were not resolved at any

concentration of P-CD, as shown earlier for propranolol by Fanali [11], whereas

epinephrine showed R, = 0.3 at 20 mM. These three analytes could be separated into


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their enantiomers with the 13-CD-polymer (for propranolol R, = 0.8 at 20 mg/ml EP-13-

CD, for TBE R, = 2.7 at 50 mg/ml EP-13-CD and for epinephrine R" = 2.6 at 200

mg/ml EP-13-CD). Only for terbutaline, the resolving power of the native 13-CD was

higher than that of the polymer, at comparable concentrations of the chiral selector; at

2.5 mM 13-CD, Rs was 1.26, whereas 5 mg/ml EP-13-CD gave R, = 0.85. Fanali [11]

also successfully separated the optica! isomers of terbutaline. He obtained R, = 2, at a

13-CD concentration of 15 mM. The resolving power of EP-13~CD towards the

enantiomers of terbutaline exceeds that of native 13-CD at higher concentrations of the

chiral polymer (R, = 7.5 at 100 mg/ml EP-13-CD).

Another study [4] shows the enantiomeric separation of norephedrine,

ephedrine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, and isoproterenol using modified

cyclodextrins. According to this study, the native 13-CD was not able to resolve these

drugs into their enantiomers. Only very poor resolution was obtained for the optica]

isomers of ephedrine and isoproterenol at relatively high concentrations of 13-CD (20

mM). Using EP-13-CD, these enantiomers could be easily baseline resolved, except for

racemic ephedrine. The higher resolving power can also be supported by previous

results obtained for the methyl ester of tryptophan, which could not be resolved with

13-CD [13].

The high resolution capacity of EP-13-CD, compared to native 13-CD, towards

the compounds studied could be interpreted by considering the structure of the chiral

selector. In fact, the polymerization changes the properties of the 13-CD units. As

stated earlier, the CD content in the polymer is Jess than 60% w/w. According to the

manufacturer, about 40 % of the product consists of epichlorohydrin branches. Also,

the cooperation of two CD rnoieties of the polymer for inclusion complexation with

analytes possessing more than one guest part in their structure, must be considered


3.3.3 Effect of buffer concentration on the resolution of the enantiomers

The experiments for the study on the effect of the buffer concentration on

enantiomeric resolution were carried out on bupivacaine enantiomers. As expected, an

increase in buffer ionic strength caused a general increase in migration time.


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-,... 1.2


j !




0 50 100 150 200

ronc. phospate in BGE [mMJ

Figure 3.9 Dependence of the resolution, Rs, of bupivacaine enantiomers on the

concentration of the BGE containing 200 mg/ml EP-{3-CD. Experimental conditions

as in Figure 3.2.



~ j -0.0015



-0.0035 +----------1---------+------------< 10 15 20 25


Figure 3.10 Electropherograms for racemic bupivacaine at two different

concentrations of phosphate buffer containing 200 mg!ml EP-{3-CD. All other

experimental conditions as in Figure 3.2 ..


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At the same time, resolution increases with increasing concentration phosphate in the

BOE. This is shown in Figure 3.9. Figure 3.10 shows the electropherograms of the

enantiomeric separation ofbupivacaine at 25 and 200 mM phosphate buffer, containing

200 mg/ml ~-CD polymer. The concentration of the sample is adapted to the

concentration of the surrounding BGE, according to Kohlrausch law [ 15]. Obviously,

the efficiency of the separation increases, whereas the ionic strength is not expected to

have a major intluence on the enantioselectivity ( èxpressed in terms of separation

factor (SF) which is defined as the ratio of the formation constants of both optica]

isomers). This concentrating effect of high ionic strength BGE's is counterbalanced by

an increased Joule-heating.

3.3.4 The effect of organic solvent added to the BGE

As outlined by Wren and Rowe [16], the addition of methanol reduces the

affinity of the analyte for the cyclodextrin cavity, due to the decreased polarity of the

solvent, i.e. the formation of an inclusion complex is less favored by the high energy

release of water out of the cyclodextrin cavity with an increase of the concentration of


Comparing the electrophoretic data obtained by running the analytes with

BGE's containing 100 mg/ml of EP-~-CD in absence and in presence of organic

solvents (MeOH, isopropylalcohol (IPA) and acetonitril (ACN)}, a genera! increase in

migration time was obtained. The addition of 10% (vlv) tetrahydrofuran (THF), on the

other hand, led to a decrease of migration times for all the analytes investigated. The

increase in migration time may be explained by the increase of the viscosity. The

decrease in migration times upon adding 10% (vlv) ofTHF to the BGE containing the

neutra! polymer may be explained by a reduction of the complex formation constant

between the analytes and the cyclodextrin cavity.

T ABLE 3.1 shows the calculated values of the selectivity S as a function of the

concentration of MeOH added to the BGE and the amount of chiral selector added to

the BGE. A genera! decrease of both enantiomeric selectivity and resolution was

observed upon adding the organic solvent to the BGE, however S was enhanced for

some of them. For example, propranolol showed a maximum selectivity of 0.025 when

the BGE contained 30% (vlv) MeOH and 100 mg/ml of EP-~-CD, whereas the

maximum selectivity without the addition of MeOH was 0.016 at a chiral selector

concentration of 20 mg/ml.


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0.002 a


J ! -0.002


0 b



15 20 25 30

thne [min]

35 40

S -0.002 +--------------------'A s Ij ; -0.003

1-0.004 r------------------' -0.005 t_ ........ ______________ j

6 8 to 12 14

time [min]

16 18



45 50


20 22

Figure 3.11 Electropherograms of the enantiomeric separation of a) propranolol and

b) ephedrine using different concentrations of methanol as organic modifier in the

BGE. Concentration of EP-/3-CD in the experiments with propranolol and ephedrine

is 100 mglml (a) and 200 mglml (b) respectively. Other experimental conditions as in

Figure 3.2.


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The most pronounced effect was observed for the enantiomers of metoprolol and

ephedrine. In fact, these compounds did not show resolution at any concentration of

EP-~-CD without the presence of MeOH in the BGE. Still, no baseline separation for

the optica! isomers of these two compounds could be obtained by the addition of the

organic modifier.

Figure 3. l l shows the electropherograms of the enantiomeric separations of

propranolol and ephedrine using BGE's containing different amounts of methanol. It is

noteworthy to pay attention to the change in migration times upon the addition of

MeOH. The peaks of propranolol are shifted to much longer migration times, whereas

the migration times of ephedrine enantiomers are not markedly influenced by the

addition of the organic modifier. The addition of MeOH influences the mobility of an

analyte in several ways. Firstly, the viscosity of the BGE will increase, thus causing a

decreased mobility. On the other hand, as mentioned earlier, the decreased affinity of

the analyte towards the cyclodextrin cavity will mostly result in an increased effective

mobility. These effects are countereffective and the net effect will depend on the nature

of the analyte. However, in genera) a slightly decreased mobility was observed for

most analytes, with the increase of the amount of MeOH added to the BGE.

TABLE 3.2 shows the effect of the presence of ACN, IPA, MeOH and THF in

the BGE at pH 2.5, containing 100 mg/mJ of EP-~-CD, on the enantioselectivity of the

studied compounds. Cornparing these results with those obtained in the absence of

organic modifier, a general decrease of selectivity with IPA and THF is observed,

excluding the results obtained for propranolol. The maximum selectivity of the

propranolol enantiomers was obtained in a BGE containing 10% IPA, supported with

100 mg/mJ EP-~-CD. Acetonitril enhances the selectivity of the chiral polymer towards

the optica! isomers of epinephrine.

Methanol seems to be the most appropriate organic modifier, with respect to

the enhancement of chiral selectivity for the compounds studied. In most cases

however, it appears to be inadvisable to add any of the above mentioned organic

modifiers to the BGE.


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l0%IPA l0%ACN 10%THF 10%MeOH 100% H20

(mg/ml) 100 100 100

Selegiline 0.011 0.023 0 0.028 0.036

Amphetamine 0.012 0.022 0 0.024 0.032

Clenbuterol 0.021 0.035 O.Ol l 0.045 0.047

Propranolol 0.017 0.012 0.013 0.015 0.010

Terbutaline 0.042 0.069 0.018 0.085 0.099

TBE 0.047 0.032 0.031 0.046 0.041

TEE 0.013 0.021 0 0.028 0.031

TME 0.009 0.015 0 0.021 0.021

i-Proterenol 0.005 0.019 0 0.025 0.031

Ephedrine 0 0 0 0 0

Norephedrine 0 0.008 0 0 0.010

Epinephrine 0.006 0.030 0.008 0.016 0.021

Norepinephrine 0.005 0.010 0.006 0.011 0.017

Ketamine 0.006 0.008 0.008 0.010 0.014

Atenolol 0 0 0 0.004 0.006

Bupivacaine 0 0.008 0 0.008 0.011

Metoprolol 0 0 0 0 0

Oxprenolol 0 0.008 0 0.009 0.011

3.3.5 The effect oftemperature

In order to study the effect of the capillary temperature on the optica!

resolution of the analytes using EP-P-CD, experiments were carried out varying the

temperature between 20°C and 50°C. As expected, the migration time of all analytes

decreased by încreasing the temperature of the capillary [3]. Most obvîously, înclusion

complexation is influenced by temperature [ 17]; the increased temperature will

decrease the stability of the labile diastereomerîc complexes formed between the

analytes and the chîral selector. The resolutîon R, decreased by încreasing the

temperature for all analytes, except for ephedrîne that showed no noticeable change of

R, at the highest and the lowest temperature (0.8 and 0.7 at 50°C and 20°C,

respectively, at 300 mg/ml EP-P-CD and 20% MeOH (v/v) added to the BGE).

Moreover, the analysis time was decreased from about 35 minutes to less than 15

minutes. The slight increase in enantioresolution for ephedrine might be explained by

the increase in efficiency. The electropherograms are shown in Fîgure 3.12. The most


Page 62: Chiral separations using capillary electrophoresis - Pure · CHIRAL SEPARATIONS USING CAPILLARY ELECTROPHORESIS PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Technische


dramatic decrease in resolution was recorded for terbutalline, R, = 7.5 and 2.2. at 20°C

and 50°C, respectively, using 100 mg/ml EP-~-CD.



S' ~ ·0.001

j -0.0Hl





15. 20 25



30 35

Figure 3.12 Electropherograms of the enantiomeric separation of ephedrine

enantiomers at 20°C and 50°C. BGE: 50 mM phosphate buffer (pH 2.5), 20% MeOH,

supported with 300 mg!ml EP-f:J-CD. Other experimental conditions as in Figure 3.2.

3.4 Conclusions

The use of uncharged ~-cyclodextrin polymer as a chiral selector in CE allows

the enantioseparation of several classes of compounds (~-blockers, cx-adrenergic

agonists, ~-adrenergic agonists, tryptophan esters and anesthetics).

The complexation, resolution and selectivity are all influenced by the

concentration of the CD-polymer added to the BGE. Generally, the mobility of the

analytes decreases, with an increasing concentration of EP-~-CD.

The solubility of the chiral polymer in water is high in comparison with that of

the native ~-CD. This allows the separation of a wider number of compounds. The

method is cheap, since only a few microliters of the chiral polymer solution are

consumed per analysis (the chiral additive was only present in the capillary).

The addition of organic modifiers to the BGE has a deleterious effect on the

resolution for most of the analytes. However, for propranolol, metoprolol and

ephedrine, the resolution was enhanced upon adding MeOH. The increase of the


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capillary temperature had a negative effect on the resolution, except for ephedrine. The

resolution of this compound slightly increased at increased temperatures.

Simultaneously, the analysis time decreased, which makes the use of elevated

temperatures highly favorable for the separation of the optica) isomers of this



1. T. Schmitt and H. Engelhardt, Chromatographia, 37 ( 1993) 475

2. A. Nardi, A. Eliseev, P. Bocek and S. Fanali, J. Chromatogr., 638 (1993) 247

3. A. Guttman, A. Paulus, A.S. Cohen, N. Grindberg and B.L. Karger, J.

Chromatogr., 448 (1988) 41

4. S. Fanali, J. Chromatogr" 474 (1989) 441

5. Z. Aturki and S. Fanali, J. Chromatogr" 680 (1994) 137

6. N.Thuaud, B.Sebille, A.Deratani and G.Lelievre, J. Chromatogr.,

555 (1991) 53

7 H. Nishi and S. Terabe, J. Chromatogr. A, 694 (1995) 245

8 H. Nishi, J. Chromatogr. A, 735 (1996) 57

9 S. Fanali, J. Chromatogr. A, 735 (1996) 77

10. S.A.C. Wren and R.C. Rowe, J. Chromatogr" 635 (1992) 113

11. S. Fanali, J. Chromatogr., 545 (1991) 437

12. S.A.C. Wren and R.C. Rowe, J. Chromatogr" 603 (1992) 235

13. A. Nardi, L. Ossicini and S. Fanali, Chirality, 4 (1992) 56

14. A. Harada, M. Furue and S. Nozakura, Polymer J., 13 (1981) 777

15. F. Kohlrausch, Ann. Phys. (Leipzig), 62 (1897) 209

16 S.A.C. Wren and R.C. Rowe, J. Chromatogr., 609 (1992) 363

17. S.M. Han and N. Purdie, Anal. Chem., 56 (1984) 2825


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This chapter introduces ergot alkaloids as novel chiral selectors in CE. In this study,

stereoselectivities of several ergot alkaloids towards a number of racemic acidic

compounds were compared. The 1-allyl derivative of terguride ( allyl-TER) proved to

be the best chiral selector f or these analytes. The eff ects of pH, and the addition of

MeOH to the background electrolyte (BGE) were investigated. Low pH proved to

have an adverse effect on enantioseparation, indicating ionoselective complex

formation. These observations we re confirmed by determining the formation constants

of the dissociated and the non-dissociated acid. Good separation for the enantiomers

of some a-hydroxy acids was obtained at pH 4.2, at a 25 mM allyl-TER

concentration. The addition of 50% MeOH to the BGE altered stereoselectivity and

increased the solubility of the chiral selector. Using a BGE containing 50% MeOH,

and 62.5 mM allyl-TER at pH' 5.5, the optica/ isomers of all the test compounds

could be baseline resolved.

The study presented in this chapter has resulted in the following publications:

B.A. Ingelse, J.C. Reijenga, H.A. Claessens and F.M. Everaerts, J. High Res. Chromatogr., 19 (1996) 225-


B.A. Ingelse, M.Flieger, H.A. Claessens, F.M. Everaerts, J. ofChromatogr. A, 755 (1996) 251-259

4.1 Introduction

As recently reviewed, capillary electrophoresis has proven to be a suitable

method for chiral analysis [ l ]. Several different chiral se lectors have been applied in

CE, such as proteins, crown ethers, metal-chelator complexes, macrocyclic antibiotics,

chiral micelles, and native and modified cyclodextrins. In this study, a novel group of

chiral selectors for use in CE, namely ergot alkaloids, is introduced.


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Figure 4.1 Chemical structure of

Ergot alkaloids are a large group of

natura! compounds that are derivatives of

(5R)-lysergic acid (2). The chemica! structure

of lysergic acid is shown in Figure 4.1.

Previously, the optica! purity of some semi­

synthetic ergot pharmaceutical preparations,

like (5R, BS, /OR) and (5S, BR, JOS)-lisuride

and (5R, BS, JOR) and (5S, BR, /OS)-terguride,

was determined by CE using cyclodextrins as

chiral selector [3]. Flieger et al. [4] prepared a

chiral stationary phase, using the 1-(3-

( jR)-lysergic acid. aminopropyl) derivative of (+)-(5R, BS, JOR)-

terguride (AMP-TER) to resolve optically active isomers of sorne semisynthetic ergot

alkaloids by HPLC. This alkaline stationary phase was also used to separate the optical

isomers of some carboxylic acids and dansyl derivatives of arnino acids [5,6]. A recent

study shows the successful enantiomeric separation of some halogen-substituted 2-

arylpropionic acids using this terguride-based chiral stationary phase [7]. The capillary

electrophoretic separation of the optica] isomers of these compounds is shown in

chapter 7.

Castellani et al. [5] studied the retention of some 2-arylpropionic acids as a

function of the pH of the mobile phase. They observed a maximum capacity at pH 4

for all pairs of enantiomers. This could he explained by considering the acid-base

equilibria of both the analytes and the chiral selector since the strongest electrostatic

interaction can be expected if the analytes are fully dissociated and if the basic nitrogen

at position (N(6)) of the ergot alkaloid is fully protonated. An NMR study on the

diastereoisomer complexes formed between AMP-TER and naproxen was performed

to study the mechanism of chiral recognition [8]. From the results of this study it could

be concluded that electrostatic and stabilizing 1Mt stacking interactions are the most

significant bonding interactions resulting in the formation of diastereomeric complexes.

A new procedure for the preparation of an ergot alkaloid based chiral

stationary phase is based on the bonding of a 1-allyl derivative of (+)-(5R, BS, JOR)­

terg~ride (allyl-TER) to mercaptopropyl silanized silic.a gel [9]. This packing exhibited

a higher concentration of chiral selector, higher stability, reproducibility and

enantioselectivity towards some arnino acid. derivatives compared to the AMP-TER

statfonary phase. As expected, the influence of the pH is similar as described above.

In this chapter, it is shown that ergot alkaloid derivatives, specifically allyl­

TER, have great potential for use as chiral selectors in CE. In order to study the


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separation mechanism, the migration behavior of the acidic analytes was studied at

different pH values. Moreover, the influence of the addition of MeOH on the chiral

separation was investigated.

In order to obtain more insight in the separation of enantiomers, the separation

mechanism is discussed in several studies [ 10-15]. These studies focus on the

determination of equilibrium constants of complex formation between analytes and

cyclodextrins as chiral selector. For this purpose, the chiral selector is dissolved in the

background electrolyte (BGE) and the mobility of the optica! isomers is determined as

a function of the cyclodextrin concentration. Ina similar way, an attempt was made to

determine the formation constants between some racemic organic acids and allyl-TER.

In some cases, this method has drawbacks. Above all, if the chiral selector is

very high-priced, the determination of the formation constant can become very

expensive, since not only the capillary but (in most cases) also the in- or outlet vial (or

both) have to be filled with BGE containing chiral selector. Only in case coated

capillaries (or low pH BGE's) and neutra! chiral selector's are used, it is sufficient to

fill only the capillary with the chiral selector. Another obstacle occurs if the chiral

selector is a strong UV-absorbing compound. In case detection of the analytes is not

possible on top of a high background absorption of the chiral selector, it is necessary to

fill only part of the capillary with BGE containing the chiral selector [ 16, 17]. In all

these cases, the determination of formation constants can be troublesome, or even


Allyl-TER is a strong UV-absorbing cation, and therefore (as outlîned earlier)

it was hard to determine the formation constants, without making some assumptions.

Initially, it was assumed that only the dissociated acid interacted with the ergot


Recently, Lee and Lin [18] determined formation constants between

cyclodextrins and some non-chiral compounds (salicylic acid and benzylamine) by

injecting the cyclodextrins in a BGE containing different concentrations of these

compounds. A similar approach was used in the second part of the current study. The

formation constants were determined by measuring the mobility of the ergot alkaloid,

injected as analyte, in BGE's consisting of varying concentrations of either L-( +) or D­

(-)-mandelic acid at different pH-values. In this way, from here on indicated as

reversed determination, it was possible to determine both selectivity and formation

constants for complexes between protonated allyl-TER and both the dissociated and

the non-dissociated chiral acids [12, 13].


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4.2 Experlmental

4.2.1 Equipment

All analyses were performed on a P/ ACE 2200 capillary electrophoresis system

(Beckman, Fullerton, CA). The Beckman instrument used polyacrylamide coated

capillaries [19], with a total length of 37 cm and an effective length of 30 cm. The

intemal diameter was 50 µm. The capillary temperature was kept constant at 22°C.

Before every electrophoretic run, the capillary was first flushed with BGE and then

flushed with BGE containing allyl-TER with concentrations varying between 0-62.5

mM. In this way, allyl-TER was only present in the capillary and not in the in- or outlet

vial, as described earlier [ 16, 17]. Samples were introduced by pressure injection (10

seconds at 3.3. 103 Pa). The detection wavelength was 200 nm in BGE's containing no

MeOH, and 214 nm in BGE's containing 50% MeOH. The applied voltage was 20 kV

or 25 kV.

4.2.2 Chemicals and sample preparation

The 1-allyl derivatives of ergot alkaloids (lisuride [18016-80-3], terguride

[37686-84-3], luol [35121-60-9], lysergol [602-85-7], festuclavine [569-26-6],

ergotarnine [113-15-5), and dihydroergotamine [511-12-6]) were synthesized by the

method published earlier [9]. Dihydroergocristine [17479-19-5] and optically pure(+)

and (-)-terguride were a gift of Mirko Flieger of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech

Republic (Prague, Czech Republic). The chemica] structure of the alkaloids applied as

chiral selector is shown in Figure 4.2. Racemates of mandelic acid, p-hydroxymandelic

acid, 3,4,-dihydroxymandelic acid, vanilmandelic acid, and tropie acid were purchased

form Sigma (St. Louis, MO). Racemates of N-acetylphenylalanine, N-formyl­

phenylalanine, 2-phenylglycine, and a-methoxyphenylacetic acid were a kind gift of

DSM Research (Geleen, The Netherlands). L-(+) And D-(-) mandelic acid were

obtained from Fluka (Buchs, Switzerland). The above samples were dissolved in

demineralized water. The concentration of the analytes was 104 M. Samples of ergot

alkaloids were dissolved in glacial acetic acid and diluted with 50 parts of water to a

final concentration of 104 M.


