4-1 CHAPTER 4: LESSON SPECIFICATIONS COURSE TITLE: GREEN STAR COURSE CTS NUMBER: A-CR-CCP-116/PC-001 ENABLING OBJECTIVE AND TEACHING POINTS TRAINING DETAILS FUNDAMENTAL TRAINING: 402.01 5. TIME: Two 30 minute periods. 1. PERFORMANCE — Observe dress regulations for the Royal Canadian Army cadets. 2. CONDITIONS: a. Given — (1) a uniform; (2) a situation where a high standard of dress is required; and (3) weekly inspections of uniforms. b. Denied — assistance. 3. STANDARD — The cadet will maintain a high standard of personal dress and deportment at all times in accordance with references by: a. observing dress regulations as they pertain to the Army Cadets; b. polishing the boots; c. pressing the trousers, shirt and tunic; d. sewing badges on the tunic in their proper positions; and e. correctly tying the tie. 4. TEACHING POINTS: a. occasions to wear the uniform; b. deportment; 6. METHOD/APPROACH: a. lecture; b. demonstration; and c. performance. 7. SUBSTANTIATION — The cadet must know how to care for the uniform if he/she is to wear it properly and display a high standard of dress and deportment. 8. REFERENCES: a. CATO 46.01 Dress Regulations for Royal Canadian Army Cadets; b. Cadet Reference Book (pages 2-2 to 2-27); and c. Master Lesson Plan. 9. TRAINING AIDS: a. a uniform; b. badges; c. an iron; d. pressing cloth; e. shoe polish; and f. polishing cloth; and g. a handout (locally produced).

CHAPTER 4: LESSON SPECIFICATIONS CTS …. exchange damaged or poorly fitting parts of your uniform; and d. you must return your uniform promptly if you leave the Corps. you must return

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FUNDAMENTAL TRAINING: 402.01 5. TIME: Two 30 minute periods.

1. PERFORMANCE — Observe dress regulations for the Royal Canadian Army cadets.


a. Given —

(1) a uniform;

(2) a situation where a high standard of dress is required; and

(3) weekly inspections of uniforms.

b. Denied — assistance.

3. STANDARD — The cadet will maintain a high standard of personal dress and deportment at all times in accordance with references by:

a. observing dress regulations as they pertain to the Army Cadets;

b. polishing the boots;

c. pressing the trousers, shirt and tunic;

d. sewing badges on the tunic in their proper positions; and

e. correctly tying the tie.


a. occasions to wear the uniform;

b. deportment;


a. lecture;

b. demonstration; and

c. performance.

7. SUBSTANTIATION — The cadet must know how to care for the uniform if he/she is to wear it properly and display a high standard of dress and deportment.


a. CATO 46.01 Dress Regulations for Royal Canadian Army Cadets;

b. Cadet Reference Book (pages 2-2 to 2-27); and

c. Master Lesson Plan.


a. a uniform;

b. badges;

c. an iron;

d. pressing cloth;

e. shoe polish; and

f. polishing cloth; and

g. a handout (locally produced).







FUNDAMENTAL TRAINING: 402.01 (continued)

c. personal appearance :

(1) hairstyle:

— male

— female

(2) make-up; and

(3) jewellery.

d. care and maintenance of your uniform;

e. how to polish boots;

f. dress shirt :

(1) no wrinkles; and

(2) creases in the sleeve centered on the epaulette;

g. the green T-shirt :

(1) no wrinkles; and

(2) creases in the sleeve start at the shoulder seam.

h. trousers :

(1) no wrinkles; and

(2) creases must go all the way up the middle of the pant leg.

i. pressing the tunic :

(1) no wrinkles.

j. Badges — Proficiency, Rank Qualification, and Shooting.


a. Each cadet will be checked independently on a weekly basis to ensure he/she is wearing the uniform properly; and

b. all mistakes will be corrected at this time.


a. If time does not permit, extra classes may be added on the weekend to give cadets extra help;

b. when teaching positioning of badges, cover only those a first year cadet may receive;

c. stress the use of a pressing cloth and iron;

d. Demonstration of the Uniform — One or more well-turned-out senior cadets should be available to demonstrate the uniform as worn. Several complete uniforms (including webbing) should be available so that new-entry cadets may all handle and have a good view of the various parts as they are discussed;

e. creases in the sleeve of the shirt are to start centred on the epaulette;

f. cadets should do their own uniform, not have it done by their parents; and

g. outline the history behind the wearing of a uniform.



