NEWSLETTER Leicester City Council SPRING • 2015 Children, Young People and Families Centres

Children, Young People and Families Centres€¦ · and way of working that we hope will best meet the needs of you and your families with a particular focus for our families who

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Page 1: Children, Young People and Families Centres€¦ · and way of working that we hope will best meet the needs of you and your families with a particular focus for our families who


Leicester City Council SPRING • 2015

Children, Young People and Families Centres

Page 2: Children, Young People and Families Centres€¦ · and way of working that we hope will best meet the needs of you and your families with a particular focus for our families who

A lot of work has taken place since the review of Children, Young people and Families Centres which concluded in July 2014. We have implemented a new model and way of working that we hope will best meet the needs of you and your families with a particular focus for our families who need more support. There is still plenty to do with opportunities to make changes but there is a clear vision in place with a number of areas for development. These include:

• Developingacitywideapproachinourprocessesanddeliveryofservicesto ensurethereisthesameofferandapproachforallfamilies.

• Involvingourcommunitiesworkingalongsidethemandleadingonprojects.

• Usinganddevelopinginformationthatenablesustoprioritiseservicesand resources to best meet local needs

• Launchinganew‘AdvicePoint’thatisstaffedbyFamilySupportworkersateach CYPFCentretoprovideyouwithlowlevelsupportandsignpostingtoother services.

• Developedanewwayofworkingtoensurethatwherefamilieswhohave complexneedsbutdon’tmeetsocialcarethresholdscanaccessthespecialist supporttheyrequirewitha‘TeamaroundtheFamily’approach.

• Workingmorecloselywithourpartnerssuchashealthandschoolstoensure thereisajoinedupapproachsofamiliesdonothavetogothroughvarious hoops to access services.

There are challenging and exciting times ahead as we develop our services to workingwithchildrenandyoungpeopleaged0–19andtheirfamilies,IhopeyouwillsupportusandjoinusonthisjourneybyfeedingbackanysuggestionsorcommentsviayourlocalChildren,YoungPeopleandFamilyCentre.

Best Wishes


Head of Service: Early Help (Targeted Services 0 – 19)Children, Young People and Families DivisionLeicester City Council - City Hall , 4th FloorTel: 0116 454 6106 Ext: 37 6106 Mobile: 07975239986www.leicester.gov.uk2 3

Content Foreword


4 5 6

7 8 9

3 Foreword

4 Bumps to Babies

5 FREE Early Education for 2 year olds

6 Let’s Get Cooking

7 Healthy Teeth, Happy Smiles

8 Advice Point

9 Stay and Play

10 North West Cluster Timetable

12 West Cluster Timetable

14 Cluster Area Map

16 North Cluster Timetable

18 East Cluster Timetable

20 South Cluster Timetable

22 Central Cluster Timetable

24 Activities

Page 3: Children, Young People and Families Centres€¦ · and way of working that we hope will best meet the needs of you and your families with a particular focus for our families who

4 5

We know there is a strong link between a healthy pregnancy and better outcomes for children so Bumps to Babies has been designed to support you through your pregnancy and the post birth period.

Midwifery, Health Visiting and Children’sCentreteamshaveputtogether this exciting 4 week programme. You will also be invited to return for a reunion session when your baby is 3 – 4 months old so you can introduce your new arrival.

Eachweekwillcoveradifferentaspectof preparing for birth and parenthood, including labour and pain relief, feeding and caring for your baby and helping your baby to learn.

There will also be time for you to ask any questions you may have and for you all to meet other parents to be and share your own experiences.

Ask your midwife or your local Children, Young People and Families Centre for more details and programme dates.

Bumps to Babies FREE Early Education for 2 year olds

The government has expanded its funding for free childcare for some twoyearolds.Ifyoureceivecertainbenefitsandhaveanincomebelowabout £16,000 per year then you may be eligible.

Why should I consider using childcare – I can look after my own child?

Research has shown that good quality childcare can:• improvechildren’sdevelopment, including their communication skills• helpthemlearntosocialisewith other children and make friends• helpthembegintogetreadyfor school

• givethemaccesstoexciting places to play and new activities including messy play that you might not want to do at home!

Itcanalsogiveyouabitmoretimewithyour other children – if you have them.

Or you might want to think about taking up a college course or going back to work.

For more information visit families.leicester.gov.uk/free nursery education or pop into your local Children, Young People and Families Centre.


Bumps to Babies is the brand new antenatal programme aimed at first time parents to be in Leicester.

Did you know that your two year old could qualify for up to 15 hours of free childcare each week?

Page 4: Children, Young People and Families Centres€¦ · and way of working that we hope will best meet the needs of you and your families with a particular focus for our families who

• Starttobrushyourbaby’sgumswith a soft toothbrush at bath time, or even let your baby have a go themselves as long as you supervise them. This establishes brushing their teeth as part of the washing routine

• Startbrushingyourbaby’steethas soonasthefirstmilktoothbreaks through

• It’simportanttouseafluoridepaste as this helps prevent and control tooth decay

• Childrenundertheageofthree can use a smear of family toothpaste

• Childrenbetweentheagesofthree and six should use a pea-sized blob of toothpaste

• Brushyourchild’steethforatleast twominutestwiceaday,oncejust before bedtime and at least one other time during the day

• Encouragethemtospitoutexcess toothpaste but not to rinse with lots of water

• Supervisetoothbrushinguntil your child is seven or eight years old, either by brushing their teeth yourself or, if they brush their own teeth, by watching how they do it

• Takeyourchildtothedentist whenthey’reasyoungaspossible and at least once by the time they’retwo.FindalocalNHSdentist at nhs.uk/dentists or call Healthwatch on 0116 257 4999”.

