Chickpea Production Guide M. Corp, S. Machado, D. Ball, R. Smiley, S. Petrie, M. Siemens, and S. Guy EM 8791-E • Revised January 2004 $1.00 Dryland Cropping Systems

Chickpea Production Guide - Oregon State UniversityChickpea Production Guide. 4 Dryland Cropping Systems Chickpea, like wheat, is self-pollinating. Its flowers come in a variety of

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Chickpea Production GuideM. Corp, S. Machado, D. Ball, R. Smiley, S. Petrie, M. Siemens, and S. Guy

EM 8791-E • Revised January 2004$1.00Dryland Cropping Systems

Revised January 2004 by:Mary Corp, Extension faculty, Umatilla County, Oregon State University;Stephen Machado, Dan Ball, Richard Smiley, and Steve Petrie, ColumbiaBasin Agricultural Research Center, Oregon State University; Mark Siemens,USDA-ARS, Columbia Plateau Conservation Research Center; and StephenGuy, Department of Plant, Soil, and Entomological Sciences, University ofIdaho

Original authorsGrace Armah-Agyeman, former Extension research associate, Department ofCrop and Soil Science, Oregon State University; Jim Loiland, U.S. Depart-ment of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Pendleton,Oregon; Russell S. Karow, Extension agronomist, Oregon State University; andStephen Guy, Department of Plant, Soil, and Entomological Sciences, Univer-sity of Idaho

AcknowledgmentThis research and publication were partially funded by an Oregon Departmentof Agriculture Specialty Crop grant.

EM 8791-EDryland Cropping Systems

Photo courtesy of University of Saskatchewan

HistoryChickpea (Cicer arietinum) is an ancient crop that belongs to the legume family. It has

been grown in Africa, the Middle East, and India for centuries and is eaten as a dry pulse orgreen vegetable. Most U.S. production is in California and the Pacific Northwest.

UsesIn the U.S., chickpeas commonly are used

fresh in salads or in soup. Chickpeas are rich inprotein, complex carbohydrates, and fiber, whilelow in fat and cholesterol. Chickpea is a poten-tial rotational crop and fits well in wheat andbarley cropping systems. It is an option for cerealfarmers in eastern Oregon who are incorporatingbroadleaf crops into their rotations.

DescriptionIn the Pacific Northwest, chickpea is a cool-

season annual with a spreading growth habit. Inthis region, it traditionally is grown in the spring.Some varieties have compound leaves, alsocalled fern type, and some have simple leaves, also called unifoliate. Compound leaves havefrom 8 to 20 leaflets.

Chickpea plants have root nodules that can fix most of the soil nitrogen needed forgrowth from atmospheric nitrogen. The nodules are formed by a symbiotic relationship withRhizobium bacteria. Recent research shows that chickpea can fix more nitrogen than otherpulse crops, thus enhancing soil fertility for subsequent crops.

The Rhizobium bacteria that are compatible for nodule formation on the roots of chickpeaare different from those that nodulate peas and lentils. Inoculating chickpea seed with thecorrect inoculant is critical.

Chickpea has an effective rooting depth of up to 4 feet. As a later maturing plant, ituses more stored moisture from the 3- to 4-foot soil depth than do peas or lentils. Researchconducted at Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center in 1983 and 1984 (above-average rainfall years) showed peas, lentils, chickpeas, and fababeans using 9.3, 9.7, 9.8, and10.7 inches of moisture, respectively, from planting to maturity.

Chickpea Production Guide

4 Dryland Cropping Systems

Chickpea, like wheat, is self-pollinating.Its flowers come in a variety of colors and areborne in groups of two or three. The leaves,flowers, and pods are hairy.

The pods, borne at the top part of theplant, contain one or more seeds. Seeds haveeither rough or smooth surfaces and come in avariety of colors.

VarietiesThere are two main commercial classes of

seed: Kabuli and Desi. Kabuli have large,cream-colored, round seeds (about 800 seedsper pound). They are used for salads andvegetable mixes. Plants are 2 to 3 feet tall with

white flowers. Large, light-colored seeds thatstay firm after canning are the most market-able types for domestic use.