EO 402.01: OBSERVE DRESS REGULATIONS FOR THE ROYAL CANADIAN ARMY CADETS DRESS REGULATIONS CATO 46-01 – Dress Regulations for the Royal Canadian Army Cadets detail dress regulations. Your Cadet Corps has a copy of this. The Department of National Defence approves and issues on loan, the uniform worn by Army Cadets. The care and custody of all items of clothing are the responsibility of the individual cadet and his/her parents or guardian. The dress and appearance of Army Cadets in uniform will, on all occasions, be such to reflect credit to their cadet corps and the Royal Canadian Army Cadets. The uniform is to be worn only when attending authorized parades or activities. When cadets appear in uniform in public, it is their duty to be sure that their uniforms are properly maintained and worn correctly. You are not to wear parts of the uniform with parts of civilian clothing. ARMY CADET UNIFORM

Army Cadet Uniforms C-1 (medals), C-2 (ribbons) and C-4



Army Cadet Uniforms C-4A and C-4B

Right Left



PLACEMENT OF BADGES Only the most senior of a set of badges is worn at one time. E.g. Your new rank badge replaces the old, your new summer course badge replaces the previous year’s, Standard first aid replaces Emergency, etc. Right sleeve – badges are placed at the measurements above, starting with:

a. star level (NSCE or Master Cadet); b. then summer course (Basic, CL or CLI series); c. music appointment (Drum or Pipe Major – at 16cm from cuff);

and d. rank (private through sergeant as above, Warrant officer to

Chief at 16cm from cuff, or 1 cm above Pipe or drum Major). Left sleeve – placed as shown above, starting with:

a. marksmanship; b. physical fitness; c. first aid; d. instrument and level; and e. advanced training or exchange.

Left Chest:

a. Basic Parachutist qualification – immediately above the pocket;

b. Medals and ribbons – above the pocket, and below parachutist wings, with the most senior medal closest to centre; and

c. Marksmanship championship and biathlon championship pins – centred on the pocket.

Right chest – the Duke of Edinburgh pin is worn, centred on the pocket. Shoulder Badge and Shoulder Flash are worn on both sleeves of the tunic. The bottom of the round RCAC badge is sewn as illustrated. The shoulder flash is to be sewn flush with the shoulder seam. If you have a name tag it is worn on the flap of the right breast pocket of the tunic. It is placed halfway between the button and the top of the flap.



CARE AND WEARING OF YOUR UNIFORM The parts of your uniform are:

a. Head dress – wear your head-dress (beret, glengarry, peak cap, caubeen, turban, etc.) with your uniform while in public, and only take it off while eating or when required by tradition or custom;

b. Tunic – pressed with no creases; c. Shirt – pressed with creases down the centre of each sleeve; d. Necktie – ironed and tied in windsor knot;

e. Pants – pressed with sharp creases down the center of the front

and back; f. Boots – completely polished, and laced up with the loose ends

tucked into the top of the boot; g. Badges – will be sewn on the tunic neatly with same colour

thread as the badge; h. Socks – clean and pulled up. You can wear your own socks if

they match the issued socks, and you can wear a pair of liner socks underneath either pair; and

i. Jacket – free from wrinkles and done up whenever it is worn.



