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A. Research Type and Design

This research is a descriptive qualitative method. It is considered as qualitative

research since it is related to the study of socials. Creswell (1998:15) defines qualitative

research as an inquiry process of understanding a social or human problem, based on

building a complex, holistic picture, formed with words, reporting detailed views of

informants, and conducted in a natural setting. This research applies descriptive method

because the data of this research are collected and analyzed, and the results of the

analysis are written down; as Bogdan and Biklen (in Creswell 1994:171) states that

descriptive method is ‘collecting the qualitative data, analyzing it, and writing the


Another expert also defines what descriptive qualitative method is. According

to Sutopo (2002: 183) descriptive qualitative method is when in the process of

analyzing data, the researcher explains the problems of this research by using words.

This kind of the research can express more information punctually and accurately

descriptive with full of sense and art.

The design of this research is a single-case study. As stated by Creswell (1994,

p. 12), “the researcher explores a single phenomenon (the case) bounded by the time

and activity (a program, event, process, institution, or social group) and collects

detailed information by using a variety of data collection procedure during a sustained

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period of time.” Since this research only focuses on the gap of a case which has been

observed by other researchers before and it is only focus on one phenomenon, which

is analyzing the translation techniques and translation quality of the translation of

forensic pathology terms in the forms of noun and noun phrase in the subtitle of Bones:

Season 09, this research is included as single-case study research.

B. Data and Source of Data

➢ Data

The data of this research are forensic pathology terms in the forms of

noun and noun phrase which are collected from document data source; the

subtitle of Bones: Season 09 and also the information given by the


➢ Source of Data

According to Sutopo (2002), the source of data can be an informant,

an event, a place, or a document. The sources of data that I use in conducting

the research are informant and document in the forms of scores and


1. Document

The document for the data source in this research is the

subtitle of the movie or TV series entitled Bones which is created by

Elderman in English and its translation in Indonesian by Fralamp. I

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considered some reasons in choosing the movie subtitle as the

source of data, and the reasons are;

• The movie contains many forensic pathology terms;

• There are various translation techniques which are applied to

translate the forensic pathology terms in the forms of noun and

noun phrase and the techniques are necessary to be analyzed;

• There are some cases of changed terms in the target text due to

the application of the translation techniques.

2. Informants

The informants in this research are divided into three groups.

The first group contains one validator whose task is to validate the

data whether they are forensic pathology terms or not. The second

group contains three raters whose task is to assess the quality of the

translation of forensic pathology terms in the forms of noun and

noun phrase in terms of accuracy and acceptability. The third group

contains three respondents whose task is to assess the quality of the

translation of forensic pathology terms in the forms of noun and

noun phrase in terms of readability.

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C. Sampling Technique

This research applies purposive sampling technique in finding the source of

data and the appropriate informants. Moleong (2005:24) states that sampling is

gathering information as many as possible from many sources and constructions

This research focuses only on the part of the movie’s subtitle which contains

forensic pathology terms in the forms of noun and noun phrase. The chosen informants

are based on the certain criteria or requirements. Here is the list of the criteria for each

informant group:

1. Validator

The validator holds an important role for this research. The validator

is necessary to check whether the collected data are valid or not. However,

the validator has to be qualified in the following criteria;

• Mastering the knowledge of forensic science;

• Willing to be included in this research.

2. Raters

In this research, raters are necessary to assess the accuracy and the

acceptability of the translation of forensic pathology terms in the forms of

noun and noun phrase in the subtitle of Bones: Season 09. The raters are

demanded to fulfill the following criteria:

• Have the knowledge of forensic science;

• Masters both Indonesian and English language;

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• Willing to be included in this research.

3. Repondents

Respondents are necessary to assess the readability of the

translation. However, the respondents also have to fulfill some criteria,

which are:

• Having the hobby of watching and commenting movies;

• Masters the Indonesian language

• Willing to be included in this research

D. Method of Data Collection

The researcher applied some methods in collecting the data for the research.

They are:

1. Content Analysis

I apply as the first method in collecting the data. It is used to collect the

data in the form of words or phrases which belong the forensic pathology terms.

2. Focus Group Discussion

The second method that I used is focus group discussion (FGD). In the

FGD, I distribute questionnaires to the appropriate rater in order to get the

evaluations and commentaries for the translation in terms of accuracy and

acceptability through a discussion. The questionnaire contained the table scores

for assessing the accuracy and acceptability which are adapted from Nababan,

Nuraeni and Sumardiono (2012):

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Table 3.1. Table score for assessing accuracy

Table 3.2. Table score for assessing acceptability

3. Questionnaire

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The third method that I used was the questionnaire. The researcher

distributed the questionnaire to the respondents to assess the readability of the

translation. The questionnaire contains the table score for assessing readability

proposed by Nababan, Nuraeni and Sumardiono (2012):

Table 3.3. Table score for assessing readability

4. Interview

The last technique that I applied to collect the data is interview.