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o H3Lo,?Hn

~,"""J-T~ :'~H30 H ÁO 0

UN 1-allyl-dihydroergotamme (



" :.: 3

N j 1-allyl-lysergol

0 H3CECYF?H~H 0 ;

~,"""". N0N N H 0 H o·".",, 0 'CH H 3


0 H:r-1 Yf?H 0 ;

~"".""" ~0N

N H 0 H c··"", 0 'CH H 3 1: 1-allyl-ergotamine


Figure 4.2 Chemica/ structures of the applied ergot alkaloids.

4.2.3 Methods and electrophoretic systems

The pK.-values of the ergot alkaloids were determined by measuring mobilities

from pH 3 up to pH 9. For this purpose, background electrolytes (BGE's) were

prepared with constant ionic strength i (! 0 mM). The composition of these BGE's is

listed in T ABLE 4.1. The pK.-values of some of the acidic analytes were determined,

by measuring the (apparent) pH of a solution containing 10 mM NaOH and 20 mM of

the acid.

The BGE for the non-chiral analysis of the racemic organic acids was prepared

by adjusting a 200 mM ~-alanine solution with acetic acid up to pH 4.2. The ionic

strength of the BGE was 50 mM. For the preparation of the chiral BGE, ergot

alkaloids were dissolved in glacial acetic acid and diluted with demineralized water.


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Subsequently, the pH was adjusted with a ~-alanine solution up to pH 4.2. The ionic

strength of the BGE containing chiral selector was also 50 mM. A similar approach

was used to prepare BGE's at pH 3.2 using formate instead of acetate as background


Ergot alkaloids were also soluble in MeOH. Solutions of allyl-TER in MeOH

were diluted with NaAc-solutions up to pH* 5.3 and i = 50 mM, or with a 200 mM ~­

alanine/acetate-solution up to pH* 5.5, both with a final MeOH concentration of 50%


Experiments for the reversed determination of the formation constants were

performed at pH 4.9 and pH 2.2. BGE's at pH 4.9 consisted of 200 mM creatinine and

100 mM L-(+) or D-(-)-mandelic acid or acetic acid. BGE's at pH 2.2 consisted of

5.00 mM aniline and 100 mM L-(+) or D-(-)-mandelic acid or formic acid. The sample,

consisting of 5.104 M allyl-TER and i.10·3 M tetrabutylammonium bromide, was

injected hydrodynamically for 2 seconds (3.103 Pa).






3.8 5.0














MES 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonate, MOPS


4.3 Results and discussion

4.3.1 Characteriza,tion of the ergot alkaloids



forma te

forma te




10 mM chloride


morpholinopropanesulfonate, TRIS

Figure 4.2 shows the chemica! structures of the ergot alkaloids, applied in this

study. These natura! compounds possess two or three asymmetrie carbons, a 7t­

interaction site represented by the indole ring, and a basic nitrogen on the N(6)


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position as electrostatîc interaction site. This electrostatic interaction between the

acidic function of a sample molecule, as well as stabilizing 1Mt stacking interactions are

the most significant bonding interactions concurring to the formation of diastereomeric

complexes [8). Furthermore, these compounds have strong UV-absorbance between

200 and 300 nm. (Àmax forterguride: 292, 281, 224 nm, loge 3.72, 3.81, 4.42 [20]).

In order to estimate the charge of the chiral selectors, the pKa values were

determined. For this purpose, effective mobilities were measured as a function of the

pH of the BGE. The ionic strength of these BGE's with varying pH was kept constant

at 10 mM (T ABLE 4.1 ). The degree of dissociation ( a) was calculated from the ratio

of the measured mobility and the mobility of the ergot alkaloid at pH 2. At this pH, the

basic alkaloids were assumed to be fully protonated. These mobilities at pH 2 are

tabulated in T ABLE 4.2.



Ergot alkaloid

1-allyl terguride

1-allyl festuclavine

1-allyl luol

1-allyl lysergol


1-ally l Iisuride

1-allyl dihydroergotamine

1-allyl ergotamine



















*mobility x[l0'9 m2N.s] at i = 0 mM Measured at i 10 mM and corrected by multiplying with 0.93

according to eq. (7) in Ref. [21]

The pKa-values could be determined graphically, according to the equation of


pK. = pH - log[_!!_] 1-a

( 4-1)

This is shown in Figure 4.3 for allyl-TER and 1-allyl-ergotamine. The pK.-value is

determined by the intersection of the linear curve with the pH-axis. As listed in

TABLE 4.2, the pKa-values varied between 6.1 and 8.9. Therefore, the assumption of


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full protonation at pH 2 was justified. Standard deviations (s.d.) of the pKa values were

within 0.1 units, whereas the s.d. for the mobilities was within 3%.

Figure 4.3 Detennination of pK,,-values of 1-allylterguride (.li..) and 1-allylergotamine


The mobilities of the ergot alkaJoids were plotted versus their molecular

weights on a double logarithmic scale (Figure 4.4). The mass versus charge relation of

these alkaJoids indicates monovalent cations. According to Figure 4.4, their mobility is

proportional to (molecular mass)°5. The components behave like a homologous series.

Ergot alkaloids are sparingly soluble in water. In fact, at pH > 4.5, it was not

possible to dissolve allyl-TER in 100% water. For this reason, experiments were

perforrned using methanol as organic buffer modifier. Allyl-TER is freely soluble in



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200 500

molecular weight [g/mol]


Figure 4.4 Double logarithmic plot of ergot mobilities (listed in TABLE 4.2) versus

molecular weight.

4.3.2 Comparison of stereoselectivity of different ergot alkaloids towards some

racemic organic acids.

To determine the quality of a chiral separation, two different definitions were

used. The enantioseparation factor (SF) is defined as the ratio of the equilibrium

constants of complex formation of the two optica! isomers. Selectivity (S) is defined as

the ratio of the mobility difference and the mean effective mobility of the two optica!

isomers. Mandelic acid, mandelic acid derivatives (p-hydroxymandelic acid, 3,4-

dihydroxymandelic acid, vanilmandelic acid), and tropie acid were chosen as test



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j-0.0l j -0.03



2 3




-0.07 +----f----.........,1------+----+----+------l

4 5 6 7

time [mln]

8 9 10

Figure 4.5 Comparison of the stereoselectivity of different ergot alkaloids towards some

racemic organic acids. FC = 1-allylfestuclavine, AT = 1-allylterguride, DH =

dihydroergocristine. 1 = mandelic acid, 2 = p-hydroxymandelic acid, 3 = 3,4-

dihydroxymandelic acid, 4 = vanilmandelic acid, 5 = tropie acid. BGE: /3-alanine-

. acetate + 25 mM ergot alkaloid, pH 4.2, i = 50 mM. Capillary: 300-370 mm, 50 µm

/.D" Separation voltage 20 kV.

These experiments were performed at pH 4.2. At their highest possible concentration

in water, it was found that the 1-allyl derivatives ofluol, lisuride, and lysergol showed

no selectivity towards the optical isorners of any of the selected compounds. Mandelic

acid and mandelic acid derivatives were partly resolved usiilg 90 mM 1-allyl­

festuclavine as chiral selector (S < 0.008). Slightly higher selectivities were obtained at

40 mM dihydroergocristine. This ergot alkaloid showed also selectivity towards the

tropie acid enantiorners (S = 0.005), but no selectivity towards the optica! isomers of

mandelic acid. The best results were obtained with aJJyl-TER as shown in Figure 4.5.

Already at 25 mM, this chiral selector showed the highest selectivities towards all the

selected racernic compounds (S = 0.01 for mandelic acid up to 0.02 for vanilmandelic

acid enantiomers), except tropie acid (S = 0.002). For this reason, the study was

focused on allyl-TER.

4.3.3 Determination of the mobUity of the analyte interacting with allyl-TER.

The racernic analytes were injected at the cathode side of the capillary (phase 1 in

Figure 4.6). All analytes were moving as anions in the direction of the anode. To


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suppress EOF, coated capillaries were used. The measured EOF was negligible

(µEOJ< L 10-9 m2 N .s). Interaction with the chiral se lector occurred only in the first part

of the capillary, due to the experimental setup (phase I and II in Figure 4.6).


___ JGE

II +

~--....... ~~~~~_,GE


Figure 4.6 Separation scheme. Enantiomers in black, BGE in white, BGE supported

with ergot alkaloid in dark gray. Further explanation see text.

Due to this interaction, the mobility of the analytes in this part of the capillary (µ;) will

be lower than the mobility of the free analyte (µ1).

Since all the experiments were performed at pH 3.2 and pH 4.2 (in BGE's

consisting of 100 % water), the chiral selectors were fully charged. The mobility of the

ergot alkaloids is higher than the mobility of the other counter ion, ~-alanine.

Therefore a self-sharpening rear boundary between BGE containing ergot alkaloid

(gray in Figure 4.6) and pure BGE (white in Figure 4.6) will be formed. The rear

boundary will migrate in the direction of the inlet via!, opposite to the migration of the

acidic analytes. Because of the strong UV-absorbance of the ergot alkaloids, this rear

boundary should pass the detection window before the analytes. Detection of the

analytes would not have been possible on top of this high background absorption.

After the analytes have pa<;sed the rear boundary (phase III, Figure 4.6), they wil!

migrate in a BGE with an adjusted concentration of ~-alanine and acetate, following

the Kohlrausch regulation function.


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A dynamic simulation [22] of the separation is depicted in Figure 4.7. The simulation

conditions were: -35 µA (for ~-alanine) or -47 µA (for sodium) in a 75 µm I.D.

capillary with suppressed electroosmosis. The software could only simulate the

'constant current' mode. The above mentiöned values for the current, correspond with

an average voltage of 25 kV across a capillary of 370 mm. The situation shown in

Figure 4.7 is approximately 60 s after current switch-on. Coordinate 0 in Figure 4.7

refers to the capillary outlet. The self-correcting sharp boundary at -70 mm, between

BGE's with and without allyl-TER, migrates to the left in the direction of the inlet.

The sharp boundary is only obtained if the mobility of the counter-ion is lower than the

mobility of allyl-TER. The upper figure clearly shows the difference between the use of

~-alanine and the fast cation sodium as a counter-ion. In the Jatter case, no sharp

boundary is obtained, since sodium has a higher mobility than allyl-TER.

According to the Kohlrausch regulation function, the pH will decrease from 4.2

to 4.07, thus slightly decreasing the degree of dissociation and therefore the effective

mobility of the analytes. The electric field strength (E) in this zone however, was

calculated to be approximately 6 % higher. Consequently, the effects of the pH and of

E on the effective mobility of the analytes are counterproductive. Therefore, for the

determination of µ; both pH and E are assumed to be homogeneous throughout the

capillary. The dynarnic simulation [22] of the pH and the electric field strength (E),

versus the distance from the capillary outlet is shown in the lower part of Figure 4. 7.

Initially, after about 1 minute, the rear boundary passes the detection window

(see Figure 4.8). This time (to) could be accurately determined due to the sharp drop in

absorbance. lt is interesting to notice that to in Figure 4.8 corresponds well with the

simulated situation in Figure 4. 7.

From to, the velocity of the rear boundary (VRs) is calculated, according to the

following equation:

( 4-2)

In this equation, ld is the effective capillary length, and 11 is the total capillary length.

(In all these equations, the velocities have positive values.)

At t = t;, the analyte will pass the rear boundary, which is migrating in the

opposite direction. This time is dependent on the analyte velocity (v;) and will therefore

be different for each sample.


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25 BGE: 8-alanine/Ac·

î 20 ! llC BGE: Na./Ac· Ol

i 15

~ 10

0 +-~~-+~~~-+-~~--+~~-->--+-~-"'--Il--~~-+-~~--+

-0.14 -0.12 -0.1 -0.08 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0

capillary coordinate [m]

70 E I \

60 4.8




pH 20



-0.14 -0.12 -0.1 -0.08 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0

caplllary eoordinate [m]

Figure 4.7 Dynamic simulation of the rear boundary after 60 seconds. Upper:

concentration allyl-TER versus distance from capillary outlet (x=O) in BGE's

containing /)-alanine or sodium as counter-ion. Lower: local field strength and pH

versus distance from the capillary outlet, in BGE containing {3-alanine.

( 4-3)

During this time the analyte will cover a distance equaling µ;.E.t;. The remaining part

of the capillary up to the detection window should equal µ1-E.(tm-t;) and thus follows:

( 4-4)


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5' 0.015 ~

1 ." < -0.005


2 6

rear boundary (to)

-0.015 +------t--+---+------------+-------1 0 2 3

time [mini

4 5 6

Figure 4.8 Chiral separation of some racemic organic acids. 6 = a-methylphenyl­

acetic acid. Separation voltage 25 kV. Other symbols and experimental condinons as

in Figure 4.5.

Rearrangement of eq. (4-2) - (4-4) gives:

( 4-5)

The interaction time of the analytes with the chiral selector measured 60-75% of the

analysis time, depending on µ;. As an example, the time of interaction of the mandelic

acid enantiomers in Figure 4.8 was 155 seconds (72 % of the analysis time), and 180

seconds (64%) for vanilmandelic acid enantiomers.

4.3.4 Influence of the pH on stereoselectivity

According to Rawjee et al. [23] the pH can have a major influence on chiral

selectivity in CE. In order to study the influence of the pH on the separation of the

optica! isomers of the selected organic acids, complex formation and enantioselectivity

at pH 3.2 and pH 4.2 were studied. Since the pKa-values of the analytes applied in

these experiments were about 3.5 for the mandelic acid derivatives and o:­methoxyphenylacetic acid, the pH was expected to have a major intluence on the

degree of dissociation, and consequently on the stereoselectivity.


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As illustrated in Figure 4.9, the analytes have a Jower migration velocity at pH

3.2 than at pH 4.2. This is due to the difference in the degree of dissociation of the

weak acids. The selectivity of allyl-TER towards the analytes was very Iimited at pH

3.2. At pH 4.2 good enantioselectivities were obtained towards the optica] isomers of

the acidic compounds. Besides the compounds shown in Figure 4.5 and Figure 4.9,

baseline resolution was also obtained for the enantiomers of 2-phenylglycine.

The observed pH-dependency is in good agreement with HPLC experiments

using terguride as a stationary phase [9]. From these results it was concluded that only

the dissociated acids interact stereoselective with the ergot alkaloid.

4 0.02

6 2 pH4.2

~ 0.01 4 ~ 2 " 5 IJ = "' .&>. 0 " Q 6 "' .&>. <

-0.01 pH3.2


3 4 5 6 7

time [ minutes]

Figure 4.9 lnfluence of pH on chiral separation of racemic organic acids. BGE of

bottom electropherogram: 25 mM allyl-TER + /3-alanine-formate, pH 3.2, i = 50

mM. BGE of top electropherogram: 25 mM allyl-TER + {3-alanine-acetate, pH 4.2, i

= 50 mM. Symbols and other experimental conditions as in Figure 4.8.

4.3.5 Direct determination of formation constants

To study the interaction between analyte and chiral selector, the BGE in the

capillary was supported with 0, 5, JO ,15, 20 and 25 mM allyl-TER. The theoretica!

model of Wren & Rowe [JO, 11] was used to determine the equilibrium constants (Kc).

According to this model, the electrophoretic mobility of the analytes (µ;) will be a

function of the mobility of the free enantiomer (µf), the mobility of the analyte/chiral

selector complex (Jlc), the concentration of the chiral selector ( C), and the equilibrium

constant (see Chapter 2):


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( 4-6)

As a first approximation, only interactions between the dissociated acid and the chiral

selector were tak.en into account. Since the dissociated acid bas a single negative

charge, and the chiral selector has a single positive charge, the complex will be

uncharged. Consequently, the complex rnobility (µ,;) will be negligible, and eq. (4-6)

can be simplified:

µ;=l+KC c

( 4-7)

This rearranges to:

( 4-8)

Consequently, a plot of (µ/µ 1) versus C, should result in a linear relation, with a slope

equaling Kc. The Kc-value thus determined should be interpreted as a pH dependent

formation constant. Figure 4.10 shows the determination of the Kc-values of the

vanilmandelic acid enantiomers, using allyl-TER as chiral selector. The two solid lines

show the best linear fit for these two optica! isomers. The upper solid line represents

the isomer which has the strongest interaction with the chiral selector (steepest slope).

T ABLE 4.3 lists Kc-values of all the compounds studied, in BGE's without, and

with 50% MeOH as organic buffer modifier. Also the SF is tabulated. Vanilrnandelic

acid and tropie acid have the highest affinity towards the chiral selector.

Enantioselectivity towards the tropie acid enantiomers however, is very limited, under

these conditions (0% MeOH, pH 4.2). The pK.-value of tropie acid is relatively high,

resulting in a relatively low degree of dissociation, at pH 4.2 (TABLE 4.5). This could

be a possible explanatîon of the limited enantioselectivity. A structural difference

between tropie acid and the other analytes is that tropie acid is ~-substituted, while the

other analytes are a-substituted, counting both from the carboxylic acid functional

group, and from the aromatic group. This could also be a possible explanation for the

low selectivity obtained for this analyte.


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~ 1.20


5 10 15 20 25

concentration l·allyl terguride [m.VI]

Figure 4.10 Detennination of Kc-values of the vanilmandelic acid enantiomers. Trend

lines represent best linear fits /or the stronger (e) and weaker (0) interacting isomer.

Experimental conditions as in Figure 4.8.




100% water, pH 4.2 50%MeOH, 5.3

compound * K1sr K2nd SF K1s1 Kznt1 SF c c c c

1 5.5 6.3 1.15 11 13.2 1.18

2 7.8 8.9 1.14 12. l 13.2 1.09

4 12.0 14.9 1.24 13.5 14.9 1.10

5 14.1 14.3 1.01 6.7 7.2 1.07

6 7.3 8.7 1.19 10.6 13.2 1.25

to the first and second migrating enantiomer


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The migration order was determined for the optica! isomers of mandelic acid by

spiking the racemic sample with L-(+)-mandelic acid. L-(+)-mandelate appeared to

have the strongest interaction with allyl-TER.

4.3.6 Reversed determination of the formation constants of mande/ic acid

The mobility of allyl-TER was determined as a function of the concentration of

mandelate present in the BGE. Different concentrations of mandelate in the BGE were

obtained by mixing BGE's containing mandelate with the BGE's containing acetate (pH

4.9) or formate (pH 2.2). In this way, unlike the rnethod presented in Ref. [18], the

ionic strength of the BGE's was independent on the mandelate concentration. This was

very important in these experiments since very small differences in mobility had to be

determined as accurately as possible, and it is well known that the ionic strength

considerably influences the mobility. Since, especially at low pH-values, the magnitude

of the EOF can be difficult to determine accurately, tetrabutylammonium (TBA) was

chosen as a mobility reference. This relatively slow cation is migrating closely to allyl­

TER, and has no interaction with rnandelate. The mobility of TBA was 14.2 10·9

m2N.s in the BGE containing creatinine (pH 4.9), and 14.5 10·9 m2N.s in the BGE

containing aniline (pH 2.2). This difference in mobility is due to the higher ionic

strength of the creatinine BGE. The mobility of allyl-TER is slightly lower than the

mobility of TBA in these experiments and ranges in between 10 and 13.10·9 m2N.s,

depending on the composition of the BGE. The mobility of allyl-TER in absence of

mandelate (µo) is 13.0 10·9 m2N.s in the BGE containing creatinine and 12.0 10"9

m2N.s in the BGE containing aniline.

At pH 4.9, mandelic acid has a degree of dissociation a > 0.95, since its pK,.

values 3.4. For the sake of simplicity, a =1 was assurned. At pH 2.2, the degree of

dissociation is about 0.06, and as a rough estimation a = 0 was assumed. The simple

model ofWren and Rowe [10] was used to determine the formation constants between

allyl-TER and L-(+) and D-(-)-mandelate. The results are presented in TABLE 4.4.

According to these results, Ki (referring to interaction with the non-dissociated acid) is

higher than Ki (referring to interaction with the dissociated acid). Consequently, the

assumption that interaction between the non-dissociated acid and allyl-TER could be

neglected, was erroneous. However, it is true that only the dissociated acid interacts

stereoselective with the ergot alkaloid. The mobility of the complex between the

dissociated acid and the chiral selector does not significantly differ from zero, justifying

the earlier a.<>sumption. From the results obtained by the indirect determination, the Kc­

value at pH 4.2 was recalculated applying eq. (4-6). As shown in TABLE 4.4, Kc was

overestimated in the earlier experiments.


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Average Difference ((+)vs.(-))

reversed direct reversed direct

4.6 (0.5)' 0% 0%

2.05 (0.17) 21%

Kc(a= 0.86) 2.4 (0.2) 6.0 (0.3) 13% 17%

10 (0.3) 0%

0.3 (1.9) 0 0% 0%

Standard deviation on parenthesis; Kc (L-(+)-mandelate) > Kc(D-(-)-mandelate)

These result stress the importance of applying high pH BGE's. At high pH, the non­

selective interactions are minimized, and similarly the time of analysis is decreased.

In an earlier study, Fanali et al. successfully separated ergot alkaloids using y­

cyclodextrins as chiral selector [3]. Present study proves that these alkaloids might also

be separated using relatively inexpensive optically pure mandelic acid as counter-ion.

Figure 4.11 shows the optimized separation of a mixture of (-)-TER : (+)-TER = 1



0.003 (-)-TER (+)-TER

S' 0.002 ~ " 0.001 "' = "' i: 0 0

~ -0.001



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

time [min]

Figure 4.11 Chiral separation of a mixture of terguride (TER) enantiomers; (-)-TER:

(+)-TER= 1 : 1.5. BGE: 200 mM e-aminocapronic acid, 100 mM L-(+)-mandelic

acid, pH 4.5. Capillary 400-470 mm, l.D. 50 µm, polyacrylamide coated. Detection:

280 nm. Separation voltage: 20 kV. Temperature: 17°C.