PERSONAL APPEARANCE Deportment – when you are in uniform you should present a good appearance. Chewing gum, slouching, hands in pockets, walking arm in arm, and similar actions do not look good for a cadet in uniform. The way you behave in uniform will affect what people think of all cadets. The pride you show in your uniform is a reflection of the pride you have in yourself and your Cadet Corps. Dress – all clothing will be clean, without rips, loose threads, lint or missing buttons. The uniform encourages teamwork and assists team members in focusing on common goals. A new cadet who receives a uniform immediately feels part of the team. As a senior cadet, make every effort to instruct your cadets on how to wear the uniform. For yourself, help your cadets feel part of the team by keeping your uniform and appearance within the traditions of the movement. Hair – will be clean and neat, with considerations made for religious and cultural traditions. Avoid shampoos, conditioners, hairspray, gels and mousse with strong odours. No hair should touch the collar, and no hair clips or bobby pins should be visible. Facial and neck hair will be shaved as required, and moustaches are allowed.

Make-up – limited make-up may be worn, however false eyelashes, heavy eyeliner, or brightly coloured eye shadow or nail polish cannot be worn. Avoid strong perfumes because many people are allergic. Jewelry – you should avoid wearing jewelry because there is a good chance that you will break or lose these items during participation in training. Only one plain stud earring is allowed per ear. Wrist watches, medic alert bracelets and ID are allowed. If you choose to wear



religious or cultural accoutrements, you should wear them so that they are protected by your uniform clothing. Ironing – to prevent damage to your pants and tunic, use a damp press cloth between the iron and clothes when pressing. Use spray starch on your shirt to make the creases sharp. Always iron using the medium-high setting with steam. Be especially careful when pressing creases that you press the same crease that was there before and that you do not create a second crease alongside the first. Washing – wash your pants, tunic and socks in warm or cold water. Wash your shirt in hot water. All your uniform, except your headdress, is safe for machine drying. You should wash your uniform on a regular basis. Wash your headdress, if required, by hand and let it air dry. It is not necessary to dry clean the cadet uniform. RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE UNIFORM You should follow these rules to help safeguard your kit:

a. do not leave your uniform unattended; b. mark your name in every item of clothing; c. exchange damaged or poorly fitting parts of your uniform; and d. you must return your uniform promptly if you leave the Corps.


Star Program

Master Lesson Plan

2006-05-04 1/9

GREEN STAR COURSE PO: FUNDAMENTAL TRAINING ENABLING OBJECTIVE(S): 402.01: Dress Regulations of the Royal Canadian Army Cadets REFERENCE(S): A. A-CR-CCP-118/PH-001 Green Star Course Training Plan; Chapter 4, Pages 4-35 & 4-36.

B. A-CR-CCP-121/PT-001 Cadet Reference Book; Pages 2-2 to 2-27. SUPPLEMENTARY REFERENCE(S): A. Cadet Administrative Training Orders 46-01; Dress Regulations for the Royal Canadian Army Cadets

B. A-AD-265-000/AG-001 Canadian Forces Dress Instructions Chapter 2, Pages 2-2-1 to 2-3-4 Updated 2001-06-15


B. OHP slides C. A complete cadet uniform D. Sample badges E. Iron and Ironing board F. Pressing cloth G. Shoe polishing and polishing cloth (shoe shining kit)

STUDENT AID(S): A. Green Star Handbook B. Pencil and notebook METHOD: Lesson and Demonstration TIME: 2 x 30 Minutes Instructor Note: This lesson is best taught by the Platoon or Course WO and may be scheduled after the cadets have been issued their uniforms.


INTRODUCTION TIME: 1 Minute WHAT: In this lesson cadets will learn the Dress Regulations of the Royal Canadian Army

Cadets. WHY: An army cadet must understand how to care for their uniform, wear it correctly and

display a high standard of deportment.


WHERE: Cadets will apply this information throughout their cadet career- every time they put their uniform on.



1. Distinct military dress has been around since antiquity and has

served a similar purpose in all its years of existence. The idea of a military uniform that is completely standardized in terms of design, colour, etc. according to a particular country, division or rank appeared with the standing armies of the late 17th century. The function of military dress is to distinguish the soldier from the civilian. The prestige associated with belonging to any armed forces was stressed through the dress whether it was a Roman centurion's menacing uniform, a medieval knight's armour or the elegant uniform of today. Members of the Royal Canadian Army Cadets have worn military style uniforms since their beginning.