Interview was conducted on the validator and the respondents. As for the

validator, the interview was conducted in order to validate the data, whether

they are valid or not. For the respondents, the interview was conducted in order

to give scores and also commentaries for the data in terms of readability.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

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This research applies the technique of data analysis proposed by

Spradley (1980). The stages of the techniques are as follows:

1. Domain Analysis

I read the subtitles of Bones: Season 09 in both the source language and

the target language. I focus only on the forensic pathology terms in the forms

of noun and noun phrase in the document. Then, I give codes to the data to

make it easier to sort and analyze. The example of the analysis is provided in

the table below:

Table 3.4.Table of domain analysis

Code Terminology Category Data/Non-


B9/E1/AN2 Supraspinous Fossa Forensic



B9/E1/AN3 Right Proximal Humerus Forensic



B9/E2/AC1 Money Fraud Forensic Accounting Non-Data

B9/E1/PA1 Subluxation Forensic Pathology Data

B9/E1/PA2 Abrasion Forensic Pathology Data

2. Taxonomic Analysis

I classified the forensic pathology terms in the forms of noun and noun

phrase based on translation techniques applied to translate the terms and also

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based on the translation quality. The example is provided in the following


Table 3.5.Table of taxonomic analysis: Example of translation techniques analysis



1 B9/E1/


00:04:53,306 -->


There's evidence of


00:04:53,306 -->


Terdapat tanda-tanda




tulang yang tidak bergerak

dengan normal)</font>



2 B9/E1/


00:24:24,184 -->


<i>Sharp-force trauma


00:24:24,184 -->


Luka akibat benda tajam

ini menjelaskan


Table 3.6.Table of taxonomic analysis: Example of translation quality analysis


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1 B9/E1


00:04:53,306 -->


There's evidence of


00:04:53,306 -->


Terdapat tanda-tanda




tulang yang tidak

bergerak dengan



2 B9/E1


00:32:16,623 -->


The tissue trauma's size and


00:32:16,623 -->


Ukuran dan tingkat

keparahan luka pada


Less Accurate

3. Componential Analysis

I analyzed the data in order to find out the translation techniques applied

by the translator in translating forensic pathology terms in by applying the

theory proposed by Molina and Albir (2002). I applied the theory by Molina

and Albir because forensic pathology terms in this research is in the forms of

words and phrases; therefore, the theory of translation techniques proposed by

Molina and Albir is appropriate for this research. I classified the data based on

the techniques applied by the translator in translating forensic pathology terms.

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I analyzed the other data in the forms of scores and commentaries of the

translation quality in terms of accuracy, acceptability and readability given by

the raters and the respondents. The example of the analysis is provided on the

table below:

Table 3.7.Example of componential analysis table

No Technique Accuracy Acceptability Readability

3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1

1. Established Equivalent 52 - - 48 3 1 27 20 5

2. Established Equivalent

+ Amplification

12 - - 12 - - 10 1 1

3. Established Equivalent

+ Pure Borrowing

7 - - 6 1 - - 6 1

4. Established Equivalent

+ Literal Translation

- 3 1 1 3 - 1 3 -

4. Discovering Cultural Theme

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After applying the mentioned techniques, I looked for the patterns of

the forensic pathology terms in the forms of noun and noun translation, then I

explained why and how such patterns occurred. Finally, I drew conclusion and

proposed recommendations based on the result of the analysis.

F. Research Procedures

The procedures taken in this research are as follows:

1. Watching all episodes of Bones: Season 09 with its subtitles;

2. Collecting the data in the forms of forensic pathology terms in the forms of

noun and noun phrase from the English subtitle and Indonesian translation;

3. Coding each datum to make the data analysis easier;

4. Validating the data through the validator;

5. Analyzing and classifying the validated data based on the translation

techniques applied by the translator in translating forensic pathology terms;

6. Conducting Focus Group Discussion with the qualified raters to assess the

accuracy and acceptability of the translation of forensic pathology terms;

7. Distributing questionnaires to the qualified respondents and interviewing

them to assess the readability of the translation of forensic pathology terms;

8. Analyzing the data based on the applied translation technique and the scores

given by the raters and respondents in order to find out the impact of the

translation technique on the translation quality in terms of accuracy,

acceptability and readability;

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9. Drawing conclusion(s) and propose recommendations(s).

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