An outline agreement on the future shape of the Iranian nuclear programme has been reached after marathon talks between Iran and six major powers in Switzerland. Iran, the US and Germany all said a solution had been found after eight days of negotiations in Lausanne. A comprehensive nuclear accord is meant to be drafted by 30 June. Iran denies Western claims it is trying to build a nuclear weapon. It entered negotiations in order to see sanctions lifted. The negotiations between the so-called P5+1 - the US, UK, France, China and Russia plus Germany - and Iran at Lausanne's Beau- Rivage Palace hotel were supposed to end on 31 March but overran in the search for agreement. In a tweet, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said: "Found solutions, ready to start drafting immediately." Also on Twitter, Germany's foreign ministry said: "Agreement for framework on final agreement reached." And US Secretary of State John Kerry tweeted: "Big day... Back to work soon on final deal." But Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu also took to Twitter to declare: "Any deal must significantly role back Iran's nuclear capabilities and stop its terrorism and aggression." Dozens of unidentified foreign troops reported disembarking in the port of Aden turned out to be Chinese soldiers maintaining security as an unknown party


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An outline agreement on the future shape of the Iranian nuclear programme has been reached after marathon talks between Iran and six major powers in Switzerland.Iran, the US and Germany all said a solution had been found after eight days of negotiations in Lausanne.A comprehensive nuclear accord is meant to be drafted by 30 June.Iran denies Western claims it is trying to build a nuclear weapon.It entered negotiations in order to see sanctions lifted.The negotiations between the so-called P5+1 - the US, UK, France, China and Russia plus Germany - and Iran at Lausanne's Beau-Rivage Palace hotel were supposed to end on 31 March but overran in the search for agreement.In a tweet, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said: "Found solutions, ready to start drafting immediately."Also on Twitter, Germany's foreign ministry said: "Agreement for framework on final agreement reached."And US Secretary of State John Kerry tweeted: "Big day... Back to work soon on final deal."But Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu also took to Twitter to declare: "Any deal must significantly role back Iran's nuclear capabilities and stop its terrorism and aggression."

Dozens of unidentified foreign troops reported disembarking in the port of Aden turned out to be Chinese soldiers maintaining security as an unknown party opened fire on a vessel evacuating foreign citizens, a Yemeni official told Sputnik.A Chinese military ship arrived in the port to evacuate Chinese citizensa skirmish which occurred during the evacuation led to the disembarkation of Chinese soldiers stationed on the ship to protect civilians,said Abd ar-Rabb al-Khalyaky, the deputy head of the port union council. After the evacuation, the soldiers returned to the vessel, he said adding that the situation has calmed down.He said that Chinese soldiers have already left the port, though reportedly they did not manage to take with them all the people intended to evacuate, not all of the Chinese nationals.An unnamed Yemeni official confirmed to Reuters that the people who disembarked from the Chinese ship were armed guards aiding civilians, not ground troops.The city of Aden has turned into battlefield as violent street-to-street fighting between advancing Houthi rebels and pro-president troops making a stand.The data from medics and military suggest that up to 44 people have been killed in street clashes, AFP reports.