2. The Army Cadet Uniform:

a. The present Army Cadet uniform follows the military

tradition of wearing a uniform for identification purposes. b. The present Army Cadet Uniform was authorized in 1976. c. The Department of National Defence approves and issues

the Army Cadet Uniform on loan to individual cadets. d. Cadets should identify all parts of their uniform by

marking their name on it in permanent ink (the size tag is a good place).

3. When to Wear the Uniform: The Uniform will be worn only

when: a. cadets are attending training or proceeding to or from the

place where they train; and b. cadets are attending ceremonies or functions that the

wearing of the uniform is authorized. 4. When the uniform is worn: It is to be worn to reflect credit on

the Army Cadet movement as a whole. It is the cadet’s duty to be sure that their uniforms are properly maintained and worn correctly. Parts of the uniform are never to be mixed with civilian clothing.

TIME: 6 Minutes OHP - 1


II CONFIRMATION STAGE 1 1. When can cadets wear the uniform? (Stage 1, Para. 3). 2. Where did military uniforms originate? Why? (Stage 1, Para. 1). 3. Who provides your uniform to cadets? (Stage 1, Para. 2c). 4. When your uniform is worn, what is something cadets must make


1. Deportment: The way you behave in uniform will affect what

people will think of all cadets. Here are some do’s and don’ts: a. When in uniform DO:

(i) ensure the proper wear of the uniform at all times; (ii) ensure that it is kept clean and in good repair at all

times; and (iii) take pride in your appearance and your cadet corps.

b. When in uniform DON’T:

(i) chew gum; (ii) slouch or lean against things; (iii) walk or stand with your hands in your pockets; or (iv) walk arm in arm or hand in hand with anyone.

c. Headdress Rules:

(i) Headdress is to be worn when cadets are outside,

even when sitting down. (ii) It is also kept on if cadets enter a mall or a store

unless they are seated. (iii) Headdress will be removed upon entering a church

or restaurant and when they are eating outside. (Depending on the religious traditions of a cadet.)

2. Personal Appearance

TIME: 9 Minutes


a. Hair Style: (i) Males: Hair shall be kept neatly groomed

according to the OHP diagram. Hair shall be tapered or squared off 2.5 cm from the base of the collar.

(ii) Females: Hair shall be kept neatly groomed and

shall not extend below the lower edge of the jacket collar. If female cadets have long hair, they may have a senior female cadet help put it up.

b. Make-up: Female cadets will only wear very limited

make-up while in uniform. You cannot wear: (i) false eyelashes; (ii) heavy eyeliner; (iii) brightly coloured eye shadow; or (iv) coloured nail polish.

c. Jewelry:

(i) Cadets are not permitted to wear jewelry when in

uniform with the exception of watches, and ID or Medic Alert bracelets or necklaces.

(ii) Females may wear one pair of plain stud earrings,

centered in each earlobe. These shall be round in shape, and not more than 7mm (1/4 in) in diameter.

(iii) Other types of earrings will not be worn except for

sleepers, which may be worn if the cadets’ ears are healing after being pierced.

(iv) Males will not wear earrings at any time. (v) Necklaces may not be worn if they show in the

collar of the cadet’s uniform. IV CONFIRMATION STAGE 2

1. How many earrings are females allowed to wear in uniform?

(Stage 2, Para 2c). 2. Are males allowed to wear earrings in uniform?(Stage 2, Para 2c).

OHP - 2 OHP - 3 OHP - 4


3. Describe what a male haircut should look like. (Stage 2, Para. 2a). 4. What are some general rules regarding what female hairstyles

should look like? (several possibilities) (Stage 2, Para. 2a). V STAGE 3: PREPARING AND WEARING YOUR UNIFORM

1. Ironing Tips: Use a pressing cloth that will prevent parts of the

uniform from becoming shiny. Some things that can be used as a pressing cloth are: a. a thin towel; b. a pillow case; c. old cotton cloth; or d. a paper bag.

