CHILDREN’S UNIVERSITY SCOTLAND Autumn Challenge Creative Collage Eco Engineer Autumn watch Make a beautiful collage that reminds you of autumn. You might like to include colourful dried leaves or pine cones, photos you’ve taken of an autumn landscape or wildlife, even pictures from newspapers or magazines that remind you of the season. What’s your favourite thing about autumn? Try to highlight it in your collage. If it’s a nice day, why not make your collage outdoors? Build your own toy car from a recycled bottle or carton! 1. Ask an adult to help you make two parallel holes in each side of the bottle or carton. 2. Gather straws or wooden skewers to use as your axels, and plastic bottle caps for your wheels. 3. Pull the straws through the two holes. Then, attach the wheels to the axels using tape or glue. Can you think of any ways you could improve your design? Why not make a racetrack for your car? Autumn is a great time to see amazing British wildlife! Try your hand as a documentary film maker and film some wildlife you spot at your local park or nature reserve, or even in the garden. Do some research about the animals you spot and try narrating your documentary like David Attenborough! Tip: If you can’t make a film, you could sketch your ideas instead. Day of the Dead Wordsmith Neep Carving El Dia de los Muertos, or ‘The Day of the Dead’ is celebrated in Mexico on November 2 nd . People think about loved ones who are no longer with them. Bake some cookies or cakes and decorate them with icing and sweets in the style used to celebrate the Day of the Dead. Use bright colours, sugar skull designs, flowers and patterns to show how joyful and colourful the Day of the Dead is. Hint: Not sure where to start? There are lots of simple cookie recipes online! Sharpen your pencils and get writing! Use these writing ideas to spark your imagination, and get writing. 1: If you could have any secret super power, what would it be and why? 2: Write a short story using these three words: detective, piano, and pizza. 3: Write a letter to your future self in 20 years. Hint: Not sure where to start? Try writing down some ideas on a piece of scrap paper before you start writing your story. Lots of people carve pumpkins for Halloween, but Scots traditionally used a turnip or ‘neep’. Ask an adult to help you, and have a go at carving a neep of your own? Give it a grisly face or a scary expression for a real Halloween treat. You could even use a potato if a turnip is too tricky. Don’t forgot to put a light inside to make it extra spooky. We’d love to see a photo of your finished lantern - use #CUSautumnchallenge on Twitter. Night time Nature Walk Dancing Raisins Reflective Writing When the nights start drawing in it’s a great time to spot nocturnal wildlife you might not see during the day. Head out (with an adult) for an evening nature walk. Try and see how many species of animal you can see or hear. Why are some animals active at night and others during the day? A quick and easy experiment to try at home. Ask an adult before you start. Put a glass in a plastic tub, dish or the sink and fill the glass half full with warm water. Add 3 teaspoons of baking soda, but don’t stir. Add a few raisins. What happens? Now add small amount of white vinegar. What happens now? Why is this happening? Can you write your name backwards? With both hands? How about writing it backwards and upside down? Is it easier to watch your writing in a mirror? After some practice, write a message for someone to read in a mirror. You could hang it on the opposite wall so they see a spooky message! Children’s University Scotland (also known as CU Trust Scotland) is a registered Scottish charity (No. SC043974) and is a company limited by guarantee.

CHILDREN’S UNIVERSITY SCOTLAND Autumn Challenge · CHILDREN’S UNIVERSITY SCOTLAND Autumn Challenge Creative Collage Eco Engineer Autumn watch Make a beautiful collage that reminds

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Page 1: CHILDREN’S UNIVERSITY SCOTLAND Autumn Challenge · CHILDREN’S UNIVERSITY SCOTLAND Autumn Challenge Creative Collage Eco Engineer Autumn watch Make a beautiful collage that reminds

C H I L D R E N ’ S U N I V E R S I T Y S C O T L A N D

Autumn ChallengeC r e a t i v e C o l l a g e E c o E n g i n e e r A u t u m n w a t c h

Make a beautiful collage that reminds you of autumn. You might

like to include colourful dried leaves or pine cones, photos you’ve taken of an autumn landscape or wildlife, even pictures from newspapers or magazines that remind you of the

season. What’s your favourite thing about autumn? Try to highlight it in your collage. If it’s a nice day, why not make your collage outdoors?

Build your own toy car from a recycled bottle or carton!

1. Ask an adult to help you make two parallel holes in each side of

the bottle or carton.2. Gather straws or wooden skewers to use as your axels, and

plastic bottle caps for your wheels.

3. Pull the straws through the two holes. Then, attach the wheels to

the axels using tape or glue.Can you think of any ways you could improve your design? Why not make

a racetrack for your car?

