Chapter 6 The skeletal system Structural terms – Match the pairs. Definition Term the articular end of a long bone k a) yellow marrow dense bone substance at the outer part of a bone g b) diaphysis the type of bone tissue consisting of lattice-shaped spicules; its structure is usually filled with red bone marrow e c) articular cartilage the shaft of a long bone, consisting of a tube of compact bone enclosing the medullary cavity b d) red bone marrow the cavity in the diaphysis of a long bone containing the marrow i e) spongy (cancellous, trabecular) bone the thick fibrous membrane covering a bone h f) endosteum the tissue lining the medullary cavity of a bone f g) compact (cortical) bone the type of bone marrow in which blood cells are produced (the site of hematopoiesis) d h) periosteum the bone marrow that is rich in fat, occurring in adults a i) medullary cavity (canal) the external opening for the entrance of blood vessels in a bone. j j) nutrient foramen a type of hyaline connective tissue that covers the articulating surfaces of bones c k) epiphysis Page 37 The neurocranium (Cranium cerebrale) consists of 7 bones: frontal bone (os frontale), the bone at the forehead temporal bones (os temporale dextrum et sinistrum) the bones at the temple parietal bones (os parietale dextrum et sinistrum): the bones making up the wall of skull occipital bone (os occipitale): the bone at the back of the skull sphenoidal bone (os sphenoidale): the wedge-shaped bone at the base of the skull The facial skeleton (Cranium viscerale) consists of 15 bones: ethmoid bone (os ethmoidale): the sieve-like bone at the cranial base nasal bones (os nasale dextrum et sinistrum): the bones of the nose lacrimal bones (os lacrimale dextrum et sinistrum): the bones at the tear canal zygomatic bones (os zygomaticum dextrum et sinistrum): the yoke-shaped cheek bones Turbinate bones (concha nasalis inferior dextra et sinistra): bones in the nasal cavity vomer : the sharp bone forming the nasal septum palatine bones (os palatinum dextrum et sinistrum): bones of the roof of the mouth maxilla bones(maxilla dextra et sinistra):upper jaw bones mandible bone (mandibula): lower jaw bone

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Chapter 6 The skeletal system

Structural terms – Match the pairs.

Definition Term

the articular end of a long bone k a) yellow marrow

dense bone substance at the outer part of a bone g b) diaphysis

the type of bone tissue consisting of lattice-shaped spicules; its structure is usually filled with red bone marrow

e c) articular cartilage

the shaft of a long bone, consisting of a tube of compact bone enclosing the medullary cavity

b d) red bone marrow

the cavity in the diaphysis of a long bone containing the marrow i e) spongy (cancellous, trabecular) bone

the thick fibrous membrane covering a bone h f) endosteum

the tissue lining the medullary cavity of a bone f g) compact (cortical) bone

the type of bone marrow in which blood cells are produced (the site of hematopoiesis)

d h) periosteum

the bone marrow that is rich in fat, occurring in adults a i) medullary cavity (canal)

the external opening for the entrance of blood vessels in a bone. j j) nutrient foramen

a type of hyaline connective tissue that covers the articulating surfaces of bones

c k) epiphysis

Page 37

The neurocranium (Cranium cerebrale) consists of 7 bones:

frontal bone (os frontale), the bone at the forehead

temporal bones (os temporale dextrum et sinistrum) the bones at the temple

parietal bones (os parietale dextrum et sinistrum): the bones making up the wall of skull

occipital bone (os occipitale): the bone at the back of the skull

sphenoidal bone (os sphenoidale): the wedge-shaped bone at the base of the skull

The facial skeleton (Cranium viscerale) consists of 15 bones:

ethmoid bone (os ethmoidale): the sieve-like bone at the cranial base

nasal bones (os nasale dextrum et sinistrum): the bones of the nose

lacrimal bones (os lacrimale dextrum et sinistrum): the bones at the tear canal

zygomatic bones (os zygomaticum dextrum et sinistrum): the yoke-shaped cheek bones

Turbinate bones (concha nasalis inferior dextra et sinistra): bones in the nasal cavity

vomer : the sharp bone forming the nasal septum

palatine bones (os palatinum dextrum et sinistrum): bones of the roof of the mouth