6 7

Try the recipe below to get you started, andrememberit’snotthefinishedproductthat’simportant–it’sabouthaving fun and learning together.

Basic scones:• 200gself-raisingflour• 50gbutterorpolyunsaturated margarine• 125mlsemiskimmedmilk• Vegetableoilforgreasingyourtin

Method:• Preheatovento220Corgasmark 7 and brush the baking sheet with a little oil• Sieveflourintomixingbowl• Usingcleanfingertips,rubthe butterintotheflouruntilit resembles breadcrumbs.• Slowlystirinthemilktoformsoft dough• Sprinkleacleandrysurfacewith flourandrolloutthedoughuntilit is about 2cm thick

• Cutthedoughintoroundsand place on the baking sheet• Collectanydoughtrimmingsand roll out again, you should have enough to make about 10 scones• Brushthesconeswithalittlemilk and bake for 10 – 12 minutes until the scones have risen and turned golden.• Leavetocoolslightly.• Eatandenjoy!

Try something different:• Usewholemealflourandsome finelychoppeddates• Addahandfulofdriedmixed fruit• Addsomefinelychoppedapple with a little cinnamon

Many of our centres offer Let’s Get Cooking sessions , so call into your local Centre to find out more or go onto the website : www.letsgetcooking.org.uk

Let’s Get Cooking Healthy Teeth, Happy Smiles


Cooking is a great way to spend some fun time with your children, teaching them a basic skill and having a giggle!

Follow these tips and you can help keep your children’s teeth decay-free:

Page 5: Children, Young People and Families Centres€¦ · and way of working that we hope will best meet the needs of you and your families with a particular focus for our families who

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Advice Point Stay and Play


AdvicePointisournewcitywidewalk-in and telephone support service offeringadvicetoparents,youngpeopleand professionals on a wide range of subjects.

Our trained family support team will be happy to give you information, advice and support on a range of issues affectingyouandyourfamilysuchasbehaviour, routines, family relationships, school, managing your money or simply knowingwhat’savailableforyouandyour family in your local community.

ThereisanAdvicePointserviceineacharea of the city, open week days from 8.30 am – 5.00 pm Monday (4.30pm on Fridays).

So if you need a little bit of help or advice, pop into your local Centre or give us a call!.

Braunstone Children, Young People and Families CentreTel: 0116 373 7150

Thurnby Lodge Children, Young People and Families CentreTel: 0116 292 4590

St Matthews Children, Young People and Families CentreTel: 0116 373 7144

Northfields Children, Young People and Families CentreTel: 0116 292 4580

Saffron Children, Young People and Families CentreTel: 0116 222 1810

Beaumont Leys Children, Young People and Families CentreTel: 0116 373 7350


Ourfriendlyandhelpfulstaffarereadyto welcome you and your children to our fun play sessions, aimed at helpingparentstosupporttheirchild’sdevelopment through play.

ComealongtoourStayandPlaysandyou can:

• findoutmoreabouthowyourchild will learn and grow

• gethelpandsupportwithyourchild’s early communication and language, physical development, personal, social and emotional development.

• meetotherparentsandshareyour experiences and ideas

• borrowtoysandbooksfromourfree library to use with your children at home.

Being a parent isn’t always easy and we all need a bit of help from time to time.

All of our Centres offer Stay and Play sessions which are open to children 0 - 3 years during term time, with older children welcome in the school holidays.

Page 6: Children, Young People and Families Centres€¦ · and way of working that we hope will best meet the needs of you and your families with a particular focus for our families who

WEDNESDAY • AMWelfare Rights drop-inAdvice and support on benefits with Mieke 9.30 – 11.30 am Beaumont Leys

FRIDAY • PMDiscovering BabiesStay and Play session for parents/carers with babiesup to 6 months old1.00 – 2.30pmTo book your place please contact Liz or Sue onTel: 0116 373 7350 Bewcastle

Avebury Meadows65 Avebury Avenue, Leicester LE40HDTel:01162298220Opening times: Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays from 8.30 – 12.00 and Thursdays from 8.30 – 5.00pm

Beaumont Leys20 Home Farm Walk, Leicester LE4 0RW Tel: 0116 373 7350Opening times: Monday to Friday from 8.30 am – 5.00pm (4.30 Fridays)

BewcastleBewcastle Grove, Leicester LE4 2JY Tel: 0116 221 1199Opening times: Mondays and Thursdays 1.00 – 5.00pm, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 8.30 – 5.00pm and Fridays from 1.00 – 4.30pm

THURSDAY • PMBumps to Babies4 week antenatal programme for parents-to-be1.30 – 3.30 pmTo book your place please contact Kate on Tel: 0116 373 7350 Avebury Meadows from 23rd April Beaumont Leys from 28th May Bewcastle from 2nd July

Let’s Get Cooking4 sessions to help you develop your skills and confidence to cook healthier family meals with your childrenTo book a place please contact Anu on Tel: 0116 373 7350 Bewcastle from 23rd April Avebury from 28th May Beaumont Leys from 2nd July

Terrific Twos4 stay and play sessions for parent/carers with 2 year to help promote your child’s communication and language through play, stories and rhymes To book your place please contact Liz or Sue on Tel: 0116 373 7350 Beaumont Leys from 23rd April Bewcastle from 4th June