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This separation was achieved by applying a BGE containing 100 mM L-( + )-mandelic

acid at pH 4.5. At this pH, the degree of dissociation of mandelic acid a > 0.9. (+)­

TER Is the slowest migrating alkaloid, and therefore it can be concluded that (+)-TER

has the strongest interaction with L-( + )-mandelate, confirming the earlier results.

Reversal of the migration order was easily accomplished by using D-(-)-mandelate in

stead of L-( + )-mandelate as counter-ion.

4.3.7 The influence of MeOH on chiral separation

Also, the effect of the addition of MeOH to the BGE on the interaction

between the chiral selector and the racemic analytes was investigated. The chiral

selector is well soluble in MeOH, which makes it very advantageous to use this organic

buffer modifier. Upon addition of 50% MeOH to the BOE at pH 4.2 (200 mM ~­

alanine/acetate) the apparent pH shifted up to pH* 5.3. Since the pK.-value of ~­

alanine was not known under these conditions, the strong ion sodium was used as a

cation, in order to make a proper calculatîon of the ionic strength of the BGE. Sodium

however, migrates faster than allyl-TER. For this reason, the rear boundary between

BOE with and without chiral selector, will not have self sharpening properties (see

Figure 4.7 and upper electropherogram in Figure 4.12).

The addition of MeOH to the BOE caused a shift in the apparent pH of the

buffer. At the sarne time the pK.-value of the analytes was shifted in the same

direction. The change in the degree of dissociation ( a) was calculated for mandelic

acid and for tropie acid by the determination of the pK.-values in BGE's with and

without MeOH. As shown in T ABLE 4.5, no significant change of the a-value of these

two analytes was observed between BOE's with and without MeOH.



Mandelic acid Tropie acid

BGE pK. a pK. a 0% MeOH, pH 4.2 3.3 0.89 4.0 0.60

50% MeOH, pH* 5.3 4.2 0.90 5.1 0.62

Figure 4.12 shows the influence of MeOH on the chiral separation of the

racemic analytes. First, as expected, a Jonger migration time was observed in BGE's

containing MeOH. More interesting, an increase in resolution is observed for some of


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the racemic analytes. The increased resolution is very pronounced for the tropie acid

enantiomers. As mentioned earlier, this effect could not be attributed to a change in a­

value of this analyte. Therefore, it can be concluded that MeOH can have a positive

influence on the enantioselectivity of allyl-TER towards some racemic organic acids.

This is also shown in T ABLE 4.3. The enantioseparation factor (SF) increased for

mandelic acid, a-methylphenylacetic acid, and for tropie acid. On the other hand, a

decrease of SF is observed for p-hydroxymandelic acid and for vanilmandelic acid. At

the same time however, the addition of MeOH to the BOE caused an increase in the

Kc-value for all analytes, except for tropie acid. According to the model of Wren &

Rowe [10,11] an increased Kc-value results in a lower optimum concentration of the

chiral selector. This is of course beneficia] for the separation of the racemic samples,

since solubility of the chiral selector is a limiting factor under these circumstances.

Another main advantage of MeOH is the increased solubility of the ergot

alkaloid. Figure 4.13 shows a high resolution separation of some racemic organic acids

using a BOE supported with 62.5 mM allyl-TER at pH* 5.5. This was the highest pH

at which the chiral selector was still soluble, under these conditions. Using pure water

as solvent, it was not possible to dissolve such a high concentration of this ergot



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~ -0.02

e i -0.03

~ .! < -0.04




50% MeOH

0% MeOH





-0.06 +----1------+---------+-----1------1

3 4 5 6

time [min]

7 8 9

Figure 4.12 lnfluence of MeOH on the chiral separation of some racemic organic acids.

BGE bottom electropherogram: 25 mM allyl-TER + {3-alanine!acetate, pH 4.2, i = 50

mM. BGE top electropherogram: 25 mM 1-allyl terguride + sodiumlacetate, pH* 5.3, i

= 50 mM. Separation voltage 25 kV. Symbols and other experimental conditions as in

Figure 4.5 and Figure 4.8.

0.007 5

5' 0.005 ~ 0.003 B ä 0.001

,/;; s -0.001 .! < -0.003

-0.005 +--+----lir-----+--+---+---t--+--t-----l

0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

time [min]

Figure 4.13 Chiral separation of racemic Njormylphenylalanine (7), N­

acetylphenylalanine (8), tropie acid (5) and 2-phenylglycine (9). BGE 100 mM {3-

alanine/acetate, 62.5 mM 1-allyl terguride, 50% MeOH, pH* 5.5. PVA coated capillary:

20-27 cm, 50 µm l.D .. Separation voltage 25 kV.


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4.4 Conclusions

lt is shown that ergot alkaloids have great potential as chiral selectors in CE.

Baseline resolutions are obtained for all the racemic acidic test compounds used in this

study. The analysis times are short and the method is cheap due to the low

consumption of the chiral selector. Results have shown that a high degree of

dissociation of the analytes is beneficia] for enantioselectivity. This was confirmed by

determination of the formation constants in a reversed setup, applying the chiral

selector as analyte, and the analyte as buffer component. In this way, the determination

of even very low formation constants was made possible.

Solubility of allyl-TER in 100% water is limited, but can be increased by the

addition of 50% MeOH to the BGE. The addition of MeOH also alters the

stereoselectivity and the degree of complex formation.


1 S. Fanali, J. Chromatogr. A, 735 (1996) 77

2 B. Berde and H.O. Schild, Handbook ofExperimental Pharmacology, Vol. 49,

Berlin, Springer-Verlag (1978)

3 S. Fanali, M. Flieger, N. Steinerova and A. Nardi, Electrophoresis, 13 (1992)


4 M. Flieger, M. Sinibaldi, L. Cvak, and L. Castellani, Chirality, 6 (1994) 549

5 L. Castellani, M. Flieger, and M. Sinibaldi, J. Liq. Chromatogr., 17 (1994)


6 M. Sinibaldi, M. Flieger, L. Cvak, A. Messina, and A. Pichini,

J. Chromatogr. A, 666 (1994) 471

7 P. Padiglioni, C.M. Polcaro, S. Marchese, M. Sinibaldi and M. Flieger,

J. Chromatogr. A, 756 (1996) 119

8 L. Castellani, M. Flieger, L. Mannini, P. Sedmera, A. L. Segre, and

M. Sinibaldi, Chirality, 6 (1994) 543

9 A. Messina, A.M. Girelli, M. Flieger, M. Sinibaldi, P. Sedmera and L. Cvak,

Anal. Che m., 68 ( 1996) 1191

10 S.A.C. Wren and R.C. Rowe, J. Chromatogr., 603 (1992) 235

11 S.A.C. Wren, Electrophoresis, 16 (1995) 2127

12 Y.Y. Rawjee, D.U. Staerk and G. Vigh, J. Chromatogr" 635 (1993) 291

13 Y.Y. Rawjee, R.L. Williams and G. Vigh, J. Chromatogr., 652 (1993) 233

14 Y.Y. Rawjee and G. Vigh, Anal. Chem., 66 (1994) 619


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15 K.L. Rundlett and D.W. Armstrong, J. Chromatogr. A, 721(1996)173

16 L. Valtcheva, J. Mohammad. G. Petterson and S. Hjerten, J. Chromatogr" 638

(1993) 263

17 Y. Tanaka and S. Terabe, J. Chromatogr. A, 694 (1995) 277

18 Y. Lee, T. Lin, Electrophoresis, 17 (1996) 333

19 M.J. van der Schans, M.C. Molling, J.L. Beckers and F.M. Everaerts,

J. Chromatogr. A, 717 (1995) 139

20 S. Budavari, M.J. O'Neil, A. Smith, P.E. Heckelman (&is), The Merck Index,

l lth ed" 1989

21 W. Friedl, J.C. Reijenga, and E. Kenndler, J. Chromatogr. A, 709 (1995) 163

22 J.H.P.A. Martens, J.C. Reijenga, J.H.M. ten Thije Boonkkamp,

R.M.M. Mattheij and F.M. Everaerts, J. Chromatogr. A, in press

23 Y.Y. Rawjee, D.U. Staerk and G. Vigh, J. Chromatogr., 635 (1993) 291


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The capillary electrophoretic separation of the enantiomers of a number of anionic

sulf onamides was studied. Enantioselectivity of a range of native and modified

cyclodextrins was examined. Also, from the experimental results, equilibrium

constants and complex mobilities in different electrolyte systems were detennined. In

the present study it was found that the nature of the co-migrating buffer anion may

significantly influence the magnitude of equilibrium constants, depending on the type

of modification of a specific cyclodextrin. Consequently, this may also strongly

influence the optimum cyclodextrin concentration f or a particular separation. The

results of the separation of sulfonamide enantiomers with cyclodextrins do not agree

with the theoretica! model suggested by Wren and Rowe, concerning the existence of a

maximum in the mobility difference between two optica[ isomers.

The study presented in this chapter has resulted in the following publication:

B.A. Ingelse, H.A. Claessens, Sj. van der Wal, A.L.L. Duchateau, F.M. Everaerts, J. Chromatogr. A,

745 (1996) 61-71

5.1 Introduction

Until now, cyclodextrins (CD's) have been the most widely used chiral

se lectors in CE. CD' s have the ability to form enantioselective inclusion-complexes

with many kinds of solutes involving the secondary hydroxyl groups on the Jarger rim.

lnclusion complexation is controlled by charge, size and shape of both the solute and

the cyclodextrin [ 1,2]. Besides that, the composition of the buffer may also play a role

in enantioselectivity. Optimization of selectivity must therefore be accomplished by

screening of native (a-,~-,y-CD) and derivatized cyclodextrins, combined with

different buffer systems.

Recently, an increasing number of studies has been published conceming the

retention and selectivity mechanism in chiral separation. Wren [3,4] described the

difference in mobility of two enantiorners as a function of the cyclodextrin


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concentration, predicting an optimum cyclodextrin concentration as a function of

equilibrium constants. Rawjee et al. [5] extended this model studying the chiral

selectivity as a function of pH and CD-concentration. Other parameters influencing the

resolution of enantiomers that were studied include temperature [6,7], concentration of

organic modifier and buffer concentration [8].

The models presented in Ref. [3-5] have been discussed in detail in chapter 2. It

is important to notice that these models use the assumption that each CD molecule

contains buffer molecule(s). As a result, there will be a competition for inclusion

complexation between the analyte and buffer and solvent molecules. Since, under

normal conditions, the buffer concentration is much higher than the CD concentration,

the CD-buffer complex is omitted from further considerations. In genera!, this

assumption is valid (see section 2.3). However, it should be noted that complex

formation between CD and solute demands the release of buffer molecules from the

CD cavity. This was also recognized by Wren & Rowe [9] when they investigated the

role of organic solvent in chiral separations in CE. They proposed that the addition of

MeOH to the BGE reduces the affinity of the analyte for the CD cavity, and will

consequently reduce the size of the equilibrium constant. lt might be expected that the

buffer ions can influence the complex fonnation constant in a similar way

In this chapter, the chiral separation of some sulfonamide enantiomers was

investigated, using native and modified cyclodextrins as chiral selectors. The main

objective of this study was to investigate the influence of the co-migrating buffer anion

on complex formation and enantioselectivity. Another airn of this study was to

investigate both complex formation and stereoselectivity for these solutes as a function

of the properties of different native and modified cyclodextrins.

5.2 Experimental

5.2.1 Chemicals

Native a- and ~-cyclodextrins, as well as heptakis(2,6-di-0-methyl)-~­

cyclodextrin (DIME-~), heptakis(2,3,6-tri-O-methyl)-~-cyclodextrin (TRIME-P), (2-

hydroxy)-propylated ~-cyclodextrin; degree of substitution 4.6 (HP-P-CD), and

soluble ex- and ~-cyclodextrin polymers were from Cyclolab (Budapest, Hungary). All

CD's and the sodium salts of the racemic sulfonamides, 2-rnethylbutylsulfonamide

(MBS), ~-methyl-phenethylsulfonamide (MPS), and 2-butylsulfonarnide (BS) were

kind gifts from DSM Research (Geleen, Netherlands). The enantiomers (R)- and (S)-


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BS, and (S)-MBS were synthesized in the laboratory of Organic Chemistry of the

Eindhoven University of Technology. The structural formulas of these substances are

presented in Figure 5.1.

5.2.2 Apparatus

A P/ACE 2200 capillary electrophoresis system (Beckman, Fullerton, CA) was

used for all electrophoretic experiments. Polyacrylamide coated and uncoated fused­

silica capillaries (50 µm LD.) of different lengths were applied. Capillaries were coated

according to the procedure of van der Schans et al. [ 10]. The capillary cartridge was

thermostated at 20°C. When coated capillaries were used, only the capillary was filled

with BGE containing a specific cyclodextrin concentration. In case of uncoated

capillaries, the capillary and the inlet via! were filled with BGE containing cyclodextrin.

In none of the experiments cyclodextrins were present in the outlet via! during

separation. The UV-detector was operated at 214 nm, except for the indirect UV

experiments using TRIS/benzoate buffer (230 nm) and TRIS/chromate buffer (280


5.2.3 Methods

All solutions were prepared in demineralized water. The BGE's were prepared

by adjusting a 100 mM TRIS (Tris(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane, Merck, Darmstadt,

Germany) solution with maleic acid, fumaric acid, hydrochloric acid or chromic acid to

pH 8.2, or with benzoic acid to pH 8.5.


Abbr. CATION ANION i (mmo!/!)

BGEAl lOOmMTRIS chromate 64.6

BGEA2 40mMTRIS chromate 25.8

BGEB lOOmMTRIS benzoate 27.6

BGECl 100 mM TRIS chloride 43.1

BGEC2 60mMTRIS chloride 25.9

BGED lOOmMTRIS maleate 64.6

BGEE 100 mM TRIS fumarate 64.6


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Chromic acid was prepared by percolating a potassium chromate (Merck, Darmstadt,

Germany) solution over a strongly acidic cation exchanger (Type I, Merck, Darmstadt,

Germany). All BGE's applied in this study, with their respective ionic strengths (i), are

listed in TABLE 5.1.

To measure relative viscosities of BGE's containing cyclodextrin, the capillary

was first filled with a BGE containing cyclodextrin in a specific concentration, after

which a small amount of water was injected, and finally the BGE under study was

pumped through the capillary at constant low pressure (3.3. I03 Pa), until the water

plug was detected. The same experiment was also carried out with the corresponding

BGE without cyclodextrin. The relative viscosity of BGE containing a specific

cyclodextrin was calculated from the ratio of the detection time of the water dips

obtained from two corresponding BGE solutions, with and without a specific


Samples were injected hydrodynamically for 10 s (3.3.103 Pa). The

concentration of injected samples was 104 M. The applied fieldstrength was in the

range 30-50 kV/m using the constant voltage mode.


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5.3 Results and discussion

Electrophoretic experiments were performed in different BGE's at pH 8.2 or

8.5. At this pH, the analytes were moving as anions, opposite to the direction of the



~NHS03-Na+ MBS

EOF. The influence of the acid dissociation

equilibria can be neglected, since at this pH the

sulfonamides can be considered strong acids. Under

these conditions, using positive polarity, both the

electroosmotic mobility (water dip) and the mobility

of the analytes could be determined in one run,

providing an accurate calculation of effective

mobilities. Native cyclodextrins ( a- and ~-CD),

modified CD's (DIME-~, TRIME-~, HP-~-CD) and

neutra! a- and ~-cyclodextrin polymers were

dissolved in several concentrations in the BGE's

under study. One of the objectives of this research

was to study the influence of the co-migrating buffer

anion on the inclusion-complex formation between

cyclodextrin and analytes. Therefore, different

electrolytes were prepared (see TABLE 5.1).

Wren and Rowe [3] suggested a model for

Figure 5.1 Chemica[ structure the separation of optica! isomers in capillary

of the sulfonamide optica/ electrophoresis describing the change in effective

isomers. For abbreviations see mobility (corrected for the electroosmotic mobility)

section 5.2. 1.

µ_ + µcKclCDJ 1 + Kc[CD]

of enantiomers (µtorµ;!!, in genera! µ,!! ) as a

function of the equilibrium constant for complex­

formation between analytes and cyclodextrin (KRcv­

or Kscv , from here on referred to as Kc-

( 5-1)

[CD] = concentration of cyclodextrin [mol/l]

µ. = effective mobility of fully dissociated free enantiomer [m2/V .s]

µc = effective mobility of cyclodextrin-enantiomer complex [m2 IV .s]

Kc = equilibrium constant for complex forrnation [-]


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This equation can be transformed to:

( 5-2)

Consequently, according to this model, if complex-formation occurs, a graphical

representation of (µ.-µ,.tr)l[CDJ versus µ•ff must show a linear relationship, with a slope

equaling Kc and the µ,raxis being intercepted at µeff = µc- In these experiments,

standard errors in Kc and µc calculations were smaller than 10%, depending on the

magnitude of the formation constant. Day to day reproducibilities were also within


The relative viscosities ofBGE's containing cyclodextrins were determined as a

function of the concentration of cyclodextrins added to the BGE and all measured

mobilities were corrected for the influence of viscosity by multiplying with the relative


5.3.J DIME-/3

First the influence of the co-migrating buffer ion on complex formation was

studied for the modified cyclodextrin DIME-~. As an example in Figure 5.2, effective

mobilities of MPS, BS, and MBS enantiomers are plotted as a function of the

concentration of DIME-~ in the BGE. Obviously, increasing concentrations of DIME­

~ result in a decrease of the apparent mobilities of MPS and MBS, with MPS showing

a higher affinity towards the cyclodextrin as compared to MBS. However, BS

apparently shows very little interaction with the cyclodextrin, since hardly any decrease

in mobility is observed.

In Figure 5.3 the relationships of (µ.-µ,ff)/[CD] versus the apparent mobility µ,ff

of MPS and MBS for the different BGE's are plotted. As can be seen from the slopes

of the curves, the mean equilibrium constant Kc is higher for MPS than for MBS. This

confirms the conclusions drawn from Figure 5.2.

In TABLE 5.2 all Kc-values for the different chiral selectors and BGE's are

summarized. The higher Kc-values for MPS in case of DIME-~ could be attributed to

the aromatic structure of MPS, which is more likely to fit in the hydrophobic cavity of

the cyclodextrin than the aliphatic chain of MBS. Furthermore, for DIME-~ as the

chiral selector, the Kc-values of MPS and MBS appeared to be independent on the

applied BGE-anion.


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• • .~,;---..-----.-----·----------------------" 25 \

" \

~ 20

l.,.& ,~" ,, " ............ 5


• \ \ \ •,

.... ... ,_

---~-----·-----------------------· "

.... . "" • "'-1 -----·-----! _______________________ .


0 50 100 150 200

conc. DIME-8 [mM]

--•--· BS

__ .._ __ MBS

__ .._ __ MPS

Figure 5.2 Effective mobilities (correctedfor viscosity effects) of MPS, BS and MBS

enantiomers versus concentration DIME-/3. BGE: 100 mM TRIS!benzoate, pH 8.5.

Capillary: 401-468 mm, 50 µm l.D" Separation voltage I 5 kV.

Since benzoic acid is likely to enter the CD-cavity and as a consequence could

decrease the interaction between analyte and CD it was expected that the equilibrium

constant in buffers containing benzoic acid would be lower compared to BGE's not

containing aromatic compounds. However, both for MPS and MBS, K,-values

appeared to be independent of the buffer-anion under these conditions. lt also appears

from Figure 5.3 that the magnitude of the complex mobility (µc) is approximately the

same for the MPS- and the MBS-DIME-P complexes, in case the same BGE was

applied. Furthermore, it should be noted that the formation constant seems

independent on the concentration of the BGE's (Al versus A2).


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BGEAl BGEA2 BGE B BGE Al BGE A2 BGE B _._ .. 0- --·- -- .. -6· . ---A---MPS MPS MPS MBS MBS MBS



..... ~ 0.08

.! ë

..,. 0.06

t:::' s }

0.04 " ~ 0.02

0.00 =::......::..:;,,;,_~ ....... :.::.=------'--------'---------J 5 10 20 25

Figure 5.3 Graphical determination of Kc values and mobilities of selector

enantiomer complexes (µc) for complexes between DIME-/3 and MBS and MPS in

different BGE's. Experimental conditions as in Figure 5.2. Composition of BGE's is

listed in TABLE 5.1.

Opposite to that, µc values for both MPS and MBS appeared to be dependent

on the BGE nature and composition. When benzoate (BGE B) was used as the co­

migrating anion, the µc-values for both MBS and MPS were about 50% Jarger as

compared to chromate (BGE Al). Besides the nature of the buffer this observation

might also be attributed to the higher ionic strength of BGE Al compared to the BGE

B ( see T ABLE 5.1). In order to allow a fair comparison at equal ionic strengths,

experiments were carried out applying BGE A2. As illustrated in Figure 5.3, µc does

increase upon decreasing the ionic strength, although the complex mobility still doesn't

match the value obtained in BGE B. Furthermore, µc-values for MPS and MBS were

calculated and compared for BGE B, BGE Cl and BGE C2. The mobilities of the

MPS and MBS-complexes were -9.0.10-9 in BGE B, -7.5.10-9 in BGE Cl, and -8.2.10-9

m2N.s in BGE C2 respectively. These results show that µc-values decrease upon

increasing the ionic strength of the BGE, as expected.


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polymer polymer CD


Al 117 22 52 59 14 20

B 120 22 30 28 80 70

Cl 120 48 155 130 16

D 25 48

E 108 25 51

According to the model suggested by Wren & Rowe [3], optimum difference in

effective mobility (as defined by eq. (5-1)) between two optica] isomers is obtained at:

{CD ]opt = 11 ~ K Rcv- K scv- ( 5-3)

This is in good agreement with the results of these experiments, showing optimum

mobility differences between the optica! isomers of MPS, at a DIME-P concentration

of IOmM.