maxilla bones(maxilla dextra et sinistra):upper jaw bones

mandible bone (mandibula): lower jaw bone

Page 38

Bones of the trunk - Ossa trunci

The bones of the trunk consist of the spinal column (columna vertebralis) and the bones of the chest (ossa thoracis) The first part of the spinal column is the 7 cervical vertebrae (vertebrae cervicales), of which the 1st one is the atlas, which articulates with the occipital bone and bears the weight of the skull. The 2nd cervical vertebra is the axis or epistropheus, which is so named because it is responsible for the rotational movement of the skull. The 7th cervical vertebra (vertebra prominens) got its name from its longer spinous process. 12 thoracic vertebrae (vertebrae thoracicae) articulates 12 pairs of ribs (costae). The first 7 pairs of ribs are named true ribs (costae verae) because of their individual cartilage connection to the breastbone (sternum). The rest of the ribs are called false ribs (costae spuriae), of which the last 2 are named floating ribs (costae fluctuantes), because they do not connect to the sternum. The 3rd part of the spinal column consists of the 5 lumbar vertebrae (vertebrae lumbales), situated at the lower back or loin. The next part is the fusion of 5 vertebrae named sacrum (os sacrum) that means sacred or sacrificial. The last part is the coccyx (os coccygis) or tailbone, which got its name from its resemblance to the beak of the bird cuckoo.

Page 39

Appendicular skeleton

Bones of the upper limb - Ossa extremitatis superioris

The free upper limb is connected to the trunk by the bones of the shoulder girdle, i.e. by the clavicle (_clavicula) and the shoulder blade (scapula). The free upper limb consists of the upper arm bone or humerus, the two bones of the forearm, the medial one is ulna, and the lateral one is radius. The bones of the hand comprise 8 bones of the wrist or carpal bones (ossa carpi), 5 metacarpals (ossa metacarpalia) and the bones of the fingers or phalanges (phalanges manus). Bones of the lower limb – Ossa extremitatis inferioris The free lower limb is connected to the trunk by the pelvic girdle, that is the hip bone (os coxae) and the sacrum. The hip bone consists of 3 fused bones, the upper portion is the ilium (os ilium), the middle part is the pubic bone (os pubis), the lower part is the „sitting bone” or ischium (os ischii). The longest bone of our body is the femur, which joins the hip bone at the hip joint. At the knee joint a flat, round shaped bone, patella is situated. Lower leg comprises the larger medial shinbone (tibia) and a lesser, lateral bone, the fibula. The bones of the foot include 7 tarsal bones (ossa tarsi), 5 metatarsals (ossa _metatrsalia) and the bones of the toes or phalanges pedis

Page 41

2. Group the bones according to the categories.

Cranium Ossa cervicis et trunci Ossa extremitatis superioris

Ossa extremitatis inferioris

os occipitale os sphenoidale, atlas, os parietale, os nasale,

costae verae, sternum, os coccyges, axis, vertebrae lumbales,

humerus phalanx proximalis manus ossa metacarpalia, clavicula, radius,

os coxae patella, tibia, calcaneus, ossa tarsi,

Page 42

3-4. Match the pairs.

English Latin Latin Greek stem

shinbone 7 1. columna


articulatio g a) rachi-

rib 4 2. os coxae ligamentum e b) chondr-

spinal column 1 3. talus columna vertebralis a c) myel-

skull 8 4. costa cartilago b d) spondyl-

upper portion of hip bone 6 5. scapula vertebra d e) syndesm-

shoulder blade 5 6. os ilium medulla c f) cleid-

knee cap 10 7. tibia clavicula f g) arthr-

ankle bone 3 8. cranium

hip bone 2 9. os ischii

lower portion of hip bone 9 10. patella

5. Give the Latin equivalent.

bones of the fingers phalanges lateral bone of the leg fibula

thigh bone femur breastbone sternum

lower jaw mandibula upper jaw maxilla

bones of the neck vertebrae cervcales lateral bone of the forearm radius

6. Odd one out

os ethmoidale – os parietale – os coccygis – os palatinum ___________________

ossa metacarpalia – phalanges manus – scapula – fibula ___________________

vertebrae thoracicae – axis – ulna – os sacrum ___________________

calx – pollex – phalanx – hallux ___________________

7. Which bones do the Latin descriptions match?

Latin description Bone Latin description Bone

os brachii humerus os mediale cruris tibia

os laterale antebrachii radius os anterius pelvis os pubis

os mediale antebrachii ulna os superius pelvis os ilium

os genus patella os inferius pelvis os ischii

os laterale cruris fibula

8. Fill in the blanks in the definition.

Term Definition

spondylarthritis inflammation of the joints of vertebrae

osteomyelitis inflammation of bone marrow

rachischisis fissure of spinal column

chondroblast immature cartilage cell

syndesmology study of ligament

9. Give the term based on the definition.

Definition Term

the articular end of a long bone epiphysis

the shaft of a long bone, consisting of a tube of compact bone diaphysis

the dense bone substance at the external part of a bone substantia compacta

the thick fibrous membrane covering a bone periosteum

the cavity in the diaphysis of a long bone containing the marrow cavum medullare

the external opening for the entrance of blood vessels into a bone foramen nutricium

a type of hyaline connective tissue that covers the articulating surfaces of bones _cartilago articularis

the type of bone marrow in which blood cells are produced medulla rubra

the tissue lining the medullary cavity of a bone endosteum

Page 48

Grammar 4 Singular and Plural forms

1. Write in the Plural forms of the given examples. Use the table above.

Decl. Gender Sing. Nom. Sing. Gen. Root Plur Nom. I. f. costa costae cost- costae