The Desi types usually are shorter plantsthan Kabuli, have smaller leaves, and theseeds come in a variety of colors. They averageabout 1,500 seeds per pound. They are milledand used in a number of Indian, East Asian,and Ethiopian dishes.

Table 1 lists varieties adapted to thePacific Northwest. Type and Ascochyta blightresistance are distinguishing factors. Varietiesshown in Table 1 are spring types. Wintertypes from ICARDA, Syria, are being evalu-ated for adaptability to the Pacific Northwest.

Table 1. Characteristics of locally adapted chickpea varieties.

Days to matureReaction Seed Seed Leaf Moscow, Pendleton, Moro,

Variety to blight1 size2 color type ID OR† OR†

Kabuli typesDwelley R large cream unifoliate 122 96 106Sinaloa S large cream fern – 90 100Evans R large cream unifoliate 121 96 106Sanford R large cream unifoliate 121 96 106Sierra R large cream unifoliate – 96 106Surutato-77 S large cream unifoliate 120 – –UC-5 S large cream fern 124 – –UC-15 S large cream fern 124 – –UC-27 S large cream fern 124 – –Spanish White S large cream fern 125 – –CA99901604W MR large cream unifoliate – 96 106

Desi typesMyles R small tan/spotted fern 115 83 98Sarah MR small tan/spotted fern 115 – –1S=susceptible, MR=moderately resistant, R=resistant

Reaction of varieties to Ascochyta blight may vary with environmental conditions.2Small=2,268–3,024 seeds/lb; large=756–1,134 seeds/lb

Source: Wiese, M.V., W.J. Kaiser, L.J. Smith, and F.J. Muehlbauer. 1995. Ascochyta Blight of Chickpea. University of IdahoCollege of Agriculture, CIS 886 (revised).

†Source: Machado, S., C. Humphreys, B. Tuck, and M. Corp. 2003. Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center,Oregon State University, unpublished data.


Conditions for growth

ClimateChickpea prefers cool weather. It yields

best when daytime temperatures are 70 to80°F and nighttime temperatures are 64 to70°F. The crop is relatively drought resistantbecause of its deep taproot.

Varieties adapted to the Pacific Northwesttake 84 to 125 days to mature. Rain or irriga-tion during the latter part of growth can delaymaturity.

The crop does not yield well in regionswhere precipitation is over 30 inches per year.

SoilChickpea performs best on sandy or silt

loam soils with good drainage. It is not suitedto saline soils.

The crop does not tolerate wet soils.Avoid planting chickpea in low-lying areas offields that are susceptible to flooding.

Cultural practices

Seed preparationChickpea seeds need to be inoculated at

seeding with the proper Rhizobium strain.Research conducted at the Columbia BasinAgricultural Research Center in 2003 showsthat inoculating the seed with the appropriateinoculant increases nodulation and yields.The Rhizobium that nodulates peas and lentilswill not produce nodules on chickpea.

Inoculants come either in peat or granularform. Granular inoculant can be more effec-tive than peat-based inoculant. The granularinoculant is metered through seed hoppersand placed in the seed row near the seed,preferably below the seed, at planting. Use5 to 10 pounds of granules per acre.

Seeds must be treated with a fungicidemixture before planting, particularly whenplanting into cool soil. Studies near Genesee,Idaho, in 2003 show only a 10 percent plantestablishment and 30 percent seed yieldwithout seed treatment compared to a stan-dard treatment.

Table 2 is a guide for fungicidal seedtreatment of chickpea in Oregon. Alwaysread the current registration and productlabel information before use.

Table 2. Guide for treating chickpea seed with fungicides.

Pythium component Other components2

Trade Seed rot, Root Seed Damping off,Fungicide1 name(s) Ascochyta blight damping off rot rot seedling blight

Captan Captan — x3 — x xFludioxonil Maxim — — — X XMefenoxam Allegiance — — — X XMetalaxyl Apron — — — X XThiabendazole TBZ; LSP X4 — — — —1Always follow the product label. Maximum protection can be achieved by mixing two or three fungicides to controldiseases in each of the five columns in the table.