FRIDAY • AMStay and Play Meet other parents and support your child to learn through fun play activities, stories and singing9.15 – 11.15am Beaumont Leys

Stay and Play Meet other parents and support your child to learn through fun play activities, stories and singing9.15 – 11.15am Avebury Meadows

ADAPT Support group for parents/carers of premature babies10.00 – 12.00 Beaumont Leys

MONDAY • PMDiscovering BabiesStay and Play session for parents/carers with babiesup to 6 months old1.00 – 2.30pmTo book your place please contact Liz or Sue on Tel: 0116 373 7350 Beaumont Leys

Stay, Play and Learn Meet other parents and support your child to learn through fun play activities, stories and singing1.00 – 3.00pm Bewcastle

TUESDAY • AMSTOP!1:1 support to help you quit smokingTo book an appointment please contact Pat on Tel: 07909 993 755 Beaumont Leys

Top Tips Behaviour Management advice28th April & 5th May or 19th & 26th May or 2nd & 9th June or 23rd & 30th June To book a place please contact Lynda on Tel: 0116 221 1199 Beaumont Leys

Stay and PlayMeet other parents and support your child to learn through fun play activities, stories and singing9.15 – 11.15am Avebury Meadows

WEDNESDAY • PMStay and Play Meet other parents and support your child to learn through fun play activities, stories and singing1.00 – 3.00pm Beaumont Leys

Talking ToddlersStay and Play session for parents/carers with children aged 12 - 24 monthsStarting 21st January To book your place please contact Liz or Sue on Tel: 0116 373 7350 Bewcastle

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Children, Young People and Families CentresNORTH WEST ClusterCHILDREN, YOUNG PEOPLE AND FAMILIES CENTRES

MONDAY • AMDiscovering BabiesStay and Play session for parents/carers with babies up to 6 months old9.30 – 11.00 amTo book your place please contact Liz or Sue on Tel: 0116 373 7350 Avebury Meadows

Talking ToddlersStay and Play session for parents/carers with children aged 12 – 24 months9.30 – 11.00 amTo book your place please contact Liz or Sue on Tel: 0116 373 7350 Beaumont Leys

THURSDAY • AMToddler Time at Beaumont Leys LibraryStay and Play session for parents/carer and 0-3 year olds9.30 – 11.00am Beaumont Leys

Improve your maths9.30 – 11.30amHelp to develop your maths skills To book a place please contact Leicester College on Tel: 0116 222 1895 Avebury Meadows

More InformationHealth Visitor ClinicsWeighing and health advice clinicsareofferedatourcentresand at community venues.To book an appointment please ring 0116 221 1174.

Parent ForumGet more involved with your centre and community and let us know what you think of our services.Tofindoutmorepleasecontact Varsha on 0116 373 7350.

Toy Library and Bookstart LibraryJoin the toy and book library at any of our centres and choose from a range of fun toys and books to borrow for FREE!

TUESDAY • PMFamily Learning - Magic Maths A short course to help you and your child to develop your skills and confidence with maths For more information please contact Varsha on Tel: 0116 373 7350 Bewcastle

Toddler Stay and PlayStay and play sessions for parent/carers with 1 – 3 year olds to help promote your child’s development through play, stories and rhymes To book your place please contact Liz or Sue on Tel: 0116 373 7350 Fosse Community Centre Mantle Road

Page 7: Children, Young People and Families Centres€¦ · and way of working that we hope will best meet the needs of you and your families with a particular focus for our families who

Braunstone FrithCufflingDrive,LeicesterLE3 6NN Tel: 0116 229 8750Opening times: Monday and Wednesday 8.30 – 12noonTuesday and Thursday 1.00 – 5.00pmFriday 1.00 – 4.30pm

Braunstone Gallards Hill, Leicester LE3 1QR Tel: 0116 373 7150Opening times: Monday – Thursday 8.30 – 5.00pm, Friday 8.30 – 4.30pm

New ParksPindarRoad,LeicesterLE39RNTel: 0116 229 3257Opening times: Monday and Thursday 8.30 – 5.00pm Tuesday and Friday 8.30 – 12noon Wednesday 1.00 – 5.00pm

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WEDNESDAY • AMLittle Hands Play sessionParent Led Stay & Play9.30 – 11.00am Braunstone Frith

FRIDAY • AMStay & Play9.30 – 11.15am Braunstone

Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities with crèche13th Mar – 26th June 9.30 – 1.00pmBOOK A PLACE New Parks

Adult Learning – English with crèche10.00 – 12.00pm Braunstone Frith

Stay & Play 9.30 – 11.00am West End

Rowley FieldsImperialAvenue,LeicesterLE3 1AH Tel: 0116 229 8730Opening times: Monday and Friday ClosedTuesday and Wednesday 8.30 – 5.00pmThursday 8.30 – 12 noon

THURSDAY • AMBumps To Babies9.30 – 11.30amBOOK A PLACE Braunstone

Baby Stay & Play9.30 – 11.30am New Parks

Toddler time (New Parks Library) 9.30 – 11.30am New Parks

Moneywise help with managing your money 9.30 – 11.30am New Parks

More InformationHealth Visitor ClinicsWeighing and health advice clinicsareofferedatourcentresand at community venues.To book an appointment please phone the centre where your health Visitor is based.