II. m. oculus oculi ocul- oculi

II. n. ligamentum ligamenti ligament- ligamenta

III. m/f. index phalanx

articulatio pes

auris dens ren


indicis phalangis

articulationis pedis auris

dentis renis basis

indic- phalang-

articulation- _______ _______ _______ _______ _______

indices phalanges

articulations pedes aures

dentes renes bases

III. n. femur caput

os crus

foramen carcinoma

femoris capitis ossis cruris

foraminis carcinomatis

femor- capit-

_______ _______ _______ _______-

femora capita ossa crura

foramina carcinomata

IV. m. sinus sinus sin- sinus

IV. n. cornu cornus _______ cornua

V. f. facies faciei faci- facies


1. Put each word from singular into plural and vice versa.

Singular Plural Plural Singular

ulna, ulnae f ulnae venae vena

vertebra, ae f vertebrae laminae lamina

radius, radii m; radii rami ramus

stratum, strati n strata bacteria bacterium

index, indicis m indices cortices cortex

articulatio, onis f; articulations regiones region

auris, auris f; aures bases basis

pelvis, is f; pelves diagnoses diagnosis

cartilago, -inis f; cartilagines tendines tendo

ren, renis m renes extremitates extremitas

corpus, corporis n; corpora crura crus

crus, cruris n; crura foramina foramen

species, speciei f; species facies facies

2. Decide whether the following terms are Singular or Plural, then transform them.

brachium Sing/Plur brachia

phalanges Sing/Plur phalanx

bacilli Sing/Plur phalanx

costae Sing/Plur costa

vertebra Sing/Plur vertebrae

digiti Sing/Plur digitus

3. Anatomical abbreviations (Sing. Nom. and Plur. Nom.)

Abbr. Sing. Nom.

Sing. Nom. Abbr. Plur. Nom.

Plur Nom. English

a. arteria aa. arteriae artery

v. vena vv. venae vein

m. musculus mm. musculi muscle

n. nervus nn. nervi nerve

lig. ligamentum ligg. ligamenta ligament

gl. glandula gll. glandulae gland

Page 50 - Chapter 7 Connections of bones

Structural parts of diarthroses or synovial joints – Identify them.

Page 51 - Terms of movements

Find the appropriate Latin term from above to each of the definitions.

Latin name Definition pronatio 1 A rotation of the forearm that moves the palm from an anterior-facing

position to a posterior-facing position, or palm facing down.

supinatio 2 The rotation of the forearm so that the palm faces anteriorly, or palm facing up.

inversio 3 The movement of the sole towards the median plane, “turning in”

eversio 4 The movement of the sole of the foot away from the median plane. “turning out”

circumductio 5 Moving a part so that its end follows a circular path.

rotatio 6 A rotary movement of a bone around its own long axis

adductio 7 A motion that pulls a structure or part toward the midline of the body, or towards the midline of a limb.

abductio 8 A motion that pulls a structure or part away from the midline of the body (or, in the case of fingers and toes, spreading the digits apart, away from the centerline of the hand or foot)

flexio 9 Closing the angle at a joint

extensio 10 Opening the angle at a joint

dorsalflexio 11 Flexion of the entire foot superiorly, as if taking one's foot off an automobile pedal.

plantarflexio 12 Flexion of the entire foot inferiorly, as if pressing an automobile pedal.

1 caput articulare

2 cavitas articularis

3 facies articularis

4 cartilago articularis

5 cavum articulare

6 synovia

7 capsula articularis

8 ligamentum

Names of synovial joints

1. Identify the joints on the basis of their Latin names.

2. Find the Latin name matching the English description

elbow joint art. cubiti

joint between the 1st and 2nd cervical vertebrae atlantoaxialis

joint between the ankle bone and the bones of lower leg talocruralis

joint between temporal bone and lower jaw temporomandibularis

joints between the bones of the spinal column intervertebralis

knee joint genus

joint of the medial and lateral bone of forearm close to elbow radioulnaris proximalis