2. Beret: Worn evenly on the head with the sweatband 2.5cm (1 in)

above their eyebrows, the crown of the beret pulled downwards and to the right and rear, the cap badge centered over your left eye 1 cm above the sweatband, the draw strings pulled tight and tucked inside the sweatband, and any excess hair tucked inside. a. Use a lint brush or a piece of masking tape wrapped

around the fingers to remove lint. b. A new beret will need to be formed. Briefly soak the beret

in hot water, wring out excess and place it on your head and shape. Wear it for approximately 30 minutes and set aside to dry. It is preferable to leave the liner in place to protect your hair.

3. Trousers/Slacks: Should be well pressed and kept free of dirt

and lint at all times. Buttons on the back pockets are to be kept buttoned at all times. Trousers should be pressed as follows: a. in the front, the crease will extend from the center of each

leg to the waist (usually inside the first belt loops); and b. in the back, the crease will extend from the center of each

leg to the inside corner of the pockets.

TIME: 20 Minutes Read the care instructions on the clothing tag. Show examples of these items if available. Hint: One or two fingers can be used for this measurement. Note: Show class how to put on a beret Demonstrate


4. Belt: Used to hold up the trousers. The buckle should be

centered and the length of the belt adjusted to fit the wearer. 5. Tunic: Should be kept clean with all the buttons, except the top

one, closed at all times. Tunic should be kept well pressed with sleeves roll pressed (no creases). a. Badges should be sewn with thread that blends with the

badge either by hand or by machine. Do not use glue or similar products.

b. The belt should be even with no twists and the buckle

centered in front. c. Contents of the tunic pockets should not bulge.

6. Shirt: Use a hot iron to press the shirt, placing a crease down the

middle of each sleeve starting at the center of each epaulette. Using speed starch or sizing when ironing makes the shirt, and the collar look better.

7. Neck Tie: Is to be kept ironed and tidy. The knot should be

compact and done up at the collar when worn. Refer to the diagram in the pocket book on how to tie either a Windsor or Four-in-hand knot.

8. T-Shirt (Green): It is to be kept pressed with creases down the

center of each arm beginning at the shoulder seam. Worn as ordered, usually in warmer weather.

9. Turtleneck: Worn with the color neatly folded. Pressed, using a

cool iron, without any crease. Worn as ordered, usually worn in colder weather.

10. Socks: Made of wool blend and should be washed separately

from the rest of your uniform. Liner socks may be worn under the wool socks for added comfort. If a cadet is allergic to wool, they may wear socks made of suitable material and of a similar colour.

11. Overcoat: The gabardine overcoat with liner and belt is due to be

replaced by a cadet all-weather coat. Worn as required or as ordered for a parade. Buttons, except the top one and belt should be done up. The collar may be turned up in severe weather.

12. Slip-ons: Slip-ons are to be worn on the epaulettes of their

raincoat and shirt. They should be pressed out flat so the rank on them is in the center.

Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate OHP - 5 Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate


13. Placement of badges: As new cadets, they do not need to know

where all badges go, just the ones that they will have to deal with before completing the Green Star course. These are: a. The insignia shoulder title RCAC (or insignia shoulder

title affiliated unit if approved for wear) is worn on both sleeves of the tunic, centered with the epaulettes and flush with the shoulder seam of the tunic.

b. The insignia cadet maple leaf is worn centered 12cm (5in) below the shoulder seam of the tunic.

c. Proficiency Badge: When cadets finish this course and

are awarded the green star badge, they will wear the badge centered on the right sleeve of the tunic; and 8cm from the bottom edge of the sleeve.

d. Name Tag: If cadets have a nametag, it is to be worn

centered with the button above the right pocket flap. VI CONFIRMATION STAGE 3

1. When pressing uniforms, what should be used with the iron?

Answer (Stage 3, Para. 1). 2. Describe how to properly crease trousers/slacks.

Answer (Stage 3, Para. 2b (ii)). 3. Where is the nametag worn?

Answer (Stage 3, Para. 2c(iii)). 4. On which clothing items should slip-ons be worn?

Answer (Stage 3, Para. 2b (x)). VII STAGE 4: BOOTS

1. General: The ankle boots are made of high quality leather that is

capable of being shined to a high gloss. The boots must be properly sized to fit a cadet’s feet. New boots need to be “broken in” before regular wear. If you wear insoles or orthotics ensure that your boots will still fit while wearing them. Keep your boots clean and well shined. Properly shined boots are difference between having a good uniform and not.

