Chapter 7 - Additional Studies - Gandharenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/Public Hearing... · 2016. 12. 22. · ADDITIONAL STUDIES…7 151 7.1UBLIC CONSULTATION P As per

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    As per EIA notification 14th

    September 2006 and ToR issued by Expert Appraisal Committee

    (EAC) Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), New Delhi Letter

    No. J-11011/225/2015-IA II (I) dated 28th

    December 2015, Shree Chhatrapati Shahu Sahakari

    Sakhar Karkhana Ltd. (SCSSSKL), Kagal, has conducted public hearing on 08.11.2016 for

    expansion of sugar factory from 4,950 TCD to 7,000 TCD (increase by 2,050 TCD) co-gen

    plant from 12.5 MW to 28 MW (increase by 15.5 MW) and distillery from 45 KLPD to 60

    KLPD (increase by 15 KLPD).

    7.1.1 Details of Public Hearing

    Date of Public

    Hearing : 08.11.2016

    Place of Hearing : Shree Chhatrapati Shahu Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd.

    (SCSSSKL), Tal.: Kagal, Dist.: Kolhapur, State: Maharashtra.

    Advertisement given : 07.10.2016

    News Paper : ‘Dainik Pudhari (Marathi), Times of India (English)

    Copies of news enclosed at Appendix R

    Members Present :

    1 Mr. Sanjay Shinde

    Additional District Magistrate, Kolhapur


    2 Mrs. Indira Gaikwad

    Sub Regional Officer, MPCB, Kolhapur


    3 Mr. N. H. Shivangi

    Regional Officer, MPCB, Kolhapur


    7.1.2 Minutes of Public Hearing



    Issues Raised Response Given /


    Action Plan

    1. Mr. Rangrao Toraskar,

    Nagaon, Dist.: Kolhapur

    asked that how the treated

    effluent will be used?

    Technical consultant

    replied that the distillery

    project will not generate

    any wastewater because

    compost is produced

    from spentwash and

    spentlees which is treated

    in proposed distillery

    CPU. The treated

    wastewater generated

    from the sugar factory is

    used for irrigation

    purpose and this practice

    will be continued in

    future also. After

    treatment, BOD and

    COD parameters of

    wastewater will remain

    Details on treatment and

    disposal of effluent is

    presented at Chapter - 2,

    Section 2.7.1, Table 2.26

    and Table 2.27.





    Issues Raised Response Given /


    Action Plan

    below the prescribed


    2. Mr. Sunil Magdum, Tal.:

    Kagal, Dist.: Kolhapur

    asked which pollution

    control equipments will

    be provided to the boiler

    of the distillery during


    Company Consultant answered that

    a 40 TPH bolier will be

    installed in proposed

    expansion. Biogas will

    be used as fuel for the

    same. E.S.P. will be

    provided in case if it is

    decided to run the plant

    on bagasse and a

    chimney of sufficient

    height will be provided

    to control emission of


    Details of APC provided

    to proposed boiler is

    presented at chapter-2,

    Table 2.33

    3. Mr. Laxman Patil, village

    Kinavade, Tal: Kagal,

    Dist: Kolhapur asked

    about which development

    programs will be

    undertaken in future?

    Technical consultant

    replied that the

    management undertakes

    programs like supply

    plant seeds, drip

    irrigation systems etc. In

    addition to that, tree

    plantation, rain water

    harvesting etc. will be


    Detailed proposed CSR

    plan is enclosed at chapter

    6, section, Table


    4. Mr. Pandurang, Waghdale,

    resident of Village

    Bhogale, Tal: Kagal, Dist:

    Kolhapur asked that which

    by- products will be

    manufactured in distillery?

    Tehnical consultant

    replied that Rectified

    Spirt will be the main

    product. Extra Neutral

    Alcohol will also be

    produced. This product

    fetches relatively more

    rates than Rectified Spirit

    can. Presently, 15%

    ENA is allowed for

    blending in petrol, which

    is beneficial to the


    Products manufactured in

    existing as well as under

    proposed expansion

    distillery are enclosed at

    chapter 2, section 2.6.1,

    table 2.9

    5. Mr. Vilas Biranje, a

    resident of Kagal,

    Kolhapur questioned

    about the storage capacity

    of alcohol? What steps

    have you taken for storage

    of alcohol?

    Company consultant

    replied that alochol will

    be stored in M.S. tanks

    which are installed above

    ground. These tanks

    have storage capacity of

    15 day or 30 day

    production. Every

    distillery use storage

    tanks of different

    Alcohol storage details

    have been provided at

    chapter – 2, Table 2.22.





    Issues Raised Response Given /


    Action Plan


    6. Mr. Tukaram Magadum, a

    resident of Pimpalgaon

    asked that how are you

    going to treat the

    wastewater generated in

    the industry?