Parent ForumGet more involved with your centre and community and let us know what you think of our services.Tofindoutmoreplease contact Jackie Comber on 0116 373 7150.

Toy Library and Bookstart LibraryJoin the toy and book library at any of our centres and choose from a range of fun toys and books to borrow for FREE!

Children, Young People and Families Centres

MONDAY • AMVolunteers Training & crèche 9.30 – 11.00amBOOK A PLACE Braunstone

Messy Mondays 9.15 – 11.00am Braunstone Frith

Mini Movers West End Centre Physical play session 0-5 yrs 9.30 – 10.30am West End

Speak Up Speech and language support for children with Downs syndrome9.30 – 3.00pm New Parks

TUESDAY • AMSkilled for Health Course & crèche 3rd Feb – 12th MayBOOK A PLACE Braunstone

Talking Toddlers 9.30 – 11.00BOOK A PLACE New Parks

Breast Feeding Support 10.00 – 11.30amAnte natal clinic Rowley Fields

Baby Stay and Play 9.30 – 11.00am West End

TUESDAY • PMAdult Learning – English& crèche - NPCCBOOK A PLACE New Parks

Baby Stay & Play1.15 – 2.45pm Braunstone Frith

Baby Stay & Play 1.30 – 3.00pm Rowley Fields

FRIDAY • PMAdult Learning - Maths with crècheBOOK A PLACE Braunstone Frith

Breastfeeding peer support training with crèche8 weeks BOOK A PLACE1.00 – 3.00pm Braunstone Frith

Baby Stay & Play 1.00 – 2.30pm West End

MONDAY • PMStay & Play 1.00 – 2.45pm Braunstone

Toddler Time (Fosse Library) 1.00 – 3.00pm New Parks

Adult Learning- Maths & crèche - NPCC12.45 – 2.45pmBOOK A PLACE New Parks

Family Learning - Playing with Language & crèche 1.00 – 3.00pm BOOK A PLACE West End

WEDNESDAY • PMMovers & Explorers 1.15 – 2.45pm BOOK A PLACE New Parks

Top Tips Behaviour Group 13th & 20th May 1.00 – 3.00pmBOOK A PLACE New Parks

Bumps To Babies 1.00 – 3.00pm BOOK A PLACE New Parks

Family Health & First Aid with creche 12.45 – 2.45BOOK A PLACE Rowley Fields

THURSDAY • PMBreast feeding support12.30 – 2.30pm Braunstone

Talking Toddlers 1.15 – 2.45pmBOOK A PLACE Braunstone

Stay and Play 1.00 – 2.45pm New Parks

West EndCatesby Street, Leicester LE35PBTel:01162252225Opening times: Monday 1.00 – 5.00pm, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 8.30 – 12 noon Thursday 1.00 – 5.00pm

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Cluster Area Map

Eyres Monsell & GilmortonHillsboroughRoad,LE29PTTel: 0116 225 2200


SaffronThe Crossway, LE2 6QWTel: 0116 222 1810


Beaumont Leys & Stocking FarmHome Farm Walk, LE4 0RWTel: 0116 373 7350


New ParksPindarRoad,LE39RNTel: 0116 229 3257


Avebury Meadows65AveburyAvenue,LE40HDTel: 0116 229 8220


Bewcastle47 Bewcastle Grove, LE4 2JYTel: 0116 221 1199


West End5CatesbyStreet,LE35PBTel: 0116 225 2225


Braunstone Frith21CufflingDrive,LE36NFTel: 0116 229 8750


BraunstoneGallards Hill, LE3 1QRTel: 0116 373 7150


Highfields20BarnardClose,LE20UZTel: 0116 294 6200


St Matthews34 Vancouver Road, LE1 2GATel: 0116 373 7130


Northfields & West Humberstone343GipsyLane,LE49DDTel: 0116 292 4580


Thurnby LodgeDudleyAvenue,LE52EGTel: 0116 292 4590


St Saviours10 St Saviours Road, LE5v3GETel: 0116 221 1774


MayfieldMayfieldRoad,LE21LRTel: 0116 294 6120


Lansdowne70 Knighton Lane, LE2 8BETel: 0116 229 8555


Rowlatts Hill9A Balderstone Close, LE5 4ESTel: 0116 292 4500


North Evington315GwendolenRoad,LE55FPTel: 0116 292 4556


Netherhall68 New Romany Crescent, LE5 1NGTel: 0116 292 4540


4 Woodbridge54A Woodbridge Road, LE4 7RGTel: 0116 221 1760

Belgrave & Rushey MeadCossingtonStreet,LE46JDTel: 0116 291 4604


Hamilton75 Maidenwell Avenue, LE5 1TGTel: 0116 294 6134


Rowley Fields40ImperialAvenue,LE31AHTel: 0116 229 8730


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St Saviours 10 St Saviours Road, Leicester LE5 3GE Tel: 0116 221 1774Opening Hours:Monday, Tuesday 8.30am – 12.00pmMonday, Wednesday, Thursday 1.00pm – 5.00pm

BelgraveCossington Street, Leicester LE46JDTel:01162914604Opening Hours:Monday, Wednesday 8.30am – 2.00pmTuesday, Thursday 8.30am – 5.00pmFriday 1.00pm – 4.30pm

Woodbridge 54a Woodbridge RoadLeicester LE4 7RG Tel: 0116 221 1760Opening Hours:Monday 1.00pm – 5.00pmTuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8.30am – 12.00pm

