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  • 8/10/2019 Chartier_Paper.doc



    By Roger Chartier

    cole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris) and University of


    Kant raised the uestion in !"#" in his Science of Right1. His ans$er

    distinguished %et$een t$o natures of any %oo&. 'n the one hand a %oo&

    is an opus mechanicum* an +roduct of ,echanical art and a ,aterial

    (krperlich*) o%-ect $hich can %e re+roduced %y anyone $ho is in the

    rightful +ossession of a co+y. 'n the other hand a %oo& is a discourse

    addressed to the +u%lic %y its author or %y the +u%lisher $ho has received

    a ,andate given %y the author and $ho is authoried for s+ea&ing in the

    author/s na,e. 0t is the a%sence of such a mandatum* $ho ,ade illegal

    the unauthoried (i.e. +irated) editions of %oo&s +rinted %y +u%lishers $ho

    $ere not entitled %y the author to address their $riting to the +u%lic.

    1t the end of the eighteenth2century in the conte3t of the de%ate

    over the +ro+erty rights of $riters and +u%lishers Kant fra,ed in a legal

    and -uridical language the a,%ivalence of the %oo& $hich $as e3+ressed

    ,eta+horically one hundred years earlier. 1round !456 1lonso 78ctor de

    Paredes $ho $as co,+ositor and then +rinter in Sevilla and 9adrid

    e3+ressed the dou%le nature of the %oo& 2 as ,aterial o%-ect and as

    discourse 2 than&s to an original i,age. He turned u+side do$n the

    classical ,eta+hor $hich descri%ed the hu,an %ody or face as a %oo& as

    for e3a,+le in Romeo and Juliet or Richard the Second and he

    considered not the hu,an %eing as a %oo& %ut the %oo& as a hu,an

    creature : Asimilo yo un libro a la fbrica de un hombre* 0 co,+are a

    %oo& to the ,a&ing of a ,an*. Both the %oo& and the ,an have a

    rational soul (anima racional*) and a %ody $hich ,ust %e elegant

    handso,e and har,onious (un cuerpo galan, hermoso, y apacible*). ;he

    soul of the %oo& is not only the te3t as it $as i,agined $ritten or dictated

    !0,,anuel Kant Metaphysik der Sitten (!"#") in Kant esammelte Schriften (!#6ruyter !#45 7olu,e 70 ++.

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    %y his author the buena doctrina* it is this te3t given in a acertada

    disposici"n* an adeuate +resentationod created

    hu,an nature in the sa,e ,anner than a +rinter +rints a %oo&. 0n !4"F

    9elchor de Ca%rera Gue de >u,an $ho $as la$yer in the Royal

    Council of the King of S+ain +u%lished a +a,+hlet $hich ai,ed at +roving

    that +rinting $as not a ,echanical trade %ut a li%eral art $hich deserved

    the rene$al of the Iscal +rivileges and e3e,+tions granted to the ,aster

    +rinters the correctors the co,+ositors or the +ress,en@. or Ca%rera

    ,an&ind is one of the si3 %oo&s $ritten %y >od. ;he other ones are the

    #ea$en co,+ared to an i,,ense chart of $hich the stars are the

    al+ha%et the %orld itself $hich is a universal li%rary or co,+endiu,*

    enco,+assing the entire Creation the Boo& of &ife$hich has the for,at

    of a register containing all the na,es of the disci+les of Christ 'hrist

    hi,self $ho is %oth an e(emplar* to %e co+ied and e(emplum* to %e

    follo$ed and the Irst of all the %oo&s the )irgin $hose creation $as

    decided even %efore the creation of the =orld in the Mente *i$ina* in

    the Divine 9ind. Manis the only %oo& +rinted %y >od : >od +ut his i,age

    and seal on the +ress in order that the co+y $ould %e true to $hat it had

    to %e* and he desired to re-oice hi,self $ith a great nu,%er and a great

    variety of co+ies of his ,ysterious 'riginal*.