2. Shining: The following are some easy steps to follow that will

help the cadet get shiny boots:

Demonstrate OHP - 6 Demonstrate OHP - 7 TIME: 20 Minutes Note: Instructor will demonstrate this for the class. Don’t wait until the night before cadets to do them. They


a. Remove dust and dirt from the boot with a soft, damp cloth (do not use the one you intend to polish with).

b. Clean the dirt from the welts using an old toothbrush. c. Use the toothbrush, with polish, to blacken the welts. d. Apply polish:

(i) wrap polishing cloth around their index finger; (ii) moisten the cloth with cold water; (iii) dab a small amount of polish onto the cloth; (iv) apply polish to a selected part of the boot in a

circular motion; (v) use large circles to cover an area initially; (vi) use smaller circles once the polish begins to work

into the boot; and, (vii) continue until the circles formed by polish can no

longer be seen. e. Repeat step (iv) until the boots reach a high gloss.

Considerable patience is required to build up the base coat with new or previously unpolished boots.

f. Boots are to be polished all the way around, not just the

toes! 3. Lacing and Wearing:

a. Boots are to be laced straight across according to the OHP

diagrams. b. When the boots are tied, the laces are to be tucked inside

of boots. c. When tying boots, ensure they are not tied up too tightly.


1. Describe the steps for shining boots in order (one person at a

time). (Stage 4, Para. 2b). 2. What should be used to clean the welts of your boots? (Stage 4,

are new and will need work. Plain black shoe polish works best on your boots. Save the “parade gloss” for when you have a nice base coat built up. OHP - 8 Demonstrate


Para. 2b(ii)). 3. Give one hint for tying and wearing their boots.(Stage 4, Para. 2c). 4. What parts of your boots should be shined? (Stage 4, Par. 2b(vii)).


I Each cadet will be checked individually on a weekly basis to ensure they are wearing the

uniform properly and will be evaluated on a monthly basis with the evaluation form in Annex “B” to Chapter 3 of the CTP. All discrepancies will be corrected at the time of these checks.

II Cadets’ knowledge of this EO will be tested through the following questions.

1. What kind of jewelry may be worn in uniform? 2. What kind of makeup may be worn when you are wearing your uniform? 3. What are some rules cadets should observe regarding the wearing of headdress? 4. Describe where the following badges should be placed:

a. Insignia shoulder title RCAC or affiliated unit ; b. Insignia cadet maple leaf; and c. Proficiency badge.

5. Where should the nametag be placed?


SUMMARY: In this lesson cadets have learned about the dress regulations of the Royal Canadian Army Cadets. RE-MOTIVATE: A. Comment on student progress.

B. Cadets will apply this information throughout their cadet career. Good dress and grooming habits are essential for success in future careers.

C. The next lecture will be Discuss the Army Cadet Training System.






form - Follows the military tradition

of wearing a uniform.

- Authorized in 1976.

- Provided by DND on loan.

- All parts should be marked with your name.

402.01 Green Star OHP - 1


e H



402.01 Green Star OHP - 2

Taper Trim Haircut(Conventional)

Taper Trim Haircut(Straight Cut)

2.5 CM


e H













Hair shall be kept neatly groomed and shall notextend below the lower edge of the jacket collar

Short HairStyle

Curled HairStyle

Straight HairStyle with Bun

402.01 Green Star OHP - 3



- Centered in earlobe

- One only in each ear

- Females only!

- Must be round in shape.

- Can be no more 7mm (1/4in) in diameter.



402.01 Green Star OHP - 4

Four-in-hand knot

Windsor knotTi

e th

at T






402.01 Green Star OHP - 5


e Pl



12 CM

8 CM

Shoulder Flash

Shoulder Badge

Proficiency Badge


e Pl



402.01 Green Star OHP - 6



e Ta


402.01 Green Star OHP - 7

Name Tag isCentered over Pocket



e Ta




se b



ce t




402.01 Green Star OHP - 8