Chapter Three. 1. To draw forth 2. To stop; bring to an end 3. Orderly; systematic 4. Close; near (to something) 5. Able to be touched; having form and

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Page 1: Chapter Three. 1. To draw forth 2. To stop; bring to an end 3. Orderly; systematic 4. Close; near (to something) 5. Able to be touched; having form and


SKILLSChapter Three

Page 2: Chapter Three. 1. To draw forth 2. To stop; bring to an end 3. Orderly; systematic 4. Close; near (to something) 5. Able to be touched; having form and

MATCHING WORDS WITH DEFINITIONS1. To draw forth2. To stop; bring to an end3. Orderly; systematic4. Close; near (to something)5. Able to be touched; having form and matter6. No longer active or in use; out of date7. To increase or intensify8. Great praise or applause; enthusiastic

approval9. To hold the full attention of; absorb10. To use selfishly or unethically; take unfair

advantage of

Page 3: Chapter Three. 1. To draw forth 2. To stop; bring to an end 3. Orderly; systematic 4. Close; near (to something) 5. Able to be touched; having form and

SENTENCE CHECK ONEa. acclaim b. adjacent c. elicit d. engross e. escalatef. exploit g. methodical h. obsolete i. tangible j. terminate

1. A wedding ring is a(n) _____ expression of a couple’s commitment to each other.

2. If solar energy becomes as cheap and plentiful as sunshine, nuclear energy, which is expensive, may become _____.

3. With movies like Saving Private Ryan, Forrest Gump and Cast Away to his credit, actor Tom Hanks has won Oscars and the _____ of admiring critics.

4. Our house is _____ to one with a high wooden fence, so our view on that side is completely blocked.

5. The shouting match between Rose and her brother _____(e)d until it was so loud that the neighbors complained.

Page 4: Chapter Three. 1. To draw forth 2. To stop; bring to an end 3. Orderly; systematic 4. Close; near (to something) 5. Able to be touched; having form and

SENTENCE CHECK ONEa. acclaim b. adjacent c. elicit d. engross e. escalatef. exploit g. methodical h. obsolete i. tangible j. terminate

6. Sometimes an article I’m reading on the bus will _____ me so much that I’ll pass my stop.

7. When workers fell _____(e)d by their employers, they often go on strike for larger salaries and better working conditions.

8. Diana is very _____ about writing letters. She keeps her writing materials in one spot, makes a list of the people she owes letter to, and writes once a week.

9. When Luke was caught stealing money on the job, the company _____(e)d his employment and brought him up on criminal charges.

10. In one disturbing survey, the question “Which do you like better, TV or Daddy?” _____(e)d this response from a number of children: “TV.”

Page 5: Chapter Three. 1. To draw forth 2. To stop; bring to an end 3. Orderly; systematic 4. Close; near (to something) 5. Able to be touched; having form and

SENTENCE CHECK TWOa. acclaim b. adjacent c. elicit d. engross e. escalatef. exploit g. methodical h. obsolete i. tangible j. terminate

1-2. The gifted ice skater’s routine _____(e)d the audience. It was the epitome of grace and power combined. At the end, a long, rapid spin _____(e)d a burst of applause.

3-4. Although hand-crafted furniture is almost _____, mass production hasn’t yet _____(e)d all demand for it.

5-6. Workers want _____ rewards such as money and a pension, but they also welcome less concrete benefits, such as _____ for a job well done.

7-8. The more the British _____(e)d the American colonies by taxing them unfairly, the more the colonists’ animosity toward the British _____(e)d.

9-10. Patty’s _____ baking technique includes arranging all ingredients in a row, with each one _____ to the one that is used after it.

Page 6: Chapter Three. 1. To draw forth 2. To stop; bring to an end 3. Orderly; systematic 4. Close; near (to something) 5. Able to be touched; having form and

CHAPTER THREE FINAL EXAM WORD BANK acclaim adjacent elicit engross escalate

exploit methodical obsolete tangible terminate