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    or Paredes $hen he descri%es his art for Ca%rera $hen he -ustiIes

    the +rivileges of the +rinters or for don Oui3ote $hen he visits a +rinting2

    sho+ in Barcelona te3tual +roduction is a ,aterial +rocess $hich involves

    +laces ,achines and $or&ers. Bet$een the authors genius and the

    ca+acity of the reader* as $rote 9o3onF a ,ulti+licity of technical

    o+erations deInes the +rocess of +u%lication as a +rocess in $hich the

    te3tuality of the o%-ect and the ,ateriality of the te3t4 cannot %e


    or a long ti,e ho$ever in the =estern tradition the inter+retation

    of te3ts $hether they $ere canonical or not $as se+arated fro, the

    analysis of the technical and social conditions of their +u%lication and

    circulation. ;here are ,any reasons for this dissociation : the +er,anence

    of the o++osition %et$een the +urity of the idea and its corru+tion %y the

    ,atter"the invention of co+yright that esta%lished the author/s +ro+erty

    on a te3t considered as al$ays identical to hi, $hatever the for, of its

    +u%lication5 or the triu,+h of an aesthetics that -udged $or&s

    inde+endently of their dierent and successive ,aterialities#.

    Parado3ically the t$o critical a++roaches that have %rought to %ear

    the ,ost sustained attention to the ,aterial ,odalities of the inscri+tion

    of the $ritten $ord have reinforced rather than co,%atted this +rocess of

    te3tual a%straction. Bi%liogra+hy has ,o%ilied the rigorous study of the

    various states of the sa,e $or& (editions issues co+ies) in order to Ind

    an ideal te3t +uriIed of alterations inQicted through the +rocess of

    +u%lication and su++osedly in confor,ity $ith the te3t $ritten dictated or

    drea,ed of %y the author!6. Hence $ithin a disci+line dedicated al,ost

    Fose+h 9o3on Mechanick 0(ercises on the %hole Art of -rinting 31456789 Edited %yHer%ert Davis and Harry Carter Mondon '3ford University Press !#F5 ++. ?!!2raia et Peter Stally%rass ;he 9ateriality of the Sha&es+earean ;e3t*Shakespeare :uartely 7olu,e @@ Gu,%er ? !##? ++.

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    e3clusively to the co,+arison of +rinted o%-ects the o%session for lost

    ,anuscri+ts and the radical distinction %et$een the essence of the $or&

    and the accidents that have defor,ed or altered it.

    ;he deconstructionist a++roach for its +art has forcefully insisted

    on the ,ateriality of $riting and the dierent for,s of the inscri+tion of

    the language!!. But in its eorts to a%olish or to shift the ,ost i,,ediate

    o++ositions (%et$een orality and $riting %et$een the s+eech acts and

    the re+roduci%ility of $riting) such an a++roach has +ro+osed

    enco,+assing conce+tual categories (archi2$riting* itera%ility*) that

    divert fro, the +ossi%le +erce+tion of the eects +roduced %y the

    e,+irical dierences that they are eacing.

    1gainst such an a%straction of discourse it is necessary to recall that

    the +roduction not only of %oo&s %ut funda,entally of te3ts the,selves

    is a collective +rocess that i,+lies dierent ,o,ents dierent

    techniues and dierent interventions : that of the %oo& +u%lisher the

    ,aster +rinter the co+y editors the co,+ositors the +roofreaders. ;he

    transactions %et$een the $or&s and the social $orld do not consist then

    only in the aesthetic and sy,%olic a++ro+riation of o%-ects of languages

    and of rituals or daily +ractices as the Ge$ Historicis,* ,ight $ish! +ntroduction to ?ibliography '3ford 1tthe Clarendon Press !#"

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    to its readers or listeners!?. ;his dou%le and often contradictory +erce+tion

    of te3ts divides %oth literary criticis, +hilological critiue and editorial

    +ractices o++osing t$o +ositions.

    or so,e +hilologists for e3a,+le ean Bollac&!@or rancisco Rico!F

    it is necessary to recover the te3t as its author co,+osed it i,agined it

    desired it ,ending the $ounds inQicted u+on it as ,uch %y ,anuscri+t

    trans,ission as %y the co,+osition and +rinting in the +rinting sho+. 0t is

    a uestion then of confronting the various states of the te3t in order to

    recu+erate the $or& that the author has $ritten or $ished to $rite and

    that the +rinted %oo& has defor,ed or %etrayed.