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MONDAY • AMBumps to BabiesBook a placeAdvice and support for expectant mums and dads.9.30 – 11.30am Northfields

Discovering BabiesLet’s Talk AboutMake an appointmentParenting help and support9.00am – 12.00noon Northfields

Stay and PlayDrop-in. Birth to 5 years oldFun opportunities for children to learn through play with their parents and carersWeekly: 9.30 – 11.30am Belgrave

Bumps to BabiesBook a placeAdvice and support for expectant mums and dads.9.30 – 11.30am St Saviours

TUESDAY • AMStrengthening Families, Strengthening Communities Education and trainingBook a place9.00am – 12.00noon Northfields

Adult LearningEducation and trainingBook a place Belgrave

Baby Stay and PlayDrop-in. Birth to 18 months oldFun opportunities for children to learn through play with their parents and carersWeekly: 10.00 – 11.30am Woodbridge

Stay and PlayDrop-in. Birth to 5 years oldFun opportunities for children to learn through play with their parents and carersWeekly: 9.30 – 11.30am St Saviours

WEDNESDAY • AMStay and Play – Rushey RecDrop-in. Birth to 5 years oldFun opportunities for children to learn through play with their parents and carersWeekly: 9.30 – 11.30am Woodbridge

Getting Ready for School9.30 – 11.30am St Saviours

WEDNESDAY • PMStay and PlayDrop-inBirth to 5 years oldFun opportunities for children to learn through play with their parents and carersWeekly: 1.30 – 3.00pm Northfields

Movers and ExplorersBook a place. 2-3 years old1.30 – 3.00pm St Saviours

THURSDAY • PMLet’s Talk About Make an appointmentParenting help and support1.00 – 4.00pm Northfields

Let’s Get CookingBook a place Northfields

Stay and Play Drop-inBirth to 5 years oldFun opportunities for children to learn through play with their parents and carersWeekly: 1.30 – 3.00pm Belgrave

Mama’s Support GroupDrop InFortnightly: 1.00 – 3.00pm St Saviours

FRIDAY • AMAdult LearningStarts: April 2015Book a place Northfields

Discovering BabiesBook a placewith Baby massageBirth - 6 months10.00 – 11.30am Woodbridge

Welfare RightsAppointment onlyBenefits help and adviceWeekly: 9.30 – 11.30am Woodbridge

Northfields and West Humberstone 343GipsyLane,LeicesterLE49DDTel: 0116 292 4580Opening Hours:Monday to Thursday 8.30am – 5.00pmFriday 8.30 – 4.30pm

More InformationHealth Visitor ClinicsWeighing and health advice clinicsareofferedatourcentresand at community venues.To book an appointment please ring 0116 291 4604.

Parent ForumGet more involved with your centre and community and let us know what you think of our services.Tofindoutmoreplease contact Bushra on 07976 347346.

Toy Library and Bookstart LibraryJoin the toy and book library at any of our centres and choose from a range of fun toys and books to borrow for FREE!

Children, Young People and Families Centres

TUESDAY • PMFamily Fun with EnglishBook a placeEducation and training1.00 – 3.00pm Northfields

Talking ToddlersBook a place. 1-2 years old1.30 – 3.00pm Belgrave

Bumps to BabiesBook a placeAdvice and support for expectant mums and dads.1.00 – 3.00pm Belgrave

Let’s Talk AboutMake an appointmentParenting help and supportWeekly: 1:00 – 4:00pm Belgrave

THURSDAY • AMPeekabooBook a place6 months - 1 years old10.00 – 11.30am Northfields

Welfare RightsAppointment onlyBenefits help and adviceWeekly: 9.30 – 11.30am Northfields

Fathers Reading Every Day (FRED)Book a place Belgrave

Keeping the Strength Book a placeA parent run group for parents who have completed Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities Belgrave

MONDAY • PMBaby Stay and PlayDrop-in. Birth to 18 months oldFun opportunities for children to learn through play with their parents and carersWeekly: 1.30 – 3.00pm Northfields

Getting Ready for SchoolStarts 1st June and runs 1.00 – 3.00pm. Invite only Northfields

Stay and PlayDrop-in. Birth to 5 years oldFun opportunities for children to learn through play with their parents and carersWeekly: 1.30 – 3.00pm Woodbridge

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Rowlatts HillBalserstone Close, Leicester LE5 4ES Tel: 0116 292 4500Opening times: Monday – Thursday 1.00 – 5.00pm (Friday 4.30pm)

Netherhall New Romney CrescentLeicester LE5 1NHTel: 0116 292 4540Opening times: Monday and Tuesday 8.30am – 5.00pm Wednesday 1.00 – 5.00pm Thursday and Friday 8.30 – 12.00 noon

Hamilton75 Maidenwell AvenueLeicester LE5 1TGTel: 0116 294 6134Opening times: Monday – Friday from 8.30am – 12.00 noon

MONDAY • AMB.A.P.S.10.00 – 11.00amBreastfeeding And Peer Support. Term Time Only Thurnby Lodge

Play & Learn10.00 – 11.00amAn invite only specialist play session for children aged 0-5 years. Term Time Only Netherhall

MONDAY • PMStay & Play1.00 – 2.30pmPlay session for 0-5 years. Thurnby Lodge

Getting Ready for School 1.00 – 2.30pmPlay and learn session for children (and their parents) starting school in September Please call to book a place. Rowlatts Hill

TUESDAY • PMParent/Carer Forums1.00 – 3.00pmThis is your chance to have your say and voice your opinions. Meeting are held once a month. Netherhall