joint between the medial and lateral bones of the leg tibiofibularis

joints between the ribs and the vertebrae costovertebralis

joint between the breastbone and the clavicle sternoclavicularis

3 articulatio acromioclavicularis

28 art. atlantoaxialis

27 art. atlantooccipitalis

12 art. carpometacarpea

16 art. costovertebralis

19 art. coxae

5 art. cubiti

20 art. genus

4 art. humeri

6 art. humeroradialis

7 art. humeroulnaris

11 art. intercarpea

14 art. interphalangea manus

26 art. interphalangea pedis

17 art. intervertebralis

13 art. metacarpophalangea

25 art. metatarsophalangea

10 art. radiocarpea

9 art. radioulnaris distalis

8 art. radioulnaris proximalis

18 art. sacroiliaca

2 art. sternoclavicularis

15 art. sternocostalis

23 art. talocruralis

24 art. tarsometatarsea

1 art. temporomandibularis

21 art. tibiofibularis

22 syndesmosis tibiofibularis

Page 53 – Exercises

1. Fill in the blanks in the sentences by choosing from the list below.

Ligament connection of bones is termed as syndesmosis. Articulating surfaces are covered by cartilage

articularis. Joint cavity is filled by synovia, and surrounded by capsula articularis. The cartilage connection

of the pubic bones is symphysis pubica. The bony fusion of the sacrum bone is named synostosis. When a

limb is turned around its own axis it is rotatio, and moving a part so that its end follows a circular path is

termed as circumductio.

rotatio, cartilago articularis, synarthrosis, synostosis, symphysis pubica, circumductio, synovia,

diarthrosis, syndesmosis, capsula articularis,

2-3. Match the pairs

Latin English Latin Greek

sutura d a) peg-like connection of teeth to jaws

articulatio g a) chondr-

gomphosis a b) half-moon shaped cartilage ring in knee joint

ligamentum d b) -itis

meniscus articularis b c) synovial joint cartilago a c) -pathia

diarthrosis c d) connection of skull bones os f d) syndesm-

inflammatio b e) spondyl-

morbus c f) oste-

vertebra d g) arthr-

4. Give the opposite pairs.

extensio flexio

repositio oppositio

pronatio supinatio

eversio inversio

diarthrosis synarthrosis

plantarflexio dorsalflexio

abductio adductio

5. Define the terms in English.

oppositio moving the thumb against other fingers

flexio closing the angle at a joint

supinatio turning the palm to the front

synovia fluid in the joint

synchondrosis cartilage connection of bones

discus articularis articular disc

6. Inflammation of .....?

syndesmitis inflammation of the ligament chondritis infl. of cartilage

osteomyelitis infl. of bone marrow osteitis infl. of bones

spondylarthritis infl. of vertebral joint discitis infl. of the disc

meniscitis infl. of meniscus

Page 55 – Grammar 5 Word formation: complex adjectives

Exercises 1. Analyse the terms. Where are these structures?

atlantooccipital joint E.g. atlas + os occipitale

metacarpophalangeal ligament os metacarpale + phalanges

iliolumbar ligament os ilium + vertebrae lumbales

nasomaxillary suture os nasale + maxilla

pubofemoral ligament os pubis + femur

acromioclavicular joint acromion + clavicula

sacroiliac joint os sacrum + os ilium

sphenoparietal suture os sphenoidale + os parietale

2. Form complex adjectives from the given words and the suffixes.

Nouns Roots/stems Suffix Complex adjective

E.g. atlas, atlantis m + occiput, -itis, n.

atlant- + occipit- -alis 2 atlantooccipitalis 2

sternum + clavicula -aris 2 sternoclavicularis 2

radius + ulna -aris 2 radioulnaris 2

talus + crus -alis 2 talocruralis 2

tarsus + metatarsus -eus 3 tarsometarseus 3

os temporale + mandibula -aris 2 temporomandibularis 2

tip of shoulder + clavicle -aris 2 acromioclavicularis 2

shin bone + fibula -aris 2 tibiofibularis 2

breastbone + rib -alis 2 sternocostalis 2

armbone + radius -alis 2 humeroradialis 2

rib + vertebra -alis 2 costovertebralis 2

pubic bone + thighbone -alis 2 pubofemoralis 2

ilium + thigh -alis 2 iliofemoralis 2

3. Form the names of the structures.

joint between the vertebrae intervertebral joint

ligament between the bones of the forearm radioulnar_ ligament

suture of the temporal and the zygomatic bones temporozygomatic suture

ligament between the sternum and the ribs sternocostal ligament

ligament between the sacrum and the upper part of the hip bone sacroiliac lig.

joint between the bones of digits interphalangeal joint

ligament between the wrist and the middle partof hand carpometacarpal ligament

Page 60 – Grammar 7 Latin praefixes


1. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate prefix

If someone does not enjoy social life but prefer to spend time alone with their thoughts, they are called an

introvert, and somone who is more open to the outside world is called an extrovert. A child’s fear of leaving

his or her parents or familiar surroundings is termed separation anxiety. We use different terms to distinguish

in between cells, i.e. intercellular structures, and within cells, i.e. intracellular structures. If an airplane can fly

faster than the speed of sound it is called supersonic, but if an imaging technique uses higher frequencies than

we can hear it is termed ultrasound technique. The radiation whose frequency is lower then visible red light

is called infrared radiation. A person who wishes to keep traditional values instead of following newer ideas

can be described as a conservative person. A structure on the opposite side of the body part is termed as

contralateral in medical terminology. Jewish religion prescribes the removal of the foreskin of infant boys and

this procedure is called circumcision. The time period before operation is the praeoperative phase of the