    or others for e3a,+le the ,ost recent Sha&es+earean critiues

    the for,s in $hich a $or& has %een +u%lished* constitute its dierent

    historical incarnations. 1ll the states of a te3t even the ,ost inconsistent

    and the ,ost %iarre should %e understood and eventually +u%lished

    since they are the $or& as it has %een trans,itted to its readers or

    s+ectators. ;he uest for a te3t that e3isted outside of its ,aterialities is

    therefore futile. Editing a $or& is not an atte,+t to Ind an i,+ossi%le

    ideal co+y te3t* %ut to e3+lain the +reference given to one or another of

    its versions as $ell as the choices ,ade %y tradition or the conte,+orary

    editor as to the lay2out the divisions of the te3t its +unctuation or its

    ty+ogra+hic and orthogra+hic for,s!4.

    1 sa,e tension %et$een the i,,ateriality of the $or& and the

    ,ateriality of the te3t characteries the relationshi+ of the readers $ith

    !? David Scott Kastan Shakespeare and the ?ook Ca,%ridge Ca,%ridge UniversityPress

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    their %oo&s even $hen they are neither critics nor editors. 0n a lecture

    delivered in !#"5 titled 0l libro* orge Muis Borges states: 0 have thought

    a%out $riting a history a%out %oo&s*. But i,,ediately he se+arates

    radically this history of %oo&s* fro, all consideration of the ,aterial

    for,s of the $ritten $ord: 0 a, not interested in the +hysical as+ect of

    %oo&s (es+ecially not the %oo&s of %i%lio+hiles that are ha%itually $ithout

    any ,easure) %ut rather in the various $ays acording to $hich the %oo&

    $as considered*!". or hi, $or&s that for, the heritage of hu,anity are

    irreduci%le to the series of o%-ects that have trans,itted the, to readers

    or listeners. ;hen a Platonist* Borges.

    1nd yet. =hen in the frag,ent of auto%iogra+hy he dictated to

    Gor,an ;ho,as di >iovani the sa,e Borges recalls his encounter $ith

    one of the %oo&s of his life *on :ui(ote it is the o%-ect itself that Irst

    co,es to his ,ind: 0 still recall the red %inding and the titles in gold

    lettering of the >arnier edition. ;here ca,e a day $hen ,y father/s li%rary

    $as dis+ersed and $hen 0 read *on :ui(otein another edition 0 had the

    feeling that it $as not the real *on :ui(ote. Mater a friend o%tained for ,e

    the >arnier edition $ith the sa,e illustrations the sa,e footnotes and the

    sa,e errata. or ,e all these things $ere +art of the %oo& for ,e it $as

    the real *on :ui(ote*!5. ;he story $ritten %y Cervantes $ill %e forever for

    Borges this co+y of one of the editions that the >arnier e3+orted to the

    S+anish2s+ea&ing $orld and $hich $as the reading of a reader $ho $as

    still a child. ;he Platonist +rinci+le counts for little $hen confronted %y the

    +rag,atic recall of ,e,ory.

    ;he contradiction set forth %y Borges hel+s us thin& that the conQict

    %et$een Platonis,* and +rag,aticis,* is +erha+s a false uarrel. 1

    $or& is al$ays a++ro+riated read or heard in one of its +articular states.

    =ith regard to ti,es and genres their variations are ,ore or less

    i,+ortant and concern se+arately or si,ultaneously the ,ateriality of

    the o%-ect the s+elling or the literality of the te3t itself. But eually

    !" orge Muis Borge El li%ro* in ?orges oral 9adrid 1liana Editorial !##5 ++. #2

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    al$ays nu,erous discourses (+hiloso+hical aesthetic -udicial) try to

    reduce this diversity %y +ostulating the e3istence of a $or& identical to

    itself inde+endently of its for,. 0n the =est Geo2Platonis, Kantian

    esthetics and the deInition of co+yright $ere the ,ost +o$erful

    contri%utions to the construction of this ideal te3t that readers recognie

    inevita%ly in each of its +articular states.