2 Currently, there are no effective chemical controls for the root-disease complex on older seedlings and mature plants,including all components of Aphanomyces root rot.

3 Control is anticipated to be stronger by products designated with “X” compared to products designated with “x.”4 For preventing transmission of the pathogen on the seed. Will not protect against postemergent infections.

6 Dryland Cropping Systems

Mefenoxam- and metalaxyl-based fungi-cides are more effective than captan-basedfungicides for controlling seed rots andseedling diseases, and they also have lesspotential for reducing nodulation. Granularforms of Rhizobium inoculant usually are lessaffected by fungicide treatment than liquid orpeat formulations. Increase the rate of inocu-lant on fungicide-treated seed to compensatefor toxicity of certain fungicides to Rhizobiumbacteria.

For best results, buy good-quality, certifiedseed with germination percentage over85 percent.

Seedbed preparationChickpea seeds are larger than peas or

lentils, so they are less sensitive to seedplacement than some other crops. However,they still need a firm, moist seedbed.

A conventional tillage system usingprimary tillage to bury previous crop residuefollowed by secondary tillage to incorporateherbicides is an effective strategy for creating adesirable seedbed. In direct-seed systems,where previous crop residue is left on the soil

surface, proper residue management and drillselection are essential for obtaining adequatestand establishment. Hoe-type no-till drillswork best when the residue is baled andremoved or when the residue is chopped intosmall pieces and spread uniformly. If usingdisc-type drills, uniformly spread crop residueto avoid leaving thick mats of residue that aredifficult to penetrate.

Seeding datePlanting the crop early in the spring is

particularly advantageous in eastern Oregon,where limited late-season moisture has astrong negative impact on seed yield. Alaboratory germination study in combinationwith field trials in Oregon showed germina-tion beginning at 41°F or higher.

As the crop requires a long growingseason to mature and is frost tolerant, it can beplanted in March or early April in easternOregon. In Idaho, growers traditionally seed inMay when soil temperatures reach 45°F orwarmer. These practices are successful underthe higher rainfall and cooler temperaturesfound in Idaho production areas.

In all areas, later plantings result inreduced yields and in problems with cropdrying before harvest. Grain quality may bereduced in some varieties by late planting.

Method and rate of seedingSeeding rates vary because of the varia-

tion in seed size. Seeding rates range fromthree to four seeds/sq ft. This is equivalent to80 to 95 pounds per acre for the Desi typesand 150 to 200 pounds per acre for the Kabulitypes. Higher seeding rates (four to fiveseeds/sq ft) can produce higher grain yields butmay not be economically feasible.

Recent research indicates that there areno differences in grain yield at 6- or 12-inchrow spacing at test sites in Moro andPendleton, Oregon. These locations receiveabout 11 and 16 inches of annual precipita-tion, respectively.

Plant the seed at a depth of 1.5 to2.5 inches. Packing the soil after seedingimproves seed-to-soil contact and seed

Illustration courtesy of the International Crops Research Institute forthe Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), www.icrisat.org/text/coolstuff/crops/gcrops5.html#top


Table 4. Potassium fertilizer rates forchickpea based on a soil test.

Soil test K K2O application rate

(ppm)1 (lb/acre)2

0 to 50 8050 to 75 60more than 75 01Sodium acetate-extractable K in the 0- to 12-inchdepth2K2O x 0.83 = K, or K x 1.20 = K2O

Table 5. Sulfur fertilizer rates forchickpea based on a soil test.

Soil test S S application(0 to 12 inches) rate

(ppm SO4-S) (ppm S) (lb/acre)

0 to 10 0 to 4 20over 10 over 4 0

Table 3. Phosphorus fertilizer rates for chickpea based on a soil test.