Stay & Play 1.00 – 2.30pmPlay session for 0-5 years Rowlatts Hill

WEDNESDAY • AMParent/Carer Forums9.30 – 11.00amThis is your chance to have your say and voice your opinions. Meeting are held once a month Hamilton

THURSDAY • AMChildminder’s Group 9.30 – 11.30amEncouraging local child-minders’ and children to meet and play. Thurnby Lodge

Welfare Rights and Benefits AdviceWelfare Rights and Benefits Advice9.30 – 12.00 noon Please call to bookan appointment. Thurnby Lodge

Stay & Play9.30 – 11.00amPlay session for 0-5 years Netherhall

FRIDAY • AMChildminder’s Group9.30 – 11.30amEncouraging local child-minders’ and children to meet and play. Netherhall

Stay & Play9.30 – 11.00amPlay session for 0-5 years Hamilton

Thurnby Lodge DudleyAvenue,LeicesterLE5 2EG Tel: 0116 292 4590Opening times: Monday to Thursday 8.30am – 5.00pm and Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm

More InformationHealth Visitor ClinicsWeighing and health advice clinicsareofferedatourcentresand at community venues.To book an appointment please ring 0116 221 1174.

Parent ForumGet more involved with your centre and community and let us know what you think of ourservices.Tofindoutmorecontact Malti on 0116 292 4590.

Toy Library and Bookstart LibraryJoin the toy and book library at any of our centres and choose from a range of fun toys and books to borrow for FREE!

Children, Young People and Families Centres

TUESDAY • AMBaby Stay & Play10.00 – 11.30am For babies up to 12 monthsat Hamilton Library Hamilton Library

THURSDAY • PMParent/Carer Forums1.00 – 3.00pmThis is your chance to have your say and voice your opinions. Meeting are held once a month Thurnby Lodge

Baby Stay & Play1.00 – 2.30pm For babies up to 12 months Thurnby Lodge

Parent/Carer Forums1.00 – 3.00pmThis is your chance to have your say and voice your opinions. Meeting are held once a month Rowlatts Hill

FRIDAY • PMTalking Toddlers1.00 – 2.30pm Thurnby Lodge

WEDNESDAY • PMStay & Play1.00 – 2.30pmPlay session for 0-5 years. Thurnby Lodge

Bumps to Babies Starts 15th July1.30 – 3.30pm Anti natal group for expectant parents. Please call to book a place. Thurnby Lodge

Bumps to Babies Starts 6th May1.30 – 3.30pm Anti natal group for expectant parents. Please call to book a place. Netherhall

Getting Ready for Pre-School1.00 – 2.30pmPlay and learn session for children (and their parents) starting school in September Please call to book a place. Netherhall

Bumps to Babies Starts 10th June1.30 – 3.30pm Anti natal group for expectant parents. Please call to book a place. Rowlatts Hill

Bumps to Babies Starts 2nd Sept1.30 – 3.30pm Anti natal group for expectant parents. Please call to book a place. Hamilton

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Eyres MonsellHillsborough Road LeicesterLE29PTTel:01162252200Opening times: Monday & Thursday8.30am – 12.00pm Tuesday, Wednesday 8.30am – 5.00pmFriday 8.30am – 4.30pm

SaffronThe Crossway, LeicesterLE2 6QW Tel: 0116 222 1810Opening times: Monday to Thursday8.30am to 5.00pm (4.30 Friday)

Lansdowne70 Knighton Lane, LeicesterLE2 8BE Tel: 0116 229 8555Opening times: Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8.30am – 12.00pm Thursday 8.30am – 12.00pm 1.00pm – 5.00pm

TUESDAY • AMLet’s Get Cooking9.30 – 11.30am6 week course from14th April to 19th May 2015Contact Amy or Naina on Tel: 0116 225 2200 to book your place Eyres Monsell

Let’s Get Cooking9.30 – 11.30am6 week course from 2nd June to 2nd July 2015Contact Amy or Naina on Tel: 2252200 to book your place) Eyres Monsell

WEDNESDAY • AMFamily Health with First Aid with free Crèche 9.30 to 11.30amTo book your place and reserve crèche spaces Contact Debbie on Tel: 0116 229 8555 Lansdowne

Bookstart Corner24th June, 1st July and 8th July10.00 – 11.30amContact Asyah on Tel: 0116222 1810 to book your place) Lansdowne

WEDNESDAY • PMStay & Play(0-5s) 1.00 – 2.30am Eyres Monsell

Young Parents Group (Up to 21 years)1.00 – 2.30pm Saffron

THURSDAY • AMLeicester CollegeEnglish Course with Crèche9.30 – 11.30amThis course has limited crèche spaces & booking and enrolment is required. Contact Debbie on Tel: 0116 222 1810 Eyres Monsell

Leicester CollegeMaths Course with Crèche9.30 – 11.30amThis course has limited crèche spaces & booking and enrolment is required. Contact Debbie on Tel: 0116 222 1810 Lansdowne

THURSDAY • PMBaby Stay & Play (0-12 months)1.00 – 2.30pm Saffron

NCT Breast Feeding Peer Support Training with free Crèche1.00 – 3.30pmSessions on:30th April 20157th May 201514th May 201528th May 201511th June 201518th June 20159th July 201516th July 201523rd July 2015To find out more contact Faye on Tel: 0116 225 2200 Lansdowne

Child Minders Stay & Play Play9.30 – 11.30am Eyres Monsell

Leicester CollegeMaths Course 9.30 – 11.30am(Booking and enrolment is required. Contact Debbie on Tel: 0116 222 1810 Eyres Monsell

Wiggle, Jiggle & Giggle (2-3 years)Starts 17th April – 22nd May 201510.00 – 11.00am Saffron

Toddler TimePEEP(2-3 years)5th June 2015 – 10th July 20159.30 – 11.00amTo book your place contact Faye on Tel: 0116 222 1810 Saffron

Baby Stay & Play(0-12 months)10 – 11.30am Lansdowne

More InformationHealth Visitor ClinicsWeighing and health advice clinicsareofferedatourcentresand at community venues.To book an appointment please ring 0116 225 2215.