As discussed earlier Kc-values appeared to be independent on the nature of the

BGE. The same might be true for the selectivity (S) which is given by the ratio of the

mobility difference of the two enantiomers and the mean mobility value of both optica]

isomers. The selectivity of DIME-P towards the optica! isomers of MPS seemed to be

independent on the choice of the co-migrating anion. For MBS however, no resolution

was obtained using BGE B whereas the optica! isomers were partly resolved (Rs=0.5)

using either maleate, chromate or fumarate as co-migrating buffer ion. This maximum

in resolution was obtained at about 50 mM DIME-P, which corresponds with the

optimum concentration predicted by eg. (5-3), using the results from T ABLE 5.2. For

the enantiomers of BS a partial resolution at 200 mM DIME-P was obtained, which

was shown to be independent of the nature of the corresponding BGE. Evidently,

interaction occurred between this analyte and DIME-p. Spiking of the racemic sample

with (S)-BS demonstrated that the (R)-enantiomer had a stronger interaction with


Page 98: Chiral separations using capillary electrophoresis - Pure · CHIRAL SEPARATIONS USING CAPILLARY ELECTROPHORESIS PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Technische


DIME-j} than the (S)-enantiomer. None of the chiral analytes could be baseline

resolved using DIME-j} as the chiral selector.

5.3.Z TRIME-{3

In Figure 5.4 the apparent mobilities of MPS and MBS enantiomers, after

correction for the BGE viscosity, were plotted against the TRIME-j} concentration for

two different BGE's. Compared to the results for DIME-j} (Figure 5.2), the decrease

in mobilities of the MBS and MPS solutes with increasing concentrations of the chiral

selector is less steep. This might be attributed to steric hindrance by the methoxy­

group on the 3-position located on the wider entrance of the cyclodextrin rirn, while

DIME-j} is only methoxy substituted on the 2- and 6-position. On the other hand,

methylation of all the hydroxy groups makes the j}-CD more flexible. This might also

results in a less "tight fit", and consequently less stable complexes.

Kc-Values for TRIME-~ were experimentally determined for the BGE Al and

Cl, while no reliable data could be obtained for BGE B. This latter result might be

explained by the weaker interaction and retardation of the analytes with TRIME-~ in

BGE B. Consequently in such cases, standard errors in Kc-calculations become

relatively high. However, it can be safely assumed that Kc-values in BGE B are

significantly smaller than in any of the other buffers. The results are summarized in

T ABLE 5.2. Due to the lower ionic strength of BGE B, it might be expected that

complex-mobilities (µc) are higher than in other electrolyte systems.

In Figure 5.4 it is shown that under the experimental conditions MPS is more

retarded than MBS. This is not in agreement with the calculated equilibrium constants

(Kc) for the optica] isomers of MBS (MBS J and MBS2) of 17 respectively 22, in BGE

Al whereas Kc = 14 for MPS in the same BGE. The calculated complex-mobility (µc)

however for MBS is high (-19.5.10·9 m2N.s) compared to MPSffRIME-j} cornplexes

(-9.2.lff9 m2N.s), thus explaining the higher retardation for MPS. A possible

explanation of the high value of Pc for TRIME-j}/MBS cornplexes could be that

complex formation differs from the regular "single analyte - single CD-molecule"

mechanism [11].


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~ 5

"i = ::::.

" ::s.





"· ., .. ..


0 20 ~ ~ w conc. TRIME-R [mM]


." .•. " MPS: BGEAI

___.,...._ MBSI: BGE B

-tr- MBS2: BGE B

"" .... ". MBSl:BGEAI


Figure 5.4 Effective mobilities f or MPS and MBS enantiomers ( corrected for

viscosity effects) versus the concentration TRIME-/3. MBSI is the strongest

interacting enantiomer. BGE's as in TABLE 5.1. Experimental conditions as in

Figure 5.2.

Furthermore, from the data it can be seen that the analytes are more retarded in

BGE Al than in BGE B. This can be explained either by a stronger complex-formation

or by a lower complex mobility in BGE Al. As an example in Figure 5.5 the baseline

resolution of the MBS enantiomers using TRIME-~ as the chiral selector in BGE Al

and BGE B is presented.

Resolutions (R,) were calculated according to eq. (5-4):

( 5-4)

with t1 and t1 being the migration times of the first and second enantiomers, and wh the

peak width at the baseline. Resolution of the MBS-enantiomers in BGE B is slightly

better (1.2) than in BGE Al (1.0). The higher resolution has to be explained by a


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higher efficiency since the selectivity in BOE Al is higher than in BOE B (see Figure

5.6). The higher efficiency might be clarified by a much better mobility-matching

between MBS (fl.u= -23. 10·9 m2N.s) and benzoate (Jl,u= -30. 10·9 m2N.s), compared

to MBS and chromate {µeg= -65. 10·9 m2N.s) [ 12]. Spiking of racemic MBS with (S)­

MBS proved that (S)-MBS interacts stronger with TRIME-P than (R)-MBS, under

these conditions.

Also selectivities of the MBS enantiomers for different BOE' s were calculated

according to the definition mentioned earlier. From the results in Figure 5.6 it can be

seen that selectivities of the MBS enantiomers are higher in BOE Al than in BOE B.

These observations are in good agreement with the results obtained with DIME-P for

the separation of MBS enantiomers. According to the data in T ABLE 5.2 and to eq.

(5-3), a maximum mobility difference between MBSI and MBS2 was expected at 50

mM TRIME-P using a 100 mM TRIS/chromate BOE. From these results however, no

clear maximum in mobility differences could be distinguished. Tuis could be explained

by a different mobility (pc) between MBS l/TRIME-P and MBS2/TRIME-P

complexes. According to these data this mobility difference valued 7%. Wren recently

modified the mathematica! model [3] to deal with such differences [13], although in his

case (atenolol in modified p-cyclodextrin) the relative differences were smaller.

5.3.3 Neutra/ a;. and f>cyclodextrin polymer

Neutra! ex- and P-cyclodextrin polymers were also included in this study as

chiral additives to the BOE. P-Cyclodextrin polymer did not show any

enantioselectivity towards BS and MBS. However for the MPS enantiomers, good

selectivity was obtained. Equilibrium constants between the 1)-cyclodextrin polymer

and MPS were determined for BOE B and BOE Cl. Kc· Values for the MPS

enantiomers were 78 and 83 for benzoate and 151 and 160 for chloride as the co­

migrating anion. In order to calculate these values, the polymer concentration was

expressed as eq.r1• The amount of cyclodextrin units per mg of polymer was calculated

according to the specification of the manufacturer (!)-CD polymer sample: !)-CD

content 58.2% w/w, ex-CD polymer sample: ex-CD content 54% w/w) as in Ref. [10].

Consequently 100 mg P-CD-polymer/ml equals 50 meq P-CD/I, while 100 mg/ml ex­

CD-polymer is equal to 55 meq cx-CD/l. Opposite to DIME-~, for the P-cyclodextrin

polymer, the Kc-values for MPS were strongly influenced by the nature of the co­

migrating anion. Presumably, complex formation may be suppressed by benzoate,

competing with the analyte for inclusion in the cyclodextrin cavity, without however

affecting selectivity (expressed as SF).


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-0.006 +-----~-----+-----~-------<

6 7 8

time [min]

Figure 5.5 Chiral separation of MBS enantiomers applying BGE Al and BGE B,

supported with 80 mM TRIME-/3. Composition of the BGE's as in TABLE 5.1. Other

experimental conditions as in Figure 5.2.


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::::: ,..... f!t, 0.015 ;., ;: ~ ~

il 0.010 'il



0.000 0

"" ..... .à:"···

."" ... "."··ll····

... ".~ ... "" ... ·····

... " .............. "." .... " .. .....

20 40 60

conc. TRIME·8 [mMJ

"." " ... " " ..


Figure 5.6 Selectivity of MBS enantiomers versus the concentration of TRIME-{J

applying BGE Al (à dotted curve) and BGE B ( t::.solid curve). Other experimental

conditions as in Figure 5.2. Curve fit according to a power function.

From the Kc-values shown in TABLE 5.2, similar trends can be observed for

the MPS and MBS racemates with the a-CD polymer. Kc-values increased twofold if

chromate was used instead ofbenzoate as the co-migrating anion. According to eq. (5-

3), this will influence the optimum cyclodextrin concentration in the BGE. Since the

experimentally measured Kc·values are nearly the same for MPS and MBS, [CD]opr

was expected to be about the same for both pairs of enantiomers, equaling 34 meq/l

(63 mg/ml) for BGE B, and 18 meq/l (32 mg/ml) for BGE Al. In Figure 5.7 and

Figure 5.8 selectivities of MPS and MBS enantiomers respectively, are plotted as a

function of the a-CD polymer concentration, applying different BGE' s.

From these results two observations can be made. First, as was also the case

for TRIME-~ with MBS (Figure 5.6), no clear maximum in either selectivity or

mobility-difference could be distinguished. As was the case with TRIME-~, this might

be explained by a different mobility (µc) of the complexes of a-CD polymer and the

two optica! isomers. According to these data this mobility-difference valued 4% for

MPS complexes. For MBS complexes this difference valued 3%. Also from the data it


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is obvious that the selectivity in BGE B is again substantially lower than for the other

BGE's. E.g., to obtain a selectivity for MBS enantiomers (Figure 5.8) of 0.013, a

concentration of 100 mg/ml o.-CD-polymer is needed in a BGE B, while 20 mg/ml

polymer is sufficient in the other BGE's. Thus, from this data it is obvious that

benzoate has a negative effect on the enantioselectivity (S) for both these sulfonamides.

In this case this effect was even more pronounced than with TRIME-~ as the chiral

selector (Figure 5.6).

:c @ .....


~ 1 ~






. .. """." "".""."."." .... , ... " ..

0.000 Jf""''-----+------1----+----~,f-----+ 0 20 ~ w w 100

conc. a-CD-polymer [mg/ml]

Figure 5.7 Selectivity of MPS enantiomers versus the concentration of the a­

cyclodextrin polymer applying BGE Al (à and dotted curve), BGE B ( D. and solid

curve) and BGE Cl (Tand "dash-dot-dash" curve). Composition of the BGE's as in

TABLE 5.1. Other experimental conditions as in Figure 5.2. Curve fit according to

polynomial functions.


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::::: @: 0.015 .~ l>-

'-C ál

0.010 jj


0.000 0

... "."."" .. """" ····•··· ·······~::~::~"-------··J .".·.:-.:.:~:-"-·--.. "·.,.,......-

."-~,,,.,." ·""'" ·V

"~~ ,.;•;;;-' .~

./ ..,/" ...

/ 20 40 60 80 100

conc. a-CD-polymer [mg/ml]

Figure 5.8 Selectivity of MBS enantiomers versus the concentration of the a­

cyclodextrin polymer applying BGE Al (.à and dotted curve), BGE B ( b. and solid

curve) and BGE E (Y and "dash-dot-dot-dash" curve). Composition of the BGE's as

in TAB LE 5. 1. Other experimental conditions as in Figure 5.2. Curve fit according to

polynomial functions.

As an example Figure 5.9 shows a full resolution electropherogram of MPS

and MBS enantiomers using a-cyclodextrin polymer as the chiral selector. Spiking of

racemic MBS with (S)-MBS demonstrated that (S)-MBS has the strongest interaction

with the polymer under these conditions, and was the second peak to be detected, as

was also the case for TRIME-P.


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10 11



time [min]


Figure 5.9 Separation of MPS and MBS enantiomers applying BGE Al (see TABLE

5.1) containing 100 mg/ml a-cyclodextrin polymer. Coated capillary: 300-370 mm,

50 µm l.D .. Separation voltage 15 kV.


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5.3.4 HP-{J-CD

HP-13-CD (degree of substitution 4.5) was also included in this study for its potential

as a chiral selector. The results in T ABLE 5.2 show that complex formation is

influenced by the nature of the co-migrating anion, similarly as for a- and 13-CD

polymer. HP-13-CD showed enantioselectivity for the MPS enantiomers (separation

factor SF = 1.05) but no selectivity was observed for the optica! isomers of BS and


S.4 Conclusions

Baseline resolution was obtained for the enantiomers of MPS and MBS for

several modified cyclodextrins. Only partial resolution was obtained for the optica!

.isomers of BS. Complex formation was markedly influenced by the nature of the co­

migrating buffer anion, in the case of HP-13-CD and a- and 13-CD polymers being

applied as chiral selectors, with an exception of DIME-13. The formation constants of

MPS and MBS with HP-13-CD, and a- and 13-CD polymers were approximately

halved, when applying a BGE containing benzoate instead of any of the other BGE's.

MBS enantiomers were partly separated using DIME-13 in maleate, fumarate,

and chromate containing BGE's, but no separation was obtained in a TRIS/benzoate

BGE. Also for TRIME-13 and the a-CD polymer it is shown that benzoate has a

negative effect on the enantioselectivity. However in these cases resolution is not much

influenced by the nature of the BGE, probably since benzoate has a better mobility

matching with the analytes than the other buffer anions such as chromate or chloride.

The use of benzoate in the BGE generally has an adverse effect on chiral interaction

due to competitive inclusion in the CD cavity.


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L S. Fanali, J. Chromatogr" 474 (1989) 441

2. B. Chankvetadze, G. Endresz and G. Blaschke, J. Chromatogr. A.,

700 (1995) 43

3. S.A.C. Wren and R.C. Rowe, J. Chromatogr., 603 (1992) 235

4. S.A.C. Wren, J. Chromatogr., 636 (1993) 57

5. Y.Y. Rawjee, D.U. Staerk and G. Vigh, J. Chromatogr" 635 (1993) 291

6. A. Guttman, A. Paulus, A.S. Cohen, N. Grinberg, and B.L. Karger,

J. Chromatogr., 448 (1988) 41

7. S.M. Han and N. Purdie, Anal. Chem., 56 (1984) 2825

8. B.A. Ingelse, F.M. Everaerts, C. Desiderio and S. Fanali, J. Chromatogr. A"

709 (1995) 89

9 S.A.C. Wren and R.C. Rowe, J. Chromatogr" 609 (1992) 363

10. M.J. van der Schans, J.L. Beckers, M.C. Molling and F.M. Everaerts,

J. Chromatogr. A, 717 (1995) 139

11 D.W. Armstrong, F. Nome, F. Spino and T.D. Golden, J.A.C.S, 108 (1986)


12. Y.Y.Rawjee, R.L. Williams, G.Vigh, Anal. Chem., 66 (1994) 3777

13. S.A.C.Wren, Electrophoresis, 16 (1995) 2127


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A previously published steady-state simulation program for CE was extended with a

sub-menu for chiral interaction. The interaction was modeled with a hypothetical

(neutra/) selector with properties similar to cyclodextrins (CD's). A three-type chiral

interaction model was implemented in such a way that it was valid for both anionic

and cationic analytes. The pe1formance of the program is illustrated with simulations,

using chiral parameters obtained from literature (homatropine) and from own

experiments and similar experiments peifonned in another laboratory (terbutaline

and mandelic acid). Simulation results were compared with experimental

electropherograms. Furthermore, the effect of temperature on the electrophoretic

chiral separation of ibuprofen with [3-CD is investigated. From mobility

determinations at different temperatures and CD-concentrations, it was possible to

calculate some basic thennodynamic parameters concemed with complex fonnation.

Por the chosen example, it is shown that temperature increase always results in the

need of an increased concentration of /3-CD, in order to achieve equal selectivity.

However, it is shown that temperature optimization can be used to minimize

separation time.

The study presented in this chapter has resulted in the following publications:

J.C. Reijenga, B.A. Ingelse and F.M. Everaerts, J. Chromatogr. A, in press

B.A. Ingelse, K. Sarmini, J.C. Reijenga, E. Kenndler and F.M. Everaerts, Electrophoresis, in press

J.C. Reijenga, B.A. Ingelse and F.M. Everaerts, Electrophoresis, in press

6.1 Introduction

For training purposes, fast simulation programs based on steady-state rnodels

were found a useful addition to real laboratory experiments [!]. This was already

obvious for techniques such as gas chromatography [2] and rnicellar electrokinetic

chrornatography [3], where elementary equilibrium thermodynarnics can be readily


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used to model the temperature dependent partition between mobile and (pseudo)

stationary phase.

In capillary electrophoresis however, the fundamental basis for separation

behavior is the concept of mobility, which together with basic acid-base equilibria, can

be used to model the separation pattem in detail. A steady-state simulator based on

such a model is now available for training purposes [4,5]. Although in that simulator,

temperature and ionic · strength effects are modeled, using empirica! relations,

complications such as complex formation and stereoselectivity were not taken into

account. The use of electrophoretic techniques for separation of optica) isomers has by

now gained widespread attention. Recent reviews on the subject [6,7], with hundreds

of references, list many applications of the use of cyclodextrins and other chiral

selectors in CZE, MEKC and EKC. In spite of the large number of references on chiral

applications now available, quantitative data on modeling the chiral interaction are not

easily obtained. A three-type interaction model for chiral separation of acidic [8] and

basic compounds [9] was clearly outlined by Rawjee et al.. Both ionic and non-ionic

interaction of the two optical isomers were quantified with corresponding complex

formation constants. If, in addition, the effective rnobility of the free analyte and of the

analyte-selector complex are known, a 6 parameter model is obtained that was

confirmed to agree well with experimental results [8,9].

The previously published HPCESIM [3,4] simulation program was extended

with a sub-menu for chiral interaction, based on the above mentioned chiral

parameters. Although this software is mainly intended for training purposes, in cases

where sufficient data is available about the analyte-selector equilibria, the program is

also suitable for method development of chiral separations in CE. In current study,

simulations of chiral separations were compared with literature. Furthermore, an acidic

and basic compound were selected and all parameters which are relevant for complex

forrnation were determined; pKa values, mobilities of the solutes and their formation

constants with the chiral selector. Two cyclodextrins were chosen in order to

distinguish the three different mechanisms of selective complex formation, as proposed

by Rawjee et al. [8,9]. Experimental results were compared with computer simulations

using the experirnentally determined chiral parameters listed above. In addition, the

results were compared with the results obtained in another laboratory.

As a next step, the influence of temperature on chiral separation was studied

quantitatively. The effect of temperature on electrophoretic separations is well known

because it influences, in principle, rnany of the parameters, variables and constants

involved in the separation, such as mobilities and pK values of both analyte and buffer

ions [10-12]. In chiral separations in CE, several additional formation constants


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between analyte and chiral selector, and their temperature dependence are involved as

well. Detailed knowledge of the magnitude of these effects will lead to a better

understanding. As a result, temperature may in some instances also be used as a tool

for fine-tuning resolution, provided that the separation compartment can be sufficiently

thermostated in order to ensure a homogeneous temperature throughout the analysis

time. The second part of this chapter focuses on the chiral separation of ibuprofen,

using ~-cyclodextrin as chiral selector. Equilibrium constants of complex formation

were determined at different temperatures. The results allowed the determination of

the corresponding thermodynamic properties: AH and LiS.

6.2 Experimental

6.2.1 Simulation

The simulation software was programmed and compiled in PowerBasic version 3.0

(PowerBasic, Carmel, CA). For running the software, a 386 type PC with 33 MHz

clock speed is a minimum requirement in order to keep calculation times within a

fraction of a second. This enables "instant" response necessary for use of short-cut


6.2.2 Chemicals

BGE's were prepared with analytica! grade chemicals from the usual sources

(Merck, Darmstadt, Germany or Sigma, St. Louis, MO). ~-Cyclodextrin (~-CD),

racemic mandelic acid, and the pure optica! isomers of mandelic acid were obtained

from Fluka (Buchs, Switzerland). Heptakis-(2,3,6-tri-O-methyl)-~-cyclodextrin

(TRIME-~) and hydroxypropylated ~-CD (HP-B-CD) were obtained from Cyclolab

(Budapest, Hungary). The degree of hydroxypropyl substitution was 6.5. Terbutaline

was obtained from Sigma (St. Louis, MO).

6.2.3 Methods

Experirnents were performed using P/ACE 2100, P/ACE 2200 and P/ACE

2500 equipment (Beckman, Fullerton, CA) with fused silica capillaries of different

lenghts. Detection wavelength was 214 nm. Samples were injected for 5 seconds. The


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injection pressure was 3.3.103 Pa. All experiments were performed at 25°C. The

ibuprofen experiments were performed at 25, 32, 40 and 50°C.

The chiral parameters of mandelic acid and terbutaline were determined in the

Laboratory of lnstrumental Analysis at the Eindhoven University of Technology

(Eindhoven, The Netherlands) and in the Institute for Analytical Chemistry at the

University of Vienna (Vienna. Austria). For the experiments performed in Eindhoven,

410-480 mm uncoated fused silica capillaries, I.D. = 50 µm were used. The dimensions

of the capillary used in Vienna were 300-370 mm and 100 µm I.D" A constant voltage

varying between 10 and 30 kV was applied. The resulting current was always lower

than 50 µA. For the determination of the pKa of mandelic acid, BGE's were used with

a pH in between 2.54 and 3.22. These BGE's were prepared by adjusting the pH of a

10 mM NaOH solution with formic acid. Similarly, BGE's for the determination of the

pK,. of terbutaline were prepared by adjusting the pH of a 10 mM HCJ solution with

tris(hydroxymethylamino)methane (TRIS) up to pH values in between 8.22 and 8.96.

To determine K1 and K2, 10 mM Na+/formate, pH 2.98 and 10 mM Cr/TRIS, pH 8.70

were used. ~-Cyclodextrin was dissolved in these BGE's at concentrations of 2.5, 5,

10 and 15 mM. HP-~-CD was used at concentrations of 5, 10, 20 and 40 mM. Prior to

use, these solutions were filtered with disposable 0.45 µm pore size filters.