Soil test P (ppm) Application rate(0 to 12 inches)1 (lb/acre)2

NaOAc Bray 1 NaHCO3 P2O5 P

0 to 2 0 to 20 0 to 8 60 262 to 3 20 to 30 8 to 10 40 183 to 4 30 to 40 10 to 14 20 9over 4 over 40 over 14 0 01There are three different procedures to determine soil test P: sodium acetate (NaOAc), Bray 1 method, or sodiumbicarbonate (NaHCO3). Do not use the sodium bicarbonate method on soils with pH values less than 6.2. Use the columnindicated by your soil test report.2P2O5 x 0.44 = P, or P x 2.29 = P2O5.

germination rate. Packing also reduces headerlosses by leveling the soil surface and allowingthe combine header to be lowered closer tothe ground.

Fertilizer and limeResearch on the fertility needs of

chickpeas was conducted at the ColumbiaBasin Agricultural Research Center in 2002and 2003. The limited amount of informationgenerated indicates that chickpeas are mini-mally responsive to fertilization with nitrogen(N), phosphorus (P), sulfur (S), or zinc (Zn)under the conditions of the trials.

Nitrogen requirements for chickpea arenot well defined, because the crop can fix

its own nitrogen from the air. Nitrogenfertilization seldom increases yield or qualityunless soil test values in the top foot of soil arevery low. Some growers add 15 to 30 poundsof N prior to planting or at planting toenhance seedling development. High Nfertility can inhibit nodulation and cropnitrogen fixation. Suggested fertilizer sourcesinclude ammonium sulfate (21-0-0-24) tosupply both N and S and ammonium phos-phate-sulfate (16-20-0-14) to supply N, P,and S.

Chickpea, like other pulse crops, requiresphosphorus, potassium (K), and micronutri-ents for growth. Tables 3, 4, and 5 are fertilizerguides developed by the University of Idaho

Source of Tables 3, 4, and 5: Robert L. Mahler. Northern Idaho Fertilizer Guide. University of Idaho, College of Agriculture.Cooperative Extension System, Agricultural Experiment Station. CIS 826 (revised).

8 Dryland Cropping Systems

and Washington State University for growersin the Palouse region of northern Idaho andeastern Washington. Eastern Oregon growerscan use this information to make decisions onfertilizer applications.

Fertilizer can be broadcast, banded, ordrilled with seed. Broadcast applications of Pmay need to be at a slightly higher rate thanbanded applications, as P has little soilmobility. Do not let fertilizer contact seed,especially if the fertilizer contains nitrogen orpotassium. Chickpea is sensitive to the salts innitrogen and potassium fertilizers. If you needto make large applications, apply fertilizersbefore or during seedbed preparation to avoidsalt effects.

Chickpea plants need adequate amountsof sulfur to help them fix atmospheric nitro-gen. Do not use elemental forms of sulfur.Elemental sulfur must be converted to sulfate-sulfur by soil bacteria before plants can take upthe sulfur. Using the sulfate form, such asammonium sulfate or ammonium phosphate-sulfate, allows plants to readily take up sulfatewithout the need for bacterial conversion ofelemental sulfur to sulfate. The use of elemen-tal sulfur also increases soil acidity (lowers soilpH).

Make boron and molybdenum applica-tions as needed, based on soil tests or personalexperience. Use 1 to 2 pounds of boron peracre if soil tests show boron levels below0.5 ppm. Always broadcast boron (never bandit), because it is toxic if placed too near theseed. In northern Idaho, growers add an ounceof molybdenum per acre if soil pH is less than5.7. Molybdenum typically is applied as a seedtreatment.

Consider liming soil to a pH of 6.0 if pHfalls below 5.3. Low soil pH leads to reducedyields.

Weed managementField selection and preparation:

Chickpea is not competitive with weeds.Weed problems have proven to be a majorconstraint to successful chickpea production,so weed management measures must beplanned and implemented carefully.

Perhaps one of the most importantconsiderations is an assessment of the historyof weed infestations on a field before plantingchickpea. Avoid fields containing large weedseed reserves in the soil due to recent or pastweed problems, particularly if broadleaf weedshave been the problem. Planting chickpeas ina field with a history of broadleaf weedproblems such as Russian thistle, pricklylettuce, various mustard species, commonlambsquarters, various nightshade species,and/or mayweed chamomile (dog fennel) mostlikely will result in unmanageable weedproblems in the chickpea crop.