    0n !"#! ichte has given a ne$ for,ulation to such tension. He

    fra,ed a distinction not only %et$een the +hysical (krperlich*) and

    ideal (geistig*) as+ects of a %oo& %ut also $ithin the te3t itself %et$een

    the ideas and the for, given to the, %y the author. ;he ideas are the

    ,aterial (materiell*) as+ect of the $or& its content. Universal %y their

    nature their destination and their utility the ideas cannot %e the o%-ect of

    any +ersonal +ro+erty. ;he only legiti,acy for such o$nershi+ derived

    fro, the for, in $hich the ideas $hich are as a co,,on ,aterial are

    e3+ressed : each individual has his o$n thought +rocesses his o$n $ay

    of for,ing conce+ts and connecting the, L...N Hence each $riter ,ust

    give is thoughts a certain for, and he can give the, no other for, than

    his o$n %ecause he has no other. But neither can he %e $illing to hand

    over this for, in ,a&ing his thoughts +u%lic for no one can a++ro+riate

    his thoughts $ithout there%y altering their for,. ;his latter thus re,ains

    forever his e3clusive +ro+erty*!#*. ;hus +arado3ically it is only %y

    se+arating the te3ts fro, any ,ateriality either the +hysical reality of the

    %oo& as o%-ect or the ,ateriality* of the ideas as collective re+ertoire

    that they could %e considered and o$ned as $ere the real estates.

    Gevertheless literary $or&s +hiloso+hical discourse and -uridical

    categories re,ind us of the ,aterial o+erations that contri%ute to the

    collective +roduction not only of the %oo&s %ut of the te3ts the,selves.

    ;hey %eco,e co,,odities +ro+osed to their readers only than&s to the

    +er,anent negotiations %et$een the intellectual and aesthetic deInitions

    of the $or& and the +rosaic $orld of +ens and +resses in& and ty+es

    !#ohann >ottlie% ichte ?e>eis der EnrechtmIssigkeit der ?chernadrucks. 0inRIsonnement und eine -arabel !"#!. rag,ents of ichte/s essay are translated and

    co,,ented %y 9artha =ood,ansee !he Author, Art, and the Market. Rereading the#istory of Aesthetics o+. cit. ++. F!2F? and %y Bernard Edel,an &e Sacre de lauteurParis Editions du Seuil

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    co+ysts and co,+ositors. 0n this +rocess $hat is at sta&e is not only the

    circulation of social energy %ut ,ore funda,entally the ,odes of

    inscri+tion of te3tual vitality and not only the co,+etitions characteristic

    of the %oo&2trade %ut also the ,eaning of the $or&s.

    0n this sense a closer relation %et$een history of the %oo& and

    intellectual history or literary criticis, does not invert the inherited

    hierarchies %y granting +rivilege to the ,ateriality of sy,%olic +roductions

    at the e3+ense of their inter+retation. 1s ose+h Meo Koerner has o%served

    focussing attention on the ,odalities of te3tual inscri+tion ,ight %e a

    $ay of saving the soul %y loo&ing at ,aterial %ut Inding it haunted %y

    su%-ectivity*such a +lurality of ,eanings can %e fully achieved only if $e are a%le to

    retrieve in all their singularity and dierences the conce+tual categories

    and ,aterial for,s that gave to any te3t canonical or not its successive

    historical identities.