Experiments for the determination of the thermodynamic properties, MI and

L1S, of complex formation were performed using ibuprofen as test compound. The

mobilities and pKa values of ibuprofen were determined at +20 kV in a 400-476 mm,

75 µm l.D. uncoated capillary with BGE's consisting of 10 mM NaOH, adjusted to pH

values in the range 3.0-5.0 with acetic or formic acid. The driving current was in the

range 20-40 µA, depending on pH and temperature. Mobilities were measured with

reference to the EOF dip. K1 and K2 were determined by measuring the effective

mobility of ibuprofen as a function of the CD concentration in the range 0-15 mmol/1 at

pH 4.20 (in 10 mM Na+/Ac') and pH 6.55 (in 10 mM Na+/MES) respectively. These

experiments were performed at +20 kV in a 400-470 mm, 50 µm LD. uncoated

capillary. Chiral resolution and L1K1 values were obtained from experiments at -25 kV

in a 300-370 mm, 50 µm LD. polyacrylamide coated capillary, with a BGE of 10 mM

sodium/acetate of pH 4.47. The pressure injection time was 2 seconds.


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6.3 Simulations of chiral separations

6.3.1 Chiral sub-menu

The following user-defined variables were provided as model input: the

concentration of the driral selector, the complex formation constants of both non-ionic

(K1) and ionic analyte species (K2), the relative K differences (L1K1 and L1K2) between

the two optica! isomers (also for both non-ionic and ionic species) and the mobility of

the analyte-selector complex, relative to that of the fully dissociated free analy1e (M').

Chiral components in the database are simulated as nrixtures of optica! isomers with

variable enantiomeric concentration ratios. When adding chiral selectors, such as

cyclodextrins, to the BGE, the bulk viscosity often increases and as a result, the Ohnric

resistance of the capillary adjusts according to the decreased mobilities. These effects

can be of the order of 10%. The bulk viscosity was already included in the program as

an independent variable. Experiments in chapter 5 have shown that for cyclodextrins,

the viscosity increases with the cyclodextrin concentration according to a quadratic


1JIT/o 1 + aJ.[CD] + ai.[CD]2 (6-1)

in which T/o is bulk viscosity without chiral selector and [CD] the analytica!

concentration of the chiral selecter in either [moVI] or [equivalents/I] (see section

3.3.2. and 5.3.3.). The coefficients ai and a2 are now included as program parameters.

T ABLE 6.1 shows the values of these coefficients for some common modified

cyclodextrins. These values were obtained according to the method presented in

section 5.2.3.

The mobility-viscosity relation in non-sieving media was estimated by

monitoring the current at constant voltage as a function of the BGE viscosity. It was

observed that the BGE mobilities decrease linearly with increasing viscosity according

to the relation:


in which J1o * is the mobility of the fully charged ion in water and a3 is a constant that

surprisingly was found to be 0.78 for the ~-CD polymer mentioned. In other cases,


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values of a1 close to zero were observed [13]. For this reason, the constant a.1 was also

included as a parameter.



cyclodextrin conc. range coefficients

a1 a2

DIME-~ 0-200mM 2.42xlff3 2.79x10·5

TRIME-~ 0-80mM 2.89xlff3 4.00xl0-5

HP-~-CD (D.S.=4.6) 0-80mM 3.09xlff3 4.79xlff5

a-CD-polymer 0-100 mg/ml 6.57xl0-3 l.25x104

~-CD-polymer 0-100 mg/ml l.l 8xlff2 2.12x104

T ABLE 6.2 summarizes the additional chiral and non-chiral parameters with

their allowed range of values. The interaction type listed in T ABLE 6.2 refers to the

definitions introduced by Rawjee et al. [8,9].



variable dimension range from to

Interaction Type 0 (none-chiral) m (ionic and non-ionic)

Selector Concentration mmol/I 0 200

K1 (non-ionic interaction) 0 32000

&1 (+vs.-) % -40 +40

K2 (ionic interaction) 0 32000

&2 (+VS.-) % -40 +40

M' (relative mobility) % 0 100

Purity (%+) % 0.01 99.99

a1 in eq. (6-1) 0 5

a2 in eq. (6-1) 0 100

a1 in eq. (6-2) 0 2


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These definitions are explained in section 2.3. All these chiral parameters can be loaded

and saved as buffer files, together with the other buffer parameters (pH, composition

and ionic strength).

6.3.2 Calculation of migration behavior

Migration behavior in chiral systems is rather more complicated than in non­

chiral systems. For example, an acidic analyte can be present in either of four species:

as an charged or as a non-charged acid (equilibrium subject to K"), as a non-charged

acid complexated with the chiral selector (subject to K1) and as a charged acid

complexated with the chiral selector (subject to K1). Only two of these species migrate,

in case a non-charged chiral selector is applied.

The effective mobility of chiral components in the presence of a chiral selector

(µeJJ) is calculated from the mobility of the fully charged ion (µo) according to eq. (2-

19) and eq. (2-20) for anions and eq. (2-24) for cations. For multivalent ions, the

denominators of these equations are accordingly adjusted.

In the software, two kinds of sample components are distinguished: those with

potential chiral properties (the names are stored in an auxiliary ASCII-type file) and

those without such properties. The former are all treated alike, in that they are

supposed to interact with the hypothetical chiral selector in exactly the same manner

(all chiral complexation constants are the same for all chiral analytes).

The non-chiral analytes also interact with the selector, again with the same K1

and K1 values, but the '1.K1 and '1K2 values are set to zero. Although not set as a

separate goal for the current version of the program, in this way some form of (non­

chiral) complexation can be modeled as well, with the limitation of a non-charged

complex forming agent.

As long as the chiral selector concentration is zero, program performance

remains exactly what it used to be. Only with non-zero selector concentrations,

additional information is available: selectivity and resolution now refer to the

separation of the respective optica] isomers, resulting in zero values for non-chiral

analytes. Other tabulated information on migration and dispersion always refers to the

slowest of the two optica! isomers.

6.3.3 Visualization of results

As an example, the separation of a number of cations with potential chiral

properties was simulated with both K1 and K2 set to 100. The '1.K1 value is zero, '1.K2 is

set to 5%, the relative mobility to 10% and the optica] purity to 40%. This is an


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ionoselective interaction where only the ionic form of the analytes shows chiral

discrirnination by the se lector. In Figure 6.1 a the analysis using non-chiral conditions is

shown. The separation is optirnized applying a BGE with a pH value in the range of

the pK values of the analytes. Consequently, they were separated according to their pK

value. Figure 6.1 b simulates a chiral selector concentration of 5 mmol/I.




~ ~ } ........

3 4 5 6 7 8

migration time [mini

Figure 6.1 Simulation of electrophoretic separation of procaine, /3-eucaine, cocaïne,

diocaine, psicaineleu, tetracaine and bupivacaine respectively without (a) and with 5

mM chiral selector (b). The buffer is a JO mM TRJS/borate at pH 8.0. Further

conditions as described in the text

6.3.4 Selectivity vs. resolution

As can be seen from Figure 6.1, chiral resolution is complete for the first few

analytes. The last rnigrating components show less resolution because of two reasons.

The degree of ionization of these components is less, so that with an ionoselective

interaction less selectivity can be expected under these conditions. In addition to this

difference in selectivity, resolution is also Jess because at increased rnigration times,

increased dispersion due to diffusion is expected. From th~ point of selectivity the

model proposed in the literature [8,9] appears to form a complete description of

interaction phenomena. The resulting equations for selectivity are independent of all µ0


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values, under the assumption that the charged analyte-selector complex mobility has no

chiral distinction. Whether or not racemic mixtures can be separated, also depends on

additional peak-broadening contributions from injection volume, concentration

overload, diffusion, radial temperature gradient, detector cell length, and time constant.

These additional effects are included in the present sirnulations as well.

6.3.5 Comparison with literature results

Unfortunately, most publications on chiral separations Jack quantitative

information on the complex formation constants that can be used to model the analyte­

solute interactions. In their publications describing the previously mentioned types I-III

interaction mechanîsms, Rawjee et al. [8,9] give a number of examples for anionic and

cationic sample components. Results of the optimization strategy were presented as

selectivities vs. pH and selector concentration plots. In addîtion, it wîll be shown that

the present software is capable of calculating not only these selectivities, but also the

resolution. As long as analysis time is considered as well, this is often a more practical

optimization criterion

As an example, the chiral separation of the cation homatropine [9], was

simulated. The chiral interaction is of type III, meaning that both the ionîc and non­

ionic form of the analyte exhibit stereoselective interaction with the ~-CD, although to

a different extend (duoselective interaction). In this example, Rawjee et al. [9] found

for K1 1328, IJ.Ki 3.4%, K1 95.9, and !J.K2 8.4%. In other words, the non-ionic form

shows stronger but less stereoselective interaction, the ionic form shows weaker but

more stereoseleetive interaction. Although in the practical concentration range of ~­

CD (0-15 mM) the migration sequence remains the same and a distinct selectivity

optimum is observed, at higher hypothetical concentrations a reversal of the migration

order is found. Figure 6.2 illustrates simulated analyses at three different chiral selector

concentrations. Obviously, if possible, benefit should be taken from the high value of

IJ.Ki which results in shorter migration times.


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' ' ' 0 10 20 30 40

migration time [min]

Figure 6.2 Simulation of electrophoretic separation of homatropine at 5, 25 and 50

mM hypothetical chiral selector with model parameters and experimental conditions

as in Ref [9 ]. BGE: 10 mM phosphoric acid adjusted to pH 9.0 using LiOH.

6.3.6 Comparison with experimental results

An acidic (mandelic acid) and a basic (terbutaline) compound were selected and

all parameters, relevant for chiral separation, were experimentally determined in two

laboratories: Eindhoven and Vienna. Two cyclodextrins were chosen in order to

distinguish the three different mechanisms of selective complex formation, as proposed

by Rawjee et al. [8,9]. Experimental results were compared with computer simulations

using the experimentally determined chiral parameters.

6.3.6. J Detennination of the pK values and mobility of mandelic acid and terbutaline

In order to determine the pKa of mandelic acid and terbutaline, the effective

mobilities, Jleft, of these analytes were determined as a function of the pH of the BGE.

In Eindhoven, mobilities were determined by the dual-marker method by Williams et

al. [14], whereas mobilities in Vienna were determined from the total migration time of


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the analyte and that of a neutra! EOF marker. The pKa could be determined graphically

by plotting the reciprocal value of the absolute value of the effective mobility versus

the hydrogen concentration ([H+]), according to the linearized equation of Henderson­



For the determination of the pK.i, of basic compounds, the [Off] concentration IS

plotted instead of the [H•] concentration.

0.16 0.16

b 0.14 a 0.14

0.12 0.12

"à O.l ~ 0.1

"" " ·==. 0.08 ~~ 0.08

" Jo.06

,; 1006

O.o4 0.04

0.02 0.02

0 0 0 0 2 4 6 10

IH'l [10'3 mol/IJ [OH') [xlO" mol/!]

Figure 6.3 Graphical detennination of the acid (A) and base (B) dissociation

constant/or mande/ic acid and terbutaline (datafrom Eindhoven).

The resulting graphs and forthcoming data, obtained in Eindhoven, are presented in

Figure 6.3 and T ABLE 6.3. Data obtained in Vienna in comparison with data obtained

in Eindhoven are presented in T ABLE 6.4. The differences in the p.K. values, obtained

in the two laboratories are smaller than 1 %. The difference between the experimentally

obtained data and literature data is substantial, especially for mandelic acid. (2.93 vs.

3.34). Literature values, however, are extrapolated to an ionic strength of i = 0 mM,

whereas the pKa values, presented in this study, were determined at i = 10 mM.

Obviously, the use of the literature value of the pKu of mandelic acid would have


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introduced a major error in the determination of the formation constant of non-ionic

mandelic. acid with cyclodextrins. This stresses the importance of determining the

pK.'s, using identical experimental conditions (temperature, ionic strength), as those

applied for the determination of the formation constants.



parameter analyte

mandelic acid terbutaline

µo 10·9 m2N.s -28.7 (0.1) 20.5 (0.1)

pK. 2.94 (0.02) 8.71 (0.02)

M' 0.62 (0.15) 0.46 (0.03)

Ki 198 (5) 33.3 (1.5)

LlK1 % 0 0

K2 55.8 (7.8) 74.7 (2.2)

&2 % 0 18.2 (2)

Standard deviations are given in parentheses Detennination of fonnation constants

Formation constants for terbutaline and mandelic acid were determined using

native j)-CD, as well as HP-j)-CD. Initia! experiments pointed out that only the

rnodified cyclodextrin was able to resolve the optica! isomers of both racemic analytes

whereas native j)-CD showed only enantioselectivity towards the terbutaline

enantiomers. For this reason, only HP-j)-CD was used in both laboratories, while the

determination of formation constants using j)-CD was only performed in Eindhoven

(results presented in TABLE 6.3).

In order to determine the formation constants of non-ionic interaction (K1), and

ionic interaction (K2), the effective mobilities of terbutaline and mandelic acid

enantiomers were determined at different concentration levels of cyclodextrin, using a

high and a low pH BGE. For the determination of Ki of terbutaline, a 10 mM

sodium/formate buffer of pH 2.98 was applied. For the determination of K1 of

mandelic acid, a 10 mM hydrochloric acid!fRIS buffer of pH 8. 70 was used. Under

these experirnental conditions, mandelic acid and terbutaline could be regarded as a

strong acid respectively base. After switching, the sarne BGE's could be used for the

determination of the K1 values of both racemic analytes, since the pH values of these


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buffers are close to the pK. values ofmandelic acid (pK. = 2.93) and terbutaline (pKa = 8.68). Consequently, at these pH values, both ionic and non-ionic interaction occur.

The K2 values could be determined by plotting the ratio of the mobility difference and

the concentration of chiral selector versus the effective mobility according to eq. (5-2),

presented in the former chapter.

µ_ (5-2)

This equation is only valid for strong acids and bases. Using the specified

experimental conditions (mandelic acid at pH 8.70 and terbutaline at pH 2.98) the

separands are treated as such.

Figure 6.4 shows the resulting graphs for mandelic acid and terbutaline

respectively, using the two different cyclodextrins: native ~-CD and HP-~-CD. The K2

values of both analytes could be determined from the slope of the linear regression line.

The resulting data is presented in T ABLE 6.3 and T ABLE 6.4. T ABLE 6.3 presents

the data relevant for the determination of the formation constants using native ~-CD,

whereas TABLE 6.4 presents these data for HP-~-CD. K1 and Ki, listed in these tables

are average values for both enantiomers.




parameter mandelic acid terbutaline


/1<J 10·9 m2N.s -28.7 (0.1) -29.8 (0.1) 20.5 (0.1) 21.2 (0.1)

pKa 2.94 (0.02) 2.92 (0.04) 8.71 (0.02) 8.63 (0.04)

M' 0.76 (0.12) 0.79 (0.09) 0.38 (0.07) 0.42 (0.05)

K1 127 (4) 143 (3) 20.9 (0.5) 38.5 (1)

t1K1 % 6 (1) 13 (2) 22 (2) 46 (3)

K1 24.6 (2.3) 25.9 (2.4) 47 (5) 41 (4)

!JK2 % 0 0 44 (9) 36 (11)

Standard deviations are gîven in parentheses


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! :L 0.30 <;::;'



9 ~ ,;. ~

:L 0.30 <;::;'




8 JO

, ___ ......... -·-22 24

11.,. uo·• m 2/V.s)

12 14

11.., (10 ·• m 2/V.s)

-a· ,A.···"· ••••• 11.r··

26 28 30

18 20

Figure 6.4 Determination of K2 for mandelic acid (a) and terbutaline (b)

enantiomers. The data/or /3-CD isfitted with solid lines andfilled symbols (Á in (a);

• and T in (b)), no discrimination could be made between the enantiomers of

mandelic acid; data/or HP-/3-CD isfitted with dotted lines and open symbols ( /::,. in

(a);o and 'Vin (b)). (•or o) = (+)-terbutaline, (Tor 'V) = (-)-terbutaline For y­

axis, see text. (Data/rom Eindhoven, all experiments in duplicate).


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In order to determine the K1 values of both analytes, the data was fitted

according to the theoretica! model of Rawjee et al. [8,9]. In this model it is assumed

that the pK values of the two isorners in the analyte-selector complexes are identical,

which is not obvious for all cases [15]. The obtained relations (see eq. (2-19), (2-20)

and (2-24)) can be linearized as follows:

For weak acids:

l+M'K2 [CD]µ0 [H~O+] --;z--K2 [CDJ-l



And for weak bases:


Figure 6.5a shows the left-hand side of eq. (6-4) plotted versus [CD], so that the slope

equals K1.[H30+]1Ka, resulting in the non-ionic complex formation constants for

mandelic acid enantiorners using the two different cyclodextrins. Analogously, K1

values for terbutaline could be determined by plotting the left-hand side of (6-5) versus

the cyclodextrin concentration. This is shown in Figure 6.5b for both cyclodextrins. All

forthcoming results are listed in T ABLE 6.3 and T ABLE 6.4.

All parameters determined experimentally were obtained from linearized

graphs. Error analysis of the scatter of these graphs readily yields standard deviations

of both slope and intercept, resulting in standard deviations of mobilities and K values.

These are tabulated along with their average values. The number of determinations

used in the regression analyses were 8-12 for the pKa determination and 6-8 for the

determination of the fonnation constants.

Seve~al observations regarding lab-to-lab differences can be made. In view of

calibrating the pH meter with pH-references, an error of 0.02 is a fair estimate. This

corresponds to the error in the pK. or pKb thus determined. In the determination of the

K1 values using equation (5-2), the error in [CD) is neglected. Small differences in

effoctive mobility are measured, accounting for the large standard deviation of the K1

values (around 10%).


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~ 3

=-~ 2 "i I::'

0 10 20 30 40

conc. CD [mmol/I]


~ ~

! =: l;:;'


0.80 .-----------------....,,--_-__ -_-__ ....,_ ........

b --

-------------- .----- ...... -__ , ,,--' ,•

•' ,, ,, ... --- ---_9------- _ ...... ----- ... --,- ... -. .. __ Er... ---

,,-- v---,.--··

-0.40 0 10 20 30 40

conc. CD [mmol/I]

Figure 6.5 Determination of K1 for mandelic acid (a) and terbutaline (b)

enantiomers. L-( +)-mande late = (+ ), D-(-)-mandelate = ( L ). Other explanation of

symbols and styles of trend lines as in Figure 6.4. For y-axis, see text. (Data from

Eindhoven, all experiments at least in duplicate ).


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If only regression statistics are taken into account for the detennination of the

K1 values, using equation (6-4) or (6-5), scatter alone yields a lower relative standard

deviation than obtained for Ki. This doesn't seem entirely correct, as the values for Ka,

Kb, [H+], [Off] and Ki are included in these equations as well. Having used averaged

values for these, their effect on the standard deviation is lost, so the standard deviation

of K1 is underestimated. For example, consider the right-hand side of equation (6-4) or

(6-5). The error in the Ka or Kb is 4.5% (except where the error in pH is 0.04, then it is

9%). The regression error is in the range 2-3%. The error in [W] or [Off] is around

5%. As a result amore realistic relative standard deviation of K1 would be around 5-


Native P-CD <lid not show any selectivity towards the enantiomers of rnandelic

acid. The enantiomers of terbutaline could be separated at low pH, where the basic

compound is fully protonated. No resolution was obtained at high pH (pH pK,). This

kind of separation is referred to as a Type II separation [8,9] or ionoselective

separation [ 16].

HP-P-CD was the more successful selector. It allowed the separation of the

enantiomers of both mandelic acid and terbutaline. The enantiomers of mandelic acid

could be separated at low pH, but not at high pH, indicating that the non-dissociated

acid interacts stereoselectively with the modified cyclodextrin. This kind of separation

is referred to as a Type I separation [8,9] or desionoselective separation [16]. Chiral

interaction, resulting in optica] resolution, between the enantiomers of terbutaline and

HP-~-CD was observed at both low and high pH. Both the non-ionic as wel! as the

protonated terbutaline internet stereoselective with the chiral selector. This kind of

separation is referred to as a Type III separation [8,9] or duoselective separation [16].

The migration order of the enantiomers was deterrnined by spiking the racernic

sample with pure standards. The L-(+)-isomer of mandelic acid rnigrated slower than

the 0-(-)-isomer, and therefore Ku>KDJ. This confirms earlier experiments ofNardi et

al. [17). Fanali [18) showed that (+)-terbutaline has the highest affinity towards the

cyclodextrin cavity. This was verified for native ~-CD, heptakis(2,6-di-O-rnethyl)-~­

CD and heptakis(2,3,6-tri-O-methyl)-P-CD using a BGE at low pH (pH 2.5).

Using the experimentally obtained parameters presented in T ABLE 6.4, the

chiral separation of mandelic acid and terbutaline enantiomers was simulated, using

HP-P-CD at a concentration of 40 mM, using the low pH BGE. The sirnulation, using

the parameters obtained in Eindhoven, is shown in Figure 6.6a, the sirnulation using

parameters obtained in Vienna is shown in Figure 6.6b whereas the actual separations

(performed in Eindhoven) are shown in Figure 6.6c.


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Reasonable coincidence is found between both simulated electropherograms

and the experimentally obtained electropherograms. The selectivities (S) calculated

using the "Vienna" simulation match the selectivity of terbutaline enantiomers in Figure

6.6c (0.077 vs. 0.073), whereas the selectivity for mandelic acid enantiomers is

overestimated (0.082 vs. 0.039). The "Eindhoven" simulatîon matches exactly the

experimentally obtained selectivity for mandelic acid enantiomers (0.039). This

simulation ho wever overestimated the selectivity for terbutaline enantiomers (0.104 vs.

0.073). The simulated efficiencies are overestimated in all cases resulting in much

higher resolutions than those calculated from Figure 6.6c. A possible explanation for

these high efficiencies can be an incorrect modeling of the "stacking" process by the

simulation algorithm, occurring after the injection of the sample.