Weed problems also can be reduced bydistributing previous crop residues as evenly aspossible to prevent interception of preplantherbicides and to encourage uniform, vigorousemergence of chickpea plants. Also, a preplantor preemergence application of glyphosate canhelp control seedling weeds and volunteercereals that emerge just prior to chickpeagermination. Appropriate glyphosate applica-tion timing prior to crop emergence is impor-tant to prevent crop injury.

Grass weed control: A number ofselective herbicides are available to controlgrass weeds such as downy brome, wild oat,jointed goatgrass, and volunteer cereals. Theavailability of registered herbicide products forselective grass weed management is one of thebenefits of growing chickpea in a dryland croprotation.

An application of sethoxydim (Poast) orquizalofop (Assure II) can be made to activelygrowing grass weeds at an appropriate stage ofweed and crop growth as specified on theherbicide label. These herbicides are foliaractive, so the herbicide must contact growingweed plant tissue. If the chickpea crop canopyprevents herbicides from contacting seedlinggrass foliage, herbicides are less effective.Specific recommendations for applicationrates and timing can be obtained on theproduct labels and from the PNW WeedManagement Handbook (pnwpest.org/pnw/weeds?15W_LEGL06.dat).

Broadleaf weed control: Several preplantor preemergence herbicides are available for


general weed control in chickpea includingtrifluralin (Treflan) and pendimethalin(Prowl), both of which require soil incorpora-tion. Preplant-incorporated herbicides canprovide effective control of many broadleafand grass weeds, but the need for soil incorpo-ration limits herbicide options in direct-seededchickpea. Imazethapyr (Pursuit) and otherherbicides are registered for use preemergenceor preplant incorporated for general weedcontrol. See the PNW Weed ManagementHandbook for a complete list of currentlyregistered products for chickpea.

Broadleaf weeds, including Russian thistleand prickly lettuce, have proven to be particu-larly troublesome in direct-seeded chickpea.General weed control in noncrop areas aroundfield perimeters and along fencerows can behelpful at eliminating seed sources for theseproblem weeds. Metribuzin (Sencor) appliedas one component of a preemergence herbi-cide program can be partially effective againstthese weeds if infestations are not severe. Ifweeds are present at time of harvest, a desicca-tion treatment of paraquat (Gramoxone) isregistered for use as a harvest aid.

Foliar diseasesAscochyta blight: The fungus Ascochyta

rabiei, also known as Didymella rabiei or Phomarabiei, causes lesions to occur on all above-ground parts of the chickpea plant. Ascochytablight is the foliar disease having the greatestpotential to destroy chickpea crops. Symptomsinclude yellowing of infected plant parts andelongated, sunken, dark lesions on stems,leaves, and pods. The lesions weaken leafstems and branches, causing them to drop offthe plant. The pathogen is spread on seed andby rain splash, wind, infested residue, andvolunteer plants. Cool, wet weather enhancesinfection and spreads the disease epidemic.

Ascochyta blight is controlled by acombination of genetic resistance and crophusbandry. Planting certified, disease-free seedof resistant varieties is critical to preventingand controlling the spread of Ascochytablight. Chickpea should be planted only once

in 3 to 5 years on the same field. Beforeplanting, treat seed with a fungicide such asthiabendazole (TBZ or LSP). Monitor thecrop and, if necessary, apply a foliar fungicidesuch as pyraclostrobin (Headline) orchlorothalonil (Bravo).

If a crop shows symptoms of Ascochytablight, it is very important to destroy allinfested residue after harvest and to kill allvolunteer plants. Infested residue can allowspores of the pathogen to be released for up to3 years. Inversion tillage that buries all residueis effective for breaking the disease cycle.

Recently, the available Ascochyta blight-resistant varieties have been showing moresymptoms of the disease as new pathotypesoccur. Other resistant varieties are beingdeveloped, but the current resistant varietiesstill reduce disease severity and are valuablefor disease control. All chickpea crops shouldbe closely monitored for Ascochyta blightsymptoms, especially when cool, moist, andrainy weather has occurred in the previous fewweeks.