2. Where can you find the following structures or symptoms?

Latin English Latin English

arteria subclavia under the clavicle mycosis interdigitalis between the fingers

nervus subcostalis under the ribs bursa infrapatellaris below the knee cap

thrombus intracardialis inside of the heart discus intervertebralis between the vertebrae

cyanosis circumoralis around the mouth transdermal patch through the skin

musculi extraoculares outside of the eye intracranial pressure inside of skull

3. Fill in the blanks with a prefix.

Definition Latin Definition Latin

replacement of an organ transplantation pulling out extraction

an object that is inserted into the body

implant straight upright erect

not broken or injured intact substance taken from a herb extract

studying something again revision to stop someone speaking interruption

4. Match the pairs. 5. Give an opposite pair.

Latin English Latin term with prefix Opposite

a-, ab- b a) outside praepositio postpositio

extra a b) down, away extraocularis intraocularis

supra- e c) against supraspinatus infraspinatus

com- f d) under postnatalis praenatalis

trans- g e) above adductio abductio

contra- c f) together

sub- d g) through

Page 61 - Chapter 8 The muscular system

1. Identify the parts of the muscle numbered in the diagram.

Page 62 – Muscles of the head and neck 2. Give the Latin name of the following muscles from the diagram.

the greater muscle at the cheekbone m. zygomaticus maior

m. at the nose m nasalis

m. at the forehead m. frontalis

circular muscle of the mouth m. orbicularis oris

m. at the chin m. mentalis

the muscle that raises the upper lip m. levator labii superioris

muscle at the temple m. temporalis

m. that carries out chewing m. masseter

the muscle that moves down the corner of mouth m. depressor anguli oris

the muscle that is attached to sternum, clavicle

and the mastoid process of temporal bone m. sternocleidomastoideus

the muscle that pulls the corner of mouth

toward the ears when you smile or laugh m. risorius

flat muscle of the skin of the neck platysma

the lesser muscle at the cheekbone m. zygomaticus minor

circular muscle of the eye m. orbicularis oculi

Page 63 3. Fill in the blanks based on the diagram.

English meaning Latin term

1 two-headed muscle of the arm m. biceps brachii

2 four-headed muscle of the thigh m. quadriceps femoris

3 three-headed muscle of the arm m. triceps brachii

4 straight muscle of the abdomen m. rectus abdominis

5 slanting muscle of the abdomen m. obliquus abdominis

6 horizontal muscle of the abdomen m. transversus abdominis

7 muscle that turns the palm to the front m. supinator

8 round shaped muscle that turns the palm to the back m. pronator teres

9 saw-tooth shaped muscle on the front side m. serratus anterior

4. Match the pairs based on the diagram.

English meaning Latin term

1 short muscle that extends the thumb d a) m. latissimus dorsi

2 three-headed muscle of the calf g b) m. levator scapulae

3 the broadest muscle of the back a c) m. supraspinatus

4 the smallest muscle of the buttock i d) m. extensor pollicis brevis

5 the muscle that raises the shoulder blade b e) m. triceps brachii

6 the muscle above the spine of the shoulder blade c f) m. infraspinatus

7 the muscle below the spine of the shoulder blade f g) m. triceps surae

8 three headed muscle of the arm e h) m. biceps femoris

9 two-headed muscle of the thigh h i) m. gluteus minimus

endomysium 6

epimysium, deep fascia 7

fasciculus 5

fibra 4

os 1

perimysium 2

tendo 8

vas sanguineum3

flexor ● deltoideus ● rectus ● quadratus ● teres ● gracilis ● biceps ● tensor ● pectoralis ●

serratus ● piriformis ● erector ● masseter ● tibialis ● quadriceps ● orbicularis ● levator ●

infraspinatus ● gluteus ● nasalis ● extensor ● triceps ● obliquus ● rhomboideus ●