Parent ForumGet more involved with your centre and community and let us know what you think of ourservices.TofindoutmorecontactDebbieon01162221810.

Toy Library and Bookstart LibraryJoin the toy and book library at any of our centres and choose from a range of fun toys and books to borrow for FREE!

Children, Young People and Families Centres

TUESDAY • PMMoneywise Drop In1.00 – 2.30pmApril 7th & 21st 2015May 5th & 19th 2015June 2nd, 16th & 30th 2015 Saffron

Stay & Play(0-5s) 1.00 – 2.30pm Saffron

Bookstart Corner5th, 12th and 19th May 20151.00 – 2.30pm Saffron

Bookstart Corner2nd, 9th and 16th June 20151.00 – 2.30pm Eyres Monsell

MONDAY • AMBaby Stay & Play(0-12 months)10.00 – 11.30am Eyres Monsell

Bookstart Corner2nd June, 9th & 16th June10.00 – 11.30amContact Asyah on Tel: 0116 222 1810 to book your place Saffron

Stay & Play(0-5s) 9.30 – 11.00 am Lansdowne

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St Matthews 34 Vancouver RoadLeicester LE1 2GATelephone: 0116 373 7130Opening Hours:Monday to Thursday 8.30am – 5.00pm Fridays 8.30am – 4.30pm

Highfields BarnardClose,LeicesterLE20UZTelephone: 0116 294 6200 Opening Hours:Monday & Wednesday 1.00 – 5.00pmTuesday, Thursday 8.30 – 5.00pm Fridays 8.30am – 4.30pm

North Evington315 Gwendolen Road, Leicester LE5 5FSTelephone: 0116 292 4556 Opening Hours:Monday, Tuesday and Friday 8.30 – 12.00pmWednesday 1.00 – 5.00pmThursday 1.00 – 5.00pm

More InformationHealth Visitor ClinicsTo book an appointment please ring:St Matthews ...................... 373 7148Highfields ............................ 294 6170Mayfield................................. 294 6164North Evington ................. 292 4518

Parent ForumGet more involved with your centre and community and let us know what you think of our services.Tofindoutmoreplease contact Lorraine on 07854 165 144.

Toy Library and Bookstart LibraryJoin the toy and book library at any of our centres and choose from a range of fun toys and books to borrow for FREE!

MayfieldMayfieldRoad,LeicesterLE21LRTelephone: 0116 294 6120 Opening Hours:MondayCLOSEDTuesday 08.30 – 5.00pmWednesday – Friday 8.30 – 12.00 noon

Children, Young People and Families Centres

MONDAY • PMLet’s get Cooking1.15 – 2.45pmTel: 0116 373 7130 to book a place St Matthews

Stay and Play 1.15 – 2.45pm Highfields

MONDAY • AMHealth Visitor Clinic 9.30 – 11.30am2nd, 3rd and 4th Monday of every monthTel: 0116 373 7130 for an appointment St Matthews

Stay and Play9.30 – 11.00am North Evington

Family Advice a helping hand 9.00 – 11.45amDrop in or Tel: 0116 292 4556 to book an appointment North Evington

THURSDAY • AMStay and Play 9.30 – 11.00am Highfields

Health Visitor Clinics 9.30 – 11.30amTel: 0116 295 1240 to book an appointment Highfields

Bookstart Corner 9.00 – 11.00am30th April - 21st May 2015Tel: 0116 294 6120 to book a place Mayfield

FRIDAY • AMStrengthening Families Strengthening Communities 9.30 – 12.30pmTel: 0116 373 7130 for further details St Matthews

Welfare Rights 9.30 – 12.30pmTel: 0116 294 6200 for an appointment Highfields

Stay and Play 9.30 – 11.00am Mayfield

Health Visitor Clinic 9.30 – 11.30amTel: 0116 295 1240 for an appointment Mayfield

Breastfeeding Group9.30 – 11.30amStarting 17th April 2015Tel 0116 2946120 for more information Mayfield

THURSDAY • PMStay and Play1.15 – 2.45pm St Matthews

Baby Stay & Play 1.15 – 2.45pmTel: 0116 292 4556 to book a place North Evington

Baby Stay and Play 1.15 – 2.45pmTel: 0116 294 6200 to book a place Highfields

Bookstart Corner 1.15 – 2.45pmStarting 4th May - 25th June 2015Tel: 0116 294 6200 to book a place Highfields

Family Advice a helping hand 1.00 – 4.00pmDrop in or tel 0116 294 6200 to book an appointment Highfields

TUESDAY • AMStay and Play 9.30 – 11.00am St Matthews

Movers and Explorers 9.30 – 11.00amTel: 0116 373 7130 to book a place St Matthews Comm. Centre