Bacterial blight: The bacteriumPseudomonas syringae causes small, water-soaked lesions on leaves, pods, and stems. Thelesions grow together and turn brown. Lesionsmay completely girdle stems or individualleaves, causing wilting and dying of the entirestem or leaf above the lesion. Damage can beextensive during very moist weather. Plantcertified, disease-free seed to minimize bacte-rial blight.

Fusarium wilt: Fusarium oxysporum is asoil-borne fungus that causes leaves to yellowand plants to become stunted. Roots looknormal, but plants wilt and die. Affectedplants often are scattered across the fieldrather than occurring in patches. Cutting thestem diagonally with a knife reveals yellow,orange-brown, or reddish streaks in thevascular tissue. Fusarium wilt is controlled bylong rotations (4 to 5 years between chickpeacrops) and, if available, by planting varietieswith genetic resistance.

Phoma blight: The fungus Phomamedicaginis causes foot rot and black stem

10 Dryland Cropping Systems

lesions, often below the soil surface. Plantcertified, disease-free seed to minimize Phomablight.

Sclerotinia stem rot (or white mold):The fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum causes whitefungal growth on older individual plants,particularly when the spring is cool and wet.The disease seldom causes economic damageto chickpea in areas with low summer rainfallunless the crop is irrigated. Sclerotinia stemrot can be controlled by planting chickpeaafter one or more cereal crops rather thanimmediately following another broadleaf crop.If Sclerotinia stem rot occurs, all residueshould be buried after harvest.

Viruses: Viruses that infect green pea mayinfect chickpea. Viruses that cause distinctsymptoms on green pea, allowing the diseaseto be identified visually, generally are indis-tinct and more difficult or impossible toidentify visually on chickpea. Aphids transmitviruses that infect chickpea.

The most important viral diseases inOregon are stunt (bean leaf roll virus) andyellowing (pea enation mosaic virus). Otherdiseases include mosaic (alfalfa mosaic virus),necrosis (pea streak virus), and an unnameddisease caused by red clover vein mosaic.

Viruses that are “persistent” in the aphidhost cause stunt and yellowing. These virusespersist inside the aphid and require activefeeding intervals to be effectively transmittedinto new plants. The virus can be transmittedinto new plants over repeated feeding periods.Bean leaf roll virus causes a yellowing orreddening of the leaf margin, upward curlingof the leaf margin, stunting, and phloemdiscoloration. Pea enation mosaic virus causesyellowing of foliage and twisting of the seedpod.

Viruses that are “nonpersistent” in theaphid cause mosaic, necrosis, and the diseaseby red clover mosaic virus. These virusesadhere to the outside of the aphid stylet andmay be transmitted when the aphid styletprobes a cell on the chickpea plant. Transmis-sion of the virus does not require activefeeding by the aphid. Alfalfa mosaic viruscauses very indistinct symptoms, including

yellowing, stunting, and plant death. Peastreak virus also causes yellowing of foliage,wilting of the terminal tip, phloem discolora-tion, and plant death, particularly whenseedlings are infected. Red clover vein mosaicvirus causes mosaic symptoms, yellowing andbronzing of leaves, distortion of leaves, severestunting, and proliferation of axillary buds(rosetting). Yield loss can be 100 percent if redclover vein mosaic virus infects chickpea atthe prebloom stage.

Minimizing the level of crop infestationby virus-carrying aphids can control virusdiseases.

Root diseasesSeedling damping-off and root-disease

complex: Soil-borne fungal pathogens gener-ally act together to cause complex diseasesrather than a single disease. Two to fivepathogens commonly are identified in thechickpea root-rot complex. Each pathogenmay cause seed rot, seedling damping-off, orroot rot. Components of the complex mayinclude the following pathogens and diseases:Aphanomyces euteiches (Aphanomyces rootrot), Fusarium solani (black root rot), Rhizocto-nia solani (wet root rot), Pythium species(Pythium damping-off and root rot), andThielaviopsis basicola (black streak root rot).

