M M e e t t r r o o p p o o l l i i t t a a n n P P o o l l i i c c e e D D e e p p a a r r t t m m e e n n t t s s N N a a r r c c o o t t i i c c s s & & S S p p e e c c i i a a l l I I n n v v e e s s t t i i g g a a t t i i o o n n s s D D i i v v i i s s i i o o n n C C h h i i l l d d S S a a f f e e t t y y C C o o l l o o r r i i n n g g & & A A c c t t i i v v i i t t y y B B o o o o k k Created by: Police Officer James M. Boteler, Jr. Narcotics & Special Investigations Division Copyright 2007

Child Safety Coloring & Activity Book - mpdcPolice Officers often come to your schools to teach and talk to you about safety and tell you about how to stay away from bad stuff like

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MMeettrrooppoolliittaann PPoolliiccee DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt’’ss

NNaarrccoottiiccss && SSppeecciiaall IInnvveessttiiggaattiioonnss DDiivviissiioonn

CChhiilldd SSaaffeettyy CCoolloorriinngg && AAccttiivviittyy BBooookk

Created by: Police Officer James M. Boteler, Jr.

Narcotics & Special Investigations Division

Copyright 2007

Most Police Officers wear special uniforms so that you can identify them easily.

Some Police Officers wear regular clothes. Theses officers could be called Detectives

or Undercover Police Officers.

Police Officers use several different items and tools each day while they work…

Match the picture with the correct name:

Police Badge Police Radio Police Gun

Police Car Police Flashlight

Police Handcuff Police Bulletproof Vest

Police Patch

Police Officers often come to your schools to teach and talk to you about safety and tell you about how to stay away from bad stuff like drugs, cigarettes and alcohol.

Do you know any Police Officers from your


Police Officers are our friends and patrol our neighborhoods to keep us safe, so when

you see a Police Officer on the street always say, “Hello”.

Police Officers will help you if you are lost,

in trouble, need directions or are sick or injured. Police Officers will take good care

of you.

Some Police Officers have “K-9” Partners. A “K-9” is a fancy name for a Police Dog. These Police Dogs help them find missing

kids and bad things like drugs.

Connect the dots to reveal the Police Dog.

Never take gifts, candy, or a ride from strangers. Always say “NO” and then run away, tell a trusted adult, and call 911.

Never play with fireworks or matches. They are dangerous and can hurt you very badly. If you see someone playing with fireworks

or matches, tell a Police Officer about them.

If you find a gun, NEVER touch it. Guns are very dangerous and deadly. Guns can hurt people very badly and can even kill.

If you find a gun, make sure to tell an adult and then call 911 so that a Police Officer

can come quickly and take it away.

Always “SAY NO TO DRUGS” Drugs are very bad and will hurt your body.

There is an important telephone number all

children should memorize.

Connect the dots to find out what this important phone number is and then fill it

in with your favorite color.

To dial 9-1-1. Pick up the phone.

Dial “9”, then“1”and then “1” again

Remember: Be Calm

Listen to the operator Speak clearly

Answer any questions Don’t hang up until the operator

tells you to.

911 is only for emergencies. Never play on the phone or call 911 if you

don’t need the police, fire department or an ambulance.

Practice dialing 9-1-1 above and color the “911” in the color red.

Cut out this page and hang it near your telephone in case of an emergency.

9-1-1 Hi, my Name is ____________________________

My Telephone # is________________________ My Address is____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________