Bumps to Babies 9.30 – 11.30amStarting 14th April 2015Tel: 0116 292 4556 to book a place North Evington

Bumps to Babies9.30 – 11.30amStarting 19th May 2015Tel: 0116 294 6200 to book a place Highfields

Bumps to Babies9.30 – 11.30amStarting 23rd June 2015Tel: 0116 294 6120 to book a place Mayfield

Welfare Rights 19.30 – 11.30amTel: 0116 294 6120 for an appointment Mayfield

Family Advice a helping hand 9.00 – 11.45amDrop in or Tel: 0116 294 6120 for an appointment Mayfield

TUESDAY • PMBaby Stay & Play 1.15 – 2.45pmTel: 0116 373 7130 to book a place St Matthews

Welfare Rights 1.30 – 3.30pmTel: 0116 373 7130 for an appointment St Matthews

Bumps to Babies 1.15 – 2.45pmStarting 2nd June 2015Tel: 0116 373 7130 to book a place St Matthews

Baby Stay & Play 1.15 – 2.45pmLimited spaces Tel: 0116 294 6120 to book a place Mayfield

WEDNESDAY • AMEarly Start 9.00 – 11.30amTel: 0116 373 7130 for further details St Matthews

First Aid Course 9.00 – 11.30am3rd June to 1st July 2015 Tel: 0116 373 7130 to book a place St Matthews

Mamas, Baby and Me 10.00 – 11.30am1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month Highfields

Cook and Eat Sessions 9:30 – 11:30amTel: 0116 294 6200 for more details Bangladeshi Youth & Cultural Shomati Centre

Welfare Rights 9.30 – 12.30amTel: 0116 292 4556 to book an appointment North Evington

WEDNESDAY • PMFamily Advice, a helping hand 1.00 – 4.00pmDrop in or Tel: 0116 373 7130 to book an appointment St Matthews

Bookstart Corner 22nd April to 13th May 20151.15 – 2.45pmTel: 0116 373 7130 to book a place St Matthews

Stay and Play 1.15 – 2.45pm North Evington

Page 13: Children, Young People and Families Centres€¦ · and way of working that we hope will best meet the needs of you and your families with a particular focus for our families who


ActivitiesBaby Stay and PlaySupport your baby to learn through playusingeverydayobjects,toysandactivities. Share ideas with other parent/carers andjoininwithstories,rhymesandother fun activities...............................................................................................

Stay and PlaySupport your child to learn through playusingeverydayobjects,toysandactivities. Share ideas with other parent/carers andjoininwithstories,rhymesandother fun activities...............................................................................................

Bookstart Corner3 short sessions to help your two year old with early talking and listening. Have fun together with stories, rhymes and other fun activities...............................................................................................

Book and Toy LibraryJoin the library at any of our centres and choose from a range of toys and books that you can borrow for free..............................................................................................

Let’s Get CookingA small group where you can try out new recipes and learn new skills to help you and your family to eat well. Youcanfindoutmoreaboutportionsizes, food labels and how to have a healthier lifestyle.

Discovering BabiesA group for you and your baby aged up to 6 months old where you can:• Move,explore,talkandplay together• Joininwithstoriesandrhymesand other fun activities• Meetotherparent/carersand babies• Findouthowyourbabywilllearn and grow• Talkwithcentrestaffforhelpand advice ..............................................................................................

PeekabooA group for you and your baby aged 6 months to 1 year old where you can:• Move,explore,talkandplay together• Joininwithstoriesandrhymesand other fun activities• Meetotherparent/carersand babies• Findouthowyourbabywilllearn and grow• Talkwithcentrestafffor help and advice

Talking ToddlersA group for you and your child aged from 1 to 2 years old where you can:• Move,explore,talkandplay together• Joininwithstoriesandrhymesand other fun activities• Meetotherparent/carersand children• Findouthowyourchildwilllearn and grow• Talkwithcentrestaffforhelpand advice ..............................................................................................

Movers and ExplorersA group for you and your child aged 2 to 3 years old where you can:• Move,explore,talkandplay together• Joininwithstoriesandrhymesand other fun activities• Meetotherparent/carersand children• Findouthowyourchildwilllearn and grow• Talkwithcentrestaffforhelpand advice ..............................................................................................

Strengthening Families, Strengthening CommunitiesA small group where you can:• Getadviceonbehaviourforchildren of all ages• Learnaboutwhatchildrenneedto develop healthily• Thinkaboutyourownchildhood and family experiences• Learnaboutthesupportservices available for families

Volunteer TrainingGainnewskillsandfindouthowyou can get more involved in your community by doing our 5 week training course..............................................................................................

Child Health ClinicsWeighingandhealthadviceofferedbythe health visiting team at centres and community venues across the city..............................................................................................

Breastfeeding SupportSupport for breastfeeding mums and mums-to-be to help keep you and your baby healthy ..............................................................................................

Bumps to BabiesAdvice, support and information to help you and your partner get ready for your new baby and to keep you and your baby healthy..............................................................................................

Parent/carer ForumA small group where you can get more involved with your centre and community,talkwithcentrestaffaboutthe support you think local families may need and let us know what you think of our services..............................................................................................

MoneywiseMoney management support for social housing tenants through one to one advicefromtrainedstafforthroughshort courses such as Made of Money

More information about the activities running at your local Centres

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Page 15: Children, Young People and Families Centres€¦ · and way of working that we hope will best meet the needs of you and your families with a particular focus for our families who