In conclusion, it can be observed that the accuracy and precisîon of the

determination of chiral complex equilibrium constants in CE are limited. This is

especially so in case of the relatively small K values in the exarnples chosen, because

calculations are based on deterrninations of very small mobîlity dîfferences. In addîtîon,

small errors in pK., [H+], and M" values propagate in the calculatîon of the final K

values. Considerîng these relatively large standard deviations, reasonable agreement

was found between the values of the chiral parameters determined in both laboratories.

Agreement between simulations based on the two different sets of parameters and

between simulation and experiment were satisfactory.


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100 ~

TB 8()


s ~ 6()

"' ~ " € 40 ~ ~



0 2 4 6 10 12

time [min)


b 80 TB

s ~ 60


~ " 1: j


<( 20


0 4 6 10 12



0.008 c TB

s 0.006 . ~

~ 0.004

" M €

~ 0.002



0 4 6 10 12

time [min]

Figure 6.6 Simulated electropherograms using chiral parameters from TABLE 6.4

determined in Eindhoven (a) and Vienna (b) versus the experimentally obtained

electropherograms in Eindhoven (c). TB = terbutaline enantiomers, MA = mande/ic

acid enantiomers. BGE: pH 2.98 supported with 40 mM HP-j3-CD. Separation

voltage 30 kV, T = 25°C.


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6.4 Temperature eff ects and basic thermodynamics of the chiral

separation of ibuprofen enantiomers

In section 3.3.5, it is shown that increased temperatures generally have an

adverse effect on chiral selectivity. In this section, the effects of temperature on chiral

separations are studied in more detail, yielding some basic thermodynamic parameters.

Using these parameters, it is possible to predict the effect of temperature on chiral

selectivity. Consequently, temperature control can be utilized to fine-tune chiral


6.4.1 Effect of temperature on BGE conductivity and pK

Mobilities generally have a temperature coefficient of ca 2% K 1, that amounts

to a factor 1.64 between 25°C and 50°C. Experimentally, a factor of 1.52 was found

for the BGE consisting of 10 mM Na+/Ac· pH 4.98, a factor 2.0 for the BGE

consisting of 10 mM Na+/formate pH 3.06, as indicated by the driving current.

The choice of BGE buffering co-ion was determined by the availability of data

concerning the temperature dependence of their pK value. For formic and acetic acid,

~KIST values found from literature [12] were less than 0.0005 units per degree at

25°C. For this reason, it is assumed that the pH of the BGE is independent of

temperature under the experimental conditions used in the lower pH range. For the

experiments performed at pH 6.55, MES was used as a counter-ion. The temperature

dependence of the p.K,. of MES is considerable (-0.02 K 1), but this BGE was only used

for experiments to determine Ki. For these experiments, the pH is irrelevant as long as

pH> p.K,.+2 (for anions).

6.4.2 Effect of tempera/ure on EOF

Electroosmosis is caused by a negative Ç-potential of the capillary wall,

according to eq. (l-15). There is no reason to expect that the di-electric constant (e) or

the Ç-potential depend on temperature. This would mean that the temperature

dependence of µEOF can be modeled with the temperature dependence of viscosity,

which amounts to 2% K 1• This is confirmed by the experimental results. For each of

the BGE's, the temperature coefficient of µEoF was determined. The average value was

1.9% K 1 with a standard deviation of 0.3% K 1• As expected, the EOF strongly


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increases with the pH of the BGE. Values of µEoF at pH 4.98 are also tabulated in

TABLE 6.5. In the pH and temperature range mentioned, the absolute values for the

electroosmotic mobility were successfully fitted to the following two-parameter model:

µroF = -10.29 + 5.562.pH 0.5455.T + 0.2503.T.pH (6-6)

where µEoF is in 10'9m2Ns and T in °C. This relation can be quite useful but not

necessarily valid at higher pH values or in other buffer systems, especially at different

ionic strengths.




Temperature µEOF -µo s.d. pKa s.d.

25°C 35.35 20.91 0.7 4.37 0.02

32"C 40.23 23.10 1.6 4.36 0.02

40°C 45.85 27.18 l.9 4.39 0.02

50°C 51.63 31.95 2.3 4.40 0.02

%/oC 1.85 2.0 0

6.4.3 Effect of temperature on the mobility and pK" of ibuprofen

Inverse absolute values of the effective mobilities of ibuprofen were plotted vs.

the [H+] concentration, as shown in Figure 6.7. The intercept corresponds to 11µ0,

whereas the slope of this curve equals lOPKfµo. The highest [H+] concentration yielded

outlier values, which were discarded. The remaining 4 points, each determined in

duplicate, yielded good correlations. The results are summarized in T ABLE 6.5. The

pK. of ibuprofen has an average value of 4.38 (s.d. 0.02) which was independent of

temperature in the measured range. The value was compared with the following

literature values: 4.48 at 100 mM ionic strength and 37°C [8], or 5.10 at zero ionic

strength and 25°C [19]. No temperature dependence of the pKa value of ibuprofen was

found in the literature.


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0.30 ii ,e-

! 0.20


0.00 ...._ ___ ....._ ___ __.._ ___ __,, ____ ..__ ___ _,

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50

1000x [11•]

Figure 6. 7 Inverse absolute value of the effective mobility of ibuprofen as a function of the [F] concentration atfour different temperatures. lntercept and slope yield µo and pK0 values respectively. 't' =25°C, 'il =32°C, •=40°C, 0=50°C. All experiments in duplicate.

The mobility µ0 is -20.91.109 m2Ns at 25°C and has a temperature coefficient of2.0 %

K 1• A literature value of -21.32.10·9 m2Ns was found at 100 mM ionic strength and

37°C [8]. When applying correction for temperature and ionic strength according to an

empirical correction model [20], the difference between these mobility values is well

within standard deviation. The standard deviation of µ0 thus measured was high, due to

the fact that is was obtained through extrapolation of the reciprocal value.

6.4.4 Determination of K2 of ibuprofen-f:J-CD at different temperatures

Firstly, the K2 was deterrnined at pH 6.55, where only interaction between the

fully charged ibuprofen and ~-CD takes place. According to the literature [8), the

interaction involved is desionoselective, meaning that no resolution is expected under

these conditions. In Figure 6.8, the effective mobility of ibuprofen µ,g is plotted vs. the

~-CD concentration [CD). Mobility decreases strongly at low CD concentrations and


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saturation is visible at l 0 mM, indicating a high K1 value. The values were fitted

according to eq. (2-25):

µ0 + µcK2 [CD] µ,ff = l+K


where µc is the mobility of the ibuprofen ~-CD complex.


.} 20




0 2 4 6 8 10

conc. 8-CD [mM]

Figure 6.8 Effective mobility of ibuprofen as a function of {3-CD and temperature at

pH 6.55 and ionic strength JO mmolll. Symbols as in Figure 6.7. For curve fitting of

K1 see text. All experiments in duplicate.

Coefficients of correlation ranged between 0.9990 and 0.9998. Values of µo, µc and K2

obtained from the fit are listed in TABLE 6.6. As can be seen, µo values obtained here

are systematically different from those measured without CD in the pH range 3-5. The

latter values were obtained through extrapolation of the data in Figure 6.7, the former

were directly measured at [CD] = 0. For this reason it was decided to use the µo values

in T ABLE 6.6 for subsequent calculations. The mobilities of the ibuprofen-~-CD

complex range around half of the value of the mobility of the free analyte, and increase

slightly at elevated temperatures. The K2 values, listed in T ABLE 6.6 are somewhat


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higher than previously published values for ibuprofen at 37"C and ionic strength l 00

mM [8].



Temp. -µo s.d. -µc s.d Ki s.d K1 s.d M1 s.d.

25°C 23.30 0.1 11 0.1 5256 740 10124 142 339 5

32°C 25.83 0.1 12.48 0.1 3550 253 6089 58 213 22

4û°C 28.72 0.1 14.48 0.1 2139 176 3692 33 112 3

50°C 32.30 0.1 18.07 0.1 1675 145 3011 21 78 2

%/K 1.5 2.0

i = 10 mM, mobilities (fto andµ,,) in 10·9 m2N.s

6.4.5 Determination of the average Ki of ibuprofen-{J-CD at different temperatures

The interaction between uncharged ibuprofen and P-CD was determined in a

BGE of 0.01 M sodium/acetate at pH 4.20, where both charged and uncharged forms

of the analyte are present. Once again, effective mobilities were measured at different

P-CD concentrations and temperatures applying an uncoated capillary with

mesityloxide as a neutral EOF marker for reference. Under these conditions, no

resolution was observed, in spite of the fact that the interaction is desionoselective [8].

The formation constant (K1) was determined sirnilar as in section,

applying eq. (6-4). Results obtained in this way are shown in Figure 6.9. Coefficients

of correlation were in all cases at least 0.999. Average K1 values and their standard.

deviations are also listed in TABLE 6.6. The values for K1, found in this study, are

higher than the Iiterature values at 37°C [8]. This was also the case with K2.


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9 :e,

i:7< 100 " ~



-50 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025

Figure 6.9 Determination of Kif or ibuprofen. Symbols as in Figure 6. 7. Explanation

see text. All experiments in duplicate.

6.4.6 The effect of temperature on selectivity

The formation constants between the non-charged ibuprofen and P-CD are

high and unequal for both optica] isomers [8], indicating desionoselective interaction.

In order to obtain chiral resolution, electroosmosis was suppressed by applying coated

capillary with the cathode on the inlet side [8]. In that case however, no EOF marker

for use as mobility reference could be observed. Therefore, the residual electroosmotic

mobility was calculated from the average experimental migration time and the average

effective mobility of ibuprofen, calculated from the data in T ABLE 6.6. Using this

information, the individual values of KJ for both optica] îsorners could be calculated

frorn theîr experimental migration times, assuming equal values of Ki for both isomers.

The difference between the individual values of K1 for both optica! isomers is listed as

'1K1 in T ABLE 6.6. The values of '1K1 are well outside the standard deviation of the

average KJ values, deterrnined previously. It can be seen that not only K1 and K1 but

also '1K1 decreases monotonously with increasing temperature.


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6.4.7 Thermodynamic model/or K1 and Kz

Temperature dependence of equilibrium constants is usually modeled using a free

energy (.1G) relationship of the fonn [21]:

~ = exp(-LlG/Rî) (6-7)

with R the gas constant (8.314 J/mol.K) and T the absolute temperature. Using basic

thermodynamics, this can be rewritten using enthalpy (Ml) and entropy (LlS) changes

associated with the formation of the analyte-selector complex:

~ = exp(-MljRT+LlSJR) (6-8)

Experimentally, both Ml and LlS can be obtained from a so-called Van 't Hoff plot: the

logarithmic of ~ vs. l/T. This is only valid under the assumption that both Ml and LlS

are independent of temperature. Although there seem to be indications that this is not

always the case for ~-CD interactions [21], the data was processed under this

assumption. The results are shown in Figure 6.10 and TABLE 6.7. The negative sign

of Ml indicates an exothermic process, due to the release of high energy water out of

the cyclodextrin cavity. The negative sign of LlS indicates a decrease of entropy, due to

complex formation, which consequently results in a decrease of the degree of freedom

of the components involved in the interaction. As expected, the dominant force for

analyte binding arises from enthalpy changes (ILiHJ "'2x IT LlSI). The same was

concluded in Ref. [24]. From the results presented in this study, it was not possible to

assign enantioselectivity to either .1Ml or .1LlS since the error in both Ml and LlS is

higher than .1Ml or .1LlS, respectively.

Probably the main source of systematic errors arises from the temperature

difference between the untherrnostated part (first 4 cm) and the therrnostated part of

the capillary. This is clearly observed for the data points at 50°C, but a systematic error

in the Kc-determination at Jower temperatures cannot be excluded. However, this

systematic error will be largest at 50°C and almost absent at 25°C. The leftmost point

in both graphs (corresponding to 50°C) is considered an outlier.

The random error of Ml and LlS depends, among others, on the number of data

points used, i.e. the number of different temperatures applied for the deterrnination of

the formation constants. Since the Kc-determination at 50°C is considered an outlier,

only 3 data points are left. For obvious reasons, these data points are chosen in a

relatively small temperature range: 298K-323K. Therefore, random errors in Ml and


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L1S are relatively high, especially for L1S since this parameter is obtained through

extrapolation. Overall, accuracy and precision can be improved by increasing the

number of temperatures and the number of experiments, and by insuring that the

rnobilities are measured exclusively in the thermostated part of the capillary. The Jatter

can be achieved by the pressure mobilization method presented by Williams et al. [22] .



l ~




3.00 3.10 3.20

1ooorr [1/KJ

3.30 3.40

Figure 6.10 Van 't Hojf plots of the {3-CD formation constants K1 (and L1K1) and Kz with uncharged and charged ibuprofen respectively. Outliers at 50"C (the leftmost, solid points) were not included in calculating L1H and Af.

Values of L1H and L!S were calculated, together with their standard deviations

and tabulated in TABLE 6.7. No literature data on ibuprofen were available. The

values obtained in this study were somewhat higher thall literature values for other

analytes, possibly due to the fact that ibuprofen has very high stability constants with


Using circular dichroism spectropolarimetry, Han et al. [23] determined L1H

and L1S for interaction between ~-CD and 8 barbitals and found values around -20

kJ/mol and -10 J/molK respectively. In a liquid chromatography study with a P-CD

chiral stationary phase, Lipkowitz et al. (24] studied the enantioseparation of methyl


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mandelate. Their values for .&:l were around -30 kJ/mol, but LWS values were 4

J/molK, 10 times higher than the values for ibuprofen shown in T ABLE 6. 7.



Value at 25°C .&:l s.d . .1S s.d.

[-] [kJ/mol] [J/molK]

Ku 9955 -52.08 1.6 -98.22 5.3

K1.2 10294 -52.25 1.4 -98.49 4.7

Ki 5256 -46.58 2.3 -84.89 7.5

Figure 6.11 Left ( a): contour plot for selectivity of enantioseparation of ibuprofen as

afunction oftemperature and {3-CD concentration at pH 4.47. Mesh size is 2.5°C and

0.001 M respectively. Right (b): concentration of {3-CD and analysis time requiredfor

a selectivity of 1.01, as a function of temperature, at pH 4.47. See text for further


Effects of temperature on chiral resolution in CE were also measured

qualitatively by Guttrnan et al. [25], who observed a decrease in both resolution and

analysis time when increasing the temperature.


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Using all data gathered, mobilities and selectivities can be calculated for any

combination of parameters. As an example Figure 6.11 a shows a contour plot of

selectivity vs. temperature and ~-CD concentration at pH 4.47. As expected,

selectivity increases with increasing ~-CD concentration and decreasing temperature.

When constructing the same contour plot for a higher pH value, for example pH 5.00,

the three dimensional surface is shifted down as far as 0.01 selectivity units, making

enantioseparation virtually impossible.

So far there seems to be no reason to increase the operating temperature above

25°C, unless analysis time is taken into account as well. Consider for example a fixed

selectivity of 1.01. In order to visualize a constant selectivity, the information

contained in the three dimensional plot of Figure 6.11 a is reduced to 2 dimensions (T

and [CD]) shaped as a horizontal cross section of the three dimensional figure. Such a

cross-section is shown as a dotted line in Figure 6.11 b. As expected, the CD

concentration, necessary to obtain a certain selectivity, increases strongly with

increased temperatures. Next, the effective mobility was calculated (eq. (2-19)) of the

slowest migrating isomer. The solid line in Figure 6.11 b shows the migration time

required to obtain a fixed selectivity of 1.01, applying a 300/370 mm coated capillary

at -25 kV, assuming µEoF = 0. Now it is visualized that, although temperature increase

has an adverse effect on the amount of ~-CD required, it might favor analysis time.

Temperature optimization can lead to a gain in the speed of analyses, which might be

favorable if the costs of the chiral selector are low (e.g., P-CD). The optimum

temperature is very much dependent on the required selectivity. Increasing the required

selectivity will result in a decrease of the optimum temperature.

Summarizing, when finally choosing a set of separation parameters, through

method development at room temperature, it seems certainly worthwhile to

subsequently try different temperatures, as illustrated in the experimental

electropherograms of Figure 6.12. This is especially easy since it requires simple

reprogramming of the analysis sequence in automated equipment.


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0.012 .-----.---------------------,




s ~

~ 0.006 -ê Cl

li <




0.000 ._ _____ __... ______ __._ _____ __.

0 5 10 15

migration time [min]

Figure 6.12 Separation of a racemic mixture of ibuprofen in 0.01 M sodium/acetate,

pH 4.47 with 2.5 mM f3·CD in a coated capillary at different temperatures.


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6.5 Conclusions

The chiral parameters, mentioned in the first part of this chapter, together with

the original features of the steady state simulation software, provide a very flexîble

training tool for chiral separations in capillary electrophoresis. For example,

determination of the optimum chiral selector concentration can be done in seconds,

using the simulation software. Although the software is intended mainly for training

purposes, in cases where sufficient details of existing chiral selector-analyte

combinations are available, the program is also suitable for method development of

chiral separations in CE.

Specifically for the chiral separation parameters, it was observed that K values

decrease with increasing temperature, with negative values for both free energy and

entropy changes. This means that when optimizing a chiral separation, using the model

presented in chapter 2, a different operating temperature may lead to different

optimized conditions: selectivity wil! gencrally be lower at elevated temperatures. On

the other hand, temperature affects all mobilities as well. Consequently, increasing both

the temperature and the concentration of the chiral selector may result in shorter

analysis times, without affecting selectivity.

In conclusion one can observe that in principle temperature effects can be

predicted by extending existing models. In addition, changing the temperature may

sometimes be used to fine-tune separations, also in chiral CE applications.


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J.C. Reijenga, J.H.P.A. Martens and F.M. Everaerts, Electrophoresis,

16 (1995) 2008

2 J.C. Reijenga, J. Chromatogr., 588 (1991) 217

3 J.C. Reijenga and M. Hutta, J. Chromatogr. A, 709 ( 1995) 21

4 J.C. Reijenga and E. Kenndler, J. Chromatogr. A, 659 (1994) 403

5 J.C. Reijenga and E. Kenndler, J. Chromatogr. A, 659 (1994) 417

6 H. Nishi and S. Terabe, J. Chromatogr. A, 694 (1995) 245

7 S. Fanali, J. Chromatogr., 545 (1991) 437

8 Y.Y. Rawjee, D.U. Staerk and G.Vigh, J. Chromatogr., 635 (1993) 291

9 Y.Y. Rawjee, R.L.Williams andG.Vigh, J. Chromatogr" 652 (1993) 233

10 F.M. Everaerts, J.L. Beckers and Th.P.E.M. Verheggen, Isotachophoresis,

J. Chromatogr. Library 6, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1976

11 P. Bocek, M. Deml, P. Gebauer and V. Dolnik, Analytica! Isotachophoresis,

Electrophoresis Library 1, B.J. Radola (editor), VCH, Weinheim, 1988

12 R.A. Robinson, R.H. Stokes, Electrolyte Solutions, Butterworth, London,


13 J.C. Reijenga, G.V.A. Aben, Th.P.E.M. Verheggen and F.M. Everaerts,

J. Chromatogr., 260 (1983) 241

14 B.A. Williams and G. Vigh, Anal. Chem., 68 (1996) 1174

15 W. Schützner, S. Fanali, A. Rizzi, E. Kenndler, J. Chromatogr. A,

719 (1996) 411

16 M.E. Biggin, R.L. Williams and G. Vigh, J. Chromatogr. A,

692 (1995) 319

17 A. Nardi, A. Eliseev, P. Bocek and S. Fanali, J. Chromatogr.,

638 (1993) 247

18 S. Fanali, J. Chromatogr" 545 (1991) 437

19 C.D. Herzfeldt and R. Kummel, Drug Dev. Ind. Pharm" 9 (1983) 767

20 W. Friedl, J.C. Reijenga and E. Kenndler, J. Chromatogr. A, 709 (1995) 163

21 J. Szejtli and T. Osa (editors), Comprehensive Supramolecular Chemistry,

volume 3, Elsevier, New York, 1996

22 B.A. Williams and G. Vigh, Anal. Chem" 68 (1996) 1174

23 S.M. Han and N. Purdie, Anal. Chem" 56 (1984) 2825

24 K.B. Lipkowitz and C.M Stoehr, Chirality, 8 (1996) 341

25 A. Guttman, A. Paulus, A.S. Cohen, N. Grinberg and B.L. Karger,

J. Chromatogr" 448 (1988) 41


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This chapter shows the potential of CE for chiral analyses of various compounds in

different matrices. The applicability of CE for the detemzination of the optica/

isomers of some herbicidal compounds is shown. Furthemwre, it is demonstrated that

CE can be appliedfor the chiral analyses of pharmaceutical and clinical samples.

7.1 lntroduction

The introduction of automated equipment for capillary zone electrophoresis

(CZE), applying fused silica capillaries, in the early eighties has strongly increased the

number of applications of CZE. Chiral analysis has become one of the main areas of

interest, resulting in some excessive reviews, listing many applications and hundreds of

references [1-3]. The ease of method development might be considered as one of the

main advantages of CE over HPLC. This chapter discusses some applications of CE in

chiral separations. The applicability of ergot alkaloids, discussed in chapter 4, for the

chiral separation of some racemic herbicides is shown. It is shown that CE can be

applied for the determination of the optica! impurity of drugs. Furthermore, it is shown

that CE can be applied to determine the metabolism of thiopental and pentobarbital

enantiomers, by analyzing plasma samples.

7.2 Herbicides

7.2.1 lntroduction

Chloro-2-phenoxypropionic (Cl-APA) and halogen substituted 2-aryloxyphenoxy­

propionic (APPA) acids, as well as N-benzoyl-N-(3-chloro-4-flurophenyl)amino­

propionic acid (flamprop) are (structurally related to) herbicides. These compounds

have a stereocenter in position 2 of the propionic acid functional group. It has been

shown that the (R)-(-)-isomers of Cl-AP As and APPAs, and the (R)-( + )-isomer of

flamprop exhibit the strongest herbicîdal activity [4-6]. However, both optica] isomers

of these compounds are toxic [7], and their use should therefore be minimized.


