Chapter 7.1 AMERICAN NATIONALISM. The Era of Good Feelings President James Monroe – 5 th president War of 1812 inspired great nationalism, dubbed the

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Page 1: Chapter 7.1 AMERICAN NATIONALISM. The Era of Good Feelings President James Monroe – 5 th president War of 1812 inspired great nationalism, dubbed the

Chapter 7.1


Page 2: Chapter 7.1 AMERICAN NATIONALISM. The Era of Good Feelings President James Monroe – 5 th president War of 1812 inspired great nationalism, dubbed the

The Era of Good Feelings

President James Monroe – 5th presidentWar of 1812 inspired great nationalism,

dubbed the Era of Good FeelingsRepublicans only one in power due to anger

at Federalists over the Hartford ConventionRepublican learned a few things about

National powerThey let the First National Bank die in 1811

which caused inflation due to use of bank notesRep. John C. Calhoun supported by Henry Clay

proposed bill for Second National BankThe 2nd bank could control notes & state banks



Page 3: Chapter 7.1 AMERICAN NATIONALISM. The Era of Good Feelings President James Monroe – 5 th president War of 1812 inspired great nationalism, dubbed the

Tariffs & Transportation

The gov’t also wanted to protect US manufacturers from cheap British goods – Tariff of 1816Protective tariff that taxed importsOpposed by Southern Planters and New

England shippersTransportation improvement were vetoed

by Monroe but state and local authorities undertook them.

Page 4: Chapter 7.1 AMERICAN NATIONALISM. The Era of Good Feelings President James Monroe – 5 th president War of 1812 inspired great nationalism, dubbed the

Judicial Nationalism

Martin v. Hunter’s Lessee – Court decided that it had authority to hear appeal of all state court cases, nations final court of appeal

McCulloch v. Maryland – Maryland tried to tax the 2nd National BankMarshall said that the government had the

right to establish the national bank –elastic clause

Further ruled that the state could not interfere with federal gov’t institutions acting within its borders.

Page 5: Chapter 7.1 AMERICAN NATIONALISM. The Era of Good Feelings President James Monroe – 5 th president War of 1812 inspired great nationalism, dubbed the

Gibbons v. Ogden – declared monopoly unconstitutional said that federal gov’t had control over interstate trade, but states could regulate commerce w/in its own borders

Page 6: Chapter 7.1 AMERICAN NATIONALISM. The Era of Good Feelings President James Monroe – 5 th president War of 1812 inspired great nationalism, dubbed the

Nationalist Diplomacy

Southerners were upset about Spanish held FloridaSlaves fled across the border also the

Creek who changed their name to Seminole

The Native Americans then staged raids from FL

Seminole leader Kinache warned US to stay out of Florida

Calhoun now Sec. of War sent A. Jackson with troops, Jackson not only destroyed Seminole villages but seized Spanish settlements of Pensacola & St. Marks, removed Spanish governor from power



Page 7: Chapter 7.1 AMERICAN NATIONALISM. The Era of Good Feelings President James Monroe – 5 th president War of 1812 inspired great nationalism, dubbed the

Florida & Monroe Doctrine

Spain demanded that Jackson be punished, but John Quincy Adams sided with him & blamed Spain

Spain otherwise occupied & ceded all of FL to US in Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819, also made western border along Sabine & Red River, west along AK River and north to 42nd parallel

Quadruple alliance – Britain, Austria, Russia Prussia

Monroe Doctrine – American Continents not to be considered for colonization


Page 8: Chapter 7.1 AMERICAN NATIONALISM. The Era of Good Feelings President James Monroe – 5 th president War of 1812 inspired great nationalism, dubbed the