depressor ●

Page 65

5. Look for examples of the categories below among the names above.

Location Function Shape Size Direction of fiber Number of heads

pectoralis tibialis infraspinatus gluteus nasalis

flexor tensor erector masseter levator extensor depressor

deltoideus quadratus teres serratus piriformis orbicularis rhomboideus

gracilis rectus obliquus

biceps quadriceps triceps

6. Odd one out.

flexor - teres - orbicularis - piriformis ____________________________

adductor - masseter - minor - depressor ____________________________

biceps - quadratus - quadriceps - triceps ____________________________

major - parvus - serratus - minimus ____________________________

tendo - origo - cartilago - insertio - ____________________________

7. Match the pairs.

Latin English Latin Greek

serratus d a) straight musculus e a) psoa, psoas

sphincter e b) slender, thin lumbus a b) cleid-

levator i c) short fibularis d c) gastr-

rectus a d) saw-tooth shaped clavicula b d) peroneus

magnus h e) closing muscle venter c e) my-, mys-

gracilis b f) laughter

Sartorius j g) long and round

teres g h) big, large

risorius f i) m. that raises

brevis c j) tailor’s

8. Opposite pairs

flexor ↔ extensor

depressor ↔ levator

parvus 3 ↔ magnus

minimus 3 ↔ maximus

abductor ↔ adductor

supinator ↔ pronator

brevis 2 ↔ longus

synergeta ↔ antagonista

insertio ↔ origo

minor ↔ maior

9. Define/translate the highlighted words within the terms.

m. orbicularis oris circular

m. mentalis chin

m. intercostalis internus between the ribs

m. extensor carpi ulnaris m. that opens the


m. obliquus externus abdominisslanting

m. serratus posterior superior saw-tooth shaped

m. flexor digitorum superficialis closes the fingers

m. biceps femoris two-headed

mm. levatores costarum raising the ribs

mm. interossei palmares between the bones

10. Give the Latin name equivalent of the definition.

transverse m. of the belly m. transversus abdominis the larger pectoral muscle m. pectoralis major

the m. that extends little fingerm. extensor digiti minimi the straight m. of the thigh m. rectus femoris

circular m. of the eye m. orbicularis oculi front m. over the shinbone m. tibialis anterior

11. Fill in the blanks from the list below. You do not need all of them!

Muscles produce movement by contractio. The muscle fibers make up bundles or fasciculus. Muscles or groups of muscles are covered by a sheath orfascia, which is continuous with the fibrous tissue, called tendo that attaches the muscle to a bone. The fixed attachement point of the muscle is origo, the other one that is more mobile is insertio. The muscle that works together with the prime mover or agonist is termed as synergist. The muscle whose contraction opposes the contraction of an other muscle is called antagonist. A flat, wide tendon is called aponeurosis, and the bands that keep tendons in place at the wrist and ankles are named retinaculum.

fascia, origo, retinaculum, agonist, insertio, antagonist, musculus, fasciculus, contractio, tendo, aponeurosis, fibra, synergist,

12. Fill in the blanks in the definitions from the list below! For the suffixes see the list.

-algia - pain

-asthenia - weakness

-malacia - softening

-necrosis - death

-oma - tumor,

-pathia - chronic disease

-plegia/-paralysis loss of function

-spasmus - sudden involuntary


myositis chronica, cardiomyopathia, myasthenia gravis, myonecrosis, myomalacia cordis, myalgia,

myoparalysis, myospasmus, myoma.

The name of diseases involving permanent inflammation of muscles is myositis.

All these diseases share the feature of permanent inflammation of muscles involving weakness of muscles,

pain in muscles (myalgia) and sometimes fever.

One of the autoimmune diseases is myasthenia gravis involving severe weaknes of muscles.

cardiomyopathia is the chronic disease of the heart muscles which results in the weakening of the heart

contractions so that the heart is unable to circulate the necessary amount of blood.

Gas gangrene is a disease that causes the death of muscle tissue, and is named Clostridialis myonecrosis.

Myoma is a benign tumour of muscle tissue occurring most frequently in the uterus. The softening of the

heart muscle of the ventricles is termed as myomalacia cordis. Sudden and involuntary contraction of

muscles is named myospasmus, the paralysis of the muscles is termed myoparalysis.


1. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word. Are they positive or comparative or

superlative in degree?

major • malus • intimate • pejorative • optimist • pluralist • extreme • plus • pessimist

1. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word. Are they positive or comparative or

superlative in degree?

An overwhelming greater force of nature having unavoidable consequences (greater force) i.e. vis major.

Knowledge of Latin gives you an advantage or plus in studying medicine. Many say climate change causes

abnormally high and very low or extreme temperatures even in Hungary. A society that tolerates many

different opinions and values is called is called pluralist. Someone who always expects that the worst thing

will happen can be called a pessimist. In contrary, someone who always believes that good things will happen

is an optimist. Car insurance companies apply a bonus-malus system for motivating good drivers and punishing

bad drivers. If a word or expression is used as a disapproval or in a negative sense it is pejorative. When you

share the innermost secrets with somebody, you can say you are intimate friends.

Positive Comparative Superlative

E.g. bonus

2. Fill in the blanks.

M. pectoralis major is the _________ pectoral muscle. Tunica intima is the _________ layer of the vein.

Pars inferior is the _____________ part of a structure. Dosis minima is the ______________ dosage.

Lig. cruciatum anterius is the ____________ cruciate ligament. Ossa brevia means__________ bones.

3. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate adjective.

The broadest m. of the back is m. ________________ dorsi. The lower limb is membrum(!) _________.

The larger part of the pelvis is pelvis _____________. The smallest m. of buttock is m. gluteus __________.

The highest level of honours: ________ cum laude. The longest m. of the chest is m. _________ thoracis.

Chapter 9 Greek roots

1. What is the meaning of the Greek roots in the names of medical specialities? (N.B. -logy

stands for study of something)

Medical speciality What do they treat? (Use common English words.)

Name of the system related

dermatology E.g. skin a) a) Integumentary system

angiology vessels d b) male reproductive system

gynecology female reproductive organs f c) mental diseases

andrology male reproductive organs b d) circulatory system

arthrology joints j e) nervous system

otorhinolaryngology ear, nose, throat g f) female reproductive system

myology muscles i g) auditory meatus, nasal cavity, voice box

stomatology oral cavity h h) oral cavity

psychiatry mental diseases c i) muscular system

neurology nerves e j) articular system

Inflammation Greek root Meaning Inflammation Greek root Meaning

rhinitis rhin-+ it is infl. of nose neuritis neur- infl. of nerve

otitis ot- infl. of ear mastitis mast- infl. of breast

osteitis oste- infl. of bone gastritis gastr- infl. of stomach

stomatitis stomat- infl. of oral cavity arthritis arthr- infl. of joint

3. Form the following names of inflammatory conditions. Consult vocabulary.

inflammation of the kidney nephritis inflammation of the skin dermatitis

inflammation of the liver hepatitis inflammation of the veins phlebitis

inflammation of the small intestine enteritis inflammation of the muscles myositis

inflammation of the large intestine colitis inflammation of the navel omphalitis

4. Figure out which body part or organ is affected by the following diseases, procedures or


colonoscopy endoscopic examination of the large intestine

enterocolitis inflammation of small and _ large intestine

nephropathy disease of kidneys

angiography image making procedure of vessels

dactylogramm fingerprint

electrocardiograph image making device of heart

chiroplasty reconstructive surgery of hand

laparoscopy endoscopic examination of abdominal wall

odontalgia pain in teeth

hepatomegaly enlargement of liver

stethoscope a device for listening the sounds from chest

podalgia pain in feet

dermatomycosis fungal infection of skin

hydrocephalus enlargement of head or ventricles due to increased amount of liquor

acrocyanosis bluish colour of extremities

trichosis abnormal growing of hair

psychopathy disease of mind

myoma benign tumour of muscle

splenomegaly enlargement of spleen

ophthalmoscope a device for examination of eyes

otoscopy visual examination of ear

mastoectomy surgical removal of breast

pneumonia inflammation of lungs

osteoporosis decrease in calcium level of bones

Grammar 9 Latin and Greek prefixes related to numerals and quantities There are both Latin and Greek prefixes that express quantities or numbers and modify the word in this

sense. Latin prefixes are more frequent in anatomy, Greek prefixes are found rather in clinical terms.

Latin English Greek Latin example Greek example

semi- half- hemi- semi hemisphaerium (half of brain)

uni- one- mono- unipennatus (one feathered muscle)


bi- two- di-, diplo- bipolaris (having 2 poles) diplegia,diplopia

tri- three- tri- triceps trigonum (triangle)

quadr/i- four- tetra- quadriceps tetraplegia (paralysis of 4 limbs)

multi- many- poly- multilateralis (many sided) polyodontia (excess teeth)

few olig(o)- oligodactylia (lower than normal number of fingers or toes)

small- micro- micrognathia (unusually small jaws)

large macro- macrosomia (large size)

large mega(lo)- megalomania

omni-, toti- all, whole

pan(to)- omnipotens totalis

panplegia (total paralysis)

1. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Latin prefix.

The half-membraneous muscle is m. semimembranosus. Triangle in Latin is triangulum. A structure in the ear

that is responsible for balance includes half-circle shaped canals i.e. semicircular canals. The two-headed m.

of the thigh is m. biceps femoris. An organism that consist of a single cell is unicellular. A woman who has been

pregnant many times is a multigravida. Being married to two people at the same time is bigamy. In the heart

there are half-moon shaped valves, i.e. semilunar valves. The degenerative disease of the nervous system that

has symptoms in many different parts of the body is multiple sclerosis.

2. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Greek prefix.

One of the neck muscles has two muscle bellies so it got the name m. digastricus. Polyarthritis is the

inflammation of many joints. Pandemic is an epidemic that affects vast numbers (almost all) of people in many

countries. The paralysis of one limb is termed as Monoplegia. Polypus is a growth from the mucous

membrane, its original meaning is “many-feeted”. Abnormally small red blood cells are termed mycrocytes.

Inflammation of the whole ear is panotitis.