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Consequently, recent legislation in several European countries bas resulted in the

marketing of pure enantiomers. Analytica) methods are needed in order to determine

the optica! purity of these formulations. Liquid chromatography, using a Pirkle-type

chiral stationary phase (CSP) can be applied for the above purpose [5,7]. The capillary

electrophoretic separation of phenoxy acid herbicide enantiomers, applying a-CD and

DIME-~ as chiral selector, is shown by Nielen [8]. Recently, Padiglioni et al. showed

the enantioseparation of some herbicides applying a CSP derived from terguride [9}.

Earlier, this terguride CSP showed high selectivities for the enantiomers of

several organic acids [10]. Chapter 4 of this thesis describes the use of terguride and

structurally related compounds, as chiral selectors in CE. In this study, CE using the l -

allyl derivative of (5R,8S,10R)-terguride (allyl-TER) as chiral selector was applied for

the chiral separation of some herbicidal compounds. The same analytes as those used

in the HPLC-study [9] were chosen in order to make a fair comparison between both

separation techniques.

7.2.2 Experimental

A P/ACE 2200 (Beckman, Fullerton, CA) was used for all electrophoretic

experiments. The instrument used uncoated and polyacrylamide coated capillaries [11]

of 37 cm, with an effective length of 30 cm and an I.O. of 50 µm.. The UV-detector

was operated at 230 nm. The capillary cartridge was thermostated at 25°C.

~-Alanine and acetic acid were purchased from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany).

Allyl-TER was synthesized by the method published earlier [12]. Fluazifop (2-(4-{[5-

(trifluoromethyl)-2-pyridinyl]oxy }-phenoxy)propionic acid), halossifop (2-(4-{ [3-

chloro-5-(trifluoromethyl)-2-pyridinyl]oxy} phenoxy)propionic acid), fenoxaprop (2-

[4-( 6-chloro-2-benzoxazolyl)oxy ]phenoxypropionic acid) and flamprop (N-benzoyl-N­

(3-chloro-4 fluorophenyl)-DL-alanine were donated by Mirko Flieger from the

Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Prague, Czech Republic). The structure

of these compounds is shown in Figure 7 .1.

All samples were diluted in MeOH : H20 = 1 :5 to a concentration of 104 M

and injected hydrodynamically (5 seconds, 3. HY Pa). The BGE was prepared by

adjusting a 200 mM ~-alanine solution with acetic acid to pH 4.0. Subsequently, 1 part

of this electrolyte solution was diluted with 1 part of MeOH. This resulted in a BGE

consisting of 100 mM ~-alanine/acetate, 50% MeOH, pH* 5.3. The applied voltage

was 30kV.


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Fluazifop Halossifop

Fenoxaprop Flamprop

Figure 7.1 Chemica[ structures of the examined herbicides.

7.2.3 Results and discussion

According to literaturc, a phcnoxy substituent at the a-position of propionic

acid decreases the pK.-value of the analyte from 4.9 to 3.1 [13]. Therefore, it can be

assumed that fluazifop, halossifop, and fenoxaprop have a high degree of dissociation,

whereas flamprop is assumed to have a relatively low degree of dissociation, at the

selected pH-value. This is confirmcd by the migration bchavior, in case no chiral

selector was added to the BGE. The phenoxy substitutcd analytes pass the detection

window well within 9 minutes in the order of their molecular mass (m) ( l si fluazifop; m

= fenoxaprop; m = 333.5, 31d halossifop; m = 361.5), whereas flamprop (m =

321.5) passes the detection window after approximately 12 minutcs

In order to separate the optica] isomers of the herbicidal analytes, the buffer

was supported with 25 m.V1 allyl-TER, which resulted in a slight increase of the pH of

the BGE. Before injecting the racemic analytes, the capillary was rinsed with BGE

containing allyl-TER. The in- and outlet consisted of pure BGE, without chiral



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20 ...


~ Û,_ H


8 JO







time [min]



14 16

Figure 7.2 Electropherogram of the chiral separation of some herbicidal

compounds. JA, JB = fluazifop; 2A, 28 = halossifop,· JA, 3B = fenoxaprop; 4 =

flamprop; imp.= impurity. BGE: 100 mM {3-alanine/acetate, 50% MeOH, pH• 5.3,

supported with 25 mM allyl-TER. Separation voltage 30 kV. Coated capillary: 30-37

cm, l.D. 50 µm.

An electropherogram of the separation of the optica! isomers of the herbicidal

compounds is shown in Figure 7 .2. The enantiomers of the phenoxy substituted

propionic acids are well separated in approximately 13 minutes. No resolution was

observed for the flamprop enantiomers. A possible explanation of the limited

enantioselectivity of allyl-TER towards flamprop is the lower degree of dissociation of

this compound. In chapter 4 of this thesis, it is shown that only the dissociated acids

interact stereoselective with the chiral selector.

An impurity, originating from the fenoxaprop sample, is visible as two small

peaks after approximately 8 minutes. The impurity seems to be a racemate since only

one small peak is visible without the addition of the chiral selector to the BGE. lt is

possibly a degradation product of fenoxaprop: 2-( 4' -hydroxyphenoxy)propanoic acid.

Partial resolution of flamprop enantiomers can be obtained by increasing the

concentration of the chiral selector or by increasing the degree of dissociation of the


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analyte. Therefore, a BGE was applied consisting of pure MeOH containing 100 mM

acetic acid and 50 mM triethanolamine (TEA), supported with 100 mM allyl-TER.

Approximately the first 28 cm of an uncoated capillary were filled with BGE

containing the chiral selector. The rest of the capillary, including the in- and the outlet

via) contained 100 mM acetate and 50 mM TEA in 100% MeOH. No rnigration of the

boundary between the zones with and without allyl-TER was observed under these

experimental conditions. Apparently, the electrophoretic mobility of the ergot alkaloid

is largely compensated by the residu al electroosmotic flow. The Jatter was reversed

due to the presence of TEA in the BGE. The resulting electropherograrn, applying 20

kV, is shown in Figure 7.3. Partial resolution is obtained for the enantiomers of

flamprop (R, 0.7), whereas high resolutions were obtained for the optica! isomers of

the other compounds.

-20 flamprop

E3' -40 < .§. hal ossi fop ... "' = ... i: -60 j <




-100 i::====::::::::___:::i==:::_====---'------__J 10 12 14 16

time [min]

Figure 7.3 Electropherogram of the chiral separation of some herbicidal

compounds. BGE: 100 mM acetate, 50 mM TEA in 100% MeOH supported with 100

mM allyl-TER. Separation voltage 20 kV. Uncoated capillary: 30-37 cm, T.D. 50 µm.

Similar resolutions as shown in Figure 7.3 could be obtained applying HPLC

[9]. The selectivities obtained in the HPLC experiments (as defined by k1lk2) however,

were much higher than those obtained in the CE experiments (as defined by the ratio of


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the effective mobilities of the optica) isomers). Equal resolutions must be explained by

the much higher efficiencies, usually obtained in CE. The separation time in CE is

shorter than in HPLC; e.g., separation of the phenoxy substituted enantiomers takes

approximately 90 minutes, using the terguride packing in HPLC whereas only 15

minutes are needed applying CE with allyl-TER as chiral buffer additive (see Figure


In this section it is shown that CE can be successfully applied for the separation

of the herbicidal optica! isomers. The method can be useful for the analysis of real

production samples and the determination of their enantiopurity.

7 .3 Quality control of fenfluramine enantiomers

7.3.1 lntroduction

Meta-fenflurarnine (Figure, 7.4, N-ethyl-a-methyl-(nHrifluorornethyl)-

phenethylamine) is a basic compound which has been applied extensively as an anti­

obesity drug. The metabolism as well as the pharmacokinetic properties of this

compound are well documented. From these studies it was shown that the d-isomer is

the biologically active compound [14]. In the Netherlands, it is commercially available

both as a racemic mixture (Ponderal®) and as an optically pure d-isomer


Figure 7.4 Chemical structure of meta­

! enfluramine


The optica! purity of Isomeride was

investigated by Porrà et al. [15], using

capillary electrophoresis with TRIME-~ as

chiral selector. In this section, similar

experiments were performed to calculate the

optica! purity. Moreover, the chiral

parameters, mentioned in section 6.3.1.,

were determined. Using these parameters it

was possible to simulate the determination of

the chiral purity of m-fenfluramine [16]

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7.3.2 Experimental

Simulated and real experimental equipment conditions correspond to a usual

commercial CE instrument (P/ACE, Beckman, Fullerton, CA). Equipment conditions

were: coated capillary [11] length 400 mm to detection, 470 mm overall length, 50 µm

I.D" voltage 30 kV. Samples were injected hydrodynamically (3.3. l 03 Pa) during 5 s.

The instrument was thermostated at 25°C. The detection wavelength was 2 l 4 nm.

Ionic strength of the background electrolyte (BOE) was 10 mM. BGE's were prepared

with analytica] grade chemicals from the usual sources (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany;

SIGMA, St. Louis, MO). Heptakis-2,3,6-tri-O-methyl-P-cyclodextrin (TRIME-P) was

from Cyclolab (Budapest, Hungary). m-Fenfluramine as Ponderal® (racemate) and as

Isomeride®, both from Servier Technologie (Paris, France), were a kind gift of Mrs.

B.T. van Tuijl-Knipscheer (Blixembosch Pharmacy, Eindhoven). The concentration of

the sample solutions was 104 M. The Isomeride® sample, applied for the

determination of the optica! purity, had a concentration of 1 gil.

7.3.3 Results and discussion

First, the pK and mobility of m-fenfluramine were determined at 25°C applying

a buffer with an ionic strength of 10 mM. Different BGE's were prepared by adding

boric acid to a 10 mM sodium hydroxide solution. Mobilities were determined by

injection of mesityloxide as neutra! marker, according to the recently published dual­

rnarker method by Williams et al. [14]. The inverse values of the resulting effective

mobilities were plotted vs. the hydroxide ion concentration in the pH range 8.6 to 9.4,

as described in section 6.3.6. L The pKa was determined as 10.1, significantly higher

than the literature value of 9. 1. The µ 0 value was 19.4.10·9 m2/Vs.

Subsequently, using an e-arninocaproic acid/acetate buffer of pH 5 with an

ionic strength of 10 mM, the effective mobilities of the optical isorners were

determined at different concentration levels of TRIME-P in the range 0-80 miVI. Under

these conditions, m-fenflurarnine was completely ionized, so that only K2 values were

relevant. K2 was determined as described in section All measured mobilities

were corrected for viscosity effects, as described in section 6.3 .1.

Fînally, using 10 mM sodium/borate pH 9.46 as BOE, effective mobilities were

measured at different TRIME-~ concentrations. ünder these conditions, both the ionic

and the non-ionîc form of m-fenfluramine were present. From these experiments, K1

could be determined as described in section All resulting chiral parameters are

presented in TABLE 7.1. The results indicate ionoselective interaction.


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parameter dimensions value standard deviation

µo m2Ns 19.38.10-9 0. 1.10-9

pK. 10.l 0.05

µc m2Ns 8.2.10-9 0. 1.10-9

M' 41% 0.5%

K1 56 2.1

AK1 % 0%

Kz 19.2 0.2

AK2 % 6.3% 0.1%

The separation of a typical Isomeride® sample was now simulated, using the

chiral parameter values in T ABLE 7 .1 as model input. The simulation is shown in

Figure 7.5b. Figure 7.5a shows the actual separation, under the same conditions. The

comparison is satisfactory, although selectivity is underestimated in the simulated

electropherogram. The optica! purity of the Isomeride® sample was calculated from

the ratio of the peak areas. Accordingly, an 2 % impurity of the 1-m-fenfluramine

isomer was found. This is in agreement with the data obtained in Ref. [15].


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0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

migration time [min]

Figure 7.5 Chiral impurity determination (a) of Isomeride. Coated capillary 400-470

mm, I.D. 50 µm. BGE: 100 mM /3-alanine!acetate, pH 4.2 supported with 40 mM

TRIME-/3. Separation voltage 30 kV. Simulated electropherogram in (b).


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7 .4 Determination of thiopental enantiomers in plasma

7.4.1 Introduction

Thiopental (5-ethyl-5-( 1-methylbutyl)-2-thiobarbituric acid) is commonly

employed as an intravenous anesthetic agent, administered by injection for induction of

anesthesia or by continuous intravenous infusion for maintenance of anesthesia. High

doses, administered for several days, are used to decrease the intracranial pressure to

prevent the brains against the consequences of hypoxic ischaemia [ 17]. Thiopental is

marketed as a racemate although the S-(-)-isomer is more potent. The anesthetic

activity and acute toxicity of the optically pure enantiomers of thiopental and other

barbituric acid derivatives (e.g., pentobarbital) was studied in mice, and the S-(-)­

isomer was found to be significantly more toxic and potent in all cases [18]. Possibly,

the behavior of the individual enantiomers in biologica] fluids is also different. In that

case, it is inappropriate to relate pharmacodynamic effects to racemic plasma

concentrations. Therefore, it was decided to determine the enantiomers of thiopental in

human plasma from a patient receiving the drug by intravenous infusion.

The analysis of plasma samples is comrnonly a difficult task since analytes are

dissolved in a very complex matrix. The use of CE for the separation of optical isomers

in plasma samples has been demonstrated by Prunonosa et al. [19] and D'Hulst and

Verbeke [20]. This section presents CE as an enantioselective method for the

determination of thiopental and its metabolite pentobarbital in human plasma.

7.4.2 Experimental

A PI ACE 2200 (Beckman, Fullerton, CA) was used for all electrophoretic

experiments. The instrument used a polyacrylamide coated capillary [11) of 57 cm,

with an effective length of 50 cm, and l.D. 50 µm. The capillary was thermostated at

20°C. Samples were injected for 20 seconds, applying 3.3.Jü3 Pa pressure. The

detection wave\ength was 214 nm to enable simultaneous measurements of both drug

and metabolite. The applied voltage was 25 kV.

TRIME-~ was purchased from Cyclolab (Budapest, Hungary). Thiopental

sodium was a kind gift from Eveline Wuis of the University Hospita! Nijmegen St.

Radboud (Nijmegen, the Netherlands). Pentobarbital, allobarbital, tris(hydroxymethyl)­

arninomethane (TRIS), boric acid, diethylether and Extralut were purchased from


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Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). The plasma samples were obtained from a patient

treated with high doses of thiopental for 160 hours.

The BGE consîsted of 100 m.\1 TRIS, adjusted to pH 9.0 with borîc acid. For

the chiral experiments, 40 mM TRIME-~ was added to the BGE. Only the capillary

was filled with BGE containing TRIME-~. The chiral selector was not present in the

in- or outlet via!.

Allobarbital was used as an internal standard (LS.). Pentobarbital and

thiopental were dissolved in demineralized water at a concentration of 1 mg free

acid/ml. Allobarbital was dissolved in a sodium hydroxide solution (pH 9) at the same

concentration. Reference plasma was prepared by the addition of thiopental and

pentobarbital solutions (5, 10, or 15 µI) and allobarbital solution (5 µl) to 500 µl blank

plasma. Equal amounts of the I.S. were added to all samples. A 500 µ! amount of the

reference samples and the real samples were pretreated applying a liquid-solid

extraction with laboratory-made Extralut columns. The samples were eluted with

approximately 10 ml of diethylether. The ether fraction was evaporated to dryness,

under a gentle stream of nitrogen. The residuals were dissolved in 100 µl

demineralized water.

7.4.3 Results and discussion

Allobarbital, thiopental, and pentobarbital (see Figure 7.6 for chemica!

structures) were well separable at pH 9.0 without the addition of TRIME-~.

allobarbital pentobarbital thiopental

Figure 7.6 Chemica/ structures of allobarbital, pentobarbital and thiopental.

Calibration graphs were obtained by plotting the ratio of the normalized peak areas of

thiopental and allobarbital or pentobarbital and allobarbital. The normalized peak area

is defined as the ratio of the peak area and the migration time. The regression

correlation coefficient of the calibration graph was 0.9993 for thiopental and 0.9995


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for pentobarbital. The recovery of the extraction procedure was determined by adding

the analytes to blank plasma. The recovery measured > 95% (s.d.= 8%) for thiopental,

pentobarbital, and allobarbital.

50 ~

t:. t:. t:. t:.

1 t:.

10 >-t:.

s = .t ij .J

~ t:. t:.

1~~~--·~~~---·~~~----·~~---·~~~--0 40 80 120 160 200

time [hours]

Figure 7.7 Racemic thiopental plasma level in a patient treated with continuous

intravenous thiopental. The infusion was stopped after 160 hours.

The racemic plasma concentration-time profile of thiopental in a patient is shown in

Figure 7.7. The measured concentration of pentobarbital in plasma never exceeded 6


The capillary electrophoretic chiral separation of thiopèntal and pentobarbital

was shown by Nishi et al. [21 ]. They applied a BGE supported with 30 mM y-CD, 50

mM sodiumdodecylsulphate (SDS), 60 mM 1-methoxyacetic acid and 40 mM d­

camphor-10-sulphonate (d-cam) (final pH 9). Tanaka et al. [22) showed full separation

of the optica! isomers of pentobarbital applying a BGE at pH 9 su pported with 10 mM

of either TRIME-~ or TRIME-a.. In the current study, good separation of the

enantiomers of thiopental and pentobarbital could be obtained with a BGE supported

with 40 mM d-cam, 50 mM SDS and 40 mM y-CD at pH 8.9. The analysis time was

about 18 minutes. Similar results could be obtained using a BGE of 100 mM

TRIS/borate at pH 9.0 supported with 40 mM TRIME-B and coated capillaries. The


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Jatter method was more straightforward and cheaper since only the capillary had to be

filled with the chiral selector. Therefore, this method was chosen to analyze the plasma

samples. As an example, Figure 7.8 shows the electrophoretic chiral separation ofboth

barbiturates in a plasma sample.



0 s 10

migration time [min]



1\ pb

11 /\

CJuv 15

Figure 7.8 Electropherogram of a plasma sample at time = 162 hours (see Figure

7.7). ab allobarbital (1.S.) tp = thiopental enantiomers, pb = pentobarbital

enantiomers. BGE: 100 mM TRIS/borate pH 9.0 + 40 mM TRIME-/3. Coated

capillary 50-57 cm, 50 µm I.D" Separation voltage 25 kV. Detection 214 nm.

In all samples measured in this patient, with concentrations below 60 mg/I, no

difference in concentration of the enantiorners of both thiopental and pentobarbital was

found. This was confirmed by Nguyen et al.; they showed that the net uptake of

thiopental by all human body tissues is not stereoselective [23]. However, this does not

exclude the possibility of stereoselective metabolism or stereoselective uptake by

individual organs. Recently, Nguyen and Morgan showed that the tissue accumulation

of thiopental enantiomers in an isolated perfused rat heart was not stereoselective [24].

Current study shows that CE can be a suitable technique for the determination

of drugs in human plasma. The technique can be applîed to determine stereoselective


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drug metabolism. The limited sensitivity of CE might give rise to detection problems.

This problem could be partly resolved by concentrating the sample after extraction.

7.5 Conclusions

The results presented in this chapter show that CE can be a suitable technique

for the separation of optica] isomers in pharmaceutical preparations and in serum.

Moreover, it is shown that CE can be applied for the separation of herbicidal optica!

isomers. The latter method can be useful for the analysis and determination of the

enantiopurity of real production samples.

It can be concluded that CE can be applied for the separation of enantiomers,

even in difficult sample matrices. The limited sensitivity is the main drawback of the

technique. In this respect, CE is especially suitable for the analysis of production

samples and phannaceutical preparations.


H. Nishi and S. Terabe, J. Chromatogr. A, 694 (1995) 245

2 H. Nishi, J. Chromatogr. A, 735 (1996) 57

3 S. Fanali, J. Chromatogr. A, 735 (1996) 77

4 B. Blessington and N. Grabb, J. Chromatogr" 454 (1988) 450

5 W.A. Koning, D. lchein, T. Runge, B. Pfaffenberg, P. Ludwig and

H. Huhnerfuss, J. High Res. Chromatogr., 14 (1991) 530

6 D.W. Bewick, Pestic. Sci., 17 (1986) 349

7 B. Blessington, N. Crabb and J. O'Sullivan, J. Chromatogr., 396 (1987) 177

8 M.W.F. Nielen, J. Chromatogr" 637 (1993) 81

9 P. Padiglioni, C.M. Polcaro, S. Marchese, M. SinibaJdi and M. Flieger,

J. Chromatogr. A, 756 (1996) 119

10 M. Sinibaldi, M. Flieger, L. Cvak, A. Messina and A. Pichini,

J. Chromatogr. A, 666 (1994) 471

11 M.J. van der Schans, J.L. Beckers, M.C. Molling and P.M. Everaerts,

J. Chromatogr. A, 717 (1995) 139

12 A. Messina, A.M. Girelli, M. Flieger, P. Sedmera, M. Sinibaldi and L. Cvak,

Anal. Chem., 68 (1996) 1191

13 H.A. Sober (Ed.), Handbook of Biochemistry, znd ed" CRC, Cleveland, 1970


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14 J.E. Myers, D.J. Buysse, M.E. Thase, J. Perel, J.M. Miewald, T.B. Cooper,

D.J. Kupfer and J.J. Mann, Biol. Psychiatry, 34 (1993) 753

15 K. Porrà, M.G. Quaglia and S. Fanali, Chromatographia, 41 (1994) 383

16 Jetse C. Reijenga, Benno Ingelse and Frans M. Everaerts, J. Chromatogr. A,

in press

17 H. Russo, F. Bressole, J. Brès and M-P. Duboin, Clin. Drug lnvest" 11 (l 996)


18 H.D. Christensen and 1. S. Lee, Toxicol. Appl. PharmacoL, 26 (1973) 495

19 J. Prunonosa, R. Obach, A. Diez-Coscon and L. Gouesclou, J. Chromatogr.,

574(1992) 127

20 A. D'Hulst and N. Verbeke, Chirality, 6 (1994) 225

21 H. Nishi, T. Fukuyama and S. Terabe, J. Chromatogr., 553 (1991) 503

22 M. Tanaka, S. Asano, M. Yoshinago, Y. Kawaguchi, T. Tedsumi and

T. Shono, Fresenius J. Anal. Chem" 339 (1991) 63

23 K.T. Nguyen, D.P. Stephens, M.J. McLeish, D.P. Crankshaw and

D.J. Morgan, Anesth. Analg., 83 (1996) 552

24 K.T. Nguyen and DJ. Morgan, Chirality, 8 (1996) 477


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ABSTRACT Enantiomers have identical physical and chemical properties, in an isotropic

environment. lts chirality is only observed when the molecule is subjected to a chiral

influence. Consequently, chiral analyses cannot be executed by separation techniques

based upon differences in above mentioned properties.

Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is a highly efficient analytica! separation

technique. Separation is based upon differences in mobility, which mainly depends on

the charge to mass ratio of the molecule. The most common ways to influence

mobilities are ehanging the pH of the buffer or adding an appropriate complexing agent

to the buffer (Chapter 1).

The mobilities of optica! isomers are identical, irrespective of the pH-value of

the buffer. However, the addition of an enantioselective complexing agent, or chiral

selector, can change the charge to mass ratio of the enantiomers in a selective way.

This can result in a mobility difference between the optica! isomers which is a

prerequisite for (chiral) separation. Optica! isomers can be successfully separated if the

mobility of the complex differs from the mobility of the free enantiomers and if the

complex stability of the diastereomeric complexes is not identical.

The stability of complexes between enantiomers and chiral selectors is

expressed by their formation constants. Acidic and basic compounds can exist as

charged or neutra! molecules. The stability of the resulting complexes with the chiral

selector is generally not alike. Moreover, formation constants can be identical for the

two charged enantiomers, and different for the non-charged enantiomers, or vice versa.

Consequently, the pH is major parameter to optimize chiral separation. The optimum

concentration of the chiral selector depends on the magnitude of the formation

constants. The value of the formation constants can be obtained by measuring

the mobility of the enantiomers at different concentrations of the chiral selector

( Chapter 2).

Cyclodextrins are the most applied chiral selectors in CE. The separation of the

enantiomers of several basic compounds of pharmaceutîcal interest was investigated by

CE, employing a soluble neutra] ~-cyclodextrin polymer. Both selectivity and

resolution were influenced by the concentration of the ~-cyclodextrin polymer. Also, it

is shown that increasing the ionic strength of the background electrolyte could lead to

increased resolution. The addition of different organic additives to the background

electrolyte (BGE) generally resulted in a decrease of resolution ( Chapter 3).

Ergot alkaloids are a novel group of chiral selectors. Stereoselectivities of

several ergot alkaloids towards a number of racemic acidic compounds were

compared. The effects of pH and MeOH added to the background e!ectrolyte (BGE)


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were investigated. Low pH proved to have an adverse effect on enantioseparation,

indicating ionoselective complex formation. These observations were confirmed by

determining the formation constants with the dissociated and the non-dissociated acid.

The addition of 50% MeOH to the BGE altered stereoselectivity and increased the

solubility of the chiraJ selector. The optica! isomers of all test compounds could be

baseline resolved ( Chapter 4).

The influence of the nature of the buffer on the enantiomeric separation of

some sulfonamides was studied. For this purpose, the enantioselectivity and the

complex stability of a range of native and modified cyclodextrins in different electrolyte

systerns was examined. Results showed that the nature of the co-migrating buffer anion

may significantly influence the magnitude of equilibrium constants, depending on the

type of modification of a specific cyclodextrin. It is shown that the use of benzoate in

the BGE generally has an adverse effect on chiral interaction due to competitive

inclusion in the cyclodextrin cavity. This may also strongly influence the optimum

cyclodextrin concentration fora particular separation (Chapter 5).

Detailed knowledge of all parameters influencing the mobility of an optica!

isomer makes it possible to simulate chiral separations, applying a steady-state

simulation program. The performance of the program is illustrated with simulations,

using chiral parameters obtained from literature and from own experiments. The

program can be used as an aid for method development and provides a flexible training

tool for chiraJ separations in CE. In order to gain more insight in the effect of

temperature on chiral separations, free enthalpy and entropy changes were determined

for the interaction between P-cyclodextrin and ibuprofen enantiomers. For the chosen

example, it is shown that an increase of the temperature always results in an increase

of the optimum concentration of p-cyclodextrin, resulting in maximum selectivity

(Chapter 6).

The potential of CE for chiraJ analyses of various compounds in different

matrices is illustrated in three examples. Firstly, the separation of the optica! isomers of

sorne herbicidal compounds is shown, applying the 1-allyl derivative of terguride as

chiral selector. Secondly, CE is applied to determine the optical purity of a

pharrnaceutical formulation. Finally, it is shown that CE can be applied for the

determination of drug enantiomers in human plasma ( Chapter 7).


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SAMENVATTING Enantiomeren hebben identieke fysische en chemische eigenschappen in een

isotropische omgeving. Hun chiraliteit kan slechts geobserveerd worden wanneer het

molecule in een chirale omgeving geplaatst wordt. Ten gevolge hiervan kunnen chirale

analyses niet uitgevoerd worden met scheidingstechnieken die gebaseerd zijn op

verschillen in de bovengenoemde eigenschappen.

Capillaire electroforese is een efficiënte scheidingstechniek. De scheiding is

gebaseerd op verschillen in mobiliteit. De mobiliteit hangt voornamelijk af van de

lading-massa verhouding van het molecuul. Gewoonlijk wordt de mobiliteit beïnvloed

door verandering van de pH van het achtergrondelectrolyt of door geschikte complex­

vormers toe te voegen aan de buffer. (Hoofdstuk 1).

De mobiliteit van enantiomeren is identiek, ongeacht de pH van de buffer.

Echter, de toevoeging van een enantioselectieve complexvormer, ofwel .chirale

selector, kan de lading-massa verhouding van de enantiomeren selectief veranderen.

Dit kan vervolgens leiden tot een mobiliteitsverschil tussen de optische isomeren,

hetgeen een eerste vereiste is voor een (chirale) scheiding. Enantiomeren kunnen

succesvol gescheiden worden indien de mobiliteit van het gevormde complex verschilt

van de mobiliteit van de vrije enantiomeren en indien de stabiliteit van beide

diastereomere complexen verschillend is.

De stabiliteit van een complex tussen een enantiomeer enerzijds en een chirale

selector anderzijds wordt uitgedrukt door de formatieconstante. Zure en basische

componenten kunnen zowel in geladen als in ongeladen vorm voorkomen. De

stabiliteit van de resulterende complexen is over het algemeen verschillend. Bovendien

kunnen de formatieconstanten identiek zijn voor de twee geladen isomeren (geen

selectiviteit) en verschillend voor de ongeladen isomeren (wel selectiviteit), en vice

versa. De pH is dientengevolge een belangrijke parameter om de scheiding te

optimaliseren. De optimale concentratie van de chirale selector hangt af van de

stabiliteit van de gevormde complexen. De waarde van de formatieconstante kan

verkregen worden door de mobiliteit van het enantiomeer te meten bij verschillende

concentraties van de chirale selector (Hoofdstuk 2).

Cyclodextrines zijn de meest toegepaste chirale selectoren in CE. In Hoofdstuk

3 is de electroforetîsche scheiding van de enantiomeren van verschillende basische

farmaceutica onderzocht, met gebruikmaking van een neutraal (3-cyclodextrine

polymeer. De resultaten laten zien dat zowel de selectiviteit als de resolutie worden

beïnvloed door de concentratie van het (3-cyclodextrine polymeer. Bovendien wordt

aangetoond dat een toename van de ionsterkte van de buffer kan leiden tot een


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toename van de resolutie. De toevoeging van organische oplosmiddelen aan de buffer

leidt in deze studie over het algemeen tot een afname van de resolutie.

Ergot alkaloïden vormen een nieuwe groep van chirale selectoren in CE. De

stereoselectiviteit van een aantal ergot alkaloïden ten aanzien van enkele racemische

zuren is vergeleken in Hoofdstuk 4. Tevens is onderzocht wat het effect op de

stereoselectiviteit is van de pH van de buffer en van de toevoeging van methanol aan

de buffer. Aangetoond is dat een lage pH een nadelig effect heeft op de chirale

scheiding. Dit duidt op ionoselectieve complexvorming. Deze observatie wordt

bevestigd door middel van het meten van de formatieconstanten van het ergot

alkaloïde met het gedissocieerde en het niet-gedissocieerde zuur. De stereoselectiviteit

wordt beïnvloed door het toevoegen van 50% methanol aan de buffer. De toevoeging

van methanol resulteert bovendien in een betere oplosbaarheid van de chirale selector.

Het blijkt mogelijk om de optische isomeren van alle testcomponenten te scheiden.

De invloed van de aard van de buffer op de chirale scheiding van enkele

sulfonamiden is onderzocht in Hoofdstuk 5. Hiertoe is de selectiviteit en de complex

stabiliteit van enkele natuurlijke en enkele gemodificeerde cyclodextrines bestudeerd,

in verschillende buffer systemen. De resultaten tonen aan dat, afhankelijk van de

modificatie van de cyclodextrine, de aard van het co-migrerende ion een belangrijke

invloed kan hebben op de grootte van de formatieconstante. Het gebruik van benzoaat

blijkt over het algemeen een negatief effect te hebben op de chirale interactie, vanwege

competieve complexvorming. Dit laatste kan de optimale cyclodextrine concentratie

voor een specifieke scheiding sterk beïnvloeden.

Gedetailleerde kennis van alle parameters die de mobiliteit van optische

isomeren beïnvloeden, maakt het mogelijk om chirale scheidingen te simuleren, gebruik

makend van een 'steady state' simulatie programma. In Hoofdstuk 6 is de werking van

dit programma ge11lustreerd. Hiertoe zijn chirale parameters gebruikt die verkregen zijn

uit de literatuur en uit eigen experimenten. Het programma kan gebruikt worden als

hulpmiddel bij methode-ontwikkeling, en biedt bovendien een flexibel

trainingsgereedschap voor chirale scheidingen in CE. Om meer inzicht te krijgen in het

effect van temperatuur op chirale scheidingen werden de vrije enthalpie- en

entropieveranderingen gemeten van de interactie tussen ~-cyclodextrine en de

enantiomeren van ibuprofen. Voor het gekozen voorbeeld is aangetoond dat een

temperatuurtoename altijd resulteert in een toename van de optimale cyclodextrine­

concentratie welke resulteert in maximale stereoselectiviteit. Temperatuur­

optimalisatie kan gebruikt worden om de scheidingstijd te minimaliseren.

De mogelijkheden van CE om chirale analyses uit te voeren in verschillende

matrices worden gei1lustreerd in Hoofdstuk 7. Allereerst wordt de scheiding getoond


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van de optische isomeren van enkele herbiciden. Hierbij wordt 1-allylterguride

toegepast als chirale selector. Vervolgens is CE toegepast voor de bepaling van de

optische zuiverheid van een farmaceutisch preparaat. Tenslotte wordt aangetoond dat

CE toegepast kan worden voor de bepaling van drug enantiomeren in plasma.


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a1, a2, a3 constants [-]

ARJs selectivity [-]

c concentration [mo1.r1]

D diffusion coefficient [m2.s-1]

E electric field strength [V.m-1]

F Faraday constant [C.mor1]

Fe1 electric force [N]

F1 friction force [N]

L1G Gibbs free energy change [J.mor1]

Af{ enthalpy change [J.mor 1]

ionic strength [moJ.r1]

Ka, Kb acid/base dissociation constant [-]

K1, K1, Kc equilibrium constant of complex formation [-]

ld effective capillary Iength [m]

l, total capillary length [m]

m molecular mass [g.mor1]

M' relative complex mobility [-]

N theoretica! plate number [-]

q net charge [C]

r radius [m]

regression correlation coefficient [-]

R gas constant [J.mol1 K 1]

R, resolution [-]

s selectivity [-]

SF separation factor [-]

L1S entropy change [J.mor1 .K1]

fm migration time [s]

T temperature [K] or [0 C]

v velocity [m.s- 1]

v voltage [V]

z charge number [-]


a degree of dissociation [-]

E dielectric constant [C2.r1.m-1]

1J viscosity [N.s.m-2]


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RCff, SCff




electrophoretic mobility

mobility at infinite dilution

mobility of fully dissociated acid/base

apparent mobility

complex mobility

electroosmotic mobility

effective mobility

mobility of free enantiomer


zeta potential

non dissociated acidic enantiomer

[m2. y-1.s-1]








[s] or [m]


complex between cyclodextrin and non dissociated acidic

optical isomer

complex between cyclodextrin and protonated basic

optical isomer


dissociated acidic enantiomer

rear boundary

complex between cyclodextrin and non protonated basic

optica! isomer

complex between cyclodextrin and dissociated acid enantiomer

refers to enantiomer interacting with chiral selector


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uv ZE


1-allyl-( +)-(5R, 8S, 1 OR)-terguride

1-(3' -aminopropy 1)-( + )-( 5R, 8S, lOR)-terguride

arbitrary units

background electrolyte



capillary electrophoresis

chiral stationary phase

capillary zone electrophoresis


electroosmotic flow

soluble neutra! P-cyclodextrin polymer


high performance liquid chromatography

2-hydroxypropylated P-cyclodextrin

capillary inner diameter


micellar electrokinetic (capillary) chromatography


2-(N-morpholino )ethanesulphonic acid

morpholinopropanesulphonic acid



nuclear magnetic resonance




standard deviation

sodium dodecylsulphate


tryptophan butyl ester

tryptophan ethyl ester

tryptophan methyl ester


ultra violet

zone electrophoresis


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DANKWOORD Veel mensen hebben bijgedragen aan de totstandkoming van dit proefschrift.

Natuurlijk ben ik dank verschuldigd aan Frans Everaerts, mijn eerste promotor, die

altijd bereid was mij te helpen en altijd het onmogelijke gedaan lijkt te kunnen krijgen.

Van zeer groot belang was ook de inzet van Jetse Reijenga van wie ik heel veel geleerd

heb en met wie ik erg prettig heb samengewerkt. Ik dank Salvatore Fanali, die mij

heeft ingewijd op dit vakgebied en Mirko Flieger met wie ik een heel plezierige

samenwerking gehad heb. Joost van Dongen wil ik bedanken omdat hij altijd bereid

was te helpen. Ook Henk Claessens heeft mij erg geholpen en ik bewaar goede

herinneringen aan onze samenwerking met Sjoerd van der Wal en Lucien Duchateau.

Verder wil ik Eveline Wuis bedanken voor de zeer plezierige samenwerking en voor

het corrigeren van een gedeelte van dit proefschrift. Ik bedank ook Ernst Kenndler en

Karim Sarmini en natuurlijk Jurai Sevcik voor hun bijdrage aan gemeenschappelijke

projecten. Ook wil ik Beckman Instruments (Nederland) B.V. bedanken voor het

beschikbaar stellen van apparatuur en voor de financiële ondersteuning van het

drukken van dit proefschrift. Heel belangrijk waren ook de discussies met mijn

vrienden en collega's. Vaak kwamen goede ideeën 's avonds Iaat in de bar van de AOR

tot stand. Zij hebben, inclusief alle hierboven genoemde mensen, ervoor gezorgd dat ik

een hele leuke tijd gehad heb. Speciaal de mensen die mijn proefschrift kritisch hebben

doorgenomen ben ik zeer erkentelijk. Tenslotte wil ik nog graag mijn ouders bedanken.

Zij hebben me altijd gesteund en hebben altijd interesse getoond in mijn activiteiten.


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Benno Allard Ingelse werd geboren op 2 augustus 1968 te Breda. In 1986 behaalde hij

het atheneum-B diploma aan het Willem van Oranje college in Waalwijk. Aansluitend

hierop begon hij met de studie Scheikundige Technologie aan de Technische

Universiteit Eindhoven. Het afstudeeronderzoek "Klonering en expressie van Horse

Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase in E. coli" werd verricht bij de vakgroep Organische

Chemie onder leiding van prof. E. :\1eijer. In 1992 behaalde hij het ingenieursexamen.

Vanaf 1992 is hij werkzaam geweest in de vakgroep Instrumentele Analyse aan de

Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. Hier werd het promotieonderzoek uitgevoerd

onder leiding van prof.dr.ir. F.M. Everaerts. In dat kader werd in 1993 een aantal

maanden onderzoek gedaan aan het Istituto di Cromatografia del CNR in Rome, onder

begeleiding van Salvatore Fanali. De resultaten van het promotieonderzoek zijn

beschreven in dit proefschrift.


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Enantiomeric separation by capillary electrophoresis using a soluble neutra] ~-cyclodextrin

polymer, B.A. Jngelse, F.M. Everaerts, C. Desiderio and S. Fanali, Joumal of

Chromatography A, 709 (1995) 89-98.

A further study on the chiral separation power of a soluble neutral ~-cyclodextrin polymer,

B.A. Inge/se, F.M. Everae11s, J. Sevcik, Z. Stransky and S. Fanali. Journal of High

Resolution Chromatography, 18 (1995) 348-352.

Capillary electrophoretic enantioseparation of selegiline, methamphetamine and ephedrine

using a neutra! ~-cyclodextrin epichlorhydrin polymer, J. Sevcik, Z. Stransky, B.A. lngelse

and K. Lemr, Joumal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 14 (1996) 1089-1094.

Ergot alkaloids as novel chiral selectors in capillary electrophoresis, B.A. lngelse, J.C.

Reijenga, H.A. Claessens and F.M. Everaerts, Journal of High Resolution

Chromatography, 19 (1996) 225-226.

Influence of the nature of the buffer on chiral separation in capillary electrophoresis, B.A.

Jngelse, H.A. Claessens, Sj. van der Wal, A.L.L. Duchateau and F.M. Everaerts, Joumal

ofChromatography A, 745 (1996) 61-71.

Ergot alkaloids as chiral selectors in CE. Determination of the separation mechanism,

B.A. /ngelse, M. Flieger, H.A. Claessens, F.M. Everaerts, Journal of Chromatography

A, 755 (1996) 251-260.

Training software for chiral separations in CE, J.C. Reijenga, B.A. Ingelse and F.M.

Everaerts, Joumal of Chromatography A, in press.

Reversed determination of the formation constants of 1-allyl terguride with mandelic acid

optical isomers using CE, B.A. Inge/se, J.C. Reijenga and F.M. Everaerts, Joumal of

Chromatography A, in press.

Chiral interactions in capillary zone electrophoresis. Computer sirnulation and comparison

with experiment. B.A. lngelse. K. Sannini, J. C Reijenga, E. Kenruller and F.M. Everaerts,

in press


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Thermodynamics of chiral interaction in CE. Separation of ibuprofen enantiorners with · ~­

CD. J.C. Reijenga, B.A. Inge/se and F.M. Everaerts, submitted for publication in Joumal

of Chromatography A ·

Determination of herbicidal enantiorners by CE using ergot alkaloids, B.A. Inge/se, J.C.

Reijenga and F.M. Everaerts, manuscript in preparation


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1. Het overnemen van pK.-waarden voor zure ofbasische componenten,

zoals gevonden in de literatuur, kan grote fouten introduceren bij de bepaling

van de stabiliteitsconstante van complexen waarbij dergelijke componenten

betrokken zijn.

Dit proefschrift, Hoofdstuk 6

2. Het wekt wellicht verbazing dat de effectieve mobiliteit van een ion kan

toenemen door interactie met een neutrale complex-vormer.

F. Wang andMG. Khaledi,Anal. Chem" 68 (1994) 3460

3. Het succes van 'combinatorial chemistry' is voor een belangrijk deel toe te

schrijven aan de doorbraak van massaspectrometrische technieken als

electrospray en MALDI-TOF.

4. Onvoldoende kennis van elementaire basischemie kan leiden tot overschatting

van het belang van de pH op de selectiviteit van de scheiding van sterke ionen

in capillaire electroforese.

C-E. Lin, C-C. Chang, W-C. Lin, E.C. Lin, J. Chromatogr. A, 753 (1996) 133

5. Het gebruik van de temperatuur als scheidingsparameter in capillaire

electroforese, verdient meer aandacht.

Dit proefschrift, Hoofdstuk 3 en 6

6. Sommige analytisch chemische tijdschriften hebben klaarblijkelijk niet de

deskundigheid in huis om manuscripten over numerieke simulaties op niveau te


C. Schafer-Nielsen, Electrophoresis, 16 (1995) 1369

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7. Het gebrek aan TBS-plaatsen in Nederland zorgt ervoor dat misdaad loont.

8. Een artiest als Serrano doet de kunstconsument hevig verlangen naar "eenvoud

verlichte wateren" van Lucebert.

9. Slechte films kunnen nog altijd waardering krijgen middels het predikaat cult.

10. Kennis over het privéleven van topsporters lijkt een grotere prioriteit te hebben

bij sportverslaggevers als kennis van de sport zelf

11. Zelfs in wetenschappelijke publicaties valt een niet-wetenschappelijke huiver te

bespeuren voor het gebruik van 'beter als'-constructies.

12. De grondigheid waarmee Frankrijk zijn nationale belangen nastreeft staat in

schril contrast met zijn Franse slag methode ten aanzien van de bescherming

van de internationale mensenrechten.

Stellingen behorende bij het proefschrift: "Chiral separations using capillary


Eindhaven, 19junil997

Benno A. Inge/se