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    ;radu[\o ,ec]nica

    Kant levantou a questo em 1797, em sua cincia do direito. Sua resposta a distino entreduas natureas de qualquer livro. !or um lado, um livro " um #mec$anicum opus#, um

    produto da arte mec%nica e material '(rperlic$#) o*+eto que pode ser reproduido porqualquer pessoa que este+a na posse le-tima de uma cpia. !or outro lado, um livro " umdiscurso diriido ao p/*lico pelo autor ou pela editora que ten$a rece*ido um mandato dado

    pelo autor e que est0 autoriado para alar em nome do autor. 2 a ausncia de um #mandatum#tal que e ileal as edi3es no autoriados &ie piratas) de livros impressos por editoras queno tin$am direito pelo autor para tratar a sua escrita para o p/*lico.

    o inal do s"culo , no conteto do de*ate so*re os direitos de propriedade de escritorese editores, Kant enquadrado em uma linuaem leal e +ur-dico a am*ivalncia do livro queoi epressa metaoricamente cem anos antes. !or volta de 168, :lonso -ctor de !aredes,que era compositor e impressora no Sevilla e ;adrid, epressa a dupla naturea do livro omeu e ?ulieta ou >ic$ard o seundo luar, e ele considerou, no o ser$umano como um livro, mas o livro como um ser $umano criatura@ #:similo Ao un li*ro de laB0*rica de un $om*re#, #=u comparo um livro para a ormao de um $omem#. Canto o livrocomo o $omem, tem uma alma racional anima racional#) e um corpo que deve ser eleante,

    *onito e $armonioso alan cuerpo un, $ermoso, A apaci*le#). : alma do livro no " apenas oteto como oi imainado, escrito ou ditada por seu autor, o #*uena doctrina#D " este tetodado em um #disposicin acertada#, uma apresentao adequada. Se o corpo -sico do livro "o produto do tra*al$o realiado pelos impressores ou os encadernadores, sua alma no "moldado apenas pela inveno do autor, mas tam*"m pelas decis3es tomadas pelasimpressoras, compositores ou revisores que tomam cuidar da pontuao, ortoraia, ou laA

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    do o*+eto e da materialidade do teto no podem ser separados.Eurante muito tempo, no entanto, na tradio ocidental, a interpretao de tetos, se eles eramcanNnicos ou no, oi separada da an0lise das condi3es t"cnicas e sociais de sua pu*licao ecirculao. O0 muitas ra3es para essa dissociao@ a permanncia da oposio entre a pureada ideia ea sua corrupo pela mat"ria, a inveno do autor que esta*eleceu a propriedade do

    autor so*re um teto considerado como sempre idntico a ele, qualquer que se+a a orma desua pu*licao, ou o triuno de uma est"tica que +ularam o*ras independentemente de suasmaterialidades dierentes e sucessivos.!aradoalmente, as duas a*ordaens cr-ticas que vieram a epressar a ateno mais sustentada

    para as modalidades materiais da inscrio da palavra escrita, em ve de ter reoradocom*atido esse processo de a*strao tetual. Mi*lioraia mo*iliou o rioroso estudo dev0rios estados de uma mesma o*ra &edi3es, edi3es, cpias), a im de encontrar um tetoideal, puriicado de altera3es provocadas pelo processo de pu*licao e, supostamente, emconormidade com o teto escrito, ditado, ou son$ado pelo autor. :ssim, dentro de umadisciplina dedicada quase que eclusivamente para a comparao dos o*+etos impressos, ao*sesso por manuscritos perdidos ea distino radical entre a essncia do tra*al$o e os

    acidentes que tm deormado ou alterados

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    pontuao, ou suas ormas tipor0icas e ortor0icas.: mesma tenso entre a imaterialidade do tra*al$o e da materialidade do teto caracteria arelao dos leitores com seus livros < mesmo quando eles no so nem cr-ticos, nem oseditores. =m uma palestra proerida em 1978, intitulado #=l li*ro#, ?ore uis Mores airma@#=u pensei em escrever uma $istria so*re livros#. ;as imediatamente ele separa

    radicalmente esta #$istria dos livros# de toda a considerao das ormas materiais da palavraescrita@ #=u no estou interessado no aspecto -sico de livros &especialmente no os livros de*i*liilos, que so $a*itualmente sem qualquer medida), mas em ve das v0rias maneirasmonitores seundo a qual o livro oi considerado #. !ara ele, as o*ras que comp3em o

    patrimNnio da $umanidade so irredut-veis J s"rie de o*+etos que ten$am transmitido

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    prprios tetos. =les tornaram