The complex may reduce emergence androot branching and elongation, and may causelight- to dark-colored lesions on the rootsurface. Lesions may be either dry or wet andeither sunken or superficial. Economic damageis greatest when the root-disease complex iscombined with drought, impediments to deeprooting, or other stress factors.

Kabuli-type chickpea varieties have a verythin seed coat that lacks the phenolic com-pounds that resist infection by soil fungi.Kabuli chickpea, therefore, is particularlysusceptible to infection by soil-borne patho-genic fungi. Desi chickpea has a thick seedcoat containing phenolic mold inhibitors,causing it to be more resistant to seedlinginfection.

Damage from the root-disease complexcan be minimized but not controlled. The


root-disease complex is best managed bytreating seed with a mixture of fungicides(Table 2), by creating seedbed conditions thatfavor rapid seed germination and seedlingemergence, and by planting Kabuli and Desichickpeas at soil temperatures above 50°F and45°F, respectively. Chickpea is most prone todamage when planted into soils with pHvalues below 6.5, into poorly drained sites, orinto fields immediately following anotherpulse crop.

Plant-parasitic nematodes: Pratylenchusthornei and P. neglectus (lesion nematodes) arepresent in many nonirrigated fields and mayreduce root branching and elongation ofchickpea. The lesions they create destroy theouter layers of tissue, causing roots to benarrower. Lesion nematodes may occur incomplexes with root-rotting fungi, makingdiagnosis difficult. Lesion nematodes attack awide variety of crop species and are difficult tomanage with crop rotations. If necessary, cropssuch as safflower and flax can be used toreduce lesion nematode populations beforeplanting susceptible crops.

Disease controlUse a combination of control measures to

limit development of foliar and root diseases.These practices include the following.• Plant certified, disease-free seed.• Plant varieties with genetic resistance, if

available.• Treat seeds with a mixture of protective

fungicides.• Use long rotations with chickpea crops

separated by 4 or 5 years.• Do not plant chickpea immediately after

another pulse crop.• Avoid planting chickpea in fields that are

poorly drained or acidic (pH < 6.5).• Assure good fertility for seedling establish-

ment, and try to avoid mixing fertilizer withthe seed in the drill box.

• Monitor the crop and apply a fungicide tothe foliage, if necessary, to controlAscochyta blight.

• Bury all plant residue that exhibitedsymptoms of Ascochyta blight.

InsectsThe leaves, stems, and pods of chickpea

plants are heavily pubescent (hairy), and theglandular hairs secrete acids that are objec-tionable to insects. This natural protectivemechanism is effective in controlling someinsect pests of chickpea.

Cutworms, cabbage loopers, and army-worms cause damage in some years and requireinsecticide treatment.

See the PNW Insect Management Hand-book for registered insecticides to control thesepests.

Harvesting and storageSeed color is of utmost importance to

buyers. They prefer a light yellowish-creamcolor as opposed to greenish or brown seeds, somonitor seed color carefully.

Harvesting can be accomplished by eitherdirect combining the crop or swathing beforecombining, depending on uniformity ofmaturity. Swath when most of the plants areyellow and pods appear nearly matured. Toreduce seed loss, swath at night or at dawnwhen plants are slightly damp. When thevines, pods, and seeds in the windrow havedried down to about 13 percent moisturecontent, the crop is ready to combine.

Adjust screen sizes and concave clearancewhen combining to accommodate larger seeds.Adjust cylinder and fan speeds to obtainundamaged seeds and best separation, startingat the lowest speed and increasing speed asnecessary. Chickpeas are prone to shatter andheader harvesting losses. Using sickle sectionsequipped with double-density knife guards cansubstantially reduce losses. Attachments thatextend knife finger length and headersequipped with air-reels also have beenshown to reduce seed loss. Harvesting lossesof less than 100 lb/acre, equivalent to abouttwo seeds/sq ft, are achievable with properequipment selection.

Store seeds at a moisture content of 10 to12 percent to prevent disease and insectoutbreaks.