3. Which numbers or quantities are referred to in the following words?

polysaccharide _____many________ uniform ______1________

Pentagon ______5_______ multinational _______many_______

octane _______8______ quadruped ______4________

monozygote ________1_____ decade _______10_______

Fallot’s tetralogy _________4____ quintipara _________5_____

Revision Test of Chapters 6-9 1. Choose the one right answer. Mark it with an „X” at the appropriate box!

1. M. masseter means: a, closing muscle b, laughter c, m. for chewing d, pear-shaped

2. The tail bone at the lower end of the spine is os ... a. coxae b. caudale c. cochleare d. coccygis

3. M. occipitalis is at the: a, back of the head b, back of the neck c, belly button d, cheek

4. The name of musculus gracilis means: a, broad b, slender c, straight d, sawtooth-shaped

5. The connection of bones only by ligament is: a, intervertebralis b, synostosis c, gomphosis d, syndesmosis

6. First cervical vertebra in Latin is: a, talus b, atlus c, atlas d, axis

7. Greek word root of a joint is...: a. chondr/o- b. my/o- c. ten/o- d. arthr/o-

8. Turning the palm upwards is...: a. supination b. dorsalflexion c. anteversion d. pronation

9. The Greek word root that refers to cartilage is...: a. chondr/o- b. arthr/o- c. in/o- d. syndesm/o-

10. Movement of a bone around its own longitudinal axis is: a. circulation b. rotatio c. circumductio d. flexio

11. Synovial joints of bones are called ...: a. diarthroses b. retinaculum c. synarthroses d. aponeuroses

12. The name of the movement which closes the angle of a joint: a. flexio b. extensio c. elevatio d. depression

13. Peg-like connections of the teeth to the jaws are named: a. sutura b. cartilaginous joint c. gomphosis d. amphiarthrosis

14. Four-sided muscle of the loin in Latin is m. ... lumborum.: a. quadratus b. quadriceps c. quadriformis d. quartus

15. The sheath of a muscle is...: a. fascia b. fasciculus c. epimysium d. retinaculum

16. A muscle raising a part is called...: a. inferior b. levator c. depressor d. minor

17. The muscle having saw-tooth shape is m.: a. serratus b. levator c. masseter d. psoas

18. Lumbricalis m. means: a. lumbal b. lateral c. worm-like d. lubricated

19. Latissimus means: a. the longest b. the strongest c. the broadest d. the most lateral

20. The joint between the medial and lateral bone of the lower leg is articulatio ... a. radioulnaris b. talocruralis c. talotibialis d. tibiofibularis

21. The name of m. teres means: a. thankful b. vast c. slim, thin d. long and round

22. The ligament between the upper part of hip bone and bones of lower back is ligamentum... a. ilioinguinale b. iliofemorale c. pubofemorale d. iliolumbale

23. M. sphincter means: a. belly muscle b. belly of the leg c. m. regulating an opening d. back of knee

24. The bones in the middle part of foot are ossa ... a. metatarsalia b. metacarpalia c. plantaria d. tarsi

25. The 7th cervical vertebra is vertebra ... a. septem b. prominens c. protuberans d. longa

2. Give the Latin name of the bones based on the description. 5/___

os brachii humerus os menti mandibula

os mediale cruris tibia os anterius pelvisos pubis

os laterale antebrachii_radius ossa palmae ossa metacarpalia

3. Name the joints in Latin based on the description. 5/___

joint between the 1st and 2nd cervical vertebrae art. atlantoaxialis

joint between temporal bone and lower jaw art. temporomandibularis

joint between the breastbone and clavicle art. sternoclavicularis

joint between bones of palm and bones of fingers art. metacarpophalangea

elbow joint _art cubiti

4. What is inflamed? Name it in English. 6/___

syndesmitis __ligament ____ discitis ____disc_______________

osteitis ___bone ___________ chondritis _____cartilage___________

osteomyelitis___bone marrow__________ spondylarthritis _____joint of vertebrae_________

5. Give the meaning of the Latin prefixes based on the examples. 6/___

revision – study something _again__ opposition – moving _against

intracranial - _inside the skull extracellular - _outside of cells

infrascapularis - below shoulder blade contralateral - _opposite side

6. Fill in the table with the missing forms and translate the plurals. 8/___

Singular Nominative Singular Genitive Plural Nominative

digitus digiti digiti

bucca buccae buccae

os (n) ossis ossa

hallux hallucis halluces

7. Fill in the muscles’ Latin name with the proper words. 8/___

muscle that raises the shoulder blade m. _levator scapulae

circular muscle of the mouth m. orbicularis oris

short m. that opens the angle at the thumb m. extensor pollicis brevis

smallest m. of the buttock m. gluteus minimus

lower, posterior saw-tooth shaped m. m. serratus posterior inferior