Homework for chapters 4 and 5 Chapter 4: 3, 4, 8, 12, 13, 14, 16 Chapter 5: 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 15,16 Due next Tuesday before class

Chapter 4 Thin Lenses

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Page 1: Chapter 4 Thin Lenses

Homework for chapters 4 and 5

• Chapter 4: 3, 4, 8, 12, 13, 14, 16

• Chapter 5: 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 15,16

• Due next Tuesday before class

Page 2: Chapter 4 Thin Lenses

Thin Lenses and Their Foci

How thin is thin?

When thickness << all

relevant distances

Primary foci Fs

Secondary foci F’s

Focal lengths

f=f’ for thin lenses

In air (uniform medium)

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Focal plane and chief ray

• Parallel rays are

focused at the focal


• Chief ray does not • Chief ray does not

deflect in thin lenses

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Image Formation

All relevant rays from one point (object) go to

another point (image)

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Conjugate points and planesTo find an image

1. By graph

2. By experiment

3. By calculation

Lens formula

1 1 1

's s f+ =

Equivalent of Gaussian equation

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Sign convention

• All from left to right

• Up is positive for object and image dimensions

Left Right

s + -s + -

s’ - +

f + -

f’ - +

r - +

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Graphical-parallel rays

• 4//1, refraction goes through F’

• 5 is the chief ray

• 6 goes through F, refraction parallel to 1

• 4, 5, and 6 meet at Q’

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Graphical-parallel rays 2

• 4//1, refraction 5 imaginably goes through F’

• 6 imaginably goes through F, refraction 7

parallel to 1

• 8 is the chief ray

• 5,6 and 8 meet at Q’, virtual image

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Graphical-oblique ray

• Arbitrary ray 3 from object M meets lens at R

• Chief ray 5//3

• 5 meets secondary focal plane at X

• 6 goes through T and X and meets 1 at M’

Page 10: Chapter 4 Thin Lenses

Lens Formula

s=6.0 cm, f=4.0 cm, what is s’?

1 1 1

's s f+ = '


s f=

s’=+12.0 cm can be checked easily by the graphical method

Page 11: Chapter 4 Thin Lenses

Lateral magnification

' ' '

' ' '



y M Q

y M Q



' 'y sm

y s= = −

Page 12: Chapter 4 Thin Lenses

Virtual Images

s=6.0 cm, f=10.0 cm, what is s’&m? s=12.0 cm, f=-6.0 cm, what is s’&m?

6 10' 15

6 10

' 152.5


sfs cm

s f



= = = −− −

−= − = − = +

i 12 ( 6)' 4.0

12 ( 6)

' 4 1

12 3

sfs cm

s f



−= = = −− − −

−= − = − = +


Page 13: Chapter 4 Thin Lenses

Lens Maker’s equation

1 1 ( 1)

1 1' 12 1'

1 1 (1 )


s s rs s


−+ =

= −−

1 2

1 1 1( 1)( )

1 1 1

nf r r

= − −

+ =

1 2 1 2

1 1 (1 )

1' 2 ' 21 1 1 1

( 1)( )'


s s r

ns s r r

−+ =−

+ = − −

1 1 1

's s f+ =

Gaussian form of lens formula

Page 14: Chapter 4 Thin Lenses

Lens Maker’s equation-an example

1 2

1 1 1( 1)( )n

f r r= − −

Want to make plano-convex

lens f=25.0 cm. Glass has

n=1.520, find radius of


Page 15: Chapter 4 Thin Lenses

Thin lens combinations-by formulae

1 1 1

1 1 1

2 1

2 2 2

1 1 1


If the distance between lenses is


1 1 1


s s f


s d s

s s f

+ =

= −

+ =

Page 16: Chapter 4 Thin Lenses

Thin lens combinations-parallel rays

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Thin lens combinations-oblique rays

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Object space and image space

Both spaces occupy the whole space

All rays from the object occupy the object space

All rays forming the image occupy image space

4 is in the object space

7 is in the image space of the 1st lens but in the object space of the 2nd lens

M1’ is in the image space of lens 1 and the object space of lens 2

10 is in the image space of the second lens.

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Power of thin lenses

1 2

1 1 1( 1)( )P n

f r r= = − −

Measured in diopters (number when f is measured in meters)

Page 20: Chapter 4 Thin Lenses

Thin lens in contact

1 1 1

2 1 1

1 1 1


If the distance between lenses is 0

' '

1 1 1

s s f


s d s s

+ =

== − = −

− + =1 2 2

1 21 2 1 2

1 2

1 1 1

' '

1 1 1 1


1 1 1 1 1


s s f

P Ps s f f

s s f f f

− + =

+ = + = +

+ = + =

Page 21: Chapter 4 Thin Lenses

Lens Formula-Newtonian






y y

x f

y y

x f

xx f




Hyperbolic equation

Both negative or both positive

Careful with negative f

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Lens makers formula-3 media

1 1 1

' ( ' )


' '' ( '' ')

' ''

n n n n

s s r

n n n n

s s r

−+ =

−+ =2 2 2

2 1

1 2 1 2

' ''

' '

We thus have

'' ( ' ) ( '' ')


s s r

s s

n n n n n n

s s r r

+ =

= −

− −+ = +

1 2

1 2


'' ( ' ) ( '' ')


We have



If n=n'', then

n n n n n n

f f r r

n n n

s s f

− −= = +

+ =

1 2

1 1 1

s s f+ =