12 Dryland Cropping Systems

Yield potential and marketsTable 6 presents yield data from Moro and

Pendleton, Oregon, and Moscow, Idaho.Grain yields are influenced by the croppingsystem primarily due to influences on soilmoisture. Grain yields generally are lowerunder a recrop situation than after fallow.

In recent years, the price of chickpeas hasdeclined along with declining pea prices.Market outlook shows potential if properlydeveloped. India, Pakistan, Spain, and Algeriaare major importing countries. Others includeItaly, Iran, Lebanon, and Libya. Spain andItaly purchase premium-quality Kabuli types,while India and Pakistan demand both Kabuliand Desi types.

Table 6. Grain yields for chickpea varieties in Oregon and Idaho.

Pendleton, OR2 Moro, OR3 Moscow, ID OverallVariety/selection Type1 2002 2003 2002 2003 2002 2003 2-year average

lb/acreDwelley K 302 848 588 923 2,070 1,181 985Evans K 400 766 588 923 1,870 1,250 966Myles D 1,011 1,060 880 840 2,180 1,437 1,235Sanford K 388 863 648 830 1,750 1,287 961Sierra K 401 867 656 745 2,420 1,389 1,080Spanish White K — — — — 2,050 1,381 1,716UC 27 K — — — — 2,520 1,476 1,998CA99901604W K 539 694 703 730 — 1,401 8131Type: K=Kabuli, D=Desi2Recrop situation3Fallow situation

Source: Machado, S.C. Humphreys, B. Tuck, and M. Corp. 2003. Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center,Oregon State University, unpublished data. Also, Guy, S. and Y. Wu. 2003. University of Idaho.


For more informationOSU Extension publicationsPacific Northwest Insect Management Handbook

(revised annually). $35Pacific Northwest Plant Disease Management

Handbook (revised annually). $35Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook

(revised annually). $35To order copies of these publications, send

the complete title, along with a check ormoney order for the amount listed (payable toOregon State University), to:

Publication OrdersExtension & Station CommunicationsOregon State University422 Kerr AdministrationCorvallis, OR 97331-2119Fax: 541-737-0817Other publications in the Dryland

Cropping Systems set:Lupin, EM 8834-E (2003)Safflower, EM 8792 (2002)Sudangrass, EM 8793 (2002)Grain Sorghum, EM 8794 (2002)Dryland Alfalfa, EM 8795 (2002)Edible Mustard, EM 8796 (2002)

These publications are available online ateesc.oregonstate.edu, or contact one of thefollowing county offices of the OSU Exten-sion Service: Baker, Clackamas, Crook,Gilliam, Jefferson, Josephine, Klamath, Linn,Malheur, Marion, Morrow, Sherman, Umatilla,Union, Wallowa, Wasco, Yamhill

World Wide WebOSU chickpea research information is

available at the OSU Dryland Croppingsystems Web site at www.cerealcentral.com. Detailed chickpea research results areavailable there.

BibliographyAgricultural Research Update. 1999. MSU

Eastern Agricultural Research Center,North Dakota State University, WillistonResearch Extension Center, RegionalReport No. 5.

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© 2004 Oregon State University

This publication was produced and distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914. Exten-sion work is a cooperative program of Oregon State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Oregon counties.

Oregon State University Extension Service offers educational programs, activities, and materials—without discriminationbased on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, marital status, disability, or disabled veteran or Vietnam-era veteran status. Oregon State University Extension Service is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Published July 2002. Revised January 2004.

Pumphrey, F.V., T.R. Toll, and B.L. Klepper.1985. Edible legume seed yield use. In1985 Columbia Basin Agricultural Research,SR 738. Oregon State University,Corvallis, OR.

Siemens, M.C., M.K. Corp, and R.F. Correa.2002. Effects of header modifications ongarbanzo bean harvesting losses. In 2002Columbia Basin Agricultural Research CenterAnnual Report, SR 1040, pp. 37–43.Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.

Wiese, M.V., W.J. Kaiser, L.J. Smith, andF.J. Muehlbauer. 1995. Ascochyta Blight ofChickpea. University of Idaho College ofAgriculture, CIS 886 (revised).

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