    Company consultant

    replied that the distillery

    project will not generate

    any wastewater because

    compost is produced

    from spentwash and

    spent lesse is processed

    in CPU. The sugar

    factory wastewater being

    major effluent can be

    treated by adopting

    different types of

    technologies. Our sugar

    factory wastewater is

    treated by aerobic

    method and after

    removing organic matter,

    the treated wastewater is

    used on land for

    agricultural purposes.

    We ourselves as well as

    Maharashtra Pollution

    Control Board monitor it.

    7. Mr. Narayan Kulkarni, a

    resident of Dindnerli

    asked about What will be

    the additional production

    quantity of alcohol after

    expansion of distillery?

    The technical consultant

    replied that presently,

    alchol production is 45

    KLPD. After expansion,

    it will be 60 KLPD.

    Capacity of distillery after

    expansion is given at

    chapter 2 section 2.6.1,

    table 2.9

    8. Mr. Uttam Patil, from

    Bachani asked about How

    may working days of

    proposed distillery will be


    The technical consultant

    replied that the proposed

    distillery will work for

    about 240 days. It will

    not work during


    The working plan of

    distillery as well as sugar

    factory and co-gen plant

    is presented at chapter -2,

    section 2.5, table – 2.5

    9. Mr. Pradip Patil, resident

    from Pimpalgaon Bk.

    asked that is the

    wastewater tested


    Dr. Ghugare answered

    that every month

    Maharashtra Pollution

    Control Board carries out

    inspection of the industry

    and ETP etc. In addition

    to that, there is online

    monitoring system due to

    which M.P.C. Board gets

    information at any time.






    Issues Raised Response Given /


    Action Plan

    10. Mr. Ranjeet Patil, resident

    from Kagal asked that

    After expansion, how

    much electricity will be

    generated in the co-

    generation plant.

    The technical consultant

    replied that presently

    electricity generation is

    12.5 MW/Hr, after

    expansion it will be 28


    Electricity generation

    distribution details are

    given in table 2.21,

    section 2.6.4, chapter 2

    11. Mr. Pandit Patil, resident

    from Siddhanerli asked

    that will industry provide

    water for trees during

    summer when there is

    scarcity of water.

    The technical consultant

    replied that we will

    provide water to trees

    during summer.

    Tree plantation and

    maintaince programe will

    be undertaken by

    SCSSSKL under

    proposed CSR plan.

    Details of the same are

    appended at Appendix –


    12. Mr. Dhondiram Patil,

    resident from Kerli raised

    the question that What

    will be the adverse effects

    of the dust eminating from

    the chimney, wastewater

    as well as other pollutants

    on the health of the public

    residing nearby areas of

    the proposed project.

    Technical consultant

    replied that due to use of

    biogas as the main fuel

    for boiler, negligent

    amount of particulate

    matter will be emitted

    from the chimney.

    Secondly, proper

    management of

    wastewater will be done

    and hence, there will be

    no effect on health of the

    public residing nearby

    areas of the factory.

    Details on water pollution

    aspects presented at

    chapter 2 section 2.7.1.

    Also, wrt air pollution

    information presented at

    section 2.7.2 for details on

    AAQM monitoring results

    given at chapter 3 table


    Appreciations by Resident

    13. Shri Sagar Shankar

    Kondigre, resident of

    Kagal, Dist: Kolhapur

    Appreciate about

    SCSSSKL as they have

    achieved success from the

    efforts made through the

    sugar factory for increase

    in the production of

    sugarcane crop. Timely

    crushing of sugarcane is

    beneficial for both the

    farmers and the factory

    and hence, it is necessary

    to increase cane crushing

    capacity of the factory.

    They have not faced any

    pollution problem due to

    this factory since our

    -- --





    Issues Raised Response Given /


    Action Plan

    birth. I have no complaint

    about the factory.

    14. Shri Avinash Magdum,

    resident of Kasaba

    Sangaon, Tal: Kagal, Dist:

    Kolhapur. –

    After expansion, special

    efforts should be made to

    increase the production of

    sugar cane. Sugarcane

    plant give highest oxygen,

    and hence, increased

    production of sugarcane

    crop will also increase

    emission of oxygen. This

    will help to maintain

    ecological balance. And

    hence, after expansion,

    the environmental quality

    will improve rather than


    -- --

    15. The chairman said that the

    environmental consultant

    of the factory

    management presented

    information regarding air,

    water, noise pollution etc.

    But information regarding

    land/soil pollution was not

    given. The information

    regarding quality of soil

    within the radius of 10

    Km area of the factory

    and impact of the

    expansion on this quality

    was not found in the

    presentation which could

    have been presented in

    EIA report. However, if

    not mentioned, then it

    should be incorporated.

    Study w.r.t.

    characteristics of soil

    within the radius of 10

    Km circle around the

    industrial area have been

    carried out during

    monitoring period of

    Dec 2015 – Jan 2016 –

    Feb 2016.

    Refer chapter 3, section

    3.4, page 62. The same

    was also incorporated in

    public hearing

    presentation slide no.29.

    Impacts of soil pollution

    have been studied and

    presented at chapter 4,

    section 4.3.6