Autumn is a great time to see amazing British wildlife! Try your

hand as a documentary film maker and film some wildlife you spot at

your local park or nature reserve, or even in the garden. Do some

research about the animals you spot and try narrating your

documentary like David Attenborough!

Tip: If you can’t make a film, you could sketch your ideas instead.

D a y o f t h e D e a d W o r d s m i t h N e e p C a r v i n g

El Dia de los Muertos, or ‘The Day of the Dead’ is celebrated in Mexico on November 2nd. People think about loved ones who are no longer with them. Bake some cookies or cakes and decorate them with icing and

sweets in the style used to celebrate the Day of the Dead. Use bright

colours, sugar skull designs, flowers and patterns to show how joyful and

colourful the Day of the Dead is.Hint: Not sure where to start? There are lots

of simple cookie recipes online!

Sharpen your pencils and get writing! Use these writing ideas to spark your

imagination, and get writing.

1: If you could have any secret super power, what would it be and why?

2: Write a short story using these three words: detective, piano, and

pizza.3: Write a letter to your future self in

20 years. Hint: Not sure where to start? Try

writing down some ideas on a piece of scrap paper before you start

writing your story.

Lots of people carve pumpkins for Halloween, but Scots traditionally

used a turnip or ‘neep’. Ask an adult to help you, and have a go at

carving a neep of your own? Give it a grisly face or a scary expression

for a real Halloween treat. You could even use a potato if a turnip is too tricky. Don’t forgot to put a light

inside to make it extra spooky. We’d love to see a photo of your

finished lantern - use #CUSautumnchallenge on Twitter.

N i g h t t i m e N a t u r e W a l k D a n c i n g R a i s i n s R e f l e c t i v e

W r i t i n g

When the nights start drawing in it’s a great time to spot nocturnal

wildlife you might not see during the day. Head out (with an adult) for an

evening nature walk. Try and see how many species of animal you can see or hear. Why are some animals

active at night and others during the day?

A quick and easy experiment to try at home. Ask an adult before you start.Put a glass in a plastic tub, dish or the

sink and fill the glass half full with warm water. Add 3 teaspoons of

baking soda, but don’t stir.Add a few raisins. What happens?Now add small amount of white

vinegar. What happens now?Why is this happening?

Can you write your name backwards? With both hands?

How about writing it backwards and upside down? Is it easier to watch

your writing in a mirror?After some practice, write a

message for someone to read in a mirror. You could hang it on the

opposite wall so they see a spooky message!

Children’s University Scotland (also known as CU Trust Scotland) is a registered Scottish charity (No. SC043974) and is a company limited by guarantee.

Page 2: CHILDREN’S UNIVERSITY SCOTLAND Autumn Challenge · CHILDREN’S UNIVERSITY SCOTLAND Autumn Challenge Creative Collage Eco Engineer Autumn watch Make a beautiful collage that reminds

G e t I n t o F i l m C o m p e t i t i o nComplete the Film Review and DVD designer and send your evidence to Children’s University Scotland to be in

with a chance of winning FREE cinema vouchers! Find out how to enter here: bit.ly/CUSFilmComp.

1 . F i l m R e v i e w 2 . D V D D e s i g n e r 3 . F i l m o f t h e m o n t h

Write a fantastic film review about a film you watched in the October

holidays, after school or on a weekend. Writing a great film review

is all about reflecting how the film made you feel. Try to include lots of descriptions to let the reader know

how the sounds, visuals and characters in the film made you feel (but don’t give away the ending or

plot twist!) Did anything stand out to you about the sounds or visuals the

film used?Not sure where to start? Try our Into

Film Review template.

Get creative and design a DVD cover for your favourite film!

What did you like the most about this film? Try to think about how

your design can make others want to watch without giving away the

ending. Check out some DVD covers at the library or online if you need

some inspiration. It’s up to you how you design your DVD cover. You might want to draw it, paint on paper, or even design it using a

computer programme. However you design your DVD cover, make sure it’s eye-catching and will stand out

from the crowd.

Try your hand at making your own film, and enter Into Film’s Film of the

Month competition!You don’t need a camera or any specialist equipment – you could make your film on a smartphone, tablet or standard digital camera. Spend some time planning before you start shooting your film. Think about what you want the audience

to think, see and feel while they watch. Why not create a storyboard

or written plan to help guide you while you’re filming?

When your film’s ready, remember to enter the Film of the Month

Competition here.

Children’s University Scotland (also known as CU Trust Scotland) is a registered Scottish charity (No. SC043974) and is a company limited by guarantee.

Children’s University Scotland, 44 King Street, Stirling, FK8 1AY. Email: [email protected]